[ { "id": 0, "chinese": "一波未平,一波又起", "gold": "suffer a string of reverses", "human": [ "hardly has one wave subsided when another rises", "one trouble follows another" ], "machine": [ "One wave is not flat, another wave is rising", "before the first wave subsides, a new wave rises" ] }, { "id": 1, "chinese": "一败涂地", "gold": "suffer a crushing defeat", "human": [ "be ruined completely", "utter failure", "a complete debacle", "an overwhelming defeat", "a total loss", "utterly routed", "bite the dust" ], "machine": [ "A crushing defeat", "a total failure", "A defeat" ] }, { "id": 2, "chinese": "一般见识", "gold": "lower oneself to the same level as somebody else", "human": [], "machine": [ "General knowledge", "General Insight" ] }, { "id": 3, "chinese": "一板三眼", "gold": "following a prescribed pattern in speech or action", "human": [ "scrupulous and methodical", "very careful of the rules", "rigid" ], "machine": [ "One board and three eyes", "A board with three eyes", "One board, three eyes", "One board with three eyes" ] }, { "id": 4, "chinese": "一本正经", "gold": "put on a solemn look", "human": [ "assume a dead serious attitude", "with feigned impartiality", "in all seriousness", "in dead earnest", "prim and proper", "prudish", "priggishly" ], "machine": [ "serious", "in earnest", "in good taste", "in a serious mood" ] }, { "id": 5, "chinese": "一本万利", "gold": "make big profits with a small capital", "human": [ "a small investment brings a ten thousand-fold profit", "highly profitable" ], "machine": [ "a profit", "All in one", "A million dollars" ] }, { "id": 6, "chinese": "一笔抹杀", "gold": "wipe out with one stroke of the pen", "human": [ "blot out at one stroke", "be written off at one stroke", "condemn out of hand", "reject off-hand", "completely deny", "totally negate", "set at naught", "obliterate" ], "machine": [ "an erasure", "One stroke to erase", "One stroke of erasure", "one stroke of a pen", "one stroke of a pencil" ] }, { "id": 7, "chinese": "一笔勾销", "gold": "cancelled with one stroke of the pen", "human": [ "write off altogether", "write off at one stroke", "abolish at one stroke", "cancel" ], "machine": [ "write off", "write off in one stroke", "write off in one go", "Write it off in one stroke" ] }, { "id": 8, "chinese": "一鼻孔出气", "gold": "be in tune with", "human": [ "breathe through the same nostrils", "sing the same tune", "breathe in the same way", "identify oneself with", "hold identical opinion", "be cheek by jowl with", "gang up with" ], "machine": [ "Exhale through one nostril", "sing from the same nostril", "sing from one nostril" ] }, { "id": 9, "chinese": "一臂之力", "gold": "a helping hand", "human": [], "machine": [ "a hand", "An Armful of Power", "an arm's length", "an arm's length of power" ] }, { "id": 10, "chinese": "一步登天", "gold": "have a meteoric rise", "human": [ "reach the sky in a single bound", "attain the highest level in one step", "ascend to heaven at a single bound" ], "machine": [ "One step to the sky", "One Step to Heaven", "One Step to the Top" ] }, { "id": 11, "chinese": "一不做,二不休", "gold": "once it is started, go through with it", "human": [ "a thing once begun should not be put off until done", "carry the thing through, whatever the consequences", "in for a penny, in for a pound", "over shoes, over boots", "as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb" ], "machine": [ "Don't do it, never stop", "I don't do it, I don't rest" ] }, { "id": 12, "chinese": "一拍即合", "gold": "fit in readily", "human": [ "chime in easily" ], "machine": [ "hit it off", "A beat is a match", "A beat is a good idea." ] }, { "id": 13, "chinese": "一抔黃土", "gold": "mere dust heaps", "human": [ "only a clod of yellow earth", "a grave", "something utterly insignificant" ], "machine": [ "a handful of loess", "A shovelful of yellow earth", "One shovelful of earth", "A shovelful of earth", "One shovelful of dirt" ] }, { "id": 14, "chinese": "一盘散沙", "gold": "lacking a spirit of cooperation", "human": [ "a heap of loose sand -- a nation or group without cohesion, each individual for himself", "in a state of disunity" ], "machine": [ "A plate of loose sand", "a sheet of loose sand", "a sheet of scattered sand" ] }, { "id": 15, "chinese": "一贫如洗", "gold": "penniless", "human": [ "as poor as though everything was washed away", "as poor as a church mouse", "as poor as Job", "not to have a shirt on one's back", "be on one's uppers", "in utter destitution", "poverty-stricken" ], "machine": [ "destitute" ] }, { "id": 16, "chinese": "一曝十寒", "gold": "work hard for one day and do nothing for ten warm for one day and cold for ten days", "human": [ "work on and off", "work by fits and starts" ], "machine": [ "One exposure and ten cold", "one day's exposure, ten days' cold", "one exposure for ten days", "short attention span" ] }, { "id": 17, "chinese": "一模一样", "gold": "exactly alike", "human": [ "be exactly the same as", "as two peas in a pod" ], "machine": [ "exactly the same", "Identical" ] }, { "id": 18, "chinese": "一马当先", "gold": "take the lead", "human": [ "gallop to the head", "dash to the front of battle", "be in the fore-front", "be in the van" ], "machine": [ "lead the way", "One horse leads the way", "A horse in the lead", "One horse in the lead", "One horse leads the pack" ] }, { "id": 19, "chinese": "一马平川", "gold": "a wide expanse of flat land", "human": [ "flat country" ], "machine": [ "One Horse Pingchuan", "A flat horse", "a flat road", "A horse flat" ] }, { "id": 20, "chinese": "一脉相承", "gold": "of the same school", "human": [ "come down in one continuous line", "can be traced to the same origin", "be imbued with the same spirit", "be a true disciple of", "run in a single line", "follow the same", "in the same strain", "a continuation of" ], "machine": [ "Inheritance", "One lineage", "A lineage", "A lineage of the same", "A lineage of the same origin" ] }, { "id": 21, "chinese": "一毛不拔", "gold": "miserly", "human": [ "unwilling to give up even a hair - very stingy", "unwilling even to pluck out a hair for another - not to give a cent", "very sparing in spending money", "not to lift a finger to help", "refuse to be put to trouble", "as close as a clam", "cheese paring", "parsimonious" ], "machine": [ "unplugged", "stingy", "stubbornly" ] }, { "id": 22, "chinese": "一面之词", "gold": "one-sided statement", "human": [ "the statement of only one of the parties" ], "machine": [ "one-sided words", "one side of the story", "one side of a story" ] }, { "id": 23, "chinese": "一面之交", "gold": "have met only once", "human": [ "be casually acquainted" ], "machine": [ "side by side", "A face to face", "A face-to-face meeting", "A face-to-face relationship" ] }, { "id": 24, "chinese": "一鸣惊人", "gold": "rocket to fame", "human": [ "amaze the world with a single brilliant feat", "make one's mark at the first shot", "win popularity with the first work", "set the Thames on fire" ], "machine": [ "blockbuster", "amaze the world with a single shot", "amaze the world", "astonishing" ] }, { "id": 25, "chinese": "一命呜呼", "gold": "kick the bucket", "human": [ "be snuffed out", "launch into eternity", "go west", "pass away", "drop dead", "die" ], "machine": [ "to death", "one life is lost", "One Life", "one death" ] }, { "id": 26, "chinese": "一目了然", "gold": "understand fully at a glance", "human": [ "be clear at a glance", "see all at a glance", "see with half an eye", "be written all over one's face", "carry on its face", "he that runs may read", "leap to the eye" ], "machine": [ "at a glance" ] }, { "id": 27, "chinese": "一目十行", "gold": "take in ten lines at one glance", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ten lines at a glance", "10 lines at a glance", "Ten lines in a row" ] }, { "id": 28, "chinese": "一发千钧", "gold": "by the skin of one's teeth", "human": [ "a hundredweight hanging by hair in imminent peril", "a thousand piculs suspended by a single hair", "in a most dangerous condition", "an impending disaster", "hang upon a thread", "be in the balance", "the sword of Damocles" ], "machine": [ "One shot", "A Thousand Shots", "One shot for a thousand pounds" ] }, { "id": 29, "chinese": "一帆风顺", "gold": "plain sailing", "human": [ "have a favourable wind throughout the voyage", "sail before the wind without a hitch", "good innings" ], "machine": [ "smooth sailing", "A smooth sailing" ] }, { "id": 30, "chinese": "一反常态", "gold": "act out of character", "human": [ "depart from one's normal behavior" ], "machine": [ "uncharacteristically", "a departure from the norm", "out of the ordinary", "out of character" ] }, { "id": 31, "chinese": "一得之功", "gold": "just an occasional, minor success", "human": [], "machine": [ "One hits at a time", "a success", "A gainful achievement", "a success story" ] }, { "id": 32, "chinese": "一得之愚", "gold": "my humble opinion -", "human": [], "machine": [ "The foolishness", "a fool's errand", "A Fool's Choice", "A Foolishness of Gain" ] }, { "id": 33, "chinese": "一刀两断", "gold": "make a clean break", "human": [ "cut into two at one stroke of the knife", "be severed into two at one blow", "sever connections with somebody" ], "machine": [ "Cut in two", "one cut, two cuts", "One cut, two breaks" ] }, { "id": 34, "chinese": "一塌刮子", "gold": "the sum total", "human": [ "a grand total" ], "machine": [ "a scraper", "a mess of scrapes", "a mess of shavings", "a mess of scrapers", "a mess of shaving" ] }, { "id": 35, "chinese": "一塌糊涂", "gold": "in a complete mess", "human": [ "in an awful state", "in an awful mess", "in a muddle", "a hell of a mess" ], "machine": [ "a mess", "a complete mess", "a total mess" ] }, { "id": 36, "chinese": "一潭死水", "gold": "a stagnated, dull atmosphere", "human": [ "a pond of stagnant water" ], "machine": [ "a pool of stagnant water", "A pool of dead water" ] }, { "id": 37, "chinese": "一团和气", "gold": "an easygoing atmosphere", "human": [ "keep on good terms with everyone at the expense of principle", "keep on the right side of everyone", "a prevailing mood of harmony", "unprincipled peace", "harmony all around" ], "machine": [ "peace of mind", "A harmonious group", "A harmonious group of people" ] }, { "id": 38, "chinese": "一念之差", "gold": "a momentary slip", "human": [ "a wrong decision made in a moment of weakness" ], "machine": [ "difference of thought", "a slip of the tongue", "One thought", "a single thought" ] }, { "id": 39, "chinese": "一诺千金", "gold": "a solemn promise", "human": [ "a verbal promise is worth a thousand ounces of gold", "a promise that will be kept", "one's word is as good as one's bond", "a bargain's a bargain" ], "machine": [ "A promise of gold", "A promise of a thousand dollars", "A Promise of a Thousand Pieces" ] }, { "id": 40, "chinese": "一劳永逸", "gold": "put things right once and for ail", "human": [ "by one supreme effort to win eternal ease", "get something done once for all", "solutions that hold good for all time" ], "machine": [ "once and for all", "Get it done once and for all" ] }, { "id": 41, "chinese": "一览无余", "gold": "take in everything at a glance", "human": [], "machine": [ "unobstructed view", "be plainly visible", "in full view", "in plain view", "at a glance" ] }, { "id": 42, "chinese": "一了百了", "gold": "death ends all one's troubles", "human": [ "one finished all is finished", "when a man is dead, everything is finished", "all troubles end when the main trouble ends" ], "machine": [ "one hundred", "once the main problem is solved, all troubles are solved" ] }, { "id": 43, "chinese": "一鳞半爪", "gold": "odd bits / fragments", "human": [ "just a few known details of a larger whole" ], "machine": [ "One Scale Half Claw", "one scale and half a claw", "only odd bits and pieces" ] }, { "id": 44, "chinese": "一路平安", "gold": "have a good trip", "human": [ "have a pleasant journey", "a pleasant journey to you!", "a safe journey", "bon voyage!" ], "machine": [ "safe journey", "Have a safe trip", "Have a safe journey" ] }, { "id": 45, "chinese": "一落千丈", "gold": "suffer a sudden decline", "human": [ "drop 10,000 feet in one fall", "a precipitate drop", "rapid declension" ], "machine": [ "plummeted", "suffer a sudden, devastating decline", "drop a thousand zhang", "take a dive" ] }, { "id": 46, "chinese": "一改故辙", "gold": "rid oneself of an old habit", "human": [ "depart from the old rut and courageously set on a new way" ], "machine": [ "Change the way", "A change from the old ways", "A change from the old rut", "A change from the old way" ] }, { "id": 47, "chinese": "一概而论", "gold": "put in the same category", "human": [ "treat as the same", "lump people or things under one head", "lump together" ], "machine": [ "In general terms", "generalize", "generalization", "generalizations", "lump sum" ] }, { "id": 48, "chinese": "一干二净", "gold": "spick-and-span", "human": [ "root and branch", "hook, stock and barrel", "hook, line and sinker", "thoroughly", "completely", "neat and tidy" ], "machine": [ "clean", "one and all", "one and two-thirds", "one clean", "one dry" ] }, { "id": 49, "chinese": "一鼓作气", "gold": "get something done in one vigorous effort", "human": [ "at the first drum courage is aroused", "with one effort it can be accomplished", "press on to the finish without letup", "at one fling", "at a dash" ], "machine": [ "all in one go", "in one fell swoop", "in one go", "in a single bound" ] }, { "id": 50, "chinese": "一国三公", "gold": "divided leadership", "human": [ "a state with three rulers" ], "machine": [ "One country, three princes", "One country and three princes" ] }, { "id": 51, "chinese": "一棍子打死", "gold": "finish off with a single blow", "human": [ "knock somebody down at one stroke", "kill with a blow", "deal one fatal blow", "shatter at one stroke", "completely negate" ], "machine": [ "kill with a stick", "beaten to death with a single stick", "beaten to death with a stick", "beaten to death by a stick", "beat to death with a stick" ] }, { "id": 52, "chinese": "一刻千金", "gold": "every moment is precious", "human": [ "value every minute" ], "machine": [ "A moment of gold", "A moment is worth a thousand dollars", "A moment is worth a thousand" ] }, { "id": 53, "chinese": "一孔之见", "gold": "a narrow view", "human": [], "machine": [ "A hole in sight", "One-sided view", "One-eyed view", "A Hole in the Head", "A Hole in the Wall" ] }, { "id": 54, "chinese": "一哄而散", "gold": "disperse after making a noise", "human": [ "break up" ], "machine": [ "go away", "disperse in a confusion", "disperse in confusion", "disperse in a heap", "disperse in a confused mass" ] }, { "id": 55, "chinese": "一呼百诺", "gold": "have hundreds at one's beck and call", "human": [ "when one gives a call, a hundred respond" ], "machine": [ "One Hubano", "one call for a hundred promises", "one call for 100 promises" ] }, { "id": 56, "chinese": "一呼百应", "gold": "an appeal meets with immediate response", "human": [ "a call draws response from hundreds of people", "hundreds respond to a single call", "ready to go into action in their hundreds" ], "machine": [ "A hundred calls", "One call for a hundred responses", "One call for a hundred answers" ] }, { "id": 57, "chinese": "一挥而就", "gold": "be done with one stroke of the pen", "human": [ "a flourish of the pen and it's done", "finish a piece of writing or a painting at one go" ], "machine": [ "in a flash", "with a single swing", "with a single swipe", "with a single stroke", "with one swing" ] }, { "id": 58, "chinese": "一技之长", "gold": "speciality", "human": [ "proficiency in a particular line", "professional skill", "a single skill" ], "machine": [ "a skill", "One skill", "A skill in the field" ] }, { "id": 59, "chinese": "一见钟情", "gold": "fall in love at first sight", "human": [ "love at first sight" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 60, "chinese": "一箭双雕", "gold": "kill two birds with one stone", "human": [ "shoot two hawks with one arrow", "one arrow shot two eagles", "answer a double purpose", "achieve two things at one stroke", "dual gain" ], "machine": [ "Two birds with one stone", "Two birds, one stone", "Double whammy" ] }, { "id": 61, "chinese": "一见如故", "gold": "become fast friends at the first meeting", "human": [ "feel like old friends at the first meeting", "friendly at the first meeting" ], "machine": [ "See you soon", "It's like seeing each other." ] }, { "id": 62, "chinese": "一举两得", "gold": "achieve two things at one stroke", "human": [ "kill two birds with one stone" ], "machine": [ "Two birds with one stone", "Two birds, one stone", "Two in one" ] }, { "id": 63, "chinese": "一举成名", "gold": "achieve instant fame", "human": [ "become famous overnight" ], "machine": [ "rise to fame", "One shot at fame", "One shot to fame", "One hit" ] }, { "id": 64, "chinese": "一蹶不振", "gold": "fail utterly", "human": [ "once fallen never to rise again", "unable to get up after a fall", "collapse after one setback", "never be able to recover after a setback", "be roundly defeated" ], "machine": [ "slumped", "one stumble, unable to recover", "one stumble, no recovery", "one stumble, but no recovery" ] }, { "id": 65, "chinese": "一决雌雄", "gold": "have a showdown with", "human": [ "wage a decisive fight or battle against - see who is master", "fight to see who is the stronger", "fight it out" ], "machine": [ "Showdown", "A showdown", "A battle of the sexes", "A fight for the ages" ] }, { "id": 66, "chinese": "一气呵成", "gold": "form a coherent whole", "human": [ "make smooth reading", "get something done at one go", "accomplish something without any interruption or letup", "at a heat", "at a stretch", "at a dash", "in a breath" ], "machine": [ "all in one go", "in one fell swoop", "in one go", "in one breath", "one breath" ] }, { "id": 67, "chinese": "一窍不通", "gold": "not to know the first thing", "human": [ "about something", "know nothing of", "be utterly ignorant of", "utterly stupid and dense", "lack the slightest knowledge of", "not know the AB(of", "be Greek to", "out of one's element", "impenetrably dull", "an absolute blockhead", "a complete ignoramus" ], "machine": [ "know nothing", "I don't understand a word", "I can't understand a word" ] }, { "id": 68, "chinese": "一丘之貉", "gold": "jackals of the same lair", "human": [ "birds of a feather", "tigers from the same den", "brigands of the same stripe", "tarred with the same brush", "cut from the same cloth", "patterned from the same mold", "of the same batch" ], "machine": [ "A raccoon dog", "jackals of the same tribe", "They are all just as bad as each other." ] }, { "id": 69, "chinese": "一钱不值", "gold": "utterly worthless", "human": [ "not worth a penny", "mere trash" ], "machine": [ "worthless", "Not worth a dime." ] }, { "id": 70, "chinese": "一清二楚", "gold": "completely clear", "human": [ "as plain as daylight" ], "machine": [ "clear", "It's clear as day.", "It's clear.", "It's crystal clear." ] }, { "id": 71, "chinese": "一去不复返", "gold": "gone forever", "human": [ "gone and sever to return", "once gone, never to come back", "leave for good" ], "machine": [ "Once gone, never return", "Once gone, never to return", "Once gone, never go back", "Never go back" ] }, { "id": 72, "chinese": "一穷二白", "gold": "backward both economically and culturally", "human": [ "poor and blank", "poverty and blankness" ], "machine": [ "One poor and two white", "impoverished", "backward-looking", "destitute and impoverished", "destitute and homeless" ] }, { "id": 73, "chinese": "一息尚存", "gold": "as long as one lives", "human": [ "so long as one still has a breath left", "till one's last gasp" ], "machine": [ "Surviving", "one breath remains", "one breath left", "one breath left to live" ] }, { "id": 74, "chinese": "一蟹不如一蟹", "gold": "from bad to worse", "human": [ "each crab is smaller than the one before - each one is worse than the last", "get worse and worse" ], "machine": [ "A crab is worse than a crab", "A crab is better than a crab" ] }, { "id": 75, "chinese": "一泻千里", "gold": "forceful and flowing", "human": [ "rush down a thousand li", "flow down vigorously" ], "machine": [ "A thousand miles", "a torrent of water", "A flood of water", "a torrent", "A flood of" ] }, { "id": 76, "chinese": "一笑置之", "gold": "laugh off", "human": [ "dismiss with a laugh", "dispose it with a smile" ], "machine": [ "laugh it off", "dismiss with a smile", "make light of", "dismiss with a grin" ] }, { "id": 77, "chinese": "一心一德", "gold": "be at one", "human": [ "of one heart and one mind", "whole-heartedly and faithfully", "with united will" ], "machine": [ "One Heart One Virtue", "One Heart, One Virtue" ] }, { "id": 78, "chinese": "一心一意", "gold": "wholeheartedly", "human": [ "with one heart and one mind", "with all one's heart and mind", "put one's whole heart and soul into", "give one's whole mind to", "be bent on", "be intent on", "heart and soul", "with undivided attention" ], "machine": [ "single-minded", "single-mindedly", "Single-mindedness" ] }, { "id": 79, "chinese": "一厢情愿", "gold": "wishful thinking", "human": [], "machine": [ "one's own wishful thinking", "one wishful thinking", "one side of the story" ] }, { "id": 80, "chinese": "一知半解", "gold": "superficial knowledge", "human": [ "a smattering of knowledge", "scanty knowledge", "limited and half-understood knowledge", "half knowledge", "sciolism" ], "machine": [ "Little knowledge", "half-baked", "half-knowledge", "half-knowledgeable" ] }, { "id": 81, "chinese": "一纸空文", "gold": "empty words on a sheet of paper", "human": [ "a mere scrap of paper", "a bit of waste paper" ], "machine": [ "a piece of paper", "a worthless piece of paper", "a dead letter", "a worthless document" ] }, { "id": 82, "chinese": "一掷千金", "gold": "spend money extravagantly", "human": [ "stake a thousand pieces of geld on one throw", "gamble at high stakes", "spend lavishly", "throw away money like dirt", "spend money like water" ], "machine": [ "big bucks", "A throw of the dice", "A throw of the dime", "A Thousand Dollars" ] }, { "id": 83, "chinese": "一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳", "gold": "once bitten, twice shy", "human": [ "once bitten by a snake, one shies", "at a coiled rope for the next ten years", "a burnt child dreads the fire", "the scalded cat fears cold water" ], "machine": [ "once bitten by a snake, ten years in fear of a well rope" ] }, { "id": 84, "chinese": "一朝一夕", "gold": "overnight", "human": [ "in one morning or evening", "in a day", "a short duration of time" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 85, "chinese": "一枕黄粱", "gold": "a brief dream of grandeur", "human": [ "Golden Millet Dream" ], "machine": [ "One Pillow of Yellow Rice", "a pillow of yellow sorghum", "a pillow of sorghum" ] }, { "id": 86, "chinese": "一针见血", "gold": "hit the nail on the head", "human": [ "pierce to the truth with a single pertinent remark", "reveal the heart of the matter in a few words", "go right to the heart of the matter", "make a pointed remark", "touch one on the raw", "hit the bird in the eye", "straight from the shoulder" ], "machine": [ "A shot to the heart", "A shot in the dark", "A shot in the arm" ] }, { "id": 87, "chinese": "一张一弛", "gold": "strike a proper balance between work and rest", "human": [ "alternate tension with relaxation" ], "machine": [ "one by one", "one tension, one slack" ] }, { "id": 88, "chinese": "一着不慎,满盘皆输", "gold": "one careless move and the whole game is lost", "human": [ "a single careless move spoils the entire game", "a trip in one point would have spoiled all" ], "machine": [ "If you are not careful, you will lose the whole game", "One wrong move and the whole game is lost" ] }, { "id": 89, "chinese": "一差二错", "gold": "possible mistake or mishap", "human": [], "machine": [ "One mistake and two mistakes", "one mistake and two errors", "one error and two mistakes", "one mistake, two errors" ] }, { "id": 90, "chinese": "一筹莫展", "gold": "be at one's wits' end", "human": [ "couldn't suggest a move or do a thing", "can find no way out", "be at the end of one's tether", "find oneself in the mire", "not to have a feather to fly with", "with one's finger in one's mouth" ], "machine": [ "Nothing can be done", "at a loss for words", "at aloss", "be at a loss for words", "be at a loss" ] }, { "id": 91, "chinese": "一尘不染", "gold": "spotless", "human": [ "not soiled by a speck of dust", "not to be stained with a particle of dust" ], "machine": [ "spotlessly clean" ] }, { "id": 92, "chinese": "一唱百和", "gold": "chime in with others", "human": [ "when one starts singing, all the others join in", "meet with general approval", "one sings, all follows" ], "machine": [ "One hundred and one singing", "one voice and a hundred choruses", "one voice and a hundred chords" ] }, { "id": 93, "chinese": "一唱一和", "gold": "sing the same tune", "human": [ "sing a duet with somebody", "sing in duet", "sing to the tune of", "sing in chorus with", "echo each other", "in tune with", "chime in with" ], "machine": [ "one sing and one harmony", "One voice and one harmony" ] }, { "id": 94, "chinese": "一成不变", "gold": "be set in one's ways", "human": [ "fixed and unchangeable", "immutable and frozen", "hard and fast", "inflexible", "invariable", "changeless", "unalterable", "immutable" ], "machine": [ "routine", "nothing changes", "Nothing is ever the same" ] }, { "id": 95, "chinese": "一触即发", "gold": "touch-and-go", "human": [ "ready to be set off at a touch", "may be triggered at any moment", "be on the verge of breaking out", "touch off an explosive situation", "to an explosive point" ], "machine": [ "Triggered", "One Touch" ] }, { "id": 96, "chinese": "一触即溃", "gold": "collapse at the first encounter", "human": [ "be routed at the first encounter" ], "machine": [ "Crash at a touch", "collapse at the first touch", "collapse on impact", "collapse on the first touch" ] }, { "id": 97, "chinese": "一视同仁", "gold": "treat all alike without discrimination", "human": [ "extend the same treatment to all", "give equal treatment to both", "regard all with equal favour", "be equally kind to all", "impartial kindness or favour", "not to make chalk of one and cheese of the other", "give the devil his due" ], "machine": [ "Treat everyone equally", "treat all people equally", "treating all people equally" ] }, { "id": 98, "chinese": "一失足成千古恨", "gold": "a single slip may cause lasting sorrow", "human": [ "the error of a moment becomes the regret of a lifetime", "one false step brings everlasting grief", "a wrong step taken results in eternal regret" ], "machine": [ "One stumble becomes eternal hatred", "A single slip may cause a thousand hatreds." ] }, { "id": 99, "chinese": "一事无成", "gold": "get nowhere", "human": [ "achieve nothing", "nothing accomplished" ], "machine": [ "Nothing", "be a failure to achieve anything", "be a total failure", "have achieved nothing" ] }, { "id": 100, "chinese": "一手包办", "gold": "take everything on oneself", "human": [ "keep everything in one's own hands", "control exclusively", "stage-manage" ], "machine": [ "do it all", "do it all by oneself", "do it all by hand", "do everything by hand", "do it all in one hand" ] }, { "id": 101, "chinese": "一手遮天", "gold": "hoodwink the public", "human": [ "shut out the heavens with one hand", "hide the truth from the masses" ], "machine": [ "Cover the sky with one hand", "One hand to hide the sky", "One hand to cover the sky", "One hand to cover up the sky" ] }, { "id": 102, "chinese": "一身是胆", "gold": "know no fear", "human": [ "be absolutely fearless" ], "machine": [ "all the courage", "all in one body", "all in one body is guts", "all in one body is courageous", "all in one body is courage" ] }, { "id": 103, "chinese": "一日千里", "gold": "by leaps and bounds", "human": [ "one thousand li a day", "at a tremendous pace", "with giant strides", "tremendous forward strides", "rapid advance" ], "machine": [ "a thousand miles a day", "One Day, One Thousand Miles", "One day, a thousand miles", "A day a thousand miles" ] }, { "id": 104, "chinese": "一日三秋", "gold": "miss somebody very much", "human": [ "one day seems like three years", "a day of separation seems as long as three years", "a day absent from you is like three seasons" ], "machine": [ "Three autumns a day", "a single day and three seasons", "three seasons in a day", "a single day, three seasons", "three seasons in one day" ] }, { "id": 105, "chinese": "一人得道,鸡犬升天", "gold": "when a man gets to the top, all his friends and relations get there with him.", "human": [ "when a man attains the Tao , even his pets ascend to heaven" ], "machine": [ "When one person attains the Tao, the chicken and the dog ascend to heaven", "when a man achieves the right path, his poultry and dogs rise to the heavens" ] }, { "id": 106, "chinese": "一人难如千人意", "gold": "one man con hardly meet the wishes of everybody", "human": [], "machine": [ "One person is as difficult as a thousand people", "It's hard for one person to be like a thousand others" ] }, { "id": 107, "chinese": "一人传虚,万人传实", "gold": "one man tells an idle story and it becomes fact in the mouths of ten thousand", "human": [], "machine": [ "One person tells the truth, thousands of people tell the truth", "One person spreads the falsehood, ten thousand people spread the reality" ] }, { "id": 108, "chinese": "一如既往", "gold": "as always", "human": [ "as in the past", "as before" ], "machine": [ "As usual" ] }, { "id": 109, "chinese": "一字千金", "gold": "one character is worth a thousand ounces of gold", "human": [ "one character is worth much gold" ], "machine": [ "A thousand words", "One word is worth a thousand", "One word is a thousand dollars", "One word, a thousand dollars" ] }, { "id": 110, "chinese": "一则以喜,一则以惧", "gold": "feel both joy and fear", "human": [], "machine": [ "One for joy, one for fear", "One with joy, one with fear" ] }, { "id": 111, "chinese": "一蹴而就", "gold": "succeed overnight", "human": [ "reach the goal in one step", "accomplish in one move", "accomplish at one stroke", "expect results overnight" ], "machine": [ "all at once", "get there in one step", "get results overnight", "get it done overnight", "get there overnight" ] }, { "id": 112, "chinese": "一寸丹心", "gold": "a loyal heart", "human": [ "a heart of pure loyalty" ], "machine": [ "An inch of heart", "an inch of heart in a panacea" ] }, { "id": 113, "chinese": "一寸光阴一寸金", "gold": "time is money", "human": [ "\"an inch of time is an inch of gold\"" ], "machine": [ "An inch of time is an inch of gold", "An interval of time is worth an ounce of gold." ] }, { "id": 114, "chinese": "一丝不苟", "gold": "scrupulous about every detail", "human": [ "not a bit negligent", "conscientious and meticulous", "dot the i's and cross the t's" ], "machine": [ "meticulous", "not one hair out of place", "not a hair out of place" ] }, { "id": 115, "chinese": "一丝不挂", "gold": "be stark-naked", "human": [ "not have a stitch on" ], "machine": [ "naked", "not wearing a single thread", "not wearing a single stitch" ] }, { "id": 116, "chinese": "一丝一毫", "gold": "the slightest", "human": [ "a tiny bit", "an iota", "a little", "an atom of", "a shred of", "a trace of" ], "machine": [ "a shred", "one thread, one hair" ] }, { "id": 117, "chinese": "一扫而空", "gold": "swept clean at one attempt", "human": [], "machine": [ "swept away", "sweep clean", "sweep away everything", "sweep away", "clean out" ] }, { "id": 118, "chinese": "一而再,再而三", "gold": "again and again", "human": [ "once and again", "time and again", "more than once", "repeatedly" ], "machine": [ "again and again, again and again", "Again and again and again" ] }, { "id": 119, "chinese": "一衣带水", "gold": "a narrow strip of water", "human": [], "machine": [ "a piece of water", "A coat of water", "One coat of water", "A coat and water" ] }, { "id": 120, "chinese": "一意孤行", "gold": "go one's own way", "human": [ "persist in wilfully and arbitrarily", "act in disregard of other people's opinions", "bent on acting wilfully", "cling obstinately to one's own course", "follow one's bigoted course", "be hell-bent on having one's way", "act arbitrarily", "wheel and deal" ], "machine": [ "one's own way", "one way or the other" ] }, { "id": 121, "chinese": "一叶知秋", "gold": "it is a straw in the wind", "human": [ "one falling leaf is indicative of the coming of autumn", "everything is part of a whole", "the falling of one leaf heralds the autumn", "a straw shows which way the wind blows", "a small sign can indicate a great trend" ], "machine": [ "One Leaf Zhiqiu", "A leaf knows an autumn", "A leaf knows the autumn", "A single leaf knows the autumn", "A Leaf to Know the Autumn" ] }, { "id": 122, "chinese": "一叶障目,不见泰山", "gold": "have one's view of the important overshadowed by the trivial", "human": [ "a leaf before the eye shuts out Mount Taishan" ], "machine": [ "A leaf obstructs the eyes, but Mount Tai is not seen", "A leaf blind, not seeing the mountain", "A leaf blinded, not seeing Mt." ] }, { "id": 123, "chinese": "一言难尽", "gold": "mere words cannot fully express it", "human": [ "it is a long story", "it is hard to explain in a few words" ], "machine": [ "indescribable", "hard to explain in a few words", "hard to say in a few words" ] }, { "id": 124, "chinese": "一言既出,驷马难追", "gold": "what is said cannot be unsaid", "human": [ "a word once spoken cannot be overtaken even by a team of four horses" ], "machine": [ "As soon as the word is spoken, the horse is hard to follow", "once said, a team of horses cannot unsay it", "a promise must be kept" ] }, { "id": 125, "chinese": "一言以蔽之", "gold": "make a long story short", "human": [ "to sum up the whole business in one phrase", "to sum up in a word", "in a word", "in a nutshell", "in short", "in a few words", "summarily", "briefly" ], "machine": [ "one word says it all" ] }, { "id": 126, "chinese": "一言为定", "gold": "a bargain is a bargain", "human": [ "that's settled then", "it's a whack" ], "machine": [ "one word", "It's a deal." ] }, { "id": 127, "chinese": "一无可取", "gold": "good-for-nothing", "human": [ "not one good thing to be said", "nothing to recommend", "neither rhyme nor reason", "worthless" ], "machine": [ "Nothing is possible", "there is nothing to be gained", "there is nothing to gain", "there is nothing to take" ] }, { "id": 128, "chinese": "一物降一物", "gold": "everything has its vanquisher", "human": [ "there is always one thing to conquer another" ], "machine": [ "One thing down one thing", "One thing leads to another" ] }, { "id": 129, "chinese": "一无是处", "gold": "without a single redeeming feature", "human": [ "devoid of any merit", "nothing is right", "can never get anything right" ], "machine": [ "nowhere", "not one good point", "not worth a damn", "not one single thing", "not a single thing" ] }, { "id": 130, "chinese": "一误再误", "gold": "make one error after another", "human": [ "one error leads to another", "keep on making mistakes", "make things worse by repeated delays" ], "machine": [ "Mistake over and over again", "make one mistake after another", "repeated errors" ] }, { "id": 131, "chinese": "一无所知", "gold": "know nothing about", "human": [ "know absolutely nothing", "without knowing a single thing", "not have the least inkling of", "absolutely ignorant of", "a total stranger to" ], "machine": [ "know nothing", "No knowledge at all", "Nothing at all", "No idea", "Nothing" ] }, { "id": 132, "chinese": "一无所长", "gold": "be a Jack of all trades", "human": [ "nave no special skill", "superior in no respect" ], "machine": [ "Nothing", "Nothing to do", "Nothing to offer" ] }, { "id": 133, "chinese": "一无所有", "gold": "not have a thing to one's name", "human": [ "not own a thing in the world", "without a single thing", "have nothing at all", "have not a stiver", "as bare as the palm of one's hand", "walk on one's shoestrings", "penniless", "destitute" ], "machine": [ "nothing", "nothing at all" ] }, { "id": 134, "chinese": "一五一十", "gold": "narrate systematically and in full detail", "human": [], "machine": [ "one fifty one", "One by five" ] }, { "id": 135, "chinese": "一文不值", "gold": "not worth the paper on which it is written", "human": [ "not worth a cent", "not amount to a row of beans" ], "machine": [ "worthless", "gutter" ] }, { "id": 136, "chinese": "一问三不知", "gold": "be entirely ignorant", "human": [ "say \"I don't know\" to every question - not know a thing" ], "machine": [ "One question and three unknown", "reply \"don't know\" whatever the question" ] }, { "id": 137, "chinese": "一网打尽", "gold": "round up the whole gang at one fell / swoop", "human": [ "catch all in a dragnet", "capture all in one net", "take all at one haul of the net", "all captured at once" ], "machine": [ "catch up", "All in one net", "All in one place" ] }, { "id": 138, "chinese": "一往情深", "gold": "passionately devoted to", "human": [ "deeply attached to", "be head over heels in love with", "be far gone in love" ], "machine": [ "in love", "A deep love", "Love in the heart", "A deep love for you", "A deep love for the world" ] }, { "id": 139, "chinese": "一望而知", "gold": "very obvious", "human": [ "one glance and you know - apparent to the eye", "manifest at a glance" ], "machine": [ "At a glance", "One look and you know", "One look and you'll know", "One look and you'll see." ] }, { "id": 140, "chinese": "一望无际", "gold": "boundless", "human": [ "stretch as far as the eye can see", "stretch to the horizon", "beyond the reach of a glance" ], "machine": [ "as far as the eye can see", "a vast expanse of land" ] }, { "id": 141, "chinese": "一往无前", "gold": "forge ahead", "human": [ "press forward with indomitable will", "indomitable" ], "machine": [ "Ahead of the curve", "Ahead", "Ahead of the pack", "Ahead of the game" ] }, { "id": 142, "chinese": "一语破的", "gold": "come to the point", "human": [ "hit the mark with a single comment", "hit the target with one remark", "hit the nail on the head" ], "machine": [ "broken", "one word says it all", "one word to the wise", "one word to the contrary" ] }, { "id": 143, "chinese": "一语道破", "gold": "get to the heart of the matter in a few words", "human": [ "puncture a fallacy with one remark", "lay bare the truth with one penetrating remark", "burst out the truth", "hit the nail on the head" ], "machine": [ "In a word", "one word says it all", "one word to the wise" ] }, { "id": 144, "chinese": "七拼八凑", "gold": "rig up", "human": [ "a patchwork without pattern or order", "scrape together" ], "machine": [ "patchwork", "assembled at random", "a motley collection", "a motley collection of" ] }, { "id": 145, "chinese": "七颠八倒", "gold": "in great confusion", "human": [ "at sixes and sevens", "all upside down", "totter in any and all directions", "topsy-turvy" ], "machine": [ "Upside down", "confused", "in a daze", "in a state of confusion", "incoherent" ] }, { "id": 146, "chinese": "七零八落", "gold": "scattered here and there", "human": [], "machine": [ "up and down", "everything broken and in disorder", "in disorder" ] }, { "id": 147, "chinese": "七窍生烟", "gold": "foam with rage", "human": [ "fume with anger" ], "machine": [ "seven orifices smoke", "spouting smoke through the seven orifices", "seethe with anger" ] }, { "id": 148, "chinese": "七长八短", "gold": "of uneven size", "human": [], "machine": [ "Seven long and eight short", "seven lengths and eight shorts", "Seven lengths and eight short" ] }, { "id": 149, "chinese": "七手八脚", "gold": "too many cooks", "human": [ "\"seven hands and eight feet\"", "great hurry and bustle", "all join in, each fending a hand", "serve hand and foot", "all flurry and confusion" ], "machine": [ "seven hands and eight feet", "the seven hands and eight feet", "the seven hands and eight legs", "the seven arms and eight legs" ] }, { "id": 150, "chinese": "七上八下", "gold": "be agitated", "human": [ "in a mental flurry of indecision", "be perturbed" ], "machine": [ "seven up and eight down", "seven up, eight down", "seven on eight", "seven on top of eight" ] }, { "id": 151, "chinese": "七嘴八舌", "gold": "all talking at once", "human": [ "\"with seven mouths and eight tongues\" - clash of opinions", "lively discussion with everybody trying to get a word in" ], "machine": [ "gossip", "lively discussion of all kinds of talk", "lively discussion", "lively discussion of all kinds" ] }, { "id": 152, "chinese": "三番五次", "gold": "again and again", "human": [ "time and again", "over and over again", "repeatedly" ], "machine": [ "three and five times", "three times over", "thrice" ] }, { "id": 153, "chinese": "三头六臂", "gold": "with three heads and six arms - superhuman", "human": [], "machine": [ "Three heads and six arms", "Three Heads, Six Arms" ] }, { "id": 154, "chinese": "三天打鱼,两天晒网", "gold": "lack of perseverance", "human": [ "spend three days fishing and two days drying nets", "work by fits and starts", "go fishing for three days and dry the nets for two" ], "machine": [ "Three days of fishing, two days of netting", "fish for three days and sun-dry the nets for two days", "do something by fits and starts" ] }, { "id": 155, "chinese": "三令五申", "gold": "repeated orders and instructions", "human": [ "repeated injunctions" ], "machine": [ "Three orders and five applications", "order again and again" ] }, { "id": 156, "chinese": "三个臭皮匠,胜过一个诸葛亮", "gold": "two heads are better than one", "human": [ "three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Chu Ke Liang, the master mind", "the wisdom of the masses exceeds that of the wisest individual" ], "machine": [ "Three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang", "three ignorant cobblers add up to a genius", "collective wisdom" ] }, { "id": 157, "chinese": "三顾茅庐", "gold": "repeated a whole-hearted invitation", "human": [ "make three calls at the thatched cottage", "repeatedly request somebody to take up a responsible post" ], "machine": [ "San Gu thatched cottage", "three humble visits to a thatched cottage" ] }, { "id": 158, "chinese": "三句话不离本行", "gold": "talk shop a the time", "human": [ "can hardly open one's mouth without talking shop", "talk about ones own trade from the outset of a conversation", "always the trade talk" ], "machine": [ "Three words stay with us", "talk shop all the time" ] }, { "id": 159, "chinese": "三心二意", "gold": "undecided", "human": [ "have two minds", "a changeable mind", "be double-minded", "be many-minded", "shilly-shally", "half-hearted" ], "machine": [ "in two minds about three things", "in two minds", "in two minds about three" ] }, { "id": 160, "chinese": "三长两短", "gold": "something unfortunate, especially death", "human": [ "something untoward", "unexpected misfortune", "unhappy events" ], "machine": [ "Three long and two short", "sudden death or death", "sudden death", "sudden death of a person" ] }, { "id": 161, "chinese": "三十六计,走为上策", "gold": "the best thing to do now is to quit", "human": [ "of the thirty-six plans, running away is the best", "decamping is the best of the thirty-six stratagems" ], "machine": [ "Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best policy", "Thirty-six plans, go is the best policy" ] }, { "id": 162, "chinese": "三生有幸", "gold": "consider oneself most fortunate", "human": [ "the good fortune of three lives", "a fortunate meeting" ], "machine": [ "Sansheng is lucky", "Three lives are blessed", "Three lifetimes are blessed" ] }, { "id": 163, "chinese": "三人行必有我师", "gold": "if three of us are walking together, there will certainly be a teacher for me", "human": [], "machine": [ "Threesome must have my teacher", "There are three of us" ] }, { "id": 164, "chinese": "三足鼎立", "gold": "divided into three opposing parts", "human": [], "machine": [ "three-legged", "Three legged tripod", "Tripod", "Three legged tripartite", "Three Legs" ] }, { "id": 165, "chinese": "三寸不烂之舌", "gold": "a silver tongue", "human": [ "somebody's eloquence" ], "machine": [ "Three inch incorrupt tongue", "have a silver tongue", "Have a good tongue." ] }, { "id": 166, "chinese": "三思而行", "gold": "look before you leap", "human": [ "think thrice before you act", "score twice before you cut once" ], "machine": [ "Think twice", "Think twice before you act", "Think twice before you go" ] }, { "id": 167, "chinese": "三三两两", "gold": "in twos end threes", "human": [ "in small crowds" ], "machine": [ "twos and threes", "in twos and threes", "in twos or threes" ] }, { "id": 168, "chinese": "三言两语", "gold": "in a few words", "human": [ "a few words spoken", "in one word or two", "in short" ], "machine": [ "a few words" ] }, { "id": 169, "chinese": "三五成群", "gold": "in threes and fours", "human": [ "in knots" ], "machine": [ "Groups of three or five", "in groups of three or five", "form groups of three or five" ] }, { "id": 170, "chinese": "三位一体", "gold": "three in one", "human": [ "trinity", "three forming an organic whole", "three closely related", "three welded into one" ], "machine": [ "The Trinity" ] }, { "id": 171, "chinese": "上不着天,下不着地", "gold": "be suspended in mid-air", "human": [], "machine": [ "Can't go up to the sky, can't go down to the ground", "No sky above, no earth below", "No sky above, no ground below" ] }, { "id": 172, "chinese": "上天无路,入地无门", "gold": "helpless, nowhere to turn", "human": [ "there is no road to heaven and no door into earth", "no way of escape", "in desperate straits" ], "machine": [ "There is no way to the sky, no way to enter the earth", "no way out of heaven, no way into earth" ] }, { "id": 173, "chinese": "上梁不正下梁歪", "gold": "people follow the example of those in high positions", "human": [ "if the upper beam is not straight, the lower ones will go aslant", "when those above behave unworthily, those below will do the same", "if the upper beam is crooked the lower ones are out of plumb", "fish begins to stink at the bead", "a crooked stick throws a crooked shadow" ], "machine": [ "The upper beam is not straight, the lower beam is crooked", "If the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked", "subordinates are not straight" ] }, { "id": 174, "chinese": "上下其手", "gold": "practise fraud", "human": [ "league together for some evil end" ], "machine": [ "up and down", "top and bottom hands", "top and bottom of the hand", "top and bottom", "top and bottom of the table" ] }, { "id": 175, "chinese": "上行下效", "gold": "if a leader sets up a bad example, it will be followed by his subordinates", "human": [ "those in subordinate positions will follow the example set by their superiors", "the doings of superiors are imitated by inferiors", "those below follow the example of those above", "the inferiors imitate the superiors" ], "machine": [ "Up and down", "Upstream and downstream", "Top down", "Upward and downward" ] }, { "id": 176, "chinese": "上谄下骄", "gold": "snobbish", "human": [ "fawn upon one's superiors and look down upon those below", "flatter those in high positions and despise those of lower ranks" ], "machine": [ "flattering and arrogant", "flattering the top and arrogant the bottom" ] }, { "id": 177, "chinese": "上蹿下跳", "gold": "run clandestine errands up and down the line", "human": [ "run around on sinister errands" ], "machine": [ "jump up and down", "jumping up and down", "leap up and down" ] }, { "id": 178, "chinese": "上无片瓦,下无插针之地", "gold": "as poor as a church mouse", "human": [ "have neither a tile over one's head nor a speck of land under one's feet to stick a needle" ], "machine": [ "No tiles on top, no pins on the bottom", "No tiles above, no pins below" ] }, { "id": 179, "chinese": "下笔千言,离题万里", "gold": "write quickly but stray from the theme", "human": [ "a thousand words from the pen in a stream, but ten thousand li away from the theme" ], "machine": [ "Write a thousand words, digress thousands of miles", "the pen is a thousand words, but the words are a million miles off the mark" ] }, { "id": 180, "chinese": "下不为例", "gold": "not to be repeated", "human": [ "not to be taken as a precedent" ], "machine": [ "not an example", "not be taken as an example", "not be taken as a precedent", "not be repeated", "not be taken as an exception" ] }, { "id": 181, "chinese": "下马看花", "gold": "on-the-spot investigation", "human": [ "dismount to view the flowers", "get off one's horse and look at the flowers" ], "machine": [ "dismount to see flowers", "dismount from a horse and watch the flowers", "Dismount and watch the flowers" ] }, { "id": 182, "chinese": "下里巴人", "gold": "popular literature or art", "human": [ "Song of the Rustic Poor" ], "machine": [ "Lower Riba", "lower class", "lower class people", "the lower classes" ] }, { "id": 183, "chinese": "下车伊始", "gold": "the moment one takes up one's official post", "human": [ "the moment one alights from the official carriage", "as soon as one alights from the official carriage - on arrival at a new post" ], "machine": [ "Get off at the beginning", "From the beginning of the bus" ] }, { "id": 184, "chinese": "不败之地", "gold": "invincible position", "human": [], "machine": [ "Undefeated", "The Undefeated", "Undefeated Land", "Invincible" ] }, { "id": 185, "chinese": "不白之冤", "gold": "unrighted wrong", "human": [ "unredressed injustice", "a case of being wrongly accused" ], "machine": [ "unjust injustice", "unjust injustices" ] }, { "id": 186, "chinese": "不辨菽麦", "gold": "have no knowledge of practical matters", "human": [ "can not tell beans from wheat", "not know chalk from cheese" ], "machine": [ "Unrecognized Shumai", "No identification of beans and wheat" ] }, { "id": 187, "chinese": "不破不立", "gold": "without destroying the old, one cannot build the new", "human": [ "no destruction, no construction", "there can be no construction without destruction" ], "machine": [ "unbreakable", "No break, no stand", "No break, no build", "No breakage, no creation", "No breakage, no construction" ] }, { "id": 188, "chinese": "不偏不倚", "gold": "even-handed", "human": [ "hold the scales even", "without bias and without favour", "without fear or favour", "fair to all", "avoid leaning to either side", "impartiality and justice", "unbiased", "impartial" ], "machine": [ "unbiased and impartial" ] }, { "id": 189, "chinese": "不平则鸣", "gold": "where there is injustice, there will be an outcry", "human": [ "complaint comes when there is injustice", "man will cry out against injustice" ], "machine": [ "Injustice screams", "If there is injustice, there is injustice." ] }, { "id": 190, "chinese": "不毛之地", "gold": "barren land", "human": [ "land which does not grow anything", "a bare and barren land", "barren soil", "unfruitful ground" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 191, "chinese": "不谋而合", "gold": "happen to hold the same view", "human": [ "agree without previous consultation", "happen to coincide with", "be a coincidence" ], "machine": [ "coincidentally", "coincide with each other", "coincide", "coincide with one another" ] }, { "id": 192, "chinese": "不明不白", "gold": "inexplicable", "human": [ "with no clear reason whatever", "unexplainable" ], "machine": [ "do not understand", "obscure and indistinct", "obscure and unexplained", "indistinct", "obscure" ] }, { "id": 193, "chinese": "不名一文", "gold": "penniless", "human": [ "without a penny to one's name", "stony broke" ], "machine": [ "No Name", "no name at all" ] }, { "id": 194, "chinese": "不乏其人", "gold": "no lack of such people", "human": [ "such people are not rare" ], "machine": [ "many others", "There is no shortage of them", "There is no shortage of people" ] }, { "id": 195, "chinese": "不费吹灰之力", "gold": "easy as ABC", "human": [ "as easy as blowing the dust off a table", "need only the slightest effort", "with minimum effort", "it's a walk-over" ], "machine": [ "effortless", "effortlessly" ] }, { "id": 196, "chinese": "不分彼此", "gold": "share everything", "human": [ "make no distinction between what's one's own and what's another's", "no distinction between mine and thine", "have things in common", "be on very intimate terms" ], "machine": [ "regardless of each other", "make no distinction between the two" ] }, { "id": 197, "chinese": "不分皂白", "gold": "make no distinction between black and white", "human": [ "irrespective of right and wrong", "in a dispute", "in a promiscuous manner", "indiscriminate" ], "machine": [ "not distinguishing between right and wrong" ] }, { "id": 198, "chinese": "不打不成相识", "gold": "no discord, no concord", "human": [ "from an exchange of blows friendship grows" ], "machine": [ "do not know each other", "don't fight, won't make friends" ] }, { "id": 199, "chinese": "不违农时", "gold": "do farm work in the right time", "human": [ "not miss the farming season" ], "machine": [ "Does not violate the agricultural time", "Not against the farming season", "Not to miss the farming season" ] }, { "id": 200, "chinese": "不打自招", "gold": "a self-confession", "human": [ "make a confession, admit fault freely", "make a confession without duress", "without being pressed, one lets the cat out of the bag", "an unsolicited confession", "a frank avowal" ], "machine": [ "don't make a fool of yourself", "make a confession without a fight" ] }, { "id": 201, "chinese": "不到黄河心不死", "gold": "not give up till coming to a dead end", "human": [ "not stop until one reaches the Yellow River", "not stop until one reaches one's goal", "refuse to give up until all hope is gone", "until all is over ambition never dies" ], "machine": [ "If you don't reach the Yellow River, your heart will not die" ] }, { "id": 202, "chinese": "不得人心", "gold": "be unpopular", "human": [], "machine": [ "unpopular", "not enjoy popular support", "not be popular" ] }, { "id": 203, "chinese": "不得要领", "gold": "unable to make heads or tails of something", "human": [ "fail to grasp the main points", "could not bring the matter to a head", "miss the point", "beside the point" ], "machine": [ "to no avail", "fail to grasp the essentials", "fail to grasp the main point" ] }, { "id": 204, "chinese": "不登大雅之堂", "gold": "in bad taste", "human": [ "unqualified to take its place in the higher circles", "on the margin of good taste", "not appeal to refined taste", "unrefined", "indecent" ], "machine": [ "not in the best of taste", "not in the best taste", "not in the public eye", "not in the public domain" ] }, { "id": 205, "chinese": "不动声色", "gold": "stay calm and collected", "human": [ "not show one's feelings", "not turn a hair", "not bat an eyelid", "not move a muscle", "set one's face like a flint", "cool as a cucumber", "maintain one's composure", "keep one's countenance" ], "machine": [ "calm", "not a word or movement", "not batting an eyelid", "not moving a muscle" ] }, { "id": 206, "chinese": "不痛不痒", "gold": "superficial", "human": [ "scratching the surface", "perfunctory", "milk and water" ], "machine": [ "It doesn't hurt.", "No pain, no gain.", "No pain, no itch" ] }, { "id": 207, "chinese": "不同凡响", "gold": "out of the ordinary", "human": [ "not of the common sort", "out of the common run", "outstanding" ], "machine": [ "extraordinary", "Different from the ordinary", "Different from the rest", "Different from the norm" ] }, { "id": 208, "chinese": "不能自拔", "gold": "be inescapably caught in", "human": [ "cannot get oneself away from", "be inextricably bogged down in" ], "machine": [ "unable to extricate themselves", "Can't help myself", "Unable to extricate oneself", "Can't help yourself", "Can't pull myself out" ] }, { "id": 209, "chinese": "不念旧恶", "gold": "forget old grudges", "human": [ "discard old animosities", "let bygones be bygones" ], "machine": [ "Do not forget the old evil", "not forgetting old grievances", "not remembering old grievances", "not forgetting old wrongs", "not forgetting the old" ] }, { "id": 210, "chinese": "不宁唯是", "gold": "that isn't all", "human": [ "not only so" ], "machine": [ "restless only", "The only thing that is not peaceful is" ] }, { "id": 211, "chinese": "不劳而获", "gold": "profit by other people's toil", "human": [ "reap where one has not sown", "obtain without any labor", "gain results without working for them" ], "machine": [ "for nothing", "reap without sowing", "reap without effort", "reap without work", "reap without toil" ] }, { "id": 212, "chinese": "不郎不秀", "gold": "worthless", "human": [ "good-for-nothing", "unpromising" ], "machine": [ "Not Lang not show", "not a show", "not a fool", "not show off" ] }, { "id": 213, "chinese": "不了了之", "gold": "leave in status quo", "human": [ "settle a thing by leaving it unsettled", "end up in nothing definite", "conclude without conclusion" ], "machine": [ "nothing more", "end of story", "end up with nothing", "end up with nothing to do", "end up with no luck" ] }, { "id": 214, "chinese": "不吝指教", "gold": "not spare your comments", "human": [ "do not refuse to offer your kind advice", "do not stint your criticism" ], "machine": [ "Do not hesitate to advise", "Please give me your advice", "Please give us your advice" ] }, { "id": 215, "chinese": "不露声色", "gold": "keep a straight face", "human": [ "not show one's feelings, intentions, etc.", "keep one's countenance" ], "machine": [ "taciturn", "not show one's voice or intentions", "not show one's voice", "keep silent" ] }, { "id": 216, "chinese": "不落窠臼", "gold": "leave the beaten track", "human": [ "not follow the old precedent", "not fall into old ruts", "free from the hackneyed precedent", "have an original style" ], "machine": [ "Not out of the norm", "not follow the beaten track", "not follow the beaten path", "not follow the usual pattern", "not follow any old pattern" ] }, { "id": 217, "chinese": "不伦不类", "gold": "neither rhyme nor reason", "human": [ "neither fish nor fowl", "half and half", "nondescript" ], "machine": [ "incestuous", "unbecoming" ] }, { "id": 218, "chinese": "不苟言笑", "gold": "quiet and reserved", "human": [ "discreet in speech and manner" ], "machine": [ "unsmiling", "not smiling" ] }, { "id": 219, "chinese": "不甘后人", "gold": "hate to be outdone", "human": [ "unwilling to lag behind", "cannot bear playing the second fiddle" ], "machine": [ "unwilling to descendants", "not want to be left behind", "not be outdone by others", "not want to be outdone" ] }, { "id": 220, "chinese": "不甘示弱", "gold": "yield no ground", "human": [ "unwilling to show one's weakness" ], "machine": [ "Not to be outdone", "not be outdone" ] }, { "id": 221, "chinese": "不敢越雷池一步", "gold": "keep within bounds", "human": [ "dare not go one step beyond the prescribed limit", "dare not exceed the utmost limits one can go" ], "machine": [ "Don't dare to step beyond the pond", "Do not dare to go one step beyond the limit" ] }, { "id": 222, "chinese": "不过尔尔", "gold": "just so-so", "human": [ "merely mediocre", "just middling" ], "machine": [ "But err", "not more than so-so", "mediocre", "not more than that", "nothing more than a little" ] }, { "id": 223, "chinese": "不管三七二十一", "gold": "come what may", "human": [ "casting all caution to the winds", "regardless of the consequences", "no matter what you may say", "recklessly" ], "machine": [ "no matter what" ] }, { "id": 224, "chinese": "不共戴天", "gold": "absolutely irreconcilable", "human": [ "cannot share the same sky", "not able to live together beneath the same heaven", "refuse to live in the same world", "have a deep-seated hatred for" ], "machine": [ "Inseparable", "cannot live under the same sky" ] }, { "id": 225, "chinese": "不攻自破", "gold": "collapse of itself", "human": [ "cannot stand any refutation" ], "machine": [ "self-defeating", "collapse without attack" ] }, { "id": 226, "chinese": "不可偏废", "gold": "without neglecting either", "human": [], "machine": [ "Not to be neglected", "not be biased", "You can't be partial", "You can't be biased" ] }, { "id": 227, "chinese": "不可磨灭", "gold": "will endure for centuries", "human": [ "can never he erased", "indelible", "ineffaceable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 228, "chinese": "不可多得", "gold": "hard to come by", "human": [ "rare" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 229, "chinese": "不可同日而语", "gold": "there is no comparison between the two", "human": [ "cannot be mentioned in the same breath", "not to he named on the same day with", "not to be compared with" ], "machine": [ "indistinguishable", "Not in the same league", "Not to be confused with", "Not the same" ] }, { "id": 230, "chinese": "不可理喻", "gold": "will not listen to reason", "human": [ "incapable of being brought to reason out of all reason", "impervious to reason" ], "machine": [ "incomprehensible" ] }, { "id": 231, "chinese": "不可开交", "gold": "up to one's eyes", "human": [ "unable to get away", "not having a moment one can call one's own" ], "machine": [ "no deal", "be out of hand", "be out of bounds", "be unavailable", "be incompatible" ] }, { "id": 232, "chinese": "不可救药", "gold": "incurable", "human": [ "beyond cure", "too far gone for medicines", "there is no remedy for", "irremediable", "incorrigible", "hopeless" ], "machine": [ "irredeemable" ] }, { "id": 233, "chinese": "不可企及", "gold": "lag far behind", "human": [ "unable to catch up with", "far beyond one's reach", "out of one's reach" ], "machine": [ "unattainable", "unreachable", "inaccessible" ] }, { "id": 234, "chinese": "不可终日", "gold": "be unable to carry on even for a single day", "human": [ "be in a desperate situation" ], "machine": [ "Endless", "not be allowed to spend the whole day" ] }, { "id": 235, "chinese": "不可收拾", "gold": "unmanageable", "human": [ "out of hand", "irremediable", "hopeless" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 236, "chinese": "不可胜数", "gold": "innumerable", "human": [ "beyond counting", "beyond compute", "countless" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 237, "chinese": "不可思议", "gold": "mysterious", "human": [ "beyond comprehension", "beyond one's depth", "cap the climax", "be a miracle", "unthinkable", "inconceivable", "miraculous", "unimaginable" ], "machine": [ "incredible", "Unbelievable" ] }, { "id": 238, "chinese": "不可一世", "gold": "overbearing", "human": [ "consider oneself unexcelled in the world", "be insufferably arrogant", "think nothing small of oneself", "swagger like a conquering hero", "haughty airs", "swashbuckling" ], "machine": [ "Mighty", "be insufferable", "be insufferable in the world", "be insufferable in the extreme" ] }, { "id": 239, "chinese": "不可言状", "gold": "beyond description", "human": [ "have no words for something", "beyond expression", "ineffable", "inexpressible", "nondescript" ], "machine": [ "indescribable", "unspeakable", "beyond words" ] }, { "id": 240, "chinese": "不可逾越", "gold": "cannot exceed the limit", "human": [ "should not go beyond the limit of", "insurmountable", "insuperable", "unbridgeable", "impassable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 241, "chinese": "不堪回首", "gold": "cannot bear to think of the past", "human": [ "find it unbearable to recall", "too sad to look back", "too sad to reflect" ], "machine": [ "unbearable", "It's hard to look back", "I can't look back" ] }, { "id": 242, "chinese": "不堪设想", "gold": "dare not imagine", "human": [ "could not bear to think of it", "unbearable to contemplate", "unimaginable", "inconceivable" ], "machine": [ "unthinkable" ] }, { "id": 243, "chinese": "不堪造就", "gold": "unpromising", "human": [ "cannot be trained", "not worth educating", "hopeless to succeed in life" ], "machine": [ "unbearable", "Unable to create", "Unable to make", "Unbearable to make", "Unbearable to create" ] }, { "id": 244, "chinese": "不堪一击", "gold": "collapse at the first blow", "human": [ "cannot withstand a single blow" ], "machine": [ "vulnerable", "not be able to withstand a single blow", "not be able to take a hit" ] }, { "id": 245, "chinese": "不亢不卑", "gold": "neither overbearing nor servile", "human": [ "neither obsequious nor arrogant", "neither cringing nor rude", "neither haughty nor humble", "neither supercilious nor obsequious", "neither humble nor pert" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 246, "chinese": "不合时宜", "gold": "incompatible with the present needs", "human": [ "not tally with the circumstances of the time", "out of accord with the times", "off time", "out of season", "untimely", "ill-timed", "inopportune", "unseasonable" ], "machine": [ "out of time", "out of fashion", "out of place" ] }, { "id": 247, "chinese": "不寒而栗", "gold": "tremble with fear", "human": [ "shiver all over though not cold shudder" ], "machine": [ "shudder", "shiver all over the place", "shiver all over." ] }, { "id": 248, "chinese": "不欢而散", "gold": "end on an unpleasant note", "human": [ "end in discord", "break up unpleasantly", "part on bad terms" ], "machine": [ "break up", "break up in discord", "break up in disagreement", "break up without joy" ] }, { "id": 249, "chinese": "不即不离", "gold": "keep somebody at arm's length", "human": [ "be neither too familiar nor too distant", "maintain a discreet distance" ], "machine": [ "never leave", "not too far from each other", "not too far from it" ] }, { "id": 250, "chinese": "不计其数", "gold": "countless", "human": [ "unable to tell the number", "beyond count", "beyond compute", "innumerable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 251, "chinese": "不急之务", "gold": "a nonurgent business", "human": [ "business requiring no immediate attention", "a matter of no great urgency" ], "machine": [ "A matter of no urgency" ] }, { "id": 252, "chinese": "不假思索", "gold": "spur-of-the-moment", "human": [ "without stopping to think", "without thinking", "without hesitation", "readily", "offhand" ], "machine": [ "without any pretense of thinking", "without thinking twice", "without taking time to think" ] }, { "id": 253, "chinese": "不骄不躁", "gold": "be neither conceited nor rash", "human": [ "guard against self-conceit and rashness", "free from arrogance and rashness", "be not proud or touchy" ], "machine": [ "not arrogant", "not arrogant and not impatient", "no arrogance, no impatience", "not arrogant or impatient" ] }, { "id": 254, "chinese": "不见棺材不落泪", "gold": "refuse to be convinced until one is faced with grim reality", "human": [ "not shed a tear until one sees the coffin" ], "machine": [ "No tears without seeing the coffin" ] }, { "id": 255, "chinese": "不见经传", "gold": "unknown", "human": [ "not to be found in the classics", "not authoritative" ], "machine": [ "not found in the scriptures", "not seen in the scriptures", "not found in scripture", "not found in scriptures" ] }, { "id": 256, "chinese": "不近人情", "gold": "unreasonable", "human": [ "not amenable to reason" ], "machine": [ "not close to human feelings", "not close to human nature", "not close to the human spirit" ] }, { "id": 257, "chinese": "不进则退", "gold": "move forward, or you'll fall behind", "human": [], "machine": [ "not advance or retreat", "If you don't go forward, you go back." ] }, { "id": 258, "chinese": "不经之谈", "gold": "sheer nonsense", "human": [ "absurd talking", "preposterous statement", "cock-and-bull story" ], "machine": [ "nonsense", "Unorthodox talk", "unscripted talk" ] }, { "id": 259, "chinese": "不胫而走", "gold": "spread like wildfire", "human": [ "run without legs", "spread far and wide", "get round fast" ], "machine": [ "get around", "get out in the open" ] }, { "id": 260, "chinese": "不经一事,不长一智", "gold": "wisdom comes from experience", "human": [ "you can't gain knowledge without practice", "in doing we learn" ], "machine": [ "You can not gain knowledge without practice", "You can't gain knowledge without practical experience." ] }, { "id": 261, "chinese": "不拘小节", "gold": "no stickler for formality", "human": [ "neglect of minor points of conduct", "not bother about small matters", "unconstrained by formalities", "not be punctilious" ], "machine": [ "informal", "not stick to small things", "not stick to small details", "not stick to the small stuff", "not stick to petty issues" ] }, { "id": 262, "chinese": "不拘一格", "gold": "not conform to one pattern", "human": [ "not formalistic to one style", "follow no set form" ], "machine": [ "Eclectic", "not stick to one pattern", "not stick to one format", "not stick to one style", "not stick to any one pattern" ] }, { "id": 263, "chinese": "不绝如缕", "gold": "very precarious", "human": [ "hanging by a thread", "at a critical condition", "almost extinct", "linger on faintly" ], "machine": [ "incessant", "incessant streams", "incessantly", "incessant stream" ] }, { "id": 264, "chinese": "不期然而然", "gold": "turn out contrary to one's expectations", "human": [ "never thought it would happen but it did", "happen without looking for it", "happen unexpectedly", "not as one thought it would happen" ], "machine": [ "Unexpectedly", "unexpectedly and unexpectedly", "happen by chance" ] }, { "id": 265, "chinese": "不期而遇", "gold": "meet accidentally", "human": [ "have a chance encounter", "come across", "chance on" ], "machine": [ "meet by chance", "A chance encounter", "A chance meeting" ] }, { "id": 266, "chinese": "不求甚解", "gold": "be content with superficial understanding", "human": [ "not seek to understand things thoroughly", "make no efforts to understand the real meaning", "have but little understanding of the nature of things" ], "machine": [ "not asking", "not seeking a detailed understanding", "not bothered with the details" ] }, { "id": 267, "chinese": "不情之请", "gold": "my presumptuous request", "human": [], "machine": [ "unkind request", "my humble request", "my unwilling request" ] }, { "id": 268, "chinese": "不屈不挠", "gold": "with great fortitude", "human": [ "persevere in", "bear up under affliction", "indomitable", "dauntless", "steadfast", "unswerving", "unbending", "tenacious", "do-or-die" ], "machine": [ "Unyielding" ] }, { "id": 269, "chinese": "不屑一顾", "gold": "not worth taking a look at", "human": [ "will not condescend to look at", "not worth a single glance", "beneath one's novice" ], "machine": [ "dismissive", "disdain", "disdainful" ] }, { "id": 270, "chinese": "不肖子孙", "gold": "unworthy descendants", "human": [], "machine": [ "unworthy descendant", "unworthy son or daughter", "unworthy son" ] }, { "id": 271, "chinese": "不修边幅", "gold": "be slovenly", "human": [ "not care about one's appearance", "disorder of one's attire", "negligence of dress", "untidy" ], "machine": [ "slovenly", "slovenly in appearance", "slovenly in dress and manner", "sloppy" ] }, { "id": 272, "chinese": "不相上下", "gold": "equally matched", "human": [ "more or less equal in strength", "about the same", "without much difference", "nip and tuck", "neck and neck", "balanced" ], "machine": [ "comparable", "not far behind each other", "not far behind", "not much different", "not far off" ] }, { "id": 273, "chinese": "不省人事", "gold": "unconscious", "human": [ "fainted and lost all consciousness", "fall into a swoon", "in a dead faint", "lie like a log", "in a state of coma", "insensible" ], "machine": [ "unconsciousness" ] }, { "id": 274, "chinese": "不学无术", "gold": "ignorant and incompetent", "human": [ "have neither learning nor skill", "not study and know nothing", "an ignoramus" ], "machine": [ "ignorant", "without learning or skills", "without learning or skill" ] }, { "id": 275, "chinese": "不知凡几", "gold": "can't tell how many there are", "human": [ "there are numerous similar cases" ], "machine": [ "I don't know how many", "one can't tell how many", "one cannot tell how many", "numerous" ] }, { "id": 276, "chinese": "不知天高地厚", "gold": "have an exaggerated opinion of one's abilities", "human": [ "not know the immensity of heaven and earth" ], "machine": [ "I don't know how tall the sky is", "not know the sky is high" ] }, { "id": 277, "chinese": "不知好歹", "gold": "not to know good from bad", "human": [], "machine": [ "I don't know", "not know what's good for one", "not know what's good for you", "not know any better", "not know what's good for him" ] }, { "id": 278, "chinese": "不知进退", "gold": "have no sense of propriety", "human": [], "machine": [ "I don't know where to go", "not knowing when to come or go" ] }, { "id": 279, "chinese": "不知人间有羞耻事", "gold": "lose all sense of shame", "human": [ "be past all sense of shame", "the height of impudence" ], "machine": [ "I don't know there is shame in the world", "Don't know that there is shame in the world" ] }, { "id": 280, "chinese": "不知所措", "gold": "be at a loss", "human": [ "scarcely know where to turn", "be all at sea", "be all adrift", "out of one's wits", "lose one's bearings" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "Not knowing what to do", "Not sure what to do", "not know what to do" ] }, { "id": 281, "chinese": "不知所以", "gold": "not know the reason why", "human": [ "without knowing whence", "unable to account for" ], "machine": [ "I don't know why", "I don't know so" ] }, { "id": 282, "chinese": "不知所云", "gold": "unintelligible", "human": [ "not know what is