## v2.0.0 - Breaking: updated `css-to-react-native` dependency to v3.0.0. This version removes the support for line-height with multiplier, adds support for `place-content` CSS property, and more. - Breaking: updated `css` dependency to v3.0.0. ## v1.9.0 - Added: Typescript type definitions. ## v1.8.1 - Fixed: flex-box shorthands missing `flex-basis: auto` in some cases. - Fixed: sorting :export blocks on Node.js version 11 was not working. ## v1.8.0 - Added: support for parsing CSS modules (ICSS) `:export` blocks. ## v1.7.1 - Fixed: an error is now thrown for a `line-height` value without unit (`line-height` multiplier value is not supported in React Native). - Updated: `css-to-react-native` dependency to v2.2.2 and `css` dependency to v2.2.4. ## v1.7.0 - Updated: `css-to-react-native` dependency to v2.2.1. - Added: support for more platforms in CSS media queries. ## v1.6.0 - Added: a feature flag for CSS viewport units. ## v1.5.0 - Updated: `css-to-react-native` dependency to v2.2.0. - Fixed: the parser now allows passing through CSS units that are not supported by React Native. ## v1.4.0 - Added: skip parsing of all other selector types than class selectors. ## v1.3.1 - Fixed: allow multiple parts for parsed media queries to support `OR` media queries. ## v1.3.0 - Added: transformation result now includes parsed CSS media queries under `__mediaQueries` object. This removes the need to re-parse media queries after transforming CSS. ## v1.2.0 - Added: validate that CSS Media Queries have correct syntax. ## v1.1.0 - Added: experimental support for parsing CSS Media Queries. Use `parseMediaQueries: true` to enable parsing media queries. ## v1.0.8 - Updated: `css-to-react-native` dependency to v2.1.2. ## v1.0.7 - Updated: `css-to-react-native` dependency to v2.1.1. ## v1.0.6 - Fixed: Only apply `Image` styling fix for shorthand border props with a single value. ## v1.0.5 - Fixed: Get rid of the requirement for `Symbol` by replacing `for of` loops with `for in` loops. ## v1.0.4 - Fixed: `Image` styling fix for shorthand border props. ## v1.0.3 - Fixed: Add missing `shadowOpacity` prop. - Fixed: box-shadow:support for rgb and rgba colors. ## v1.0.2 - Fixed: Support unitless values for `box-shadow`. ## v1.0.1 - Fixed: Remove array destructuring to make transpiled code ES5 compatible. ## v1.0.0 - Initial release