application { config { baseName my_simple_shop applicationType monolith authenticationType jwt buildTool maven cacheProvider ehcache clientFramework react clientPackageManager npm clientTheme litera clientThemeVariant primary databaseType sql devDatabaseType h2Disk dtoSuffix DTO enableHibernateCache true enableTranslation true jhiPrefix bpf languages [en, de, ru] messageBroker false nativeLanguage en packageName com.betterprojectsfaster.tutorial.jhipsterdocker prodDatabaseType postgresql reactive false searchEngine false serverPort 8080 skipClient false skipServer false skipUserManagement false websocket spring-websocket testFrameworks [cypress] } entities * } deployment { deploymentType docker-compose dockerRepositoryName "joedata" } entity Product { name String required unique minlength(2) maxlength(90) price Float required min(0) description TextBlob required picture ImageBlob required specification Blob category ProductCategory inventory Integer required min(0) } enum ProductCategory { Laptop, Desktop, Phone, Tablet, Accessory } entity Address { addressLine1 String required minlength(2) maxlength(80) addressLine2 String minlength(2) maxlength(80) city String minlength(2) maxlength(80) postalCode String minlength(5) maxlength(5) } entity ShoppingOrder { name String required unique minlength(2) maxlength(90) totalAmount Float min(0) ordered LocalDate } entity ProductOrder { amount Integer required min(0) max(5) } entity Shipment { shippedAt LocalDate required } relationship OneToOne { Shipment{order(name) required} to ShoppingOrder{shipment(shippedAt)} } relationship OneToMany { ShoppingOrder{orders} to ProductOrder{overallOrder(name) required} } relationship ManyToOne { ProductOrder{product(name) required} to Product Address{user(login) required} to User ProductOrder{buyer(login) required} to User ShoppingOrder{buyer(login) required} to User Shipment{shippedBy(login) required} to User } service * with serviceImpl dto * with mapstruct