said", "unintelligible", "incomprehensible" ], "machine": [ "I don't know", "not know what somebody. is driving at", "be unintelligible" ] }, { "id": 283, "chinese": "不折不扣", "gold": "in full sense", "human": [ "without any reservation", "without the slightest discount", "pure and simple", "out and out", "one hundred percent", "to the letter" ], "machine": [ "No compromise", "No compromises" ] }, { "id": 284, "chinese": "不置可否", "gold": "be noncommittal", "human": [ "do not say \"yes\" or \"no\"", "refuse to comment", "not express an opinion", "hedge", "dodge" ], "machine": [ "indecisive", "not expressing an opinion", "not express an opinion on it", "not express an opinion on" ] }, { "id": 285, "chinese": "不治之症", "gold": "incurable disease", "human": [ "fatal disease", "a disease without remedy" ], "machine": [ "incurable diseases", "incurable illness" ] }, { "id": 286, "chinese": "不着边际", "gold": "irrelevant", "human": [ "far off the mark", "wide off the mark", "impertinent" ], "machine": [ "wide of the mark", "not the point" ] }, { "id": 287, "chinese": "不耻下问", "gold": "not above asking questions", "human": [ "not ashamed to seek the opinions of one's inferiors", "not feel ashamed to ask and learn from one's subordinates", "stoop to ask questions from common people" ], "machine": [ "don't be ashamed to ask", "not be ashamed to ask", "not feel ashamed to ask", "not be ashamed to ask for it" ] }, { "id": 288, "chinese": "不成体统", "gold": "unseemly", "human": [ "behave very badly" ], "machine": [ "immature", "not according with decorum", "unacceptable", "bad form" ] }, { "id": 289, "chinese": "不时之需", "gold": "things which may come in handy", "human": [ "things which may be needed any time", "a possible period of want or need occasional needs" ], "machine": [ "emergencies", "an occasional need", "occasional need", "an occasional necessity", "occasional needs" ] }, { "id": 290, "chinese": "不识大体", "gold": "fail to see the larger issues", "human": [ "ignore the general interest" ], "machine": [ "unable see the larger picture", "unable see the larger issue" ] }, { "id": 291, "chinese": "不识抬举", "gold": "not know how to appreciate favours", "human": [ "fail to appreciate somebody's kindness", "doe not appreciate such help", "not worth such help" ], "machine": [ "I don't know how to lift", "be illiterate", "not know how to behave" ] }, { "id": 292, "chinese": "不识时务", "gold": "not familiar with the current situation", "human": [ "ignorant of the present state of affairs", "have no proper understanding of how things stand", "show ignorance of the time", "insensible" ], "machine": [ "ignorant of the times", "not amenable to current affairs", "not understanding the times", "not amenable to reason", "not amenable reason" ] }, { "id": 293, "chinese": "不衫不履", "gold": "be sloppily dressed", "human": [ "without shirt or shoes" ], "machine": [ "shirtless", "no shirt, no shoes", "no shirt or shoes" ] }, { "id": 294, "chinese": "不上不下", "gold": "in a fix", "human": [ "suspended in midair" ], "machine": [ "not up nor down", "No up, no down" ] }, { "id": 295, "chinese": "不声不响", "gold": "silently", "human": [ "without a word", "noiselessly", "stealthily", "furtively", "quiet" ], "machine": [ "wordless and silent", "taciturn and silent", "taciturn and unobtrusive" ] }, { "id": 296, "chinese": "不胜枚举", "gold": "cannot be enumerated one by one", "human": [ "too many to enumerate piece by piece", "too numerous to mention individually", "defy enumeration" ], "machine": [ "the list goes on", "too numerous to mention", "too many to mention" ] }, { "id": 297, "chinese": "不胜其烦", "gold": "unable to bear", "human": [ "be pestered beyond endurance", "too much bother", "extremely troublesome" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "be pestered beyond measure", "be overwhelmed by" ] }, { "id": 298, "chinese": "不入虎穴,焉得虎子", "gold": "nothing ventured, nothing gained", "human": [ "the only way to catch tiger cubs is to go into the tiger's den", "take necessary risk", "how can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger's lair" ], "machine": [ "If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a tiger's son", "How do you get a tiger cub without entering a tiger's lair?" ] }, { "id": 299, "chinese": "不容置喙", "gold": "not allow others to butt in", "human": [ "not allow to cut in", "not allow to interrupt", "brook no intervention" ], "machine": [ "no beak", "No comment", "No room for argument", "No comments" ] }, { "id": 300, "chinese": "不容置疑", "gold": "beyond the shadow of a doubt", "human": [ "leave no room for doubt", "without a shadow of doubt", "beyond doubt", "without any doubt", "undoubtedly", "incontrovertible", "unassailable" ], "machine": [ "No Doubt", "No doubt about it" ] }, { "id": 301, "chinese": "不择手段", "gold": "by hook or by crook", "human": [ "use all kinds of methods", "use every means in one's power", "go to every expedient", "resort to every trick", "by fair means or foul", "stop at nothing", "tooth and nail", "have no scruples about", "unscrupulously" ], "machine": [ "play hard", "by any means necessary", "by any means possible" ] }, { "id": 302, "chinese": "不在话下", "gold": "needless to say", "human": [ "out of question", "to say nothing of" ], "machine": [ "not a problem", "be out of the question", "be acinch" ] }, { "id": 303, "chinese": "不足挂齿", "gold": "of no importance", "human": [ "not worth mentioning", "nothing to speak of" ], "machine": [ "not enough", "It's not worth mentioning.", "It's not worth it." ] }, { "id": 304, "chinese": "不足为凭", "gold": "not to be taken as evidence", "human": [ "cannot be the evidence of", "not prove the point" ], "machine": [ "not enough", "not sufficient evidence", "Not enough to prove it" ] }, { "id": 305, "chinese": "不足为奇", "gold": "nothing surprising", "human": [ "not to be wondered at", "nothing out of the common", "not at all surprising" ], "machine": [ "Not surprising", "Not surprisingly" ] }, { "id": 306, "chinese": "不足为训", "gold": "not worth learning from", "human": [ "cannot be taken as an example to follow", "not to be taken as authoritative", "not to be taken as a guide" ], "machine": [ "Not enough for training", "not be taken as authoritative", "not be taken as an example", "not be taken as a lesson", "not an example to be followed" ] }, { "id": 307, "chinese": "不塞不流,不止不行", "gold": "there is no flowing without damming, and no motion without rest", "human": [], "machine": [ "No plug, no flow, more than that", "No plug, no flow, no more than that" ] }, { "id": 308, "chinese": "不三不四", "gold": "neither one thing nor the other", "human": [ "of dubious character", "a shady person, a worthless character", "nondescript" ], "machine": [ "dubious", "neither fish nor fowl" ] }, { "id": 309, "chinese": "不速之客", "gold": "an unexpected guest", "human": [ "a guest who comes uninvited", "a casual visitor", "chance comer" ], "machine": [ "uninvited guest", "Uninvited Guests", "Unwelcome Guests" ] }, { "id": 310, "chinese": "不二法门", "gold": "no other way", "human": [ "the one and only way", "the only means to", "the only proper course to take", "the only formula" ], "machine": [ "The only way", "The only way to do it", "The only way to do so", "The only way to do this" ] }, { "id": 311, "chinese": "不亦乐乎", "gold": "what a joy!", "human": [ "isn't it merry?", "awfully" ], "machine": [ "very happy", "It's a lot of fun.", "It's not a bad time.", "It's a pleasure.", "It's not too bad." ] }, { "id": 312, "chinese": "不易之论", "gold": "unalterable truth", "human": [ "irrefutable argument" ], "machine": [ "not easy theory", "The unalterable theory", "The unalterable argument", "The uncomplicated argument" ] }, { "id": 313, "chinese": "不义之财", "gold": "ill-gotten wealth", "human": [ "money obtained by dubious means", "the mammon of righteousness", "misgotten wealth", "filthy lucre" ], "machine": [ "ill-gotten gains" ] }, { "id": 314, "chinese": "不一而足", "gold": "it is by no means an isolated case", "human": [ "there are certainly more than one", "similar cases are numerous" ], "machine": [ "and so on", "Various" ] }, { "id": 315, "chinese": "不翼而飞", "gold": "vanish all of a sudden", "human": [ "\"fly without wings\" - disappear", "disappear without trace", "take wings", "have grown wings" ], "machine": [ "missing", "disappear without a trace", "disappear", "disappearing without a trace" ] }, { "id": 316, "chinese": "不以为然", "gold": "disagree", "human": [ "come to a different conclusion", "not think it is so", "regard as wrong", "not see eye to eye with", "leave something out of consideration", "not approve", "disapprove" ], "machine": [ "take exception to", "take exception to it", "not accept as correct" ] }, { "id": 317, "chinese": "不遗余力", "gold": "do one's utmost", "human": [ "spare no efforts to", "be unsparing in one's efforts", "do one's level best", "go to all lengths", "leave no stone unturned", "with all one's might", "make every endeavor", "to the best of one's ability", "move heaven and earth" ], "machine": [ "spare no effort", "spare no efforts", "spare no effort or expense" ] }, { "id": 318, "chinese": "不由分说", "gold": "without giving one the opportunity to explain", "human": [ "allow no explanation" ], "machine": [ "can not help but say", "without any explanation" ] }, { "id": 319, "chinese": "不由自主", "gold": "cannot control oneself", "human": [ "beyond one's own control", "lose mental control", "cannot help V-ing", "involuntarily" ], "machine": [ "can't help but", "can't help it", "involuntary" ] }, { "id": 320, "chinese": "不厌其烦", "gold": "take great pains", "human": [ "not mind taking the trouble to", "not feel annoyed to", "be very patient" ], "machine": [ "take the trouble", "not mind taking all the trouble", "take great pains to do something", "take great pains to do so" ] }, { "id": 321, "chinese": "不厌其详", "gold": "not feel annoyed to tell in full detail", "human": [ "dwell at great length" ], "machine": [ "never tire of detail", "not tire of going into detail", "not mind going into detail", "not tire of going into details" ] }, { "id": 322, "chinese": "不言而喻", "gold": "self-evident", "human": [ "it goes without saying that ...", "it stands to reason", "tell its own story", "speak for itself", "matter-of-course" ], "machine": [ "it goes without saying", "it goes without saying that" ] }, { "id": 323, "chinese": "不务空名", "gold": "not seek empty fame", "human": [ "not seek after a hollow reputation" ], "machine": [ "no empty name", "not engage in empty talk", "not engage in empty fame", "not engage in empty promises." ] }, { "id": 324, "chinese": "不无小补", "gold": "be of some help", "human": [ "not be without some advantage" ], "machine": [ "no small supplement", "Not without a little help", "not without some minor remedy" ] }, { "id": 325, "chinese": "不务正业", "gold": "not attend to one's proper business", "human": [ "not-attend to one's own main profession", "not engage in honest work", "ignore one's proper occupation" ], "machine": [ "not doing business", "not doing one's job", "not doing one's job properly", "not doing the right thing", "not engage in proper business" ] }, { "id": 326, "chinese": "不为已甚", "gold": "not be too hard on somebody", "human": [ "refrain from going to extremes in meting out punishment, etc." ], "machine": [ "for nothing", "not be too hard on oneself", "not be too hard on yourself", "refrain from going too far" ] }, { "id": 327, "chinese": "不闻不问", "gold": "turn a blind eye to", "human": [ "neither care to hear nor to inquire", "pass over in silence", "shut one's eyes to", "show no interest in", "be indifferent to" ], "machine": [ "indifferent", "not hear, not to question", "uncritical" ] }, { "id": 328, "chinese": "不约而同", "gold": "act in concert", "human": [ "agree without previous consultation", "act in concert without previous arrangement", "happen to coincide", "be a coincident" ], "machine": [ "Invariably", "agree to disagree", "agreeing to do the same", "agree by chance", "agreeing to do the same thing" ] }, { "id": 329, "chinese": "世态炎凉", "gold": "the way of the world, now hot, now cold", "human": [ "inconstancy of human relationships" ], "machine": [ "The world is hot and cold", "the hypocrisy of the world", "the world is a cold place" ] }, { "id": 330, "chinese": "世世代代", "gold": "from generation to generation", "human": [ "for generations", "generation after generation" ], "machine": [ "generations", "for generations to come" ] }, { "id": 331, "chinese": "世上无难事,只怕有心人", "gold": "where there is a will, there is a way", "human": [ "nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it", "nothing is impossible to a willing heart", "it is dogged that does it" ], "machine": [ "Nothing is unachievable", "There is nothing difficult in this world, only the person who has the will to do it" ] }, { "id": 332, "chinese": "世外桃源", "gold": "away from the turmoil of the world", "human": [ "the Land of Peach Blossoms - a fictitious land of peace", "a haven of peace" ], "machine": [ "Xanadu", "The Garden of the Peaches" ] }, { "id": 333, "chinese": "丢盔弃甲", "gold": "run away helter-skelter", "human": [ "throw away one's helmet and coat of mail", "throw away one's shield and armour", "throw away everything in head-long flight", "fly pell-mell" ], "machine": [ "throw away armor", "abandon armor", "abandon one's armor", "abandon helmet and armor" ] }, { "id": 334, "chinese": "丢卒保车", "gold": "give up a pawn to save a chariot", "human": [ "sacrifice minor things to save major ones" ], "machine": [ "Lose the pawn to protect the car", "throw a pawn to save a rook" ] }, { "id": 335, "chinese": "并驾齐驱", "gold": "keep up with", "human": [ "advancing in line", "bold pace with", "keep abreast of one another", "keep abreast with", "ride abreast", "make good running with", "share equally", "run neck and neck", "keep in step", "with equal pace" ], "machine": [ "keep pace", "side by side" ] }, { "id": 336, "chinese": "并行不悖", "gold": "parallel and not contrary to each other", "human": [ "both can be implemented without coming into conflict", "the parallel two do not interfere with one another", "not be mutually exclusive", "run parallel", "can be carried out at the same time" ], "machine": [ "parallel", "Parallel without contradiction", "Parallel but not contradictory", "Parallel and not contradictory" ] }, { "id": 337, "chinese": "中流砥柱", "gold": "a tower of strength", "human": [ "a rock in the Yellow River in Henan - unmovable under great stresses", "the solitary rock in a turbulent stream", "the firm rock in midstream", "the chief cornerstone", "mainstay" ], "machine": [ "Mainstays", "Mainstay of the economy", "The mainstay" ] }, { "id": 338, "chinese": "中庸之道", "gold": "middle course", "human": [ "the doctrine of the mean", "the golden mean" ], "machine": [ "The Middle Way" ] }, { "id": 339, "chinese": "串通一气", "gold": "collaborate with", "human": [ "act in collaboration", "gang up", "collude with" ], "machine": [ "colluding", "act in collusion", "collude" ] }, { "id": 340, "chinese": "主观臆断", "gold": "subjective and groundless conclusion", "human": [], "machine": [ "subjective assumption", "Subjective Assumptions" ] }, { "id": 341, "chinese": "久别重逢", "gold": "meet again after a long separation", "human": [], "machine": [ "Reunion", "A long goodbye reunion", "A long goodbye and a reunion", "reunite after a long time" ] }, { "id": 342, "chinese": "久病成医", "gold": "chronic disease makes a doctor of a patient", "human": [ "prolonged illness makes the patient a good doctor" ], "machine": [ "long illness", "a long illness makes the patient a doctor" ] }, { "id": 343, "chinese": "久旱逢甘雨", "gold": "have a long-felt need satisfied", "human": [ "have a welcome rain after a long drought", "genial shower after a long drought" ], "machine": [ "Long drought meets sweet rain", "a long drought meets a sweet rain" ] }, { "id": 344, "chinese": "久假不归", "gold": "put off indefinitely returning something one has borrowed", "human": [ "appropriate something borrowed for one's own use" ], "machine": [ "long vacation", "fail to return from a long absence" ] }, { "id": 345, "chinese": "久而久之", "gold": "as time passes", "human": [ "in the course of time" ], "machine": [ "over time", "In the long run", "In time" ] }, { "id": 346, "chinese": "之乎者也", "gold": "pedantic terms", "human": [ "literary jargon", "archaisms" ], "machine": [ "any one", "double Dutch", "all Greek me", "four common characters" ] }, { "id": 347, "chinese": "乘风破浪", "gold": "brave the wind and the waves", "human": [ "ride the wind and cleave the waves", "smooth and swift sailing", "ride on the wind" ], "machine": [ "Ride the wind and waves", "Ride the wind and break the waves" ] }, { "id": 348, "chinese": "乘兴而来,败兴而归", "gold": "set out cheerfully and return disappointed", "human": [ "come on an impulse and go back with a sour face" ], "machine": [ "Come in good times, come back in defeat", "come here on a high note and come back on a low note" ] }, { "id": 349, "chinese": "乘虚而入", "gold": "act when somebody is off guard", "human": [ "attack where the enemy is weak or unguarded", "get a chance to step in" ], "machine": [ "take advantage of", "enter by exploiting a weakness", "take advantage of a weakness" ] }, { "id": 350, "chinese": "乘人之危", "gold": "take advantage of other's calamity", "human": [ "take advantage of somebody's precarious position" ], "machine": [ "Take advantage of danger", "take advantage of someone's danger" ] }, { "id": 351, "chinese": "九牛二虎之力", "gold": "a tremendous amount of labor", "human": [ "the strength of nine bulls and two tigers", "tremendous effort", "herculean efforts" ], "machine": [ "The power of nine bulls and two tigers", "tremendous strength of nine oxen and two tigers" ] }, { "id": 352, "chinese": "九牛一毛", "gold": "a drop in the bucket", "human": [ "a single hair out of nine ox hides", "one hair from nine oxen", "the slightest particle", "a very small minority" ], "machine": [ "One hair of nine oxen", "One hair from nine cows", "One hair out of nine oxen" ] }, { "id": 353, "chinese": "九霄云外", "gold": "the winds", "human": [ "beyond the highest heavens", "the four winds" ], "machine": [ "Cloud Nine", "beyond the ninth heavenly cloud", "beyond the ninth clouds", "beyond the ninth heaven" ] }, { "id": 354, "chinese": "九死一生", "gold": "a marrow escape from death", "human": [ "extremely hazardous", "only one chance of life in ten", "a near thing to death", "a near go", "ninety percent dead", "only the barest chance of living", "escape with bare life", "a hair-breadth escape", "a tight squeak", "be a close shave", "imminent danger" ], "machine": [ "nine deaths", "nine deaths and a lifetime", "nine deaths and still alive", "nine deaths and one life" ] }, { "id": 355, "chinese": "乞哀告怜", "gold": "piteously beg for help", "human": [], "machine": [ "beg for pity", "begging for pity and asking for help" ] }, { "id": 356, "chinese": "乳臭未干", "gold": "be wet behind the ears", "human": [ "still smell of one's mother's milk", "be young and inexperienced", "one's mouth is full of pap", "be unfledged", "babes and sucklings" ], "machine": [ "milky", "still wet behind the ears" ] }, { "id": 357, "chinese": "干净利落", "gold": "neat and tidy", "human": [ "efficient", "neatly" ], "machine": [ "clean", "clean and squeaky clean", "Clean and slick", "clean and neat" ] }, { "id": 358, "chinese": "乱七八糟", "gold": "in great disorder", "human": [ "at sixes and sevens", "in a mess", "in a muddle", "in confusion", "a pretty kettle of fish", "topsy-turvy", "rough-and-tumble", "pell-mell", "higgledy-piggledy" ], "machine": [ "mess up", "messy", "mess" ] }, { "id": 359, "chinese": "了如指掌", "gold": "read something like a book", "human": [ "as plain as pointing to the palm of the hand", "know something like the palm of one's hand", "have something at one's finger-tips" ], "machine": [ "well-informed", "Know it like the back of your hand" ] }, { "id": 360, "chinese": "事倍功半", "gold": "do twice the work with half of results", "human": [ "get half the results with double the effort" ], "machine": [ "Do more with less", "twice the effort for half the result" ] }, { "id": 361, "chinese": "事半功倍", "gold": "get twice the result with half the effort", "human": [ "half the work with double the result" ], "machine": [ "Do more with less", "Half the work, twice the effort" ] }, { "id": 362, "chinese": "事必躬亲", "gold": "take care of every single thing personally", "human": [ "see to everything oneself" ], "machine": [ "Hands-on", "attend to everything personally" ] }, { "id": 363, "chinese": "事不关己,高高挂起", "gold": "let things drift if they do not affect one personally", "human": [], "machine": [ "It's none of your business, hang up", "It's not about you, it's about you", "It's not a matter of concern." ] }, { "id": 364, "chinese": "事不宜迟", "gold": "we must attend to the matter immediately", "human": [ "one must lose no time in doing it", "the matter demands no delay" ], "machine": [ "Without further ado", "There's no time to lose.", "It's not too late.", "There is no time to lose." ] }, { "id": 365, "chinese": "事非经过不知难", "gold": "you never know how hard a task is until you have done it yourself", "human": [], "machine": [ "No matter what happens", "It's hard not to know what's going on until you've gone", "through it" ] }, { "id": 366, "chinese": "事过境迁", "gold": "the incident is over and the circumstances are different", "human": [ "the matter is past and the situation has changed" ], "machine": [ "Things have changed", "Things have changed.", "Things have moved on." ] }, { "id": 367, "chinese": "事后诸葛亮", "gold": "claim wisdom after the event", "human": [], "machine": [ "After the fact, Zhuge Liang", "hindsight is 20/20", "hindsight is 20/20/20", "hindsight is 20-20" ] }, { "id": 368, "chinese": "事出有因", "gold": "it is by no means accident al", "human": [ "there is good reason for it", "where there's reek, there's heat", "every why has a wherefore" ], "machine": [ "It happened for a reason", "things happen for a reason" ] }, { "id": 369, "chinese": "事实胜于雄辩", "gold": "facts speak louder than words", "human": [], "machine": [ "Facts speak for themselves" ] }, { "id": 370, "chinese": "事在人为", "gold": "man is the determining factor in doing things", "human": [ "it all depends on human effort" ], "machine": [ "man-made", "It's all in the hands of the people", "It's all in the mind" ] }, { "id": 371, "chinese": "事与愿违", "gold": "events do not happen as one wishes", "human": [ "things go contrary to one's wishes", "things go athwart" ], "machine": [ "backfires", "things turn out contrary to expectations", "things go against one's wishes" ] }, { "id": 372, "chinese": "五方杂处", "gold": "peoples from all regions congregate", "human": [], "machine": [ "Miscellaneous", "Five parties in one place", "Five parties mixed", "Five parties are mixed", "Five parties in a mixed place" ] }, { "id": 373, "chinese": "五体投地", "gold": "kneel at the feet of", "human": [ "the five members fall prostrate in obeisance - the hands, the knees and the head touching the ground", "complete prostration", "prostrate oneself in admiration before", "on all fours before" ], "machine": [ "Five-body cast", "prostrate oneself in admiration", "to adulate oneself in admiration" ] }, { "id": 374, "chinese": "五谷丰登", "gold": "an abundant harvest of all grains", "human": [ "a bumper grain harvest" ], "machine": [ "Good harvest", "abundant harvest of all grains", "bumper cereal harvest", "bumper crop", "bumper crop of all grains" ] }, { "id": 375, "chinese": "五光十色", "gold": "a great variety of colors", "human": [ "bright with many colors", "gay with variegated colors", "all sorts of colors", "resplendent with variegated coloration", "of all kinds", "varicolored", "multicolored", "motley" ], "machine": [ "colorful", "color of the five lights", "color of the five" ] }, { "id": 376, "chinese": "五湖四海", "gold": "the five lakes and four seas", "human": [ "everywhere", "all the seas and lakes everywhere", "all corners of the country" ], "machine": [ "all over the world", "The Five Lakes" ] }, { "id": 377, "chinese": "五花八门", "gold": "all hinds of", "human": [ "of a wide variety", "many and manifold", "a motley variety of", "kaleidoscopic", "miscellaneous", "variegated", "manifold", "multifarious" ], "machine": [ "assorted", "all kinds of", "all sorts of things", "all kinds of things", "all sorts of" ] }, { "id": 378, "chinese": "五十步笑百步", "gold": "the pot calling the kettle black", "human": [ "one who retreats fifty paces mocks one who retreats a hundred" ], "machine": [ "Fifty steps with a hundred steps", "the fifty steps laugh at the hundred steps" ] }, { "id": 379, "chinese": "五日京兆", "gold": "an official who doesn't expect to remain long in office", "human": [], "machine": [ "Five-day Jingzhao", "Five Days in Beijing", "Five Days in the Capital", "Five Days of the Capital" ] }, { "id": 380, "chinese": "五彩缤纷", "gold": "all the color of the rainbow", "human": [ "a riot of color", "an assemblage of color", "be riot with color", "blazing with color", "in amazing color", "the play of color", "multi-colored", "colorful" ], "machine": [ "Five Colorful", "Five Colorful Colors" ] }, { "id": 381, "chinese": "五颜六色", "gold": "multicolored", "human": [ "of various color", "colorful" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 382, "chinese": "井底之蛙", "gold": "a man of very limited experience", "human": [ "a frog living at the bottom of a well", "a person with a very limited outlook", "a person of narrow view", "one ignorant of the world" ], "machine": [ "Frog in the well", "the frog at the bottom of the well" ] }, { "id": 383, "chinese": "井井有条", "gold": "well-arranged", "human": [ "be arranged in good order", "in an orderly manner", "in apple-pie order", "well-regulated", "orderly", "shipshape", "methodically", "systematic" ], "machine": [ "well organized", "orderly and uncluttered", "orderly and methodical", "everything is in order" ] }, { "id": 384, "chinese": "井水不犯河水", "gold": "I'll mind my own business, you mind yours", "human": [ "well water does not intrude into river water", "the well water does not interfere with the river water", "each minds his own business", "none may encroach upon the precincts of another" ], "machine": [ "Well water does not make river water", "water out of the well", "water does not flow in a well", "water does not interfere" ] }, { "id": 385, "chinese": "亘古未有", "gold": "break all previous records", "human": [ "there has never been any from time immemorial down to the present day", "unprecedented" ], "machine": [ "everlasting", "Never seen before", "unprecedented in history" ] }, { "id": 386, "chinese": "亡命之徒", "gold": "fugitive", "human": [ "refugees from justice", "desperado", "ruffian", "badman" ], "machine": [ "outlaw", "Outlaws", "Runaways", "Runaway" ] }, { "id": 387, "chinese": "亡羊补牢", "gold": "mend the fold after a sheep is lost", "human": [], "machine": [ "Remedy for a dead sheep", "Mending the fold after the sheep are lost", "Mending the fold" ] }, { "id": 388, "chinese": "亡羊补牢,犹未为晚", "gold": "it is not too late to mend the fold even after some of the sheep have been lost", "human": [], "machine": [ "It's not too late to mend the prison", "It is not too late to mend the fold" ] }, { "id": 389, "chinese": "亡羊得牛", "gold": "the gain is greater than the loss", "human": [ "lose a sheep and get an ox" ], "machine": [ "dead sheep get cows", "The sheep get the cattle" ] }, { "id": 390, "chinese": "交头接耳", "gold": "talk confidentially", "human": [ "speak in each other's ears", "whisper to each other", "whisper into each other's ears", "talk in whispers", "head to head" ], "machine": [ "whispering", "whisper to each other's ear", "whisper to one another's ear", "whisper to each other's ears", "whisper to one another's ears" ] }, { "id": 391, "chinese": "交口称赞", "gold": "praised by one and all", "human": [ "unanimously praise" ], "machine": [ "compliments", "praise profusely", "praise from all sides", "praise everywhere" ] }, { "id": 392, "chinese": "亦步亦趋", "gold": "follow in one's steps", "human": [ "if someone else takes one step, they follow with the same step", "ape somebody at every step", "imitate somebody's every move", "perform to someone's baton", "dance to somebody's tune", "follow slavishly", "blindly follow suit" ], "machine": [ "dance to tune", "do what everyone else is doing", "follow suit", "do what everyone else does", "do what others do" ] }, { "id": 393, "chinese": "亭亭玉立", "gold": "slim and graceful", "human": [ "tall and erect", "charming" ], "machine": [ "Slim", "slender and graceful", "slender and elegant" ] }, { "id": 394, "chinese": "人不可貌相", "gold": "don't judge anyone just by appearances", "human": [ "a man can not be known by his looks", "beauty is but skin-deep" ], "machine": [ "unbelievable", "You can't judge a person by appearance." ] }, { "id": 395, "chinese": "人不知,鬼不觉", "gold": "do in complete secrecy", "human": [ "\"not known by men or perceived by ghosts\"" ], "machine": [ "People don't know, ghosts don't know", "No one knows, no one knows." ] }, { "id": 396, "chinese": "人不为己,天诛地灭", "gold": "everyone for himself and let the devil take the hindmost", "human": [ "unless a man looks out for himself, Heaven and Barth will destroy him" ], "machine": [ "People are not for themselves, they will be destroyed", "Every man for himself, and heaven and earth for him." ] }, { "id": 397, "chinese": "人怕出名猪怕肥", "gold": "fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs", "human": [], "machine": [ "People are afraid of fame, pigs are afraid of fat", "people fear getting famous like pigs fear fattening up" ] }, { "id": 398, "chinese": "人莫予毒", "gold": "\"no one dare harm me\"", "human": [ "an arrogant boast" ], "machine": [ "Don't be poisoned", "No one gives poison.", "No one is given poison.", "No one can give poison." ] }, { "id": 399, "chinese": "人面兽心", "gold": "a brute in man's shape", "human": [ "have a man's face but the heart of a beast - a beast in human shape", "a brute under a human mask" ], "machine": [ "beast heart", "human face, beast's heart" ] }, { "id": 400, "chinese": "人命危浅", "gold": "one's days are numbered", "human": [], "machine": [ "life in danger", "life is at stake", "life at stake", "life is in danger" ] }, { "id": 401, "chinese": "人浮于事", "gold": "superfluous staff", "human": [ "too much staff with little to do", "have more than needed" ], "machine": [ "people are overwhelmed", "more hands than needed", "too many cooks spoil the broth" ] }, { "id": 402, "chinese": "人地生疏", "gold": "be a complete stranger", "human": [ "be unfamiliar with the place and the people" ], "machine": [ "unfamiliar", "unfamiliar with the people and places", "unfamiliar with the area" ] }, { "id": 403, "chinese": "人定胜天", "gold": "it is man's will, not heaven's, that decides", "human": [ "man can conquer nature", "man will triumph over nature", "man's determination will conquer nature", "human determination will overcome destiny" ], "machine": [ "Man will conquer the sky", "man can prevail over nature", "man can prevail over God", "man can conquer the heavens" ] }, { "id": 404, "chinese": "人多嘴杂", "gold": "too many cooks spoil the soup", "human": [ "a babel of voices", "divided counsel" ], "machine": [ "Lots of people", "many people and many mouths", "many people talking at once" ] }, { "id": 405, "chinese": "人同此心,心同此理", "gold": "everybody feels the same about this", "human": [], "machine": [ "People have the same heart, the same heart", "We all share the same mind and the same reason", "We all share the same mind." ] }, { "id": 406, "chinese": "人困马乏", "gold": "tired and exhausted", "human": [ "the men weary, and their steeds spent - the entire force was exhausted" ], "machine": [ "tired, tired", "fatigued", "exhausted", "riders tired and horses weary" ] }, { "id": 407, "chinese": "人欢马叫", "gold": "a busy, prosperous country scene", "human": [ "people bustling and horses neighing" ], "machine": [ "people cheering horses", "people love each other and the horses love each other" ] }, { "id": 408, "chinese": "人杰地灵", "gold": "a place propitious for giving birth to great men", "human": [], "machine": [ "Outstanding people", "A place of great beauty", "A place of great talent" ] }, { "id": 409, "chinese": "人间地狱", "gold": "a hell on earth", "human": [], "machine": [ "living hell", "Hell on Earth" ] }, { "id": 410, "chinese": "人尽其才", "gold": "bring everyone's ability into full play", "human": [], "machine": [ "people do their best", "People make the most of their talents" ] }, { "id": 411, "chinese": "人弃我取", "gold": "I will take whatever others don't want", "human": [], "machine": [ "people abandon me", "I'll take what people throw away", "I'll take what people give up", "I'll take what you give me." ] }, { "id": 412, "chinese": "人琴俱亡", "gold": "mourn over the dead at sight of his things left", "human": [ "the man and his lute are both dead" ], "machine": [ "Everyone is dead", "Death of Man and Piano", "Death of man and violin" ] }, { "id": 413, "chinese": "人情世故", "gold": "worldly wisdom", "human": [ "the ways of the world" ], "machine": [ "Sophistication", "the world of human affairs", "human feelings and customs" ] }, { "id": 414, "chinese": "人心向背", "gold": "the will of the people", "human": [ "the people are for or against", "who enjoys popular support", "with whom popular sympathy lies" ], "machine": [ "heart to back", "a backlash against the people", "a backlash against the public" ] }, { "id": 415, "chinese": "人心所向", "gold": "the direction of popular sentiment", "human": [ "accord with the people's will", "in terms of popular support", "the avowed feelings of the people" ], "machine": [ "what people want", "What the people want", "The people's heart" ] }, { "id": 416, "chinese": "人之常情", "gold": "the way of the world", "human": [ "what is natural and normal", "a constant occurrence in human relationships" ], "machine": [ "Human nature", "It's human nature" ] }, { "id": 417, "chinese": "人寿年丰", "gold": "times of peace and prosperity", "human": [ "people lead a happy and peaceful life" ], "machine": [ "longevity", "Longevity and prosperity" ] }, { "id": 418, "chinese": "人山人海", "gold": "huge crowds of people", "human": [ "a sea of human beings", "a wheat-field of people" ], "machine": [ "crowd of people", "A sea of people", "A mountain of people" ] }, { "id": 419, "chinese": "人声鼎沸", "gold": "a hubbub of voices", "human": [ "noise and shouts in great commotion", "cat's concert", "a boiler factory" ], "machine": [ "loud voice", "The sound of people is boiling", "The crowd is boiling", "The crowd is boisterous", "a buzzing crowd" ] }, { "id": 420, "chinese": "人才辈出", "gold": "people of talent coming forth in large numbers", "human": [ "men of talents come out in succession" ], "machine": [ "Talented", "Talented people", "Talent", "Talented people are emerging", "Talented people are coming out" ] }, { "id": 421, "chinese": "人才济济", "gold": "a galaxy of talent", "human": [], "machine": [ "Talented", "Talented people", "Great talent", "Talent" ] }, { "id": 422, "chinese": "人而无信,不知其可", "gold": "if a man does not keep his word, what is he good for?", "human": [], "machine": [ "People don't believe, don't know what to do", "If a man does not have faith, he does not know what he can do" ] }, { "id": 423, "chinese": "人一己百", "gold": "if others succeed by making one ounce of effort, I will make a hundred times as much effort", "human": [], "machine": [ "One for a hundred", "one man for himself and a hundred others", "one person makes a hundred" ] }, { "id": 424, "chinese": "人言可畏", "gold": "gossip is a fearful thing", "human": [], "machine": [ "terryfying", "a person's word is intimidating", "a person's word is too fearful", "a man's word is too fearful", "a woman's word is too fearful" ] }, { "id": 425, "chinese": "人仰马翻", "gold": "men and horses all overturned - an utter defeat", "human": [ "men and horses thrown off their feet - utterly routed" ], "machine": [ "turn around", "roll", "in a complete mess", "in a pitiful state" ] }, { "id": 426, "chinese": "人无廉耻,百事可为", "gold": "if a man is dead to shame, he can do all sorts of evils", "human": [], "machine": [ "People are shameless, Pepsi can be", "No shame, no shame." ] }, { "id": 427, "chinese": "人无远虑,必有近忧", "gold": "if a man is not far-sighted he is bound to encounter difficulties in the near future", "human": [], "machine": [ "People without thought, he must worry about", "He who gives no thought far-flung problems has immediate concerns." ] }, { "id": 428, "chinese": "人为刀俎,我为鱼肉", "gold": "be meat on somebody's chopping block - be at somebody's mercy", "human": [], "machine": [ "People are knives, I am fish", "I am the meat of the fish when people are on the chopping block" ] }, { "id": 429, "chinese": "人微言轻", "gold": "the words of the lowly carry little weight", "human": [], "machine": [ "people speak lightly", "small person, small speech", "small fry, but light on words", "small fry in the face" ] }, { "id": 430, "chinese": "人云亦云", "gold": "parrot", "human": [ "say what everybody says", "repeat word for word what others say", "echo the views of others" ], "machine": [ "echo what others say", "follow the herd", "follow the crowd" ] }, { "id": 431, "chinese": "仁至义尽", "gold": "show the utmost tolerance and patience", "human": [ "do everything called for by humanity and duty", "have done everything which one may be called upon to do", "do what is humanly possible to help", "exercise great restraint and do one's very best", "show extreme forbearance", "the extreme patience and magnanimity", "utmost sincerity" ], "machine": [ "benevolence and righteousness", "extreme benevolence and righteousness", "extreme benevolence", "extreme benevolence and duty" ] }, { "id": 432, "chinese": "仁者见仁,智者见智", "gold": "different people have different views", "human": [ "the benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom" ], "machine": [ "The benevolent sees benevolence, the wise sees wisdom" ] }, { "id": 433, "chinese": "今非昔比", "gold": "times have changed", "human": [ "there is no comparison between the present and the past", "the world today is so longer what it was before" ], "machine": [ "Not what it used to be", "It's not what it used to be.", "It is not what it used to be." ] }, { "id": 434, "chinese": "今是昨非", "gold": "wake up to one's past folly after realizing what is right today", "human": [ "from what is right today, one sees the blunder made in the past" ], "machine": [ "today is yesterday", "the present is not what it used to be" ] }, { "id": 435, "chinese": "他山攻错", "gold": "advice from others may help one overcome one's shortcomings", "human": [ "stones from other hills may serve to polish the jade of this one", "trust in the help of another to rectify oneself" ], "machine": [ "He attacked the wrong mountain", "other mountains attacking mistakes" ] }, { "id": 436, "chinese": "仗势欺人", "gold": "throw one's weight about", "human": [ "take advantage of one's or somebody's power to bully people", "bully others on the strength of one's powerful connections or position", "rely on power and bully people", "abuse one's power and bully the people" ], "machine": [ "bullying", "relying on force to bully others", "bullying by force", "relying on force to bully" ] }, { "id": 437, "chinese": "仗义执言", "gold": "speak out from a sense of justice", "human": [ "speak out to uphold justice", "speak boldly in defence of justice" ], "machine": [ "speak up", "speak out on behalf of the righteous", "speak up for justice", "speak out for justice" ] }, { "id": 438, "chinese": "仗义疏财", "gold": "be generous in aiding needy people", "human": [ "disomebodyurse money to the public need", "give money to a righteous cause" ], "machine": [ "Loyalty and wealth", "help the needy for justice", "to be loyal to one's friends and generous to the needy" ] }, { "id": 439, "chinese": "付之东流", "gold": "all one's efforts wasted", "human": [ "thrown into the eastward flowing stream", "irrevocably lost", "throw to the winds", "bury in oblivion", "leave a matter to chance" ], "machine": [ "pay off", "commit to the waters", "go down the drain", "wasted effort" ] }, { "id": 440, "chinese": "付之一炬", "gold": "set something on fire", "human": [ "set fire to something", "commit to the flames" ], "machine": [ "Burn it down", "put to the torch", "burn something. down", "burn down" ] }, { "id": 441, "chinese": "付之一笑", "gold": "laugh it off", "human": [ "dismiss with a laugh", "carry off with a laugh", "laugh at" ], "machine": [ "smile", "laugh it up", "dismiss it with a laugh" ] }, { "id": 442, "chinese": "令行禁止", "gold": "strict enforcement of orders and prohibitions", "human": [ "every order is executed without fail" ], "machine": [ "prohibition", "Order to prohibit", "Order to prohibit the use of" ] }, { "id": 443, "chinese": "令人发指", "gold": "make one's blood boil", "human": [ "one so angry that it makes his hair stand on end", "get one's hair up" ], "machine": [ "outrageous", "make one's hair stand up in anger", "make one's hair stand on end" ] }, { "id": 444, "chinese": "令人神往", "gold": "cause one to crave for", "human": [ "cause somebody to have a strong desire for" ], "machine": [ "Fascinating" ] }, { "id": 445, "chinese": "令人作呕", "gold": "make one sick", "human": [ "nauseating", "revolting", "disgusting", "mawkish" ], "machine": [ "sickening", "vomitous" ] }, { "id": 446, "chinese": "以暴易暴", "gold": "replace one tyranny by another", "human": [], "machine": [ "Violence", "replace one tyranny with another" ] }, { "id": 447, "chinese": "以貌取人", "gold": "judge by outward looks", "human": [ "judge people solely by their appearance", "choose by appearances" ], "machine": [ "Judging people by their appearance", "judge a person by appearances", "judge a person by appearance", "judge a book by its cover", "judge somebody. by appearances" ] }, { "id": 448, "chinese": "以德报怨", "gold": "return good for evil", "human": [ "repay injury with kindness", "requite ingratitude with kindness" ], "machine": [ "retaliate with virtue", "repay a grudge with virtue", "repay a grievance with virtue", "repay a grudge with kindness" ] }, { "id": 449, "chinese": "以毒攻毒", "gold": "fight fire with fire", "human": [ "combat poison with poison", "use poison as an antidote to poison", "cure a poisoned patient with poison", "counteract one toxin with another", "like cures like", "set a thief to catch a thief", "take a hair of the dog that bit you" ], "machine": [ "fight poison" ] }, { "id": 450, "chinese": "以退为进", "gold": "mane concessions in order to gain advantages", "human": [ "retreat in order to advance" ], "machine": [ "advance by retreat", "Retreat as an advance", "Retreat for progress", "Retreat for advance" ] }, { "id": 451, "chinese": "以理服人", "gold": "convince people by sound argument", "human": [ "convince people by reasoning", "persuade through reasoning" ], "machine": [ "Convince people with reason", "use reason to convince people" ] }, { "id": 452, "chinese": "以力服人", "gold": "try to convince people by force", "human": [ "cause people to submit by force" ], "machine": [ "convince people", "use force to convince others", "use force to convince people", "use power to convince others" ] }, { "id": 453, "chinese": "以蠡测海", "gold": "have a shallow understanding of a person or subject", "human": [ "measure the sea with an oyster shell" ], "machine": [ "Measure the sea with Li", "Measuring the sea with a calabash", "Measuring the sea with calli" ] }, { "id": 454, "chinese": "以邻为壑", "gold": "shift one's troubles onto others", "human": [ "use one's neighbour's field as a drain", "use the neighbour's field as an outlet for one's overflow", "dump rubbish in the neighbour's yard" ], "machine": [ "beggar-thy-neighbor", "use one's neighbor as a drain" ] }, { "id": 455, "chinese": "以卵击石", "gold": "grossly overestimate one's own strength", "human": [ "throw an egg against a rock - court defeat by fighting against overwhelming odds", "like an egg knocking itself against a stone", "court self-destruction", "throw an egg at a stone" ], "machine": [ "hit stone with egg", "strike a stone with an egg", "to hit a stone with an egg" ] }, { "id": 456, "chinese": "以寡敌众", "gold": "fight against heavy odds", "human": [ "pit the few against the many", "set one's back against the wall" ], "machine": [ "outnumbered", "outnumbered by many", "outnumber the masses", "outnumber the others", "outnumber the enemy" ] }, { "id": 457, "chinese": "以观后效", "gold": "see how the offender behaves", "human": [], "machine": [ "Watch the aftermath", "to see what happens later", "to see what happens afterwards" ] }, { "id": 458, "chinese": "以攻为守", "gold": "attack in order to defend", "human": [ "use attack as a means of defence", "use offensive tactics as a means of defence" ], "machine": [ "offense as defense", "attack as a defense", "attack as defense" ] }, { "id": 459, "chinese": "以己度人", "gold": "judge others by oneself", "human": [ "measure others after oneself measure others' corn by one's own bushel", "measure another's foot by one's own last" ], "machine": [ "Save others by yourself", "judge a person by himself" ] }, { "id": 460, "chinese": "以儆效尤", "gold": "as a warning to others", "human": [ "in order to warn against bad example", "to warn others against following a bad example" ], "machine": [ "by example", "in order to warn others", "as an example to others" ] }, { "id": 461, "chinese": "以小人之心,度君子之腹", "gold": "measure the stature of great men by the yardstick of small men", "human": [ "like a dwarf plumbing the heart of a giant with his midget sounding rod", "measure the mind of an upright man by the yardstick of a knave" ], "machine": [ "Belly sinister heart of a gentleman", "measure the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain" ] }, { "id": 462, "chinese": "以血还血", "gold": "demand blood for blood", "human": [ "the blood-debt must be repaid in kind" ], "machine": [ "blood for blood", "Blood for blood." ] }, { "id": 463, "chinese": "以手加额", "gold": "place hand over one's forehead - in greeting", "human": [], "machine": [ "top up by hand", "put one's hand on one's forehead", "put one's hand on the forehead" ] }, { "id": 464, "chinese": "以售其奸", "gold": "in order to achieve one's treacherous purpose", "human": [], "machine": [ "for sale", "in order to sell their treachery", "to sell their treachery", "in order to sell its treachery", "in order to sell his treachery" ] }, { "id": 465, "chinese": "以身殉职", "gold": "die a martyr at one's post", "human": [], "machine": [ "die in the line of duty", "die on duty", "die on the job", "die on one's own recognizance" ] }, { "id": 466, "chinese": "以身作则", "gold": "set a good example to others", "human": [ "make oneself serve as example to others", "set an example with one's own conduct", "make oneself an example", "take the lead" ], "machine": [ "lead by example", "Leading by example" ] }, { "id": 467, "chinese": "以子之矛,攻子之盾", "gold": "turn somebody's battery against himself", "human": [ "set your own spear against your own shield - refute somebody with his own argument" ], "machine": [ "With the spear of the son, the shield of the son", "hoist with his own petard to attack his own shield" ] }, { "id": 468, "chinese": "以讹传讹", "gold": "pass on rumours, incorrect readings, etc.", "human": [ "incorrectly relay erroneous messages", "spread an error or a falsehood", "pass on erroneous versions", "circulate erroneous reports" ], "machine": [ "to spread falsehoods", "pile errors on top of errors", "increasingly distort the truth", "spread falsehoods", "pile on the falsehoods" ] }, { "id": 469, "chinese": "以耳代目", "gold": "rely upon hearsay instead of seeing for oneself", "human": [ "take hearsay as true" ], "machine": [ "ears instead of eyes", "substitute one's ears for one's eyes" ] }, { "id": 470, "chinese": "以一当十", "gold": "pit one against ten", "human": [], "machine": [ "one to ten", "One for Ten" ] }, { "id": 471, "chinese": "以一警百", "gold": "punish one as a warning to others", "human": [], "machine": [ "One police one hundred", "One warning to a hundred", "One warning for a hundred", "One warning to 100", "One warning a hundred" ] }, { "id": 472, "chinese": "以逸待劳", "gold": "hold one's position awaiting enemy attack after a long march", "human": [ "wait at one's ease for the fatigued enemy or opponent" ], "machine": [ "wait for work", "wait at ease for the exhausted" ] }, { "id": 473, "chinese": "以眼还眼,以牙还牙", "gold": "blow for blow", "human": [ "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth", "tit for tat", "measure for measure", "like for like", "give as good as one gets", "a Roland for an Oliver" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 474, "chinese": "以怨报德", "gold": "repay good with evil", "human": [ "return evil for good", "requite kindness with ingratitude", "recompense good with evil", "bite the hand that feeds" ], "machine": [ "repay kindness with resentment", "repay kindness with grudge", "repay kindness with grudges" ] }, { "id": 475, "chinese": "仰人鼻息", "gold": "at somebody's beck and call", "human": [ "dependent on the pleasure of others", "slavishly dependent on others", "live at somebody's mercy", "curry to somebody's every whim", "under somebody's thumb" ], "machine": [ "sigh", "rely on others for the air one breathes", "to depend on somebody's whim for one's living" ] }, { "id": 476, "chinese": "任凭风浪起,稳坐钓鱼船", "gold": "hold one's ground despite pressure or opposition", "human": [ "sit tight in the fishing boat despite the rising wind and waves" ], "machine": [ "Let the wind and waves rise, sit firmly on the fishing boat", "Sitting on a fishing boat with the wind and waves rising" ] }, { "id": 477, "chinese": "任劳任怨", "gold": "work hard without complaint", "human": [ "work hard and not be upset by criticism", "willingly bear the burden of office", "bear responsibility and blame" ], "machine": [ "hard working", "undertake a task despite all odds and ends" ] }, { "id": 478, "chinese": "任其自流", "gold": "let things run their course", "human": [], "machine": [ "let it run its course", "Let it flow", "Leave it to its own devices", "Letting it flow" ] }, { "id": 479, "chinese": "任重道远", "gold": "shoulder a heavy responsibility", "human": [ "the burden is heavy and the road is long", "carry heavy responsibilities through thick and thin" ], "machine": [ "A long way to go", "A heavy load and a long way to go", "A heavy load and a long road" ] }, { "id": 480, "chinese": "任人摆布", "gold": "be at the mercy of others", "human": [ "allow oneself to be ordered about under somebody's thumb" ], "machine": [ "at the mercy of others" ] }, { "id": 481, "chinese": "任人唯亲", "gold": "cronyism", "human": [ "appoint people by favoritism" ], "machine": [ "nepotism", "corrupt appointment" ] }, { "id": 482, "chinese": "任人唯贤", "gold": "appoint people on their merit", "human": [ "appoint people according to their moral character and ability" ], "machine": [ "meritocracy", "appoint people on merit", "appointing people on merit" ] }, { "id": 483, "chinese": "休戚相关", "gold": "feeling of solidarity", "human": [ "mutually connected in case of a good or bad turn", "joys and sorrows inter-connected", "be of close concern to each other", "be bound together in a common cause", "solidarity" ], "machine": [ "Relative", "Relatives", "Relative to", "Related" ] }, { "id": 484, "chinese": "休戚与共", "gold": "stand together through thick and thin", "human": [ "share joys and sorrows together", "share each other's wealth and woe", "share the same fate", "share one's fortune", "throw in one's lot with" ], "machine": [ "share weal and woe", "We share a common bond", "We share the same fate" ] }, { "id": 485, "chinese": "休养生息", "gold": "rehabilitate", "human": [ "recuperate and multiply", "rest and build up strength", "nourish the people" ], "machine": [ "recuperate", "Rest and recuperation", "recuperation" ] }, { "id": 486, "chinese": "伯仲之间", "gold": "almost on a par", "human": [], "machine": [ "between equals", "almost on a par with each other", "almost on par" ] }, { "id": 487, "chinese": "你追我赶", "gold": "try to overtake each other in friendly emulation", "human": [], "machine": [ "you chase me", "You catch up with me", "You catch me up" ] }, { "id": 488, "chinese": "你死我活", "gold": "life-and-death", "human": [ "life or death" ], "machine": [ "you die and I live", "You die, I live." ] }, { "id": 489, "chinese": "伶牙俐齿", "gold": "have the gift of gab", "human": [ "have a glib tongue", "fluent of speech", "sharp-tongued" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "clever and eloquent", "fluent" ] }, { "id": 490, "chinese": "似是而非", "gold": "apparently right but actually wrong", "human": [ "appear what it is really not", "like the reality, but not so", "look right, but really wrong", "as like as chalk and cheese", "specious" ], "machine": [ "plausible", "seemingly right but not quite right", "seemingly right but not wrong" ] }, { "id": 491, "chinese": "低声下气", "gold": "soft-spoken and submissive", "human": [ "meek and subservient", "humble oneself", "eat humble pie", "obsequious" ], "machine": [ "humbly", "humble" ] }, { "id": 492, "chinese": "低三下四", "gold": "humble", "human": [ "low and menial", "lowly", "servile", "obsequious", "cringing" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 493, "chinese": "何乐不为", "gold": "why not go ahead with it", "human": [ "gladly, I don't see any reason why not", "what is there against it" ], "machine": [ "Why not", "What's not to like?", "What's not to love?", "What's not to like about it?", "Why not?" ] }, { "id": 494, "chinese": "何其相似乃尔", "gold": "what a striking likeness", "human": [ "what a striking similarity there is here" ], "machine": [ "how similar nell", "How similar is it?", "How similar it is", "How similar are they?" ] }, { "id": 495, "chinese": "何去何从", "gold": "what course to follow", "human": [ "what path to follow", "what should one do", "where to go" ], "machine": [ "Where to go and what to do", "Where to go and what to expect", "Where to go from here" ] }, { "id": 496, "chinese": "何足挂齿", "gold": "not worth bothering about", "human": [ "don't mention it" ], "machine": [ "He Zu hang teeth", "it's not worth mentioning", "it's no big deal", "what's the big deal?", "what's the harm in it?" ] }, { "id": 497, "chinese": "作壁上观", "gold": "sit by and watch", "human": [ "stay behind the breastworks and watch others fight", "be an onlooker", "look on with folded arms" ], "machine": [ "wall view", "stand on the wall and watch", "watch from the wall", "watch from a ledge", "watch from the sidelines" ] }, { "id": 498, "chinese": "作法自毙", "gold": "make a law only to fall foul of it oneself", "human": [ "get into troubles through schemes established by oneself", "caught by one's own laws or device", "be hoist by one's own petard", "build a fire under oneself" ], "machine": [ "practice suicide", "get killed by the law", "get oneself killed by the law", "do the law and get killed", "do one's own worst" ] }, { "id": 499, "chinese": "作奸犯科", "gold": "violate the law and commit crimes", "human": [ "commit offences against law and discipline", "commit crimes in violation of the law", "transgress the law" ], "machine": [ "for rape", "flout the law", "flouting the law", "commit a crime", "trespass" ] }, { "id": 500, "chinese": "作茧自缚", "gold": "spin a cocoon around oneself", "human": [ "get enmeshed in a web of one's own spinning", "weave a cocoon and get imprisoned in it", "tie oneself up with duties", "be caught in one's own trap", "put a halter round one's neck" ], "machine": [ "cocoon", "enmeshed in a trap of one's own devising", "hoist by his own petard" ] }, { "id": 501, "chinese": "作贼心虚", "gold": "a thief has a guilty conscience", "human": [ "uneasy lies the head of one with a guilty conscience" ], "machine": [ "guilty conscience", "feel guilty as a thief", "to have something on one's mind" ] }, { "id": 502, "chinese": "作恶多端", "gold": "commit all sorts of wickedness", "human": [ "up to all kinds of evil", "guilty of every conceivable atrocity" ], "machine": [ "Do evil", "have done much mischief", "have done much evil", "have done a lot of bad deeds", "have done a lot of evil" ] }, { "id": 503, "chinese": "作威作福", "gold": "lord it over", "human": [ "tyrannically abuse one's power", "act like a tyrant", "ride roughshod over", "sit on the backs of the people", "domineer", "throw one's weight about" ], "machine": [ "to make a fortune", "tyrannical abuse of authority", "riding roughshod over people", "tyrannical abuse" ] }, { "id": 504, "chinese": "侃侃而谈", "gold": "talk with ease and fluency", "human": [ "speak calmly and confidently", "speak with fervor and assurance" ], "machine": [ "talk eloquently", "speak eloquently", "speak frankly", "eloquent", "eloquently speak" ] }, { "id": 505, "chinese": "来龙去脉", "gold": "sequence of events", "human": [ "origin and development", "cause and effect", "the ins and outs", "context" ], "machine": [ "ins and outs", "The history" ] }, { "id": 506, "chinese": "来者不拒", "gold": "all comers are welcome", "human": [ "refuse nobody", "keep door open" ], "machine": [ "Come on", "No one is refused", "No one is turned away", "No one is rejected", "No one is excluded" ] }, { "id": 507, "chinese": "来者不善,善者不来", "gold": "those who have come are not friendly, these who are friendly have not come", "human": [ "he who has come is surely strong or he'd never have come along" ], "machine": [ "Those who come are not good, those who are good do not come", "The visitor is not nice, the nice person does not come" ] }, { "id": 508, "chinese": "来日方长", "gold": "there will be ample time", "human": [ "there are many days yet to provide for" ], "machine": [ "Come to Japan for a long time", "The future is long", "We'll see you in the future", "We'll see you soon" ] }, { "id": 509, "chinese": "来踪去迹", "gold": "traces of something", "human": [ "traces of somebody's whereabouts" ], "machine": [ "come and go", "whereabouts and whereabouts", "coming and going" ] }, { "id": 510, "chinese": "来而不往非礼也", "gold": "it is impolite not to reciprocate", "human": [ "it is impolite not to give after receiving", "one should return as good as one receives" ], "machine": [ "come and go without being rude", "not reciprocate is not a courtesy" ] }, { "id": 511, "chinese": "供不应求", "gold": "supply falls short of demand", "human": [ "the supply is inadequate to meet the demand", "supply fails to meet the demand", "demand exceeds supply" ], "machine": [ "in short supply", "Supply does not meet demand", "Supply does not match demand", "Supply exceeds demand" ] }, { "id": 512, "chinese": "依然故我", "gold": "one's circumstances haven't changed much", "human": [ "one is still one's same old self", "as of old" ], "machine": [ "still me", "continue the same old way", "to persist in one's own way", "continue as before" ] }, { "id": 513, "chinese": "依然如故", "gold": "remain unchanged", "human": [ "all the same as it was", "remain as before", "none the better", "none the worse" ], "machine": [ "still the same", "Things are still the same.", "Things have remained the same.", "Things haven't changed at all." ] }, { "id": 514, "chinese": "依依不舍", "gold": "reluctant to part from", "human": [ "have a great attachment", "feelings of regret at parting", "cannot bear to leave" ], "machine": [ "reluctantly", "reluctant part", "broken-hearted at having to leave" ] }, { "id": 515, "chinese": "依样画葫芦", "gold": "follow the beaten track", "human": [ "sketch the gourd according to the pattern", "draw a dipper with a gourd as the model", "slavishly copy or imitate", "copy mechanically", "play the sedulous ape", "ape others" ], "machine": [ "Draw a gourd", "draw a gourd from a model" ] }, { "id": 516, "chinese": "依违两可", "gold": "be undecided", "human": [ "have no definite conviction of one's own" ], "machine": [ "Both can be violated", "in principle, nothing can be done about it", "on the contrary", "act in accordance with the law" ] }, { "id": 517, "chinese": "便宜行事", "gold": "act as one sees fit", "human": [ "act as circumstances may require", "act at one's discretion" ], "machine": [ "act cheap", "Act at your convenience", "Act at your own convenience", "Act at your own expense", "Act at your own pace" ] }, { "id": 518, "chinese": "促膝谈心", "gold": "have a heart-to-heart talk", "human": [ "sit side by side and talk intimately", "cross the knees and talk over matters", "have an intimate chat together" ], "machine": [ "Knee-to-heart", "sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk", "have a heart-to-heart chat" ] }, { "id": 519, "chinese": "俗不可耐", "gold": "unbearably vulgar", "human": [ "unbearably common" ], "machine": [ "vulgar", "unbearable vulgarity", "unbearable", "too vulgar for words" ] }, { "id": 520, "chinese": "信步闲游", "gold": "take a leisurely walk", "human": [ "roam about without a definite objective - walk aimlessly" ], "machine": [ "stroll", "leisurely walking", "leisurely stroll" ] }, { "id": 521, "chinese": "信马由缰", "gold": "let things take their natural course", "human": [ "ride with lax reins" ], "machine": [ "The horse is reined", "let the horse take the reins at will", "let the horse have its way", "let the horse ride at will" ] }, { "id": 522, "chinese": "信口开河", "gold": "talk nonsense", "human": [ "say whatever comes to one's mind, without proper consideration", "talk irresponsibly", "talk at random", "unbridle the tongue" ], "machine": [ "open mouth", "blurt something out", "speak without thinking", "talk without thinking" ] }, { "id": 523, "chinese": "信口雌黄", "gold": "make deceitful statements or unfounded charges", "human": [ "criticize or make statements freely without careful thought", "make irresponsible remarks", "wag one's tongue too freely", "sheer nonsense" ], "machine": [ "orpiment", "speak off the cuff", "casually opine" ] }, { "id": 524, "chinese": "信誓旦旦", "gold": "vow solemnly", "human": [ "pledge in all sincerity and seriousness", "oath solemnly pledged" ], "machine": [ "swore", "make a solemn vow", "make a firm commitment", "vow", "swear by" ] }, { "id": 525, "chinese": "信手拈来", "gold": "have words, material, etc. at one's fingertips and write with facility pick up something at random", "human": [], "machine": [ "Come at your fingertips", "at your fingertips", "at the drop of a hat", "at the tip of your fingers", "at one's fingertips" ] }, { "id": 526, "chinese": "信赏必罚", "gold": "due rewards and punishments will be meted out without fail", "human": [ "awards and punishments rigorously carried out" ], "machine": [ "Faith and reward must be punished", "reward for faith will be punished", "reward and punish for faith" ] }, { "id": 527, "chinese": "信而有征", "gold": "borne out by evidence", "human": [], "machine": [ "believing", "trust but have a conquest", "trust but have a conscript" ] }, { "id": 528, "chinese": "修旧利废", "gold": "repair and utilize old or discarded things", "human": [], "machine": [ "Repair the old and make use of the waste", "Repairing old and recycling", "Repairing and recycling" ] }, { "id": 529, "chinese": "俯拾即是", "gold": "can be found everywhere", "human": [ "be extremely common" ], "machine": [ "It is", "overlooked", "overlook", "overlooked by", "overlooked by the" ] }, { "id": 530, "chinese": "俯首帖耳", "gold": "obedience and servility to", "human": [ "like a dog lowering its head and drooping its ears - servile and submissive", "obey with bent head", "be docile and obedient", "docilely obey" ], "machine": [ "bow down", "bowed head and ears glued", "docile and obedient", "bowed head and ears", "at somebody's beck and call" ] }, { "id": 531, "chinese": "俯首听命", "gold": "submissively hear and obey", "human": [ "obey orders with all due submission", "bend one's neck" ], "machine": [ "obey orders", "bow down and obey orders", "bow down and follow orders", "bow down and obey" ] }, { "id": 532, "chinese": "俯仰之间", "gold": "in the twinkling of an eye", "human": [ "in an instant", "in a flash" ], "machine": [ "between pitches", "Between the Pitch and the Tilt", "Between the Pitch", "In between" ] }, { "id": 533, "chinese": "俯仰由人", "gold": "be at somebody's beck and call", "human": [], "machine": [ "pitched by man", "at the whim of others", "at the drop of a hat" ] }, { "id": 534, "chinese": "倒背如流", "gold": "know something thoroughly by heart", "human": [ "can even recite something backwards fluently" ], "machine": [ "backwards", "know by heart" ] }, { "id": 535, "chinese": "倒打一耙", "gold": "make unfounded counter charges", "human": [ "put the blame on one's victim", "recriminate" ], "machine": [ "beat up", "make bogus accusations", "Make a rake" ] }, { "id": 536, "chinese": "倒果为因", "gold": "reverse cause and effect", "human": [ "put cause for effect" ], "machine": [ "cause", "reverse the cause and effect" ] }, { "id": 537, "chinese": "倒行逆施", "gold": "set back the clock", "human": [ "go against the historical trend", "go against the tide of history", "turn back the wheel of history", "try to put the clock back", "act in opposition to right principles", "push a reactionary policy", "perverted action" ], "machine": [ "retrograde", "go against the tide", "to do things all wrong", "a perverse way of doing things", "try to turn back the clock" ] }, { "id": 538, "chinese": "倚老卖老", "gold": "flaunt one's seniority", "human": [ "take advantage of one's seniority or old age", "capitalize on being advanced in age", "presume on old age to despise others" ], "machine": [ "Rely on the old and sell the old", "rely on the old to sell the old", "rely on one's seniority" ] }, { "id": 539, "chinese": "倚官仗势", "gold": "count on one's powerful connections", "human": [ "rely on one's power and position" ], "machine": [ "rely on officials", "rely on officials for power", "lean on officials for power", "rely on officialdom for power" ] }, { "id": 540, "chinese": "借刀杀人", "gold": "do harm to somebody through the hands of another", "human": [ "murder with a borrowed knife - make use of another person to get rid of an adversary", "kill somebody by another's hands" ], "machine": [ "Borrow a knife to kill", "lend somebody a knife to kill somebody", "lend a knife to kill somebody", "lend a knife to kill someone" ] }, { "id": 541, "chinese": "借题发挥", "gold": "seize on some pretext to distort", "human": [ "make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas", "give vent to one's pent-up feelings on some extraneous pretext", "seize on an incident to exaggerate matters", "play on the theme of" ], "machine": [ "take advantage of the topic", "use the title as an excuse to play", "use the title as an excuse", "use the title as a reference" ] }, { "id": 542, "chinese": "借古讽今", "gold": "use the past to disparage the present", "human": [ "use ancient things to satirize the present" ], "machine": [ "Borrow the past to satirize the present", "use the past to satirize the present" ] }, { "id": 543, "chinese": "借花献佛", "gold": "borrow flowers to offer Buddha - offer somebody favors at the expense of another", "human": [ "present Buddha with borrowed flowers - borrow something to make a gift of it", "make presents provided by somebody else" ], "machine": [ "Borrowing flowers to offer Buddha", "presenting the Buddha with borrowed flowers", "win favor or influence using a borrowed flower", "plagiarism" ] }, { "id": 544, "chinese": "借尸还魂", "gold": "be reincarnated in somebody else's body", "human": [ "find reincarnation in another's corpse - revive in a new guise", "use corpses to resurrect the evil souls", "resurrect in a new guise" ], "machine": [ "Resurrection", "reincarnated in a borrowed body", "a discarded or returned form" ] }, { "id": 545, "chinese": "偃旗息鼓", "gold": "lower the banners one muffle the drums", "human": [ "cease all activities", "roll up the flags and silence the drums", "call off the army maneuvers" ], "machine": [ "die down", "lay down the flag", "lay down your flag" ] }, { "id": 546, "chinese": "偃武修文", "gold": "leave military pursuits and promote culture", "human": [], "machine": [ "Yan Wu Xiuwen", "lay down the arms and revise the text" ] }, { "id": 547, "chinese": "假公济私", "gold": "use public office for private gain", "human": [ "seek one's own profit in public affairs", "jobbing for selfish ends", "promote one's private interests under the guise of serving the public", "gain private ends in a public cause", "enrich oneself at the public's expense", "jobbery" ], "machine": [ "fake public service", "official authority for private interests" ] }, { "id": 548, "chinese": "假仁假义", "gold": "pretend to be the paragon of virtue", "human": [ "pretended benevolence and righteousness", "don a pious mask", "hypocrisy", "hypocritically" ], "machine": [ "pretended righteousness", "pretend righteousness" ] }, { "id": 549, "chinese": "偏听偏信", "gold": "listen only to one side", "human": [ "heed and trust only one side", "be biased" ], "machine": [ "partial hearing", "selective listening" ] }, { "id": 550, "chinese": "做一天和尚撞一天钟", "gold": "follow a routine", "human": [ "go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monk - do the least that is expected of one", "so long as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell", "do what is expected of one as long as one has to", "take a passive attitude towards one's work" ], "machine": [ "Be a monk for a day and hit the clock", "hold a position as a monk for a day and strike a bell for a day" ] }, { "id": 551, "chinese": "停滞不前", "gold": "be at a standstill", "human": [ "reach a stalemate", "remain stagnant", "refuse to make progress", "mark time" ], "machine": [ "stagnant", "stagnant and not moving forward", "Stagnation" ] }, { "id": 552, "chinese": "侧目而视", "gold": "take a sidelong glance at", "human": [ "look askance at somebody", "squint at" ], "machine": [ "look sideways", "stare sideways", "look askance at the side", "look askance at" ] }, { "id": 553, "chinese": "偶一为之", "gold": "do something by chance", "human": [], "machine": [ "Occasionally", "Occasional" ] }, { "id": 554, "chinese": "偷偷摸摸", "gold": "covertly", "human": [ "furtively", "surreptitiously" ], "machine": [ "surreptitious" ] }, { "id": 555, "chinese": "偷天换日", "gold": "audacious scheme of cheating people", "human": [ "steal the sky and put up a sham sun - perpetrate a gigantic fraud", "substitute the fake for the genuine", "in an underhand attempt", "play a sly trick" ], "machine": [ "steal the day", "Steal the sky and change the sun" ] }, { "id": 556, "chinese": "偷梁换柱", "gold": "resort to fraudulence", "human": [ "steal the beam and pillars and replace them with rotten timbers - perpetrate a fraud", "try by underhand means to" ], "machine": [ "Stealing the beam and changing the column", "replace the column with a fake one" ] }, { "id": 557, "chinese": "偷工减料", "gold": "use inferior materials and turn out sub-standard goods", "human": [ "cheat in work and cut down material", "do shoddy work and use inferior materials", "scamp work and stint material", "cheat on government contract", "jerry-build" ], "machine": [ "Cut corners", "jerry-building", "jerry-built materials", "jerry-built" ] }, { "id": 558, "chinese": "偷鸡不成蚀把米", "gold": "try to steal a chicken only to end up losing the rice", "human": [ "go for wool and come back shorn" ], "machine": [ "Stealing chicken will not lose rice" ] }, { "id": 559, "chinese": "偷鸡摸狗", "gold": "crooked dealings", "human": [ "pilfer" ], "machine": [ "stalking the dog", "have sex with a dog and steal chicken", "have affairs", "have sex with a dog", "have sex with women" ] }, { "id": 560, "chinese": "傍人门户", "gold": "be dependent on somebody for living", "human": [], "machine": [ "Pangren Portal", "be close to someone's portal", "be close to the portal", "be close to the gateway", "be close to someone's door" ] }, { "id": 561, "chinese": "债台高筑", "gold": "run heavily into debt", "human": [ "be heavily in debt", "pile up debts", "over head and ears in debt", "deep in debt", "be up to one's ears in debt", "be debt-ridden" ], "machine": [ "high debt", "debt-ridden", "debt is high", "debt is so high" ] }, { "id": 562, "chinese": "伤风败俗", "gold": "corrupt public morals", "human": [ "offend public decency", "pervert the manners and customs", "injurious to public morality" ], "machine": [ "immoral", "offending public morals" ] }, { "id": 563, "chinese": "伤天害理", "gold": "extremely savage, cruel and brutal", "human": [ "do things offensive to God and reason" ], "machine": [ "Injurious", "offend Heaven and reason", "offend God and reason", "outrageous", "offend Heaven and earth" ] }, { "id": 