/// TaskManager.cs /// /// This is a convenient coroutine API for Unity. /// /// Example usage: /// IEnumerator MyAwesomeTask() /// { /// while(true) { /// // ... /// yield return null; //// } /// } /// /// IEnumerator TaskKiller(float delay, Task t) /// { /// yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay); /// t.Stop(); /// } /// /// // From anywhere /// Task my_task = new Task(MyAwesomeTask()); /// new Task(TaskKiller(5, my_task)); /// /// The code above will schedule MyAwesomeTask() and keep it running /// concurrently until either it terminates on its own, or 5 seconds elapses /// and triggers the TaskKiller Task that was created. /// /// Note that to facilitate this API's behavior, a "TaskManager" GameObject is /// created lazily on first use of the Task API and placed in the scene root /// with the internal TaskManager component attached. All coroutine dispatch /// for Tasks is done through this component. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; /// A Task object represents a coroutine. Tasks can be started, paused, and stopped. /// It is an error to attempt to start a task that has been stopped or which has /// naturally terminated. public class Task { /// Returns true if and only if the coroutine is running. Paused tasks /// are considered to be running. public bool Running { get { return task.Running; } } /// Returns true if and only if the coroutine is currently paused. public bool Paused { get { return task.Paused; } } /// Delegate for termination subscribers. manual is true if and only if /// the coroutine was stopped with an explicit call to Stop(). public delegate void FinishedHandler(bool manual); /// Termination event. Triggered when the coroutine completes execution. public event FinishedHandler Finished; /// Creates a new Task object for the given coroutine. /// /// If autoStart is true (default) the task is automatically started /// upon construction. public Task(IEnumerator c, bool autoStart = true) { task = TaskManager.CreateTask(c); task.Finished += TaskFinished; if(autoStart) Start(); } /// Begins execution of the coroutine public void Start() { task.Start(); } /// Discontinues execution of the coroutine at its next yield. public void Stop() { task.Stop(); } public void Pause() { task.Pause(); } public void Unpause() { task.Unpause(); } void TaskFinished(bool manual) { FinishedHandler handler = Finished; if(handler != null) handler(manual); } TaskManager.TaskState task; } class TaskManager : MonoBehaviour { public class TaskState { public bool Running { get { return running; } } public bool Paused { get { return paused; } } public delegate void FinishedHandler(bool manual); public event FinishedHandler Finished; IEnumerator coroutine; bool running; bool paused; bool stopped; public TaskState(IEnumerator c) { coroutine = c; } public void Pause() { paused = true; } public void Unpause() { paused = false; } public void Start() { running = true; singleton.StartCoroutine(CallWrapper()); } public void Stop() { stopped = true; running = false; } IEnumerator CallWrapper() { yield return null; IEnumerator e = coroutine; while(running) { if(paused) yield return null; else { if(e != null && e.MoveNext()) { yield return e.Current; } else { running = false; } } } FinishedHandler handler = Finished; if(handler != null) handler(stopped); } } static TaskManager singleton; public static TaskState CreateTask(IEnumerator coroutine) { if(singleton == null) { GameObject go = new GameObject("TaskManager"); singleton = go.AddComponent(); } return new TaskState(coroutine); } }