'''Contains pingtest(), to run Microsoft's ping utility and parse output. Tracks remote disconnections by parsing and recording output from Microsoft's ping utility. Kristofer Christakos 2017 ''' import subprocess #For running Microsoft's ping utility in pingtest() import datetime #For outputting time in log file, not needed in pingtest() import sys #For the tests only, not needed in pingtest() def pingtest(target_name, ping_count): '''Runs "ping target_name -n ping_count" and parses output as list of times. Time -1 is error, 0 is when ping <1ms, and time >=1 is in milliseconds ''' process = subprocess.run("ping " + target_name + " -n " + str(ping_count), stdout=subprocess.PIPE) result = process.stdout.decode("utf-8").splitlines() times = [] for line in result[2: 2 + ping_count]: time_index = line.find("time") if (time_index == -1): times.append(-1) #Request timed out. continue time_index += 4 space_index = line.find(" ", time_index) if (space_index == -1): times.append(-1) #Error continue if (line[time_index] == '='): time_index += 1 time_str = line[time_index:space_index] if (time_str == "<1ms"): times.append(0) else: time = time_str[0:-2] try: times.append(int(time)) except: times.append(-1) return times def get_timestamp(): return str(datetime.datetime.now()) def join_ints(int_list, separator): '''Inputs list of ints and joins them to a string. Example input: [1, 2, 3, 4], '\t' Example output: "1\t2\t3\t4" ''' return separator.join([str(n) for n in int_list]) def pingtest_and_write(server, file_handle=None, yes_print=True): '''Perform pingtest, then do custom formatting and write to log and print.''' timestamp = get_timestamp() times = pingtest(server, 2) writestr = timestamp + '\t' + server + '\t' + join_ints(times, '\t') + '\n' if yes_print: print(writestr, end='') if (file_handle != None): file_handle.write(writestr) ### Run some tests using the above functions ### f = None if (len(sys.argv) == 2): try: f = open(sys.argv[1], "a") except: print("Could not open file to log to."); sys.exit() else: print("Enter a single parameter to store log file. Currently not logging.") while(True): pingtest_and_write("", f) pingtest_and_write("google.com", f) pingtest_and_write("", f) pingtest_and_write("", f) #GreenTeamDNS 2 f.flush()