564, "chinese": "倾盆大雨", "gold": "heavy downpour", "human": [ "pouring rain", "cloud burst", "rain cats and dogs" ], "machine": [ "downpour", "rain bucketing down", "a downpour of rain", "a downpour" ] }, { "id": 565, "chinese": "倾家荡产", "gold": "bring the family to ruin", "human": [ "lose a family fortune", "reduced to poverty and ruin" ], "machine": [ "go bankrupt", "lose a fortune", "ruin a family", "lose everything" ] }, { "id": 566, "chinese": "倾箱倒箧", "gold": "turn out all one's boxes and suitcases", "human": [], "machine": [ "dump box", "dump boxes and suitcases", "exhaust all one has", "dump boxes and trunks" ] }, { "id": 567, "chinese": "倾巢出犯", "gold": "turn out in full force", "human": [ "encroach upon in full strength" ], "machine": [ "all out", "turn out in force" ] }, { "id": 568, "chinese": "倾城倾国", "gold": "exceedingly beautiful", "human": [ "lovely enough to cause the fall of a city or a state" ], "machine": [ "allure", "A city that is full of beauty", "A city that's full of beauty", "A city that is full of people" ] }, { "id": 569, "chinese": "侥幸取胜", "gold": "win by a fluke", "human": [ "gain victory by sheer good luck", "win easy victory through good luck" ], "machine": [ "get away with it", "Fluke win", "A fluke win" ] }, { "id": 570, "chinese": "价廉物美", "gold": "low prices and fine quality", "human": [ "cheap and fine", "fine wares at low prices", "a small price for a good article", "a good buy", "filling at the price" ], "machine": [ "Inexpensive and good quality", "Low price and good quality", "Low price and high quality", "Low price and good value", "Low price, good quality" ] }, { "id": 571, "chinese": "价值连城", "gold": "priceless", "human": [ "worth several cities - invaluable" ], "machine": [ "Value" ] }, { "id": 572, "chinese": "傻头傻脑", "gold": "foolish-looking", "human": [ "muddle-headed" ], "machine": [ "stupid", "Stupid head", "stupid head and brain" ] }, { "id": 573, "chinese": "优胜劣败", "gold": "survival of the fittest", "human": [ "\"the superior wins and the inferior loses\"" ], "machine": [ "winners and losers", "superiority and inferiority", "superiority" ] }, { "id": 574, "chinese": "优柔寡断", "gold": "weak-minded", "human": [ "irresolute and hesitant", "incapable of making strong decisions", "infirm of purpose", "shilly-shally", "yea and nay", "indecisive", "irresolutely" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 575, "chinese": "优哉游哉", "gold": "living a life of case and leisure", "human": [ "completely free and at ease", "leisurely and carefree", "leisurely and unhurried" ], "machine": [ "Yu Zai Yu Zai", "free and unconstrained", "free and carefree", "free and unrestrained" ] }, { "id": 576, "chinese": "倘来之物", "gold": "windfall", "human": [ "things that come unexpectedly", "an undeserved gain" ], "machine": [ "what comes", "if it comes", "if something comes", "if it comes to it", "if it comes to something" ] }, { "id": 577, "chinese": "兄弟阋于墙", "gold": "quarrel between brothers", "human": [ "internal dispute" ], "machine": [ "brothers against the wall", "internecine strife", "fighting among oneself", "internecine strife at war", "Sibling Dispute" ] }, { "id": 578, "chinese": "兄弟阋于墙,外御其侮", "gold": "internal disunity dissolves at the threat of external invasion", "human": [ "brothers quarreling at home join forces against attacks from without" ], "machine": [ "Brothers are separated from the wall, and they are defended from outside", "internal disunity dissolves at the same time as an invasion from outside" ] }, { "id": 579, "chinese": "充耳不闻", "gold": "turn a deaf ear to", "human": [ "shut one's ears and refuse to listen", "close one's ears to" ], "machine": [ "turn a deaf ear", "block one's ears and not listen", "to turn a deaf ear" ] }, { "id": 580, "chinese": "先发制人", "gold": "preemptive", "human": [ "gain the initiative by striking first", "forestall the enemy", "get the start on somebody", "take the wind out of somebody's sails", "catch the ball before the bounce", "steal a march on somebody", "he who makes the first start rules others", "the launcher has the advantage", "strike first" ], "machine": [ "Preemptive strike", "pre-emptive strike", "Preemption", "Pre-emptive" ] }, { "id": 581, "chinese": "先睹为快", "gold": "consider if a pleasure to be among the first to read", "human": [], "machine": [ "Sneak Peek", "The first time you see it is the first time you see it." ] }, { "id": 582, "chinese": "先天不足", "gold": "suffer from an inherent shortage", "human": [ "be congenitally deficient", "an inadequate natural endowment", "inherent shortage of" ], "machine": [ "congenital insufficiency", "Congenital deficiencies", "Congenital deficiency", "Inborn deficiencies" ] }, { "id": 583, "chinese": "先天下之忧而忧,后天下之乐而乐", "gold": "the first to show concern and the last to enjoy himself", "human": [ "a leader should plan and worry ahead of the people, and enjoy the fruits after the people", "be concerned about affairs of state before others, enjoy comfort after others" ], "machine": [ "The world's worries and worries first, and the world's joys and joys later", "To worry about the world first and to enjoy the world afterwards" ] }, { "id": 584, "chinese": "先礼后兵", "gold": "try peaceful means before resorting to force", "human": [ "be a gentleman first and a soldier second", "first a courteous exchange of words, then war", "take strong measures only after courteous ones fail" ], "machine": [ "Soldiers first", "first come first served, then come first served" ] }, { "id": 585, "chinese": "先见之明", "gold": "be far-sighted", "human": [ "the ability to discern what is coming", "able to predict", "have a long head", "prophetic vision", "prescient", "foresight", "far-seeing", "provident" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 586, "chinese": "先下手为强", "gold": "the early bind catches the worm", "human": [ "whoever strikes the first blow has the advantage", "he who strikes first gains the advantage", "to take the initiative is to gain the upper hand" ], "machine": [ "Strong first", "Make the first move.", "Be first" ] }, { "id": 587, "chinese": "先知先觉", "gold": "prophet", "human": [ "having foresight", "person of foresight and vision" ], "machine": [ "foresight", "foresight and foresight", "foresight and foreknowledge" ] }, { "id": 588, "chinese": "先斩后奏", "gold": "empowered to kill first then report later", "human": [ "execute the criminal first and report to the emperor afterwards - act first and report afterwards" ], "machine": [ "cut before play", "first decapitate, then present your report" ] }, { "id": 589, "chinese": "先声夺人", "gold": "overawe others by displaying one's strength", "human": [ "forestall one's opponent by a show of strength" ], "machine": [ "head start", "first call", "first call for action", "first to win" ] }, { "id": 590, "chinese": "先入之见", "gold": "prejudice", "human": [ "preconception", "a preconceived idea" ], "machine": [ "preconceptions", "preconceived notions" ] }, { "id": 591, "chinese": "先入为主", "gold": "first impressions are strongest", "human": [ "first impressions are firmly entrenched", "the first speaker has the advantage to instill certain notions", "preconceived ideas keep a strong hold", "formulate preconceived ideas", "be prejudiced" ], "machine": [ "preconceived", "First in, first out" ] }, { "id": 592, "chinese": "先务之急", "gold": "a matter of great urgency", "human": [ "business requiring immediate attention", "pressing task to be fulfilled first", "first things first" ], "machine": [ "top priority", "Priority" ] }, { "id": 593, "chinese": "光芒万丈", "gold": "shining with boundless radiance", "human": [ "gloriously radiant", "resplendent", "brilliant" ], "machine": [ "radiant", "radiant with light", "radiance", "radiance of the light" ] }, { "id": 594, "chinese": "光明磊落", "gold": "frank and forthright", "human": [ "views completely open", "open and aboveboard", "on the up-and-up" ], "machine": [ "open and candid", "straightforward and upright", "open and above board" ] }, { "id": 595, "chinese": "光明正大", "gold": "fair and square", "human": [ "just and open", "upright and pure-minded", "frank and righteous", "open and aboveboard" ], "machine": [ "aboveboard", "open and above board" ] }, { "id": 596, "chinese": "光复旧物", "gold": "recover lost territory", "human": [], "machine": [ "Restoring the old", "Restoration of old things", "Restoring old things", "Restoration of old items", "Restoration of old objects" ] }, { "id": 597, "chinese": "光天化日", "gold": "broad daylight", "human": [ "the face of day", "the light of the day" ], "machine": [ "in broad daylight", "in the light of day" ] }, { "id": 598, "chinese": "光怪陆离", "gold": "bizarre and motley", "human": [ "grotesque in shape and gaudy in color", "grotesque and diversified", "fantastic and varicolored" ], "machine": [ "bizarre", "grotesque and variegated", "grotesque and bizarre", "grotesque and light-hearted" ] }, { "id": 599, "chinese": "光宗耀祖", "gold": "bring honor to one's ancestors", "human": [ "make one's ancestors illustrious" ], "machine": [ "Guangzong Yaozu", "glorify one's ancestors", "glorify the ancestors" ] }, { "id": 600, "chinese": "光彩夺目", "gold": "so bright that it dazzles the eye", "human": [ "shine with dazzling brilliance", "dazzlingly radiant" ], "machine": [ "dazzling" ] }, { "id": 601, "chinese": "光阴似箭", "gold": "how time flies", "human": [ "time flies like an arrow" ], "machine": [ "Time is like an arrow", "Time flies" ] }, { "id": 602, "chinese": "克敌制胜", "gold": "conquer the enemy", "human": [ "gain mastery over the enemy", "gain a victory over the enemy" ], "machine": [ "Overcome the enemy and win", "Overcoming the enemy", "overcome the enemy" ] }, { "id": 603, "chinese": "克己奉公", "gold": "work selflessly for the common good", "human": [ "wholehearted devotion to public duty" ], "machine": [ "self-denial", "self-restraint and devotion to public duties" ] }, { "id": 604, "chinese": "克勤克俭", "gold": "practise diligence and economy", "human": [ "industrious and frugal", "diligent and economical" ], "machine": [ "hardworking", "be industrious and frugal", "be industrious and thrifty" ] }, { "id": 605, "chinese": "兔子不吃窝边草", "gold": "a rabbit doesn't eat the grass near its hole", "human": [ "a villain doesn't harm his next-door neighbors" ], "machine": [ "Rabbits don't eat nest grass", "a rabbit doesn't eat the grass on the nest" ] }, { "id": 606, "chinese": "兔子尾巴长不了", "gold": "won't last long", "human": [ "the tail of a rabbit can't be long" ], "machine": [ "Rabbit tail doesn't grow", "The rabbit's tail can't grow", "The rabbit's tail cannot grow", "The rabbit's tail won't grow" ] }, { "id": 607, "chinese": "兔死狗烹", "gold": "the hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged", "human": [ "trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness", "slay the lackeys when they have outlived their usefulness" ], "machine": [ "Rabbit dead dog cooking", "a rabbit dies and a dog is cooked", "a rabbit dies, a dog cooks" ] }, { "id": 608, "chinese": "兔死狐悲", "gold": "like mourns over the death of like", "human": [ "when the hare dies the fox is sad", "sympathy with one of its kind", "the fox mourns over the death of the hare" ], "machine": [ "Rabbit dead fox sad", "if the rabbit dies, the fox grieves" ] }, { "id": 609, "chinese": "兢兢业业", "gold": "be cautious and attentive", "human": [ "be conscientious and earnest", "be conscientious and do one's best", "be studious of", "with assiduity" ], "machine": [ "conscientious", "conscientious and professional", "conscientiousness" ] }, { "id": 610, "chinese": "入不敷出", "gold": "unable to make ends meet", "human": [ "income can't cover outlay", "income falling short of the expenditure", "live beyond one's means" ], "machine": [ "make ends meet", "income does not cover expenditure", "Income does not cover expenses" ] }, { "id": 611, "chinese": "入木三分", "gold": "keen", "human": [ "\"enter well into the board\" - having forceful strokes", "written in a forceful hand", "penetrating", "profound" ], "machine": [ "The woodworking", "The wood is very good.", "The woods are very good." ] }, { "id": 612, "chinese": "入国问俗", "gold": "learn about customs and habits of the country one goes to", "human": [ "on entering a country, inquire about its customs" ], "machine": [ "Entering the country to ask about customs", "When you enter a country, ask the local customs" ] }, { "id": 613, "chinese": "入境问禁", "gold": "on entering a country inquire about the prohibitions", "human": [ "ask about taboos and bans upon arrival in a foreign country" ], "machine": [ "entry ban", "Entry prohibition", "Entry Prohibitions" ] }, { "id": 614, "chinese": "入情入理", "gold": "perfectly logical and reasonable", "human": [ "be fair and reasonable", "fair and sensible" ], "machine": [ "Reasonable", "sensible and reasonable", "sensible and rational" ] }, { "id": 615, "chinese": "入乡随俗", "gold": "when in Rome do as the Romans do", "human": [], "machine": [ "Do as the Romans do", "Enter the country and follow the customs", "Follow the local customs" ] }, { "id": 616, "chinese": "内忧外患", "gold": "domestic trouble and foreign invasion", "human": [], "machine": [ "Internal and external troubles", "internal trouble and outside aggression" ] }, { "id": 617, "chinese": "内外交困", "gold": "be in dire straits at home and abroad", "human": [ "beset with difficulties both at home and abroad", "be plagued by troubles internally and externally", "on the horns of a dilemma in internal and external affairs" ], "machine": [ "Internal and external difficulties", "internal and external problems" ] }, { "id": 618, "chinese": "全力以赴", "gold": "strain every nerve", "human": [ "devote every effort to", "do all in one's power", "strive with all one's might for", "spare no efforts", "go all out", "do one's utmost", "with might and main", "do one's level best", "put one's back into something", "tooth and nail" ], "machine": [ "Do it all", "Doing it all", "All in" ] }, { "id": 619, "chinese": "全军覆没", "gold": "be completely wiped out", "human": [ "total destruction of an army" ], "machine": [ "completely annihilated", "All troops lost", "All the troops are lost", "All the troops were lost" ] }, { "id": 620, "chinese": "全心全意", "gold": "complete devotion", "human": [ "with one's heart and soul", "with all one's heart", "whole-heartedly" ], "machine": [ "wholeheartedly" ] }, { "id": 621, "chinese": "全神贯注", "gold": "be absorbed in", "human": [ "concentrate the whole energy upon", "with all one's mental faculties on the stretch", "set one's heart on something", "be utterly concentrated in", "be preoccupied with", "be all eyes", "with breathless attention", "with absorbed interest", "with all one's soul" ], "machine": [ "undivided attention", "with rapt attention", "with full attention", "concentrate fully on", "with full concentration" ] }, { "id": 622, "chinese": "两败俱伤", "gold": "both sides suffer", "human": [ "neither side gains", "internecine" ], "machine": [ "lose both", "both sides lose" ] }, { "id": 623, "chinese": "两面讨好", "gold": "try to keep the favor of both sides in a dispute", "human": [ "run with the hare and hunt with the hounds" ], "machine": [ "pleasing on both sides", "curry favor with both sides", "curry favor on both sides", "curry favor from both sides" ] }, { "id": 624, "chinese": "两面三刀", "gold": "double-faced tactics", "human": [ "play a double game", "play double", "double-dealing" ], "machine": [ "Three swords on both sides", "two-faced, three knives", "two-faced and three knives", "two-faced, three-dimensional" ] }, { "id": 625, "chinese": "两全其美", "gold": "serve a twofold purpose", "human": [ "satisfy both parties", "satisfy rival claims", "keep the good points of both" ], "machine": [ "Best of both worlds", "The best of both worlds", "Have it both ways" ] }, { "id": 626, "chinese": "两小无猜", "gold": "be innocent playmates", "human": [], "machine": [ "Two little guesses", "innocent playmates" ] }, { "id": 627, "chinese": "两袖清风", "gold": "have clean hands", "human": [ "remain uncorrupted" ], "machine": [ "Two Sleeves Breeze", "uncorrupted", "uncluttered", "uncorrupted and honest" ] }, { "id": 628, "chinese": "两厢情愿", "gold": "both parties are willing", "human": [ "mutual consent", "both parties agree of free will" ], "machine": [ "consensual", "both sides are willing", "by mutual consent" ] }, { "id": 629, "chinese": "八面玲珑", "gold": "be a good mixer", "human": [ "manage to please everybody", "cover all sides beautifully", "be smooth and slick", "all things to all men" ], "machine": [ "exquisite", "eight-sided and slick", "eight-faced and slick", "eight-faced and exquisite", "eight-sided and exquisite" ] }, { "id": 630, "chinese": "八面威风", "gold": "an awe-inspiring reputation extending in every direction", "human": [], "machine": [ "Eight-faced majesty", "eight-faced mighty wind", "eight-faced authority", "eight-faced mighty style", "eight-faced and powerful" ] }, { "id": 631, "chinese": "八仙过海,各显神通", "gold": "try to outshine each other", "human": [ "like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each one showing his prowess", "vie with each other" ], "machine": [ "The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each showing their magical powers", "the eight immortals cross the sea, each showing their own skill" ] }, { "id": 632, "chinese": "公报私仇", "gold": "avenge a personal wrong in the name of public interests", "human": [ "abuse public power to retaliate on a personal enemy" ], "machine": [ "public revenge" ] }, { "id": 633, "chinese": "公诸同好", "gold": "share enjoyment with those of the same taste", "human": [ "let others with the same taste share" ], "machine": [ "public friends", "share with fellow enthusiasts", "Share with your friends", "For the benefit of all" ] }, { "id": 634, "chinese": "公事公办", "gold": "business is business", "human": [ "do official business according to official principles", "not let personal considerations interfere with one's execution of public duty" ], "machine": [ "official business", "do official business" ] }, { "id": 635, "chinese": "公说公有理,婆说婆有理", "gold": "both parties claim to be in the right", "human": [ "each says he is right" ], "machine": [ "The public said the public was reasonable, the mother said the mother was reasonable", "The public has a point, the public has a point" ] }, { "id": 636, "chinese": "公而忘私", "gold": "selfless", "human": [ "forget selfish considerations in the interests of the public", "so devoted to public service as to forget one's own interests" ], "machine": [ "public but private", "for the common good and forgetting personal interests" ] }, { "id": 637, "chinese": "六亲不认", "gold": "turn one's back on ones own flesh and blood", "human": [ "refuse to have anything to do with all one's relatives" ], "machine": [ "Six parents do not recognize", "not recognizing one's own six relatives" ] }, { "id": 638, "chinese": "六神无主", "gold": "in a state of utter stupefaction", "human": [ "\"all six vital organs failing to function\"" ], "machine": [ "six gods without masters", "distracted", "all six minds are lost", "distraught" ] }, { "id": 639, "chinese": "兵不血刃", "gold": "win without using weapons or losing a life", "human": [ "the swords not being blood-stained - win a victory without striking a blow", "achieve victory without fighting" ], "machine": [ "no blood", "no blood on the men's swords" ] }, { "id": 640, "chinese": "兵不厌诈", "gold": "all is fair in war", "human": [ "nothing is too deceitful in war", "there can never be too much deception in war" ], "machine": [ "Soldiers never tire of deceit", "all's fair in war" ] }, { "id": 641, "chinese": "兵连祸结", "gold": "war-ridden", "human": [ "ravaged by successive wars - war-torn", "continuous wars and turmoil" ], "machine": [ "Troubled Soldiers", "ravaged by successive wars", "war-torn" ] }, { "id": 642, "chinese": "兵临城下", "gold": "the city is under siege", "human": [ "the attacking army has reached the city gates" ], "machine": [ "Soldiers approaching the city", "soldiers at the edge of the city", "Soldiers at the City" ] }, { "id": 643, "chinese": "兵贵神速", "gold": "speed is precious in war", "human": [ "speed is most valuable in military affairs", "speed is a soldier's asset" ], "machine": [ "Soldiers are very fast", "speed is of the essence in war" ] }, { "id": 644, "chinese": "兵荒马乱", "gold": "turmoil and chaos of war", "human": [ "the stresses and strains of a war", "be completely in war" ], "machine": [ "Troubled", "soldiers in desperation and chaos" ] }, { "id": 645, "chinese": "兵强马壮", "gold": "well-trained and powerful army", "human": [ "strong soldiers and sturdy horses" ], "machine": [ "strong and strong", "strong soldiers and strong horses", "strong soldiers and horses" ] }, { "id": 646, "chinese": "兵戎相见", "gold": "resort to arms", "human": [ "meet on the battleground", "cross swords with", "open hostilities" ], "machine": [ "see each other", "meet on the battlefield" ] }, { "id": 647, "chinese": "其貌不扬", "gold": "his appearance is by no means imposing", "human": [], "machine": [ "unremarkable", "its appearance is unimpressive", "unattractive in appearance", "its appearance is not good" ] }, { "id": 648, "chinese": "其乐无穷", "gold": "it is a great joy to", "human": [ "an endless enjoyment" ], "machine": [ "endless fun", "boundless joy", "boundless pleasure", "endless joy", "boundless happiness" ] }, { "id": 649, "chinese": "其势汹汹", "gold": "look threatening", "human": [ "bluster", "furiously" ], "machine": [ "its menacing", "It's aggressive.", "It's raging" ] }, { "id": 650, "chinese": "其味无穷", "gold": "a lasting pleasant taste", "human": [ "have a boundless good flavor" ], "machine": [ "its taste is endless", "its taste is boundless", "its flavor is endless" ] }, { "id": 651, "chinese": "具体而微", "gold": "miniature", "human": [ "have all the things available but in small proportions", "have everything in miniature", "small but complete" ], "machine": [ "specific and small", "specific but microscopic", "specific but micro", "Specific and micro" ] }, { "id": 652, "chinese": "兼听则明,偏信则暗", "gold": "listen to both sides and you will be enlightened", "human": [ "heed only one side and you will be benighted" ], "machine": [ "Listening at the same time is bright, partial believing is dark", "Listen to both, and believe in both." ] }, { "id": 653, "chinese": "兼收并蓄", "gold": "swallow anything and everything", "human": [ "incorporate things of diverse nature", "take in everything", "all-embracing" ], "machine": [ "Eclectic", "eclecticism" ] }, { "id": 654, "chinese": "兼容并包", "gold": "catholic", "human": [ "all-inclusive" ], "machine": [ "Compatible and inclusive", "Inclusion", "Inclusive" ] }, { "id": 655, "chinese": "再接再厉", "gold": "intensify one's efforts", "human": [ "make unremitting efforts", "make sustained and redoubled efforts", "work ceaselessly and unremittingly", "advance from strength to strength", "continue to exert oneself" ], "machine": [ "make persistent efforts", "Keep up the good work", "Keep it up" ] }, { "id": 656, "chinese": "再衰三竭", "gold": "be nearing exhaustion", "human": [ "be weakened and demoralized" ], "machine": [ "Repeat failure", "weakening and close exhaustion", "in terminal decline", "on one's last legs" ] }, { "id": 657, "chinese": "再三再四", "gold": "time and again", "human": [ "again and again", "over and over", "time after time", "times out of number", "repeatedly" ], "machine": [ "over and over again" ] }, { "id": 658, "chinese": "冒名顶替", "gold": "take another's place by assuming his name", "human": [], "machine": [ "impostor", "impersonation", "impersonate" ] }, { "id": 659, "chinese": "冒天下之大不韪", "gold": "be against the world", "human": [ "defy world opinion", "risk universal condemnation", "fly in the face of the will of the people" ], "machine": [ "Risk the world" ] }, { "id": 660, "chinese": "冠冕堂皇", "gold": "impressive looking", "human": [ "dignified in form but insincere in substance", "having official elegance", "high-sounding", "high-flown", "ostentatious" ], "machine": [ "pompous", "dignified", "high-sounding and dignified" ] }, { "id": 661, "chinese": "冤家路窄", "gold": "inevitable confrontation", "human": [ "enemies will meet in a narrow alley", "the road of enemies is narrow - they are sure to meet", "enemies are bound to meet on a narrow road", "one can't avoid one's enemy" ], "machine": [ "Enemy road is narrow", "The wrong side of the road" ] }, { "id": 662, "chinese": "冥思苦想", "gold": "cudgel one's brains", "human": [ "think long and hard" ], "machine": [ "meditate", "think hard about it", "think hard", "think hard about" ] }, { "id": 663, "chinese": "冥顽不灵", "gold": "stupid", "human": [ "impenetrably thick-headed", "dull" ], "machine": [ "stubborn", "stubborn and obstinate", "stubbornly" ] }, { "id": 664, "chinese": "冰冻三尺,非一日之寒", "gold": "the trouble has been brewing for quite some time", "human": [ "it takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet deep", "one cold day does not make the river freeze three feet thick" ], "machine": [ "Frozen three feet, not a day's cold", "three feet of ice does not form in a single day" ] }, { "id": 665, "chinese": "冰炭不相容", "gold": "as incompatible as ice and hot coals", "human": [], "machine": [ "Charcoal is not compatible" ] }, { "id": 666, "chinese": "冰天雪地", "gold": "a world of ice and snow", "human": [], "machine": [ "ice and snow", "Snow and ice" ] }, { "id": 667, "chinese": "冰消瓦解", "gold": "disintegrate", "human": [ "melt like ice and break like tiles", "vanish from the scene" ], "machine": [ "dissolve", "Disintegration of ice" ] }, { "id": 668, "chinese": "冷嘲热讽", "gold": "sarcasm", "human": [ "freezing irony and burning satire", "rant and rave", "give somebody a dig" ], "machine": [ "cynicism", "frigid irony and scorching satire", "mock and ridicule", "sneer at somebody." ] }, { "id": 669, "chinese": "冷若冰霜", "gold": "as cold as ice", "human": [ "frosty in manner", "be made of ice" ], "machine": [ "frosty", "as cold as ice and frost", "cold as ice and frost", "frigid" ] }, { "id": 670, "chinese": "冷眼旁观", "gold": "stand aloof and look on with cold indifference", "human": [ "look at coldly from the sidelines", "look on as a disinterested by-stander", "take a cool look at", "look on with a critical eye" ], "machine": [ "Sit on the sidelines", "A cool-eyed spectator", "A cool-eyed lookout" ] }, { "id": 671, "chinese": "冷言冷语", "gold": "mocking words", "human": [ "sarcastic comments", "ironic remarks", "cold words" ], "machine": [ "cold words and sarcastic comments", "mock and ridicule" ] }, { "id": 672, "chinese": "凡事预则立,不预则废", "gold": "preparedness ensures success and unpreparedness spells failure", "human": [], "machine": [ "Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste", "Everything is done in advance, but not in advance." ] }, { "id": 673, "chinese": "凯旋归来", "gold": "return with flying colors", "human": [ "return in triumph", "return with drums beating and banners flying" ], "machine": [ "return with glory", "Triumphant return", "Triumphal Return" ] }, { "id": 674, "chinese": "凶多吉少", "gold": "bode ill rather than well", "human": [ "be fraught with grim possibilities" ], "machine": [ "bad luck" ] }, { "id": 675, "chinese": "凶相毕露", "gold": "bare one's fangs", "human": [ "look thoroughly ferocious", "unleash all one's ferocity", "reveal atrocious features", "show one's teeth" ], "machine": [ "Violent appearance", "show one's ferocious appearance", "with fangs bared", "show one's fierce appearance", "show one's fierce face" ] }, { "id": 676, "chinese": "凶神恶煞", "gold": "fiends", "human": [ "devils" ], "machine": [ "ferocious", "fiends and demons", "fiends and monsters", "fiends and villains", "fiends and devils" ] }, { "id": 677, "chinese": "出没无常", "gold": "appear unpredictably", "human": [ "appear and disappear unexpectedly", "appear at intervals", "unpredictable in one's movement", "inconstantly" ], "machine": [ "haunted", "appear and disappear unpredictably" ] }, { "id": 678, "chinese": "出谋划策", "gold": "give counsel", "human": [ "offer advice and suggestions", "mastermind a scheme" ], "machine": [ "make plans", "give advice", "put forward plans and ideas", "give advice on" ] }, { "id": 679, "chinese": "出头露面", "gold": "in the limelight", "human": [ "appear publicly", "show one's head", "rise in the world", "cut a brilliant figure", "given to publicity" ], "machine": [ "make an appearance", "show up", "show up in the public eye", "Showing up" ] }, { "id": 680, "chinese": "出类拔萃", "gold": "tower above the rest", "human": [ "far above the average", "stand out from one's fellows", "eminent above all others", "be a cut above the common run", "be distinguished from one's kind", "be among the select best", "place oneself on record" ], "machine": [ "Outstanding" ] }, { "id": 681, "chinese": "出乖露丑", "gold": "expose one's weak points", "human": [ "make an exhibition of oneself" ], "machine": [ "show ugliness", "make a fool of oneself", "show one's true colors", "show off", "show your face" ] }, { "id": 682, "chinese": "出口成章", "gold": "make a polished impromptu speech", "human": [ "words flow from the mouth as from the pen of a master", "talk with adroit phrases" ], "machine": [ "export seal", "the right words to say", "the right way to speak" ] }, { "id": 683, "chinese": "出其不意", "gold": "take somebody by surprise", "human": [ "catch somebody napping", "have somebody over the barrel", "all of a sudden" ], "machine": [ "by surprise", "do something. when least expected", "to catch somebody. off guard" ] }, { "id": 684, "chinese": "出奇制胜", "gold": "win by novelty", "human": [ "defeat one's opponent by a surprise move", "catch a weasel asleep" ], "machine": [ "Surprise win", "win by surprise", "Winning by surprise", "win by a surprise" ] }, { "id": 685, "chinese": "出神入化", "gold": "reach the acme of perfection", "human": [ "be superb", "extremely miraculous" ], "machine": [ "fascinated", "outstandingly talented", "outstanding", "outstandingly good" ] }, { "id": 686, "chinese": "出生入死", "gold": "through thick and thin", "human": [ "brave countless dangers", "at the risk of one's life", "regardless of personal sacrifices" ], "machine": [ "go through fire and water", "from birth to death" ] }, { "id": 687, "chinese": "出人头地", "gold": "stand out among others", "human": [ "rise head and shoulders above others", "tower above others", "rise from the ranks", "make one's mark" ], "machine": [ "To succeed", "outstanding", "excel", "a leader" ] }, { "id": 688, "chinese": "出人意表", "gold": "exceeding all expectations", "human": [ "beyond all expectations", "contrary to expectations", "out of one's reckoning" ], "machine": [ "unexpected", "come as a surprise", "exceeds expectations", "exceeds all expectations", "exceed all expectations" ] }, { "id": 689, "chinese": "出尔反尔", "gold": "go back on one's words", "human": [ "promise and then deny in succession", "contradict oneself", "blow hot and cold", "inconsistent" ], "machine": [ "backtracking", "old: reap the consequences of one's words", "modern: to go back on one's word" ] }, { "id": 690, "chinese": "出言不逊", "gold": "use rude Language", "human": [ "make impertinent remarks", "speak abruptly", "talk harshly", "say something that hurts others' feelings" ], "machine": [ "rude", "speak rudely" ] }, { "id": 691, "chinese": "刀耕火种", "gold": "slash-and-burn cultivation", "human": [], "machine": [ "slash and burn", "slash-and-burn agriculture", "slash-and-burn" ] }, { "id": 692, "chinese": "刀光剑影", "gold": "the glint and flash of cold steel is already visible", "human": [ "is about to act", "the scene of a fierce fight" ], "machine": [ "Sword and Shadow", "sword and sorcery", "sword and saber", "sword and saber shadows" ] }, { "id": 693, "chinese": "刀山火海", "gold": "a mountain of swords and a sea of flames", "human": [ "bills of knives and seas of fire - an extremely dangerous place which is most difficult to get through", "most severe trials" ], "machine": [ "Knife mountain and sea of fire", "extreme danger", "extreme danger of attack" ] }, { "id": 694, "chinese": "刁钻古怪", "gold": "wily and eccentric", "human": [ "sly and capricious", "cunning and peculiar" ], "machine": [ "quirky", "tricky and eccentric", "tricky and quirky", "tricky and wacky", "tricky and bizarre" ] }, { "id": 695, "chinese": "分崩离析", "gold": "fall to pieces", "human": [ "disintegrating and torn by dissension", "fall apart", "disintegrate", "crumbling" ], "machine": [ "falling apart", "collapse and fall apart", "to break up" ] }, { "id": 696, "chinese": "分门别类", "gold": "classify", "human": [ "put into different categories" ], "machine": [ "Categorized", "Sort by category", "Sorting into categories", "Sorting by category" ] }, { "id": 697, "chinese": "分秒必争", "gold": "every second counts", "human": [ "seize every minute and second", "not a second is to be lost", "race against time", "outpace time" ], "machine": [ "Every minute counts" ] }, { "id": 698, "chinese": "分庭抗礼", "gold": "stand up to", "human": [ "meet on equal terms without ceremony", "stand up to somebody as an equal", "make rival claims as an equal", "act independently and defiantly", "be received as an equal" ], "machine": [ "Chamber of Deference", "compete with each other in a court of law", "compete with each other" ] }, { "id": 699, "chinese": "分路扬镳", "gold": "part company with", "human": [ "part company, each going his own way", "part on journey and go separate ways", "separate and go different ways", "take different aims and go separate ways", "go by different roads" ], "machine": [ "part ways" ] }, { "id": 700, "chinese": "切肤之痛", "gold": "deep grief", "human": [ "keenly felt pain", "sorrow hits home" ], "machine": [ "skin pain", "bitter anguish", "bitter suffering", "bitterness" ] }, { "id": 701, "chinese": "切齿痛恨", "gold": "grind one's teeth in hatred", "human": [], "machine": [ "gnashing of teeth", "bitter and hateful", "bitter hatred", "detest bitterly", "detest with deep-seated hatred" ] }, { "id": 702, "chinese": "切磋琢磨", "gold": "compare notes", "human": [ "study and learn by mutual discussion", "learn from each other by exchanging views", "lucubration and consultation" ], "machine": [ "learn from each other", "Cutting and pondering", "Cutting the pond", "Cutting and puzzling" ] }, { "id": 703, "chinese": "刎颈之交", "gold": "friends sworn to death", "human": [ "a friendship that would lead persons to die for each other", "bosom friends who are willing to die for one another", "sworn friends" ], "machine": [ "neck cut", "a friend who has cut his throat", "a friend who has cut his neck", "a friend by the throat", "a friend who cuts his throat" ] }, { "id": 704, "chinese": "初露锋芒", "gold": "display one's talent for the first time", "human": [ "show primarily one's talent" ], "machine": [ "budding", "first sign of success", "First Show", "The first glimpse" ] }, { "id": 705, "chinese": "初出茅庐", "gold": "a new hand", "human": [ "just come out of one's thatched cottage - at the beginning of one's career", "just have first experience in...", "young and inexperienced", "a green-horn", "début", "suckling" ], "machine": [ "fledgling", "novice" ] }, { "id": 706, "chinese": "初生之犊不怕虎", "gold": "young people are fearless", "human": [ "new-born calves make little of tigers" ], "machine": [ "Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers", "a newborn calf is not afraid of a tiger" ] }, { "id": 707, "chinese": "删繁就简", "gold": "simplify something by cutting out the superfluous", "human": [], "machine": [ "Simplify", "simplify by removing complexity" ] }, { "id": 708, "chinese": "判若云泥", "gold": "poles apart", "human": [ "as far removed as heaven is from earth" ], "machine": [ "like mud", "be as different as clouds and mud", "as different as clouds and mud", "be as different as clouds", "be like clouds and mud" ] }, { "id": 709, "chinese": "别开生面", "gold": "break fresh ground", "human": [ "open up a fresh outlook", "do a thing in an unusual way", "break a new path", "start something new", "in a novel way" ], "machine": [ "Be humble", "A new face", "A new approach", "A new approach to the world" ] }, { "id": 710, "chinese": "别久情疏", "gold": "out of sight, out of mind", "human": [ "long absent, soon forgotten" ], "machine": [ "Don't be shy", "long separation, short of love" ] }, { "id": 711, "chinese": "别具一格", "gold": "having a unique style", "human": [ "in a class by itself", "original in style", "have a style of one's own" ], "machine": [ "unique", "A unique style" ] }, { "id": 712, "chinese": "别树一帜", "gold": "get out of the rut", "human": [ "raise another standard", "set up a new banner", "act independently" ], "machine": [ "stand out", "stand out from the crowd", "stand out from the rest", "have a unique style" ] }, { "id": 713, "chinese": "别出心裁", "gold": "have an unconventional idea", "human": [ "create new styles", "adopt an original approach", "try to be different" ], "machine": [ "Be ingenious", "originality", "originality and creativity", "originality and innovation" ] }, { "id": 714, "chinese": "别有天地", "gold": "a different world", "human": [ "like another world", "a place of unique beauty", "scenery of exceptional charm" ], "machine": [ "nowhere", "A world apart", "otherworldly", "other worldly" ] }, { "id": 715, "chinese": "别有用心", "gold": "with ulterior motives", "human": [ "have another motive", "with an ulterior object in view", "harbor ulterior motives", "have an axe to grind", "have something up one's sleeve" ], "machine": [ "ulterior motive", "No ulterior motive", "No ulterior motives" ] }, { "id": 716, "chinese": "别无长物", "gold": "have only bare necessities", "human": [ "possessing nothing" ], "machine": [ "nothing long", "nothing else", "nothing more", "there is nothing else" ] }, { "id": 717, "chinese": "利令智昏", "gold": "be mesmerized by money", "human": [ "be blinded by the lust for gain", "be purblind owing to one's inordinate ambition" ], "machine": [ "Li Lingzhi faints", "lose one's head through material gain" ] }, { "id": 718, "chinese": "利害攸关", "gold": "closely bound up with", "human": [ "have a stake in" ], "machine": [ "at stake", "What's at stake", "what is at stake" ] }, { "id": 719, "chinese": "利欲熏心", "gold": "be lured by the desire for profits", "human": [ "be blinded by greed", "be overcome by covetousness", "be possessed with a lust for gain" ], "machine": [ "greed", "blinded by greed", "greed for profit", "smug" ] }, { "id": 720, "chinese": "刮目相看", "gold": "treat somebody with increased respect", "human": [ "look at somebody with new eyes", "have a completely new appraisal of somebody", "regard somebody with special esteem" ], "machine": [ "admiration", "See you in person", "See you.", "See you in a new light." ] }, { "id": 721, "chinese": "到什么山唱什么歌", "gold": "when in Rome do as the Romans do", "human": [ "sing different songs on different mountains" ], "machine": [ "What mountain to sing what song", "What song to sing on what mountain" ] }, { "id": 722, "chinese": "刺刺不休", "gold": "talk incessantly", "human": [ "chatter on and on", "a chatterbox" ], "machine": [ "thorn", "chattering incessantly", "chattering endlessly", "chattering and spitting", "chattering and choking" ] }, { "id": 723, "chinese": "刻不容缓", "gold": "must not lose a minute", "human": [ "not a moment to be lost", "be all the more urgent", "be of great urgency", "brook no delay", "call for imminent attention" ], "machine": [ "without delay", "No time to lose", "No time to waste" ] }, { "id": 724, "chinese": "刻骨铭心", "gold": "bear in mind forever", "human": [ "be imprinted on one's bones and in one's mind", "remember with gratitude to the end of one's life", "engraved on the heart" ], "machine": [ "unforgettable", "Carved in stone", "Carved in the Bone", "Carved in the heart" ] }, { "id": 725, "chinese": "刻舟求剑", "gold": "ridiculous stupidity", "human": [ "try to find the sword by carving a mark on the gunwale of one's moving boat where one's sword has dropped into the river", "take measures without regard to changes in circumstances" ], "machine": [ "Carving a boat for a sword", "a notch on the side of a boat locates the sword" ] }, { "id": 726, "chinese": "刻意求工", "gold": "try to do one's very best to achieve perfection", "human": [ "sedulously strive for perfection" ], "machine": [ "Deliberately seeking work", "deliberately seek work", "deliberately seek to work", "deliberately seeking to work" ] }, { "id": 727, "chinese": "削足适履", "gold": "cut the feet to fit the shoes", "human": [ "trim the toes to fit the shoes", "act in a Procrustean manner" ], "machine": [ "cut to fit" ] }, { "id": 728, "chinese": "前怕狼,后怕虎", "gold": "be plagued by all sorts of fears", "human": [ "fear the wolves ahead and the tigers behind - full of fears" ], "machine": [ "Fear of wolves before, fear of tigers", "fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind", "needless fears", "scare mongering", "reds under the beds" ] }, { "id": 729, "chinese": "前仆后继", "gold": "with fresh forces always stepping forward as others fell", "human": [ "mo sooner has one fallen than others step into the breach", "one steps into the breach as another falls", "as those in front fall, those behind take up their positions" ], "machine": [ "one after another", "advance and follow up", "advance and follow through", "advance and succeed", "advance and follow on" ] }, { "id": 730, "chinese": "前门拒虎,后门进狼", "gold": "fend off one danger only to fall prey to another", "human": [ "drive the tiger away from the front door and let a wolf in at the back" ], "machine": [ "The front door rejects the tiger, the back door enters the wolf", "beat a tiger from the front door, only to have a wolf come in at the back door" ] }, { "id": 731, "chinese": "前仆后继", "gold": "advance wave upon wave", "human": [], "machine": [ "one after another", "advance and follow up", "advance and follow through", "advance and succeed", "advance and follow on" ] }, { "id": 732, "chinese": "前途无量", "gold": "have a very promising future", "human": [ "have boundless prospects" ], "machine": [ "promising future", "The future is limitless", "The future is boundless", "The future is endless" ] }, { "id": 733, "chinese": "前功尽弃", "gold": "all one's previous efforts are wasted", "human": [ "all that has been achieved is spoiled", "nullified all the advantages of a series of victories", "all labor lost", "all previous work undone" ], "machine": [ "Failed", "give up the previous work", "give up all your previous work" ] }, { "id": 734, "chinese": "前呼后拥", "gold": "with many attendants crowding round", "human": [], "machine": [ "front and back", "flock together in front and behind", "flock to and fro", "flock around" ] }, { "id": 735, "chinese": "前倨后恭", "gold": "change from arrogance to humility", "human": [ "be first supercilious and then deferential" ], "machine": [ "The front and the back are respectful", "arrogance and deference", "arrogance" ] }, { "id": 736, "chinese": "前车之覆,后车之鉴", "gold": "one should take warning from another's mistake", "human": [ "the overturned cart ahead is a warning to the carts behind", "heed previous examples" ], "machine": [ "Overlap from the previous car, learn from the future car", "learn from the mistakes of the previous cart" ] }, { "id": 737, "chinese": "前车之鉴", "gold": "lessons drawn from others' mistakes", "human": [ "warning taken from the overturned cart in front" ], "machine": [ "Lessons learned", "A lesson from the past", "A lesson learned from the past" ] }, { "id": 738, "chinese": "前前后后", "gold": "the whole story", "human": [ "the ins and outs", "the entire process" ], "machine": [ "before and after", "before, during and after" ] }, { "id": 739, "chinese": "前事不忘,后事之师", "gold": "past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future", "human": [ "learn from the past experiences", "today is yesterday's pupil" ], "machine": [ "Past experience guide for the future", "don't forget what happened before, and you can learn from it afterwards" ] }, { "id": 740, "chinese": "前人栽树,后人乘凉", "gold": "profiting by the labor of one's forefathers", "human": [ "one generation plants the trees under whose cool shade another generation rests", "one sows and another reaps" ], "machine": [ "The predecessors planted the trees, the later generations enjoyed the shade", "enjoy the benefits of the hard work of one's predecessors." ] }, { "id": 741, "chinese": "前思后想", "gold": "turn over in one's mind", "human": [ "think over again and again" ], "machine": [ "Think before and after", "Thinking ahead and thinking back" ] }, { "id": 742, "chinese": "前所未有", "gold": "unprecedented", "human": [ "such as never previously existed", "hitherto unknown", "beyond example" ], "machine": [ "unparalleled" ] }, { "id": 743, "chinese": "前所未闻", "gold": "unheard-of", "human": [ "never heard of before" ], "machine": [ "unheard of", "Unprecedented" ] }, { "id": 744, "chinese": "前因后果", "gold": "the entire process", "human": [ "cause and effect" ], "machine": [ "Causes and Consequences" ] }, { "id": 745, "chinese": "前无古人", "gold": "without parallel in history", "human": [ "unprecedented" ], "machine": [ "No one has ever done it before", "No one has gone before", "No one has ever done so before" ] }, { "id": 746, "chinese": "剖腹藏珠", "gold": "die for the sake of gain", "human": [ "rip open the stomach to hide a pearl" ], "machine": [ "caesarean bead", "cutting open the abdomen and hiding the pearl" ] }, { "id": 747, "chinese": "刚愎自用", "gold": "opinionated", "human": [ "headstrong", "obstinate and self-willed", "obstinate and self-opinionated", "set in one's ways", "self-willed" ], "machine": [ "headstrong and self-opinionated", "headstrong and self-interested", "headstrong and self-willed" ] }, { "id": 748, "chinese": "刚正不阿", "gold": "upright end never stooping to flattery", "human": [], "machine": [ "upright", "upright and plainspoken", "upright and honest" ] }, { "id": 749, "chinese": "剜肉补疮", "gold": "resort to a remedy worse than the ailment", "human": [ "cut out a piece of one's flesh to cure a boil", "a makeshift to tide over a present difficulty", "rob one's belly to cover one's back" ], "machine": [ "gouging out sore", "Plucking out flesh to mend sores" ] }, { "id": 750, "chinese": "创巨痛深", "gold": "badly injured and in great pain", "human": [ "severely wounded and in great pain - in deep distress" ], "machine": [ "great pain", "untold pain and suffering", "deeply scarred for life", "untold suffering" ] }, { "id": 751, "chinese": "劈头盖脸", "gold": "direct in the face", "human": [ "to one's face", "right in the face" ], "machine": [ "cover your face", "splitting the head and covering the face", "pelting with words", "showering down" ] }, { "id": 752, "chinese": "剑拔弩张", "gold": "becoming dangerously explosive", "human": [ "with swords drawn and bows bent", "all set for a show-down", "ready to jump at each other's throat", "be at daggers drawn", "in a blustering and aggressive manner", "sabre-rattling" ], "machine": [ "rattling swords", "Swords are drawn", "Swords drawn", "Sword Draws" ] }, { "id": 753, "chinese": "力不胜任", "gold": "beyond one's capacity", "human": [ "without the required ability to undertake a given task", "be unequal to one's task" ], "machine": [ "incompetent", "not be up to the task", "not up to the task", "incompetent to" ] }, { "id": 754, "chinese": "力不从心", "gold": "the strength not equal to the will", "human": [ "the ability falling short of one's wishes", "be unable to do as well as one would wish to do", "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" ], "machine": [ "powerless", "less capable than desirable", "less capable than desired" ] }, { "id": 755, "chinese": "力排众议", "gold": "prevail over all dissenting views", "human": [ "stand one's ground", "strongly dissent" ], "machine": [ "Against the odds", "stand firm in opposition to the masses", "stand firm in opposition" ] }, { "id": 756, "chinese": "力争上游", "gold": "aim high", "human": [ "endeavor to gain the upper hand", "advance by vigorous effort" ], "machine": [ "Strive for", "Strive for the top", "Strive for Upstream", "Strive for the best" ] }, { "id": 757, "chinese": "力所不及", "gold": "above one's reach", "human": [ "not within one's power", "beyond one's tether" ], "machine": [ "beyond the power", "beyond one's capabilities", "unable do what one can do", "not able do enough", "not enough power to do so" ] }, { "id": 758, "chinese": "力所能及", "gold": "do everything in one's power", "human": [ "within one's power", "to the full extent of one's capabilities", "to the best of one's ability", "within one's reach" ], "machine": [ "Do your best", "as far as I can", "within one's means", "within one's capabilities" ] }, { "id": 759, "chinese": "力挽狂澜", "gold": "make vigorous efforts to turn the tide", "human": [ "strive to retrieve a critical situation", "save a dangerous situation with one's utmost efforts" ], "machine": [ "Turn the tide", "save the day", "Save the storm" ] }, { "id": 760, "chinese": "功败垂成", "gold": "fail when success is already in sight", "human": [ "fail in a great undertaking on the verge of success", "suffer defeat when victory is within one's grasp" ], "machine": [ "success or failure", "fall short of success", "fail to achieve success", "fail to achieve anything" ] }, { "id": 761, "chinese": "功德无量", "gold": "boundless beneficence", "human": [ "a great service to mankind" ], "machine": [ "Infinite merit", "No merit or virtue is too great", "No merit", "No merit is too great", "No merit or demerit" ] }, { "id": 762, "chinese": "功到自然成", "gold": "constant effort yields sure success", "human": [], "machine": [ "success comes naturally", "success will come naturally", "effort will be made" ] }, { "id": 763, "chinese": "功亏一篑", "gold": "fall short of success at the last stage", "human": [ "fail to build a mound for want of one final basket of earth - fall short of success for lack of a final effort", "just one step short of success or completion" ], "machine": [ "fall short", "fail through lack of a final effort", "fail to make a final effort", "fail to make a profit" ] }, { "id": 764, "chinese": "劣迹昭著", "gold": "notorious", "human": [ "one's bad behavior is well known" ], "machine": [ "bad deeds", "notoriously bad", "notorious for bad behavior" ] }, { "id": 765, "chinese": "助纣为虐", "gold": "encourage oppression", "human": [ "helping King Chieh to do evil - adding bad to worse", "aid King Chieh in his tyrannical rule", "give support to a tyrant", "help a tyrant to do evil", "abet an ill-doer", "hold a candle to the devil" ], "machine": [ "Help Zhou to abuse", "giving succor to the enemy" ] }, { "id": 766, "chinese": "助人为乐", "gold": "take pleasure in helping others", "human": [], "machine": [ "Helping others", "Helping people to enjoy themselves", "Helping People", "Helping people for fun", "Helping people for pleasure" ] }, { "id": 767, "chinese": "劫富济贫", "gold": "rob the rich and help the poor", "human": [ "wrest from the rich to help the poor" ], "machine": [ "rob the rich to help the poor", "Robbing the rich to help the poor" ] }, { "id": 768, "chinese": "勇冠三军", "gold": "distinguish oneself by peerless valor in battle", "human": [], "machine": [ "Brave Champions and Three Armies", "The brave and the brave are the three armies" ] }, { "id": 769, "chinese": "勇武逼人", "gold": "surpass others in valour be surpassingly valorous", "human": [], "machine": [ "Bravery", "Brave and forceful", "Brave and compelling", "Bravery is compelling" ] }, { "id": 770, "chinese": "勇往直前", "gold": "march forward without hesitation", "human": [ "march forward courageously", "stride bravely forward", "advance bravely", "dauntless march", "take one's courage in both hands", "go well up to bridle", "up hill and down dale" ], "machine": [ "go forward", "Moving forward with courage", "Moving forward", "Go for it" ] }, { "id": 771, "chinese": "勉为其难", "gold": "undertake to do a difficult job as best as one can", "human": [ "manage to do a difficult job beyond one's reach" ], "machine": [ "reluctantly", "make it difficult", "barely", "make it difficult to do so", "make it difficult to" ] }, { "id": 772, "chinese": "动辄得咎", "gold": "be blamed for every move", "human": [ "be frequently taken to task" ], "machine": [ "blame at every turn", "faulted at every turn", "can't get anything right" ] }, { "id": 773, "chinese": "胜败乃兵家之常", "gold": "defeats or victories are ordinary things to a general", "human": [], "machine": [ "Victory and defeat are the norm in the military", "Victory and defeat are common in the military" ] }, { "id": 774, "chinese": "胜不骄,败不馁", "gold": "not puffed up by success, undismayed by failure", "human": [ "not dizzy with success, nor discouraged by failure" ], "machine": [ "Victory is not proud, defeat is not discouraged", "No arrogance in victory, no discouragement in defeat" ] }, { "id": 775, "chinese": "胜任愉快", "gold": "be well qualified", "human": [ "equal to the task", "very competent at a job" ], "machine": [ "Pleasantly competent", "Competent and pleasant", "Competent and happy", "Competent and enjoyable", "Competently and happily" ] }, { "id": 776, "chinese": "劳民伤财", "gold": "waste of manpower and public funds", "human": [ "tire the people and drain the treasury" ], "machine": [ "Laboring people and hurting wealth", "waste of manpower and resources", "labor and injury to the people" ] }, { "id": 777, "chinese": "劳苦功高", "gold": "have worked hard and performed a valuable service", "human": [ "with toilsome labor and distinctive merits" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "toil and toil high", "work hard for a good cause", "work hard for a long time", "work hard for a lot of good" ] }, { "id": 778, "chinese": "劳而无功", "gold": "work fruitlessly", "human": [ "work hard but to no avail", "toil with no gain", "lost labor" ], "machine": [ "toil in vain", "work hard while accomplishing little", "toil to no avail", "work hard but not fast enough" ] }, { "id": 779, "chinese": "劳逸结合", "gold": "strike a proper balance between work and leisure", "human": [ "alternate work with rest and recreation", "proper arrangement of work and rest" ], "machine": [ "work and rest", "Combination of work and rest", "Combine work and rest", "Combining work and rest", "Combine work with rest" ] }, { "id": 780, "chinese": "势不两立", "gold": "completely incompatible", "human": [ "impossible for both to exist together", "one of the two must be destroyed", "irreconcilably hostile to each other", "mutually exclusive", "diametrically opposed to", "extremely antagonistic", "implacable hostility", "at the opposite pole to", "irreconcilable" ], "machine": [ "inconsistency", "the two are incompatible", "the two are inseparable", "the two sides are incompatible" ] }, { "id": 781, "chinese": "势不可挡", "gold": "overwhelming", "human": [ "be irresistible", "come down like a brick", "carry all before one" ], "machine": [ "unstoppable" ] }, { "id": 782, "chinese": "势均力敌", "gold": "be evenly matched", "human": [ "match each other in strength", "be all square", "be in an equilibrium", "a Roland for an Oliver", "nip and tuck", "equal scale" ], "machine": [ "evenly matched", "an even match" ] }, { "id": 783, "chinese": "势成骑虎", "gold": "in the position of one riding a tiger", "human": [ "unable to get down and dangerous to go on" ], "machine": [ "Riding a tiger", "if you ride a tiger, it's hard to stop" ] }, { "id": 784, "chinese": "势如破竹", "gold": "with irresistible force", "human": [ "like splitting a bamboo - easily overcome all obstacles", "press on irresistibly from a commanding height", "like a hot knife cutting through butter" ], "machine": [ "Like a broken bamboo", "The momentum is as strong as ever" ] }, { "id": 785, "chinese": "势在必行", "gold": "be imperative", "human": [], "machine": [ "imperative", "The Imperative" ] }, { "id": 786, "chinese": "势焰熏天", "gold": "one's position and power dominate the world", "human": [], "machine": [ "Inflamed", "overwhelming force", "overwhelming power", "overwhelming influence" ] }, { "id": 787, "chinese": "励精图治", "gold": "strengthen the spirit and run one's country well", "human": [ "rouse oneself for vigorous efforts to make the country strong and prosperous" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "encourage and manage", "encourage the best" ] }, { "id": 788, "chinese": "勿谓言之不预也", "gold": "don't say that I didn't warn you", "human": [ "do not blame us for not having forewarned you", "don't say that you have not been forewarned", "let no one say he has not been warned" ], "machine": [ "Don't say unpredictable", "Don't be afraid of what you say", "Don't say what you mean" ] }, { "id": 789, "chinese": "包罗万象", "gold": "all-embracing", "human": [ "cover and contain everything", "all-inclusive", "encyclopedic" ], "machine": [ "All inclusive" ] }, { "id": 790, "chinese": "包藏祸心", "gold": "harbor evil intentions", "human": [ "hide a malicious intent", "entertain rebellion" ], "machine": [ "hide evil intentions", "concealing malice" ] }, { "id": 791, "chinese": "化险为夷", "gold": "come out safely from danger", "human": [ "turn danger into safety", "head off a disaster", "fall on one's feet", "save the situation", "bring order and peace out of chaos and confusion" ], "machine": [ "save danger", "turn a danger into a bargain", "turn a danger into a razor", "Turning danger into safety" ] }, { "id": 792, "chinese": "化整为零", "gold": "break up the whole into parts", "human": [], "machine": [ "rounded up to zero", "Divide and conquer", "Divide into pieces" ] }, { "id": 793, "chinese": "化为灰烬", "gold": "reduced to ashes", "human": [ "become ashes", "end in smoke" ], "machine": [ "turn to ashes", "Turned to ashes", "Turned into ashes", "Turn into ashes", "Turning to ashes" ] }, { "id": 794, "chinese": "化为乌有", "gold": "be reduced to zero", "human": [ "come to naught", "turn to dust and ashes", "dissolve into thin air", "dwindle away into nothing", "revert to nothing" ], "machine": [ "turn into nothing", "turn to nothing", "turn into a mess" ] }, { "id": 795, "chinese": "匪夷所思", "gold": "fantastic", "human": [ "no ordinary person could think of it", "unimaginably queer" ], "machine": [ "incredible", "unimaginable", "unbelievable", "unthinkable", "unimaginative" ] }, { "id": 796, "chinese": "匹夫之勇", "gold": "foolhardiness", "human": [ "reckless courage" ], "machine": [ "Courage", "the bravery of a piker", "the bravery of a pikeman", "the courage of a piker" ] }, { "id": 797, "chinese": "匹夫有责", "gold": "every man has a share of responsibility for the fate of his country", "human": [], "machine": [ "Everyone is responsible", "It's the responsibility of the piker" ] }, { "id": 798, "chinese": "匿影藏形", "gold": "sail under false colors", "human": [ "hide from public notice", "conceal one's identity", "lie low" ], "machine": [ "hidden form", "Hide and Seek", "conceal and hide" ] }, { "id": 799, "chinese": "十目所视,十手所指", "gold": "one cannot do wrong without being seen", "human": [ "with many eyes watching and many fingers pointing", "all eyes see it and all fingers point to it - useless to hide" ], "machine": [ "What ten eyes see, what ten hands point to", "Ten eyes to see, ten hands to point" ] }, { "id": 800, "chinese": "十拿九稳", "gold": "90 percent sure", "human": [ "nine chances out of ten", "practically certain", "the matter is well in hand", "ten to one", "in the bag" ], "machine": [ "Guaranteed", "9 out of 10" ] }, { "id": 801, "chinese": "十年寒窗", "gold": "persevere in one's long-term studies in spite of hardships", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ten years of cold window", "Ten years of hard work", "Ten years of hard study", "10 years of hard work" ] }, { "id": 802, "chinese": "十年树木,百年树人", "gold": "it takes ten years to grow frees but a hundred years to bring up a generation of good men", "human": [], "machine": [ "Trees in ten years, people in a hundred years", "It takes ten years to train a tree, but a hundred years to train a man." ] }, { "id": 803, "chinese": "十全十美", "gold": "be flawless and perfect", "human": [ "be perfect in every way", "leave nothing to be desired", "be all it should be", "the pink of perfection", "the acme of perfection" ], "machine": [ "perfect", "Ten Perfections", "Ten Perfects", "Ten Perfection", "Ten Perfect" ] }, { "id": 804, "chinese": "十室九空", "gold": "almost all houses were empty after the raid", "human": [ "nine houses out of ten are deserted a scene of desolation after a plague or war when the population is decimated", "nine out of ten houses are stripped bare" ], "machine": [ "Ten rooms and nine empty spaces", "nine out of ten rooms are empty", "9 out of 10 rooms are empty", "nine of ten rooms are empty" ] }, { "id": 805, "chinese": "十恶不赦", "gold": "guilty of unpardonable evil", "human": [ "guilty beyond forgiveness", "unpardonable crime" ], "machine": [ "heinous", "ten evils are not pardonable", "ten evils are unforgivable", "ten evils are unpardonable", "ten evils are not forgiven" ] }, { "id": 806, "chinese": "十万火急", "gold": "extremely urgent", "human": [ "most emergent", "posomethingaste" ], "machine": [ "100,000 hurry", "100,000 urgent", "A hundred thousand fires", "A hundred thousand fire" ] }, { "id": 807, "chinese": "千变万化", "gold": "ever-changing", "human": [ "innumerable changes" ], "machine": [ "A thousand changes", "A thousand variations", "A lot of changes" ] }, { "id": 808, "chinese": "千篇一律", "gold": "cast in the same mould", "human": [ "following the same pattern", "all in the same key", "stereotyped", "invariably", "monotony" ], "machine": [ "cookie-cutter", "thousand articles, same rule", "thousand pieces, same rule", "thousand articles, one rule" ] }, { "id": 809, "chinese": "千方百计", "gold": "leave no stone unturned", "human": [ "in a thousand and one ways", "in every possible way", "by every possible means", "use every means to", "do all in one's power", "resort to every trick", "use every stratagem", "leave no means untried", "by fair means or foul", "by hook or crook" ], "machine": [ "Do everything possible", "by all means", "a thousand ways", "by all possible means" ] }, { "id": 810, "chinese": "千夫所指", "gold": "be universally condemned", "human": [ "be up for general castigation with a thousand accusing fingers levelled against one", "face a thousand accusing fingers" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of people refer to", "A Thousand Fingers", "A Thousand Finger" ] }, { "id": 811, "chinese": "千头万绪", "gold": "a multitude of things", "human": [ "thousands of strands and loose ends", "extremely complicated and difficult to unravel" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of thoughts", "a multitude of things to do", "a multitude of loose ends", "multitude of loose ends" ] }, { "id": 812, "chinese": "千难万险", "gold": "numerous dangers and hazards", "human": [], "machine": [ "In all dangers", "a thousand hardships and perils" ] }, { "id": 813, "chinese": "千里迢迢", "gold": "far, far away", "human": [ "thousands of li away", "from afar", "over a great distance" ], "machine": [ "thousands of miles", "A Thousand Miles Away", "A Thousand Miles", "Thousands of miles away" ] }, { "id": 814, "chinese": "千里之堤,溃于蚁穴", "gold": "slight negligence may lead to a great disaster", "human": [ "one ant hole may cause the collapse of a thousand-li dyke", "a small ant's hole may destroy a great dam", "a small leak will sink a great ship" ], "machine": [ "The embankment of a thousand miles collapses in the ant's nest", "An ant hole causing the collapse of a great dike." ] }, { "id": 815, "chinese": "千里之行,始于足下", "gold": "a thousand-li journey starts with the first step", "human": [ "a thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step" ], "machine": [ "A thousand miles begins with a single step", "The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step" ] }, { "id": 816, "chinese": "千里送鹅毛", "gold": "but sent from afar, it conveys deep feeling", "human": [ "to send the feather of a goose one thousand li", "the gift in itself may be insignificant, but the good-will is deep", "the gift itself may be fight as a goose feather", "the present is trifling but the feeling is profound" ], "machine": [ "Send goose feathers for thousands of miles", "goose feather sent from afar", "send a goose feather from afar" ] }, { "id": 817, "chinese": "千虑一得", "gold": "even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea", "human": [ "a fool's bolt may sometimes hit the mark", "a fool may give a wise man counsel" ], "machine": [ "All things considered", "a thousand tries leads one success", "Even if you think about it, you can still get it." ] }, { "id": 818, "chinese": "千古奇谈", "gold": "strange stories of the ages", "human": [ "a forever strange tale" ], "machine": [ "Legends through the ages", "A Thousand Strange Tales", "A Thousand Strange Stories", "A Thousand Strange Talks" ] }, { "id": 819, "chinese": "千钧重负", "gold": "a crushing burden", "human": [ "a vital responsibility" ], "machine": [ "heavy burden", "A Thousand Pounds of Weight", "A Thousand Pounds", "A Thousand Pounds of Burden" ] }, { "id": 820, "chinese": "千军万马", "gold": "a powerful army", "human": [ "thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers", "a world of people" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of troops", "Thousands of armies and horses", "Thousands of troops and horses", "A Thousand Armies and Horses", "Thousands of horses and armies." ] }, { "id": 821, "chinese": "千奇百怪", "gold": "all sorts of strange things", "human": [ "an infinite variety of fantastic phenomena", "many unusual things", "exceedingly strange", "very wonderful" ], "machine": [ "all kinds of strange", "strange and wonderful" ] }, { "id": 822, "chinese": "千秋万代", "gold": "throughout the ages", "human": [ "generation after generation", "in all the generations to come forever" ], "machine": [ "For generations", "for generations to come", "for ages and generations" ] }, { "id": 823, "chinese": "千辛万苦", "gold": "untold hardships", "human": [ "innumerable trials and tribulations", "severe toil" ], "machine": [ "hardships", "with great difficulty", "with great pains", "with great pains and hardships" ] }, { "id": 824, "chinese": "千真万确", "gold": "really and truly", "human": [ "true as gospel", "absolutely true", "as sure as a gun", "as sure as eggs are eggs" ], "machine": [ "It's true.", "It is true" ] }, { "id": 825, "chinese": "千差万别", "gold": "differ in thousands of ways", "human": [], "machine": [ "vary widely", "A thousand different things", "A thousand differences", "A lot of differences", "A lot of difference" ] }, { "id": 826, "chinese": "千锤百炼", "gold": "be revised and rewritten many times", "human": [ "thoroughly tempered", "well-experienced", "have gone through fire and water", "be polished again and again" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of trials and hardships", "after a thousand hammers and a hundred refinements" ] }, { "id": 827, "chinese": "千山万水", "gold": "a long and arduous journey", "human": [ "ten thousand crags and torrents", "numerous mountains and rivers", "a great distance", "land and sea" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of mountains and rivers", "Thousands of Mountains and Waters", "A Thousand Mountains", "A Thousand Hills", "Thousands of Mountains" ] }, { "id": 828, "chinese": "千载难逢", "gold": "the chance of a lifetime", "human": [ "an opportunity of a thousand years", "once in a blue moon" ], "machine": [ "once in a lifetime", "A once in a lifetime", "A once-in-a-lifetime" ] }, { "id": 829, "chinese": "千载一时", "gold": "an extremely rare chance", "human": [ "occur only once in a thousand years - very rare" ], "machine": [ "a thousand years", "a thousand times over", "a thousand years of age", "a thousand years old" ] }, { "id": 830, "chinese": "千丝万缕", "gold": "countless ties", "human": [ "a thousand and one links", "innumerable links", "be linked in a hundred and one ways", "have everything connected to each other" ], "machine": [ "inextricably linked", "A thousand threads", "Thousands of threads", "A thousand strands" ] }, { "id": 831, "chinese": "千言万语", "gold": "countless words", "human": [ "thousands and thousands of words", "numerous words" ], "machine": [ "a thousand words", "Thousands of Words" ] }, { "id": 832, "chinese": "升堂入室", "gold": "become highly proficient in one's profession", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ascension into the room", "attain a higher level of proficiency", "attain a higher level" ] }, { "id": 833, "chinese": "升官发财", "gold": "win promotion and get rich", "human": [ "power and money" ], "machine": [ "get promoted", "get promoted and get rich", "get promoted and become rich", "be promoted and gain wealth", "get a promotion and a fortune" ] }, { "id": 834, "chinese": "半壁江山", "gold": "half of the country", "human": [ "independent section of the country", "the remaining land" ], "machine": [ "Half of the world", "half the country" ] }, { "id": 835, "chinese": "半途而废", "gold": "stop halfway", "human": [ "do something by halves", "leave something unfinished", "fail to complete a thing" ], "machine": [ "give up halfway", "leave things unfinished" ] }, { "id": 836, "chinese": "半推半就", "gold": "half refusing, half accepting", "human": [ "half rejecting, half yielding", "yield while pretending to reject" ], "machine": [ "half push", "half willing and half unwilling", "half-prompted and half-excused" ] }, { "id": 837, "chinese": "半路出家", "gold": "without solid foundation", "human": [ "become a monk or nun late in life - switch to a job one was not trained for" ], "machine": [ "halfway home", "switch a job one was not trained for" ] }, { "id": 838, "chinese": "半斤八两", "gold": "much of a muchness", "human": [ "half a catty and eight ounces", "half a pound of one and eight ounces of the other", "six of one and half a dozen of the other", "not much to choose between the two", "tweedledee and tweedledum" ], "machine": [ "half a catty", "tweedledum and tweedledee", "not much better than two" ] }, { "id": 839, "chinese": "半信半疑", "gold": "not quite convinced", "human": [ "half believe and half doubt", "be dubious of", "half in doubt", "doubtfully" ], "machine": [ "dubious", "half-believe, half-doubt", "half-believing, half-doubting", "half-believe and half-doubt", "half-believed, half-doubted" ] }, { "id": 840, "chinese": "卑鄙龌龊", "gold": "contemptible", "human": [ "sordid", "foul", "mean" ], "machine": [ "vile", "sordid and dirty", "vile and dirty" ] }, { "id": 841, "chinese": "卑躬屈膝", "gold": "act servilely", "human": [ "humiliate oneself in serving somebody", "bow low and humiliate oneself", "bow and scrape", "be subservient", "lick somebody's boots", "go with cap in hand to", "cringe" ], "machine": [ "grovelling", "bow and bend the knee", "bending and scraping" ] }, { "id": 842, "chinese": "卓尔不群", "gold": "preeminent", "human": [ "standing alone", "outstanding" ], "machine": [ "Distinctive", "excellent and unrivaled", "excellent and unrivalled" ] }, { "id": 843, "chinese": "卓有成效", "gold": "highly effective", "human": [ "very fruitful" ], "machine": [ "fruitful", "Outstanding results", "Outstanding" ] }, { "id": 844, "chinese": "南柯一梦", "gold": "pipe dream", "human": [ "Nanke dream (from the story of a man who dreamed that he", "became governor of Nanke in the Kingdom of Ants) - illusory joy", "empty happiness" ], "machine": [ "Nanke Yimeng", "A dream of Nanke", "A dream in Nanke", "Nanke a dream" ] }, { "id": 845, "chinese": "南腔北调", "gold": "speak with a mixed accent", "human": [], "machine": [ "South and North", "southern accent and northern accent", "Northern and Southern accents", "Northern and Southern accent" ] }, { "id": 846, "chinese": "南征北战", "gold": "fight south and north on many fronts", "human": [], "machine": [ "South and North War", "war on all sides", "war in the south and north" ] }, { "id": 847, "chinese": "南辕北辙", "gold": "wide as the poles are apart", "human": [ "try to go south by driving the chariot north - act in a way that defeats one's purpose", "head for the wrong direction", "diametrically opposite" ], "machine": [ "The opposite is true", "act in a diametrically opposite direction", "act in the opposite direction", "act in a contrary direction" ] }, { "id": 848, "chinese": "博古通今", "gold": "versed in both ancient and modern knowledge", "human": [ "conversant with ancient and modern learning", "acquainted with things ancient and modern", "erudite and informed" ], "machine": [ "Bogutongjin", "knowledgeable about the past and present" ] }, { "id": 849, "chinese": "博学多才", "gold": "erudite and talented", "human": [ "learned