# uMatrix Recipes > uMatrix put you in full control of where your browser is allowed to connect, > what type of data it is allowed to download, and what it is allowed to > execute. Nobody else decides for you: You choose. You are in full control of > your privacy. **[uMatrix](https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix)** is a great browser extension that by default blocks website's 3rd-party requests and allows you to whitelist 3rd-party requests for each website. Using uMatrix is good for your privacy, but it also breaks most of the websites by blocking critial scripts or assets. "uMatrix Recipes" is a collection of rules that you can use to fix some popular websites by whitelisting the 3rd-party requests that are critical for the websites to function. Sources for some of the rules: * https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/wiki/Examples-of-useful-rulesets * https://github.com/Rictusempra/uMatrix-Rules ### How to whitelist a website: 1. Go to uMatrix's settings. 2. Go to "My rules" tab. 3. Click "Edit" button in "Temporary rules". 4. Copy/paste any of the rules from here to the end of the list. 5. Click "Save" and then "Commit". ## Social media ### Facebook **allow Facebook ONLY on Facebook, blocked everywhere else** ``` * facebook.com * block * facebook.net * block facebook.com facebook.com * allow facebook.com fbcdn.net * allow ``` ### Twitter **allow Twitter ONLY on Twitter, blocked everywhere else** ``` * twitter.com * block twitter.com abs.twimg.com script allow twitter.com ton.twimg.com script allow twitter.com twitter.com * allow twitter.com video.twimg.com plugin allow twitter.com video.twimg.com xhr allow ``` ### Youtube Youtube + log in (using accounts.google.com) ``` accounts.google.com ssl.gstatic.com xhr allow youtube.com googlevideo.com xhr allow youtube.com googlevideo.com media allow youtube.com s.ytimg.com script allow youtube.com www.gstatic.com script allow youtube.com ytimg.com image allow ``` ### Twitch Twitch + login/signup ``` twitch.tv google.com image allow twitch.tv google.com script allow twitch.tv google.com xhr allow twitch.tv gstatic.com script allow twitch.tv passport-cdn.ttvnw.net script allow twitch.tv 0914.global.ssl.fastly.net script allow twitch.tv 0914.global.ssl.fastly.net xhr allow twitch.tv algolia.net script allow twitch.tv algolia.net xhr allow twitch.tv algolianet.com script allow twitch.tv algolianet.com xhr allow twitch.tv polyfill.twitchsvc.net script allow twitch.tv s.jtvnw.net image allow twitch.tv sctatic.twitchcdn.net script allow twitch.tv sentinel.twitchsvc.net xhr allow twitch.tv static-cdn.jtvnw.net image allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net css allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net image allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net script allow twitch.tv ttvnw.net xhr allow twitch.tv web-cdn.ttvnw.net script allow ``` Twitch without login ``` twitch.tv 0914.global.ssl.fastly.net script allow twitch.tv 0914.global.ssl.fastly.net xhr allow twitch.tv algolia.net script allow twitch.tv algolia.net xhr allow twitch.tv algolianet.com script allow twitch.tv algolianet.com xhr allow twitch.tv polyfill.twitchsvc.net script allow twitch.tv s.jtvnw.net image allow twitch.tv sctatic.twitchcdn.net script allow twitch.tv sentinel.twitchsvc.net xhr allow twitch.tv static-cdn.jtvnw.net image allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net css allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net image allow twitch.tv static.twitchcdn.net script allow twitch.tv ttvnw.net xhr allow twitch.tv web-cdn.ttvnw.net script allow ``` ### LinkedIn **allow LinkedIn ONLY on LinkedIn, blocked everywhere else** ``` * linkedin.com * block linkedin.com linkedin.com * allow linkedin.com static.licdn.com script allow linkedin.com static.licdn.com xhr allow ``` ## Messaging ### Slack **Info** * User agent spoof does not work reliably at slack.com as the web app checks for browser version from user agent. ``` ua-spoof: slack.com false slack.com slack-edge.com css allow slack.com slack-edge.com image allow slack.com slack-edge.com script allow slack.com slack-msgs.com xhr allow slack.com slack.global.ssl.fastly.net media allow slack.com universal.slack-core.com xhr allow ``` ## File sharing ### Dropbox ``` dropbox.com xhr allow dropbox.com cfl.dropboxstatic.com script allow dropbox.com cfl.dropboxstatic.com xhr allow dropbox.com dl.dropboxusercontent.com frame allow dropbox.com www.dropboxstatic.com script allow ``` ## Developer ### Github ``` github.com assets-cdn.github.com css allow github.com assets-cdn.github.com image allow github.com assets-cdn.github.com script allow github.com github-production-upload-manifest-file-7fdce7.s3.amazonaws.com xhr allow github.com github-production-user-asset-6210df.s3.amazonaws.com xhr allow github.com raw.githubusercontent.com xhr allow github.com render.githubusercontent.com frame allow github.com render.githubusercontent.com script allow github.com render.githubusercontent.com xhr allow ``` ### Gitlab ``` gitlab.com assets.gitlab-static.net script allow ``` ## Crowdsourcing ### Kickstarter **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Akamai](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Akamai_Technologies) Content Delivery Network * [Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_S3) * [Amazon's Cloudfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront) Content Delivery Network * [Imgix](https://www.imgix.com) Service * [Stripe](https://stripe.com) payments ``` kickstarter.com a248.e.akamai.net script allow kickstarter.com d3mlfyygrfdi2i.cloudfront.net plugin allow kickstarter.com js.stripe.com frame allow kickstarter.com js.stripe.com script allow kickstarter.com ksr-video.imgix.net plugin allow kickstarter.com s3.amazonaws.com image allow kickstarter.com s3.amazonaws.com plugin allow ``` ### Patreon **Info** * Uses Google's reCAPTCHA for login * Supports posting Youtube videos **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Google's reCAPTCHA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReCAPTCHA) * [Youtube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube) ``` patreon.