API Checker plugin for Sublime Text =================================== A plugin to check if an API or a site is up and running. You can make HTTP calls similar as in [SublimeHttpRequester](https://github.com/braindamageinc/SublimeHttpRequester) Inspiration came from [sublimetext-LondonUnderground](https://github.com/sabarasaba/sublimetext-LondonUnderground) :) ![API Checker](http://i.imgur.com/OsW35op.png) Example configuration: (api-checker.sublime-settings) { "debug": true, "timeout": 30, "up_label": "✓", "dn_label": "✕", "detailed_error": true, "urls": [ { "title": "google", "request_type": "GET", "request_body": [ ], "url": "http://google.com", }, { "title": "non-existent", "request_type": "POST", "request_body": [ "Access-Control-Request-Headers: accept", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *", "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "POST_BODY:", "api_key=test_key&getuser=john" ], "url": "http://some.non-existent.url", } ] } Avaliable options ----------------- - __debug__ Show/hide debug messages. Prints out all request and response messages to console. - __timeout__ How often to make request to URLs (in seconds) - __up_label__ Label to show if the API/site is up and running - __dn_label__ Label to show if the API/site is down - __detailed_error__ Show/hide HTTP error code if site is down (eg.: My API✕ (500)) - __urls__ Dictionary of APIs/sites to check - __title__ Title to show in status bar - __request_type__ HTTP request type: POST/GET/PUT/DELETE - __request_body__ Request headers, POST_BODY. See [SublimeHttpRequester](https://github.com/braindamageinc/SublimeHttpRequester) for more information - __url__ URL to request License ------- The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 ksgy