and versatile" ], "machine": [ "Knowledgeable", "knowledgeable and multi-talented", "erudition and versatility", "knowledgeable and versatile", "erudite and versatile" ] }, { "id": 850, "chinese": "博而不精", "gold": "know something about everything", "human": [ "have wide but not expert knowledge", "have wide but shallow knowledge" ], "machine": [ "Possessed but not refined", "extensive but not refined" ] }, { "id": 851, "chinese": "博闻强记", "gold": "have an encyclopedic knowledge", "human": [ "wide teaching and a powerful memory" ], "machine": [ "UBM Strong Kee", "have a wide knowledge and strong memory" ] }, { "id": 852, "chinese": "危机四伏", "gold": "beset with crises", "human": [ "be threatened by growing crises", "crisis-ridden" ], "machine": [ "Dangerous", "Crisis on the horizon", "Crisis on all sides", "Crisis on every side", "Crisis on all fronts" ] }, { "id": 853, "chinese": "危如累卵", "gold": "extremely risky", "human": [ "as dangerous as a pile of eggs", "precarious like a stack of eggs", "hazardous as eggs piled up", "in a precarious situation", "be in jeopardy" ], "machine": [ "Dangerous eggs", "precarious as pile of eggs", "ready fall and break at any moment", "precarious as a tired egg" ] }, { "id": 854, "chinese": "危在旦夕", "gold": "on the verge of death", "human": [ "the danger lies between morning and evening - death is imminent", "in imminent danger", "at death's door" ], "machine": [ "Dangerous", "The crisis is imminent", "The danger is imminent" ] }, { "id": 855, "chinese": "危言耸听", "gold": "exaggerate things just to scare people", "human": [ "say frightening things just to raise an alarm", "shocking statement attracts attention", "make an inflammatory statement", "alarmist", "sensational" ], "machine": [ "frightening talk", "frightening words" ] }, { "id": 856, "chinese": "卸磨杀驴", "gold": "slaughter the donkey after it had done its job at the mill", "human": [ "kill the donkey the moment it leaves the millstone - get rid of somebody as soon as he has done his job", "kill the donkey as soon as it is taken from the millstone" ], "machine": [ "kill the donkey", "kill the donkey when the grinding is done" ] }, { "id": 857, "chinese": "却之不恭", "gold": "if would be impolite to decline", "human": [], "machine": [ "but disrespectful", "refuse would be impolite", "refuse would be rude", "refuse is not flattering" ] }, { "id": 858, "chinese": "触景生情", "gold": "the scene brings back memories", "human": [ "the scene touches a chord in one's heart" ], "machine": [ "Sensational", "A reminder of the scene", "A reminder of a scene", "A reminiscent of the scene" ] }, { "id": 859, "chinese": "却以其人之道,还治其人之身", "gold": "give somebody a dose of his own medicine", "human": [ "deal with a man as he deals with you", "pay somebody back in his own coin", "do unto them as they do unto us", "serve somebody with the same sauce", "beat one at his own game" ], "machine": [ "But with the way of the people, he also treats the body of the people", "but to do to others what they do to others" ] }, { "id": 860, "chinese": "厚此薄彼", "gold": "discriminate against some and favor others", "human": [ "favor one and slight the other", "say turkey to one and buzzard to another", "treat with partiality" ], "machine": [ "favor one over another", "favour one and discriminate against the other", "favour one over the other" ] }, { "id": 861, "chinese": "厚颜无耻", "gold": "have the gall to say something", "human": [ "have no shame", "have the impudence to", "be quite without shame", "be lost to shame", "be dead to shame", "be past shame", "bold as brass", "impudent", "brazen", "thick-skinned", "shameless" ], "machine": [ "shamelessly", "shamelessness" ] }, { "id": 862, "chinese": "原封不动", "gold": "untouched", "human": [ "keep something in its totality", "maintain unchanged in its original state", "keep intact", "take over sum and substance", "with no change" ], "machine": [ "intact", "unchanged", "unaltered" ] }, { "id": 863, "chinese": "原形毕露", "gold": "show one's true colors", "human": [ "be revealed for what one is", "reveal one's real nature", "show the cloven hoof", "betray oneself" ], "machine": [ "unmasked", "original identity fully revealed", "original identity is revealed", "original identity revealed", "original identity is exposed" ] }, { "id": 864, "chinese": "原原本本", "gold": "from beginning to end", "human": [ "give chapter and verse for" ], "machine": [ "Originally", "original and unadulterated", "original" ] }, { "id": 865, "chinese": "厝火积薪", "gold": "put fire under piles of fuel", "human": [ "great danger remained in concealment" ], "machine": [ "house fire accumulated salary", "Alcove fires accumulate fuel" ] }, { "id": 866, "chinese": "励兵秣马", "gold": "get ready for battle", "human": [ "sharpen the weapons and feed the horses" ], "machine": [ "Fighting for horses", "encourage soldiers and horses" ] }, { "id": 867, "chinese": "去粗取精", "gold": "discard the dross and select the essential", "human": [], "machine": [ "to rough sperm extraction", "Remove the rough and take the fine" ] }, { "id": 868, "chinese": "去伪存真", "gold": "winnow truth from falsehood", "human": [ "eliminate the false and retain the true" ], "machine": [ "remove the false and preserve the true", "Remove the fake and keep the real" ] }, { "id": 869, "chinese": "参差不齐", "gold": "not uniform", "human": [ "uneven" ], "machine": [ "spotty", "Unevenly" ] }, { "id": 870, "chinese": "又惊又喜", "gold": "surprised and happy", "human": [ "alarmed and happy at the same time", "astonished and elated" ], "machine": [ "Surprised and delighted", "both surprised and delighted", "both surprised and pleased", "surprised and pleased" ] }, { "id": 871, "chinese": "又要马儿跑得好,又要马儿不吃草", "gold": "you can't have your cake and eat it, too.", "human": [ "you can't expect the horse to run fast when you don't let it graze", "you can't make a horse work without feeding it" ], "machine": [ "I want the horse to run well, and I want the horse not to eat grass", "And want the horse to run well, but also want the horse not to eat grass" ] }, { "id": 872, "chinese": "及锋而试", "gold": "strike the iron while it is hot", "human": [ "try while the point is sharp" ], "machine": [ "try hard", "try out at the sharp end", "try out at the tip", "try out at the peak" ] }, { "id": 873, "chinese": "反复无常", "gold": "fickle", "human": [ "change one's mind constantly", "blow hot and cold", "play fast and loose", "chop and change", "changeable", "capricious" ], "machine": [ "erratic", "inconsistent" ] }, { "id": 874, "chinese": "反戈一击", "gold": "turn back to hit", "human": [ "turn one's weapon around and strike", "turn against those one has wrongly sided with" ], "machine": [ "counter attack", "counterattack", "strike back", "fight back" ] }, { "id": 875, "chinese": "反攻倒算", "gold": "retaliate", "human": [ "counterattack to settle old scores", "launch a vindictive counterattack" ], "machine": [ "counterattack countdown", "counterattack and count backwards", "to turn the tables on somebody" ] }, { "id": 876, "chinese": "反躬自省", "gold": "self-introspection", "human": [ "examine oneself by self-reflection" ], "machine": [ "introspection", "introspective", "self-reflection", "reflect on oneself" ] }, { "id": 877, "chinese": "反躬自问", "gold": "self-examination", "human": [ "examine oneself", "examine one's conscience", "self-introspection" ], "machine": [ "Ask yourself", "ask oneself", "introspection" ] }, { "id": 878, "chinese": "反客为主", "gold": "turn from a guest into a host", "human": [ "reverse the positions of the host and guest", "turn passivity into activity" ], "machine": [ "anti-customer", "the opposite is true" ] }, { "id": 879, "chinese": "反其道而行之", "gold": "do exactly the opposite", "human": [ "act in a diametrically opposite way", "act in opposition to", "diametrically opposed to", "the exact opposite of" ], "machine": [ "do the opposite", "Doing the opposite" ] }, { "id": 880, "chinese": "反求诸己", "gold": "to the contrary one turns and seeks the cause in oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "Seek yourself", "seek the cause in oneself rather than somebody else" ] }, { "id": 881, "chinese": "反唇相讥", "gold": "talk back", "human": [ "answer back sarcastically", "reply defiantly", "bicker with each other", "pout in disagreement" ], "machine": [ "rebuke", "mutual bickering and ridicule", "sarcastic repartee" ] }, { "id": 882, "chinese": "取之不尽,用之不竭", "gold": "abundant", "human": [ "inexhaustible" ], "machine": [ "inexhaustible, inexhaustible", "inexhaustible supply", "inexhaustible supply of water" ] }, { "id": 883, "chinese": "取长补短", "gold": "overcome one's own shortcomings by learning from others' strong points", "human": [ "learn from each others' strong points to offset one's weaknesses", "make up one's deficiencies by acquiring others' strong points", "mutually make up one's deficiencies" ], "machine": [ "learn from each other", "Use your strengths to make up for your weaknesses" ] }, { "id": 884, "chinese": "取而代之", "gold": "step into somebody's shoes", "human": [ "take someone's place", "fill somebody's bonnet", "replace somebody", "supersede somebody" ], "machine": [ "instead", "replace it with", "Replace with" ] }, { "id": 885, "chinese": "受苦受难", "gold": "live in misery", "human": [ "have one's fill of sufferings" ], "machine": [ "suffer", "sufferings", "Suffering" ] }, { "id": 886, "chinese": "受宠若惊", "gold": "feel extremely flattered", "human": [ "receive favors as with fear", "be overwhelmed by an unexpected favor", "overwhelmed by special favor", "receive favor with awed excitement" ], "machine": [ "flattered", "overwhelmed by favor", "overwhelmed" ] }, { "id": 887, "chinese": "口蜜腹剑", "gold": "hypocritical and malignant", "human": [ "honey in mouth, dagger in heart - treachery lying underneath a mask of friendship", "a mouth that praises and a hand that kills", "velvet paws hide sharp claws", "an iron hand in a velvet glove" ], "machine": [ "Honey belly sword", "honeyed words and a sword in the belly", "hypocritical and murderous" ] }, { "id": 888, "chinese": "口口声声", "gold": "keep on saying", "human": [ "say again and again" ], "machine": [ "keep saying", "to repeat over and over again" ] }, { "id": 889, "chinese": "口惠而实不至", "gold": "empty promise without substance", "human": [ "make a promise but not keep it", "pay lip service" ], "machine": [ "lip service but unrealistic", "what one says is good but what one does not get is not" ] }, { "id": 890, "chinese": "口诛笔伐", "gold": "condemn both in speech and in writing", "human": [ "denounce by spoken word and writing" ], "machine": [ "verbal criticism", "denounce by word and pen", "denounce by word and pencil", "denunciation", "denounce by mouth and pen" ] }, { "id": 891, "chinese": "口是心非", "gold": "cry with one eye and laugh with the other", "human": [ "the mouth is right but the heart is false", "say yes and mean no", "say one thing and mean another", "hypocrisy", "double-faced" ], "machine": [ "duplicity", "mouth says yes, heart no" ] }, { "id": 892, "chinese": "口说无凭", "gold": "oral expressions cannot be taken as evidence", "human": [ "verbal statements are no guarantee" ], "machine": [ "word of mouth", "No proof of what one says", "No proof of what you say", "No proof of words" ] }, { "id": 893, "chinese": "口若悬河", "gold": "let loose a torrent of eloquence", "human": [ "have a glib tongue", "talk glibly", "be nimble of speech", "glib talker" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "mouth like a torrent", "glib", "voluble" ] }, { "id": 894, "chinese": "古今中外", "gold": "at all times and in all countries", "human": [ "both ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign", "past and present, at home and abroad" ], "machine": [ "ancient and modern", "at all times and in all places", "at present and in the future" ] }, { "id": 895, "chinese": "古色古香", "gold": "having antique flavor", "human": [ "classic beauty", "antique", "quaint", "patinated" ], "machine": [ "Ancient and antique", "Ancient", "Ancient and antiquated" ] }, { "id": 896, "chinese": "古为今用", "gold": "make the past serve the present", "human": [], "machine": [ "past for present", "the past becomes the present", "the past becomes present" ] }, { "id": 897, "chinese": "古往今来", "gold": "since time immemorial", "human": [ "through the ages", "of all ages", "past and present", "from ancient times till sow" ], "machine": [ "throughout history", "Throughout the ages", "Throughout time" ] }, { "id": 898, "chinese": "另起炉灶", "gold": "make a fresh start", "human": [ "\"set up a separate kitchen\"", "start all over again" ], "machine": [ "start over", "start a new kitchen", "start of on a new path", "start of on a new kitchen" ] }, { "id": 899, "chinese": "另请高明", "gold": "get oneself a more qualified person", "human": [ "find some better person than myself", "find another man" ], "machine": [ "Please also Gao Ming", "Please ask for another high level" ] }, { "id": 900, "chinese": "另有企图", "gold": "asking loaded questions", "human": [ "ulterior motives", "to have other intention, plans, or ulterior designs" ], "machine": [ "other intentions", "another attempt", "have another intention" ] }, { "id": 901, "chinese": "另眼相看", "gold": "see somebody in a new light", "human": [ "regard somebody with special respect", "pay special regard to" ], "machine": [ "look at it differently", "look upon in a different light", "view in a different light", "treat somebody. differently", "look askance at" ] }, { "id": 902, "chinese": "只可意会,不可言传", "gold": "can be subtly appreciated, but not put into words", "human": [], "machine": [ "It can only be understood, not spoken", "It can only be understood, but not expressed" ] }, { "id": 903, "chinese": "只见树木,不见森林", "gold": "cannot see the woods for the trees", "human": [ "see the trees but not the forest" ], "machine": [ "only trees but no forest", "See the trees, not the forest", "All trees, no forest" ] }, { "id": 904, "chinese": "只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯", "gold": "the magistrates were allowed to burn down houses, while the common people were forbidden even to light lamps", "human": [ "the magistrate ordered the burning down of people's houses while forbidding the people so much as to light a lamp", "one may steal a horse while another may not look over the hedge" ], "machine": [ "oppressive rule", "only the official is allowed light the fire, not the people" ] }, { "id": 905, "chinese": "只争朝夕", "gold": "race against time", "human": [ "seize the day, seize the hour" ], "machine": [ "just fight for the day", "make the best use of one's time", "make the best use of your time", "seize the day" ] }, { "id": 906, "chinese": "只此一家,别无分店", "gold": "have a monopoly", "human": [ "the one and only store, no branch office" ], "machine": [ "Only this one, no other branches", "This is the only one, there is no other", "This is the only one, no other" ] }, { "id": 907, "chinese": "只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针", "gold": "perseverance spells success", "human": [ "constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle" ], "machine": [ "as long as you try very hard, you can achieve anything", "If you work hard enough, you can grind an iron bar in a needle." ] }, { "id": 908, "chinese": "叫苦不迭", "gold": "constantly complain", "human": [ "invariably pour out endless grievances" ], "machine": [ "complaining", "complain without stopping", "to bitch endlessly", "incessant grievances", "complain bitterly" ] }, { "id": 909, "chinese": "叫苦连天", "gold": "incessant grumbling", "human": [ "ventilate one's endless grievances", "complain to high heaven" ], "machine": [ "complaining", "whine on for days" ] }, { "id": 910, "chinese": "可歌可泣", "gold": "heroic and moving", "human": [ "move one to songs and tears", "touching and deserving a song" ], "machine": [ "can sing and cry", "sad and inspiring", "sad and beautiful", "sad", "sadly beautiful" ] }, { "id": 911, "chinese": "可乘之机", "gold": "an opportunity that can be exploited to somebody's advantage", "human": [], "machine": [ "opportunity", "Opportunity to take advantage of" ] }, { "id": 912, "chinese": "可望而不可及", "gold": "within sight but beyond reach", "human": [ "unattainable", "inaccessible" ], "machine": [ "out of reach", "in sight but out of reach" ] }, { "id": 913, "chinese": "可遇而不可求", "gold": "may come by with luck, but not by searching for it", "human": [ "something unique which may come by chance but not by diligent search" ], "machine": [ "Available but not available", "can be met but not sought", "can be found but not sought" ] }, { "id": 914, "chinese": "叱咤风云", "gold": "all-powerful", "human": [ "commanding the wind and the clouds", "ride the whirl-wind", "shaking heaven and earth" ], "machine": [ "rebuke the world", "reigning supreme", "rebuke all the world" ] }, { "id": 915, "chinese": "史无前例", "gold": "without parallel in history", "human": [ "without precedent in history", "unprecedented in history", "without example", "unheard of" ], "machine": [ "unprecedented" ] }, { "id": 916, "chinese": "司马昭之心,路人皆知", "gold": "all too evident", "human": [ "Szu Ma-chao's ill intent is known to all - the villain's design is obvious", "this Szu Ma-chao trick is obvious to every man in the street" ], "machine": [ "Sima Zhao's heart is known to all", "Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows" ] }, { "id": 917, "chinese": "司空见惯", "gold": "a common sight", "human": [ "accustomed to seeing such things, they are not regarded as strange", "it is quite common for", "a matter of repeated occurrence", "a common occurrence", "familiar" ], "machine": [ "commonplace" ] }, { "id": 918, "chinese": "吃里扒外", "gold": "live off one person while secretly helping another", "human": [], "machine": [ "Eat inside and out", "eat the inside out", "eat inside out", "eat inside and outside" ] }, { "id": 919, "chinese": "吃苦耐劳", "gold": "hard-working and able to endure hardship", "human": [ "bear hardships and stand hard work" ], "machine": [ "hard-working", "Hardworking and durable", "hard-working and durable", "hardworking and hard-wearing" ] }, { "id": 920, "chinese": "吃喝玩乐", "gold": "eat, drink and be merry", "human": [ "idle away one's time in pleasure-seeking" ], "machine": [ "Skittles", "Eat, Drink and Play" ] }, { "id": 921, "chinese": "吃软不吃硬", "gold": "be open to persuasion, but not to coercion", "human": [ "yield to the weak but not to the strong" ], "machine": [ "Eat soft not hard", "amenable to coaxing but not coercion" ] }, { "id": 922, "chinese": "吃一堑,长一智", "gold": "in doing we learn", "human": [ "a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit", "learn to one's cost" ], "machine": [ "learn from mistakes", "Fall inthe moat and you'll be wiser." ] }, { "id": 923, "chinese": "各奔前程", "gold": "each goes his own way", "human": [ "each pursues his onward journey" ], "machine": [ "go their separate ways", "each going his own way", "each one goes his own way", "each goes on his own way" ] }, { "id": 924, "chinese": "各得其所", "gold": "each is properly provided for", "human": [ "each is in his proper place", "each has a role to play", "each gets his due", "to the satisfaction of one and all" ], "machine": [ "get what they want", "Each in its place", "Each in his place", "Each in their own way", "Each in its own way" ] }, { "id": 925, "chinese": "各个击破", "gold": "rout one by one", "human": [ "destroy one by one" ], "machine": [ "Break each", "Each one is broken", "Each of them is broken", "Each one of them is broken", "Each of them will be broken" ] }, { "id": 926, "chinese": "各行其是", "gold": "act as one pleases", "human": [ "each does what he thinks is right", "each goes his own way" ], "machine": [ "do their own thing", "Each one does what he wants", "Each one does his own thing" ] }, { "id": 927, "chinese": "各执一词", "gold": "each sticks to his own version or argument", "human": [], "machine": [ "different opinions", "each sticks to his own word", "each sticks to his own words", "each sticks to his own term", "each sticks to his own version" ] }, { "id": 928, "chinese": "固执己见", "gold": "each sticks to his own view", "human": [ "each cleaves to his own opinion" ], "machine": [ "opinionated", "persist in one's views", "obstinate in one's views" ] }, { "id": 929, "chinese": "各抒己见", "gold": "each airs his own views", "human": [ "each has his say" ], "machine": [ "express their opinions", "each expresses his own opinion", "each expresses his own view", "each expresses his own views" ] }, { "id": 930, "chinese": "各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜", "gold": "individualism or departmental selfishness", "human": [ "each one sweeps the snow from his own doorsteps and doesn't bother about the frost on his neighbour's roof", "give your own fish guts to your own sea mews", "mind one's own business" ], "machine": [ "Everyone sweeps the snow in front of their own door, don't worry about the frost on other people's tiles", "sweep the snow in front of your own door, don't worry about the frost on others' tiles" ] }, { "id": 931, "chinese": "各自为政", "gold": "each does things in his own way", "human": [], "machine": [ "self-governance", "each in his own way", "Each to his own", "Each one for himself" ] }, { "id": 932, "chinese": "各有千秋", "gold": "each has his strong points", "human": [ "each has his own merits", "each has something to recommend him" ], "machine": [ "Each has its own merits", "Each has its own unique characteristics", "Each has a thousand", "Each has its own unique style" ] }, { "id": 933, "chinese": "吉光片羽", "gold": "a fragment of a highly treasured relic", "human": [], "machine": [ "Jiguang Feather", "a glimpse of good fortune", "a glimpse of good news", "a glimpse of good luck", "a glimpse of good things" ] }, { "id": 934, "chinese": "同病相怜", "gold": "fellow sufferers sympathize with one another", "human": [ "those who have the same complaint sympathize with each other", "similarly afflicted people pity each other", "adversity makes strange bedfellows" ], "machine": [ "pity each other", "fellow sufferers pity each other", "fellow sufferers sympathize" ] }, { "id": 935, "chinese": "同流合污", "gold": "associate with an evil person", "human": [ "wallow in the mire with somebody", "join in somebody's evil-doings", "play a part in somebody's evil actions", "go with the evil stream" ], "machine": [ "conspiracy", "wallow in the mire with the enemy", "wallow in the mire", "wallow in the mire with others" ] }, { "id": 936, "chinese": "同甘共苦", "gold": "through thick and thin", "human": [ "share joys and sorrows", "for better or for worse", "through fair or foul" ], "machine": [ "share weal and woe" ] }, { "id": 937, "chinese": "同归于尽", "gold": "both sides go to ruin", "human": [ "be exterminated at one and the same time", "perish together", "end in common ruin" ], "machine": [ "die in the same place", "die together", "die in the same way" ] }, { "id": 938, "chinese": "同心同德", "gold": "with one heart and one mind", "human": [ "be dedicated heart and soul to the same cause" ], "machine": [ "One heart and one mind", "One Heart, One Virtue" ] }, { "id": 939, "chinese": "同心协力", "gold": "unite in a concerted effort", "human": [ "work in full cooperation and with unity of purpose", "work together with one heart", "be of one mind", "pull together", "gung-ho" ], "machine": [ "work together", "work with one heart", "work with one mind", "work as one", "work with a common purpose" ] }, { "id": 940, "chinese": "同舟共济", "gold": "pull together to tide over difficulties", "human": [ "people in the same boat help each other", "share with one in trouble", "sail on the same tack", "in fair weather or in foul" ], "machine": [ "Together in the same boat", "Together in the Boat" ] }, { "id": 941, "chinese": "同仇敌忾", "gold": "share a bitter hatred of the enemy", "human": [ "treat one as a common enemy" ], "machine": [ "share the same hatred", "make common cause", "make the same enemy", "make common cause of the enemy", "make a common enemy" ] }, { "id": 942, "chinese": "同床异梦", "gold": "have different dreams in the same bed", "human": [ "be strange bedfellows", "engage in the same business but each has his own calculations", "thrown together but each having a different problem" ], "machine": [ "Same Bed Different Dreams", "share the same bed with different dreams" ] }, { "id": 943, "chinese": "同室操戈", "gold": "quarrels between brothers", "human": [ "family members drawing swords on each other", "internal strife", "internecine feud", "fight against one's own men" ], "machine": [ "roommate", "wielding the sword in the same room", "internecine strife" ] }, { "id": 944, "chinese": "同声相应,同气相求", "gold": "like attracts like", "human": [ "similar sounds echo one another, and the same odours merge together", "people of an inclination fall into the same group" ], "machine": [ "corresponding with the same voice", "in sympathy with one another, with one voice and one breath" ] }, { "id": 945, "chinese": "同恶相求", "gold": "aid and abet each other in wrong doings", "human": [ "evil-doers collude with each other" ], "machine": [ "seek the same evil", "seek the same evil for the same" ] }, { "id": 946, "chinese": "名不副实", "gold": "be unworthy of the name or title", "human": [ "the reality does act correspond to its name", "the reputation falls short of the reality", "the title and the reality do not tally", "be something more in name than in reality" ], "machine": [ "misnamed", "the name does not reflect the reality" ] }, { "id": 947, "chinese": "名不虚传", "gold": "have o well-deserved reputation", "human": [ "deserve the reputation one enjoys", "live up to one's reputation", "true to its fame" ], "machine": [ "well-deserved reputation", "The name is not in vain", "The name is true", "The name is not false" ] }, { "id": 948, "chinese": "名副其实", "gold": "be worthy of the name", "human": [ "the name matches the reality", "be something in reality as well as in name", "one's reputation is justified", "true to one's name" ], "machine": [ "worthy of the name", "True to its name", "True to the name", "True to form" ] }, { "id": 949, "chinese": "名利双收", "gold": "win fame and fortune", "human": [ "gain both reputation and wealth" ], "machine": [ "Fame and fortune", "both fame and fortune", "both fame and money" ] }, { "id": 950, "chinese": "名列前茅", "gold": "be among the best of the candidates", "human": [ "come out in front", "come out cap", "come to the fore" ], "machine": [ "top", "Ranked among the best", "Ranked in the top", "Ranked among the top" ] }, { "id": 951, "chinese": "名落孙山", "gold": "fail in a civil examination", "human": [], "machine": [ "Name Luosun Mountain", "fail in imperial examinations" ] }, { "id": 952, "chinese": "名缰利锁", "gold": "the bondage of refutation and wealth", "human": [], "machine": [ "Fame lock", "fame reins and profit locks", "tied down by reputation and wealth" ] }, { "id": 953, "chinese": "名正言顺", "gold": "be perfectly justifiable", "human": [ "come within one's jurisdiction", "things called by their right names" ], "machine": [ "Justifiably", "right and proper", "rightful and proper", "rightful and fair", "rightful" ] }, { "id": 954, "chinese": "名垂青史", "gold": "go down in history", "human": [ "be crowned with eternal glory" ], "machine": [ "name will go down in history", "achievements will go down in history" ] }, { "id": 955, "chinese": "名噪一时", "gold": "gain considerable fame among one's contemporaries", "human": [], "machine": [ "famous", "achieve fame among one's contemporaries", "achieve fame among one's peers" ] }, { "id": 956, "chinese": "名存实亡", "gold": "exist in name", "human": [ "cease to exist except in name", "non-existent except in name" ], "machine": [ "exist in name only", "the name remains, but the reality is gone" ] }, { "id": 957, "chinese": "吐故纳新", "gold": "get rid of the stale and take in the fresh", "human": [ "exhaling the old and inhaling the new-metabolism" ], "machine": [ "revive the old", "Exhale the old and bring in the new", "Exhale the Old and New" ] }, { "id": 958, "chinese": "向壁虚造", "gold": "fabricate", "human": [ "make up out of one's head", "create groundless rumors" ], "machine": [ "fictitious", "facing a wall, an imaginary construction" ] }, { "id": 959, "chinese": "向隅而泣", "gold": "weep all alone in a corner", "human": [ "weep in a corner and bewail one's sad fate", "be left to grieve in the cold", "grieve out in the cold" ], "machine": [ "cry to the corner", "Weeping in the Corner", "Weeping on the Corner" ] }, { "id": 960, "chinese": "吞吞吐吐", "gold": "speak a word, swallow the next", "human": [ "hesitate in speaking", "in a halting way", "mince matters", "mutter and mumble", "prunes and prism", "hem and haw" ], "machine": [ "hesitant", "speak and break off, then swallow", "hold something. back" ] }, { "id": 961, "chinese": "吞云吐雾", "gold": "\"swallowing clouds and breathing out mists\" - said of smoking opium", "human": [], "machine": [ "puff", "Swallowing clouds and exhaling fog", "Swallowing clouds and fog" ] }, { "id": 962, "chinese": "吟风弄月", "gold": "write sentimental verses", "human": [ "sing of the moon and the wind" ], "machine": [ "Yinfeng Nongyue", "singing of the wind and the moon" ] }, { "id": 963, "chinese": "吠影吠声", "gold": "slavishly echo others", "human": [ "when one dog barks at a shadow all the others join in", "one dog barks at a shadow, and many bark at the sound", "blindly chime in with others" ], "machine": [ "bark shadow bark", "barking and shouting" ] }, { "id": 964, "chinese": "否极泰来", "gold": "out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss", "human": [], "machine": [ "No Tailai", "The Negative is the best" ] }, { "id": 965, "chinese": "含垢忍辱", "gold": "bear shame and humiliation", "human": [ "endure contempt and insults", "bear insult and obloquy with patience", "eat dirt" ], "machine": [ "filthy humiliation", "bear humiliation", "bear disgrace and humiliation" ] }, { "id": 966, "chinese": "含糊其辞", "gold": "in vague terms", "human": [ "talk ambiguously", "mention vaguely", "amphibolously", "equivocated" ], "machine": [ "ambiguous", "equivocate", "equivocal", "vague", "talk in vague terms" ] }, { "id": 967, "chinese": "含辛茹苦", "gold": "endure all kinds of hardships", "human": [ "drink the bitter cup", "put up with hardships" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "suffer every possible torment", "bitter hardship", "bear one's cross" ] }, { "id": 968, "chinese": "含血喷人", "gold": "make slanderous accusations", "human": [ "hold blood in the mouth and spurt it at others", "malicious words to injure another", "make scurrilous attacks on somebody" ], "machine": [ "bloody spray", "spit blood", "venomous slander", "malicious attacks", "malign", "malignant spiteful" ] }, { "id": 969, "chinese": "含沙射影", "gold": "attack by innuendo", "human": [ "make insinuations", "with insidious language", "fling dirt about", "insinuation" ], "machine": [ "innuendo", "insinuate" ] }, { "id": 970, "chinese": "吮痈舐痔", "gold": "suck ulcers and piles of another person", "human": [ "to lickspit", "sycophancy" ], "machine": [ "Sucking carbuncle hemorrhoids", "sucking carbuncles and licking hemorrhoids" ] }, { "id": 971, "chinese": "吹毛求疵", "gold": "fault-finding", "human": [ "blow aside the fur to seek for faults", "go out of the way to discover weak points", "blow upon the hair trying to discover a mole", "pick holes in somebody's coat", "find fault with", "cavil at", "hypercritical", "nit-picking", "hair-splitting" ], "machine": [ "nitpicky", "nitpick" ] }, { "id": 972, "chinese": "呆若木鸡", "gold": "transfixed", "human": [ "dumb as a wooden chicken", "stand like a log", "dumbstruck" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 973, "chinese": "周而复始", "gold": "go round and round", "human": [ "go round and begin again", "move in cycles" ], "machine": [ "week after week", "The cycle begins again and again", "The cycle repeats itself" ] }, { "id": 974, "chinese": "味同嚼蜡", "gold": "it tastes no better than tallow", "human": [ "it is like chewing wax - insipid", "tasteless like chewing a candle" ], "machine": [ "taste like wax", "tastes as bad as chewing wax", "tastes like wax", "tastes as bad as wax", "insipid" ] }, { "id": 975, "chinese": "呼风唤雨", "gold": "control the forces of nature", "human": [ "summon wind and rain", "summon the storm", "stir up trouble" ], "machine": [ "call the wind and call the rain", "call the wind and summon the rain", "to exercise magical powers" ] }, { "id": 976, "chinese": "呼之即来,挥之即去", "gold": "have somebody at one's beck and call", "human": [ "bring under one's thumb", "have somebody at one's disposal", "make somebody do his bidding" ], "machine": [ "come on call, come on call", "come when called, go when called" ] }, { "id": 977, "chinese": "呼之欲出", "gold": "very vividly portrayed", "human": [ "seem ready to come out at one's call" ], "machine": [ "ready to come out", "emerge from the sky", "emerge in a flash" ] }, { "id": 978, "chinese": "命中注定", "gold": "predestined", "human": [ "decreed by fate" ], "machine": [ "destiny", "Destined", "Fate", "Destined to be" ] }, { "id": 979, "chinese": "命在旦夕", "gold": "be on the verge of death", "human": [ "be dying" ], "machine": [ "life is on the verge of", "life is at stake", "life at stake", "life is on the line" ] }, { "id": 980, "chinese": "咄咄逼人", "gold": "ferociously", "human": [ "with an overbearing attitude", "aggressive", "overbearing" ], "machine": [ "aggressively" ] }, { "id": 981, "chinese": "咄咄怪事", "gold": "monstrous absurdity", "human": [ "out of the ordinary", "isn't it absurd that ... ?" ], "machine": [ "Strange thing", "Duh." ] }, { "id": 982, "chinese": "咆哮如雷", "gold": "be a thundering rage", "human": [ "roar with rage" ], "machine": [ "roar like thunder", "Roaring like thunder" ] }, { "id": 983, "chinese": "和盘托出", "gold": "tell all the truth", "human": [ "bring out in its entirety", "emerge in its totality", "lay all the cards on the table", "make a clean breast of everything", "make the whole thing known", "reveal everything", "without the slightest concealment" ], "machine": [ "and tell the truth", "make a clean breast of it all", "make a clean breast of it", "make a clean breast of things" ] }, { "id": 984, "chinese": "和睦相处", "gold": "be happy together", "human": [ "live in haemony", "be on friendly terms with", "smoke the calumet together" ], "machine": [ "get along in harmony", "Get along with each other", "Living in harmony", "Live in harmony" ] }, { "id": 985, "chinese": "和风细雨", "gold": "in a gentle and mild way", "human": [ "like a gentle breeze and a mild rain", "in a genial manner", "not be rough" ], "machine": [ "gentle drizzle", "A gentle breeze and a fine rain", "A gentle breeze and fine rain" ] }, { "id": 986, "chinese": "和衷共济", "gold": "pull together for common cause", "human": [ "work together with one heart" ], "machine": [ "work together", "work together in harmony", "work in harmony" ] }, { "id": 987, "chinese": "和颜悦色", "gold": "an amiable manner", "human": [ "with a kind and pleasant countenance" ], "machine": [ "Peaceful", "amiable manner", "pleasant countenance" ] }, { "id": 988, "chinese": "咎由自取", "gold": "have only oneself to blame", "human": [ "the fault lies with oneself", "one brings the trouble on oneself" ], "machine": [ "self-inflicted", "have the blame and suffer the consequences", "have the blame and deserve it" ] }, { "id": 989, "chinese": "咎有应得", "gold": "serve one right", "human": [ "one deserves blame", "open to censure" ], "machine": [ "deserve it", "deserve what one gets" ] }, { "id": 990, "chinese": "咫尺天涯", "gold": "physically very near but separated as if by long distances", "human": [ "a short distance away, and yet poles apart", "see little of each other though living nearby" ], "machine": [ "far away", "The Far Side of the World", "A stone's throw from the sky", "A stone's throw from heaven" ] }, { "id": 991, "chinese": "咬牙切齿", "gold": "gnash the teeth in anger", "human": [ "gnash one's teeth in hatred", "grind one's teeth" ], "machine": [ "gnashing of teeth", "gnash one's teeth", "to grit one's teeth and cut one's teeth" ] }, { "id": 992, "chinese": "咬文嚼字", "gold": "talk pedantically", "human": [ "\"chew words\"", "mince words in speech or writing", "pay excessive attention to wording", "speak or talk like a book" ], "machine": [ "Literally", "bite words and chew words", "Bite the words", "bite words and chew them" ] }, { "id": 993, "chinese": "哀兵必胜", "gold": "an army burning with righteous indignation is bound to win", "human": [], "machine": [ "Underdog will win", "an army in mourning will win", "an army in mourning must win" ] }, { "id": 994, "chinese": "哀鸿遍野", "gold": "a land swarming with famished refugees", "human": [ "famine refugees swarm the countryside", "the poor and helpless roam about in their plight", "destitute people to be found everywhere" ], "machine": [ "Sadness is everywhere", "plaintive whine of woe is everywhere", "plaintive whine of grief", "plaintive whine of woe", "starving people are everywhere" ] }, { "id": 995, "chinese": "哀而不伤", "gold": "deeply felt but not sentimental", "human": [ "mournful, but not distressing" ], "machine": [ "sad but not sad", "deeply felt but not sad" ] }, { "id": 996, "chinese": "哄堂大笑", "gold": "the whole room rocking with laughter", "human": [ "the whole company bursting into laughter" ], "machine": [ "laugh out loud", "the whole room roaring with laughter", "a big laugh" ] }, { "id": 997, "chinese": "唉声叹气", "gold": "sigh in despair", "human": [ "heave deep sighs", "moan and groan" ], "machine": [ "sighing voice, wailing breath", "sigh in frustration", "sighing and wailing" ] }, { "id": 998, "chinese": "唯命是从", "gold": "be absolutely obedient", "human": [ "always do as one is told", "be at somebody's beck and call", "be guided entirely by the orders of", "be led by the ears", "be under somebody's thumb", "be moulded like wax", "be at somebody's disposal" ], "machine": [ "only order", "follow orders only", "follow obediently", "follow orders", "follow obedience" ] }, { "id": 999, "chinese": "唯利是图", "gold": "be bent solely on profit", "human": [ "be intent on nothing but profit", "work exclusively for profit", "put profit-making first", "be interested only in personal gain", "try to turn everything to one's own advantage", "with the profit motive paramount", "profit-grabbing" ], "machine": [ "mercenary", "only profit is profit", "profit-oriented", "Only Profit" ] }, { "id": 1000, "chinese": "唯我独尊", "gold": "extremely conceited", "human": [ "supremacy over all", "terribly self-conceited", "assume an air of self-importance", "overlordship", "overweening" ], "machine": [ "solitary", "I am the only one", "The Only One" ] }, { "id": 1001, "chinese": "唯唯诺诺", "gold": "be obsequious", "human": [ "say \"yes\", \"yes\" repeatedly", "be a yes-man", "with servility", "servile" ], "machine": [ "Victims", "only a promise", "be a wishy-washy", "be a wishy-washy person" ] }, { "id": 1002, "chinese": "唱独角戏", "gold": "go it alone", "human": [ "put on a one-man show" ], "machine": [ "sing a one-man show", "sing a solo role", "sing a monologue", "perform a solo role", "Singing a solo role" ] }, { "id": 1003, "chinese": "唱对台戏", "gold": "enter into rivalry", "human": [ "set up a rival stage in opposition to", "put on a rival show" ], "machine": [ "sing opposite", "sing a rival show", "sing a rival opera", "sing a rivalry" ] }, { "id": 1004, "chinese": "唾手可得", "gold": "extremely easy to obtain", "human": [ "with extreme case" ], "machine": [ "within easy reach", "readily available", "Available at your fingertips" ] }, { "id": 1005, "chinese": "问道于盲", "gold": "blind leading the blind", "human": [ "ask a blind man the way", "seek advice from an ignorant person", "ask the way from a blind man", "seek advice from one who can offer none" ], "machine": [ "ask the blind", "Asking for the Blind", "Asking the Blind" ] }, { "id": 1006, "chinese": "问寒问暖", "gold": "ask after somebody's health with deep concern", "human": [ "be solicitous for somebody's welfare" ], "machine": [ "Ask for warmth", "ask about the cold and the warm", "ask about the cold and warm", "ask about the cold and warmth" ] }, { "id": 1007, "chinese": "问心有愧", "gold": "feel a twinge of conscience", "human": [ "have a guilty conscience" ], "machine": [ "Ashamed" ] }, { "id": 1008, "chinese": "问心无愧", "gold": "have a clear conscience", "human": [ "feel no qualms upon self-examination", "peace of conscience" ], "machine": [ "A clear conscience", "look in the heart, no shame", "with a clear conscience" ] }, { "id": 1009, "chinese": "问长问短", "gold": "take the trouble to make detailed inquiries", "human": [], "machine": [ "ask long ask short", "ask about the long and short of it", "ask the long and short of it", "ask questions long and short" ] }, { "id": 1010, "chinese": "哑口无言", "gold": "have nothing to say for oneself", "human": [ "shut up when defeated in argument", "be left without an argument", "be rendered speechless", "struck dumb", "dumbfounded" ], "machine": [ "speechless", "at a loss for words", "dumbfounded and speechless" ] }, { "id": 1011, "chinese": "哑然失笑", "gold": "can't help laughing", "human": [ "unable to stifle a laugh", "break into laughter", "chuckle to oneself" ], "machine": [ "laugh out loud", "laugh in disomebodyelief", "laugh involuntarily", "laugh in silence", "dumbfounded" ] }, { "id": 1012, "chinese": "啼饥号寒", "gold": "cry from hunger and cold", "human": [ "cry out in hunger and cold" ], "machine": [ "cry of hunger and cold", "hunger cries and cold roars", "hunger cries and cold calls" ] }, { "id": 1013, "chinese": "啼笑皆非", "gold": "be very embarrassed", "human": [ "not know whether to laugh or cry", "in an awkward position" ], "machine": [ "ironic", "between laughter and tears", "between laughing and crying" ] }, { "id": 1014, "chinese": "喃喃自语", "gold": "mutter to oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "self-mumbling", "Mumbling", "Muttering", "Mumbles", "Mumble" ] }, { "id": 1015, "chinese": "善罢甘休", "gold": "let it go at that", "human": [ "let it go or give up lightly", "leave the matter at that" ], "machine": [ "give up", "leave well enough alone", "be prepared to let go" ] }, { "id": 1016, "chinese": "善始善终", "gold": "see something through", "human": [ "begin well and end well", "have a good beginning and a good ending", "do well from start to finish" ], "machine": [ "Good start and good end", "I started and I'll finish.", "I'll start and finish." ] }, { "id": 1017, "chinese": "善自为谋", "gold": "good at taking care of oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "good for oneself", "be good at working for oneself" ] }, { "id": 1018, "chinese": "善有善报,恶有恶报", "gold": "good has its reward and evil has its recompense", "human": [ "good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil" ], "machine": [ "what goes around comes around", "virtue has its reward, evil its retribution" ] }, { "id": 1019, "chinese": "喊冤叫屈", "gold": "complain loudly about an alleged injustice", "human": [ "cry out about one's grievances" ], "machine": [ "grievance", "cry out injustice and complain", "cry foul and complain" ] }, { "id": 1020, "chinese": "喋喋不休", "gold": "talk endlessly", "human": [ "an endless stream of words", "keep on clamouring", "chatter away", "rattle away", "talk somebody's ear off", "loose one's tongue", "chatter like a magpie", "garrulously" ], "machine": [ "chatter" ] }, { "id": 1021, "chinese": "喜怒无常", "gold": "subject to changing moods", "human": [], "machine": [ "moody", "temperamental and unpredictable", "temperamental", "temperamental and moody" ] }, { "id": 1022, "chinese": "喜气洋洋", "gold": "jubilant", "human": [ "full of joy", "ebullition of joy" ], "machine": [ "beaming", "joyful", "joyfulness", "joyous", "joyful atmosphere" ] }, { "id": 1023, "chinese": "喜笑颜开", "gold": "be all smiles", "human": [ "light up with pleasure", "be wreathed in smiles", "beaming with smiles", "beam with joy" ], "machine": [ "smiling", "face covered in smiles", "beaming with happiness", "smiling face" ] }, { "id": 1024, "chinese": "喜新厌旧", "gold": "love the new and loathe the old", "human": [ "be fickle in affection" ], "machine": [ "Love the new and hate the old", "like the new and hate the old" ] }, { "id": 1025, "chinese": "喜形于色", "gold": "light up with pleasure", "human": [ "a happy expression on one's face", "happiness written on one's face", "be visibly pleased" ], "machine": [ "happy with color", "face light up with delight", "beam with joy" ] }, { "id": 1026, "chinese": "喜出望外", "gold": "be overjoyed", "human": [ "joy beyond all expectations", "in pleased surprise", "be overcome with joy" ], "machine": [ "Overjoyed", "overjoyed at the turn of events", "overjoyed at the prospect" ] }, { "id": 1027, "chinese": "喜从天降", "gold": "a sudden unexpected happy event", "human": [ "happiness comes from Heaven" ], "machine": [ "Joy falls from the sky", "joy from heaven" ] }, { "id": 1028, "chinese": "喜闻乐见", "gold": "love to see and hear", "human": [], "machine": [ "happy to hear", "a delight to see", "a pleasure to see", "a pleasure to watch", "a delight to see and hear" ] }, { "id": 1029, "chinese": "喧宾夺主", "gold": "the sauce is better than the fish", "human": [ "a presumptuous guest usurps the hosts role", "the secondary supersedes the primary", "minor taking precedence over a major issue" ], "machine": [ "overpower" ] }, { "id": 1030, "chinese": "丧魂落魄", "gold": "be driven to distraction", "human": [ "be frightened out of one's life" ], "machine": [ "lost soul", "scared out of one's wits", "in a panic" ] }, { "id": 1031, "chinese": "丧家之犬", "gold": "stray dogs", "human": [], "machine": [ "bereaved dog", "Bereaved dogs" ] }, { "id": 1032, "chinese": "丧尽天良", "gold": "heartless", "human": [ "utterly devoid of conscience", "conscienceless" ], "machine": [ "lose conscience", "a total loss of conscience" ] }, { "id": 1033, "chinese": "丧权辱国", "gold": "surrender a country's sovereign rights under humiliating terms", "human": [ "humiliate the nation and forfeit its sovereignty", "national betrayal" ], "machine": [ "humiliate the country", "forfeit power and humiliate the country" ] }, { "id": 1034, "chinese": "丧心病狂", "gold": "frenzied", "human": [ "be seized with crazy ideas, losing all balance of judgement", "have cracked brains", "unscrupulous" ], "machine": [ "heartlessness", "heartless", "heartlessness and insanity", "heartlessness and madness" ] }, { "id": 1035, "chinese": "乔装改扮", "gold": "disguise oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "disguise", "disguise oneself as a disguise", "disguise oneself as" ] }, { "id": 1036, "chinese": "单刀直入", "gold": "come straight to the point", "human": [ "speak out without beating about the bush", "make simple and direct attack on the subject", "without preliminaries" ], "machine": [ "single-handedly", "Straight to the point", "Single cut" ] }, { "id": 1037, "chinese": "单枪匹马", "gold": "go to battle single-handed", "human": [ "a solitary horseman - alone", "all by oneself", "all alone" ], "machine": [ "alone", "Single Gun", "Single Shot", "Single Guns", "single-handed" ] }, { "id": 1038, "chinese": "呜呼哀哉", "gold": "dead and gone", "human": [ "alas! alack!", "alas, it is sad indeed!", "lament the cause as lost", "all is lost" ], "machine": [ "Woohoo", "woe is me" ] }, { "id": 1039, "chinese": "嗜杀成性", "gold": "bloodthirsty", "human": [ "bloodsucking" ], "machine": [ "homicidal" ] }, { "id": 1040, "chinese": "嗟悔无及", "gold": "too late for regrets and lamentations", "human": [ "it's too late to sigh or regret" ], "machine": [ "regretful", "No time for remorse", "No time for contempt", "No time to regret in contempt" ] }, { "id": 1041, "chinese": "嗟来之食", "gold": "a handout", "human": [ "food handed out in contempt" ], "machine": [ "food that comes", "food in contempt", "contempt" ] }, { "id": 1042, "chinese": "嗤之以鼻", "gold": "sniff at", "human": [ "turn up one's nose at", "give a snicker", "make a long nose at", "thumb one's nose at", "despise" ], "machine": [ "snort", "look down upon", "treat with contempt", "look down on", "look askance at" ] }, { "id": 1043, "chinese": "嗷嗷待哺", "gold": "cry piteously for food", "human": [], "machine": [ "wailing to be fed", "Ouch.", "Overeating" ] }, { "id": 1044, "chinese": "嘉言懿行", "gold": "good words and admirable conduct", "human": [ "wise words and exemplary conduct" ], "machine": [ "Jia Yan Yi Xing", "Words and actions", "Words and deeds", "Words" ] }, { "id": 1045, "chinese": "呕心沥血", "gold": "make extremely painstaking efforts", "human": [ "shed one's heart blood", "strain one's heart and mind", "work one's heart out" ], "machine": [ "painstakingly", "vomit blood", "vomit", "vomit blood from the heart", "vomiting blood" ] }, { "id": 1046, "chinese": "啧有烦言", "gold": "there are a lot of complaints", "human": [], "machine": [ "tsk", "She has a lot to say.", "I have a lot to say." ] }, { "id": 1047, "chinese": "嘘寒问暖", "gold": "inquire after somebody's well-being", "human": [ "be solicitous about somebody's health" ], "machine": [ "Ask for warmth", "ask about somebody's health", "ask about the cold", "ask about somebody's welfare" ] }, { "id": 1048, "chinese": "嘻嘻哈哈", "gold": "laughing and joking", "human": [ "laughing merrily", "mirthful" ], "machine": [ "hee hee ha ha", "Hip Hop", "Hee-Haw" ] }, { "id": 1049, "chinese": "噤若寒蝉", "gold": "keep mum about", "human": [ "as silent as a cicada in cold weather - keep quiet out of fear", "silent as the cicada in winter", "maintain a discreet silence", "mute as a mackerel" ], "machine": [ "Silent as a cicada", "keep silent", "keep quiet as if in fear", "silent as a chill" ] }, { "id": 1050, "chinese": "噬脐莫及", "gold": "it's too late to repent", "human": [], "machine": [ "The umbilical cord is out of reach", "It's too late for the navel." ] }, { "id": 1051, "chinese": "喷薄而出", "gold": "gush forth", "human": [ "spurt" ], "machine": [ "gushing out", "spurt out", "Spouting" ] }, { "id": 1052, "chinese": "嚎啕大哭", "gold": "cry one's eyes out", "human": [ "cry loudly" ], "machine": [ "howling", "wail", "bawl", "bawling" ] }, { "id": 1053, "chinese": "严刑峻法", "gold": "severe law", "human": [ "draconian law" ], "machine": [ "severe punishment", "strict penalties and harsh laws" ] }, { "id": 1054, "chinese": "严阵以待", "gold": "stand ready in battle array", "human": [ "stand in combat readiness", "be prepared in full battle array", "under arms", "embattle" ], "machine": [ "ready for battle", "Standby", "Stand by", "Stand by for", "Standby for" ] }, { "id": 1055, "chinese": "严惩不贷", "gold": "punish mercilessly", "human": [ "punish severely without mercy" ], "machine": [ "Severely punished", "Severe punishment" ] }, { "id": 1056, "chinese": "严于律己", "gold": "be strict with oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "self-discipline", "Be strict with yourself", "Discipline yourself", "Discipline yourself strictly" ] }, { "id": 1057, "chinese": "嘤鸣求友", "gold": "a bird sings to call forth a friend's response", "human": [], "machine": [ "begging for friends", "Calling for friends", "Calling friends" ] }, { "id": 1058, "chinese": "囊空如洗", "gold": "broke", "human": [ "with empty pockets", "penniless" ], "machine": [ "empty bag", "empty pockets" ] }, { "id": 1059, "chinese": "囚首垢面", "gold": "with unkempt hair and dirty face", "human": [], "machine": [ "Prisoner's face", "with a prisoner's head in the dirt" ] }, { "id": 1060, "chinese": "四平八稳", "gold": "well organized", "human": [ "very steady", "very well disposed indeed", "lacking in initiative and is overcautious" ], "machine": [ "All in all", "stable and stable", "stable and steady", "stable", "stable and unimpeded" ] }, { "id": 1061, "chinese": "四面八方", "gold": "on every side", "human": [ "all directions", "all quarters", "all around", "far and near" ], "machine": [ "in all directions", "from all sides" ] }, { "id": 1062, "chinese": "四面楚歌", "gold": "be in dire straits", "human": [ "be surrounded by the enemy on four sides", "be besieged on all sides", "under fire from all quarters", "be utterly isolated", "be driven to the wall", "land oneself in a tight place" ], "machine": [ "embattled", "on all sides, the songs of Chu", "surrounded by enemies" ] }, { "id": 1063, "chinese": "四分五裂", "gold": "fall apart", "human": [ "be badly split and disintegrated", "be rent by disunity", "be all split up", "be broken up", "be torn up", "be disrupted", "go to pieces", "disintegrate" ], "machine": [ "torn apart", "all split up and in pieces", "be at sixes and sevens", "all split up and divided", "falling apart" ] }, { "id": 1064, "chinese": "四体不勤,五谷不分", "gold": "can neither do physical work nor distinguish rice from wheat", "human": [ "can neither use one's four limbs nor tell the five grains apart" ], "machine": [ "The four bodies are not diligent, and the five grains are not divided", "never move your four limbs, can't distinguish the five grains" ] }, { "id": 1065, "chinese": "四通八达", "gold": "extend in all directions", "human": [ "accessible from all directions", "open to traffic from each direction", "open out on all sides" ], "machine": [ "Extending in all directions", "four-way traffic", "four links", "four roads", "four-way communication" ] }, { "id": 1066, "chinese": "四海之内皆兄弟", "gold": "\"all the people of the world are brothers\"", "human": [ "\"within the four seas all men are brothers\"" ], "machine": [ "All Men Are Brothers", "All brothers within the sea", "All brothers in the world" ] }, { "id": 1067, "chinese": "四海为家", "gold": "settle down in any corner of the world for a certain cause", "human": [ "make one's home wherever one is" ], "machine": [ "Cosmopolitan", "The four seas are home", "The Four Seas is Home", "The Four Seas as a Family" ] }, { "id": 1068, "chinese": "回头是岸", "gold": "it is never too late to mend", "human": [ "turn the head and there is the shore - repent and be saved", "repent and salvation is at hand", "turn from one's evil ways", "repentance is salvation" ], "machine": [ "back to shore", "Turn back to the shore", "Back to the shore", "Turning back to the shore" ] }, { "id": 1069, "chinese": "回天乏术", "gold": "be powerless to save the desperate situation", "human": [ "be incapable of saving a desperate situation" ], "machine": [ "no recovery", "unable turn around a hopeless situation", "unable turn back the clock", "fail to save the situation", "unable turn around" ] }, { "id": 1070, "chinese": "回天之力", "gold": "tremendous power to overcome difficulties", "human": [], "machine": [ "power of return", "The Power of Returning to Heaven", "The Power of Return", "The power to return to heaven" ] }, { "id": 1071, "chinese": "回光返照", "gold": "brief glow of health before passing away", "human": [ "the reflected ray of the setting sun - the transient reviving of the dying", "momentary recovery of consciousness just before death", "a lightning before death", "a sudden spurt of activity prior to collapse" ], "machine": [ "back light", "dying flashback", "dying back", "dying flash" ] }, { "id": 1072, "chinese": "回心转意", "gold": "change one's mind", "human": [ "change one's mind and come back to former relationship", "correct one's conduct", "repent and reform", "come around", "a change of heart" ], "machine": [ "Change your mind", "change of heart", "change of mind" ] }, { "id": 1073, "chinese": "回味无穷", "gold": "lead to meaningful after-thoughts", "human": [ "lead a person to endless aftertastes" ], "machine": [ "endless aftertaste", "lingering in the memory", "lingering in memory", "lingering memories", "linger on for a long time" ] }, { "id": 1074, "chinese": "因地制宜", "gold": "bear in mind local needs and possibilities", "human": [ "suit measures to local conditions", "adapt the working method to the local conditions", "take such measures as are suitable to local conditions", "do the right thing in the right place", "adaptation to local conditions", "in a manner appropriate to local conditions" ], "machine": [ "Adapt to local conditions", "Tailored to local conditions" ] }, { "id": 1075, "chinese": "因陋就简", "gold": "make do with whatever is available", "human": [ "make use of the available conditions", "manage with the poor equipment at hand", "adapt oneself to the available conditions", "do things simply and thriftily", "economize because of lack of funds" ], "machine": [ "Simple because of the shabby" ] }, { "id": 1076, "chinese": "因小失大", "gold": "try to save a little only to lose a lot", "human": [ "lose a great deal through trying to save a little", "lose the main goal because of small gains", "suffer a big loss for a little gain", "lose the sheep for a halfpenny worth of tar", "sell one's birthright for a mess of pottage" ], "machine": [ "lose big by small", "save a little only to lose a lot", "lose a lot for a little reason", "save a little to lose a lot" ] }, { "id": 1077, "chinese": "因循守旧", "gold": "follow the beaten track", "human": [ "stick to old ways", "traditionalistic", "lockstep" ], "machine": [ "follow the beaten path", "old-fashioned" ] }, { "id": 1078, "chinese": "因循自误", "gold": "procrastinate until it is too late", "human": [ "sit back and allow the situation to deteriorate" ], "machine": [ "follow one's own mistakes", "make a mistake because of one's own actions" ] }, { "id": 1079, "chinese": "因势利导", "gold": "give proper guidance as the situation requires", "human": [ "adroitly guide action according to circumstances", "guide it along its course of development", "make the best use of the situation to guide something" ], "machine": [ "Make the most of the situation", "take advantage of the situation", "make the best of a situation" ] }, { "id": 1080, "chinese": "因时制宜", "gold": "do the right thing at the right time", "human": [ "in a manner suitable to the time", "do what is suitable to the occasion" ], "machine": [ "according to the time", "Adaptation to the time", "Adapt to the time of year", "Adaptation to the time of year" ] }, { "id": 1081, "chinese": "因人成事", "gold": "rely on others for success in work", "human": [], "machine": [ "It's because of people", "make things happen because of the people", "make things happen for people" ] }, { "id": 1082, "chinese": "因人设事", "gold": "create a job to accommodate person", "human": [], "machine": [ "Because of people", "set things up according to his or her circumstances" ] }, { "id": 1083, "chinese": "因材施教", "gold": "teach students in accordance with their aptitude", "human": [ "teach a person according to what he is good for" ], "machine": [ "Teaching students according to their aptitude", "Teaching according to the material", "Teach to the material" ] }, { "id": 1084, "chinese": "因噎废食", "gold": "throw away the apple because of the core", "human": [ "give up eating for fear of choking - refrain from doing something", "necessary for fear of a slight risk", "stop eating altogether on account of a hiccup - unjustified giving up of a good cause" ], "machine": [ "give up food due to choking", "not eating for fear of choking" ] }, { "id": 1085, "chinese": "困惑不解", "gold": "feel puzzled", "human": [ "get into knots" ], "machine": [ "puzzled", "Confused", "confused and unsure", "perplexed" ] }, { "id": 1086, "chinese": "困兽犹斗", "gold": "one fights to the death in desperation", "human": [ "even a trapped beast struggles", "cornered beasts will still fight", "beasts at bay will put up a desperate fight", "the crushed worm will turn" ], "machine": [ "Trapped beast still fighting", "a cornered beast will still fight", "fight like an animal at bay" ] }, { "id": 1087, "chinese": "囤积居奇", "gold": "corner the market", "human": [ "hoarding and cornering", "be on the long side of the market" ], "machine": [ "hoarding", "hoard and profiteer", "speculate", "hoarding and profiteering" ] }, { "id": 1088, "chinese": "囫囵吞枣", "gold": "gulp down without thought", "human": [ "swallow a date whole - read without understanding", "lap up information without digesting it" ], "machine": [ "swallow the dates whole", "swallow in one gulp", "swallow it whole", "lap up", "swallow in one go" ] }, { "id": 1089, "chinese": "固执己见", "gold": "stick to one's own view", "human": [ "stubbornly adhere to one's own opinions", "abide by one's own opinion", "unduly attached to one's own opinions", "wedded to an opinion", "follow one's bigoted course", "self-opinionated", "self-willed" ], "machine": [ "opinionated", "persist in one's views", "obstinate in one's views" ] }, { "id": 1090, "chinese": "固若金汤", "gold": "strongly fortified", "human": [ "be secure against assault", "impregnable" ], "machine": [ "impregnable soup", "secure as a city protected by a wall of metal and a moat of boiling water" ] }, { "id": 1091, "chinese": "国计民生", "gold": "national economy and the people's livelihood", "human": [ "national welfare and people's livelihood" ], "machine": [ "National economy and people's livelihood", "National livelihood", "National livelihoods" ] }, { "id": 1092, "chinese": "围城打援", "gold": "besiege a city to annihilate the enemy relief force", "human": [ "besiege the enemy in order to strike at his reinforcements" ], "machine": [ "besieged fortress", "besiege and strike the aid", "besiege and strike the enemy" ] }, { "id": 1093, "chinese": "围魏救赵", "gold": "relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers", "human": [ "\"besiege Wei to rescue Chao\"", "relieving the state of Chao by besieging the state of Wei" ], "machine": [ "Surround Wei to save Zhao", "relieve a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers" ] }, { "id": 1094, "chinese": "圆凿方枘", "gold": "at variance with each other", "human": [ "like a square tenon for a round mortice", "square handle and round socket" ], "machine": [ "Round chisel square", "square peg in round hole", "square peg in a round hole", "fit into a square peg" ] }, { "id": 1095, "chinese": "图穷匕见", "gold": "the real intention is revealed in the end", "human": [ "when the map was unrolled to the end, a dagger was revealed", "the dagger is out after pretended friendship" ], "machine": [ "see the picture", "poor drawing and dagger-like sight", "poor drawing and dagger seen" ] }, { "id": 1096, "chinese": "土崩瓦解", "gold": "fall apart", "human": [ "disturbances of the earth and collapse of the tiles", "a collapse without resistance", "collapse like a house of cards", "crumble and perish" ], "machine": [ "collapse" ] }, { "id": 1097, "chinese": "土豪劣绅", "gold": "local tyrants and evil gentry", "human": [], "machine": [ "local bosses and shady gentry", "local bosses and bad gentry" ] }, { "id": 1098, "chinese": "土生土长", "gold": "locally born and bred", "human": [ "born and brought up on one's native soil" ], "machine": [ "native", "native born and bred", "native born and raised" ] }, { "id": 1099, "chinese": "土洋结合", "gold": "combine indigenous and foreign methods", "human": [ "combine traditional and modern methods" ], "machine": [ "combination of soil and ocean", "combining native and foreign methods" ] }, { "id": 1100, "chinese": "在劫难逃", "gold": "there is no escape from fate", "human": [ "it is fate, and cannot be avoided", "if you're doomed, you're doomed", "impossible to escape" ], "machine": [ "Doomed", "It's hard to escape.", "inevitable" ] }, { "id": 1101, "chinese": "在所不惜", "gold": "will never balk at", "human": [ "will not grudge" ], "machine": [ "at all costs", "in any case", "at any cost", "at all cost" ] }, { "id": 1102, "chinese": "在所不辞", "gold": "will not hesitate to", "human": [ "will not refuse under any circumstances", "will never decline" ], "machine": [ "without hesitation", "at all times", "at all costs", "in no way resist" ] }, { "id": 1103, "chinese": "在所难免", "gold": "inevitable", "human": [ "can hardly be avoided", "impossible to be avoided", "be unavoidable" ], "machine": [ "unavoidable", "inevitably" ] }, { "id": 1104, "chinese": "地大物博", "gold": "a big country abounding in natural wealth", "human": [ "vast territory and rich resources" ], "machine": [ "Great land and abundant resources", "vast territory with abundant resources", "vast territory" ] }, { "id": 1105, "chinese": "地利人和", "gold": "have topographical advantages and enjoy popular support", "human": [], "machine": [ "local people", "favorable geographical and human conditions" ] }, { "id": 1106, "chinese": "地广人稀", "gold": "a scarcely populated area", "human": [ "a small population over a large area of land", "much land and few people" ], "machine": [ "sparsely populated", "vast and sparsely populated", "vast territory with few people", "vast, but sparsely populated" ] }, { "id": 1107, "chinese": "坐地分赃", "gold": "divide the booty on the spot", "human": [ "take a share of the spoils without participating personally in the robbery", "share plunder - as a receiver of stolen goods", "divide spoils among", "share the spoils", "partake with a thief" ], "machine": [ "Divide the spoils on the ground", "sit on the ground and share the spoils" ] }, { "id": 1108, "chinese": "坐立不安", "gold": "be in a fidget", "human": [ "feel uneasy whether sitting or standing", "lose one's balance and be ill at ease", "be on tenterhooks", "be on the anxious bench", "be on pins and needles", "have ants in one's pants", "like a hen on a hot griddle" ], "machine": [ "fidgeting", "fidgety", "restless", "sitting or standing still", "restlessness" ] }, { "id": 1109, "chinese": "坐观成败", "gold": "sit and watch the results of", "human": [ "wait to see how something succeeds", "wait to see what will come of another's venture", "look on coldly", "be a mere onlooker" ], "machine": [ "Sit back and watch", "sit back and watch the success or failure" ] }, { "id": 1110, "chinese": "坐困愁城", "gold": "wallow in a slough of despondency", "human": [ "be walled in by one's own worries" ], "machine": [ "Sitting in troubled city", "sitting in a worried city", "sit in a city of worries" ] }, { "id": 1111, "chinese": "坐井观天", "gold": "have a very narrow view", "human": [ "see the sky from the bottom of a well" ], "machine": [ "Sitting well and watching the sky", "view the sky from the bottom of a well", "ignorant and narrow-minded" ] }, { "id": 1112, "chinese": "坐享其成", "gold": "without striking a blow", "human": [ "sit idle and enjoy the fruits of others' work", "reap where one has not sown" ], "machine": [ "sit back and enjoy", "reap what one has sown", "reap what one sows", "reap what you sow", "sit and enjoy" ] }, { "id": 1113, "chinese": "坐吃山空", "gold": "sit at home eating away one's resources", "human": [ "sit idle and eat, and in time your whole fortune will be used up", "remain at home and \"eat away\" a whole fortune" ], "machine": [ "sit and eat", "sit on one's laurels and eat nothing" ] }, { "id": 1114, "chinese": "坐视不救", "gold": "sit back and watch without going to the rescue", "human": [ "sit idly by without lending a helping hand", "look on with folded arms" ], "machine": [ "sit back and watch", "sit and watch without saving", "sit and watch without helping", "sit and watch without help" ] }, { "id": 1115, "chinese": "坐失良机", "gold": "let a golden opportunity slip by", "human": [ "let the chance fly by without moving a finger", "allow an opportunity to slip past", "he that will not when he may, when he will he shall have nay" ], "machine": [ "missed opportunity", "Sitting out a good opportunity", "Sitting on a lost opportunity" ] }, { "id": 1116, "chinese": "坐收渔利", "gold": "have victory fall into one's lap", "human": [ "reap the spoils of victory without lifting a finger", "profit from others' conflict", "reap third party profit", "play both ends against the middle" ], "machine": [ "reap the benefits", "reap the benefits of sitting and fishing" ] }, { "id": 1117, "chinese": "坐山观虎斗", "gold": "watch in safety while others fight, then reap the spoils when both sides are exhausted", "human": [ "sit on top of a mountain to watch the tigers fight" ], "machine": [ "Sitting on the mountain and watching the tiger fight", "sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight", "sit and watch the tigers fight" ] }, { "id": 1118, "chinese": "坐以待毙", "gold": "sit passively for one's end", "human": [ "sit still waiting for death", "resign oneself to death", "wait helplessly for the end", "await one's doom" ], "machine": [ "sit still", "sit and wait for death", "sit and wait to die" ] }, { "id": 1119, "chinese": "坐以待旦", "gold": "sit up and wait for daybreak", "human": [ "sit and wait for the dawn", "quietly wait for the day to dawn", "remain awake till daybreak" ], "machine": [ "sit back and wait", "sit and wait for the day", "to wait until the end of the day" ] }, { "id": 1120, "chinese": "坐卧不宁", "gold": "feel restless", "human": [ "be unable to sit down or sleep at ease", "cannot get at ease either sitting or reclining", "fidget about and start at every sound", "be nervous at every sound" ], "machine": [ "restless", "be restless" ] }, { "id": 1121, "chinese": "垂头丧气", "gold": "crest fallen", "human": [ "hang one's head", "lose one's heart", "bury one's head in dejection", "be in low spirits", "have one's heart in one's boots", "to mope", "blue about the gills", "with a tail between the legs", "look down-cast", "dejected" ], "machine": [ "hanging one's head in despair", "hanging one's head in dismay", "crestfallen" ] }, { "id": 1122, "chinese": "垂手而得", "gold": "acquire a thing easily", "human": [ "drop the hands and get it", "get a thing without lifting a finger" ], "machine": [ "hand in hand", "hands down", "hands-down", "handshake", "hands off" ] }, { "id": 1123, "chinese": "垂死挣扎", "gold": "in one's death throes", "human": [ "flounder desperately before dying", "put up a last-ditch struggle", "a dying kick", "last thrusts" ], "machine": [ "sucker Punch", "Dying struggle", "Dying struggles", "Dying for the job" ] }, { "id": 1124, "chinese": "垂涎三尺", "gold": "one's mouth waters after", "human": [ "spittle three feet long - drool with envy", "have one's mouth made up" ], "machine": [ "mouth watering", "drool over", "covet", "drool", "salivate at the mouth" ] }, { "id": 1125, "chinese": "垂涎欲滴", "gold": "keep a covetous eye on", "human": [ "bring the water to one's mouth", "make one's mouth watery", "lick one's chops", "slick one's lips" ], "machine": [ "salivating", "drool-worthy", "mouth-watering", "drool with desire", "Drooling" ] }, { "id": 1126, "chinese": "埋头苦干", "gold": "hammer", "human": [ "immerse oneself quietly in hard work", "engage oneself in unostentatious hard work", "quietly put one's shoulder to the wheel" ], "machine": [ "work hard", "Bury your head in the sand", "Burying your head in the sand", "Burying our heads in the sand" ] }, { "id": 1127, "chinese": "城门失火,殃及池鱼", "gold": "in a disturbance innocent bystanders get into trouble", "human": [ "a fire on the city wall brings disaster to the fish in the moat", "when the city catches fire, the disaster extends even to the fish in the moat - innocent people being involved in trouble" ], "machine": [ "Fire at the city gate, bringing disaster to Chiyu", "a fire in the city gates is also a calamity for the fish in the moat" ] }, { "id": 1128, "chinese": "城下之盟", "gold": "treaty made under coercion", "human": [ "a treaty concluded with the enemy who have reached the city wall", "treaty signed below the city wall to avert destruction", "terms accepted under duress", "a humiliating \"treaty of peace\"", "capitulate to the enemy", "accept one's terms for surrender" ], "machine": [ "Alliance under the city", "Under City Alliance", "Undertown Alliance", "Under the City", "Undercity Alliance" ] }, { "id": 1129, "chinese": "执迷不悟", "gold": "persist in one's wrong course", "human": [ "adhere to one's foolish way without awaking", "obstinately stick to a wrong course", "refuse to come to one's senses", "persist in error", "be perverse" ], "machine": [ "obsessed", "obsession", "Obsessive" ] }, { "id": 1130, "chinese": "堂堂正正", "gold": "impressive or dignified in personal appearance", "human": [ "open and aboveboard" ], "machine": [ "upright", "squared away", "squarely", "square", "squared up" ] }, { "id": 1131, "chinese": "堂堂之阵", "gold": "awe-inspiring military strength", "human": [ "an imposing array of troops" ], "machine": [ "dignified array", "The Tantalus Formation", "The Tantalus Array", "The Tantalum Formation" ] }, { "id": 1132, "chinese": "坚壁清野", "gold": "strengthen the bulwarks and leave no provisions outside", "human": [ "strengthen defence works, evacuate noncombatants, and hide provisions and livestock", "strengthen the defences and clear the fields" ], "machine": [ "Strong wall and clear field", "fortify