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com script allow patreon.com google.com frame allow patreon.com google.com image allow patreon.com google.com script allow patreon.com google.com xhr allow patreon.com googlevideo.com xhr allow patreon.com gstatic.com script allow patreon.com youtube.com frame allow patreon.com youtube.com script allow patreon.com youtube.com xhr allow ``` ## Languages ### Duolingo **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon's Cloudfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront) Content Delivery Network * [CNDJS](https://github.com/cdnjs/cdnjs) Content Delivery Network ``` duolingo.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com script allow duolingo.com d1vq87e9lcf771.cloudfront.net media allow duolingo.com d35aaqx5ub95lt.cloudfront.net media allow duolingo.com d35aaqx5ub95lt.cloudfront.net script allow duolingo.com d35aaqx5ub95lt.cloudfront.net xhr allow duolingo.com d3kwyfyztuo0xs.cloudfront.net xhr allow duolingo.com d7mj4aqfscim2.cloudfront.net media allow duolingo.com d7mj4aqfscim2.cloudfront.net script allow duolingo.com d7mj4aqfscim2.cloudfront.net xhr allow duolingo.com ljknv3sref.execute-api.us-east-1.amazonaws.com xhr allow ``` ### LingQ **Info** * You can not access the site without whitelisting google.com * If you try to spoof referer, you will be logged out and ask to fill reCAPTCHA. * Uses Youtube for lessons with videos **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_S3) * [Google APIs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_APIs) * [Google's reCAPTCHA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReCAPTCHA) * [CNDJS](https://github.com/cdnjs/cdnjs) Content Delivery Network * [Youtube](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube) ``` referrer-spoof: lingq.com false lingq.com ajax.googleapis.com script allow lingq.com amazonaws.com * allow lingq.com cdnjs.cloudflare.com script allow lingq.com google.com cookie allow lingq.com google.com frame allow lingq.com google.com image allow lingq.com google.com script allow lingq.com google.com xhr allow lingq.com googlevideo.com xhr allow lingq.com gstatic.com css allow lingq.com gstatic.com script allow lingq.com s.ytimg.com script allow lingq.com www.youtube.com css allow lingq.com www.youtube.com frame allow lingq.com www.youtube.com image allow lingq.com www.youtube.com script allow lingq.com www.youtube.com xhr allow ``` ### Mango Languages **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon's Cloudfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront) Content Delivery Network * [Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_S3) * Google's translation API * [Adobe's Typekit](https://typekit.com/) ``` mangolanguages.com d10lpsik1i8c69.cloudfront.net script allow mangolanguages.com d1w9q16ymlsf74.cloudfront.net frame allow mangolanguages.com d1w9q16ymlsf74.cloudfront.net script allow mangolanguages.com d1w9q16ymlsf74.cloudfront.net xhr allow mangolanguages.com mango-assets-production.s3.amazonaws.com xhr allow mangolanguages.com translation.googleapis.com xhr allow mangolanguages.com use.typekit.net script allow ``` ## Graphics ### Zeplin **Info** * Throws an error if Stripe does not get loaded. * Uses Pusher for real time updates. **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Stripe](https://stripe.com) payments * [Pusher](https://pusher.com) service ``` zeplin.io checkout.stripe.com frame allow zeplin.io checkout.stripe.com script allow zeplin.io checkout.stripe.com xhr allow zeplin.io ws-zeplin.pusher.com xhr allow ``` ## Bookmarking services ### Pocket **Info** * You can not login without whitelisting reCAPTCHA. **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Google's reCAPTCHA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReCAPTCHA) ``` getpocket.com google.com frame allow getpocket.com google.com image allow getpocket.com google.com script allow getpocket.com google.com xhr allow getpocket.com www.gstatic.com script allow ``` ### Instapaper **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_S3) ``` instapaper.com staticinstapaper.s3.amazonaws.com script allow ``` ## Question & Answer websites ### Stack Overflow **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Google APIs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_APIs) ``` stackoverflow.com ajax.googleapis.com script allow stackoverflow.com cdn.sstatic.net script allow ``` ## Presentation sharing ### Speakerdeck **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon's Cloudfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront) Content Delivery Network ``` speakerdeck.com d2dfho4r6t7asi.cloudfront.net script allow ``` ## Social networking ### Meetup **3rd-party services to whitelist:** * [Amazon's Cloudfront](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_CloudFront) Content Delivery Network ``` meetup.com dna8twue3dlxq.cloudfront.net script allow meetup.com secure.meetupstatic.com script allow meetup.com secure.meetupstatic.com xhr allow ``` ## Hotels / renting services ### AirBnB ``` airbnb.com a0.muscache.com script allow airbnb.com maps.googleapis.com script allow ``` ## Music ### Bandcamp ``` bandcamp.com s4.bcbits.com script allow bandcamp.com t4.bcbits.com media allow ``` ### Soundcloud ``` soundcloud.com a-v2.sndcdn.com script allow soundcloud.com a-v2.sndcdn.com xhr allow soundcloud.com cf-hls-media.sndcdn.com xhr allow soundcloud.com i1.sndcdn.com xhr allow soundcloud.com style.sndcdn.com xhr allow soundcloud.com wis.sndcdn.com xhr allow ```