the fields", "fortify the field", "fortify and clear the field" ] }, { "id": 1133, "chinese": "坚不可摧", "gold": "impregnable", "human": [ "be secure against assault", "indestructible" ], "machine": [ "Unbreakable" ] }, { "id": 1134, "chinese": "坚定不移", "gold": "firm and unshakable", "human": [ "unswerving", "unflinching", "immovable", "steadfast" ], "machine": [ "unwavering" ] }, { "id": 1135, "chinese": "坚甲利兵", "gold": "strong armor and sharp weapons", "human": [], "machine": [ "Strong Armor", "armor and sharpshooter", "armor and sharpened weapons", "armor and sharpshooters", "armor and sword" ] }, { "id": 1136, "chinese": "坚信不疑", "gold": "have infinite faith in", "human": [ "with confidence" ], "machine": [ "firmly believe", "Believe in nothing", "Believes in nothing", "Believe in it", "Believing in it" ] }, { "id": 1137, "chinese": "坚贞不屈", "gold": "faithful to the bitter end", "human": [ "remain faithful and unyielding", "stand firm and unyielding" ], "machine": [ "unyielding", "steadfast and unyielding", "steadfast and unchanging" ] }, { "id": 1138, "chinese": "坚持不懈", "gold": "persistent", "human": [ "untiring perseverance", "consistent and untiring efforts", "unwearyingly", "unremittingly", "perseveringly" ], "machine": [ "persevere", "Perseverance", "Persistence" ] }, { "id": 1139, "chinese": "坚持不渝", "gold": "stick to", "human": [ "persist in", "perseveringly", "unremitting", "persistent" ], "machine": [ "persevere", "Perseverance", "Persistence" ] }, { "id": 1140, "chinese": "坚忍不拔", "gold": "firm and unyielding", "human": [], "machine": [ "perseverance", "Perseverance and perseverance" ] }, { "id": 1141, "chinese": "坚韧不拔", "gold": "bear up", "human": [ "firm and indomitable", "persistent and dauntless", "stubbornly and unyieldingly", "keep a stiff upper lip" ], "machine": [ "perseverance", "Tough and unyielding", "Tough and unbreakable", "Toughness and Perseverance" ] }, { "id": 1142, "chinese": "坚如磐石", "gold": "solid as a rock", "human": [ "firm as a rock", "rock-firm", "steadfast", "monolithic" ], "machine": [ "rock solid", "Rock-solid" ] }, { "id": 1143, "chinese": "报仇雪恨", "gold": "take one's revenge", "human": [ "revenge a national humiliation", "revenge and wipe out a standing grudge", "avenge oneself", "glut one's revenge", "retaliate" ], "machine": [ "revenge", "take revenge and wipe out a grudge", "avenge and wipe out a grudge" ] }, { "id": 1144, "chinese": "涂脂抹粉", "gold": "whitewash", "human": [ "apply powder and paint", "prettify" ], "machine": [ "grease powder", "put on makeup" ] }, { "id": 1145, "chinese": "塞翁失马,焉知非福", "gold": "loss sometimes spells gain", "human": [ "when the old man on the frontier lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a blessing in disguise? - a loss may turn out to be a gain", "nothing so bad as not to be good for something" ], "machine": [ "Sai Weng lost his horse, how can know it is not a blessing", "the old man lost his horse, but it all turned out for the best" ] }, { "id": 1146, "chinese": "墨汁未干", "gold": "before the ink is dry", "human": [ "when the ink is scarcely dry", "the ink was hardly dry" ], "machine": [ "wet ink", "The ink is not yet dry", "the ink is not dry yet" ] }, { "id": 1147, "chinese": "墨守成规", "gold": "stick to established practice", "human": [ "stick to conventions", "stick in the mud", "follow the stereotype routine", "get into a groove", "move in a groove", "stay in a rut", "go round like a horse in a mill", "methodism" ], "machine": [ "stick to the rules", "hidebound by convention", "hidebound", "hidebound by rules", "hidebound by conventions" ] }, { "id": 1148, "chinese": "壁垒森严", "gold": "strongly fortified", "human": [ "strong defence preparations", "two sharply opposed sides", "closely guarded", "sharply divided" ], "machine": [ "Strong barriers", "closely walled" ] }, { "id": 1149, "chinese": "壮志凌云", "gold": "with soaring determination", "human": [], "machine": [ "Top Gun", "Ambition", "Aspirations", "Ambitious", "Aspiration" ] }, { "id": 1150, "chinese": "寿比南山", "gold": "\"may you live as long as the southern mountain\" (form", "human": [ "of birthday congratulations)" ], "machine": [ "Shoubinan Mountain", "Live Longer than South Mountain" ] }, { "id": 1151, "chinese": "寿终正寝", "gold": "die a natural death", "human": [ "die in bed of old age", "pass away peacefully" ], "machine": [ "end of life", "die at the end of one's life", "die of old age", "die at the end of life" ] }, { "id": 1152, "chinese": "外强中干", "gold": "strong in appearance but weak in reality", "human": [ "outwardly flourishing, inwardly dried up", "be outwardly strong but inwardly weak", "be strong without but feeble within", "be fierce of visage and faint of heart", "apparently rich and successful, but actually in financial trouble" ], "machine": [ "Strong in the outside world", "strong on the outside but weak in the middle" ] }, { "id": 1153, "chinese": "多多益善", "gold": "the more the merrier", "human": [ "the more the better", "plenty is no plague" ], "machine": [ "More is better" ] }, { "id": 1154, "chinese": "多行不义必自毙", "gold": "if one keeps on doing unrighteous deeds, he is bound to come to ruin", "human": [ "give the rogue enough rope and he will hang himself" ], "machine": [ "Unjust is doomed to destruction", "persisting in evil brings about self-destruction" ] }, { "id": 1155, "chinese": "多愁善感", "gold": "sentimental", "human": [ "prone to illness and melancholy", "mushy", "spooney" ], "machine": [ "melancholy and moody", "depressed personality" ] }, { "id": 1156, "chinese": "多事之秋", "gold": "troubled times", "human": [ "an eventful year", "a year of many troubles" ], "machine": [ "eventful autumn", "An eventful autumn", "An eventful fall" ] }, { "id": 1157, "chinese": "多此一举", "gold": "make an unnecessary move", "human": [ "superfluous action", "carry coals to Newcastle", "carry owls to Athens", "fan the breezes", "gild refined gold", "uncalled for" ], "machine": [ "superfluous", "do more than is required", "do more than is necessary", "do more than necessary", "do more than is needed" ] }, { "id": 1158, "chinese": "多才多艺", "gold": "gifted in many ways", "human": [ "of varied attainments", "versatile", "all-round", "many-sided" ], "machine": [ "multi-talented and versatile", "multi-talented" ] }, { "id": 1159, "chinese": "夙兴夜寐", "gold": "rise early and retire late", "human": [ "hard at work night and day" ], "machine": [ "Suxing sleepy night", "rise early and sleep late", "rise early and stay up late", "rise early and stay late" ] }, { "id": 1160, "chinese": "夜郎自大", "gold": "ignorant boast fulness", "human": [ "the king of Yelang thought his country was bigger than that of the Han Dynasty", "ludicrous conceit of the king of Yelang - parochial arrogance", "think no small beer of oneself" ], "machine": [ "arrogant", "Yelang thinks highly of himself", "Yelang thinks highly of itself" ] }, { "id": 1161, "chinese": "夜长梦多", "gold": "a long delay means many hitches", "human": [ "a long night is fraught with dreams", "there is many a slip between the cup and the lip" ], "machine": [ "night long dream", "long night and many dreams", "Long night's dream", "Long night" ] }, { "id": 1162, "chinese": "夜以继日", "gold": "day and night", "human": [ "round the clock" ], "machine": [ "around the clock", "night and day" ] }, { "id": 1163, "chinese": "梦寐以求", "gold": "dream of", "human": [ "crave something so that one even dreams about it", "try to find even in sleep", "long for something day and night", "long cherished" ], "machine": [ "coveted", "Dreams", "dream", "Dreaming" ] }, { "id": 1164, "chinese": "梦幻泡影", "gold": "a sheer illusion", "human": [ "like a dream and a bubble's shadow", "utterly visionary", "pipe dream" ], "machine": [ "dream bubble", "Dreams in a Bubble" ] }, { "id": 1165, "chinese": "大模大样", "gold": "in an ostentatious manner", "human": [ "with a swagger" ], "machine": [ "imposing", "put on a grand show", "put on airs", "put on a big show", "put on a grand face" ] }, { "id": 1166, "chinese": "大谬不然", "gold": "entirely wrong", "human": [ "a gross error", "a serious blunder", "grossly mistaken" ], "machine": [ "Big fallacy", "You're wrong.", "You are wrong.", "You're not right." ] }, { "id": 1167, "chinese": "大鸣大放", "gold": "free airing of views", "human": [ "full and frank expression of views and opinions", "air one's views freely", "argue things out thoroughly" ], "machine": [ "loud and loud", "free airing", "free airing of ideas", "free speech" ] }, { "id": 1168, "chinese": "大名鼎鼎", "gold": "well-known", "human": [ "a great reputation", "of great celebrity", "famous" ], "machine": [ "famous for its reputation" ] }, { "id": 1169, "chinese": "大发雷霆", "gold": "go into a rage", "human": [ "raise a great thunder storm - get into a fearful rage", "break into a furious rage", "flow into a tremendous passion", "pour out the vials of one's wrath on somebody", "bawl at somebody angrily", "be furious with", "fly off the handle", "flare up", "an explosion of rage" ], "machine": [ "furious", "fly into a rage", "fly into a terrible rage", "be furious" ] }, { "id": 1170, "chinese": "大放厥词", "gold": "talk a lot of nonsense", "human": [ "spout a stream of empty rhetoric", "loosen one's tongue", "talk drivel" ], "machine": [ "utter nonsense", "great release of talk", "spouting nonsense" ] }, { "id": 1171, "chinese": "大风大浪", "gold": "violent storms and waves", "human": [ "wind and waves", "great storms" ], "machine": [ "strong wind and waves", "Wind and wave", "Windy and stormy" ] }, { "id": 1172, "chinese": "大腹便便", "gold": "potbellied", "human": [ "as fat as butter", "big-bellied" ], "machine": [ "with a large belly", "with a big belly", "with a large abdomen" ] }, { "id": 1173, "chinese": "大打出手", "gold": "strike violently", "human": [ "attack brutally" ], "machine": [ "big fight", "fight" ] }, { "id": 1174, "chinese": "大刀阔斧", "gold": "deal with a matter summarily without regard to details", "human": [ "solve a problem unencumbered in minor details", "hammer and tongs", "drastic", "audacious" ], "machine": [ "Radical", "bold and decisive", "broad and decisive" ] }, { "id": 1175, "chinese": "大敌当前", "gold": "confronted by the sworn enemies", "human": [ "faced with powerful enemies", "in the face of arch enemies" ], "machine": [ "The enemy is currently", "Enemy at hand", "Enemy at large", "Enemy at the moment" ] }, { "id": 1176, "chinese": "大庭广众", "gold": "a public occasion", "human": [ "a big crowd", "the people at large", "public" ], "machine": [ "public place with many people", "in public" ] }, { "id": 1177, "chinese": "大同小异", "gold": "largely identical but with minor differences", "human": [ "be the same in essentials while differing in minor points", "for the most part alike", "very much the same", "mostly alike except for slight differences" ], "machine": [ "similar", "virtually the same", "virtually identical", "virtually the same thing" ] }, { "id": 1178, "chinese": "大逆不道", "gold": "monstrous crime", "human": [ "treason and heresy", "greatest outrage", "worst offence", "the major crime of insubordination", "impudent insubordination" ], "machine": [ "outrageous", "treasonable", "treacherous", "treasonous", "treason" ] }, { "id": 1179, "chinese": "大功告成", "gold": "has been accomplished", "human": [ "be crowned with success" ], "machine": [ "you're done", "successfully completed", "successfully accomplished", "successfully done" ] }, { "id": 1180, "chinese": "大公无私", "gold": "just and selfless", "human": [ "without personal or selfish consideration", "not make chalk of one and cheese of the other", "unselfish", "selfless" ], "machine": [ "impartial and selfless", "impartiality", "impartial and unselfish", "impartial" ] }, { "id": 1181, "chinese": "大快人心", "gold": "cheer the people greatly", "human": [ "affording general satisfaction", "most gratifying to the people", "to the immense satisfaction of the people", "make the people overjoyed" ], "machine": [ "heartwarming", "the satisfaction of the people", "the satisfaction of everyone", "the satisfaction of all", "the people are pleased" ] }, { "id": 1182, "chinese": "大海捞针", "gold": "search for a needle in a haystack", "human": [], "machine": [ "Looking for a needle in a haystack", "Finding a needle in a haystack", "Find a needle in a haystack" ] }, { "id": 1183, "chinese": "大喊大叫", "gold": "make a big clamor about ...", "human": [ "shout at the top of one's voice", "conduct vigorous propaganda" ], "machine": [ "yell", "shouting and screaming", "shout and scream" ] }, { "id": 1184, "chinese": "大旱望云霓", "gold": "long for a rain cloud during a drought", "human": [ "look forward to relief from distress" ], "machine": [ "Great Drought Wang Yunni", "The Great Drought Looking at the Clouds" ] }, { "id": 1185, "chinese": "大惑不解", "gold": "be extremely puzzled", "human": [ "be unable to make head or tail of something" ], "machine": [ "puzzled", "be at a loss as to what to do", "be at a loss", "be at a loss as to why", "be at a loss as to" ] }, { "id": 1186, "chinese": "大惊小怪", "gold": "a storm in a teacup", "human": [ "be surprised or alarmed at something perfectly normal", "much ado about nothing", "make a fuss", "a tempest in a barrel", "great alarm at a little bogey", "fussy" ], "machine": [ "What's all the fuss about?", "What's the fuss about?", "What a fuss" ] }, { "id": 1187, "chinese": "大惊失色", "gold": "turn pale with fright", "human": [], "machine": [ "frightened", "turn pale with fear", "flabbergasted", "greatly alarmed" ] }, { "id": 1188, "chinese": "大器晚成", "gold": "talent mature slowly", "human": [ "great vessels are long in reaching completion" ], "machine": [ "late bloomer", "it takes a long time to make a big tool" ] }, { "id": 1189, "chinese": "大千世界", "gold": "a universe of many universes", "human": [], "machine": [ "big world", "The World at Large", "The Big World", "The Great World" ] }, { "id": 1190, "chinese": "大权旁落", "gold": "power has fallen into the hands of others", "human": [], "machine": [ "Falling in power", "power is left in the hands of the people" ] }, { "id": 1191, "chinese": "大喜过望", "gold": "be overjoyed", "human": [ "be delighted that things are better than one expected", "be delighted with unexpectedly good results" ], "machine": [ "overjoyed", "overjoyed at the prospect", "overjoyed at the prospect of", "overjoyed at the news" ] }, { "id": 1192, "chinese": "大显神通", "gold": "show what one is capable of", "human": [ "give full play to one's remarkable skill", "show ones magic power" ], "machine": [ "Show off your supernatural powers", "show your skills", "Showing off your skills", "Showing off the power" ] }, { "id": 1193, "chinese": "大显身手", "gold": "display one's talents to the full", "human": [ "give full play to one's abilities", "give a good account of oneself", "fully show one's skill", "distinguish oneself", "cut a dashing figure" ], "machine": [ "Show your talents", "show off your skills", "Showing off your skills", "Showing off your hands", "Showing off" ] }, { "id": 1194, "chinese": "大相径庭", "gold": "far apart", "human": [ "there is avast difference between the two", "be widely divergent" ], "machine": [ "very different", "very different from each other", "vastly different" ] }, { "id": 1195, "chinese": "大兴土木", "gold": "go for large-scale construction", "human": [], "machine": [ "Daxing civil engineering", "Construction of a large number of buildings", "Construction", "Construction work" ] }, { "id": 1196, "chinese": "大智若愚", "gold": "still waters run deep", "human": [ "a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted", "the wisest man is often stupid-looking" ], "machine": [ "Great Wisdom", "great intelligence may appear to be stupidity" ] }, { "id": 1197, "chinese": "大张旗鼓", "gold": "on a grand scale", "human": [ "with a big display of flags and drums", "by great publicity", "give wide publicity", "in a big way" ], "machine": [ "fanfare", "with great fanfare" ] }, { "id": 1198, "chinese": "大吃大喝", "gold": "extravagant eating end drinking", "human": [ "seat and drink extravagantly", "eat and drink to one's heart's content" ], "machine": [ "eat and drink", "eat and drink a lot", "eat and drink heavily", "Eat & Drink" ] }, { "id": 1199, "chinese": "大吵大闹", "gold": "make a scene", "human": [ "kick up a row", "make a great hue and cry" ], "machine": [ "too noisy", "shout and scream", "to kick up a fuss" ] }, { "id": 1200, "chinese": "大处落墨", "gold": "pay attention to the important points", "human": [ "concentrate on the key points" ], "machine": [ "Ink everywhere", "The Ink in the Big Place", "The big picture" ] }, { "id": 1201, "chinese": "大处着眼,小处着手", "gold": "keep the general goal in sight and take the daily tasks in hand", "human": [], "machine": [ "Think big, start small", "View the big picture, start small" ] }, { "id": 1202, "chinese": "大吹大擂", "gold": "brag about", "human": [ "blow the trumpet and beat the drum vigorously", "trumpet loudly about", "make a big fanfare about", "boast of so loudly", "make high-pitched loose talk" ], "machine": [ "brag", "make a big fuss about it", "make a big fuss", "make a big show of it", "make a big fuss about" ] }, { "id": 1203, "chinese": "大是大非", "gold": "major issues of principle", "human": [ "cardinal issues of right and wrong", "right and wrong on issues of major importance" ], "machine": [ "big right and wrong", "major rights and wrongs" ] }, { "id": 1204, "chinese": "大势所趋", "gold": "the trend of the times", "human": [ "the general trend", "the general course of development", "pushed by the general trend of events", "as things are going generally" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1205, "chinese": "大失所望", "gold": "to one's great disappointment", "human": [ "greatly disappoint one's hopes", "be greatly disappointed" ], "machine": [ "Disappointed", "Great disappointment", "Greatly disappointed", "Big disappointment" ] }, { "id": 1206, "chinese": "大势已去", "gold": "the game is as good as lost", "human": [ "not much can be done about it now", "one's day has gone", "it is all up with" ], "machine": [ "the tide is gone", "The big moment has gone", "The big picture is gone" ] }, { "id": 1207, "chinese": "大杀风景", "gold": "dampen the spirit", "human": [ "do something to spoil one's enthusiasm", "put a wet blanket on", "throw a wet blanket over", "a fly in the ointment" ], "machine": [ "big kill scenery", "kill the scenery", "kill the landscape" ] }, { "id": 1208, "chinese": "大手大脚", "gold": "wasteful", "human": [ "extravagant" ], "machine": [ "big hands and big feet", "big hands and feet" ] }, { "id": 1209, "chinese": "大声疾呼", "gold": "cry out for", "human": [ "shout with desperation - as for help", "raise a cry of warning", "loudly appeal to the public", "shout at the top of one's voice" ], "machine": [ "shout out", "make a loud noise", "shout loudly" ] }, { "id": 1210, "chinese": "大书特书", "gold": "write volumes about", "human": [ "record in letters of gold", "it is clearly written" ], "machine": [ "big book special book", "write a big book", "A great book", "A big book", "write a big book about it" ] }, { "id": 1211, "chinese": "大慈大悲", "gold": "infinite compassion and mercy", "human": [ "infinitely merciful", "benevolent", "charitable" ], "machine": [ "Great mercy and great compassion", "great mercy and compassion", "great kindness and compassion", "Great Compassion" ] }, { "id": 1212, "chinese": "大材小用", "gold": "waste or misuse of materials or talents", "human": [ "large material for small uses - misuse of material or waste of talents", "put the fine timber to petty use", "use talented people for trivial tasks", "great genius in little employment", "employ a steam-engine to crack a nut" ], "machine": [ "Overkill", "too much material for too little use", "too big for its own good", "too big a material to be used" ] }, { "id": 1213, "chinese": "大而无当", "gold": "unwieldy", "human": [ "big but impractical" ], "machine": [ "big and unreasonable", "big but not proper", "too big for its britches", "big but not important", "big but not powerful" ] }, { "id": 1214, "chinese": "大义灭亲", "gold": "punish one's own relatives in the cause of justice", "human": [ "place righteousness above family loyalty", "cut off consanguinity for the sake of righteousness" ], "machine": [ "Righteous extermination", "place righteousness before family", "ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it" ] }, { "id": 1215, "chinese": "大义凛然", "gold": "inspiring awe by upholding justice", "human": [], "machine": [ "Righteousness", "devotion to righteousness", "devotion to justice", "great righteousness", "devotion righteousness" ] }, { "id": 1216, "chinese": "大摇大摆", "gold": "strutting", "human": [ "an ostentatious vain manner of walking", "swaggering" ], "machine": [ "swagger", "strut", "strutting about", "swing" ] }, { "id": 1217, "chinese": "大有可为", "gold": "have bright prospects", "human": [ "be well worth doing" ], "machine": [ "promising", "with great promise", "with great potential", "with great promise for" ] }, { "id": 1218, "chinese": "大有人在", "gold": "there are plenty of such people", "human": [ "such people are by no means rare" ], "machine": [ "a lot of people are there", "There are plenty of people in", "There are plenty of people" ] }, { "id": 1219, "chinese": "大有作为", "gold": "be able to develop one's ability to the full", "human": [ "there is plenty of room to develop one's talents to the full", "there is plenty of scope for one's talents" ], "machine": [ "make a difference", "a great deal to do", "great talent", "great work", "a great deal of work" ] }, { "id": 1220, "chinese": "大言不惭", "gold": "boast without shame", "human": [ "brag unblushingly", "talk big", "have the effrontery to brag", "turn geese into swans", "insolent enough to say" ], "machine": [ "not ashamed", "boast shamelessly", "boastful", "boastful talk" ] }, { "id": 1221, "chinese": "大鱼吃小鱼", "gold": "the great fish eat up the small", "human": [], "machine": [ "big fish eat small fish" ] }, { "id": 1222, "chinese": "大雨如注", "gold": "the rain came down in sheets", "human": [ "the heavy rain pours down in torrents" ], "machine": [ "rain", "pouring with rain", "pouring rain", "Raining like a river" ] }, { "id": 1223, "chinese": "天崩地坼", "gold": "dreadful calamities", "human": [ "earthshaking changes", "nature is overthrown", "natural disasters like giant earthquakes and landslides" ], "machine": [ "Heaven and Earth", "Heaven and earth collapse", "Heaven and earth collapsed", "Heavenly Collapse" ] }, { "id": 1224, "chinese": "天不怕,地不怕", "gold": "nothing daunted", "human": [ "fear neither Heaven nor Earth", "fear nothing at all" ], "machine": [ "Not afraid of the sky, not afraid of the earth", "Heaven is not afraid, earth is not afraid" ] }, { "id": 1225, "chinese": "天马行空", "gold": "a powerful and unconstrained style", "human": [ "a heavenly steed soaring across the skies" ], "machine": [ "imaginative", "The sky is the limit" ] }, { "id": 1226, "chinese": "天南地北", "gold": "poles apart", "human": [ "far apart", "far distant", "from different places or areas" ], "machine": [ "South and North", "North and South", "North and South of the world" ] }, { "id": 1227, "chinese": "天怒人怨", "gold": "widespread indignation and discontent", "human": [ "the wrath of God and the resentment of men" ], "machine": [ "God's wrath", "the sky is angry and people resent" ] }, { "id": 1228, "chinese": "天罗地网", "gold": "tight encirclement", "human": [ "nets above and snares below", "spread a situation from which there is no escape", "an invisible net preventing all escape", "a gigantic net" ], "machine": [ "tianluodiwang", "Skyrocket", "Skyrocketing" ] }, { "id": 1229, "chinese": "天各一方", "gold": "live far apart from each other", "human": [], "machine": [ "Everywhere", "Each side of the world", "Each side of the sky" ] }, { "id": 1230, "chinese": "天高地厚", "gold": "complexity of things", "human": [ "how high the sky and how deep the earth - immensity of the universe", "profound", "deep" ], "machine": [ "The sky is high and the earth is thick", "the sky is high and thick", "the sky is high" ] }, { "id": 1231, "chinese": "天公地道", "gold": "fair and reasonable", "human": [ "absolutely fair" ], "machine": [ "Heaven and earth", "God and earth" ] }, { "id": 1232, "chinese": "天花乱坠", "gold": "in superlative terms", "human": [ "as if it were raining flowers - give an extravagantly colorful description", "laud something to the skies", "elaborate in highflown phraseology", "talk somebody's head off" ], "machine": [ "hype", "a deluge of heavenly flowers", "a deluge of flowers", "extravagantly beautiful" ] }, { "id": 1233, "chinese": "天昏地暗", "gold": "in a state of chaos and darkness", "human": [ "gloom above and darkness beneath", "a murky sky over a dark earth", "dark all round" ], "machine": [ "dark", "the sky is dark and the earth is dark", "the sky is dark" ] }, { "id": 1234, "chinese": "天经地义", "gold": "nature's law and earth's way", "human": [ "unalterable principle - right and proper", "universally accepted principle", "perfectly justified", "stand to reason", "very reasonable indeed" ], "machine": [ "Justified", "right and proper", "right and wrong", "righteousness of God" ] }, { "id": 1235, "chinese": "天下太平", "gold": "all will be right with the world", "human": [ "all is quiet in the world" ], "machine": [ "Peace in the world", "Peace under Heaven" ] }, { "id": 1236, "chinese": "天下无敌", "gold": "invincible", "human": [ "all-conquering" ], "machine": [ "The world is invincible", "The world is unbeatable", "The world's invincible" ] }, { "id": 1237, "chinese": "天下无双", "gold": "unequalled in all the world", "human": [], "machine": [ "second to none", "The World's Best", "The world is unique", "The World's Finest" ] }, { "id": 1238, "chinese": "天下乌鸦一般黑", "gold": "evil people are bad all over the world", "human": [ "all crows are all equally black", "all crows under the sun are black", "crows are black the world over" ], "machine": [ "The world is as black as a crow", "a crow under the sky is as black as the sun" ] }, { "id": 1239, "chinese": "天之骄子", "gold": "an unusually lucky person", "human": [ "God's favored one" ], "machine": [ "Heaven's Pride", "The Son of Heaven", "Son of Heaven", "Pride of Heaven", "The pride of heaven" ] }, { "id": 1240, "chinese": "天真烂漫", "gold": "naive", "human": [ "innocent and artless", "simple and unaffected", "childish" ], "machine": [ "Naivety", "naive and innocent", "innocent and unrestrained", "Innocent and beautiful" ] }, { "id": 1241, "chinese": "天诛地灭", "gold": "may the gods strike down!", "human": [ "be executed by heaven and destroyed by earth", "stand condemned by god", "may be destroyed by the gods!" ], "machine": [ "be damned", "Death to Heaven and Death to Earth", "Death to Heaven and Earth" ] }, { "id": 1242, "chinese": "天长地久", "gold": "everlasting and unchanging", "human": [ "as long as heaven and earth endure", "enduring as the universe" ], "machine": [ "forever", "Longevity", "Longevity of the world", "Longevity of the Day" ] }, { "id": 1243, "chinese": "天长日久", "gold": "after a considerable period of time", "human": [], "machine": [ "forever and ever", "Time and time", "Time and space", "Time is long" ] }, { "id": 1244, "chinese": "天壤之别", "gold": "a world of difference", "human": [ "as far apart as heaven and earth", "great difference as between heaven and earth", "poles apart" ], "machine": [ "worlds apart" ] }, { "id": 1245, "chinese": "天字第一号", "gold": "the world's number one", "human": [ "the greatest in the world", "par excellence", "A-1" ], "machine": [ "Tianzi No. 1", "Number One in the Sky", "No. 1 in the sky", "No. 1 in the Heavenly Code" ] }, { "id": 1246, "chinese": "天灾人祸", "gold": "natural and man-made calamities", "human": [], "machine": [ "natural disaster", "Natural and man-made disasters", "Natural and manmade disasters" ] }, { "id": 1247, "chinese": "天造地设", "gold": "heavenly", "human": [ "created by Heaven and put in place by Earth", "created by nature" ], "machine": [ "made in heaven", "made in heaven and earth", "made for each other" ] }, { "id": 1248, "chinese": "天衣无缝", "gold": "faultless", "human": [ "a seamless heavenly robe", "flawless", "divine garments without seams", "natural and perfect", "free from defect" ], "machine": [ "seamless", "seamlessness of the sky", "seamlessness" ] }, { "id": 1249, "chinese": "天涯海角", "gold": "the ends of the earth", "human": [ "the end of the sky and the corners of the sea", "the remotest corners of the earth", "Ultima Thule", "the back of beyond" ], "machine": [ "The End of the World" ] }, { "id": 1250, "chinese": "天有不测风云", "gold": "something unexpected may happen any time", "human": [ "a storm may arise from a clear sky", "there are unexpected storms in nature" ], "machine": [ "Accidents will happen", "the weather is unpredictable" ] }, { "id": 1251, "chinese": "天无绝人之路", "gold": "there is always a way out", "human": [ "Heaven never seals off all the exits", "Heaven never cuts off a man's means" ], "machine": [ "Heavenly Creativity", "Heavenly Creations", "Heavenly Creatures", "Heavenly Creature" ] }, { "id": 1252, "chinese": "天网恢恢,疏而不漏", "gold": "God's justice is inescapable", "human": [ "the net of Heaven has large meshes, but it lets nothing through", "the mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceedingly small", "justice has a long arm" ], "machine": [ "The sky net is prosperous, sparse but not missed", "Heaven's net is wide meshed, but it does not leak." ] }, { "id": 1253, "chinese": "太公钓鱼,愿者上钩", "gold": "willingly play into somebody's hands", "human": [ "like the fish rising to Chuang Tai Kong's hookless and baitless line", "a willing victim letting himself be caught", "willingly fall into the snare" ], "machine": [ "Taigong fishing, willing to take the bait", "The fisherman is willing to take the bait" ] }, { "id": 1254, "chinese": "太岁头上动土", "gold": "provoke somebody far superior in power or strength", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ground breaking on Tai Sui's head", "move dirt on the head of a Taiyang Dynasty" ] }, { "id": 1255, "chinese": "失败为成功之母", "gold": "failure is the mother of success", "human": [], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1256, "chinese": "失之东隅,收之桑榆", "gold": "make up on the roundabouts what you lose on the swings", "human": [ "lose at sunrise and gain at sunset", "what one loses on the swings one gets back on the roundabouts" ], "machine": [ "Lost in the east, harvested mulberry", "lose at sunrise but gain at sunset", "to compensate later for one's earlier loss" ] }, { "id": 1257, "chinese": "失之交臂", "gold": "miss a good chance", "human": [ "loge close at hand", "fail to meet somebody by a narrow chance", "miss something very desirable" ], "machine": [ "Missed", "miss", "Missed by a long shot", "Missed by mistake" ] }, { "id": 1258, "chinese": "失魂落魄", "gold": "be scared out of one's wits", "human": [ "be driven to distraction" ], "machine": [ "driven to distraction", "lost soul, dropped spirit", "driven distraction", "scared out of one's wits" ] }, { "id": 1259, "chinese": "奄奄一息", "gold": "on one's death bed", "human": [ "scarcely a breath left", "barely perceptible breathing", "on the point of dying", "at one's last gasp", "on the verge of death", "on one's last legs" ], "machine": [ "dying" ] }, { "id": 1260, "chinese": "奇谈怪论", "gold": "fantastic stories and theories", "human": [ "strange tale", "ridiculous argument" ], "machine": [ "bizarre", "strange tales and absurd arguments" ] }, { "id": 1261, "chinese": "奇货可居", "gold": "hoard as a rare commodity to corner the market", "human": [ "waiting to sell something valuable at a high price", "set a high price and hold back" ], "machine": [ "Strange goods to live in", "rare commodity worth hoarding", "rare commodity for sale", "rare commodity worthy of sale" ] }, { "id": 1262, "chinese": "奇形怪状", "gold": "grotesque or fantastic in shape or appearance", "human": [ "strange sight", "badly dressed appearance" ], "machine": [ "grotesque", "odd-shaped", "grotesque and bizarre", "grotesque and bizarre-shaped" ] }, { "id": 1263, "chinese": "奇珍异宝", "gold": "very rare and valuable objects", "human": [], "machine": [ "Exotic Treasures", "rare and exotic treasure", "rare and exotic", "rare treasure" ] }, { "id": 1264, "chinese": "奇装异服", "gold": "outlandish clothes", "human": [ "exotic costume", "bizarre dress" ], "machine": [ "fancy dress", "bizarre costumes", "bizarre clothing", "strange costumes" ] }, { "id": 1265, "chinese": "奇耻大辱", "gold": "deep disgrace", "human": [ "galling shame and humiliation", "crying shame and crowning humiliation" ], "machine": [ "shameful", "great shame and humiliation", "great shame", "great humiliation", "great disgrace" ] }, { "id": 1266, "chinese": "奇文共赏", "gold": "a remarkable work should be shared and its subjects discussed", "human": [], "machine": [ "Rewards for bizarre writing", "A wonderful article for all to enjoy", "A wonderful article to enjoy" ] }, { "id": 1267, "chinese": "奉陪到底", "gold": "take somebody on right to the very end", "human": [ "keep the enemy company and fight to the finish" ], "machine": [ "accompany to the end", "Stay with me to the end", "Stay with us to the end", "Stay with me", "Stay with us" ] }, { "id": 1268, "chinese": "奉公守法", "gold": "law-abiding", "human": [ "be just and respect the laws", "respect justice and abide by the laws" ], "machine": [ "follow the law and abide by it", "follow the law" ] }, { "id": 1269, "chinese": "奉行故事", "gold": "fellow old customs", "human": [ "be formal" ], "machine": [ "Pursue the story", "The Story" ] }, { "id": 1270, "chinese": "奉若神明", "gold": "revere something as sacred", "human": [ "worship somebody", "make a fetish of something" ], "machine": [ "worship as a god", "make a holy cow of something.", "make a holy cow out of something.", "worship" ] }, { "id": 1271, "chinese": "奔走相告", "gold": "lose no time in telling each other the news", "human": [ "run around spreading the news", "rush about telling the good news", "pass the news from one person to another (or from mouth to", "mouth)" ], "machine": [ "tell each other", "spread the word", "spread the news", "run around and tell everyone" ] }, { "id": 1272, "chinese": "奋不顾身", "gold": "regardless of one's personal danger", "human": [ "dash ahead regardless of one's safety", "with lost body" ], "machine": [ "Reckless", "regardless of the situation" ] }, { "id": 1273, "chinese": "奋发图强", "gold": "work hard for the prosperity of the country", "human": [ "go all out to make the country strong" ], "machine": [ "Work hard", "Endeavor to be strong", "Endeavour to be strong", "Endeavouring to be strong", "Endeavoring to be strong" ] }, { "id": 1274, "chinese": "奋起直追", "gold": "do all one can do to catch up", "human": [ "encourage oneself and hurriedly catch up with" ], "machine": [ "catch up", "Catching up" ] }, { "id": 1275, "chinese": "奴唇婢舌", "gold": "loose-tongued like a slave or maid", "human": [], "machine": [ "slave lips", "slave lips and servant tongue", "slave lips and maid's tongue" ] }, { "id": 1276, "chinese": "奴颜婢膝", "gold": "be subservient to", "human": [ "bend one's knees before somebody", "sedulously fawn upon", "abjectly do something to curry favor with", "lick somebody's boots", "be obsequious to", "slavish" ], "machine": [ "subservient", "servile and bending the knee", "fawning", "bending and scraping" ] }, { "id": 1277, "chinese": "好大喜功", "gold": "have a fondness for the grandiose", "human": [ "like to do grandiose things to impress people", "crave greatness and success", "be ambitious for great achievements" ], "machine": [ "very happy", "rejoice in grandiose deeds", "strive to achieve great things" ] }, { "id": 1278, "chinese": "好高骛远", "gold": "aim too high", "human": [ "crave something high and out of reach", "reach for what is beyond one's grasp", "bite off more than one can chew", "hitch one's wagon to a star" ], "machine": [ "very ambitious", "overly ambitious", "over ambitious", "over-ambitious", "too ambitious" ] }, { "id": 1279, "chinese": "好好先生", "gold": "a yesman", "human": [ "one who tries not to offend any body", "a man who is always polite and never says no" ], "machine": [ "good sir", "Mr. Nice Guy", "Mr. Nice", "Mr. Goody-goody" ] }, { "id": 1280, "chinese": "好汉不吃眼前亏", "gold": "a wise man doesn't fight against impossible odds", "human": [ "a clever fellow will extricate himself from a disadvantageous position wherever possible" ], "machine": [ "A good man does not suffer from immediate losses", "A good man does not have to live with his immediate losses" ] }, { "id": 1281, "chinese": "好景不常", "gold": "good times don't fast long", "human": [ "happy days for ... are soon over", "the morning sun never lasts a day" ], "machine": [ "good times", "good scenes don't last forever", "good times don't last forever", "good times do not last forever" ] }, { "id": 1282, "chinese": "好吃懒做", "gold": "be fond of eating and averse to work", "human": [ "be gluttonous and lazy" ], "machine": [ "delicious and lazy", "eats a lot but never works", "a parasite", "eats well but never works" ] }, { "id": 1283, "chinese": "好事多磨", "gold": "the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks", "human": [ "the course of true love never did run smooth" ], "machine": [ "good luck", "Good things come in small packages", "Good things happen." ] }, { "id": 1284, "chinese": "好逸恶劳", "gold": "love ease and hate work", "human": [ "dislike work and love ease", "seek after comforts and abominate labor", "hanker for living in comfort and hate labour", "eat one's head off" ], "machine": [ "indolent", "want to escape from work and hate to work" ] }, { "id": 1285, "chinese": "好为人师", "gold": "like to lecture people", "human": [ "presumptuously lecture people", "talk down to" ], "machine": [ "good teacher", "like to teach others", "good at teaching others", "like to be a teacher", "like to be a teacher of others" ] }, { "id": 1286, "chinese": "如梦初醒", "gold": "come to realize", "human": [ "as if awakening from a dream" ], "machine": [ "waking up from a dream", "like a dream come true", "as if waking up from a dream", "awakening from a dream" ] }, { "id": 1287, "chinese": "如法炮制", "gold": "do according to instructions", "human": [ "follow suit", "be modelled on", "prepare herbal medicine by the prescribed method", "follow a set pattern" ], "machine": [ "Do the same", "follow the recipe", "follow the same plan", "follow the same pattern" ] }, { "id": 1288, "chinese": "如汤沃雪", "gold": "easily done", "human": [ "like melting snow by pouring hot water on it" ], "machine": [ "Ru Tang Wo Xue", "like soup and snow", "like soup and water in snow", "like soup or snow" ] }, { "id": 1289, "chinese": "如鸟兽散", "gold": "flee helter-skelter", "human": [ "be utterly routed" ], "machine": [ "scattered like birds", "scatter like birds and beasts", "flee like birds and beasts", "scatter like birds and animals" ] }, { "id": 1290, "chinese": "如雷贯耳", "gold": "reverberate like thunder", "human": [ "piercing one's ear like thunder", "have resounded in one's ears" ], "machine": [ "like thunder", "like thunder piercing the ear" ] }, { "id": 1291, "chinese": "如狼牧羊", "gold": "rule the people oppressively", "human": [ "like a wolf shepherding sheep" ], "machine": [ "like wolves shepherding sheep", "like a wolf shepherding a sheep" ] }, { "id": 1292, "chinese": "如狼似虎", "gold": "like cruel beasts of prey", "human": [ "as ferocious as wolves and tigers" ], "machine": [ "wolf like tiger", "like wolves and tigers", "ruthless" ] }, { "id": 1293, "chinese": "如临大敌", "gold": "tense as a cat humping its back", "human": [ "as if facing a formidable enemy", "as if confronted by a formidable enemy" ], "machine": [ "as the enemy", "as if facing a great enemy", "like a great enemy", "facing a great enemy", "like the enemy" ] }, { "id": 1294, "chinese": "如履薄冰", "gold": "as if walking on thin ice", "human": [ "treading on eggs", "walking on egg-shells" ], "machine": [ "walking on thin ice", "like walking on thin ice", "be on thin ice" ] }, { "id": 1295, "chinese": "如鲠在喉", "gold": "like a fishbone getting stuck in the throat", "human": [ "give vent to one's pent-up feelings" ], "machine": [ "stuck in the throat", "stuck in one's throat", "something on one's mind", "fish in the throat" ] }, { "id": 1296, "chinese": "如虎添翼", "gold": "with might redoubled", "human": [ "like a tiger that has grown wings" ], "machine": [ "even more powerful", "Like a tiger with wings" ] }, { "id": 1297, "chinese": "如花似玉", "gold": "as beautiful as flowers and jade", "human": [], "machine": [ "flower-like jade", "like a flower, like a jade" ] }, { "id": 1298, "chinese": "如获至宝", "gold": "seem to have hit the jackpot", "human": [ "as if one had found a treasure", "rejoice over a windfall", "jump at something as a godsend" ], "machine": [ "If you get a treasure", "like a great treasure", "like a treasure", "as if it were a great treasure", "as if it were a treasure" ] }, { "id": 1299, "chinese": "如火如荼", "gold": "fiery", "human": [ "flaring like fire set to dry tinder", "like a raging fire", "growing vigorously", "blazing and powerful" ], "machine": [ "in full swing", "flourishing like fire", "flourishing like a fire", "flourishing" ] }, { "id": 1300, "chinese": "如饥似渴", "gold": "with great eagerness", "human": [ "as if thirsting or hungering for something", "eagerly" ], "machine": [ "hunger for something", "eagerly awaiting" ] }, { "id": 1301, "chinese": "如胶似漆", "gold": "be deeply attached to each other", "human": [ "stick to each other like glue or lacquer", "remain glued to each other" ], "machine": [ "like glue", "stuck together as one", "stuck together like glue" ] }, { "id": 1302, "chinese": "如箭在弦", "gold": "poised to strike", "human": [ "like the arrow on the bow" ], "machine": [ "like an arrow", "like an arrow ona string", "like an arrow in the string", "like an arrow at the string", "like an arrow at the strings" ] }, { "id": 1303, "chinese": "如堕五里雾中", "gold": "utterly mystified", "human": [ "as if lost in a thick fog" ], "machine": [ "like falling into a fog", "like falling into a five-mile fog", "like being in a fog" ] }, { "id": 1304, "chinese": "如出一辙", "gold": "follow the same pattern", "human": [ "be exactly the same as", "be no different from", "as if made in the same mold", "be cut from the same cloth", "run in the same groove" ], "machine": [ "same", "exactly the same", "be precisely the same", "be the same", "be identical" ] }, { "id": 1305, "chinese": "如释重负", "gold": "heave a sigh of relief", "human": [ "as if relieved of a heavy burden", "as if a big load has been taken off one's mind" ], "machine": [ "relieved", "like a weight off one's mind", "as if relieved", "feel relieved", "as if relieved from a burden" ] }, { "id": 1306, "chinese": "如数家珍", "gold": "can speak on a subject with great familiarity", "human": [ "as if enumerating one's family treasures", "very familiar with one's subject", "like telling off one's family treasures" ], "machine": [ "like a treasure", "as if enumerating one's family valuables" ] }, { "id": 1307, "chinese": "如日中天", "gold": "to ride on the crest of success", "human": [ "like the sun in midsky", "to be very influential", "very powerful" ], "machine": [ "in full swing", "Like a day in the life", "Like a day in the sun" ] }, { "id": 1308, "chinese": "如入无人之境", "gold": "breaking all resistance", "human": [ "like entering an unpeopled land" ], "machine": [ "like no one", "like entering a deserted place", "like entering a deserted land", "like a man in a deserted place" ] }, { "id": 1309, "chinese": "如坐针毡", "gold": "feel as if sitting on a bed of nails", "human": [ "be on pins and needles", "be on the anxious bench" ], "machine": [ "like on pins and needles", "as if sitting on pins and needles" ] }, { "id": 1310, "chinese": "如此而已", "gold": "that's what it all adds up to", "human": [], "machine": [ "that is it", "That's all.", "That's it." ] }, { "id": 1311, "chinese": "如丧考妣", "gold": "look as if one had Lost one's parents", "human": [ "look utterly wretched", "wearing a funeral face as if newly bereft of both parents", "be pathetically anxious" ], "machine": [ "such as mourning", "like a deceased mother", "as if bereft of one's mother", "dejected from one's mother" ] }, { "id": 1312, "chinese": "如蚁附膻", "gold": "a swarm of people running after unwholesome things or leaning on influential people for support", "human": [ "like ants seeking something rank-smelling" ], "machine": [ "like an ant", "like ants pursuing a stink", "the mob chases the rich and powerful" ] }, { "id": 1313, "chinese": "如意算盘", "gold": "wishful thinking", "human": [ "the smug overall calculations", "wishful calculation" ], "machine": [ "counting on one's fingers" ] }, { "id": 1314, "chinese": "如影随形", "gold": "like the shadow following the person", "human": [ "very closely associated with each other", "follow somebody like a shadow", "be a true reflection of what one is" ], "machine": [ "follow the shadows", "as the shadow follows" ] }, { "id": 1315, "chinese": "如鱼得水", "gold": "like fish let into the water", "human": [ "happy in each other's company or in one's natural element", "like a fish in water", "get along with one another swimmingly" ], "machine": [ "Like fish in water" ] }, { "id": 1316, "chinese": "如愿以偿", "gold": "achieve what one wishes", "human": [ "have one's wish fulfilled", "obtain one's wishes", "obtain what is desired", "have one's will", "fulfill one's utmost ambitions" ], "machine": [ "Get your wish", "As you wish", "as desired" ] }, { "id": 1317, "chinese": "妄自菲薄", "gold": "inferiority complex", "human": [ "improperly belittle oneself", "unduly humble oneself", "think lightly of oneself", "undervalue oneself", "underestimate one's own capabilities", "underestimate one's achievements" ], "machine": [ "belittle oneself", "presumptuousness", "presumptuous" ] }, { "id": 1318, "chinese": "妄自尊大", "gold": "have too high an opinion of oneself", "human": [ "be arrogant and overweening", "be puffed up with pride", "be puffed out with self-importance", "be well wadded with conceit", "have no small opinion of oneself" ], "machine": [ "arrogant", "arrogance and self-importance", "presumptuous self-importance", "arrogance and self-esteem" ] }, { "id": 1319, "chinese": "妖魔鬼怪", "gold": "monsters of every description", "human": [ "demons and ghosts", "evil spirits of all kinds" ], "machine": [ "monster", "ghouls and bogeys", "ghouls and bogies", "ghouls and devils" ] }, { "id": 1320, "chinese": "妖言惑众", "gold": "wild rumors mislead the masses", "human": [ "spread fallacies to deceive people", "evil doctrine misleads the public", "strange doctrines win a large following" ], "machine": [ "Bewitching", "mislead the public with lies", "mislead the masses with lies" ] }, { "id": 1321, "chinese": "妙不可言", "gold": "too wonderful for words", "human": [ "most intriguing" ], "machine": [ "Wonderful", "Fantastic" ] }, { "id": 1322, "chinese": "妙趣横生", "gold": "full of wit and humour", "human": [ "very witty" ], "machine": [ "great fun", "Wonderful", "Wonderful and interesting", "Wonderful and fun" ] }, { "id": 1323, "chinese": "妙手回春", "gold": "effect a miraculous cure and bring the dying back to life", "human": [ "a skilled man brings back the spring", "bring life back to a patient" ], "machine": [ "Rejuvenation", "Wonderful Hands", "Wonderful Hand" ] }, { "id": 1324, "chinese": "妻离子散", "gold": "with one's family broken up", "human": [ "breaking up or scattering of one's family" ], "machine": [ "wife separation", "a family scattered apart", "a family split up" ] }, { "id": 1325, "chinese": "始终不懈", "gold": "forever strive without cease", "human": [], "machine": [ "Relentless", "Always relentless", "Always relentlessly" ] }, { "id": 1326, "chinese": "始终不渝", "gold": "unswervingly", "human": [ "consistent", "steadfast" ], "machine": [ "unswerving" ] }, { "id": 1327, "chinese": "始终如一", "gold": "consistent", "human": [ "the same from beginning to end", "constant", "persistent" ], "machine": [ "consistently", "Always the same", "As always", "Consistency" ] }, { "id": 1328, "chinese": "姗姗来迟", "gold": "be late", "human": [ "be stow in coming" ], "machine": [ "long overdue", "Late arrival" ] }, { "id": 1329, "chinese": "姑息养奸", "gold": "toleration tends to breed traitors", "human": [ "over-indulgence nourishes evil", "to tolerate evil is to abet it", "foster evil propensities by being over lenient" ], "machine": [ "appease the rape", "tolerate and nurture an evildoer" ] }, { "id": 1330, "chinese": "姑妄听之", "gold": "just let him talk and let's just listen", "human": [ "see no harm in hearing what somebody has to say" ], "machine": [ "I'll listen to it", "take it for granted", "just take it for granted", "take it for granted that", "just listen to it for a while" ] }, { "id": 1331, "chinese": "姑妄言之", "gold": "tell somebody something for what it's worth", "human": [], "machine": [ "I lied to you", "I'll just say it for now", "I'll just say it", "I'm just going to say it", "I'll just say what I think" ] }, { "id": 1332, "chinese": "委曲求全", "gold": "in a spirit of conciliation and compromise", "human": [ "stoop in order to accomplish something", "compromise out of consideration for the general interest", "stoop to compromise", "save the situation by some concessions", "suffer wrong for the sake of general interest", "make concessions to achieve one's purpose", "be quite accommodating and care for over-all interests" ], "machine": [ "Compromise", "accept a compromise" ] }, { "id": 1333, "chinese": "威风凛凛", "gold": "with great dignity", "human": [ "awe-inspiring appearance", "dignified manners", "awful air", "majestic-looking" ], "machine": [ "majestic", "awe-inspiring", "impressive power", "impressive" ] }, { "id": 1334, "chinese": "威逼利诱", "gold": "coercion and coaxing", "human": [ "combine threats with inducements", "alternate intimidation and bribery", "big stick and carrot" ], "machine": [ "coercion", "threaten and bribe", "coerce and bribe", "intimidate and bribe", "intimidation and bribery" ] }, { "id": 1335, "chinese": "威信扫地", "gold": "completely discredited", "human": [ "with every shred of one's prestige swept away", "one's reputation is dragged in the dust", "prestige completely swept into the dust" ], "machine": [ "Prestige sweeps the floor", "lose every scrap of prestige", "lose prestige", "lose all credibility", "lose every scrap of reputation" ] }, { "id": 1336, "chinese": "威武不屈", "gold": "not bow to pressure", "human": [ "will not submit to force", "not to be subdued by force", "firm and unyielding" ], "machine": [ "Mighty and unyielding", "mighty and indomitable", "not submit to force" ] }, { "id": 1337, "chinese": "娓娓动听", "gold": "be pleasing to the ear", "human": [ "speak with absorbing interest", "smooth-spoken" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "lively and melodious", "lively and moving", "lively and beautiful", "lively" ] }, { "id": 1338, "chinese": "娓娓而谈", "gold": "talk familiarly on and on", "human": [ "talk volubly" ], "machine": [ "talk eloquently", "talk in a lively manner", "speak fluently", "talk in a lively way", "speak fluently and honestly" ] }, { "id": 1339, "chinese": "婆婆妈妈", "gold": "womanishly fussy", "human": [ "sentimental", "mawkish", "maudlin" ], "machine": [ "mother-in-law" ] }, { "id": 1340, "chinese": "嫁祸于人", "gold": "put blame on others", "human": [ "shift the misfortune onto somebody else", "shift the blame on somebody", "lay one's own fault at somebody else's door", "shift evil on another", "maliciously", "transfer the evil to another" ], "machine": [ "put the blame on someone", "pass the blame on to someone else", "pass the buck to someone else", "pass the blame on to others" ] }, { "id": 1341, "chinese": "嫣然一笑", "gold": "the captivating smile of a woman", "human": [ "give a winsome smile" ], "machine": [ "smile", "smile sweetly" ] }, { "id": 1342, "chinese": "嬉皮笑脸", "gold": "grinning cheekily", "human": [ "smiling and grimacing" ], "machine": [ "hippie smiley", "playful smile", "playful smiley face", "playful and smiling", "happy and cheerful" ] }, { "id": 1343, "chinese": "娇生惯养", "gold": "pampered since childhood", "human": [ "brought up in easy circumstances by doting parents", "delicate upbringing", "be spoiled" ], "machine": [ "pampered", "pampered and spoiled", "spoiled and pampered" ] }, { "id": 1344, "chinese": "孑然一身", "gold": "all alone in the world", "human": [ "solitary", "lonely" ], "machine": [ "alone", "be all alone in the world", "be all alone" ] }, { "id": 1345, "chinese": "字里行间", "gold": "between the lines", "human": [], "machine": [ "between the words and the lines", "between the words and lines" ] }, { "id": 1346, "chinese": "字斟句酌", "gold": "choose one's words with great care", "human": [ "go over the wording carefully", "weigh every word", "refine on the wording" ], "machine": [ "weighing every word" ] }, { "id": 1347, "chinese": "存而不论", "gold": "leave it open", "human": [], "machine": [ "exist regardless", "exist regardless of", "exist without regard to", "exist irrespective of", "exist irrespective of the" ] }, { "id": 1348, "chinese": "存亡绝续", "gold": "be at stake", "human": [ "survive of perish, preserve or destroy", "at a most critical moment", "be upon death" ], "machine": [ "life and death", "exist or perish", "exist and perish" ] }, { "id": 1349, "chinese": "孜孜不倦", "gold": "tireless", "human": [ "assiduous and never tired", "with astonishing diligence", "with indefatigable zeal", "with assiduity", "industrious", "assiduous", "sedulous", "indefatigably", "painstaking", "diligent" ], "machine": [ "tirelessly", "diligent and tireless", "assiduous and tireless", "diligent and untiring" ] }, { "id": 1350, "chinese": "孝子贤孙", "gold": "filial offspring", "human": [ "filial progeny of", "true sons of", "dutiful sons of" ], "machine": [ "filial son and grandson", "filial son, virtuous grandson", "filial son, good grandson" ] }, { "id": 1351, "chinese": "孤芳自赏", "gold": "indulge in self-admiration", "human": [ "a solitary flower in love with its own fragrance", "a lone soul admiring his own purity", "think oneself as being pure and elevated", "spurning publicity", "narcissistic" ], "machine": [ "self-respect", "Lone Beauty" ] }, { "id": 1352, "chinese": "孤陋寡闻", "gold": "ignorant and ill-informed", "human": [ "poorly read and ignorant", "solitary and inexperienced" ], "machine": [ "ignorant", "I'm ignorant and uneducated" ] }, { "id": 1353, "chinese": "孤立无援", "gold": "left high and dry", "human": [ "isolated and without help", "stand without support" ], "machine": [ "Isolated", "isolated and helpless", "isolated and unsupported", "isolated and unaided" ] }, { "id": 1354, "chinese": "孤苦伶仃", "gold": "sad and lonely", "human": [ "orphaned and helpless", "alone and helpless", "friendless and wretched" ], "machine": [ "lonely", "solitary and lonely", "Solitary" ] }, { "id": 1355, "chinese": "孤家寡人", "gold": "a loner", "human": [ "a person in solitary splendour", "a person who has no mass support", "a man without followers", "be in the difficult position of being totally isolated" ], "machine": [ "lonely", "a lone person", "a loner and a widower", "a lonely man" ] }, { "id": 1356, "chinese": "孤军奋战", "gold": "fight in isolation", "human": [], "machine": [ "Alone", "Fighting alone", "Lone Soldier", "Lone Soldier Fighting", "Lone Soldiers" ] }, { "id": 1357, "chinese": "孤行己见", "gold": "follow one's own bigoted course", "human": [], "machine": [ "go your own way", "lam alone in my opinion", "lam alone in my opinions", "lam alone in my views", "I have my own opinion" ] }, { "id": 1358, "chinese": "孤掌难鸣", "gold": "it's difficult to achieve anything without support", "human": [ "one palm cannot clap and make a sound", "cannot do without assistance", "you can't clap with one hand", "it's impossible to clap with one hand", "he who stands alone has no power", "a weak minority" ], "machine": [ "solitary palm", "It's hard to get a good shot with a lone hand.", "It's hard to get a good shot." ] }, { "id": 1359, "chinese": "孤注一掷", "gold": "stake everything on a single throw", "human": [ "stake everything on a single cast of the dice", "bet one's bottom dollar on something", "put all one's eggs in one basket", "win the mare or lose the halter", "it's hit or miss", "neck-or-nothing", "sink or swim" ], "machine": [ "a single bet", "a single bet on one", "a single bet on the whole" ] }, { "id": 1360, "chinese": "学而不厌", "gold": "have an insatiable desire to learn", "human": [ "be insatiable in learning", "grind away at one's studies" ], "machine": [ "never tire of learning", "Learn but never tire", "Learn and never tire", "Learn but never tire of it", "Learn and never get tired" ] }, { "id": 1361, "chinese": "学以致用", "gold": "learn in order to practise", "human": [ "study for the purpose of application", "study something in order to apply it" ], "machine": [ "Apply what you have learned", "Learn to apply", "Learning to apply" ] }, { "id": 1362, "chinese": "学无止境", "gold": "there is no end to learning", "human": [ "there is no limit to knowledge", "knowledge is infinite" ], "machine": [ "Life-long learning", "No end to learning", "There is no limit to learning" ] }, { "id": 1363, "chinese": "冗词赘句", "gold": "verbose wording", "human": [ "superfluous words", "redundant words" ], "machine": [ "redundant sentences", "verbose words and superfluous sentences", "verbose and superfluous words", "verbose but superfluous words" ] }, { "id": 1364, "chinese": "守口如瓶", "gold": "be tight-mouthed", "human": [ "keep the mouth shut like a bottle", "breathe not a single word", "keep one's tongue between one's teeth", "be secret as the grave", "dumb as an oyster" ], "machine": [ "tight-lipped", "not breathing a word", "reticent", "not saying a word", "not breathing a word of truth" ] }, { "id": 1365, "chinese": "守株待兔", "gold": "wait for gains without pains", "human": [ "stand by a stump waiting for more hares to dash themselves against it", "trust to chance and windfalls" ], "machine": [ "wait for the rabbit", "wait idly for the hare", "wait idly for the rabbits", "wait idly for the rabbit" ] }, { "id": 1366, "chinese": "安步当车", "gold": "walk rather than ride", "human": [ "stroll leisurely instead of taking a carriage and enjoy it as much", "walk over leisurely instead of riding in a carriage", "to walk quietly is as good as riding in a carriage", "like to stretch one's legs" ], "machine": [ "Ambush" ] }, { "id": 1367, "chinese": "安不忘危", "gold": "in time of peace do not forget danger", "human": [ "in peace remember the possibilities of danger", "mindful of possible danger in time of peace" ], "machine": [ "Don't forget the danger", "safety does not forget danger", "safety is not forgotten" ] }, { "id": 1368, "chinese": "安民告示", "gold": "a notice to reassure the public", "human": [ "advance notice" ], "machine": [ "Anmin notice", "a notice reassure the public", "a notice to the public", "a notice reassure people" ] }, { "id": 1369, "chinese": "安分守己", "gold": "be contented with one's lot", "human": [ "abide by the law and behave oneself", "keep one's duty and self-restraint", "know one's place", "mind one's own business", "keep to one's own line", "keep to oneself", "act proper to one's status", "law-abiding", "dutiful" ], "machine": [ "Keep yourselves", "be content with one's lot and keep to oneself", "be content with one's lot", "be content with oneself" ] }, { "id": 1370, "chinese": "安土重迁", "gold": "hate to leave a place where one has lived long", "human": [ "do not care to migrate from one's native land", "be attached to one's native land and unwilling to leave it", "fond of one's home and loathe to leave it for other parts" ], "machine": [ "relocation", "be attached to the land and move back to it" ] }, { "id": 1371, "chinese": "安家落户", "gold": "settle down", "human": [ "make one's home in a place" ], "machine": [ "settle", "Settlement", "Settling in a home" ] }, { "id": 1372, "chinese": "安居乐业", "gold": "quite contented with one's life and work", "human": [ "live and work in peace and contentment", "live a prosperous and contented life" ], "machine": [ "Live and work in peace", "Live in peace and work in happiness", "Live in peace and work happily" ] }, { "id": 1373, "chinese": "安之若素", "gold": "regard with equanimity", "human": [ "bear with equanimity", "resign oneself with equanimity" ], "machine": [ "An Zhiruosu", "be at peace with oneself", "be content", "be at peace" ] }, { "id": 1374, "chinese": "安身立命", "gold": "settle down and get on with one's pursuit", "human": [], "machine": [ "settle down", "settle down and get on with one's life", "get on with one's life" ] }, { "id": 1375, "chinese": "安然无恙", "gold": "safe and sound", "human": [ "without accident", "sound in life and limb", "all is well", "get off with a whole skin", "fall on one's feet", "unscathed" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1376, "chinese": "安如磐石", "gold": "as solid as a rock", "human": [ "secure as a huge rock", "absolute tranquility", "great security" ], "machine": [ "rock solid", "as safe as a rock", "as solid as rock", "Rock-solid" ] }, { "id": 1377, "chinese": "安如泰山", "gold": "like a rock", "human": [ "as secure as Mount Tai", "as firm as a rock", "rock-firm" ], "machine": [ "Safe as Mount Tai", "as secure as Mount Taishan", "as secure as Mt. Taishan", "as secure as Mt. Tai" ] }, { "id": 1378, "chinese": "安营扎寨", "gold": "camp", "human": [ "pitch a camp", "encamp" ], "machine": [ "Set up camp" ] }, { "id": 1379, "chinese": "安于现状", "gold": "be content with things as they are", "human": [ "be satisfied with the existing state of affairs" ], "machine": [ "be content with the status quo", "Settling for the status quo", "Settling for status quo", "Settle for the status quo" ] }, { "id": 1380, "chinese": "完璧归赵", "gold": "return a thing whole to its owner", "human": [ "return the jade intact to the State of Chao", "return something to its owner in good condition" ], "machine": [ "Return to Zhao", "return the jade annulus to Zhao", "to return something intact to its rightful owner" ] }, { "id": 1381, "chinese": "完美无缺", "gold": "be flawless and perfect", "human": [ "leave nothing to be desired", "as good as gold", "faultless" ], "machine": [ "flawless", "Perfection", "Perfection without flaw" ] }, { "id": 1382, "chinese": "官逼民反", "gold": "the ruler's persecution drives the people to rebel", "human": [ "trend on a worm and it will turn" ], "machine": [ "Officials force the people to rebel", "a government official drives the people to revolt" ] }, { "id": 1383, "chinese": "官官相护", "gold": "bureaucrats shield each other", "human": [ "officials shield one another", "one official will protect another" ], "machine": [ "Officials protect each other", "officials protect one another", "officials shield each other" ] }, { "id": 1384, "chinese": "官样文章", "gold": "red tape", "human": [ "official formalities", "a mere scrap of official paper", "mere formalities", "officialese" ], "machine": [ "official article", "official mannerisms", "official mannerism", "official manner", "official manner of writing" ] }, { "id": 1385, "chinese": "害群之马", "gold": "a black sheep", "human": [ "a horse that injures the mob", "one who acts in a way detrimental to public welfare", "an evil member of the herd", "one who brings disgrace on his group" ], "machine": [ "black sheep", "trouble-maker", "rotten apple" ] }, { "id": 1386, "chinese": "宴安鸩毒", "gold": "seeking pleasure is like drinking poisoned wine", "human": [], "machine": [ "banquet poison", "Feast on hemlock", "feast and hemlock" ] }, { "id": 1387, "chinese": "家破人亡", "gold": "with the family broken up and decimated", "human": [ "with one's family broken up, some gone away, some dead" ], "machine": [ "ruined", "family bankruptcy and death", "family bankruptcy" ] }, { "id": 1388, "chinese": "家徒四壁", "gold": "a house empty of all furniture", "human": [ "have nothing but the bare walls in one's house", "be utterly destitute", "poor as a church mouse" ], "machine": [ "four walls", "family with four walls" ] }, { "id": 1389, "chinese": "家给人足", "gold": "each family is provided for and", "human": [ "every person is well-fed and well-clothed", "wealthy homes and contented people", "a district where there are no poor", "all live in plenty" ], "machine": [ "Home gives food", "Home for People", "Home to People", "Home to People Sufficient" ] }, { "id": 1390, "chinese": "家丑不可外扬", "gold": "don't wash your dirty linen in public", "human": [ "domestic shame should not be made public", "it is an ill bird that fouls its own nest" ], "machine": [ "Ugly can't be made public", "family shames must not be spread abroad" ] }, { "id": 1391, "chinese": "家常便饭", "gold": "common occurrence", "human": [ "homely food", "simple meal", "all in the day's work", "routine" ], "machine": [ "potluck", "home cooked meal", "home cooked meals", "home cooking", "home cooked rice" ] }, { "id": 1392, "chinese": "家喻户晓", "gold": "widely known", "human": [ "everybody knows about it", "be well known to every household", "known to every family", "known to all", "known by one and all", "become a household word", "every barber knows that" ], "machine": [ "household name", "a household name" ] }, { "id": 1393, "chinese": "容光焕发", "gold": "radiant beauty", "human": [ "glowing with edith", "with radiating health", "in fine fettle", "energetic-looking", "freshly" ], "machine": [ "radiant", "glowing", "look radiant", "glow" ] }, { "id": 1394, "chinese": "密云不雨", "gold": "trouble is brewing", "human": [ "dense clouds but no rain" ], "machine": [ "Cloudy but no rain", "Dense clouds do not rain", "Dense clouds don't rain", "No rain in Miyun", "Dense clouds not rain" ] }, { "id": 1395, "chinese": "寄人篱下", "gold": "live under another's roof", "human": [ "depend on somebody for a living", "depend on another person for support", "live on dependence of somebody", "live under subjugation", "sponge on another" ], "machine": [ "under the fence", "lodge under another person's roof", "lodge with others", "lodge under another's roof", "lodge under a roof" ] }, { "id": 1396, "chinese": "寅吃卯粮", "gold": "draw one's pay in advance", "human": [ "eat the food stored up for the next year", "eat next year's food", "eat one's corn in the blade", "forced to borrow today's food against tomorrow's income", "anticipate one's income", "live beyond one's means" ], "machine": [ "Yin eat Mao grain", "eating away next year's food in advance", "live now, pay later" ] }, { "id": 1397, "chinese": "富丽堂皇", "gold": "magnificent", "human": [ "gorgeous", "splendid", "sumptuous" ], "machine": [ "opulent and magnificent", "opulent and luxurious", "sumptuous and magnificent" ] }, { "id": 1398, "chinese": "富国强兵", "gold": "enrich the nation and increase its military power", "human": [ "make one's country rich and build up its military power" ], "machine": [ "rich country and strong army", "Rich country, strong army" ] }, { "id": 1399, "chinese": "富贵不能淫", "gold": "neither riches nor honors can corrupt one", "human": [], "machine": [ "Wealth cannot be promiscuous", "not corrupted by wealth and honors" ] }, { "id": 1400, "chinese": "寒来暑往", "gold": "with the passage", "human": [ "as summer goes and winter comes" ], "machine": [ "cold and summer", "Cold and heat", "Cold and summer heat" ] }, { "id": 1401, "chinese": "察言观色", "gold": "watch a person's every mood", "human": [ "examine a man's words and observe his countenance", "measure his attention", "carefully weigh up a person's words and closely watch his expression" ], "machine": [ "watch words", "observe what is said and understood", "observe what is said and heard", "observe what is said" ] }, { "id": 1402, "chinese": "宁缺毋滥", "gold": "would rather go without than be contented with anything less satisfactory", "human": [ "rather go without than have something shoddy", "put quality before quantity" ], "machine": [ "Rather lack than abuse", "Better to be short than to be high" ] }, { "id": 1403, "chinese": "宁死不屈", "gold": "death before dishonor", "human": [ "rather die than submit", "prefer death to dishonour" ], "machine": [ "would rather die than yield", "Better to die than to submit", "Better to die than to give in", "Better to die than to give up" ] }, { "id": 1404, "chinese": "宁为鸡口,无为牛后", "gold": "would rather be a leader anywhere then a follower", "human": [ "better be the head of a dog than the tail of a lion" ], "machine": [ "I'd rather be a chicken's mouth than a cow's queens", "Better to be the mouth of a chicken than the back of a cow" ] }, { "id": 1405, "chinese": "宁为玉碎,不为瓦全", "gold": "better to die in glory than survive with dishonor", "human": [ "rather be a shattered vessel made of jade than an unbroken piece of pottery", "rather die on one's feet than live on one's knees", "rather die for a noble cause than continue to live a shameful life", "better be a piece of broken jade than an unbroken tile" ], "machine": [ "Rather Stick to your guns", "It is better to break the jade than to make it whole" ] }, { "id": 1406, "chinese": "寡不敌众", "gold": "hopelessly outnumbered", "human": [ "the few cannot withstand the many", "a few are no match for the many" ], "machine": [ "outnumbered", "The outnumbered is no match for the outnumbered" ] }, { "id": 1407, "chinese": "寡廉鲜耻", "gold": "shameless", "human": [ "lost to shame", "brazen-faced" ], "machine": [ "dishonest and unscrupulous", "dishonest and shameless", "dishonest", "dishonest and honest" ] }, { "id": 1408, "chinese": "寡见少闻", "gold": "have only limited knowledge", "human": [ "little read and uninformed" ], "machine": [ "seldom seen", "uneducated and ignorant", "uneducated and poorly informed", "uneducated", "untrained and ignorant" ] }, { "id": 1409, "chinese": "寥寥无几", "gold": "very few", "human": [ "only a few" ], "machine": [ "Few and far between", "Few", "Few of them" ] }, { "id": 1410, "chinese": "寥若晨星", "gold": "few and far between", "human": [ "as sparse as the morning stars" ], "machine": [ "few morning stars", "as few as the morning stars", "As few as a morning star", "As few as the morning star" ] }, { "id": 1411, "chinese": "实事求是", "gold": "be practical and realistic", "human": [ "seek truth from facts", "get the truth by verification of the facts", "in a truth-seeking way", "based on facts" ], "machine": [ "Practicality", "factual", "Practical", "factual and realistic" ] }, { "id": 1412, "chinese": "审时度势", "gold": "judge the hour and size up the situation", "human": [], "machine": [ "Check the situation", "examine the time and situation", "examine the situation" ] }, { "id": 1413, "chinese": "宽打窄用", "gold": "budget liberally and spend sparingly", "human": [], "machine": [ "Wide and narrow", "Wide to narrow", "Wide to narrow use" ] }, { "id": 1414, "chinese": "宽大为怀", "gold": "liberal-minded", "human": [ "be magnanimous or lenient", "broadminded", "clemency" ], "machine": [ "be generous", "generosity", "magnanimity", "generous" ] }, { "id": 1415, "chinese": "宽宏大量", "gold": "magnanimity", "human": [ "broad minded and generous", "large-minded" ], "machine": [ "magnanimous", "generous" ] }, { "id": 1416, "chinese": "宠辱不惊", "gold": "unmoved either by favor or disgrace", "human": [ "remain indifferent whether granted favours or subjected to", "humiliation" ], "machine": [ "Pampered", "favor and disgrace not to be surprised", "favor and disgrace" ] }, { "id": 1417, "chinese": "寸步不离", "gold": "not let out of one's sight", "human": [ "not move a step from", "follow somebody closely", "keep close to", "trail after" ], "machine": [ "not leaving", "never leave a single step", "never leave a step", "never leave a step behind" ] }, { "id": 1418, "chinese": "寸步难行", "gold": "cannot walk a single step", "human": [ "it is difficult to move a step", "unable to move a single inch", "find oneself hard to move a single step" ], "machine": [ "Hard to move", "It's hard to move an inch." ] }, { "id": 1419, "chinese": "寸土必争", "gold": "contest every inch of land", "human": [ "fight for every inch of land" ], "machine": [ "Every inch of land matters" ] }, { "id": 1420, "chinese": "寸金难买寸光阴", "gold": "time is more precious than gold", "human": [ "\"an inch of gold cannot buy an inch of time\"", "money can't buy time" ], "machine": [ "An inch of gold is hard to buy an inch of time", "An inch of gold can't buy an inch of time" ] }, { "id": 1421, "chinese": "寸草不留", "gold": "not even so much as a blade of grass left", "human": [ "leave not even a blade of grass", "complete devastation of land", "be devastated" ], "machine": [ "nothing left", "not even an inch of grass will be left behind", "not even an inch of grass left" ] }, { "id": 1422, "chinese": "封官许愿", "gold": "promise high posts and other favors", "human": [ "offer official posts and make lavish promises", "offering high posts and personal fame" ], "machine": [ "make a wish", "confer an official position with lavish promises", "buy support" ] }, { "id": 1423, "chinese": "专横跋扈", "gold": "despotic", "human": [ "imperious and despotic", "ride roughshod over", "tyrannical", "presuming" ], "machine": [ "Domineering", "bossy and domineering", "bossy" ] }, { "id": 1424, "chinese": "专心致志", "gold": "be bent on ...", "human": [ "devote oneself to something", "whole-heartedly and exclusively", "put one's back into something", "set one's heart on something", "be wholly absorbed in ...", "be engrossed in ...", "with single-hearted devotion", "with undivided attention" ], "machine": [ "Concentrate on", "Concentration", "Dedicated", "Dedication", "Concentrate" ] }, { "id": 1425, "chinese": "将功补过", "gold": "make up for one's faults by good deeds", "human": [ "make up for one's mistakes with new contributions", "make up for one's mistakes by winning merit" ], "machine": [ "make up for", "make amends for one's mistakes", "make amends for one's misdeeds", "make amends for one's faults", "make amends for one's errors" ] }, { "id": 1426, "chinese": "将功赎罪", "gold": "redeem sins by good deeds", "human": [ "make amends for one's crimes by good deeds", "atone for a crime by meritorious service", "atone for error by meritorious deeds", "expiate one's crime by good deeds" ], "machine": [ "atonement", "atone for one's crimes by meritorious acts" ] }, { "id": 1427, "chinese": "将计就计", "gold": "counterplot", "human": [ "turn somebody's trick against him", "meet another's scheme with one's own", "beat somebody at his own game" ], "machine": [ "count up", "beat somebody at their own game", "beat somebody to the punch", "beat a stratagem to death" ] }, { "id": 1428, "chinese": "将信将疑", "gold": "indecision", "human": [ "halting between doubt and belief", "half believing, half doubting" ], "machine": [ "doubtful", "half-believing, half-doubting", "skeptical" ] }, { "id": 1429, "chinese": "将错就错", "gold": "take the wrong and make the best of it", "human": [ "leave a mistake uncorrected and make the best of it", "make the best of a bad bargain", "over shoes over boots" ], "machine": [ "keep mistake,", "if it's wrong, it's wrong." ] }, { "id": 1430, "chinese": "将欲取之,必先予之", "gold": "in order to take, one must first give", "human": [ "give in order to take" ], "machine": [ "If you want to take it, you must first give it", "To be taken, one must first give.", "To take, one must first give." ] }, { "id": 1431, "chinese": "尊师重道", "gold": "honor the teacher and respect his teachings", "human": [], "machine": [ "Respect for teachers" ] }, { "id": 1432, "chinese": "寻根究底", "gold": "get to the bottom of things", "human": [ "inquire deeply into", "investigate to the bottom", "sift a matter to the bottom" ], "machine": [ "get to the bottom of it", "get to the bottom of it all" ] }, { "id": 1433, "chinese": "寻欢作乐", "gold": "seek pleasure and make merry", "human": [], "machine": [ "having fun", "pleasure seeking" ] }, { "id": 1434, "chinese": "寻章摘句", "gold": "write in clichés without originality", "human": [ "look for quotes in order to criticize or to embellish one's writings" ], "machine": [ "chapter search excerpt", "Chapter Search", "Search for chapter and verse" ] }, { "id": 1435, "chinese": "寻事生非", "gold": "make trouble", "human": [ "seek quarrel" ], "machine": [ "stir up trouble", "look for trouble" ] }, { "id": 1436, "chinese": "寻死觅活", "gold": "repeatedly attempt suicide", "human": [ "try to commit suicide in order to give a scare" ], "machine": [ "looking for life", "seek death and live", "look for a living" ] }, { "id": 1437, "chinese": "对牛弹琴", "gold": "talk over people's heads", "human": [ "cast pearls before swine", "play a lute before an ox - attempt to explain deep truths to a dull person", "preach to deaf ears" ], "machine": [ "play the piano to the cow", "play the lute to a cow", "play the piano to a cow" ] }, { "id": 1438, "chinese": "对症下药", "gold": "administer medicine according to the diagnosis", "human": [ "suit the remedy to the case" ], "machine": [ "Prescribe the right medicine", "Prescribe the right medicine for the right problem" ] }, { "id": 1439, "chinese": "小不忍则乱大谋", "gold": "lack of forbearance in small matters upsets great plans", "human": [ "who cannot take small insults or setbacks is liable to spoil big plans" ], "machine": [ "A small leak will sink a great ship", "A little intolerance makes a big mistake" ] }, { "id": 1440, "chinese": "小题大作", "gold": "make a mountain out of a molehill", "human": [ "make a great trouble out of a trifling matter", "get into a great fuss about trifles", "make a fuss about a trifling matter", "make much ado about nothing", "make a long harvest about a little corn", "a storm in a teacup" ], "machine": [ "fuss", "a minor issue, a major one", "a minor issue, but a major one" ] }, { "id": 1441, "chinese": "小家碧玉", "gold": "a pretty girl from a humble home", "human": [], "machine": [ "Xiaojiabiyu", "pretty girl in a humble family", "pretty little family", "pretty girl in a small family" ] }, { "id": 1442, "chinese": "小巧玲珑", "gold": "small and exquisite", "human": [], "machine": [ "Small and delicate", "Small and compact", "Compact" ] }, { "id": 1443, "chinese": "小心翼翼", "gold": "with great care", "human": [ "with sedulous care", "be much cautious of", "watch one's steps", "pick one's steps", "walk on egg shells" ], "machine": [ "cautiously", "Be careful", "Careful" ] }, { "id": 1444, "chinese": "小丑跳梁", "gold": "a contemptible wretch making trouble", "human": [], "machine": [ "clown jumping beam", "Clown Jumper", "Clown jumping the beam" ] }, { "id": 1445, "chinese": "小试锋芒", "gold": "display only a small part of one's talent", "human": [], "machine": [ "small test edge", "Try a little", "Try a little bit" ] }, { "id": 1446, "chinese": "小手小脚", "gold": "timid", "human": [ "lacking boldness", "niggling", "stingy" ], "machine": [ "small hands and feet", "Little hands and feet" ] }, { "id": 1447, "chinese": "小恩小惠", "gold": "petty favors", "human": [ "economic sops" ], "machine": [ "little kindness", "Small favors", "Small Favor", "Small Grace" ] }, { "id": 1448, "chinese": "小巫见大巫", "gold": "feel dwarfed", "human": [ "like a small sorcerer in the presence of a great one", "pale into insignificance by comparison", "the moon is not seen where the sun shines" ], "machine": [ "little witch", "minor magician in the presence of a great one", "pale into insignificance" ] }, { "id": 1449, "chinese": "少不更事", "gold": "young and little-experienced", "human": [ "green" ], "machine": [ "Less is more", "inexperienced", "in his prime", "not up-to-date" ] }, { "id": 1450, "chinese": "少头无尾", "gold": "unfinished", "human": [ "imperfect" ], "machine": [ "little head and no tail", "No end in sight", "No tail" ] }, { "id": 1451, "chinese": "少年老成", "gold": "a young person lacking in vigor and drive", "human": [ "have an old head on young shoulders" ], "machine": [ "young and old", "Young adult", "Young and mature" ] }, { "id": 1452, "chinese": "少见多怪", "gold": "ignorant", "human": [ "having seen little, get excited easily", "consider something remarkable simply because one has not seen it before", "comment excitedly on a commonplace thing", "things seldom seen are strange", "shocked through lack of experience" ], "machine": [ "Fuss", "rarely seen, very strange" ] }, { "id": 1453, "chinese": "少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲", "gold": "laziness in youth spells regret in old age", "human": [ "if one doesn't exert oneself in youth, one will regret it in old age", "to idle away the time in youth will leave sorrow in age", "idle young, needy old" ], "machine": [ "Young idler, an old beggar", "if you are young and don't work hard, you'll be sorry in your old age" ] }, { "id": 1454, "chinese": "稍安勿躁", "gold": "don't be impatient", "human": [ "take it easy, don't make a fuss", "please calm down a little and do not get excited", "wait for a while" ], "machine": [ "Don't be restless", "Don't worry", "Don't worry about it." ] }, { "id": 1455, "chinese": "尖酸刻薄", "gold": "with biting sarcasm", "human": [ "bitterly sarcastic", "tart and mean" ], "machine": [ "vitriol", "harsh and unkind", "sharp and unkind", "acerbic" ] }, { "id": 1456, "chinese": "就地取材", "gold": "use local materials", "human": [ "obtain raw materials locally", "draw on local resources" ], "machine": [ "in situ", "Local materials", "Local" ] }, { "id": 1457, "chinese": "就事论事", "gold": "judge the case as it stands", "human": [ "consider something as it stands" ], "machine": [ "matter-of-fact", "On the facts", "On the matter", "On the merits" ] }, { "id": 1458, "chinese": "尸横遍野", "gold": "a field littered with corpses", "human": [], "machine": [ "dead bodies", "corpses strewed all over the place", "corpses strew the field", "corpses strewn about", "corpses are strewn about" ] }, { "id": 1459, "chinese": "尸位素餐", "gold": "hold down a job without doing a stroke of work", "human": [ "get pay without doing any work", "neglect the duties of an office while taking the pay", "hold a sinecure job and eat white rice" ], "machine": [ "cadaveric meal", "corpse", "corporeal", "corpses and vegetarians", "corpses and vegetation" ] }, { "id": 1460, "chinese": "尺短寸长", "gold": "everyone has his strong and weak points", "human": [ "sometimes a \"chi\" may prove short while a \"tsun\" may prove long", "everything has its merits and demerits", "every man is useful according to his ability" ], "machine": [ "short size long", "a foot short and an inch long" ] }, { "id": 1461, "chinese": "尾大不掉", "gold": "too cumbersome to be effective", "human": [ "the tail is too big to wag - of encumbrances, such as dependencies which become too much for the parent State", "leadership rendered ineffectual by recalcitrant subordinates", "subordinate growing too powerful", "the tail wagging the dog" ], "machine": [ "The tail is too big", "large tail obstructs action", "bottom heavy" ] }, { "id": 1462, "chinese": "局促不安", "gold": "ill at ease", "human": [ "feel constraint", "be abashed", "like a cat on hot bricks", "uneasy", "perturbed" ], "machine": [ "cramped", "uncomfortable" ] }, { "id": 1463, "chinese": "居高临下", "gold": "occupy a commanding position", "human": [ "hold a vantage ground", "from the vantage ground", "look down from a height", "overlook from a vantage point" ], "machine": [ "condescending", "towering over", "tower above", "towering over the others", "towering above" ] }, { "id": 1464, "chinese": "居高自傲", "gold": "pride oneself on one's merits", "human": [ "claim credit for oneself and become arrogant", "self-styled hero" ], "machine": [ "arrogant", "arrogant and self-important", "condescending and arrogant", "arrogant and self-conceited", "arrogant and self-confident" ] }, { "id": 1465, "chinese": "居心叵测", "gold": "harbor evil intentions", "human": [ "cherish evil designs", "with concealed intentions", "with ulterior motives", "false-hearted", "evil-minded", "insidious" ], "machine": [ "ulterior motives", "with treacherous intent", "two-faced", "malicious intent", "malicious intentions" ] }, { "id": 1466, "chinese": "居安思危", "gold": "maintain vigilance in peace time", "human": [ "think of danger in time of peace", "mindful of possible danger in time of peace", "think of possible war in peace", "be prepared for danger in time of peace", "be vigilant in peace time" ], "machine": [ "Be prepared for danger", "think of danger in times of safety" ] }, { "id": 1467, "chinese": "屈打成招", "gold": "confess to false charges under torture", "human": [ "extort confessions by torture", "obtain confessions under torture" ], "machine": [ "Bend into a trick", "beaten into submission", "beaten to death", "make a move on the dime" ] }, { "id": 1468, "chinese": "屈指可数", "gold": "can be counted an one's fingers - very few", "human": [], "machine": [ "a handful", "just a handful", "Just a few" ] }, { "id": 1469, "chinese": "屠门大嚼", "gold": "stand before a butcher's and masticate vigorously - of one who ardently desiring the unattainable seeks to solace himself in this manner", "human": [], "machine": [ "Butcher's Chew", "Slaughterhouse Chew", "Butcher's Gate Chew", "Slaughter Gate Chew" ] }, { "id": 1470, "chinese": "屡教不改", "gold": "refuse to correct one's errors despite repeated education", "human": [ "refuse to mend one's ways after repeated warnings" ], "machine": [ "perseverance", "Repeatedly", "Repeat offenders" ] }, { "id": 1471, "chinese": "屡见不鲜", "gold": "common occurrence", "human": [ "encountered with many times", "it is often seen", "nothing new" ], "machine": [ "not uncommon", "commonplace", "a common occurrence", "acommon sight" ] }, { "id": 1472, "chinese": "屡试不爽", "gold": "time-tested", "human": [ "stand repeated tests" ], "machine": [ "Tried and tested", "Tried and true", "well-tried and tested" ] }, { "id": 1473, "chinese": "屡次三番", "gold": "repeatedly", "human": [ "again and again", "time and again", "over and over again", "many times" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1474, "chinese": "层出不穷", "gold": "spring up one after another", "human": [ "emerge in an endless stream" ], "machine": [ "emerge in endlessly", "more and more appearances" ] }, { "id": 1475, "chinese": "履险如夷", "gold": "handle a crisis without difficulty", "human": [ "cross a dangerous pass as easily as walking on level ground" ], "machine": [ "in danger", "handle a crisis like a barbarian", "keep a cool head in a crisis" ] }, { "id": 1476, "chinese": "山南海北", "gold": "all over the land", "human": [ "south of the mountains and north of the seas - far and wide" ], "machine": [ "Shannan Haibei", "Mountains, seas and rivers", "Mountains and rivers", "Mountains, seas and oceans", "Mountains and seas" ] }, { "id": 1477, "chinese": "山高水长", "gold": "high as mountains and long as rivers - one's nobility or reputation lasts forever", "human": [ "deep grace and friendly sentiment" ], "machine": [ "High mountains and long waters", "The mountain is high and the water is long" ] }, { "id": 1478, "chinese": "山清水秀", "gold": "green hills and clean waters - picturesque scenery", "human": [ "green mountains and blue waters - beautiful country scene" ], "machine": [ "beautiful scenery", "The mountains are beautiful" ] }, { "id": 1479, "chinese": "山穷水尽", "gold": "at the end of one's rope", "human": [ "where the mountains and rivers end", "be at one's wit's end", "be of one's bones", "be at one's last shift", "be at the low-water mark" ], "machine": [ "The mountains and rivers are exhausted", "mountain and river exhausted", "at the end of the line" ] }, { "id": 1480, "chinese": "山珍海错", "gold": "delicacies from land and sea", "human": [ "dainties of all kinds" ], "machine": [ "mountains and seas", "rare food and seafood delicacies", "rare food and seafood", "rare foodstuffs and seafood" ] }, { "id": 1481, "chinese": "山雨欲来风满楼", "gold": "the turbulent wind precedes the mountain storm", "human": [ "the wind sweeping through the tower heralds a rising storm in the mountains", "the rising wind forebodes the coming storm", "the gale is raging and the storm is about to burst" ], "machine": [ "The rain is coming, the wind is filling the building", "the mountain rains are coming and the wind is full" ] }, { "id": 1482, "chinese": "岌岌可危", "gold": "in a precarious situation", "human": [ "be in great danger", "in imminent peril", "hang by a hair", "be placed in jeopardy", "between the beetle and the block", "extremely hazardous" ], "machine": [ "precarious", "in danger", "in peril", "in jeopardy" ] }, { "id": 1483, "chinese": "峥嵘岁月", "gold": "eventful years", "human": [ "crowded months and years" ], "machine": [ "Prosperous years", "Upcoming years" ] }, { "id": 1484, "chinese": "岿然不动", "gold": "steadfastly stand one's ground", "human": [ "remain as firm as a rock", "lofty and unshakable" ], "machine": [ "stand still", "hilly and unmoving", "hilly and unmovable", "hilly and immovable", "hilly and unperturbed" ] }, { "id": 1485, "chinese": "巍然屹立", "gold": "stand rock-firm", "human": [ "stand majestically", "stand lofty and firm", "stand as firm as a rock" ], "machine": [ "stand tall", "Standing tall" ] }, { "id": 1486, "chinese": "川流不息", "gold": "uninterrupted flow", "human": [ "flowing past in an endless stream", "continually going on", "a continuous flow of ...", "never-ending" ], "machine": [ "The flow is endless", "The river flows on and on", "The flow of water never ends", "The flow of water never stops" ] }, { "id": 1487, "chinese": "工力悉敌", "gold": "the artistical attainments of both are well-matched", "human": [ "the workmanship of each vies with the other" ], "machine": [ "Work hard", "workforce is fully committed to the enemy", "workforce is fully capable" ] }, { "id": 1488, "chinese": "左道旁门", "gold": "heresy", "human": [ "heretical doctrines", "heterodox school", "black magic", "heterodoxy" ], "machine": [ "left side door", "left-hand path and side door", "left-hand side door", "left-hand path and side doors", "left-hand side doors" ] }, { "id": 1489, "chinese": "左顾右盼", "gold": "glance left and right", "human": [ "peep left and right", "look around", "cast one's glances about" ], "machine": [ "glance right and left", "glancing left and right", "look left and right", "look to the left and right", "looking left and right" ] }, { "id": 1490, "chinese": "左支右绌", "gold": "not have enough money to cover the expenses", "human": [ "be unable to cope with a situation", "be in straitened circumstances" ], "machine": [ "left and right" ] }, { "id": 1491, "chinese": "左右逢源", "gold": "win advantage from both sides", "human": [ "be able to achieve success one way of another", "have one's bread buttered on both sides" ], "machine": [ "both sides", "have the best of both worlds", "have the right and left", "have everything going for you" ] }, { "id": 1492, "chinese": "左右开弓", "gold": "box somebody on both ears", "human": [ "shoot first with one hand, then with the other", "shoot first to one side, then to the other", "use first one hand and then the other in quick succession", "hit with both hands", "kick with both feet" ], "machine": [ "bow left and right", "left and right" ] }, { "id": 1493, "chinese": "左右为难", "gold": "in a dilemma", "human": [ "be on the horns of a dilemma", "in an awkward predicament", "stand at a nonplus", "be in a quandary" ], "machine": [ "Dilemma", "between a rock and a hard place", "between the two sides" ] }, { "id": 1494, "chinese": "巧妇难为无米之炊", "gold": "you can't make something out of nothing", "human": [ "even the cleverest housewife cannot cook a meal without rice", "one can't make bricks without straw", "one cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear", "if you have no hand you can't make a fist" ], "machine": [ "Make bricks without straw", "The cleverest housewife cannot cook without rice" ] }, { "id": 1495, "chinese": "巧夺天工", "gold": "wonderful workmanship excelling nature", "human": [ "surpass natural creation" ], "machine": [ "ingenious", "skillful work of art", "skillful work", "skillfully crafted" ] }, { "id": 1496, "chinese": "巧立名目", "gold": "concoct various pretexts", "human": [ "invent all sorts of names" ], "machine": [ "Create a name", "create a false narrative", "create a new name", "create a false name" ] }, { "id": 1497, "chinese": "巧取豪夺", "gold": "secure by force or by trick", "human": [], "machine": [ "robbery", "steal by trickery and seizure", "steal by trickery", "steal by trickery and bribery" ] }, { "id": 1498, "chinese": "巧舌如簧", "gold": "honeymouthed", "human": [ "have a silver tongue" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "have a tongue like a reed", "have a glib tongue" ] }, { "id": 1499, "chinese": "巧言令色", "gold": "pleasing words and smoothness of manner", "human": [ "fine words and an insinuating countenance" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "talk cleverly and rhetorically", "talk smart", "talk cleverly" ] }, { "id": 1500, "chinese": "差强人意", "gold": "just passable", "human": [ "barely satisfactory" ], "machine": [ "Passable", "not quite right" ] }, { "id": 1501, "chinese": "差之毫厘,谬以千里", "gold": "one false move may lose the game", "human": [ "the discrepancy of a single hair will lead to an error of a thousand li", "the slightest divergence leads far astray", "a small discrepancy leads to a great error" ], "machine": [ "The difference is a thousand miles away", "the slightest difference leads to a huge error", "amiss is as good as a mile", "amiss is as bad as a mile" ] }, { "id": 1502, "chinese": "己所不欲,勿施于人", "gold": "do not do to others that which you do not wish to be done to yourself", "human": [ "don't do to others what you would not like others do to you" ], "machine": [ "Do unto others, do not impose on others", "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you" ] }, { "id": 1503, "chinese": "师心自用", "gold": "self-opinionated", "human": [], "machine": [ "self-use", "Master's Heart for Its Own Use", "Master's Heart for Itself", "Master's Heart for Yourself", "Master's Heart" ] }, { "id": 1504, "chinese": "师直为壮", "gold": "an army fighting for a just cause has high morale", "human": [ "a troop fighting for the just is invincible" ], "machine": [ "Teachers are strong", "The teacher is straight and strong" ] }, { "id": 1505, "chinese": "师出无名", "gold": "there is no excuse for the campaign", "human": [ "dispatch troops without a just cause", "send army out without a righteous cause" ], "machine": [ "Anonymous", "go to war without just cause", "act without justification" ] }, { "id": 1506, "chinese": "席不暇暖", "gold": "be constantly on the go", "human": [ "not sit long enough to warm the mat - said of a busy man", "be in a tearing hurry" ], "machine": [ "Can't wait to get warm", "too warm for the seat", "too hot for the seat", "too warm for a seat", "a seat too warm for you" ] }, { "id": 1507, "chinese": "常备不懈", "gold": "be ever prepared", "human": [ "always be on the alert", "all-time preparedness against war" ], "machine": [ "Always ready", "always have something ready" ] }, { "id": 1508, "chinese": "平白无故", "gold": "for no reason", "human": [ "without any reason", "gratuitously" ], "machine": [ "without good cause", "for no good reason", "for no good reason at all", "for no apparent reason" ] }, { "id": 1509, "chinese": "平步青云", "gold": "have a meteoric rise", "human": [ "spring to heaven from the level - make a sudden rise in life", "rapidly go up in the world" ], "machine": [ "Step into the sky", "the same as the rest of the world", "the same old story" ] }, { "id": 1510, "chinese": "平铺直叙", "gold": "tell in a simple, straightforward way", "human": [ "speak or write in a dull, flat style", "dull expressions" ], "machine": [ "Straight talk", "straightforward", "straightforward and unadorned", "straightforward and honest" ] }, { "id": 1511, "chinese": "平分秋色", "gold": "have equal shares", "human": [ "divide equally", "go halves", "go share and share alike", "go fifty-fifty" ], "machine": [ "evenly split", "evenly split between the two", "evenly divided", "evenly split between" ] }, { "id": 1512, "chinese": "平淡无奇", "gold": "very ordinary", "human": [ "nothing exciting", "nothing remarkable", "pedestrian" ], "machine": [ "bland", "ordinary and mediocre", "ordinary and unexceptional", "bland and unexciting", "ordinary and unexciting" ] }, { "id": 1513, "chinese": "平地风波", "gold": "a sudden, unexpected turn of events", "human": [ "a sudden storm on a calm sea", "unforeseen trouble", "a crisis out of nowhere" ], "machine": [ "flat ground", "Flat Earth Storm", "Flatland Storm" ] }, { "id": 1514, "chinese": "平地楼台", "gold": "start from scratch", "human": [ "high buildings rise from the ground" ], "machine": [ "flat floor", "Flatland Terrace", "flat roof", "flat roofs" ] }, { "id": 1515, "chinese": "平地一声雷", "gold": "a sudden big change", "human": [ "a peal of spring thunder roars over the horizon", "a sudden clap of thunder" ], "machine": [ "thunder on the ground", "a thunderclap on the flat ground" ] }, { "id": 1516, "chinese": "平起平坐", "gold": "sit as equals at the same table with", "human": [ "be on an equal footing" ], "machine": [ "sit on an equal footing", "on an equal footing", "on equal footing", "on an even keel", "on a par with each other" ] }, { "id": 1517, "chinese": "平心静气", "gold": "calmly", "human": [ "with equal mind", "with cool determination", "with equanimity", "even-minded", "dispassionately" ], "machine": [ "calm and quiet", "calmness and serenity", "calm and serene", "calmness and quietness" ] }, { "id": 1518, "chinese": "平易近人", "gold": "amiable and easy of approach", "human": [], "machine": [ "approachable", "easy-going and approachable", "easygoing and approachable", "easy-going", "easy going and approachable" ] }, { "id": 1519, "chinese": "年富力强", "gold": "in the prime of life", "human": [ "in one's prime" ], "machine": [ "young and strong", "young and vigorous" ] }, { "id": 1520, "chinese": "年高德劭", "gold": "of venerable age and eminent virtue", "human": [ "venerable in age and character" ], "machine": [ "Nian Gaode Shao", "advanced in age and virtue", "advanced in years and virtue", "advanced in years and virtues" ] }, { "id": 1521, "chinese": "年轻力壮", "gold": "young and vigorous", "human": [], "machine": [ "young and strong", "Youthful and strong" ] }, { "id": 1522, "chinese": "年深日久", "gold": "with the passage of time", "human": [ "as the years go by" ], "machine": [ "Years go by", "deep in the years and long in the days", "deep in years and time" ] }, { "id": 1523, "chinese": "幸灾乐祸", "gold": "pleased at the calamity of others", "human": [ "be glad when other people are in difficulties", "gloat over other's misfortune", "gloatingly" ], "machine": [ "gloat", "Schadenfreude" ] }, { "id": 1524, "chinese": "度日如年", "gold": "one day seems to be as long as one year", "human": [ "one day seems like a year", "days wear on like years" ], "machine": [ "Days are like years", "a day drags on like a year", "a day like a year", "a day is like a year", "time crawls by" ] }, { "id": 1525, "chinese": "座无虚席", "gold": "packed to capacity", "human": [ "have a full house", "no empty seat" ], "machine": [ "full house", "No seats available", "No seats are available", "No seat available", "No seats are filled" ] }, { "id": 1526, "chinese": "康庄大道", "gold": "main road", "human": [ "broad road" ], "machine": [ "Kangzhuang Avenue", "broad and open road" ] }, { "id": 1527, "chinese": "庸中佼佼", "gold": "a giant among dwarfs", "human": [], "machine": [ "The best of the best", "The best of the mediocre", "The best of mediocrity" ] }, { "id": 1528, "chinese": "庸人自扰", "gold": "make much ado about nothing", "human": [ "all unnecessary fuss made by the simple-minded", "worry about troubles of one's own imagining" ], "machine": [ "mediocre", "feel hopelessly worried" ] }, { "id": 1529, "chinese": "庸言庸行", "gold": "commonplace words and deeds", "human": [], "machine": [ "mediocrity", "mediocre words and deeds", "mediocre words and actions", "mediocre words and acts", "mediocre speech and deeds" ] }, { "id": 1530, "chinese": "废寝忘食", "gold": "be much absorbed in work or study", "human": [ "lose sleep and forget to eat", "the mind completely applied to study or work", "neglect one's meals and sleep", "be forgetful of one's sleep and", "meals", "so absorbed as to forget food and sleep" ], "machine": [ "sleepless nights", "neglect sleep and forget about food", "skip one's sleep and meals", "neglect sleep and forget food", "skip meals and sleep" ] }, { "id": 1531, "chinese": "广开言路", "gold": "encourage the free airing of views", "human": [], "machine": [ "open the way", "open up a wide range of opinions", "open up a wide range of views", "widen the scope of speech", "open up a wide range of ideas" ] }, { "id": 1532, "chinese": "庐山真面目", "gold": "one's true colors", "human": [ "\"What Lushan Mountain really looks like\"", "the truth about a person or matter" ], "machine": [ "The true face of Mount Lu", "The true face of Lushan", "The real face of Lushan", "True face of Lushan", "The true face of Mt." ] }, { "id": 1533, "chinese": "庞然大物", "gold": "a huge monster", "human": [ "formidable giant", "colossus", "behemoth" ], "machine": [ "giant", "behemoths", "huge monster" ] }, { "id": 1534, "chinese": "延年益寿", "gold": "prolong life", "human": [ "promise longevity" ], "machine": [ "prolong your life" ] }, { "id": 1535, "chinese": "延颈企踵", "gold": "crane the neck and stand on tiptoe", "human": [ "be on the very tiptoe of expectation" ], "machine": [ "Neck and heel", "stand on tiptoe and crane one's neck", "to yearn for something." ] }, { "id": 1536, "chinese": "弄假成真", "gold": "what was make-believe has become reality", "human": [ "fulfill what was promised in joke" ], "machine": [ "make a fake", "pretense that turns out to be true", "pretense that becomes real", "pretense that becomes true" ] }, { "id": 1537, "chinese": "弄巧成拙", "gold": "try to be clever only to end up with a blunder", "human": [ "in trying to be smart one makes himself look foolish", "get into trouble through clever means", "go for wool come home shorn", "outsmart oneself" ], "machine": [ "self-defeating", "shoot oneself in the foot", "botch up" ] }, { "id": 1538, "chinese": "弄虚作假", "gold": "resort to deception", "human": [ "practise fraud", "employ trickery" ], "machine": [ "falsify", "falsification", "fraudulent", "falsifying" ] }, { "id": 1539, "chinese": "引狼入室", "gold": "invite a wolf into the house", "human": [ "open the door to a dangerous foe", "set a fox to keep one's geese", "set the wolf to keep the sheep" ], "machine": [ "Introduce wolves", "lead the wolf into the house", "to leave oneself open to attack", "act as matchmaker" ] }, { "id": 1540, "chinese": "引吭高歌", "gold": "sing heartily", "human": [ "sing with outstretched neck", "sing at the top of one's voice", "sing joyfully in a loud voice" ], "machine": [ "Sing loudly", "sing at the top of one's lungs", "sing at the top of your lungs" ] }, { "id": 1541, "chinese": "引火烧身", "gold": "a self-destructive course of action", "human": [ "draw fire against oneself", "make self-criticism to encourage criticism from others", "guide a fire to burn one's own body" ], "machine": [ "get burned", "invite fire", "invite fire and burn oneself", "invite fire and get burnt", "invite fire and burn yourself" ] }, { "id": 1542, "chinese": "引经据典", "gold": "quote the classics", "human": [ "copiously quote authoritative works", "give quotations from classics or ancient works" ], "machine": [ "citations", "quote from the classics", "quote chapter and verse", "quote from scripture" ] }, { "id": 1543, "chinese": "引人注目", "gold": "conspicuous", "human": [ "attract one's attention", "attract the gaze of the people", "arrest one's eye", "be in the public eye", "leap to the eyes", "come to the front", "cut a conspicuous figure", "in the limelight", "noticeable spectacle" ], "machine": [ "striking", "eye-catching", "attract attention", "stand out" ] }, { "id": 1544, "chinese": "引人入胜", "gold": "alluring", "human": [ "open up a new view", "interesting and absorbing", "fascinating", "attractive", "enchanting", "bewitching", "tempting" ], "machine": [ "captivating", "captivate" ] }, { "id": 1545, "chinese": "引而不发", "gold": "draw the bow but not discharge the arrow", "human": [ "draw the bow without shooting" ], "machine": [ "lead but not", "pull the bow without firing", "pull the bow without shooting", "pulling the bow without firing" ] }, { "id": 1546, "chinese": "引为鉴戒", "gold": "take warning", "human": [ "learn a lesson", "serve as a warning" ], "machine": [ "as a warning", "learn from experience", "serve as a lesson" ] }, { "id": 1547, "chinese": "弦外之音", "gold": "overtones", "human": [ "the meaning between the lines", "implication" ], "machine": [ "The sound of strings beyond", "The sound of strings", "The sound of a string" ] }, { "id": 1548, "chinese": "弱不禁风", "gold": "extremely delicate", "human": [ "too frail to stand a gust of wind", "fragile" ], "machine": [ "too weak stand up to the wind", "too weak for the wind" ] }, { "id": 1549, "chinese": "弱不胜衣", "gold": "too weak to bear the weight of the clothing", "human": [], "machine": [ "invincible", "too weak to withstand the coat" ] }, { "id": 1550, "chinese": "弱肉强食", "gold": "the weak at the mercy of the strong", "human": [ "the weak are the prey to the strong", "the law of the jungle", "the great fish eat up the small" ], "machine": [ "The strong eat the weak", "the weak are prey to the strong", "predatory behavior" ] }, { "id": 1551, "chinese": "张灯结彩", "gold": "decorate with lanterns and colored hangings", "human": [ "hang up lanterns and silk festoons", "hang up lanterns and coloured bunting" ], "machine": [ "lanterns", "decorate with lights and colors" ] }, { "id": 1552, "chinese": "张冠李戴", "gold": "confuse one thing with another", "human": [ "Chang's cap on Li's head", "a misplacement", "Chang's hat worn by Li, mixed up identity", "substitute one for another", "fasten one person's story upon another person" ], "machine": [ "Zhang Guan and Li Dai" ] }, { "id": 1553, "chinese": "张口结舌", "gold": "be at a loss for words", "human": [ "be agape and tongue-tied", "gape with astonishment", "stare with the mouth open", "be stumped by", "agape", "awe-struck", "stupefied" ], "machine": [ "tongue-tied", "gaping at the mouth and stammering at the tongue", "gaping and stammering", "gaping and speechless" ] }, { "id": 1554, "chinese": "张皇失措", "gold": "lose one's head", "human": [ "be scared out of one's wits", "be frightened and at a loss to know what to do", "be in a flurry of alarm", "be thrown off one's balance", "lose one's grip", "lose mental control", "fall into a flutter", "get into a panic", "stand aghast" ], "machine": [ "Zhang Huang was at a loss", "panic-stricken", "be in a flustered state" ] }, { "id": 1555, "chinese": "张三李四", "gold": "any Tom, Dick or Harry", "human": [ "Chang, Li or anybody", "this one and that one", "either one or the other", "anybody" ], "machine": [ "Zhang San Li Si", "Zhang and Li", "Zhang with tight trousers and Li with wide hat", "Tom, Dick and Harry" ] }, { "id": 1556, "chinese": "张牙舞爪", "gold": "show one's fangs and claws", "human": [ "bare fangs and brandish claws", "make threatening gestures", "ready to fight", "bare one's fangs and open one's claws", "let out the fangs and claws", "bare one's teeth", "show one's claws", "indulge in sabre-rattling", "blustering", "rampant" ], "machine": [ "Open your teeth and dance your claws", "to make threatening gestures" ] }, { "id": 1557, "chinese": "张弩之末", "gold": "on the decline and no longer what it was", "human": [ "the arrow from a strong bow becomes weak after flying its distance", "an arrow at the end of its flight", "a spent force", "the furthest reach of a shot from a strong bow" ], "machine": [ "The end of the crossomebodyow", "at the end of a crossomebodyow", "at the end of a catapult", "at the end of one's career" ] }, { "id": 1558, "chinese": "强奸民意", "gold": "defile public opinion", "human": [], "machine": [ "rape public opinion", "Rape of public opinion" ] }, { "id": 1559, "chinese": "强将手下无弱兵", "gold": "there are no poor soldiers under a good general", "human": [ "a capable commander leads an army of good soldiers" ], "machine": [ "Strong generals have no weak soldiers", "There are no weak soldiers under a strong general" ] }, { "id": 1560, "chinese": "强中自有强中手", "gold": "however strong you are, there's always someone stronger", "human": [], "machine": [ "Strong in own strong hand", "There is no room for complacency." ] }, { "id": 1561, "chinese": "强人所难", "gold": "try to make somebody do something which he won't or can't", "human": [ "constrain somebody to do things that are beyond his power" ], "machine": [ "The strong man is difficult", "force someone to do something" ] }, { "id": 1562, "chinese": "强词夺理", "gold": "use lame arguments and perverted logic", "human": [ "distort the right and talk speciously", "resort to sophistry in self-justification", "twist one's principles in order to finish an argument", "reason fallaciously", "chop logic", "sophisticate", "captious" ], "machine": [ "Strong words", "shoving false arguments down people's throats", "twist words and force logic", "sophistry" ] }, { "id": 1563, "chinese": "弹冠相庆", "gold": "congratulated each other on the prospect of getting good appointments", "human": [ "congratulate each other and dust off their old official's hats", "preparing to start one's official life" ], "machine": [ "Celebrating with the crown", "flick the crown and celebrate", "to celebrate an official appointment" ] }, { "id": 1564, "chinese": "弹尽粮绝", "gold": "exhaust ammunition and food supplies", "human": [], "machine": [ "run out of ammunition", "out of ammunition and no food left", "in desperate straits" ] }, { "id": 1565, "chinese": "弹丸之地", "gold": "a little country", "human": [ "a small piece of ground", "a small bit of land", "a tiny place" ], "machine": [ "small land", "Bullet Point" ] }, { "id": 1566, "chinese": "弥天大谎", "gold": "a monstrous lie", "human": [], "machine": [ "big lie", "the biggest lie of all", "a big lie", "the big lie" ] }, { "id": 1567, "chinese": "弥天大罪", "gold": "monstrous crimes", "human": [ "a crime that fills the universe", "crimes that make stones cry out" ], "machine": [ "mortal sin", "a mortal sin", "a mortal crime" ] }, { "id": 1568, "chinese": "形单影只", "gold": "extremely lonely", "human": [ "a solitary form, a single shadow", "single" ], "machine": [ "alone", "solitary", "lonely", "lonely soul" ] }, { "id": 1569, "chinese": "形迹可疑", "gold": "not to be trusted", "human": [ "said of one who is a suspicious character", "of suspicious appearance", "of doubtful aspect", "suspicious-looking" ], "machine": [ "suspicious", "suspicious appearance" ] }, { "id": 1570, "chinese": "形形色色", "gold": "of all shades", "human": [ "of various forms", "of every hue", "in all their manifestations", "different hues", "every shade and hue", "all brands of", "many varieties" ], "machine": [ "all kinds", "all kinds of", "all sorts of", "all sorts of things", "all kinds of things" ] }, { "id": 1571, "chinese": "形势逼人", "gold": "the situation is pressing", "human": [ "reality is a compelling force", "the compelling force of circumstances" ], "machine": [ "The situation is compelling", "The situation is overwhelming" ] }, { "id": 1572, "chinese": "形影不离", "gold": "never leave each other's side", "human": [ "inseparable like a body and its shadow", "inseparable as form from shadow", "always together" ], "machine": [ "inseparable" ] }, { "id": 1573, "chinese": "形影相吊", "gold": "alone", "human": [ "body and shadow comforting each other", "extremely lonely", "body has only its shadow for company", "only one's form and shadow to console with each other", "sad and solitary", "friendless" ], "machine": [ "Hanging from each other", "with only one body and shadow in each other" ] }, { "id": 1574, "chinese": "彬彬有礼", "gold": "in a civil manner", "human": [ "refined and courteous", "well-mannered", "urbane" ], "machine": [ "polite", "courteous and polite", "courteous", "refined and polite" ] }, { "id": 1575, "chinese": "彰明较著", "gold": "easily seen", "human": [ "very clearly shown", "be known to everyone", "quite evident", "very obvious" ], "machine": [ "Mingming", "clear and obvious", "clear for all to see", "obvious", "clear-cut" ] }, { "id": 1576, "chinese": "彼一时,此一时", "gold": "the times are different, not comparable", "human": [ "that was one situation, and this is another", "times have changed" ], "machine": [ "that moment, this moment", "that was one thing, and this is another" ] }, { "id": 1577, "chinese": "往返徒劳", "gold": "run back and forth in vain", "human": [], "machine": [ "round trip in vain", "To and fro in vain", "To and fro is futile", "To and fro to no avail" ] }, { "id": 1578, "chinese": "待价而沽", "gold": "wait for the right price to sell", "human": [ "sell when the price is attractive", "wait for the highest bid" ], "machine": [ "up for sale", "For Sale", "Pending" ] }, { "id": 1579, "chinese": "待人接物", "gold": "the way one gets along with people", "human": [], "machine": [ "greet people", "Treatment of people and things", "Treating People and Things", "Treating people and objects" ] }, { "id": 1580, "chinese": "后发制人", "gold": "take action after", "human": [ "gain mastery by striking only after the enemy has struck" ], "machine": [ "late striker", "Post-emergency", "Post-emergence", "Post-emergent" ] }, { "id": 1581, "chinese": "后来居上", "gold": "the newcomers have outdone the old hands", "human": [ "those that came last occupy the highest post", "the latecomers surpass the old-timers", "successors excel the predecessors", "latecomers become the first", "catch up from behind" ], "machine": [ "come later", "Later in life", "Later in the game", "later on, the top" ] }, { "id": 1582, "chinese": "后浪推前浪", "gold": "waves push waves", "human": [ "each wave pushing at the one ahead", "things develop ceaselessly with the new superseding the old" ], "machine": [ "Back waves push forward waves", "the younger wave pushes the older wave" ] }, { "id": 1583, "chinese": "后顾之忧", "gold": "fear of attack from behind", "human": [ "fear of disturbance in the rear", "trouble back at home" ], "machine": [ "worry", "worries about the future", "worries of the future", "worries about the back", "worries about your future" ] }, { "id": 1584, "chinese": "后患无穷", "gold": "source of endless trouble", "human": [ "no end of trouble for the future" ], "machine": [ "endless trouble", "the consequences will be endless", "the consequences are endless" ] }, { "id": 1585, "chinese": "后继有人", "gold": "there is no lack of successors to carry on the cause", "human": [ "have qualified successors to the cause" ], "machine": [ "successor", "have a successor", "have successors", "have qualified successors" ] }, { "id": 1586, "chinese": "后继无人", "gold": "no qualified successor", "human": [ "lack of successors", "none capable of continuing a given task" ], "machine": [ "no successor", "have no successors", "have no one to take over from" ] }, { "id": 1587, "chinese": "后起之秀", "gold": "a promising young person", "human": [ "an up-and-coming youngster" ], "machine": [ "rising star", "newcomer", "new talent", "newcomer to the scene" ] }, { "id": 1588, "chinese": "后生可畏", "gold": "a youth is to be regarded with respect", "human": [ "the younger generation will surpass the older", "the young are to be regarded with awe", "every oak has been an acorn" ], "machine": [ "terrifying", "the younger generation will have a lot to fear" ] }, { "id": 1589, "chinese": "径情直行", "gold": "as direct and smooth as one would wish", "human": [ "as smoothly as one would wish" ], "machine": [ "go straight", "Straight ahead", "Straight line", "Straight line of path", "Straight line of paths" ] }, { "id": 1590, "chinese": "徒劳无功", "gold": "make a futile effort", "human": [ "work to no avail", "vain efforts", "plough the sands", "flog a dead horse" ], "machine": [ "in vain", "work for no avail", "work in vain", "work for nothing" ] }, { "id": 1591, "chinese": "得不偿失", "gold": "the loss outweighs the gain", "human": [ "the gain does not recompense for the loss", "gains cannot offset losses", "more loss, less gain", "the game is not worth the candle" ], "machine": [ "Not worth the loss", "The gains don't make up for the losses" ] }, { "id": 1592, "chinese": "得道多助,失道寡助", "gold": "a just cause enjoys abundant support while an unjust cause finds little support", "human": [ "a just cause bas many helpers while an unjust cause finds few followers" ], "machine": [ "Moral support from many, scant support", "If you get the right way, you get the wrong way" ] }, { "id": 1593, "chinese": "得天独厚", "gold": "be richly endowed by nature", "human": [ "abound in gifts of nature", "enjoy exceptional advantages" ], "machine": [ "blessed", "A unique opportunity", "A Unique Advantage" ] }, { "id": 1594, "chinese": "得陇望蜀", "gold": "having got Kansu he aspires after Szechuan", "human": [ "covet Szechuan after capturing Kansu", "have insatiable desires", "much will have more" ], "machine": [ "Longwang Shu", "endless greed", "insatiable desire for success" ] }, { "id": 1595, "chinese": "得过且过", "gold": "muddle along", "human": [ "drift along", "let well enough along", "let things drift", "make do", "be satisfied with", "make shift with" ], "machine": [ "satisfied just get through", "to muddle through", "just get by" ] }, { "id": 1596, "chinese": "得心应手", "gold": "with facility", "human": [ "as clay in the hands of the potter", "with high proficiency", "serviceable", "handy" ], "machine": [ "Easy to use", "Easy to handle", "Easy to do" ] }, { "id": 1597, "chinese": "得胜归来", "gold": "return with flying colors", "human": [ "return in triumph" ], "machine": [ "come back victorious", "Returning from victory", "Winning Return", "Return from victory" ] }, { "id": 1598, "chinese": "得寸进尺", "gold": "give him an inch and he'll take an ell", "human": [ "reach out for a yard after taking an inch", "the more one gets, the more he wants to have", "if you agree to carry the calf, they'll make you carry the cow" ], "machine": [ "Take measure", "win an inch, want a foot", "not satisfied with small gains" ] }, { "id": 1599, "chinese": "得意忘形", "gold": "get dizzy with success", "human": [ "lose all bearings in the moment of pride and satisfaction", "have one's head turned by success", "be beside oneself with joy", "forget oneself in one's excitement", "go wild with joy", "one's horn is exalted", "become elated", "complacent" ], "machine": [ "get carried away", "overjoyed and forgetful", "overjoyed and ungrateful", "overjoyed", "overjoyed with the moment" ] }, { "id": 1600, "chinese": "得鱼忘筌", "gold": "ungrateful", "human": [ "forget the trap as soon as the fish is caught", "forget the means by which the end is attained", "forget the things or conditions which bring one success" ], "machine": [ "Forget the fish", "forgetting the fish" ] }, { "id": 1601, "chinese": "从长计议", "gold": "take more time to consider it", "human": [ "give the matter further thought and discuss it later" ], "machine": [ "Think long term", "consider in the long run", "consider in the long term", "consider at length", "consider over the long term" ] }, { "id": 1602, "chinese": "从善如流", "gold": "readily accept good advice", "human": [ "follow good advice as naturally as a river follows its course" ], "machine": [ "Be kind", "readily following good advice", "follow good advice" ] }, { "id": 1603, "chinese": "从容不迫", "gold": "with ease", "human": [ "with an easy self-possessed mien", "confidently and without haste", "take one's time in", "cool as a cucumber", "calm and unhurried", "take things easy", "by easy stages", "go easy", "unhurriedly", "leisurely" ], "machine": [ "Take it easy", "unhurried", "calm and unruffled", "calm" ] }, { "id": 1604, "chinese": "从容就义", "gold": "meet one's fate calmly", "human": [ "go to one's death unflinchingly", "meet one's death like a hero" ], "machine": [ "Take it easy", "Surrendered gracefully", "Surrendered with grace", "Surrender with grace" ] }, { "id": 1605, "chinese": "循名责实", "gold": "live up to its name", "human": [ "expect the reality to correspond to the name", "create the reality that will fit the name", "see that reality corresponds to claims or pretensions" ], "machine": [ "Responsibility", "follow the name and reproach the truth" ] }, { "id": 1606, "chinese": "循规蹈矩", "gold": "follow the custom or law", "human": [ "obey the rules and regulations", "observe due decorum" ], "machine": [ "follow the rules", "following the rules" ] }, { "id": 1607, "chinese": "循序渐进", "gold": "step by step", "human": [ "follow in order and advance", "step by step", "proceed in an orderly way step by step", "follow in proper sequence and make steady progress", "follow the order and gradually progress", "advance in regular order", "learn to creep before you leap", "by stages" ], "machine": [ "Step-by-step" ] }, { "id": 1608, "chinese": "循循善诱", "gold": "teach with skill and patience", "human": [ "be good at giving systematic guidance", "lead one gradually into good practices", "lead men skillfully on by orderly method" ], "machine": [ "perseverance", "follow the guidance of others", "follow the path" ] }, { "id": 1609, "chinese": "微不足道", "gold": "paltry", "human": [ "trivial matters hardly worthy of mention", "so small that it is not worth noticing", "not worth mentioning", "knee-high to a mosquito", "cut no figure", "negligible", "insignificant", "inconsiderable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1610, "chinese": "微乎其微", "gold": "next to nothing", "human": [ "very little" ], "machine": [ "insignificant" ] }, { "id": 1611, "chinese": "微言大义", "gold": "subtle and profound language", "human": [ "sublime words with deep meaning" ], "machine": [ "Small words and righteousness", "a few words", "a few words and a lot of sense" ] }, { "id": 1612, "chinese": "彻头彻尾", "gold": "through and through", "human": [ "out and out", "every inch", "of the deepest dye", "dyed-in-the-wool", "to the back-bone", "to the tips of one's fingers", "downright" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1613, "chinese": "德高望重", "gold": "be of noble character and high prestige", "human": [ "enjoy high prestige and command universal respect" ], "machine": [ "Respected", "high moral standing", "high moral character" ] }, { "id": 1614, "chinese": "德才兼备", "gold": "equal stress on integrity and ability", "human": [ "have both ability and political integrity", "combine ability with moral integrity" ], "machine": [ "Both ability and political integrity", "both moral and talent", "both moral and talented" ] }, { "id": 1615, "chinese": "心不在焉", "gold": "absent-minded", "human": [ "the mind running on other things", "in an absent sort of way", "with an air of abstraction", "inattentive" ], "machine": [ "distracted", "Absent-mindedness" ] }, { "id": 1616, "chinese": "心平气和", "gold": "in a composed manner", "human": [ "be in a calm mood", "even-tempered and good-humoured", "in one's sober senses", "with equanimity", "calm and poised" ], "machine": [ "peace of mind", "Peaceful and calm", "Peacefulness and calmness", "Peacefulness" ] }, { "id": 1617, "chinese": "心满意足", "gold": "fully satisfied", "human": [ "be perfectly satisfied", "rest satisfied", "to one's heart's content" ], "machine": [ "satisfied", "perfectly contented", "perfectly content", "perfectly satisfied" ] }, { "id": 1618, "chinese": "心明眼亮", "gold": "see and think clearly", "human": [ "be sharp-eyed and clear-headed" ], "machine": [ "bright-eyed", "clear-eyed and bright-eyed", "clear-eyed", "clear-eyed and bright" ] }, { "id": 1619, "chinese": "心烦意乱", "gold": "confused and worried", "human": [ "be terribly upset", "annoyed and perplexed", "restless and disquieted", "distracted" ], "machine": [ "terribly upset", "heart distracted, thoughts in turmoil", "distraught with anxiety" ] }, { "id": 1620, "chinese": "心服口服", "gold": "fully convinced", "human": [ "be sincerely convinced" ], "machine": [ "Convinced orally", "convinced in heart and by word", "sincerely convinced and ready to accept", "convince", "get one's message across" ] }, { "id": 1621, "chinese": "心腹之患", "gold": "enemy within", "human": [ "disease in one's vital organs", "serious hidden trouble or danger", "danger of betrayal or revolt from those closest", "one's greatest trouble at home" ], "machine": [ "Heart trouble", "calamity within one's bosom", "major trouble hidden within" ] }, { "id": 1622, "chinese": "心胆俱裂", "gold": "be frightened out of one's wits", "human": [ "shake in one's shoes", "thunder-struck" ], "machine": [ "heartbroken", "be scared out of one's wits", "be scared to death", "heart and guts split", "heart and guts are split" ] }, { "id": 1623, "chinese": "心劳日拙", "gold": "go on a wild goose chase", "human": [ "fare worse and worse for all one's scheming", "get nothing for all one's pains" ], "machine": [ "overworked", "the heart works harder than the day it is clumsy", "slow-witted and inefficient" ] }, { "id": 1624, "chinese": "心力交瘁", "gold": "be mentally and physically exhausted", "human": [ "worn out with work" ], "machine": [ "exhausted", "be both mentally and physically exhausted", "be mentally exhausted", "mentally exhausted" ] }, { "id": 1625, "chinese": "心灵手快", "gold": "clever in mind and quick of action", "human": [], "machine": [ "quick mind", "quick-witted hands", "quick-witted", "quick-witted and quick-handed" ] }, { "id": 1626, "chinese": "心灵手巧", "gold": "clever and deft", "human": [], "machine": [ "ingenuity", "Dexterity", "Dexterous" ] }, { "id": 1627, "chinese": "心领神会", "gold": "understand tacitly", "human": [ "readily take a hint", "appreciate" ], "machine": [ "comprehend", "Understand", "Understand the situation" ] }, { "id": 1628, "chinese": "心乱如麻", "gold": "be in a stew", "human": [ "have one's mind as confused as a tangled skein", "mind confused like entangled hemp", "be utterly confused and disconcerted", "be terribly upset", "lose one's balance" ], "machine": [ "one's thoughts in a whirlwind", "one's heart is in a whirlwind", "one's mind in a whirlwind" ] }, { "id": 1629, "chinese": "心甘情愿", "gold": "perfectly willing", "human": [ "heartily willing", "be most willing to", "be perfectly happy to", "willingly and gladly", "be content to", "content oneself with", "with a good grace", "of one's own free will" ], "machine": [ "willingly", "willingness", "willingness to", "willingness to do so" ] }, { "id": 1630, "chinese": "心宽体胖", "gold": "fit and happy", "human": [ "a liberal mind and a well-nourished body", "carefree and contented" ], "machine": [ "wide-hearted and fat", "big-hearted and generous", "big-hearted and fat" ] }, { "id": 1631, "chinese": "心口如一", "gold": "say what one thinks", "human": [ "what one says is indeed what one thinks", "faithful to one's words", "speak the mind", "be frank and unreserved", "plain spoken" ], "machine": [ "Heart is the same", "Heart and mouth as one", "Heart and mouth are as one" ] }, { "id": 1632, "chinese": "心旷神怡", "gold": "completely relaxed and happy", "human": [ "free of mind and happy of heart", "carefree and joyous" ], "machine": [ "relaxed and happy", "The heart is open and the spirit is happy." ] }, { "id": 1633, "chinese": "心狠手辣", "gold": "cruel and evil", "human": [ "wicked and merciless" ], "machine": [ "ruthless", "vicious and merciless", "ruthless and merciless", "ruthless and vicious" ] }, { "id": 1634, "chinese": "心花怒放", "gold": "be wild with joy", "human": [ "one's heart bursts into bloom", "burst with joy", "mad with joy", "be greatly elated", "cheer the cockles of one's heart" ], "machine": [ "elated", "My heart is bursting with joy", "My heart is in bloom" ] }, { "id": 1635, "chinese": "心怀不满", "gold": "have a grudge against", "human": [ "feel discontented with", "harbour resentment in one's bosom", "nurse a grievance", "maliciously", "resentfully" ], "machine": [ "disgruntled", "Discontent", "Discontented" ] }, { "id": 1636, "chinese": "心怀鬼胎", "gold": "harbor evil designs", "human": [ "entertain dark schemes", "have ulterior motives", "with misgivings in ones heart", "conceive mischief", "scheme to do evil" ], "machine": [ "haunted", "harbor evil intentions", "concealing malice" ] }, { "id": 1637, "chinese": "心灰意懒", "gold": "be utterly despondent", "human": [ "be disheartened", "be downhearted", "very much discouraged", "lose heart" ], "machine": [ "disheartened", "downhearted", "discouraged" ] }, { "id": 1638, "chinese": "心慌意乱", "gold": "be alarmed and nervous", "human": [ "mentally confused", "fall into a flutter", "all in a flutter" ], "machine": [ "panicked", "heart flustered and confused", "flustered and in turmoil" ] }, { "id": 1639, "chinese": "心急如焚", "gold": "worried to death", "human": [ "burning with impatience", "impatient with great anxiety" ], "machine": [ "anxious", "anxious as hell", "anxious as a burner" ] }, { "id": 1640, "chinese": "心惊胆战", "gold": "tremble with fear", "human": [ "palpitating with fear or anxiety", "shake with fright", "with one's heart going pit-a-pat", "have one's heart in one's mouth", "be deeply alarmed", "panic-stricken" ], "machine": [ "frightened", "scared witless" ] }, { "id": 1641, "chinese": "心惊肉跳", "gold": "one's heart leaped into one's mouth", "human": [ "a feeling of great fear or nervousness", "palpitate with anxiety and fear", "be filled with apprehension", "shudder with fear", "jumpy with fear", "quivering with fright", "make one's flesh creep" ], "machine": [ "frightened", "heart alarmed, body leaping", "fear and trepidation in the face of disaster", "scared witless" ] }, { "id": 1642, "chinese": "心情舒畅", "gold": "be in a good mood", "human": [ "have ease of mind" ], "machine": [ "Feel comfortable", "Feel good", "Feel good about yourself", "Feel good about it", "Feel better" ] }, { "id": 1643, "chinese": "心血来潮", "gold": "be seized by a whim", "human": [ "be prompted by a sudden impulse", "suddenly to think of a thing", "a sudden inspiration" ], "machine": [ "on a whim", "a sudden urge", "a sudden urge to", "a sudden urge to do something" ] }, { "id": 1644, "chinese": "心心相印", "gold": "hearts beat as one", "human": [ "have mutual affinity", "be kindred spirits", "mutually attached to each other", "see eye to eye with", "share the feeling of", "mind acts upon mind", "in perfect harmony with", "whole-hearted response", "hearts of two are like one" ], "machine": [ "heart to heart", "Hearts and minds", "Hearts and minds are sealed" ] }, { "id": 1645, "chinese": "心绪不宁", "gold": "in a flutter", "human": [ "in a disturbed state of mind" ], "machine": [ "restless", "restlessness", "unsettled", "upset", "unrestrained" ] }, { "id": 1646, "chinese": "心直口快", "gold": "plainspoken and straightforward", "human": [ "saying what one thinks without much deliberation", "quick in speech, but straight at heart", "openhearted and outspoken", "wear one's heart on one's sleeve", "honest-to-goodness" ], "machine": [ "outspoken", "straightforward and outspoken", "straight speaking", "straightforward and frank", "straight talking" ] }, { "id": 1647, "chinese": "心照不宣", "gold": "have a tacit understanding", "human": [ "no need to say how grateful one is", "not necessary to say more", "tacit" ], "machine": [ "a tacit mutual understanding", "a tacit understanding", "a tacit agreement" ] }, { "id": 1648, "chinese": "心中有数", "gold": "have a pretty good idea of", "human": [ "know fairly well", "know how things stand", "know what's what", "know one's own mind" ], "machine": [ "I know", "know what's going on", "know what to expect", "I know what's going on." ] }, { "id": 1649, "chinese": "心潮澎湃", "gold": "be full of excitement", "human": [ "feel an upsurge of emotion", "be at the highest pitch of excitement" ], "machine": [ "Emotionally", "be overwhelmed by emotions", "be overwhelmed with emotions", "be overwhelmed with emotion", "be overwhelmed by emotion" ] }, { "id": 1650, "chinese": "心神不定", "gold": "a restless mind", "human": [ "the mind wanders", "have no peace of mind", "feel uneasy or perturbed", "feel restless", "in a state of discomposure", "wandering in thought", "be ill at ease", "be distracted", "a changeable spirit", "agitated" ], "machine": [ "uneasy", "unsettled", "unsettled by the mind", "unsettled by thoughts", "unsettled by mind" ] }, { "id": 1651, "chinese": "心如刀割", "gold": "be pierced with grief", "human": [ "feel as if a knife were piercing one's heart", "feel greatly distressed", "unbearable heart-break", "extremely painful", "the iron entered into one's heart" ], "machine": [ "heart like a knife", "heart cut like a knife", "heart like a knife cut", "feel like a knife cut" ] }, { "id": 1652, "chinese": "心慈手软", "gold": "softhearted", "human": [], "machine": [ "Soft-hearted", "kind-hearted", "kind-hearted and soft", "kindhearted", "be kind-hearted" ] }, { "id": 1653, "chinese": "心安理得", "gold": "feel at ease and justified", "human": [ "one's conscience is void of offence", "have an easy conscience" ], "machine": [ "Peace of mind", "have a clear conscience", "have no qualms about it" ] }, { "id": 1654, "chinese": "心有灵犀一点通", "gold": "hearts which have a common beat are linked", "human": [], "machine": [ "Minds think alike", "hearts are in sync" ] }, { "id": 1655, "chinese": "心有余悸", "gold": "one's heart still fluttering with fear", "human": [ "have a lingering fear", "with unforgotten trepidation" ], "machine": [ "lingering fear", "have lingering fears", "have palpitations" ] }, { "id": 1656, "chinese": "心有余而力不足", "gold": "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak", "human": [ "more than willing but lacking the power to", "unable to do what one wants very much to do" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed but underpowered", "I have the will but not the strength" ] }, { "id": 1657, "chinese": "心无二用", "gold": "one should concentrate on one's work", "human": [ "one cannot keep one's mind on two things at the same time" ], "machine": [ "heart useless", "One heart has no two uses" ] }, { "id": 1658, "chinese": "心悦诚服", "gold": "gladly and wholeheartedly", "human": [ "feel a heartfelt admiration", "be completely convinced", "submit or be convinced gladly", "submit willingly" ], "machine": [ "heartfelt convince", "delighted and sincerely convinced" ] }, { "id": 1659, "chinese": "心猿意马", "gold": "prone to outside attractions", "human": [ "the intents of the mind and heart are like the horse and ape", "very difficult to bring under control", "in a restless and jumpy mood", "restless and whimsical", "fanciful and fickle", "unsettled in mind", "wavering in purpose" ], "machine": [ "heartbroken", "have ants in one's pants", "adventurous and uncontrollable", "hyperactive", "have ants and nerves" ] }, { "id": 1660, "chinese": "必恭必敬", "gold": "politely and respectfully", "human": [ "reverent and respectful", "extremely deferential", "very polite", "be reverential", "hat in hand" ], "machine": [ "imperious and respectful", "respectful", "imperative and respectful", "imperative respectful" ] }, { "id": 1661, "chinese": "必由之路", "gold": "the only way", "human": [ "the only route which must be passed", "the road one must follow or take", "inevitable course" ], "machine": [ "only way", "The way to go" ] }, { "id": 1662, "chinese": "忍俊不禁", "gold": "cannot help smiling", "human": [ "cannot swallow a laugh", "simmer with laughter" ], "machine": [ "can't help laughing", "unable restrain a smile", "cannot help but laugh", "cannot help laughing", "cannot help but smile" ] }, { "id": 1663, "chinese": "忍气吞声", "gold": "suffer indignities without a protest", "human": [ "restrain one's anger and keep silent", "swallow the humiliation and insult", "swallow the insults in meek submission", "pocket one's pride", "submit to humiliation", "eat dirt", "swallow one's pride and endure in silence" ], "machine": [ "swallow your breath", "swallow one's anger", "grin and bear it", "swallow my anger" ] }, { "id": 1664, "chinese": "忍辱负重", "gold": "endure humiliation in order to carry out an important mission", "human": [ "swallow humiliation and bear a heavy load", "discharge one's duties conscientiously in spite of slanders" ], "machine": [ "bear humiliation", "endure humiliation", "endure the humiliation" ] }, { "id": 1665, "chinese": "忍无可忍", "gold": "tax one's patience to the limit", "human": [ "reach the end of one's forbearance", "come to the end of one's patience", "be driven beyond the limits of forbearance", "exhaust somebody's patience", "not to be endured any longer", "beyond endurance", "no longer bearable" ], "machine": [ "Fed up", "the last straw", "the end of one's patience", "the last one can bear" ] }, { "id": 1666, "chinese": "忐忑不安", "gold": "vacillatingly uneasy", "human": [ "be in a fidget", "uneasy at heart" ], "machine": [ "apprehensive", "apprehension", "restlessness", "restless" ] }, { "id": 1667, "chinese": "志大才疏", "gold": "have great ambition but little talent", "human": [ "have high aspirations but little ability", "hitch one's wagon to a star" ], "machine": [ "Zhi Da Cai Shu", "have a big ambition and little talent", "big-minded and untalented", "big ambition and untalented" ] }, { "id": 1668, "chinese": "志同道合", "gold": "share the same views", "human": [ "cherish the same ideals and follow the same path", "two minds with but a single thought", "have a common goal", "in the same camp", "of one mind" ], "machine": [ "Like-minded", "like-minded people", "like-mindedness" ] }, { "id": 1669, "chinese": "志士仁人", "gold": "people with lofty ideals", "human": [ "kind and upright man", "people who are actuated by high ideals" ], "machine": [ "gentleman aspiring benevolence" ] }, { "id": 1670, "chinese": "忘乎所以", "gold": "forget oneself in one's elation", "human": [ "forget oneself in a moment of excitement", "lose all bearings in a moment of pride and satisfaction" ], "machine": [ "get carried away", "forget about it", "forgetting all about it", "forgetting everything" ] }, { "id": 1671, "chinese": "忘恩负义", "gold": "bite the hand that feeds one", "human": [ "devoid of all gratitude", "be ungrateful", "turn on one's friend", "kick down the ladder", "ingratitude" ], "machine": [ "ungrateful", "forgetting favors and violating justice", "ungrateful to the people" ] }, { "id": 1672, "chinese": "忙里偷闲", "gold": "snatch a little leisure from a busy life", "human": [], "machine": [ "sneaking around", "Take time out of your busy schedule", "Take time out of your busy day" ] }, { "id": 1673, "chinese": "快马加鞭", "gold": "work at top speed", "human": [ "whip the galloping horse on", "with whip and spur", "spur the flying horse to full speed", "posomethingaste" ], "machine": [ "Quicken the horse", "go as fast as possible", "go as fast as you can", "go fast and furious" ] }, { "id": 1674, "chinese": "快刀斩乱麻", "gold": "cut the Gordian knot", "human": [ "cut a tangled skein of jute with a sharp knife", "make a lightning decision", "take a bold and decisive step" ], "machine": [ "Cut through the mess", "cutting the Gordian knot" ] }, { "id": 1675, "chinese": "忠心耿耿", "gold": "unswerving loyalty", "human": [ "most faithful and true", "loyal and devoted", "infinitely loyal", "faithfully and conscientiously" ], "machine": [ "loyal", "Loyalty", "Loyalty to", "Loyalty to the" ] }, { "id": 1676, "chinese": "忠贞不渝", "gold": "unswerving in loyalty", "human": [ "as true as steel", "true to the core" ], "machine": [ "Loyalty", "Fidelity is unfailing", "Fidelity is unswerving", "Fidelity", "Fidelity is unchanging" ] }, { "id": 1677, "chinese": "忠言逆耳", "gold": "straight advice is difficult to take", "human": [ "good advice jars on the ear", "sincere reproofs grate on the ear", "faithful words grate upon the ear", "faithful admonitions are unpleasant to hear", "honest advice is unpleasant to the ear" ], "machine": [ "Loyalty", "loyal advice jars with the ears" ] }, { "id": 1678, "chinese": "念念不忘", "gold": "bear in mind constantly", "human": [], "machine": [ "never forget", "keep in mind", "keep in mind constantly" ] }, { "id": 1679, "chinese": "怙恶不悛", "gold": "persist in evil and not repent", "human": [ "be steeped in evil and refuse to repent", "stick to one's arbitrary habits", "remain impenitent", "abide in sin", "incorrigible", "obdurate and irreclaimable", "unregenerate" ], "machine": [ "unrepentant", "rely on evil and not reform", "rely on evil and never reform", "rely on evil without reform" ] }, { "id": 1680, "chinese": "怡然自得", "gold": "happy and pleased with oneself", "human": [ "happy and satisfied" ], "machine": [ "Feel comfortable", "happy and contented", "happy and content", "happy and relaxed", "Enjoyment" ] }, { "id": 1681, "chinese": "性命交关", "gold": "of life and death", "human": [ "of vital importance" ], "machine": [ "life-threatening", "a matter of life and death", "a matter of life and limb", "a matter of sex and life", "a matter of sexual intercourse" ] }, { "id": 1682, "chinese": "怪模怪样", "gold": "grotesque", "human": [ "queer-looking" ], "machine": [ "weird looking", "grotesque appearance", "grotesque look", "strange-looking" ] }, { "id": 1683, "chinese": "怪诞不经", "gold": "fantastic", "human": [ "something entirely out of the common", "weird and uncanny" ], "machine": [ "grotesque", "uncanny", "ridiculous", "outrageous" ] }, { "id": 1684, "chinese": "怪里怪气", "gold": "eccentric", "human": [ "peculiar", "queer" ], "machine": [ "weird", "odd-looking", "strange-looking" ] }, { "id": 1685, "chinese": "怪声怪气", "gold": "strange voice or affected manner", "human": [], "machine": [ "weird sound", "strange voice", "affected by strange noises", "affected by strange voice", "affected by strange sounds" ] }, { "id": 1686, "chinese": "怒不可遏", "gold": "boil with rage", "human": [ "one's rage is beyond restraint", "be beside oneself with anger", "lose control of one's temper" ], "machine": [ "furious", "unable restrain one's anger", "in a towering rage" ] }, { "id": 1687, "chinese": "怒目相视", "gold": "stare angrily", "human": [ "took at each other with angry eyes", "eye each other angrily", "glare at", "look daggers at" ], "machine": [ "glaring at", "glare at each other in anger", "glare at each other", "glower at each other", "look at each other in anger" ] }, { "id": 1688, "chinese": "怒发冲冠", "gold": "the anger makes one's hair stand on end", "human": [ "be so angry that one's hair raises up his hat", "be in a towering rage", "bristle with anger" ], "machine": [ "bristle", "get angry" ] }, { "id": 1689, "chinese": "怒火中烧", "gold": "simmer with rage", "human": [ "be burning with anger", "be filled with fury", "one's blood boils" ], "machine": [ "burning with anger", "Anger is on the rise", "Anger", "Anger in the air", "Angry" ] }, { "id": 1690, "chinese": "怒气冲天", "gold": "give way to unbridled fury", "human": [ "be in a towering rage", "fly into a passion" ], "machine": [ "angry", "Anger in the sky", "Rage to the sky", "Anger in the air" ] }, { "id": 1691, "chinese": "怒形于色", "gold": "angry countenance", "human": [ "betray one's anger", "look angry" ], "machine": [ "angry", "anger written on one's face", "anger written in one's face", "anger is in the air" ] }, { "id": 1692, "chinese": "急风暴雨", "gold": "a strong gale and a torrential downpour", "human": [ "violent storms", "tempest", "turbulent" ], "machine": [ "torrential rain", "rapid rainstorm", "rapid storm", "rapid rain" ] }, { "id": 1693, "chinese": "急来抱佛脚", "gold": "seek help at the last moment", "human": [ "never burn incense when all is well but clasp Buddha's feet when in distress" ], "machine": [ "hurry to cradle", "rush to clasp the Buddha's feet", "to profess devotion only when in a hurry" ] }, { "id": 1694, "chinese": "急流勇退", "gold": "resolutely retire at the height of one's official career", "human": [ "make a quick retreat before a crisis" ], "machine": [ "Rapid retreat", "Retreat", "Retirement", "Retreating from the rapids" ] }, { "id": 1695, "chinese": "急公好义", "gold": "zealous for the public interest", "human": [ "zealous for the common weal", "public-spirited" ], "machine": [ "Urgent justice" ] }, { "id": 1696, "chinese": "急功近利", "gold": "eager for quick success and instant benefit", "human": [ "be anxious to make quick successes and instant benefits" ], "machine": [ "quick success", "anxious for quick results", "shortsighted" ] }, { "id": 1697, "chinese": "急起直追", "gold": "rouse oneself to catch up", "human": [], "machine": [ "chase after", "rush to catch up", "rush up and catch up", "rush to catch up with", "catch up quickly" ] }, { "id": 1698, "chinese": "急转直下", "gold": "take a sudden turn and then develop rapidly", "human": [ "go into a precipitous decline" ], "machine": [ "go straight down", "take a sharp turn for the worse", "develop rapidly" ] }, { "id": 1699, "chinese": "急中生智", "gold": "show resourcefulness in an emergency", "human": [ "suddenly hit upon a way out of a predicament", "have quick wits in emergency" ], "machine": [ "Wisdom in a hurry", "quick witted in an emergency", "quick wit in an emergency", "quick witted", "quick witted in a hurry" ] }, { "id": 1700, "chinese": "急如星火", "gold": "requiring lightning action", "human": [ "extremely pressing", "most urgent", "posomethingaste" ], "machine": [ "as hurried as a shooting star" ] }, { "id": 1701, "chinese": "怨天尤人", "gold": "blame everyone and everything but oneself", "human": [ "blame god and man", "blame fate and others", "curse and swear", "grumble" ], "machine": [ "blame others", "Complaining about the sky", "Complaining about God", "Complaint" ] }, { "id": 1702, "chinese": "怨声载道", "gold": "the murmurs filled the streets", "human": [ "complaints are heard everywhere", "cries of discontent rise all around" ], "machine": [ "complaining", "Discontent", "Discontent is rife" ] }, { "id": 1703, "chinese": "恒河沙数", "gold": "as numerous as the sands of the Ganges", "human": [ "innumerable", "countless" ], "machine": [ "Ganges sand count", "countless as the grains of sand in the Ganges", "Counting of the Ganges", "countless as the rhesus sand" ] }, { "id": 1704, "chinese": "恃强凌弱", "gold": "use one's strength to bully the weak", "human": [], "machine": [ "bullying", "bully" ] }, { "id": 1705, "chinese": "恃才傲物", "gold": "rely on one's own skill and look down upon others", "human": [ "self-conceited and insolent on account of one's ability", "be inordinately proud of one's ability", "be conceited and contemptuous" ], "machine": [ "arrogant" ] }, { "id": 1706, "chinese": "恍同隔世", "gold": "as if being cut off from the outside world for ages", "human": [], "machine": [ "as if separated from each other", "It's like a lifetime ago.", "like a lifetime ago", "as if it were a lifetime ago" ] }, { "id": 1707, "chinese": "恍然大悟", "gold": "suddenly see the light", "human": [ "suddenly realize", "wake up to", "disenchanted" ], "machine": [ "Suddenly realized", "It dawned on me", "It dawns on me" ] }, { "id": 1708, "chinese": "恨铁不成钢", "gold": "wish iron could turn into steel at once", "human": [ "grudge iron having not changed into steel", "grudge the successor having not matured", "set a high demand on somebody in the hope that he will improve" ], "machine": [ "Hate that iron is not steel", "hate iron but not steel" ] }, { "id": 1709, "chinese": "恨之入骨", "gold": "harbor bitter hatred toward somebody", "human": [ "hate somebody to the very marrow of one's bones" ], "machine": [ "hatred to the bone", "Hate to the bone", "Hate it to the bone", "Hate to the core" ] }, { "id": 1710, "chinese": "恪守不渝", "gold": "strictly abide by", "human": [ "submissively obey" ], "machine": [ "abide by it", "Abide by", "Abide by the unchanging", "Abide by the unfailing" ] }, { "id": 1711, "chinese": "恬不知耻", "gold": "not feel ashamed at all", "human": [ "past all sense of shame", "be impudent to the extreme", "be lost to shame", "be dead to shame", "have the effrontery to", "blush like a black dog", "shameless" ], "machine": [ "have no sense of shame", "have no shame", "shamelessly" ] }, { "id": 1712, "chinese": "恰到好处", "gold": "just right", "human": [ "to a nicety" ], "machine": [ "Just the right amount" ] }, { "id": 1713, "chinese": "恰如其分", "gold": "neither more nor less than", "human": [ "to a proper extent", "in appropriate measure", "in just quantity", "well-measured", "apt", "appropriate" ], "machine": [ "just the right amount", "just right", "just the right amount of time" ] }, { "id": 1714, "chinese": "恣行无忌", "gold": "act recklessly", "human": [ "act wilfully and unscrupulously", "care for nobody" ], "machine": [ "unbridled", "behave recklessly", "behave without restraint", "Behave like a wild animal" ] }, { "id": 1715, "chinese": "恣意妄为", "gold": "behave unscrupulously", "human": [], "machine": [ "reckless", "behave recklessly", "behave in a wanton manner" ] }, { "id": 1716, "chinese": "恩将仇报", "gold": "bite the hand that feeds one", "human": [ "return kindness with ingratitude", "requite love with hate", "return evil for good", "requite kindness with enmity" ], "machine": [ "revenge", "bounty will return the favor", "bounty will repay the enemy", "bounty will be returned", "bounty will repay" ] }, { "id": 1717, "chinese": "息息相关", "gold": "vitally interrelated", "human": [ "be linked with each other closely", "be closely bound up" ], "machine": [ "closely related", "closely related to", "closely linked" ] }, { "id": 1718, "chinese": "息事宁人", "gold": "make concessions to avoid trouble", "human": [ "a policy of compromise to let everybody have peace", "patch up a quarrel and reconcile the parties concerned", "gloss things over to stay on good terms", "pour oil on waters" ], "machine": [ "Peace of mind", "keep the peace", "to patch things up" ] }, { "id": 1719, "chinese": "悔不当初", "gold": "regret having done something in that way", "human": [], "machine": [ "regret", "regret one's past deeds", "regret one's past mistakes" ] }, { "id": 1720, "chinese": "悔过自新", "gold": "repent and make a new start", "human": [ "repent and turn over a new leaf", "repent and start with a clean slate" ], "machine": [ "repent", "Repentance and rehabilitation", "Repent and reform", "Repentance and reform" ] }, { "id": 1721, "chinese": "悔之无及", "gold": "too late to repent", "human": [ "too late for remorse", "cry over spilt milk" ], "machine": [ "no regrets", "too late for regrets", "It is too late to regret.", "It is too late to repent.", "too late to regret" ] }, { "id": 1722, "chinese": "悍然不顾", "gold": "fly in the teeth of", "human": [ "rudely brush aside", "in flagrant defiance of" ], "machine": [ "recklessly", "blatantly disregard", "outrageous and unconventional", "blatant disregard for", "outrageous and unconcerned" ] }, { "id": 1723, "chinese": "悖入悖出", "gold": "ill-gotten, ill-spent", "human": [ "gains, which come in a wrong way, will leave in a wrong way" ], "machine": [ "Contradicting in and out", "Paradoxical in and paradoxical out", "Paradoxical in and out", "Paradoxical in-out" ] }, { "id": 1724, "chinese": "悠然自得", "gold": "be carefree and content", "human": [], "machine": [ "Leisurely", "relaxed and at ease", "Relaxed", "Relaxation" ] }, { "id": 1725, "chinese": "患得患失", "gold": "think in terms of personal gain and loss", "human": [ "distressed in mind trying to get something, and then troubled lest he lose it", "worry about personal gains and losses", "be swayed by considerations of personal gain and loss" ], "machine": [ "Worry about gain and loss", "worrying about gain and loss", "worrying about gain or loss" ] }, { "id": 1726, "chinese": "患难之交", "gold": "friendship made during adversity", "human": [ "friends in adversity", "tested friends", "friends in need" ], "machine": [ "A friend in need", "a friend in times of trouble", "friends in times of trouble" ] }, { "id": 1727, "chinese": "患难与共", "gold": "go through thick and thin together", "human": [ "share a common fate", "cast one's lot with somebody", "throw in one's lot with somebody" ], "machine": [ "share weal and woe", "Together through thick and thin", "Together in Times of Trouble" ] }, { "id": 1728, "chinese": "情不自禁", "gold": "cannot help", "human": [ "unable to restrain the emotions", "be seized with sudden impulse", "overcome by one's feelings", "cannot refrain from", "in the grip of passion" ], "machine": [ "can't help it", "Can't help but love", "Can't help but be in love" ] }, { "id": 1729, "chinese": "情投意合", "gold": "suited to each other perfectly", "human": [ "mutual affection and agreement", "in love with each other", "find each other congenial", "hit it off perfectly", "hand in glove with" ], "machine": [ "congeniality", "have an affinity with each other", "find each other agreeable" ] }, { "id": 1730, "chinese": "情同手足", "gold": "with brotherly love for each other", "human": [ "close like brothers" ], "machine": [ "brotherhood", "Like hands and feet", "like brothers", "like brothers and sisters" ] }, { "id": 1731, "chinese": "情急智生", "gold": "hit on a good idea in a moment of desperation", "human": [ "have quick wits in emergency" ], "machine": [ "impatient", "inspiration in a moment of desperation", "inspiration in an emergency" ] }, { "id": 1732, "chinese": "情随事迁", "gold": "people's feelings change with the circumstances", "human": [ "the alteration of things makes men's feelings change", "circumstances alter cases" ], "machine": [ "Things change", "circumstances change with the times", "circumstances alter" ] }, { "id": 1733, "chinese": "情有可原", "gold": "excusable", "human": [ "pardonable" ], "machine": [ "plausible" ] }, { "id": 1734, "chinese": "惘然若失", "gold": "wear a blank look", "human": [ "disconcertedly feel lost", "be all adrift" ], "machine": [ "bewildered", "at aloss", "lost at a loss", "lost in a state of confusion" ] }, { "id": 1735, "chinese": "惜墨如金", "gold": "abstemious in his use of ink", "human": [ "as careful of his ink as if it were gold", "said of one who would not write too readily" ], "machine": [ "Cherish ink like gold", "saves ink like gold", "shy away from ink like gold", "shy away from ink and gold", "shy away from ink as gold" ] }, { "id": 1736, "chinese": "惜指失掌", "gold": "try to save a little only to lose a lot", "human": [ "care for the fingers and lose the hand", "lose much in being careful of little", "stint a finger only to lose the whole hand" ], "machine": [ "pity", "lose your fingers and palms", "lose your fingers and palm", "miss the palm of your hand", "miss the palm of your finger" ] }, { "id": 1737, "chinese": "惟妙惟肖", "gold": "strikingly true to life", "human": [ "absolutely lifelike", "be the very image of" ], "machine": [ "vivid", "fantastic", "fantastic and unique" ] }, { "id": 1738, "chinese": "悲愤填膺", "gold": "burning with indignation", "human": [ "be filled with grief and indignation", "with sadness and anger at heart", "feel sad and angry" ], "machine": [ "indignant", "Grief and anger", "Grief and indignation" ] }, { "id": 1739, "chinese": "悲天悯人", "gold": "broad-hearted kindness", "human": [ "bemoan the state of the universe and pity the fate of mankind", "feeling for universal compassion", "have cosmic pity on", "pity for all mankind" ], "machine": [ "compassionate", "Compassion for the Lord" ] }, { "id": 1740, "chinese": "悲欢离合", "gold": "checkered career", "human": [ "joys and sorrows, partings and reunions", "vicissitudes of life", "joys and sorrows of meeting and parting", "the sorrow of separation and the joy of reunion" ], "machine": [ "joys and sorrows", "Sorrow and Joy", "Sorrow and happiness", "Sorrowful and happy" ] }, { "id": 1741, "chinese": "悲喜交集", "gold": "mixed feelings of grief and joy", "human": [ "grief and joy intermingled", "joy tempered with sorrow", "mingled feelings" ], "machine": [ "Mixed sorrows and joys", "A mixture of sadness and joy", "A mixture of sorrow and joy", "A mix of sadness and joy" ] }, { "id": 1742, "chinese": "恶贯满盈", "gold": "have committed countless crimes and deserve to come to judgment", "human": [ "face retribution for a life of crime", "the measure of iniquity is full", "one's record is replete with crimes" ], "machine": [ "full of evil", "replete with vice", "replete with evil", "replete with vices" ] }, { "id": 1743, "chinese": "恶语中伤", "gold": "viciously slander", "human": [ "use bad language to insult people", "calumniate" ], "machine": [ "slander", "vicious slander", "vicious language" ] }, { "id": 1744, "chinese": "惴惴不安", "gold": "be anxious and fearful", "human": [ "ill at ease", "be alarmed and on tenterhooks" ], "machine": [ "apprehensive", "anxious", "jittery" ] }, { "id": 1745, "chinese": "惶恐不安", "gold": "be seized with fear", "human": [ "be terrified and uneasy", "in fear and trepidation", "panic-stricken" ], "machine": [ "apprehensive", "panicky", "flap", "flurry of fear" ] }, { "id": 1746, "chinese": "惶惶不可终日", "gold": "be kept in a state of constant nervousness", "human": [ "be in a constant state of anxiety", "be kept perpetually in a state of tension", "in a desperate situation", "unending anxiety", "be on tenterhooks all the time" ], "machine": [ "Uneasy", "anxiously awaiting the end of the day", "anxious and perplexed", "in a panic", "anxious and fearful" ] }, { "id": 1747, "chinese": "惺惺相惜", "gold": "the wise appreciate one another", "human": [ "the intelligent ones sympathize with their own kind" ], "machine": [ "cherish each other", "sympathize with one another", "sympathize with each other", "sympathize", "sympathetic" ] }, { "id": 1748, "chinese": "惺惺作态", "gold": "be affected", "human": [ "simulate" ], "machine": [ "pretentious", "sympathetic behavior", "sympathetic attitude", "sympathetic", "sycophantic" ] }, { "id": 1749, "chinese": "想方设法", "gold": "do everything possible", "human": [ "try every means", "try by hook or by crook" ], "machine": [ "find a way", "think up every possible way", "think up every possible method", "try to find a way", "try to find ways" ] }, { "id": 1750, "chinese": "想入非非", "gold": "far-fetched imagination", "human": [ "allow the fancy to run wild", "give play to one's imagination", "indulge in fantasy", "indulge in dreams of", "wishful thinking", "much given to speculation", "have a maggot in one's head", "a flight of fancy", "have one's head full of bees", "one's wits are wool-gathering", "be in the clouds" ], "machine": [ "fancy", "indulge in fantasies" ] }, { "id": 1751, "chinese": "惹火烧身", "gold": "court disaster", "human": [ "stir up a fire only to burn oneself", "ask for trouble" ], "machine": [ "stir up the fire", "stir up the fire and get burnt", "stir up trouble", "stir up fire" ] }, { "id": 1752, "chinese": "惹是生非", "gold": "stir up trouble", "human": [ "provoke a dispute", "provoke mischief", "wake a sleeping dog", "be meddlesome" ], "machine": [ "cause trouble" ] }, { "id": 1753, "chinese": "愁眉不展", "gold": "knitted eye-brows, preoccupied or sad look", "human": [ "knit one's brows in despair", "with a worried frown", "with a cloud on one's brow", "black-browed", "sullen" ], "machine": [ "frown", "frowning with worry" ] }, { "id": 1754, "chinese": "愁眉苦脸", "gold": "an agonized look", "human": [ "have a worried look", "pull a long face", "took blue", "a face of woe", "a face as long as a fiddle", "black-faced", "woebegone" ], "machine": [ "frown", "frowning and worried", "with a worried frown" ] }, { "id": 1755, "chinese": "愁容满面", "gold": "look extremely worried", "human": [], "machine": [ "sad face", "with a worried look on one's face", "with a worried face", "with a sad face" ] }, { "id": 1756, "chinese": "意气风发", "gold": "be full of pep", "human": [ "high-spirited and vigorous", "daring and energetic", "be fired with boundless enthusiasm", "high in spirits", "be on one's mettle" ], "machine": [ "high spirited", "ardent and vigorous", "aspirational", "ardent", "aspirational and vigorous" ] }, { "id": 1757, "chinese": "意气相投", "gold": "be alike in temperament", "human": [ "have the same likes and dislikes", "be congenial with each other" ], "machine": [ "congenial" ] }, { "id": 1758, "chinese": "意气用事", "gold": "act on impulse", "human": [ "be swayed by personal feelings" ], "machine": [ "zealous", "let emotions get the better of you", "let emotions get in the way" ] }, { "id": 1759, "chinese": "意在言外", "gold": "the meaning is implied", "human": [], "machine": [ "meaning beyond words", "the meaning is beyond words" ] }, { "id": 1760, "chinese": "愚昧无知", "gold": "stupid and ignorant", "human": [ "benighted", "idiotic", "unintelligent" ], "machine": [ "ignorance", "Ignorance and stupidity" ] }, { "id": 1761, "chinese": "愚公移山", "gold": "the Foolish Old Man who moved the mountains", "human": [], "machine": [ "Yugong Moves Mountains", "Yugong Yishan" ] }, { "id": 1762, "chinese": "愚者千虑,必有一得", "gold": "even a fool occasionally hits on a good idea", "human": [], "machine": [ "Fools have a thousand worries, and they will have something", "A fool thinks a thousand times, but he will get one." ] }, { "id": 1763, "chinese": "感同身受", "gold": "feel indebted as if it were received in person", "human": [ "feel grateful as if it were a personal favor" ], "machine": [ "empathy", "I feel the same way.", "I feel the same", "Feel the same way" ] }, { "id": 1764, "chinese": "感激涕零", "gold": "be moved to tears", "human": [ "so moved to gratitude that words fail and the tears fall", "shed grateful tears", "be exceedingly grateful for" ], "machine": [ "grateful", "shed tears of gratitude", "moved to tears", "we are so grateful" ] }, { "id": 1765, "chinese": "感情用事", "gold": "be swayed by one's emotions", "human": [ "act impetuously" ], "machine": [ "emotional", "emotionally involved", "emotional use", "emotionally charged", "Emotion" ] }, { "id": 1766, "chinese": "感人肺腑", "gold": "move people deeply", "human": [ "be deeply moved", "touch one's heart deeply" ], "machine": [ "touching", "touching and heartfelt", "moving and heartfelt", "heartfelt", "moving from the heart" ] }, { "id": 1767, "chinese": "感恩戴德", "gold": "be deeply grateful for", "human": [ "feel a debt of gratitude for", "bear a debt of gratitude for" ], "machine": [ "Grateful Dade", "Gratitude and Dedication", "Gratitude and Virtue", "Gratitude" ] }, { "id": 1768, "chinese": "爱不释手", "gold": "reluctant to give up", "human": [ "love something so much that one is loath to part with it", "cannot bear to part with", "fondle admiringly" ], "machine": [ "Can't put it down", "Love it all", "Love to put it down" ] }, { "id": 1769, "chinese": "爱莫能助", "gold": "willing to help but unable to do so", "human": [ "it's beyond one's ability to render assistance although one would like to" ], "machine": [ "helpless", "I can't help you.", "unable help" ] }, { "id": 1770, "chinese": "爱憎分明", "gold": "be clear about what to love and what to hate", "human": [ "draw a clear demarcation between whom or what to love and whom or what to hate" ], "machine": [ "love and hate", "love and hate clearly" ] }, { "id": 1771, "chinese": "爱财如命", "gold": "very stingy", "human": [ "regard wealth as one's life", "skin a flea for its hide", "money-grubbing" ], "machine": [ "love money", "love money as much as one's own life", "avaricious", "money-loving", "tightfisted" ] }, { "id": 1772, "chinese": "爱屋及乌", "gold": "love me, love my dog", "human": [ "the love for the house extends even to the crows perching on it", "love one thing on account of another", "when one loves another the affection extends even to the crows on the roof", "he that loves the tree loves the branch" ], "machine": [ "Love House and Wu", "Love the house and the crow" ] }, { "id": 1773, "chinese": "惨不忍睹", "gold": "too horrible to look at", "human": [ "could not bear the sight" ], "machine": [ "appalling", "a horrible sight", "a horrible sight to behold", "a horrible sight to see", "a horrific sight" ] }, { "id": 1774, "chinese": "惨淡经营", "gold": "keep going by painstaking effort", "human": [ "take great pains to carry on one's work under difficult circumstances", "build up a business by years of effort and persistence", "take no end of pains to do something", "labor indefatigably at" ], "machine": [ "bleak business", "Dismal business", "Disastrous business", "Dismal operation" ] }, { "id": 1775, "chinese": "惨绝人寰", "gold": "extremely tragic", "human": [ "tragic beyond compare in this human world", "most inhuman" ], "machine": [ "tragic", "tragic and unbelievable", "tragic and unimaginable", "tragic and unprecedented" ] }, { "id": 1776, "chinese": "惨无天日", "gold": "so dark, or full of suffering, that it is as if the sun were not in the sky", "human": [], "machine": [ "miserable", "miserable as hell", "miserable as the day is long", "miserable as ever" ] }, { "id": 1777, "chinese": "惨无人道", "gold": "cruel", "human": [ "inhuman", "brutal", "barbarous" ], "machine": [ "brutal and inhumane", "brutal and unfeeling", "inhumane", "brutal and unforgiving" ] }, { "id": 1778, "chinese": "慢条斯理", "gold": "leisurely", "human": [ "sat a slack pace", "at a snail's gallop", "very slowly", "an easy manner", "unhurriedly" ], "machine": [ "Take it easy", "methodical", "methodical and slow", "with calculated slowness" ] }, { "id": 1779, "chinese": "慷慨激昂", "gold": "with deep feelings and enthusiasm", "human": [ "in lofty and energetic spirits", "in a moving, vehement and excited tone", "be righteously indignant" ], "machine": [ "impassioned" ] }, { "id": 1780, "chinese": "慷慨解囊", "gold": "give alms liberally", "human": [ "generous in loosening the purse-strings", "help somebody generously with money", "munificent" ], "machine": [ "generosity", "Generous Contributions", "Generous Contribution", "generous donation" ] }, { "id": 1781, "chinese": "慷慨就义", "gold": "die a martyr's death", "human": [ "go to one's death like a hero" ], "machine": [ "generosity", "A generous inauguration", "Generosity in action", "A generous inaugural" ] }, { "id": 1782, "chinese": "忧患余生", "gold": "the remaining years after going through a great deal", "human": [ "the remainder of one's life after a disaster", "narrow escape from disaster" ], "machine": [ "worry for the rest of my life", "The rest of your life" ] }, { "id": 1783, "chinese": "忧心忡忡", "gold": "feel gloomy", "human": [ "be sick at heart", "laden with anxieties", "anxiety-ridden", "care-laden", "heavy-hearted" ], "machine": [ "worried", "Worried and worried", "Worried about" ] }, { "id": 1784, "chinese": "忧心如焚", "gold": "extremely worried", "human": [ "burning with anxiety", "devour one's heart" ], "machine": [ "Worried", "worried like hell", "worried as hell", "worried sick" ] }, { "id": 1785, "chinese": "庆父不去,鲁难未已", "gold": "until Ching Fu is done away with, the crisis in the state of Lu will not be over", "human": [ "there will always be trouble until he who stirs it up is removed" ], "machine": [ "If Father Qing does not go, it will be difficult for Lu", "If Qingfu doesn't go, the disaster is not yet over" ] }, { "id": 1786, "chinese": "愤世嫉俗", "gold": "cynical", "human": [ "detest the world and its ways", "misanthropic" ], "machine": [ "Cynicism" ] }, { "id": 1787, "chinese": "忆苦思甜", "gold": "recall past suffering and think over the source of present happiness", "human": [ "tell of one's sufferings in the old society and one's happiness in the new", "contrast past misery with present happiness" ], "machine": [ "Reminiscence bittersweet", "Reminiscing about the bitter and the sweet" ] }, { "id": 1788, "chinese": "应付自如", "gold": "cope with successfully", "human": [ "handle a situation with ease", "be equal to the occasion", "rise to the occasion" ], "machine": [ "Cope with ease", "handle with ease", "handle easily", "handle freely" ] }, { "id": 1789, "chinese": "应对如流", "gold": "give fluent replies", "human": [ "one's replies flowed like a stream", "reply readily and fluently", "answer the questions without any hitch" ], "machine": [ "coping with flow", "Responding like a stream", "respond as if it were a stream", "Responding like a flow" ] }, { "id": 1790, "chinese": "应接不暇", "gold": "play host to o constant stream of callers", "human": [ "have more visitors or business than one can attend to", "too many to attend to", "too busy to attend to", "up to one's ears in work" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "no time to deal with so many things", "no time to deal with it all", "no time to deal with it" ] }, { "id": 1791, "chinese": "应有尽有", "gold": "well-stocked", "human": [ "there is everything that should be there", "have everything that one expects to find" ], "machine": [ "Everything", "have everything you need", "have everything one needs", "everything you need" ] }, { "id": 1792, "chinese": "应运而生", "gold": "emerge as the times require", "human": [ "arise at the historic moment" ], "machine": [ "came into being", "emerge from an opportunity", "emerge from the ground", "emerges from the ground", "emerged from the ground" ] }, { "id": 1793, "chinese": "惩前避后", "gold": "take a lesson from the past and avoid future mistakes", "human": [ "learn from past mistakes and avoid future ones" ], "machine": [ "Punishment before and after avoidance", "punish the former and avoid the latter" ] }, { "id": 1794, "chinese": "惩一儆百", "gold": "make an example of somebody", "human": [ "punish one as warning to a hundred" ], "machine": [ "Punish one and warn one hundred", "punish one, warn one hundred" ] }, { "id": 1795, "chinese": "悬梁自尽", "gold": "hang oneself", "human": [ "commit suicide by hanging oneself from a beam" ], "machine": [ "cantilever suicide", "hang oneself from a beam", "hang oneself from the ceiling", "hang oneself by the neck", "hang oneself from the beam" ] }, { "id": 1796, "chinese": "悬而未决", "gold": "up in the air", "human": [ "be in the scale", "hang in the balance", "not yet decided", "outstanding", "unsettled", "pending" ], "machine": [ "hanging in the balance" ] }, { "id": 1797, "chinese": "悬崖勒马", "gold": "stop before it is too late", "human": [ "rein in the horse on the brink of the precipice", "wake up to and escape disaster at the last moment", "draw up short at overhanging cliff", "withdraw sharply from imminent disaster", "ward off disaster at the critical moment" ], "machine": [ "Rein in the cliff", "Cliffhanger", "Cliffhangers", "Cliffs to the Horse" ] }, { "id": 1798, "chinese": "悬崖峭壁", "gold": "overhanging cliff", "human": [ "sheer precipice and overhanging rocks" ], "machine": [ "cliffs", "Cliffs and Crags", "Cliffs and Cliffhangers" ] }, { "id": 1799, "chinese": "恋恋不舍", "gold": "reluctant to part with", "human": [ "unable to part from", "unwilling to give up" ], "machine": [ "reluctantly", "Loves to leave", "Loves to be with you", "Loves to be withheld", "Loves to be with" ] }, { "id": 1800, "chinese": "成败利钝", "gold": "success or failure", "human": [ "will meet with success or end in failure", "be successful or not" ], "machine": [ "Success and failure" ] }, { "id": 1801, "chinese": "成名成家", "gold": "establish one's reputation as an authority", "human": [], "machine": [ "become famous", "Fame and Family", "Becoming famous and family" ] }, { "id": 1802, "chinese": "成龙配套", "gold": "link up the parts to form a whole", "human": [ "fill in the gaps to complete a chain" ], "machine": [ "Jackie Chan Package", "Jackie's Package", "Jackie Package" ] }, { "id": 1803, "chinese": "成家立业", "gold": "get married and start one's career", "human": [ "stand on one's own feet" ], "machine": [ "start a family", "establish a family", "Establishing a family" ] }, { "id": 1804, "chinese": "成千成万", "gold": "thousands and thousands of", "human": [ "thousands upon thousands", "thousands and tens of thousands" ], "machine": [ "tens of thousands" ] }, { "id": 1805, "chinese": "成事不足,败事有余", "gold": "unable to accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything", "human": [ "not good enough to accomplish anything, but more than enough to spoil things" ], "machine": [ "Incompetent bungler", "unable accomplish anything but liable to spoil everything", "unable do anything right" ] }, { "id": 1806, "chinese": "成仁取义", "gold": "die for a just cause", "human": [ "die to preserve one's virtue intact", "die a martyr for a just cause" ], "machine": [ "Take righteousness", "be benevolent and righteous", "be merciful and righteous", "be righteous", "be benevolent and take justice" ] }, { "id": 1807, "chinese": "成人之美", "gold": "help another to succeed", "human": [ "assist others in a good objective", "assist people in effecting their purpose", "aid in carrying out the good designs of others", "aid somebody in doing a good deed", "help somebody to fulfil his wish", "bring romance to a happy ending", "help somebody achieve his goal" ], "machine": [ "adult beauty", "The Beauty of Adulthood", "Beauty of Adulthood", "The beauty of being an adult" ] }, { "id": 1808, "chinese": "戒骄戒躁", "gold": "guard against pride and rashness", "human": [ "guard against arrogance and impetuosity", "be on guard against conceit and impetuosity", "avoid conceit and impetuosity" ], "machine": [ "guard against arrogance", "Caution against pride and impatience" ] }, { "id": 1809, "chinese": "我行我素", "gold": "persist in one's old way", "human": [ "stick to one's old way of doing things" ], "machine": [ "go my own way", "I do what I want", "I do what I do", "I'll do what I want", "I will do what I want" ] }, { "id": 1810, "chinese": "截趾适履", "gold": "cut the toes to fit the shoes", "human": [], "machine": [ "Amputated toe fit", "intercepted toes to fit the shoes" ] }, { "id": 1811, "chinese": "截长补短", "gold": "balance the score", "human": [ "take from the long to add to the short", "cut off from the long to supply the deficiency of the short", "make up a deficiency by the surplus", "even up scarcity and superabundance", "draw on the strength of one to offset the weakness of the other" ], "machine": [ "Truncate long and short", "cut off the long and make up for the short" ] }, { "id": 1812, "chinese": "截然不同", "gold": "poles apart", "human": [ "completely different", "different as black and white" ], "machine": [ "very different", "entirely different", "different as ever", "Different" ] }, { "id": 1813, "chinese": "戮力同心", "gold": "pull together and work hard as a team", "human": [ "make concerted efforts", "unite in a concerted effort" ], "machine": [ "work together", "Killing and working together" ] }, { "id": 1814, "chinese": "战天斗地", "gold": "combat nature", "human": [ "fight against heaven and earth", "brave the elements" ], "machine": [ "battle", "fight for heaven and earth" ] }, { "id": 1815, "chinese": "战战兢兢", "gold": "watch one's step", "human": [ "trembling with fear", "with fear and trepidation", "with caution", "quake with consternation", "be extremely mindful of one's steps", "fearful of making mistakes", "watchful of possible pitfalls", "be on thin ice", "tread on eggs", "gingerly" ], "machine": [ "trembling", "with trepidation", "trepidation" ] }, { "id": 1816, "chinese": "战无不胜,攻无不克", "gold": "invincible", "human": [ "win in every battle", "never lose a battle", "all-conquering", "ever-triumphant", "ever-victorious" ], "machine": [ "Invincible, invincible", "nothing they can't do, nothing they can't overcome", "nothing they can't do", "nothing you can't do" ] }, { "id": 1817, "chinese": "戴罪立功", "gold": "make up for one's mistake", "human": [ "atone for one's crimes by doing good deeds", "redeem oneself by good service" ], "machine": [ "Make meritorious deeds", "get credit for one's crimes", "get credit for your crimes" ] }, { "id": 1818, "chinese": "户限为穿", "gold": "an endless flow of visitors", "human": [ "a threshold worn low by visitors" ], "machine": [ "The household limit is to wear", "The limit of households is wearing" ] }, { "id": 1819, "chinese": "所向披靡", "gold": "mowing down all resistance", "human": [ "wherever they went, the hostile army dispersed", "sweep away all obstacles", "ever triumphant", "carry all before one" ], "machine": [ "invincible" ] }, { "id": 1820, "chinese": "所向无敌", "gold": "ever-victorious", "human": [ "break all enemy resistance", "sweep all before one", "he will never find his fellow", "unstoppable", "all-conquering" ], "machine": [ "Invincible", "Unrivalled", "Unbeatable" ] }, { "id": 1821, "chinese": "扁担没扎,两头打塌", "gold": "send up grabbing for strands", "human": [ "when the carrying pole is not secured at both ends, its loads slip off", "try to grab both but end up getting neither" ], "machine": [ "The pole is not tied, the two ends are collapsed", "The stretcher is not tied, both ends collapsed" ] }, { "id": 1822, "chinese": "手不释卷", "gold": "always have a book in one's hand", "human": [ "be unwilling to put down the book in one's hand", "be a diligent reader", "be very studious" ], "machine": [ "Scroll", "keep a firm hand on the book", "keep a firm hand on your books", "keep a firm hand on the books", "keep a book in hand" ] }, { "id": 1823, "chinese": "手忙脚乱", "gold": "in a frantic rush", "human": [ "busy and bustling without order or method", "running around in circles", "in a great bustle", "be thrown into confusion", "in a muddle" ], "machine": [ "in a hurry", "be in a flurry", "be flustered" ] }, { "id": 1824, "chinese": "手到病除", "gold": "sickness retires at his touch", "human": [], "machine": [ "cure by hand", "Hand to the disease", "Hand to the sickness", "Hand to the sick", "Handy to the disease" ] }, { "id": 1825, "chinese": "手急眼快", "gold": "deft", "human": [ "quick of eye and deft of hand", "dexterous" ], "machine": [ "quick-witted", "quick hands and quick eyes" ] }, { "id": 1826, "chinese": "手足无措", "gold": "at a loss as to what to do", "human": [ "have no room to put one's hands and feet", "all in a fluster", "disconcerted", "perplexed" ], "machine": [ "at a loss", "at a loss for words" ] }, { "id": 1827, "chinese": "手无缚鸡之力", "gold": "too weak", "human": [ "lack the strength to truss up a chicken", "too feeble" ], "machine": [ "The power of a chicken without a hand", "without the strength to hold a chicken", "without the strength of a fist" ] }, { "id": 1828, "chinese": "手舞足蹈", "gold": "dance with joy", "human": [], "machine": [ "dancing", "dance with your hands and feet", "dance with hands and feet", "dance with your hands" ] }, { "id": 1829, "chinese": "手无寸铁", "gold": "bare-handed", "human": [ "unarmed", "defenseless" ], "machine": [ "not an inch of steel", "unarmed and defenseless" ] }, { "id": 1830, "chinese": "才高八斗", "gold": "have profound learning", "human": [ "of great erudition", "possess immense knowledge" ], "machine": [ "Only high and eight buckets", "talented person of eight buckets of talent", "outstanding talent", "highly talented" ] }, { "id": 1831, "chinese": "才气横溢", "gold": "have superb talent", "human": [ "brim with talent" ], "machine": [ "talented", "Talented and full of energy" ] }, { "id": 1832, "chinese": "才疏学浅", "gold": "have little talent and less learning", "human": [], "machine": [ "talent and learning", "of humble talent and shallow learning" ] }, { "id": 1833, "chinese": "才子佳人", "gold": "gifted scholars and beautiful ladies", "human": [ "a brilliant scholar and a pretty girl" ], "machine": [ "wit and beauty", "talented and beautiful person", "talented and beautiful people", "talented and beautiful" ] }, { "id": 1834, "chinese": "打抱不平", "gold": "defend somebody against an injustice", "human": [ "take up the cudgels for the injured party" ], "machine": [ "fight against injustice", "fight for justice", "come to the aid of somebody." ] }, { "id": 1835, "chinese": "打破砂锅问到底", "gold": "insist on getting to the bottom of the matter", "human": [], "machine": [ "Break the casserole and ask to the end", "break the sand pot and ask for the truth" ] }, { "id": 1836, "chinese": "打得火热", "gold": "chum up with", "human": [ "be on intimate terms", "fraternize with", "hobnob with", "be as thick as thieves" ], "machine": [ "playing hot", "battling fiercely", "battling like hell", "carry on ardently", "battling like crazy" ] }, { "id": 1837, "chinese": "打退堂鼓", "gold": "back out", "human": [ "beat a retreat", "draw in one's horns" ], "machine": [ "back off", "give up", "turn tail", "turn back", "beat the retreating drum" ] }, { "id": 1838, "chinese": "打落水狗", "gold": "beat a drowning dog", "human": [ "completely crush a defeated enemy" ], "machine": [ "beat the water dog", "beat up a drowning dog", "beat a drowned dog", "beat a downward dog" ] }, { "id": 1839, "chinese": "打开天窗说亮话", "gold": "frankly speaking", "human": [ "let's not mince matters" ], "machine": [ "Open the sunroof and speak up", "open the floodgates and talk frankly", "open the floodgates" ] }, { "id": 1840, "chinese": "打家劫舍", "gold": "loot", "human": [ "rob", "plunder" ], "machine": [ "robbery", "break into a house for robbery", "break into a house and rob it" ] }, { "id": 1841, "chinese": "打肿脸充胖子", "gold": "slap one's face until it's swollen in an effort to look imposing", "human": [ "puff oneself up to one's own cost", "pose as a fat man by slapping the face until it is swollen", "an impudent attempt to represent the defeat as a victory" ], "machine": [ "slap swollen face to make fat man", "swell one's face up by slapping it on top of the other" ] }, { "id": 1842, "chinese": "打成一片", "gold": "identify oneself with", "human": [ "become one with", "merge with" ], "machine": [ "mingle", "integrate", "integrate into", "integrate into society" ] }, { "id": 1843, "chinese": "打入冷宫", "gold": "consign to the back shelf", "human": [ "relegate to limbo" ], "machine": [ "into the cold palace", "put in the cold", "put into the cold", "put somebody. in the cold", "put somebody. out of commission" ] }, { "id": 1844, "chinese": "打草惊蛇", "gold": "put an enemy on guard by acting prematurely", "human": [ "beat the grass and startle the snake", "act rashly and alert the enemy", "frighten away thieves by raising a scare", "wake a sleeping wolf" ], "machine": [ "Catching the grass to startle the snake", "inadvertently alert an enemy", "inadvertently alert the snake", "inadvertently alert a snake" ] }, { "id": 1845, "chinese": "打错算盘", "gold": "make a wrong decision", "human": [ "miscalculate" ], "machine": [ "miscalculation", "make a miscalculation", "make a wrong calculation" ] }, { "id": 1846, "chinese": "扣人心弦", "gold": "moving", "human": [ "tug at one's heartstrings", "touch one's feelings", "touch somebody to the heart", "exciting" ], "machine": [ "thrilling", "excite", "excite the senses" ] }, { "id": 1847, "chinese": "扶老携幼", "gold": "help the aged and the young", "human": [ "supporting the aged and leading the children by the hand", "supporting the old and carrying the young" ], "machine": [ "Help the old and the young", "taking care of the elderly and the young" ] }, { "id": 1848, "chinese": "扶弱抑强", "gold": "fight for the weak against the strong", "human": [ "restrain the powerful and help the weak", "curb the violent and support the weak" ], "machine": [ "Support the weak and suppress the strong", "support the weak and restrain the strong" ] }, { "id": 1849, "chinese": "扶摇直上", "gold": "skyrocket", "human": [ "mount on the wings of the typhoon", "of rapid success in one's career", "soar on the wings of a cyclone", "be promoted quickly in official career", "rise steeply", "a rapid rise in" ], "machine": [ "skyrocket to the top", "skyrocketing", "get up to the top" ] }, { "id": 1850, "chinese": "扶危济困", "gold": "help those in distress", "human": [ "help the distressed and succor those in peril" ], "machine": [ "Help the needy", "Helping those in need", "Helping those in distress", "Help those in need" ] }, { "id": 1851, "chinese": "抓耳挠腮", "gold": "scratch one's head", "human": [ "tweak one's ears and scratch one's cheeks" ], "machine": [ "scratching the ears", "scratch one's ears and scramble to scratch one's cheeks" ] }, { "id": 1852, "chinese": "投笔从戎", "gold": "renounce the pen for the sword", "human": [ "throw aside the writing brush and join the army", "give up literature for a military career" ], "machine": [ "Cong Rong", "join the military", "join the army" ] }, { "id": 1853, "chinese": "投鞭断流", "gold": "if the soldiers throw their whips into the river, it would", "human": [ "be sufficient to stem the flow", "speaking of one's numerous forces" ], "machine": [ "Throw the whip and cut off the flow", "arms enough to break the stream" ] }, { "id": 1854, "chinese": "投桃报李", "gold": "exchange gifts", "human": [ "get a peach and send a plum", "return present for present" ], "machine": [ "reciprocate", "toss a peach and get back a plum", "toss a peach and return a plum", "toss a peach, get back a plum" ] }, { "id": 1855, "chinese": "投机倒把", "gold": "engage in speculation and profiteering", "human": [], "machine": [ "speculating", "speculation and profiteering", "buying and selling on speculation" ] }, { "id": 1856, "chinese": "投机取巧", "gold": "be opportunistic", "human": [ "seize every chance to gain advantage by trickery", "take advantage of the moment", "gain something by trickery" ], "machine": [ "opportunistic", "opportunistic trickery" ] }, { "id": 1857, "chinese": "投其所好", "gold": "agree to whatever another is pleased with", "human": [ "every one to his taste", "hit on what one likes" ], "machine": [ "Do what you want", "Adapt to its needs", "Adapt to their needs" ] }, { "id": 1858, "chinese": "投鼠忌器", "gold": "held back from taking action against an evildoer for fear of involving good people", "human": [ "hesitate to pelt a rat for fear of smashing the dishes beside it", "spare the rat to save the dishes", "burn not your house to rid it of the mouse" ], "machine": [ "rat trap", "refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the law", "not act on the evil eye" ] }, { "id": 1859, "chinese": "折冲樽俎", "gold": "engage in diplomatic negotiations", "human": [ "outmanoeuvre the enemy over glasses of wine", "win by diplomacy" ], "machine": [ "fold red bottle", "stop the enemy at the banquet table" ] }, { "id": 1860, "chinese": "抑扬顿挫", "gold": "cadence", "human": [ "modulation in tone" ], "machine": [ "a cadence of speech", "intonation", "a cadence" ] }, { "id": 1861, "chinese": "承先启后", "gold": "serve as a link between past and future", "human": [ "carry on the past heritage and open up the future", "inherit the past and usher in the future" ], "machine": [ "Inheritance", "follow the precedent and start the future", "follow the precedent" ] }, { "id": 1862, "chinese": "承上启下", "gold": "form a connecting link between the preceding and the following", "human": [ "connect with the foregoing and carry forward a new paragraph" ], "machine": [ "link up", "follow the previous and start the next" ] }, { "id": 1863, "chinese": "抱头鼠窜", "gold": "scurry off like a frightened rat", "human": [ "cover the head and sneak away like a rat", "flee with arms covering one's head", "run wildly like cornered rats", "flee helter-skelter" ], "machine": [ "cuddling", "cover one's head and run away like a rat", "to flee ignominiously" ] }, { "id": 1864, "chinese": "抱恨终天", "gold": "regret something to the end of one's days", "human": [ "harbor an eternal sorrow", "regret forever", "bitterly lament" ], "machine": [ "hate forever", "hold a grudge for the rest of one's life" ] }, { "id": 1865, "chinese": "抱薪救火", "gold": "adopt a wrong method to save a situation and end up by making it worse", "human": [ "carry faggots to put out a fire" ], "machine": [ "Paying for firefighting", "carry firewood to put out a fire", "to make a problem worse by inappropriate action" ] }, { "id": 1866, "chinese": "抱残守缺", "gold": "retain what is old and outworn", "human": [ "cherish the outmoded and preserve the outworn", "be conservative", "be a stickler for ancient ways and things" ], "machine": [ "hold back", "conservative" ] }, { "id": 1867, "chinese": "披肝沥胆", "gold": "speak one's mind", "human": [ "open one's liver and empty one's gallbladder", "speak without reserve", "talk with an effusion of heart", "open up one's heart", "be open and sincere", "be loyal and faithful", "unbutton one's soul", "bare one's heart" ], "machine": [ "liver and gallbladder", "open one's liver and drip gall" ] }, { "id": 1868, "chinese": "被坚执锐", "gold": "dressed in strong armor and armed with sharp weapons", "human": [ "be fully armed and ready for combat", "wear armor and carry weapons - be a warrior" ], "machine": [ "stubborn", "being firm and stubborn", "being firm and sturdy", "being firm and determined" ] }, { "id": 1869, "chinese": "披荆斩棘", "gold": "hack one's way through the jungle and bushes", "human": [ "cut a way through brambles and thorns", "blaze one's way forward through all the difficulties" ], "machine": [ "Overcoming thorns", "Blaze the trail", "Blaze through the thorns", "Blaze a trail", "Blaze a trail of thorns" ] }, { "id": 1870, "chinese": "披星戴月", "gold": "work or travel night and day", "human": [ "under the canopy of the moon and the stars", "get up by star-light, not knock off work till the moon rises" ], "machine": [ "Wearing the moon", "travel on a spell of stars and moonlight", "toil away for a long time" ] }, { "id": 1871, "chinese": "披沙拣金", "gold": "get essentials from a large mass of materials", "human": [ "sift sand minutely for gold", "sort out the fine gold from the sand" ], "machine": [ "pick gold", "Picking gold from sand", "Picking gold from the sand" ] }, { "id": 1872, "chinese": "抽薪止沸", "gold": "take drastic measures to stop something", "human": [ "take out the firewood to stop the pot boiling" ], "machine": [ "Salary to stop boiling", "Stopping the boil with the draw of a salary", "Stopping the boil with a draw." ] }, { "id": 1873, "chinese": "拂袖而去", "gold": "go off in a huff", "human": [ "leave with a flick of one's sleeve", "giving a sweeping jerk with sleeves, he left" ], "machine": [ "walk away", "brush with one's sleeve and go", "to turn and leave" ] }, { "id": 1874, "chinese": "拈轻怕重", "gold": "pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones", "human": [ "prefer the light to the heavy", "prefer the light and shirk the heavy" ], "machine": [ "Fear the light", "pick on the light and fear the heavy", "shy away from the important" ] }, { "id": 1875, "chinese": "拉大旗作虎皮", "gold": "use the great banner as a tiger-skin", "human": [ "drape oneself in the flag to impress people" ], "machine": [ "Pull the flag as tiger skin", "take the name of a great cause as a shield" ] }, { "id": 1876, "chinese": "抛头露面", "gold": "appear in public", "human": [ "expose oneself in public" ], "machine": [ "show up", "show your face", "Showing your face", "show your face to the public" ] }, { "id": 1877, "chinese": "抛砖引玉", "gold": "a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions", "human": [ "cast a brick to attract jade", "offer a few commonplace remarks by way of introduction so that others may come up with valuable opinions", "cast a brick to get a gem" ], "machine": [ "Throwing bricks and attracting jade", "Throw in a brick to draw in the jade" ] }, { "id": 1878, "chinese": "拐弯抹角", "gold": "talk in a roundabout way", "human": [ "beat about the bush" ], "machine": [ "beating around the bush", "beat around the bush" ] }, { "id": 1879, "chinese": "拍板成交", "gold": "strike a bargain", "human": [ "clinch a deal" ], "machine": [ "Closing the deal", "Closing", "Closing a deal" ] }, { "id": 1880, "chinese": "拍手称快", "gold": "clap and cheer", "human": [], "machine": [ "applaud", "clap one's hands in praise", "wonderful" ] }, { "id": 1881, "chinese": "拍案叫绝", "gold": "thump the table and shout \"bravo!\"", "human": [], "machine": [ "applaud", "slap the table and shout with praise", "wonderful!", "great!" ] }, { "id": 1882, "chinese": "拒谏饰非", "gold": "the rejection of criticisms and the whitewashing of one's mistakes", "human": [ "refuse representations and gloss over one's mistakes" ], "machine": [ "refuse advice", "reject admonition and pretend to be wrong" ] }, { "id": 1883, "chinese": "拒人于千里之外", "gold": "keep a good distance from", "human": [ "have no leeway to consult with" ], "machine": [ "Reject people thousands of miles away", "rejecting people from a thousand miles away" ] }, { "id": 1884, "chinese": "拖泥带水", "gold": "muddled", "human": [ "dragged through mud and water", "diffuse, irrelevant talk, not clear-cut", "bedraggled", "messy", "sloppy", "slovenly" ], "machine": [ "muddy", "mud and water", "a sloppy mess" ] }, { "id": 1885, "chinese": "招兵买马", "gold": "prepare for war", "human": [ "recruit men and buy horses", "raise or enlarge an army", "enlist followers", "expand a fighting force", "gather together a following of mercenaries" ], "machine": [ "recruiting horses", "Recruiting", "Recruitment" ] }, { "id": 1886, "chinese": "招架不住", "gold": "unable to withstand", "human": [ "unable to hold one's own" ], "machine": [ "unstoppable", "unable resist", "can't stand it", "can't resist", "can't stand up to it" ] }, { "id": 1887, "chinese": "招降纳叛", "gold": "recruit deserters and traitors", "human": [ "recruit deserters and accept mutineers" ], "machine": [ "recruit surrender", "recruit surrendered and deserted soldiers", "recruit surrendered rebels", "recruit surrendered enemy" ] }, { "id": 1888, "chinese": "招摇过市", "gold": "swagger through the streets", "human": [ "blatantly seek publicity", "pass along the streets dressed to attract attention", "swagger about", "cut a dash", "cut a swath" ], "machine": [ "swagger", "parade oneself ostentatiously about town" ] }, { "id": 1889, "chinese": "招摇撞骗", "gold": "swindle and bluff", "human": [ "try every trick to mislead the public", "swindle by false pretenses", "bluff and deceive", "gull, hoax and bamboozle", "imposture" ], "machine": [ "swagger", "fraudulent", "cheat", "swindle" ] }, { "id": 1890, "chinese": "拭目以待", "gold": "wait and see", "human": [ "on the alert", "watchful" ], "machine": [ "We'll see what happens.", "We'll see." ] }, { "id": 1891, "chinese": "拾金不昧", "gold": "not pocket the money one picks up", "human": [ "return the money found" ], "machine": [ "Picking up gold is not ignorant", "Pick up money and don't hide it" ] }, { "id": 1892, "chinese": "拾人牙慧", "gold": "plagiarize", "human": [ "pick up phrases from somebody and pass them off as one's own", "offer another's ideas as one's own", "steal others' ideas", "pick up what others say or write" ], "machine": [ "Pick up people's teeth", "pick up what others say", "to pass off other people's opinions as one's own", "parrot" ] }, { "id": 1893, "chinese": "持平之论", "gold": "an unbiased view", "human": [ "a conciliative view", "a fair argument", "be fair to say" ], "machine": [ "equitable theory", "The Theory of Peace" ] }, { "id": 1894, "chinese": "持之以恒", "gold": "persevere", "human": [], "machine": [ "Persistent", "Perseverance", "Persistence" ] }, { "id": 1895, "chinese": "持之有故", "gold": "hold the assertion with reasons", "human": [ "have sufficient grounds for one's views" ], "machine": [ "hold for a reason", "Hold it for a reason", "Hold it for the reason" ] }, { "id": 1896, "chinese": "按兵不动", "gold": "bide one's time", "human": [ "station the troops", "not to make any move", "not throw the troops into battle", "keep troops entrenched", "take no action" ], "machine": [ "stand still", "hold back one's troops without moving", "hold back one's troops" ] }, { "id": 1897, "chinese": "按部就班", "gold": "work strictly by protocol", "human": [ "follow the prescribed order", "keep to conventional ways of doing things", "proceed in order", "step by step", "move in a groove", "learn to creep before you leap", "systematically" ], "machine": [ "on schedule", "follow the prescribed routine", "follow the prescribed schedule", "Follow the schedule" ] }, { "id": 1898, "chinese": "按图索骥", "gold": "locate something by a plan", "human": [ "look for a steed according to the one in the picture", "try to locate something by following up a clue", "search after something according to the track" ], "machine": [ "Follow the picture", "click on the map", "click on the picture", "click on a map", "click on a picture" ] }, { "id": 1899, "chinese": "指不胜屈", "gold": "countless", "human": [ "more than can be counted on the fingers", "very many", "too numerous to be counted on the fingers", "a great many", "innumerable" ], "machine": [ "Invincible", "the finger cannot stand" ] }, { "id": 1900, "chinese": "指鹿为马", "gold": "wilful misrepresentation", "human": [ "call a stag a horse", "talk black into white" ], "machine": [ "refer to a deer as a horse", "making a deer out to be a horse", "making a deer out be a horse" ] }, { "id": 1901, "chinese": "指手画脚", "gold": "pointing and gesticulating", "human": [ "make gestures", "point right and left", "criticize and gesticulate", "carp and cavil", "find fault with", "gesticulate" ], "machine": [ "finger pointing", "explain by waving one's hands", "criticize or give orders" ] }, { "id": 1902, "chinese": "指日可待", "gold": "in the not too distant future", "human": [ "the day is not far off", "can be expected soon", "just round the corner" ], "machine": [ "Just around the corner" ] }, { "id": 1903, "chinese": "指桑骂槐", "gold": "veiled abuse", "human": [ "point at the mulberry and abuse the locust", "scold a person indirectly", "revile the locust while pointing to the mulberry", "scold a person by ostensibly pointing to someone else", "point at one and abuse another", "scold one person through another", "make oblique accusations" ], "machine": [ "sang and curse", "point at the mulberry tree and curse the locust tree", "scold somebody indirectly" ] }, { "id": 1904, "chinese": "挑拨离间", "gold": "incite one against the other", "human": [ "provocation and estrangement", "foment disunity and dissension", "poison the relations between", "drive a wedge between", "sow discord among", "make bad blood between persons", "dissension-sowing" ], "machine": [ "sow discord", "stir up trouble", "sow discord and dissension" ] }, { "id": 1905, "chinese": "挑肥拣瘦", "gold": "difficult to please", "human": [ "pick the fat or choose the lean", "choose whichever is to one's personal advantage", "pick and choose", "fastidious" ], "machine": [ "pick the fat", "pick the fat and choose the skinny" ] }, { "id": 1906, "chinese": "挖空心思", "gold": "rack one's brains for", "human": [ "think hard" ], "machine": [ "rack your brains", "dig in", "Digging in", "dig in and out", "digging in and out" ] }, { "id": 1907, "chinese": "拳打脚踢", "gold": "cuff and kick", "human": [ "beat up" ], "machine": [ "punch and kick", "Punching and kicking" ] }, { "id": 1908, "chinese": "拿手好戏", "gold": "one's forte", "human": [ "a game or trick one is good at", "what one most excels in", "one's speciality", "masterpiece" ], "machine": [ "good show", "Specialty" ] }, { "id": 1909, "chinese": "挨门逐户", "gold": "go from door to door", "human": [], "machine": [ "door to door", "go door-to-door", "door-to-door", "house-to-house" ] }, { "id": 1910, "chinese": "振聋发聩", "gold": "enlighten the benighted", "human": [ "rouse the deaf and awaken the unhearing", "awaken the deaf" ], "machine": [ "Deafening" ] }, { "id": 1911, "chinese": "振振有词", "gold": "speak plausibly and at length", "human": [ "say plausibly", "say presumptuously", "speak in a positive tone" ], "machine": [ "plausible", "speak forcefully and with conviction" ] }, { "id": 1912, "chinese": "挺身而出", "gold": "step out courageously", "human": [ "step forth bravely", "come forward courageously", "bolster oneself up" ], "machine": [ "come forward", "step forward" ] }, { "id": 1913, "chinese": "捉襟见肘", "gold": "be in financial difficulty", "human": [ "expose the elbow when fastening one's jacket - very poor", "pull down one's jacket to conceal the raggedness, only to expose one's elbows", "expose one's elbow when drawing tight the lapel of one's jacket", "have too many difficulties to cope with", "be in straitened circumstances" ], "machine": [ "stretched thin", "strapped for cash", "stretched to the limit", "Stretching the limits" ] }, { "id": 1914, "chinese": "捕风捉影", "gold": "make groundless accusations", "human": [ "chase the wind and clutch at shadows", "wrong", "speak or act on hearsay evidence", "trump up a story" ], "machine": [ "catch the wind", "chasing the wind and clutching at shadows", "groundless accusations" ] }, { "id": 1915, "chinese": "捏手捏脚", "gold": "walk on tiptoe", "human": [ "walk gingerly" ], "machine": [ "pinching hands and feet", "Hand and foot squeezing", "Hand and foot pinching" ] }, { "id": 1916, "chinese": "舍本逐末", "gold": "attend to trifles to the neglect of essentials", "human": [ "grasp the shadow instead of the essence" ], "machine": [ "Go to the bottom of the book", "neglect the root and pursue the end" ] }, { "id": 1917, "chinese": "舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马", "gold": "he who is not afraid of death by a thousand cuts dares to unhorse the emperor", "human": [], "machine": [ "Willing to be cut, dare to pull the emperor off his", "a person who does not fear the death of one's own flesh dares to pull down the emperor's horse" ] }, { "id": 1918, "chinese": "舍己救人", "gold": "sacrifice one's life to save others", "human": [], "machine": [ "sacrifice oneself to save others", "Save yourself to save others" ] }, { "id": 1919, "chinese": "舍己为人", "gold": "sacrifice one's own interests for the sake of others", "human": [ "risk one's life for others", "self-sacrifice" ], "machine": [ "altruism", "Self-sacrifice for others", "Self-sacrifice for people", "Self-sacrificing" ] }, { "id": 1920, "chinese": "舍近求远", "gold": "go for the abstruse and forget the obvious", "human": [ "sacrifice the near for the distant", "seek far and wide for what lies close at hand" ], "machine": [ "far away", "seek far away from near", "seek far away from home" ] }, { "id": 1921, "chinese": "弃车保帅", "gold": "make minor sacrifices to safeguard major interests", "human": [ "give up a rook to save the king in chess" ], "machine": [ "Abandon the car and protect the handsome", "give up the car and save the marshal" ] }, { "id": 1922, "chinese": "舍生取义", "gold": "lay down one's life for a just cause", "human": [ "sacrifice oneself for justice", "die for principle", "prefer honor to life" ], "machine": [ "sacrifice one's life", "give up life for righteousness", "give up life for justice" ] }, { "id": 1923, "chinese": "舍生忘死", "gold": "risk one's life", "human": [ "disregard one's own safety" ], "machine": [ "Forget about dying", "to be a life saver", "to be a life saver and to die" ] }, { "id": 1924, "chinese": "捧腹大笑", "gold": "be convulsed with laughter", "human": [ "split one's sides with laughter", "belly laugh" ], "machine": [ "hilarious", "hilarity" ] }, { "id": 1925, "chinese": "扪心自问", "gold": "search one's heart", "human": [ "examine one's own conscience and ask oneself", "introspect" ], "machine": [ "ask yourself", "Ask yourself this question" ] }, { "id": 1926, "chinese": "卷土重来", "gold": "stage a comeback", "human": [ "make a strong effort to recover lost ground after a defeat", "renew an effort after failure" ], "machine": [ "comeback", "make a comeback", "A comeback", "A return to the past" ] }, { "id": 1927, "chinese": "捷报频传", "gold": "triumphant news keeps pouring in", "human": [ "reports of victory come in quick succession", "reports of new successes keep pouring in" ], "machine": [ "good news", "The success stories are pouring in." ] }, { "id": 1928, "chinese": "捷足先登", "gold": "the early bird catches the worm", "human": [ "the swift-footed arrive first", "the most active will win", "the race is to the swiftest", "victory to the swift-footed", "he that runs fastest gets the ring", "outstrip everyone else" ], "machine": [ "Get ahead", "the quick-footed climb up first", "the first one to go" ] }, { "id": 1929, "chinese": "扫地以尽", "gold": "make a clean sweep", "human": [ "with all swept into the dustpan" ], "machine": [ "sweep the floor", "sweep the floor with all one's might", "sweep the floor with all" ] }, { "id": 1930, "chinese": "掉以轻心", "gold": "lower one's guard", "human": [ "treat something lightly", "let down one's guard", "with casual attitude", "heedless" ], "machine": [ "take it lightly", "treat it lightly", "drop the ball lightly" ] }, { "id": 1931, "chinese": "排难解纷", "gold": "settle disputes", "human": [ "clear up misunderstandings", "pour oil on troubled waters" ], "machine": [ "Troubleshooting", "resolve a difficult situation and solve disputes" ] }, { "id": 1932, "chinese": "排斥异己", "gold": "discriminate against those who hold different views", "human": [ "exclude outsiders" ], "machine": [ "exclusion", "Exclusion of Dissidents", "exclusion of dissenters" ] }, { "id": 1933, "chinese": "排除万难", "gold": "surmount every difficulty", "human": [ "overcome all difficulties" ], "machine": [ "Against all odds", "Eliminate all difficulties", "remove all obstacles", "remove all difficulties" ] }, { "id": 1934, "chinese": "排山倒海", "gold": "with the momentum of an avalanche", "human": [ "topple the mountains and overturn the seas", "with the force of a landslide and the power of a tidal wave" ], "machine": [ "overwhelming", "drain the mountains and overturn the seas", "earth-shattering" ] }, { "id": 1935, "chinese": "挂一漏万", "gold": "for one thing cited, ten thousand may have been left out", "human": [ "the list is far from complete", "record one item while leaving out ten thousand" ], "machine": [ "Hang one leak", "hang one and miss ten thousand" ] }, { "id": 1936, "chinese": "挂羊头,卖狗肉", "gold": "selling horse-meat as beef steak", "human": [ "hang up a sheep's head and sell dog-meat", "try to palm off something inferior to what it purports to be", "sell the dog-meat under the label of the sheep's head", "carry high-sounding but misleading names" ], "machine": [ "Trickery", "Hanging a sheep's head and selling dog meat" ] }, { "id": 1937, "chinese": "采薪之忧", "gold": "sickness", "human": [ "ill", "illness" ], "machine": [ "Worry about salary", "The worry of salary collection", "The worry of salary extraction", "The worry of salary picking", "The worry of salary collecting" ] }, { "id": 1938, "chinese": "探囊取物", "gold": "an easy thing to do", "human": [ "delve into one's pocket to fish out something", "feeling for things in a bag", "take a thing out of his pocket" ], "machine": [ "Exploring the capsule", "in the bag" ] }, { "id": 1939, "chinese": "探骊得珠", "gold": "one grasped the point of the theme", "human": [ "under the black dragon's jaws one obtained a pearl", "one's composition expounded the very essence of the theme which brings out important points from a mass of facts" ], "machine": [ "Exploring Li Dezhu", "see through to the nub" ] }, { "id": 1940, "chinese": "探赜索隐", "gold": "delve into secret facts or principles", "human": [ "make a thorough investigation of hidden things" ], "machine": [ "explore", "explore and conceal" ] }, { "id": 1941, "chinese": "接踵而来", "gold": "come one after another", "human": [ "come on uninterruptedly", "arrive successively", "on the heels of" ], "machine": [ "one after another", "come one after the other" ] }, { "id": 1942, "chinese": "接二连三", "gold": "in quick succession", "human": [ "one after another", "continuously", "repeatedly" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 1943, "chinese": "推波助澜", "gold": "add fuel to the fire", "human": [ "make a stormy sea stormier", "fan the fire" ], "machine": [ "fuel the flames", "push the wave and add fuel to the fire" ] }, { "id": 1944, "chinese": "推本溯源", "gold": "trace the origin", "human": [ "ascertain the causes" ], "machine": [ "Traceability", "Go back to the source", "Go back to the origin" ] }, { "id": 1945, "chinese": "推己及人", "gold": "do unto others what you would do unto yourself", "human": [ "place yourself in another's place" ], "machine": [ "Push yourself and others", "Extend yourself to others", "Extend yourself and others", "Extending oneself to others", "Extending oneself and others" ] }, { "id": 1946, "chinese": "推襟送抱", "gold": "treat somebody with sincerity", "human": [ "deal with somebody in good faith" ], "machine": [ "Push the placket", "pushing in one's bosom and sending in one's arms", "pushing in an embrace" ] }, { "id": 1947, "chinese": "推荐让能", "gold": "select the capable men and put them in power", "human": [ "select the worthy and give place to the able" ], "machine": [ "Recommend to enable", "Recommended to enable", "Recommended to let can", "Recommended to allow", "Recommended for" ] }, { "id": 1948, "chinese": "推心置腹", "gold": "show the greatest consideration or confidence", "human": [ "place one's heart in the body of another man - loyal friendship", "repose full confidence in somebody", "confide in somebody", "the flow of soul" ], "machine": [ "heart to heart", "give one's bare heart into one's belly" ] }, { "id": 1949, "chinese": "推陈出新", "gold": "the new emerging out of the old", "human": [ "weed through the old to bring forth the new", "weed out the old to let the new emerge", "discard what has outlived its time and develop the new", "develop the new through critical assimilation of the old" ], "machine": [ "Innovate", "Pushing the envelope", "Push the envelope", "pushing the boundaries" ] }, { "id": 1950, "chinese": "推三阻四", "gold": "give or given the runaround", "human": [ "decline with all sorts of excuses" ], "machine": [ "push three block four", "use all sorts of excuses", "push and shove" ] }, { "id": 1951, "chinese": "措置裕如", "gold": "manage one's work easily and leisurely", "human": [], "machine": [ "Take care of yourself", "Handle well", "Handle the situation well", "Handle the situation with ease", "Handled well" ] }, { "id": 1952, "chinese": "措手不及", "gold": "be caught unaware", "human": [ "catch somebody bending", "caught with one's pants down", "catch somebody on the wrong foot" ], "machine": [ "caught off guard", "No time to prepare for it.", "It's not enough." ] }, { "id": 1953, "chinese": "掩鼻而过", "gold": "pass by holding one's nose", "human": [ "object to something as being dirty" ], "machine": [ "pass by", "Cover your nose" ] }, { "id": 1954, "chinese": "掩目捕雀", "gold": "self-deception", "human": [ "close the eyes to catch a bird" ], "machine": [ "covert sparrow", "hide one's eyes and catch a bird" ] }, { "id": 1955, "chinese": "掩人耳目", "gold": "cover up story", "human": [ "deceive the public", "hoodwink people" ], "machine": [ "deceive", "pull the wool over people's eyes", "cover people's ears", "fool people" ] }, { "id": 1956, "chinese": "掩耳盗铃", "gold": "self-deception", "human": [ "steal a bell while covering one's ears", "plug one's ears while stealing a bell", "deceive oneself", "run away from one's own shadow", "bury one's head in the sand", "the cat shuts its eyes when stealing cream" ], "machine": [ "stealing the bell", "Covering the ears and stealing the bell" ] }, { "id": 1957, "chinese": "掌上明珠", "gold": "a darling", "human": [ "\"a pearl in the palm\"", "a dearly beloved daughter", "the apple of one's eye" ], "machine": [ "Pearl", "The Pearl in the Palm" ] }, { "id": 1958, "chinese": "提纲挈领", "gold": "bring out the essentials", "human": [ "take a net by the head-rope or a coat by the collaborate", "concentrate on the main points", "bring up the chief points", "give main outline" ], "machine": [ "outline", "outline the main points", "outline and overview" ] }, { "id": 1959, "chinese": "提心吊胆", "gold": "filled with anxiety or fear", "human": [ "breathless with fear", "in great terror", "trembling with fear", "in great suspense and agitation", "have one's heart in one's mouth", "be on tenterhooks" ], "machine": [ "trembling", "scared witless", "be on edge" ] }, { "id": 1960, "chinese": "插科打诨", "gold": "make impromptu comic gestures and remarks", "human": [ "jesting", "buffoonery" ], "machine": [ "gag", "gags" ] }, { "id": 1961, "chinese": "插翅难飞", "gold": "unable to escape even if given wings", "human": [ "even sticking on wings will not help one escape" ], "machine": [ "Hard to fly", "even if you put your wings on it, you can't fly", "impossible to fly", "You can't fly with wings.", "It's hard to fly with wings." ] }, { "id": 1962, "chinese": "扬眉吐气", "gold": "feel proud and elated", "human": [ "a feeling of exaltation upon fulfillment", "hold one's head high" ], "machine": [ "raised eyebrows", "Raise your eyebrows", "Raising eyebrows", "Raise eyebrows" ] }, { "id": 1963, "chinese": "扬汤止沸", "gold": "an ineffectual remedy", "human": [ "try to stop water from boil by scooping it up and pouring it back", "stir the soup to stop boiling", "a temporary redress" ], "machine": [ "Soup to stop boiling", "Stopping the boil by raising the soup" ] }, { "id": 1964, "chinese": "扬长而去", "gold": "swagger off", "human": [ "stride away with one's head in the air", "stalk off" ], "machine": [ "go away", "leave by the end of the day", "leave by the end" ] }, { "id": 1965, "chinese": "揠苗助长", "gold": "try to help the shoots grow by pulling them up", "human": [ "spoil things by excessive enthusiasm", "pull up seedling in mistaken hope of helping it to grow" ], "machine": [ "Seedlings grow", "pulling up seedlings to make them grow", "pulling up seedlings to grow" ] }, { "id": 1966, "chinese": "换汤不换药", "gold": "the same old stuff with a different label", "human": [ "change the liquid but not the drugs - a superficial reform", "a change in form but not in content", "make a superficial change", "old wine in new bottles" ], "machine": [ "Change the soup but not the medicine", "a change in form but not in substance" ] }, { "id": 1967, "chinese": "握手言欢", "gold": "shake hands and make up", "human": [], "machine": [ "shake hands", "shake hands and say goodbye", "shake hands and say hello", "shake hands and talk happy", "shake hands and talk" ] }, { "id": 1968, "chinese": "挥汗如雨", "gold": "drip with sweat", "human": [], "machine": [ "sweat like rain", "sweat like a pig", "sweating like a pig", "sweat like a pig in a puddle" ] }, { "id": 1969, "chinese": "挥金如土", "gold": "spend money like water", "human": [ "squander money like dust", "throw money about like dirt", "be profuse of one's money" ], "machine": [ "spending money", "spend money like dirt" ] }, { "id": 1970, "chinese": "揭竿而起", "gold": "rise in rebellion", "human": [ "raise the standard of revolt", "outbreak of rebellion", "start an uprising" ], "machine": [ "rise up", "unveil the pole", "unveiling of the pole", "unveiling of the rod", "unveil the rod" ] }, { "id": 1971, "chinese": "损人利己", "gold": "gain at others' expense", "human": [ "harm others to benefit oneself", "injure others for the sake of one's own advantage", "seek satisfaction for oneself at the cost of others", "benefit oneself at the expense of others", "reap profits at the expense of others" ], "machine": [ "harm others and benefit oneself", "Harming people for their own benefit" ] }, { "id": 1972, "chinese": "搔首弄姿", "gold": "stroke one's hair coquettishly", "human": [ "be coquettish" ], "machine": [ "scratching the head", "scratching his head", "scratching one's head", "scratching her head", "scratching her hair" ] }, { "id": 1973, "chinese": "摇头摆尾", "gold": "assume an air of complacency", "human": [ "shake the head and wag the tail" ], "machine": [ "shake head", "wag one's head and wag one's tail", "wag one's tail", "wagging one's head and tail" ] }, { "id": 1974, "chinese": "摇旗呐喊", "gold": "voice support for", "human": [ "wave flags and shout battle cries", "bang the drum for somebody", "encouragement given by by-standers", "beat the drums for" ], "machine": [ "wave the flag", "Wave the flag and shout", "Waving the flag" ] }, { "id": 1975, "chinese": "摇唇鼓舌", "gold": "wag one's tongue", "human": [ "flap one's lips and beat one's tongue", "engage in loose talk", "go canvassing" ], "machine": [ "shake lips", "wag one's lips and drum one's tongue" ] }, { "id": 1976, "chinese": "摇身一变", "gold": "suddenly changed", "human": [ "change into another form with one shake of the body", "sudden change of one's attitude, view, etc.", "give oneself a shake and change into another form", "suddenly change one's identity by a sudden metamorphosis", "volte-face" ], "machine": [ "shaken up", "change shape in a single shake", "transform in a single shake", "change shape" ] }, { "id": 1977, "chinese": "摇摇欲坠", "gold": "toppling", "human": [ "shaking as if about to fall", "on the verge of collapse", "hang by a thread", "nod to its fall", "tremble in the balance", "crumbling", "ramshackle", "tumbledown", "tottering" ], "machine": [ "shaky" ] }, { "id": 1978, "chinese": "摇尾乞怜", "gold": "beg like a dog", "human": [ "wag the tail and seek pity", "servile humility", "wag the tail ingratiatingly", "wag the tail and flatter", "fawn on" ], "machine": [ "wagging tail", "begging for mercy by wagging one's tail", "wag one's tail in pity", "begging for pity" ] }, { "id": 1979, "chinese": "搜索枯肠", "gold": "rack one's brains", "human": [], "machine": [ "search for sausage", "search for intestines" ] }, { "id": 1980, "chinese": "搬弄是非", "gold": "make miscues", "human": [ "sow discord", "tell tales" ], "machine": [ "make mischief", "tell tales of wickedness" ] }, { "id": 1981, "chinese": "搬起石头打自己的脚", "gold": "Lift a rock only to have one's toes squashed", "human": [ "lift a rock only to drop it on one's own feet", "be hoist with one's own petard" ], "machine": [ "shoot yourself in the foot", "hoist a petard and beat one's own feet" ] }, { "id": 1982, "chinese": "摧枯拉朽", "gold": "like breaking down a decayed stump", "human": [ "crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood", "smash easily like breaking dry branches", "sweep away all obstacles in the way", "all-powerful" ], "machine": [ "destroy", "Destroying the dead", "Destroying the dead and dying", "Destroyed" ] }, { "id": 1983, "chinese": "摩厉以须", "gold": "grind weapons sharp in preparation", "human": [], "machine": [ "Mo Li Yi beard", "Knight in the form of a moustache", "Knight in the form of a beard" ] }, { "id": 1984, "chinese": "摩肩接踵", "gold": "be jam-packed with people", "human": [ "shoulder to shoulder and closely upon the heels of others", "jostle each other in a crowd" ], "machine": [ "shoulder to shoulder", "rubbing shoulders and following in each other's footsteps", "a thronging crowd", "a throng of people" ] }, { "id": 1985, "chinese": "摩拳擦掌", "gold": "rub hands, clench fists in preparation for a fight", "human": [ "rub one's fists and wipe one's palms", "be eager for a fight" ], "machine": [ "gear up" ] }, { "id": 1986, "chinese": "拨乱反正", "gold": "bring order out of chaos", "human": [ "set to right things which have been thrown into disorder", "turn from heterodoxy to the right path" ], "machine": [ "set things right", "set right what's wrong" ] }, { "id": 1987, "chinese": "拨云见日", "gold": "sweep away the clouds and bring somebody the sunlight", "human": [ "dispel the clouds and see the sun", "restore justice" ], "machine": [ "Clear the clouds and see the sun", "see the light in the clouds" ] }, { "id": 1988, "chinese": "抚今追昔", "gold": "recall the past and compare it with the present", "human": [ "reflect on the past in the light of the present" ], "machine": [ "chasing the past", "look back on the past", "look back upon the past", "Looking back at the past", "look back in time" ] }, { "id": 1989, "chinese": "扑朔迷离", "gold": "complicated and confusing", "human": [], "machine": [ "confusing", "confusing and unpredictable", "confusing and unsettling", "confusion" ] }, { "id": 1990, "chinese": "擅离职守", "gold": "leave one's post without permission", "human": [ "be absent from one's post without leave" ], "machine": [ "AWOL" ] }, { "id": 1991, "chinese": "操之过急", "gold": "over-hastiness", "human": [ "act with undue haste", "act precipitately or impulsively", "too hasty" ], "machine": [ "is too hasty", "over-hasty", "act too quickly", "act too fast", "act too hastily" ] }, { "id": 1992, "chinese": "担惊受怕", "gold": "be in a state of anxiety", "human": [ "feel alarmed" ], "machine": [ "frightened", "feel apprehensive", "be alarmed", "be scared", "be afraid" ] }, { "id": 1993, "chinese": "择善而从", "gold": "follow what is good in others", "human": [ "choose and follow what is good", "find the good way and follow it" ], "machine": [ "choose good", "choose the good and follow it" ] }, { "id": 1994, "chinese": "擒贼先擒王", "gold": "to catch bandits, first catch the ringleader", "human": [ "pay heed to what is important" ], "machine": [ "Catch the thief first catch the king", "Capture the thief before you capture the king", "Capture the thief first." ] }, { "id": 1995, "chinese": "据理力争", "gold": "argue strongly on just grounds", "human": [ "try to convince one's opponent with an argument" ], "machine": [ "fight for reason", "argue strongly for what is right", "contend on strong grounds", "contend on the basis of reason" ] }, { "id": 1996, "chinese": "据为己有", "gold": "appropriate", "human": [ "take forcible possession of", "appropriate to oneself", "make something one's own" ], "machine": [ "own it", "appropriate for oneself", "keep for oneself", "claim as one's own", "take for oneself" ] }, { "id": 1997, "chinese": "擢发难数", "gold": "be too numerous to count", "human": [ "be as countless as the hairs on a head", "be innumerable like the hair on the head" ], "machine": [ "hardship", "It is difficult to count the number of mewtwo" ] }, { "id": 1998, "chinese": "攀龙附凤", "gold": "play up to people of power and influence", "human": [ "put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig" ], "machine": [ "Pan Long Fu Feng", "cling to the dragon and attach to the phoenix", "currying favor with the rich and powerful" ] }, { "id": 1999, "chinese": "支离破碎", "gold": "tear to pieces", "human": [ "broken up", "breaks and cracks", "fragmented", "shattered", "disconnected", "incoherent" ], "machine": [ "fragmentation", "scattered and broken", "fragmented and broken" ] }, { "id": 2000, "chinese": "支吾其词", "gold": "speak evasively", "human": [ "prevaricate with words", "hum and haw", "fence with a question", "equivocate", "quibble" ], "machine": [ "Pretentious", "talk in a roundabout way to cover up the truth", "evasive" ] }, { "id": 2001, "chinese": "收回成命", "gold": "revoke a command", "human": [ "countermand an order" ], "machine": [ "Take it back", "Take back the order", "Recovery of orders", "Take Back Your Order" ] }, { "id": 2002, "chinese": "改头换面", "gold": "make only superficial changes", "human": [ "change the appearance", "dish up in a new form", "change the outside only", "in a disguised form", "try to prettify", "disguise", "camouflaged", "rehashed" ], "machine": [ "makeover", "change your head and face", "Change of face" ] }, { "id": 2003, "chinese": "改天换地", "gold": "change the world", "human": [ "transform heaven and earth", "remake nature" ], "machine": [ "change the sky and change the earth" ] }, { "id": 2004, "chinese": "改过自新", "gold": "start with a clean slate", "human": [ "correct one's errors and make a fresh start", "reform and begin one's life anew", "rectify one's life", "mend one's ways", "turn over a new leaf" ], "machine": [ "Rehabilitation", "reform and start afresh", "to turn over a new leaf", "reform and start over" ] }, { "id": 2005, "chinese": "改邪归正", "gold": "turn over a new leaf", "human": [ "forsake heresy and return to the right way", "forsake evil ways and return to the right", "give up an evil way of life and reform oneself", "give up evil and return to good" ], "machine": [ "rehabilitate", "mend one's ways", "turn back to the right path", "go back to the right path" ] }, { "id": 2006, "chinese": "改弦更张", "gold": "make a fresh start", "human": [ "tune the strings", "change one's plan or policy, etc.", "change over to new ways", "start afresh" ], "machine": [ "change the tune", "change the string and move on" ] }, { "id": 2007, "chinese": "改弦易辙", "gold": "strike out on a new path", "human": [ "tune the string and get out of the old rut", "alter the plan, etc.", "change one's course", "return to right course", "make a new start", "dance to another tune" ], "machine": [ "change course", "change of string, change of rut", "dramatic change of direction" ] }, { "id": 2008, "chinese": "改朝换代", "gold": "change of dynasty or regime", "human": [ "dynastic changes" ], "machine": [ "change of dynasty", "change of dynasties", "a change in dynasty", "a change of dynasties" ] }, { "id": 2009, "chinese": "攻其不备", "gold": "take somebody by surprise", "human": [ "strike where or when the enemy is unprepared", "take advantage of somebody's unpreparedness", "take the enemy at a disadvantage", "catch somebody unaware", "catch a weasel asleep" ], "machine": [ "unprepared", "Attacking the unprepared", "Attacking the unpreparedness" ] }, { "id": 2010, "chinese": "攻城略地", "gold": "take cities and seize territory", "human": [ "take cities by force and seize land by assault" ], "machine": [ "Siege", "Attacking the city", "Attack the city" ] }, { "id": 2011, "chinese": "攻守同盟", "gold": "military alliance", "human": [ "offensive and defensive alliance", "an agreement between partners in crime not to give each other away", "a pact to shield each other" ], "machine": [ "Attacking and defending alliance", "Attack and Defense" ] }, { "id": 2012, "chinese": "攻无不克", "gold": "all-conquering and invincible", "human": [ "ever-victorious" ], "machine": [ "Invincible", "nothing they can't do", "triumph over everything", "nothing they can't handle" ] }, { "id": 2013, "chinese": "放荡不羁", "gold": "be dissolute", "human": [ "unconventional and unrestrained", "have one's full swing", "take the bit between the teeth", "be easy in one's morals" ], "machine": [ "bohemian", "wanton and unrestrained", "dissolute" ] }, { "id": 2014, "chinese": "放虎归山", "gold": "let the tiger back to the mountain", "human": [ "release a tiger that might return to the hills", "lay by trouble for the future", "cause calamity for the future" ], "machine": [ "Let the Tiger Return to the Mountain" ] }, { "id": 2015, "chinese": "放下屠刀,立地成佛", "gold": "a wrongdoer achieves salvation as soon as he gives up evil", "human": [ "a butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver", "lay down one's butcher knife and at once become a Buddha" ], "machine": [ "Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha", "lay down butcher's knife and become a Buddha on the spot" ] }, { "id": 2016, "chinese": "放之四海而皆准", "gold": "valid everywhere", "human": [ "universally applicable" ], "machine": [ "One size fits all", "applicable to all", "applicable to all areas", "applicable everywhere", "applicable anywhere" ] }, { "id": 2017, "chinese": "放长线,钓大鱼", "gold": "adopt a longterm plan to secure something big", "human": [ "throw a long line to catch a big fish" ], "machine": [ "Long line, big fish", "use a long line catch a big fish", "to set a long line and catch a big one" ] }, { "id": 2018, "chinese": "放任自流", "gold": "noninterference", "human": [ "let things drift", "follow one's own inclination", "laissez-faire", "permissive" ], "machine": [ "Let it go", "Indulgence", "Letting things go", "Letting things slide", "Letting go" ] }, { "id": 2019, "chinese": "故步自封", "gold": "limit one's own progress", "human": [ "stand still and refuse to make progress", "do not want to move a step forward", "be complacent and conservative", "ultraconservative and self-satisfied" ], "machine": [ "complacent", "stagnant and conservative", "stagnating and conservative", "stuck in the old ways", "stagnant and self-imposed" ] }, { "id": 2020, "chinese": "故态复萌", "gold": "slip back into one's old ways", "human": [ "the old vice has come upon somebody again", "one's old manners restored", "revert one's old way of life", "go back to one's old way of doing ...", "relapse" ], "machine": [ "revert to old ways", "return to old ways" ] }, { "id": 2021, "chinese": "故弄玄虚", "gold": "make a mystery of something", "human": [ "deliberately turn simple things into mysteries", "make things look unnecessarily mysterious", "be deliberately mystifying", "cast a mist before somebody's eyes" ], "machine": [ "make up mysteries", "make something unnecessarily complicated", "deliberately mystifying", "make something mysterious" ] }, { "id": 2022, "chinese": "故技重演", "gold": "up to one's old trick", "human": [ "play the same old trick", "repetition of the old dodge" ], "machine": [ "old tricks", "repeat an old trick", "replay old tricks", "Repeat the same old trick" ] }, { "id": 2023, "chinese": "效命疆场", "gold": "ready to lay down one's life on the battlefield", "human": [], "machine": [ "serve the battlefield", "serve on the battlefield", "serve on the frontier", "serve in the field" ] }, { "id": 2024, "chinese": "教猱升木", "gold": "give boldness to an evil-doer", "human": [ "teach a monkey to climb a tree" ], "machine": [ "Teach Takamaki", "teach the brisk to ascend the wood", "teach the brisk to ascend", "teach the brisk to rise" ] }, { "id": 2025, "chinese": "教学相长", "gold": "both teachers and students make progress by learning from each other", "human": [ "teaching benefits teacher and students alike", "to the benefit of both teachers and students" ], "machine": [ "Teaching each other", "Teaching for each other", "Teaching and learning together", "Teaching and Learning" ] }, { "id": 2026, "chinese": "救死扶伤", "gold": "heal the wounded and rescue the dying", "human": [], "machine": [ "save lives", "Saving lives and helping the injured" ] }, { "id": 2027, "chinese": "救亡图存", "gold": "save the nation from subjugation and ensure its survival", "human": [ "save one's country from great danger" ], "machine": [ "Save the Nation", "save the nation and save the world" ] }, { "id": 2028, "chinese": "败军之将", "gold": "a defeated general", "human": [], "machine": [ "defeated general", "The defeated general" ] }, { "id": 2029, "chinese": "敝帚自珍", "gold": "cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own", "human": [ "value one's own old broom" ], "machine": [ "Treasure the broom", "I'm not a broomstick.", "I'm not a broom." ] }, { "id": 2030, "chinese": "敢怒而不敢言", "gold": "be forced to keep one's resentment to oneself", "human": [ "daring to be angry, but not daring to show it in speech", "suppress one's rage", "choke with silent fury" ], "machine": [ "Dare to be angry without speaking", "dare not speak out in anger", "dare not speak out", "dare not speak up", "dare not speak out against the" ] }, { "id": 2031, "chinese": "散兵游勇", "gold": "stragglers and disomebodyanded soldiers", "human": [], "machine": [ "straggler", "stragglers and stragglers", "disorganized uncoordinated action" ] }, { "id": 2032, "chinese": "敬酒不吃吃罚酒", "gold": "be constrained to do what one at first declined", "human": [ "refuse a toast only to drink a forfeit", "submit to somebody's pressure after first turning down his request" ], "machine": [ "Toast, do not eat and drink fine", "refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit" ] }, { "id": 2033, "chinese": "敬而远之", "gold": "keep a respectful distance from somebody", "human": [ "respect but do not be too familiar with", "keep one at a distance", "keep somebody at arm's length", "give a wide berth to" ], "machine": [ "stay away", "Respect and stay away", "Respect and stay away from", "Respect and stay away from it" ] }, { "id": 2034, "chinese": "敲骨吸髓", "gold": "suck the life-blood", "human": [ "break the bones and suck the marrow - cruel, bloodsucking exploitation" ], "machine": [ "Bone knocking and marrow aspiration", "bone cracking and marrow-sucking" ] }, { "id": 2035, "chinese": "敲诈勒索", "gold": "extort and racketeer", "human": [ "blackmail and impose exactions on" ], "machine": [ "extortion", "Extortion and blackmail", "Blackmail" ] }, { "id": 2036, "chinese": "敷衍了事", "gold": "muddle through one's work", "human": [ "negligently finish up a matter", "work perfunctorily and let things drift", "shuffle through one's work", "make short shrift of", "rough-and-ready", "perfunctory" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2037, "chinese": "敷衍塞责", "gold": "lie down on the job", "human": [ "perform one's duty in a perfunctory manner", "with a perfunctory gesture", "make a show of doing one's duty", "give a lick and a promise", "be half-hearted about", "perfunctorily" ], "machine": [ "perfunctory", "work half-heartedly", "not take the job seriously", "skimp on the job" ] }, { "id": 2038, "chinese": "数典忘祖", "gold": "be ignorant of the history of one's own country", "human": [ "give all the historical facts except those of one's own ancestors", "forget one's own origins", "forget one's ancestors or ancestral tradition" ], "machine": [ "forgetting ancestors", "recount history but forget one's ancestors", "forget one's roots", "forget one's ancestors" ] }, { "id": 2039, "chinese": "数一数二", "gold": "be considered one of the very best", "human": [ "count at the top, among the best", "ranking very high" ], "machine": [ "number one", "One of the best", "one of the top two" ] }, { "id": 2040, "chinese": "文不对题", "gold": "get off the subject", "human": [ "irrelevant to the subject", "beside the point", "go off on a tangent", "wide off the mark" ], "machine": [ "The text is wrong", "the text is off-topic", "the text is not in order", "the text is out of order" ] }, { "id": 2041, "chinese": "文不加点", "gold": "write well, fast and without need of revision", "human": [ "never blot a line in writing", "have a facile pen", "the writing is faultless" ], "machine": [ "no text", "no point in writing", "no punctuation mark", "no punctuation", "no pun intended" ] }, { "id": 2042, "chinese": "文房四宝", "gold": "the four treasures of the study - stationery requisites", "human": [], "machine": [ "The Four Treasures of the Study", "The Four Treasures of Literature" ] }, { "id": 2043, "chinese": "文恬武嬉", "gold": "the civil officials are indolent and the military officers frivolous", "human": [], "machine": [ "Wen Tian Wu Xi", "Wentianwuxi", "in quiet and gentle manner", "quiet and gentle" ] }, { "id": 2044, "chinese": "文过饰非", "gold": "gloss over one's fault", "human": [ "cover up one's errors by excuses", "conceal faults and gloss over wrongs", "explain away one's errors", "paper over one's errors", "disguise evil conduct", "slur over and excuse one's crimes" ], "machine": [ "Wen Guo pretends to be wrong", "cover up one's faults", "whitewash" ] }, { "id": 2045, "chinese": "文质彬彬", "gold": "be elegant and gentle", "human": [ "elegance and solidity equally combined", "balance of outward grace and solid worth", "be so gentle and refined", "with elegant manners", "gentle" ], "machine": [ "refined in manner" ] }, { "id": 2046, "chinese": "文人相轻", "gold": "writers like to disparage one another", "human": [ "scholars tend to scorn each other" ], "machine": [ "Literati is light", "scholars tend to disparage one another" ] }, { "id": 2047, "chinese": "文如其人", "gold": "the writing mirrors the writer", "human": [ "the style is the man", "like author, like book" ], "machine": [ "Wen as a person", "the writing style mirrors the person" ] }, { "id": 2048, "chinese": "文从字顺", "gold": "readable and fluent", "human": [ "clear and idiomatic" ], "machine": [ "Text follows word order", "the text follows the words" ] }, { "id": 2049, "chinese": "文武双全", "gold": "be adept with both the pen and the sword", "human": [ "be well versed in both polite letters and martial arts", "a man versed in both literature and military affairs", "a man endowed with civil and military virtues" ], "machine": [ "Both civil and military", "both civil and martial arts" ] }, { "id": 2050, "chinese": "斑驳陆离", "gold": "motley-colored", "human": [ "variegated" ], "machine": [ "Dappled" ] }, { "id": 2051, "chinese": "斗筲之人", "gold": "a Philistine", "human": [ "a shallow common man", "a conventional person", "a bromide man", "a formalist", "a pedant" ], "machine": [ "man of shackles", "a small-minded person", "a small-minded man" ] }, { "id": 2052, "chinese": "料事如神", "gold": "foretell things with miraculous accuracy", "human": [ "predict like a prophet" ], "machine": [ "predictable", "have an incredible foresight", "have an uncanny foresight", "prophesy with great accuracy", "prophesy like a god" ] }, { "id": 2053, "chinese": "斤斤计较", "gold": "haggle over every ounce", "human": [ "be calculating and unwilling to make the smallest sacrifice", "square accounts in every detail", "think about personal gains and losses" ], "machine": [ "Calculations", "haggle over every detail" ] }, { "id": 2054, "chinese": "斩钉截铁", "gold": "make it definitely clear", "human": [ "\"chop up nail and cut through iron\"", "show firm determination", "resolute and decisive", "with decision and dispatch", "without mincing words", "resolutely", "categorically", "explicitly", "decisively", "determinately" ], "machine": [ "Chopper", "Chopped", "Chopping and Snapping", "Chopped and Decided" ] }, { "id": 2055, "chinese": "斩草除根", "gold": "stamp out the source of trouble", "human": [ "cut the weeds and dig up the roots", "destroy evil, leaving no chance of its revival", "when cutting weeds, remove the roots as well", "mow grass and pull up the root", "pull up weeds by the root", "pluck up the evil by the roots", "uproot evil", "eliminate the cause of" ], "machine": [ "weeds and roots", "Cut the grass and eliminate the roots" ] }, { "id": 2056, "chinese": "斯文扫地", "gold": "bring disgrace on the intellectuals", "human": [ "the literate is swept into the dust", "disgrace the intelligentsia" ], "machine": [ "Sven sweeps the floor", "be thoroughly discredited", "be thoroughly discouraged", "like a scrape of brass", "like a scrape of earth" ] }, { "id": 2057, "chinese": "新官上任三把火", "gold": "a new broom sweeps clean", "human": [], "machine": [ "Three fires when the new official takes office", "a new government official starts a new job with three fires" ] }, { "id": 2058, "chinese": "新仇旧恨", "gold": "new hatred piled on old", "human": [ "all the old and recent grudge", "old scores and new" ], "machine": [ "old hatred", "old hatred and new hatred", "new feud and old hatred", "old grudges and new hatred" ] }, { "id": 2059, "chinese": "新陈代谢", "gold": "the transition from the old order of things to the new", "human": [ "the process of metabolism", "assimilation of the new and excretion of the old", "the suppression of the old by the new", "metabolism" ], "machine": [ "Metabolic" ] }, { "id": 2060, "chinese": "斫轮老手", "gold": "\"expert wheelwright\" - an old hand", "human": [], "machine": [ "Old Hand", "Veteran hacker", "Veteran hackers" ] }, { "id": 2061, "chinese": "断简残编", "gold": "incomplete parts of ancient scripts", "human": [ "stray fragments of text" ], "machine": [ "Fragments", "Broken Sketches and Remnants.", "Broken Sketches", "Broken Sketches and Residuals" ] }, { "id": 2062, "chinese": "断线风筝", "gold": "a kite with a broken string", "human": [ "a person or thing gone beyond recall" ], "machine": [ "broken line kite", "Broken Kite", "Kite with broken string", "Broken Kites" ] }, { "id": 2063, "chinese": "断章取义", "gold": "take out of context", "human": [ "quote a remark out of its context", "make a deliberate misinterpretation out of context", "garble a statement, etc.", "a garbled quotation" ], "machine": [ "out of context", "take a meaning out of context", "take a meaning from a chapter" ] }, { "id": 2064, "chinese": "方兴未艾", "gold": "rising", "human": [ "just start to grow", "in the ascendant", "be just unfolding", "on the upgrade" ], "machine": [ "on the rise", "on the up" ] }, { "id": 2065, "chinese": "旁敲侧击", "gold": "beat about the bush", "human": [ "attack by innuendo", "make veiled attack", "make oblique references and sly injurious remarks", "make oblique thrusts" ], "machine": [ "sidekick", "sidebar", "side-splitting", "side-splitting attack", "side-splitting remarks" ] }, { "id": 2066, "chinese": "旁征博引", "gold": "quote copiously from many sources", "human": [ "be well-provided with supporting information" ], "machine": [ "citations", "quote from the source", "quote from the side", "quote from a book", "quote by analogy" ] }, { "id": 2067, "chinese": "旁若无人", "gold": "act as if no one was nearby", "human": [ "self-assured or supercilious", "an unwarranted assumption of airs", "overweening" ], "machine": [ "no one else", "act as if no one else is around" ] }, { "id": 2068, "chinese": "旅进旅退", "gold": "have no definite views of one's own", "human": [ "always follow the steps of others, forward or backward" ], "machine": [ "Travel in and out", "Brigade in Brigade out", "Traveling in and out" ] }, { "id": 2069, "chinese": "旋乾转坤", "gold": "effect a drastic change in nature or the established order of a country", "human": [ "move heaven and earth", "have great power and authority", "be able to turn the tide", "be earthshaking" ], "machine": [ "spin dry turn kun", "overturning heaven and earth", "earth-shattering", "a radical change", "a radical change in the world" ] }, { "id": 2070, "chinese": "旗鼓相当", "gold": "be a match for", "human": [ "equal in match or contest of strength", "be well-matched", "a Roland for an Oliver" ], "machine": [ "evenly matched", "Flag and Drum", "Flag and drum are equal", "Flag and drum are on par" ] }, { "id": 2071, "chinese": "旗开得胜", "gold": "win victory in the first battle", "human": [ "win victory as soon as one's banner is displayed", "gain a battle at the unfurling of the flag", "win speedy success", "succeed at the first try" ], "machine": [ "victory", "Flagging Off", "Flagging", "Flagging off a win" ] }, { "id": 2072, "chinese": "既来之,则安之", "gold": "since we are here, we may as well stay and make the best of it", "human": [ "since you have come, take your ease" ], "machine": [ "They come, the security", "If you're here, you're here." ] }, { "id": 2073, "chinese": "既往不咎", "gold": "let bygones be bygones", "human": [ "things that are past, it is needless to blame", "forgive somebody's past misdeeds", "not censure somebody for his past misdeeds", "be let off for one's past misdeeds" ], "machine": [ "Let go of the past", "forget and not bear recriminations", "to let bygones be bygones" ] }, { "id": 2074, "chinese": "日薄西山", "gold": "in one's later days", "human": [ "\"the sun is setting beyond the western hills\" - declining rapidly", "nearing one's end", "decline like the setting sun", "in the evening of life", "the falling sun" ], "machine": [ "sunset", "the sun is thin on the west", "the sun is waning", "the sun is thin" ] }, { "id": 2075, "chinese": "日不暇给", "gold": "fully occupied from morning to night", "human": [ "fully engaged every day" ], "machine": [ "Days are not enough", "too busy for the day", "too busy to give", "too busy to give up" ] }, { "id": 2076, "chinese": "日暮途穷", "gold": "on one's last legs", "human": [ "the day is waning and the road is ending", "approaching the end of one's cays", "be at the end of one's rope", "reach the end of one's tether", "in one's decline", "head for doom" ], "machine": [ "End of the day", "sunset, the end of the road", "in terminal decline", "at a dead end" ] }, { "id": 2077, "chinese": "日理万机", "gold": "busy with a myriad of affairs every day", "human": [ "attend to numerous affairs of state every day", "be occupied with a myriad of state affairs" ], "machine": [ "Daily management", "manage a lot of things on a daily basis", "manage a lot of daily business." ] }, { "id": 2078, "chinese": "日积月累", "gold": "by slow but steady accumulation", "human": [ "accumulate day by day and month by month", "days and months multiplying" ], "machine": [ "over time", "accumulate over time", "accumulates over time" ] }, { "id": 2079, "chinese": "日就月将", "gold": "daily progress and monthly advance", "human": [ "days and months advancing", "gradual progress" ], "machine": [ "day to month", "The day will be the month will be" ] }, { "id": 2080, "chinese": "日新月异", "gold": "never-ending changes and improvements", "human": [ "change rapidly", "change with each passing day", "bring about new changes day after day" ], "machine": [ "changing with each passing day", "Daily changes" ] }, { "id": 2081, "chinese": "日上三竿", "gold": "it's late in the morning", "human": [ "the sun is as high as three poles", "the day is advancing, about 8 or 9 a.m", "the sun is three poles high" ], "machine": [ "Three poles in the sun", "It's three o'clock in the morning.", "It's three o'clock in the sun.", "It's three o'clock at sunrise." ] }, { "id": 2082, "chinese": "日升月恒", "gold": "daily increasing in prosperity", "human": [ "as the rising sun and the waxing moon" ], "machine": [ "sun rises moon constant", "The sun rises and the moon remains constant" ] }, { "id": 2083, "chinese": "日月经天,江河行地", "gold": "eternally unchangeable", "human": [ "as the sun and moon in the heavens, and the rivers flew across the land", "the ceaseless movement of the sun and moon in the skies, as immutable as the rivers on the earth" ], "machine": [ "Days and days, rivers flow", "The sun and the moon go through the sky, the rivers go through the earth" ] }, { "id": 2084, "chinese": "日月如梭", "gold": "time flies", "human": [ "the sun and the moon move back and forth like a shuttle" ], "machine": [ "sun and moon", "The sun and the moon are like a shuttle" ] }, { "id": 2085, "chinese": "旭日东升", "gold": "rise like the early morning sun", "human": [ "the morning sun rises in the east", "the sun rising in the eastern sky", "the sun from the eastern horizon", "in the ascendant" ], "machine": [ "rising sun", "The rising sun rises in the east", "The Rising Sun" ] }, { "id": 2086, "chinese": "昂首阔步", "gold": "stride proudly ahead", "human": [ "stride forward with one's chin up", "march forward with head up and chest out" ], "machine": [ "swagger", "striding forward with head held high" ] }, { "id": 2087, "chinese": "明辨是非", "gold": "make a clear distinction between right and wrong", "human": [], "machine": [ "distinguish right from wrong", "distinguish between right and wrong", "Knowing right from wrong", "Know right from wrong" ] }, { "id": 2088, "chinese": "明眸皓齿", "gold": "bright eyes and white teeth", "human": [], "machine": [ "have bright eyes and white teeth" ] }, { "id": 2089, "chinese": "明目张胆", "gold": "before one's very eyes", "human": [ "in a bare-faced way", "openly and brazenly", "flagrantly" ], "machine": [ "flagrant", "blatantly and brazenly", "blatantly", "brazenly" ] }, { "id": 2090, "chinese": "明来暗往", "gold": "have overt and covert contacts with somebody", "human": [], "machine": [ "open and dark", "come and go in the open", "come and go in secret", "come and go in the dark", "come and go" ] }, { "id": 2091, "chinese": "明火执仗", "gold": "operate in broad daylight", "human": [ "carry torches and weapons in a robbery", "conduct evil activities openly" ], "machine": [ "open fire", "open fire and fight over it", "open fire fighting", "fighting open fire", "fighting openly over fire" ] }, { "id": 2092, "chinese": "明枪暗箭", "gold": "both open and covert attacks", "human": [ "attack by overt and covert means" ], "machine": [ "guns and arrows", "guns in the open and arrows in the dark" ] }, { "id": 2093, "chinese": "明枪易躲,暗箭难防", "gold": "it is easy to dodge a spear in the open, but hard to guard against an arrow shot from hiding", "human": [], "machine": [ "It's easy to dodge the open gun, but it's hard to defend against the dark arrow", "easy dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark" ] }, { "id": 2094, "chinese": "明效大验", "gold": "outstanding effect", "human": [ "clinching proof of the effectiveness" ], "machine": [ "big test", "Ming Hao Da Test", "Ming Hao Dai Test", "Ming Hao Great Test", "Ming Hao Dae Gyeong" ] }, { "id": 2095, "chinese": "明修栈道,暗度陈仓", "gold": "do one thing under cover of another", "human": [ "pretend to prepare to advance along one path while secretly going along another" ], "machine": [ "Ming Xiu plank road, dark Chencang", "cheat under cover of a diversion" ] }, { "id": 2096, "chinese": "明知故犯", "gold": "deliberately break", "human": [ "commit wilfully", "violate knowingly", "with open eyes", "a wilful offence", "do something one knows is wrong" ], "machine": [ "knowingly", "knowingly committing a crime" ] }, { "id": 2097, "chinese": "明知故问", "gold": "feign ignorance and ask questions", "human": [ "one asks, but already knows", "ask while knowing the answer" ], "machine": [ "knowingly ask", "ask a question, knowingly", "ask a question, knowingly, why" ] }, { "id": 2098, "chinese": "明哲保身", "gold": "wise about personal survival", "human": [ "be worldly wise and play safe" ], "machine": [ "Mingzhe protects himself", "a wise man looks after his own hide", "be a wise man", "a wise man looks after himself" ] }, { "id": 2099, "chinese": "明争暗斗", "gold": "overt and covert struggle", "human": [ "both open strife and veiled struggle", "fight with both open and secret means" ], "machine": [ "infighting", "struggling in the light and fighting in the dark" ] }, { "id": 2100, "chinese": "明珠弹雀", "gold": "the loss outweighs the gain", "human": [ "shoot birds with pearls" ], "machine": [ "Pearl Sparrow", "flicking the bird with the pearl" ] }, { "id": 2101, "chinese": "明珠暗投", "gold": "a good man fallen among bad company", "human": [ "cast pearls before swine", "a bright pearl thrown into darkness", "a talented man finds his ability unrecognized", "a valuable thing gained by a person who doesn't know it at all" ], "machine": [ "Pearl dark cast", "cast pearls in secret", "cast pearls in the dark" ] }, { "id": 2102, "chinese": "明察秋毫", "gold": "be perceptive of the minutest detail", "human": [ "have eyes sharp enough to perceive an animal's autumn hair", "able to see the fine down of birds in autumn", "capable of discovering the minutest detail in everything", "be able to penetrate deeply into all things", "see through a brick wall" ], "machine": [ "Insightful", "distinguish right and wrong with acuity" ] }, { "id": 2103, "chinese": "明察秋毫之末,而不见舆薪", "gold": "see the minute details but miss the major issue", "human": [ "be sharp-sighted enough to perceive the tip of an animal's autumn hair but unable to see a cartload of firewood" ], "machine": [ "Seeing the end of the autumn clearly, but not seeing the public salary", "The end of the clear inspection, but not the opinion of the salary" ] }, { "id": 2104, "chinese": "明察暗访", "gold": "observe publicly and investigate privately", "human": [ "investigate openly and secretly" ], "machine": [ "Unannounced visits", "Open inspection and unannounced visits", "Open and secret visits" ] }, { "id": 2105, "chinese": "明日黄花", "gold": "things that are stale and no longer of interest", "human": [ "overblown blossoms" ], "machine": [ "goldenrod", "outdated" ] }, { "id": 2106, "chinese": "明若观火", "gold": "as clear as day", "human": [ "as clear as looking at a fire" ], "machine": [ "Watching the fire", "clear as fire", "clear as a flame", "clear as a fire", "bright as a fire" ] }, { "id": 2107, "chinese": "昏头昏脑", "gold": "absentminded", "human": [ "addleheaded", "muddleheaded", "forgetful" ], "machine": [ "feel dizzy", "dizzy", "confused", "fainting" ] }, { "id": 2108, "chinese": "昏天黑地", "gold": "pitch-dark", "human": [ "in total darkness", "darkness through and through", "dark rule and social disorder", "dizzy" ], "machine": [ "dark and dark", "darkness in the sky", "dark and dusky", "dark and dizzy", "darkness of the sky" ] }, { "id": 2109, "chinese": "昏昏欲睡", "gold": "drowsy", "human": [ "sleepy" ], "machine": [ "Drowsiness" ] }, { "id": 2110, "chinese": "易如反掌", "gold": "like taking candy from a baby", "human": [ "as easy as turning one's hand over", "as easy as turning over one's palm", "as easy as falling off a log", "as easy as pie", "very easy to do" ], "machine": [ "easy", "easy as a hand's turn", "easy as pie" ] }, { "id": 2111, "chinese": "星罗棋布", "gold": "studded with", "human": [ "dotted around like stars in the sky, scattered like the pieces on a chess-board", "as numerous as stars and pieces on the chess-board", "scattered all over like stars and chess-men", "spread all over the place", "scattered about in every direction", "star-studded" ], "machine": [ "Starry Night" ] }, { "id": 2112, "chinese": "星星之火,可以燎原", "gold": "a single spark can start a prairie fire", "human": [ "little chips light great fire" ], "machine": [ "A star's fire can start a prairie fire" ] }, { "id": 2113, "chinese": "星移斗转", "gold": "change of the seasons", "human": [ "change in the positions of the stars", "the movements of the stars", "the flight of time", "passing of night" ], "machine": [ "star shift", "time flies" ] }, { "id": 2114, "chinese": "春风化雨", "gold": "life-giving spring breeze and rain", "human": [ "salutary influence of education" ], "machine": [ "spring breeze", "Spring Wind and Rain", "Spring breeze and rain" ] }, { "id": 2115, "chinese": "春兰秋菊", "gold": "each in its season", "human": [ "spring orchid and autumn chrysanthemum" ], "machine": [ "Spring Orchids and Autumn Chrysanthemums" ] }, { "id": 2116, "chinese": "昭然若揭", "gold": "all too clear", "human": [ "clearly exposed", "be laid before the public", "as plain as when the cover is taken off", "everything above board", "abundantly clear", "clear as daylight", "clear as crystal", "as plain as the nose on one's face", "clear as the sun at noonday" ], "machine": [ "revealing", "clear as day" ] }, { "id": 2117, "chinese": "是非曲直", "gold": "truth and falsehood", "human": [ "rights and wrongs", "merits and demerits" ], "machine": [ "right and wrong", "Right or wrong" ] }, { "id": 2118, "chinese": "是非自有公论", "gold": "the public is the best judge", "human": [ "the public will judge the rights and wrongs of a case" ], "machine": [ "right and wrong", "The right and wrong will be judged by the public" ] }, { "id": 2119, "chinese": "是古非今", "gold": "praise the past to condemn the present", "human": [ "denounce the present and praise antiquity" ], "machine": [ "past and present", "It's the past, not the present" ] }, { "id": 2120, "chinese": "是可忍,孰不可忍", "gold": "how can this be tolerated?", "human": [ "if this could be endured, what else may not?", "if this can be tolerated, what cannot?" ], "machine": [ "Tolerable, unbearable", "What can be tolerated is not tolerated", "What can be tolerated?" ] }, { "id": 2121, "chinese": "时不可失", "gold": "must not lose the opportunity", "human": [], "machine": [ "time not to be lost", "Time cannot be lost", "Time is of the essence" ] }, { "id": 2122, "chinese": "时不我待", "gold": "time and tide wait for no man", "human": [], "machine": [ "no time for me", "Time is not on my side", "Time is of the essence", "Time is not of the essence" ] }, { "id": 2123, "chinese": "时不我与", "gold": "time is running out", "human": [ "lost time is never found again" ], "machine": [ "time not me and", "time is not on my side", "Time is running out." ] }, { "id": 2124, "chinese": "时乖命蹇", "gold": "unfortunate", "human": [ "have bad luck in life", "be born under an evil star", "one's sun is set", "be down on one's luck", "ill-fated" ], "machine": [ "time wise", "bad times, adverse fate", "bad times, unfortunate fate", "bad times, unlucky fate" ] }, { "id": 2125, "chinese": "时势造英雄", "gold": "the times produce their heroes", "human": [], "machine": [ "Times make heroes", "Time makes the hero.", "Time makes the man." ] }, { "id": 2126, "chinese": "时移俗易", "gold": "customs change with the passage of time", "human": [ "other times, other manners" ], "machine": [ "Time goes by", "Time has changed, customs have changed." ] }, { "id": 2127, "chinese": "普天同庆", "gold": "universal rejoicing", "human": [ "the whole world or nation joins in the jubilation" ], "machine": [ "Celebrate with the whole world", "Celebrate with the People", "Celebrate with the whole sky" ] }, { "id": 2128, "chinese": "晴天霹雳", "gold": "a bolt out of the clear sky", "human": [ "a bolt from the blue", "thunderbolt" ], "machine": [ "Clear Sky", "Sunny Day" ] }, { "id": 2129, "chinese": "智者千虑,必有一失", "gold": "even a wise man sometimes makes a mistake", "human": [ "even the wise are not always free from error", "the best workman sometimes blunders", "the greatest are sometimes caught napping", "Homer sometimes nods" ], "machine": [ "A wise man has a thousand worries, and he must make a mistake", "a wise person reflecting a thousand times can still make a mistake", "nobody is infallible" ] }, { "id": 2130, "chinese": "智勇双全", "gold": "combine wisdom with courage", "human": [ "good in astuteness and physical prowess", "possession of sagacity and valour", "both intelligent and courageous", "both brave and resourceful" ], "machine": [ "Wisdom and bravery", "Wisdom and courage", "Wise and brave" ] }, { "id": 2131, "chinese": "晕头转向", "gold": "confused and disoriented", "human": [ "lose one's head", "muddle-headed" ], "machine": [ "dizzy", "confused", "dizzy and confused" ] }, { "id": 2132, "chinese": "暗度陈仓", "gold": "do a thing in secret", "human": [ "advance secretly along an unknown path", "steal a march on" ], "machine": [ "Darkness Chencang", "feign one's own interests in secret", "feign one's own agenda" ] }, { "id": 2133, "chinese": "暗箭伤人", "gold": "stab somebody in the back", "human": [ "wound with a sniping arrow", "injure somebody by underhanded means", "make sniping attacks", "hit below the belt" ], "machine": [ "dark arrow", "a stab in the back", "a hidden arrow hurts someone", "a wounded man in the back" ] }, { "id": 2134, "chinese": "暗中摸索", "gold": "grope in the dark", "human": [], "machine": [ "groping in secret", "Groping in the dark", "Fumble in the dark" ] }, { "id": 2135, "chinese": "暗送秋波", "gold": "leer at", "human": [ "make eyes at somebody while others are not looking", "stealthily give somebody the glad eye", "make secret overture to somebody" ], "machine": [ "ogle", "make eyes at somebody.", "make secret overtures", "make eyes at the dark", "stealthily send a glance" ] }, { "id": 2136, "chinese": "暗无天日", "gold": "total absence of justice", "human": [ "complete darkness", "gross lack of justice under misgovernment" ], "machine": [ "dark", "all is dark", "all is lost", "all black and white", "all is darkness" ] }, { "id": 2137, "chinese": "畅所欲言", "gold": "speak out freely", "human": [ "say exactly as the mind dictates", "speak without any inhibitions", "speak one's mind freely", "express with zest and gusto", "have one's say", "say one's say", "empty the bag" ], "machine": [ "speak freely", "Speak up", "Speak your mind" ] }, { "id": 2138, "chinese": "暮鼓晨钟", "gold": "timely exhortations to virtue and purity", "human": [ "evening drum and morning bell in a monastery" ], "machine": [ "twilight drum morning bell", "Twilight Drum and Morning Bell" ] }, { "id": 2139, "chinese": "暮气沉沉", "gold": "lethargic", "human": [ "apathetic", "lifeless" ], "machine": [ "twilight", "the twilight is dreary", "the twilight is sinking", "the twilight is sunken" ] }, { "id": 2140, "chinese": "暴风骤雨", "gold": "violent storm", "human": [ "tempest", "hurricane" ], "machine": [ "Stormy Weather", "Storm" ] }, { "id": 2141, "chinese": "暴跳如雷", "gold": "hit the ceiling", "human": [ "in a thundering rage", "in a frenzy of rage", "rant and rave", "stamp with fury", "fly into a rage", "go on the rampage", "as savage as a meat axe" ], "machine": [ "fly in a rage", "stampede" ] }, { "id": 2142, "chinese": "暴戾恣睢", "gold": "violently tempered", "human": [ "extremely cruel and despotic", "cross-grained" ], "machine": [ "violent", "violent and unbridled", "violent and wanton", "violent and unrestrained", "violent and uncontrollable" ] }, { "id": 2143, "chinese": "暴露无遗", "gold": "be thoroughly exposed", "human": [ "be completely unmasked" ], "machine": [ "exposed", "Exposure" ] }, { "id": 2144, "chinese": "暴虎冯河", "gold": "be foolhardy", "human": [ "attack a tiger without weapons and cross a river without a boat", "be brave but not resourceful" ], "machine": [ "Tiger Feng He", "fight tiger bare handed and wade through the river" ] }, { "id": 2145, "chinese": "暴殄天物", "gold": "wantonly destroy products of nature", "human": [ "wasteful use of things from Heaven", "waste natural products" ], "machine": [ "Desperate things", "wasteful", "wastefulness" ] }, { "id": 2146, "chinese": "昙花一现", "gold": "vanish as soon as it appears", "human": [ "flower briefly as the broadleaved epiphyllum", "remaining on the scene for only a brief period", "be a flash in the pan", "rare and brief appearance", "a nine days' wonder" ], "machine": [ "short-lived", "The flash in the pan", "The Blip" ] }, { "id": 2147, "chinese": "旷日持久", "gold": "be time-consuming", "human": [ "last for a long time", "long-drawn-out", "protracted", "prolonged" ], "machine": [ "long and drawn-out" ] }, { "id": 2148, "chinese": "曲突徙薪", "gold": "take precautions against a possible damage", "human": [ "bend the chimney and remove the fuel" ], "machine": [ "Qutu migration salary", "wind up and move firewood", "to make a mess of things" ] }, { "id": 2149, "chinese": "曲高和寡", "gold": "too highbrow to be popular", "human": [ "songs of a highbrow type will find very few people to join in the chorus", "highbrow songs find few singers", "caviar to the general public" ], "machine": [ "high and low", "highbrow and lowbrow", "highbrow" ] }, { "id": 2150, "chinese": "曲尽其妙", "gold": "express the subtlety tactfully and finely", "human": [], "machine": [ "do the best", "perfection in every detail", "perfection", "perfect", "perfection in every way" ] }, { "id": 2151, "chinese": "曲意逢迎", "gold": "go out of one's way to curry favor", "human": [ "use every means to fawn on somebody", "flatter somebody in a hundred and one ways" ], "machine": [ "compliment", "flattering", "flatter" ] }, { "id": 2152, "chinese": "更深人静", "gold": "all is quiet in the dead of night", "human": [], "machine": [ "more quiet", "It's late and people are quiet." ] }, { "id": 2153, "chinese": "更上一层楼", "gold": "scale new heights", "human": [ "climb one storey higher", "attain a yet higher goal" ], "machine": [ "Take it to the next level", "Take it up a notch", "Go to the next level", "Taking it to the next level" ] }, { "id": 2154, "chinese": "曾几何时", "gold": "only a short while ago", "human": [ "before long", "not long after", "it was not long before ..." ], "machine": [ "once Upon a time", "not so long ago", "just a while ago", "just a while before", "Just a few moments ago" ] }, { "id": 2155, "chinese": "月下老人", "gold": "matchmaker", "human": [ "the old man under the moon - the god who unites persons in marriage" ], "machine": [ "old man under the moon", "Old Man in the Moon" ] }, { "id": 2156, "chinese": "有备无患", "gold": "be prepared against want", "human": [ "where there is precaution there is no danger", "be prepared and you won't be sorry", "with all precautions taken, one is safe", "preparedness averts peril", "preparedness prevents calamity", "ready for all things", "prepared for a rainy day", "readiness is all" ], "machine": [ "be prepared", "Preparedness is the key to success.", "Preparedness is the key." ] }, { "id": 2157, "chinese": "有板有眼", "gold": "measured", "human": [ "rhythmical", "orderly" ], "machine": [ "rhythmic", "orderly and well-structured", "orderly and well-thought-out" ] }, { "id": 2158, "chinese": "有名无实", "gold": "titular", "human": [ "have the name without the reality", "in name but not in reality", "exist in name only", "merely nominal", "figurehead" ], "machine": [ "Nominal", "has a name but no reality", "exists only in name" ] }, { "id": 2159, "chinese": "有目共睹", "gold": "be obvious to all", "human": [ "be there for all to see", "plain for everybody to see for himself" ], "machine": [ "for all to see", "It's there for all to see", "It is obvious to all", "It's obvious to all" ] }, { "id": 2160, "chinese": "有目共赏", "gold": "win high praise from anyone who sees it", "human": [ "everyone gives praise at sight of", "have a universal appeal", "appreciated by all", "universally approved" ], "machine": [ "Seeing each other", "as everyone can appreciate", "universally appreciated", "as far as the eye can see" ] }, { "id": 2161, "chinese": "有福同享,有祸同当", "gold": "stick together through thick and thin", "human": [ "share joys and sorrows", "share weal and woe" ], "machine": [ "share the blessings and share the misfortunes", "To enjoy blessings and share misfortunes together" ] }, { "id": 2162, "chinese": "有的放矢", "gold": "with a well-defined objective in mind", "human": [ "shoot the arrow at the target", "have a definite object in view" ], "machine": [ "purposeful", "Targeted", "Targeting" ] }, { "id": 2163, "chinese": "有头无尾", "gold": "unfinished", "human": [ "have a beginning but no end", "a thing given up before it is finished", "begin well but fall off towards the close", "leave something half done", "start off but never finish", "give up halfway" ], "machine": [ "head without tail", "start but not finish" ] }, { "id": 2164, "chinese": "有条不紊", "gold": "in an orderly way", "human": [ "everything in good order and well arranged", "with regularity and thoroughness", "without any confusion", "in perfect order", "in regular sequence", "in apple-pie order", "in good shape", "orderly", "methodically", "close-grained", "systematic" ], "machine": [ "methodical", "regular and thorough" ] }, { "id": 2165, "chinese": "有条有理", "gold": "well organized and clearly arranged", "human": [ "very clear and precise", "properly and logically arranged", "methodical", "orderly" ], "machine": [ "well-organized", "methodical and coherent", "methodical and orderly", "organized and methodical" ] }, { "id": 2166, "chinese": "有奶便是娘", "gold": "lick the hand of anyone who throws a few crumbs", "human": [ "whoever suckles me is my mother", "submit oneself to anyone who feeds one" ], "machine": [ "If you have milk, you will be a mother", "If you have milk, you are a mother." ] }, { "id": 2167, "chinese": "有过之而无不及", "gold": "go even farther than", "human": [ "be actually stronger than", "with even greater", "outdo" ], "machine": [ "more than", "It's better than that.", "It's more than that.", "It's not as bad as the others." ] }, { "id": 2168, "chinese": "有口难分", "gold": "find it hard to vindicate oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "Hard to tell", "It's hard to tell the difference between a mouth and a mouth" ] }, { "id": 2169, "chinese": "有口难言", "gold": "become tongue-tied", "human": [ "can hardly speak", "cannot ring oneself to mention something", "find it hard to bring up a matter", "too embarrassing to say" ], "machine": [ "Hard to say", "have a hard time expressing oneself", "have a hard time speaking", "unable speak out" ] }, { "id": 2170, "chinese": "有口皆碑", "gold": "win universal praise", "human": [ "enjoy great popularity among the people", "be universally acclaimed" ], "machine": [ "well-known", "With a good reputation", "With a reputation" ] }, { "id": 2171, "chinese": "有口无心", "gold": "be sharp-tongued but not malicious", "human": [ "say sharp things but cherish no malice" ], "machine": [ "Mouthless", "speak harshly but without any intention of doing so" ] }, { "id": 2172, "chinese": "有机可乘", "gold": "have a chance of", "human": [ "there is an opportunity to take advantage of", "there's a loophole that can be used", "there's a crack to wedge oneself into", "avail oneself of the opportunity" ], "machine": [ "opportunity", "Opportunity to take advantage of", "Opportunity to take advantage" ] }, { "id": 2173, "chinese": "有加无已", "gold": "be on the increase", "human": [ "increase endlessly" ], "machine": [ "There is no end", "without end", "without limit" ] }, { "id": 2174, "chinese": "有教无类", "gold": "with education there is no distinction between classes or races of men", "human": [ "in teaching make no class distinctions", "proper education levels all social classes" ], "machine": [ "Teaching without class", "education for everyone, regardless of race" ] }, { "id": 2175, "chinese": "有其父,必有其子", "gold": "like father, like son", "human": [], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2176, "chinese": "有气无力", "gold": "faint and weak", "human": [ "feeble", "languid", "listless" ], "machine": [ "weak", "weakly and without strength", "dispirited", "breathless" ] }, { "id": 2177, "chinese": "有求必应", "gold": "never refuse a request", "human": [ "respond to every plea", "grant whatever is requested", "grant whatever asked", "always grant requests", "ask and you will receive" ], "machine": [ "responsive", "Whatever you ask for", "Whatever you want" ] }, { "id": 2178, "chinese": "有血有肉", "gold": "true to life", "human": [ "vivid and substantial", "vivid" ], "machine": [ "flesh and blood" ] }, { "id": 2179, "chinese": "有志者事竟成", "gold": "where there is a will there is a way", "human": [ "the man who has a settled purpose will surely succeed", "success goes to the determined" ], "machine": [ "Where there is a will, things come true", "Where there's a will, there's a way." ] }, { "id": 2180, "chinese": "有志之士", "gold": "a person with lofty ideals", "human": [ "a person of noble aspirations" ], "machine": [ "People with lofty ideals", "aspirants", "aspiring person", "aspirant", "aspiring individuals" ] }, { "id": 2181, "chinese": "有朝一日", "gold": "some day", "human": [ "one day" ], "machine": [ "someday" ] }, { "id": 2182, "chinese": "有识之士", "gold": "a man of insight", "human": [ "a person with breadth of vision" ], "machine": [ "people of insight", "knowledgeable people", "knowledgeable person", "educated people" ] }, { "id": 2183, "chinese": "有始有终", "gold": "carry something through to the end", "human": [ "having a beginning and an end", "prosecute to the end", "finish what has been started" ], "machine": [ "beginning and end", "I have a start and a finish", "I have a beginning and an end.", "I'll start and finish." ] }, { "id": 2184, "chinese": "有恃无恐", "gold": "feel reassured and emboldened", "human": [ "with someone at his hack, he does not fear anything", "secure in the knowledge that one has strong backing", "have something secure to rely on", "be emboldened by the support of", "count on one's own cards" ], "machine": [ "fearless", "have the courage to do so", "have the courage to do something." ] }, { "id": 2185, "chinese": "有始无终", "gold": "start something but fail to carry it through", "human": [], "machine": [ "forever and ever", "start but not finish" ] }, { "id": 2186, "chinese": "有声有色", "gold": "quite vivid", "human": [ "full of sound and color", "vivid and dramatic", "a vivid description" ], "machine": [ "impressive", "having sound and color" ] }, { "id": 2187, "chinese": "有则改之,无则加勉", "gold": "\"correct mistakes if you have made any and avoid them if you have not\"", "human": [ "correct mistakes if you have committed them and guard against them if you have not" ], "machine": [ "If there is, change it, if not, add encouragement", "If you do, correct it, if you don't", "If you do, correct it." ] }, { "id": 2188, "chinese": "有案可稽", "gold": "be on record", "human": [ "can be found in records", "be documented" ], "machine": [ "well documented", "there is a case to answer", "There is a case to be made.", "have a case to answer" ] }, { "id": 2189, "chinese": "有一利必有一弊", "gold": "there are both advantages and disadvantages", "human": [ "if there is an advantage, there will surely be something to the contrary", "nothing is perfect" ], "machine": [ "There are pros and cons", "There is one advantage and one disadvantage" ] }, { "id": 2190, "chinese": "有眼不识泰山", "gold": "fail to recognize someone's eminence", "human": [ "have eyes but fail to see Mt. Tai", "entertain an angel unawares" ], "machine": [ "Eyes do not know Mount Tai", "be blind to the fact that there is a mountain", "be blind to the fact" ] }, { "id": 2191, "chinese": "有言在先", "gold": "make clear beforehand", "human": [ "forewarn", "as agreed before" ], "machine": [ "speak first", "There are words first", "There are words in advance" ] }, { "id": 2192, "chinese": "有眼无珠", "gold": "unable to discriminate", "human": [ "have eyes without pupils", "have eyes but see not", "lack of discernment", "eyes and no eyes" ], "machine": [ "Eyes but no beads", "have eyes but no pearls", "have eyes but no pearl", "have eyes but not pearls" ] }, { "id": 2193, "chinese": "有闻必录", "gold": "jot down all one has heard of", "human": [], "machine": [ "It must be recorded", "Heard and recorded", "Hearsay" ] }, { "id": 2194, "chinese": "有勇无谋", "gold": "be foolhardy", "human": [ "have valor but lack strategy", "be brave but not resourceful", "more brave than wise" ], "machine": [ "Reckless", "bold but not very resourceful", "bold but not resourceful", "brave but not resourceful", "brave but not very resourceful" ] }, { "id": 2195, "chinese": "朋比为奸", "gold": "gang up", "human": [ "conspire for illegal ends", "associate to plot treason", "act in collusion with", "collude" ], "machine": [ "gang", "conspire with others", "conspire", "conspire with" ] }, { "id": 2196, "chinese": "望梅止渴", "gold": "vain hope", "human": [ "gaze at plums to quench one's thirst", "quench one's thirst by thinking of plums", "imagined satisfaction", "feed on fancies" ], "machine": [ "quench thirst", "Quench your thirst for plums", "Quench your thirst with plums" ] }, { "id": 2197, "chinese": "望风披靡", "gold": "flee pell-mell", "human": [], "machine": [ "Invincible", "look out for the wind and cloak it all in style", "be invincible by the wind" ] }, { "id": 2198, "chinese": "望风而逃", "gold": "flee at the mere sight of the oncoming force", "human": [ "run away at rumor of approach" ], "machine": [ "look out for the wind", "look for the wind and flee", "look to the wind and flee", "look for the wind and run", "look to the wind and run" ] }, { "id": 2199, "chinese": "望尘莫及", "gold": "hopelessly behind", "human": [ "see the dust raised by a person but be unable to overtake him", "so far behind that one can only see the dust of the rider ahead", "too far behind to catch up", "too inferior to bear comparison", "fall far behind", "cannot catch up with" ], "machine": [ "out of reach", "Look no further", "Look beyond your reach", "Look no further than the dust" ] }, { "id": 2200, "chinese": "望而却步", "gold": "shrink back at the sight of", "human": [ "flinch" ], "machine": [ "stay away", "shy away from", "flinch at the prospect", "flinch at" ] }, { "id": 2201, "chinese": "望而生畏", "gold": "inspire awe even from a distance", "human": [ "be terrified by the sight of somebody or something", "awe-inspiring" ], "machine": [ "intimidated", "intimidate at the first glance", "overwhelming", "intimidate by the look of it" ] }, { "id": 2202, "chinese": "望眼欲穿", "gold": "have long been looking forward with eager expectancy", "human": [ "bore through with both eyes by gazing of a long-expectant attitude", "anxiously gaze till one's eyes are strained", "jock for with impatient expectancy", "expect to see somebody who never comes" ], "machine": [ "eager to see", "anxiously await" ] }, { "id": 2203, "chinese": "望洋兴叹", "gold": "view with despair the vast ocean or vast work to be done", "human": [ "lament one's littleness before the vast ocean", "bemoan one's inadequacy in the face of a great task", "gaze at the ocean and complain of its infinitude" ], "machine": [ "Excited", "gaze at the ocean and lament" ] }, { "id": 2204, "chinese": "望文生义", "gold": "take the words too literally", "human": [ "interpret without real understanding" ], "machine": [ "Just as literal", "a far-fetched interpretation" ] }, { "id": 2205, "chinese": "朝不保夕", "gold": "be in a precarious state", "human": [ "not know in the morning what may happen in the evening" ], "machine": [ "Precarious", "living from hand to mouth", "imminent crisis" ] }, { "id": 2206, "chinese": "朝不谋夕", "gold": "live from hand to mouth", "human": [ "be unable to plan out one's day", "be preoccupied with the current crisis", "live in constant fear for one's livelihood", "cannot keep the wolf from the door" ], "machine": [ "in a hurry", "make no plans for the morning and the evening", "make no plans for the future" ] }, { "id": 2207, "chinese": "朝发夕至", "gold": "start at dawn and arrive at dusk", "human": [], "machine": [ "day to day", "morning departure and evening arrival", "morning and evening" ] }, { "id": 2208, "chinese": "朝令夕改", "gold": "inconstant in policy", "human": [ "issue an order in the morning and rescind it in the evening", "the orders at the morning countermanded at night", "make frequent changes in policy" ], "machine": [ "Changes from day to day", "make frequent or unpredictable changes in policy" ] }, { "id": 2209, "chinese": "朝气蓬勃", "gold": "full of vigor and vitality", "human": [ "full of youthful spirit", "dynamic and vigorous", "imbued with vitality", "bubble over with life", "teem with life and vitality", "brim over with high spirits", "full of beans", "fresh and vigorous", "brisk and energetic" ], "machine": [ "full of vigor", "energetic", "energetic and dynamic", "energetic and vigorous" ] }, { "id": 2210, "chinese": "朝秦暮楚", "gold": "fickle and inconstant", "human": [ "\"serve the State of Chin in the morning and the State of Chu in the evening\"", "quick to switch sides", "change one's loyalty constantly" ], "machine": [ "Chao Qin Mu Chu", "serve Qin in the morning Chu in the evening", "quick switch sides" ] }, { "id": 2211, "chinese": "朝三暮四", "gold": "blow hot and cold", "human": [ "play fast and loose", "chop and change", "shift and veer", "capricious", "changeable" ], "machine": [ "Three to four", "say three in the morning but four in the evening", "change something. that is already settled upon" ] }, { "id": 2212, "chinese": "期期艾艾", "gold": "stutter", "human": [], "machine": [ "Period Ai Ai", "I'm looking forward to it.", "I'm looking forward to this." ] }, { "id": 2213, "chinese": "木本水源", "gold": "the foundation or cause of things", "human": [ "the root of wood and the source of water" ], "machine": [ "woody water source", "Wooden water source", "Woody Water", "Wooden Water" ] }, { "id": 2214, "chinese": "木已成舟", "gold": "too late to change", "human": [ "the wood is already made into a boat", "what's done is done", "what is done cannot be undone", "the die is cast" ], "machine": [ "The boat is done", "the timber has been turned in a boat already" ] }, { "id": 2215, "chinese": "未卜先知", "gold": "foresee", "human": [ "have foresight", "foretell" ], "machine": [ "prophet", "unpredictable", "unpredictability", "predictable", "predictability" ] }, { "id": 2216, "chinese": "未能免俗", "gold": "cannot but follow conventional practice", "human": [ "be unable to rise above the conventions", "have to follow the customs" ], "machine": [ "not exempt", "unable break the custom", "not exempt from the custom", "not exempt from custom" ] }, { "id": 2217, "chinese": "未老先衰", "gold": "decrepit before old age", "human": [ "prematurely senile", "old before one's age" ], "machine": [ "age prematurely", "age before one's prime", "age before one's time", "age before one's years" ] }, { "id": 2218, "chinese": "未可厚非", "gold": "give no cause for much criticism", "human": [ "do not censure", "be not altogether inexcusable" ], "machine": [ "unaccountable", "not be blamed", "not be censured", "not be blamed for", "not be blamed for anything" ] }, { "id": 2219, "chinese": "未雨绸缪", "gold": "save against a rainy day", "human": [ "provide against a rainy day", "provide against the future", "take precautions", "have thy cloak made for when it begins to rain", "cast an anchor to windward" ], "machine": [ "plan ahead", "Prepare for a rainy day", "Save for a rainy day", "Prepare for the rainy days" ] }, { "id": 2220, "chinese": "本末倒置", "gold": "turn things inside out", "human": [ "take the branch for the root", "put the incidental before the fundamental", "attend to the superficials and neglect the essentials", "put the cart before the horse" ], "machine": [ "Putting the cart before the horse" ] }, { "id": 2221, "chinese": "本来面目", "gold": "true colors", "human": [ "the original expression", "the natural form" ], "machine": [ "The original face" ] }, { "id": 2222, "chinese": "本性难移", "gold": "it is difficult to alter one's character", "human": [ "the leopard cannot change his spots", "the wolf may grow grey but never good" ], "machine": [ "Difficulty moving", "It is hard to change one's nature." ] }, { "id": 2223, "chinese": "朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨", "gold": "while the rich wine and dine, the poor die of cold by the roadside", "human": [ "while there comes the reek of wines and meats that rot inside the red-painted doors of the rich, the bones of many poor people who have frozen to death are strewn on the road", "behind these vermillion gates meat and wine go to waste, but along the road are bones of men who have frozen to death" ], "machine": [ "While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone", "smell of wine and flesh at the gate of Zhu, there are bones frozen in the road" ] }, { "id": 2224, "chinese": "朽木不可雕", "gold": "decayed wood cannot be carved - said of a useless man", "human": [ "one cannot carve on rotten wood - intractable person" ], "machine": [ "Dead wood cannot be carved", "rotten wood cannot be carved", "rotten wood can't be carved", "rotten wood is not carved", "rotten wood cannot be sculpted" ] }, { "id": 2225, "chinese": "朽木粪土", "gold": "good-for-nothing", "human": [ "decayed wood and a wall of filthy earth", "a worthless man", "rotten wood and dirt", "useless stuff", "good-for-nought" ], "machine": [ "dead wood manure", "rotten wood and dung", "rotten wood, dung and dirt", "rotten wood, dung and earth" ] }, { "id": 2226, "chinese": "李代桃僵", "gold": "sacrifice oneself for another person", "human": [ "palm off a substitute for the real thing", "substitute one thing for another", "change this for that" ], "machine": [ "Li Dai Tao Zong", "carry the can for somebody." ] }, { "id": 2227, "chinese": "杞人忧天", "gold": "unnecessary anxiety", "human": [ "like the man of Chi who was haunted by the fear that the sky might fall", "entertain imaginary or groundless fears", "superfluous worry" ], "machine": [ "unfounded", "the fears of the wolves" ] }, { "id": 2228, "chinese": "束之高阁", "gold": "bundle something up and place it on the shelf", "human": [ "lay aside and neglect", "put aside from duty", "put something away unheeded", "shelve", "pigeonhole" ], "machine": [ "shelving", "tied up in a bundle", "put something on the back burner", "put on the shelf", "shelve it on a high shelf" ] }, { "id": 2229, "chinese": "束手待毙", "gold": "wait helplessly for death", "human": [ "fold one's hands and await destruction", "wait for death with tied hands", "wait for one's doom with folded arms", "resign oneself to extinction" ], "machine": [ "wait to die", "hands tied and waiting for death", "hands tied and waiting to die", "hands tied and ready to die" ] }, { "id": 2230, "chinese": "束手就擒", "gold": "allow oneself to be seized without putting up a fight", "human": [ "submit to arrest with folded arms" ], "machine": [ "catch up", "hands tied and captured" ] }, { "id": 2231, "chinese": "束手束脚", "gold": "undue caution", "human": [ "over-cautiousness" ], "machine": [ "tie hands and feet", "hands tied and feet tied", "hands tied", "unable do anything about it" ] }, { "id": 2232, "chinese": "束手无策", "gold": "not know which way to turn", "human": [ "be like having one's hands tied", "without resource", "he at a loss what to do", "find oneself in the mire", "feel quite hopeless", "at one's wit's end", "nail-biting" ], "machine": [ "helpless", "No help at all", "No help", "No help at hand" ] }, { "id": 2233, "chinese": "杯盘狼藉", "gold": "with wine glasses and plates spread all over a dining-table", "human": [ "stacks of cups and dishes - scene of big dinner", "with cups and dishes lying about in disorder after a feast" ], "machine": [ "Cup and plate mess", "cups and plates in disarray", "cups and plates in disorder", "cups and plates in a mess" ] }, { "id": 2234, "chinese": "杯弓蛇影", "gold": "extremely suspicious", "human": [ "mistaking the reflection of a bow in the cup for a snake", "see a serpent's image in a wine cup", "self-created suspicion", "imaginary fears" ], "machine": [ "see a bow reflected in a cup as a snake", "unnecessary suspicions" ] }, { "id": 2235, "chinese": "杯水车薪", "gold": "try to extinguish the fire of a cartload of firewood with a cup of water", "human": [ "trying to put out a burning cart-load of faggots with a cup of water", "an utterly inadequate measure", "a useless attempt" ], "machine": [ "a drop in the bucket", "a cup of water on a burning cart of firewood" ] }, { "id": 2236, "chinese": "杳如黄鹤", "gold": "nowhere to be found", "human": [ "disappear like the yellow crane" ], "machine": [ "Yao Ru Huang Crane", "disappear like a yellow crane", "disappear like a crane" ] }, { "id": 2237, "chinese": "杳无音讯", "gold": "no news of somebody for a long time", "human": [ "no tidings have been heard for a long time", "there has been no news whatsoever about somebody", "have never been heard of since" ], "machine": [ "no audio", "no news from anywhere", "no trace of any news", "no trace of any news at all", "no trace of the news" ] }, { "id": 2238, "chinese": "东奔西跑", "gold": "rush about", "human": [ "run around here and there", "bustle about" ], "machine": [ "run around", "run east and west", "Running East and West" ] }, { "id": 2239, "chinese": "东拼西凑", "gold": "scrape together", "human": [ "knock together" ], "machine": [ "patchwork", "put together something from scratch", "put together from scratch" ] }, { "id": 2240, "chinese": "东拉西扯", "gold": "ramble", "human": [ "drag in all sorts of irrelevant matters", "pull one way and drag another", "talk at random", "rambling or irrelevant talk" ], "machine": [ "gossiping", "talk about this and that", "to ramble incoherently", "talk about something" ] }, { "id": 2241, "chinese": "东鳞西爪", "gold": "odds and ends", "human": [ "here a little, there a little", "bits and pieces", "fragments" ], "machine": [ "east scale west claw", "eastern scales and western claws", "east scale and west claw" ] }, { "id": 2242, "chinese": "东张西望", "gold": "gaze around", "human": [], "machine": [ "looking around", "look around" ] }, { "id": 2243, "chinese": "东施效颦", "gold": "Tung Shi, an ugly woman, knitting her eyebrows in imitation of the famous beauty Hsi Shi only to make herself uglier", "human": [ "blind imitation with ludicrous effect", "blindly copying others and making oneself look foolish" ], "machine": [ "Dong Shi Xiao frown", "East is better than West", "East is better than the other." ] }, { "id": 2244, "chinese": "东山再起", "gold": "stage a comeback", "human": [ "return to a previous stage", "get re-established" ], "machine": [ "comeback", "East Hill Resurgence", "East Mountain Revisited", "East Mountain Revival" ] }, { "id": 2245, "chinese": "枉费心机", "gold": "rack one's brains in vain", "human": [ "have had all one's pains for nothing", "rack one's brains without results", "waste one's efforts", "fruitless efforts", "go on a wild goose chase" ], "machine": [ "in vain", "waste of effort", "waste effort", "wasteful" ] }, { "id": 2246, "chinese": "枕戈待旦", "gold": "maintain combat readiness", "human": [ "lie with one's head pillowed on a spear, waiting for day to break", "be ready for battle", "with spear for a pillow awaiting dawn", "sleep on one's arms till morning await the order for battle", "eagerly", "all set lo start the battle", "in fighting trim", "in battle array" ], "machine": [ "Waiting for the day", "Pillow to the ground", "Pillowed spear" ] }, { "id": 2247, "chinese": "枯木逢春", "gold": "get a new lease on life", "human": [ "spring comes to the withered tree", "a withered tree comes to life again" ], "machine": [ "Withered trees meet spring", "The spring of a withered tree", "A spring in a withered tree", "A spring in a dry tree" ] }, { "id": 2248, "chinese": "枵腹从公", "gold": "serve others without salary", "human": [ "attend to official duties on an empty stomach" ], "machine": [ "belly from the public", "Hollow from the public", "Hollow from public" ] }, { "id": 2249, "chinese": "查无实据", "gold": "investigation reveals no evidence against the suspect", "human": [], "machine": [ "no evidence", "no real evidence", "no real evidence to check", "no real evidence of the facts" ] }, { "id": 2250, "chinese": "栩栩如生", "gold": "true to life", "human": [ "like real life", "lifelike", "living" ], "machine": [ "Life-like", "Realistic" ] }, { "id": 2251, "chinese": "根深蒂固", "gold": "deeply rooted", "human": [ "the root is deep and the branches strong", "have a firm foundation", "become deeply ingrained in", "ingrained", "inveterate" ], "machine": [ "deep-rooted", "Deep roots" ] }, { "id": 2252, "chinese": "格格不入", "gold": "be ill-adapted to", "human": [ "cannot get along with one another", "cannot fit one another", "incompatible with", "out of tune with", "feel out of one's element", "like a square peg in a round hole", "be alien to" ], "machine": [ "out of place", "incompatible", "out of character", "out of step" ] }, { "id": 2253, "chinese": "格杀勿论", "gold": "kill with lawful authority", "human": [ "to slay a man who is resisting lawful authority will not be accounted as murder", "kill on the spot with the authority of the law", "capture and summarily execute" ], "machine": [ "shoot to kill", "kill without prejudice", "kill without discrimination", "kill without prejudice to" ] }, { "id": 2254, "chinese": "桀犬吠尧", "gold": "everyone acts according to the nature of the man whom he serves", "human": [ "the tyrant Chieh's cur yapping at the sage King Yao", "utterly unscrupulous in it's zeal to please its master", "Chieh's dog barked at Yao" ], "machine": [ "Jie Dog Feiyao", "The cruel dogs bark at each other.", "The cruel dogs bark at you." ] }, { "id": 2255, "chinese": "桀骜不驯", "gold": "stubborn and intractable", "human": [ "obstinate and unruly" ], "machine": [ "unruly", "untamed and untamed", "arrogant and untamed", "untamed" ] }, { "id": 2256, "chinese": "桃李满天下", "gold": "have students everywhere", "human": [], "machine": [ "Peach and plum all over the world", "The world is full of peach and plum", "Peach and plum" ] }, { "id": 2257, "chinese": "梁上君子", "gold": "burglar", "human": [ "\"gentleman on the beam\"" ], "machine": [ "thief", "The gentleman on the beam" ] }, { "id": 2258, "chinese": "绠短汲深", "gold": "it's beyond one whose ability is limited", "human": [ "if the rope is short, it cannot reach the deep water" ], "machine": [ "short and deep", "well-rope short and draw deep", "well-rope and draw depths", "well-rope and draw deep", "well-rope and draw depth" ] }, { "id": 2259, "chinese": "条分缕析", "gold": "make a careful and detailed analysis", "human": [ "analyse point by point", "point by point exposition" ], "machine": [ "strip analysis", "analyze in detail", "arrange items in detail", "arrange and analyze" ] }, { "id": 2260, "chinese": "枭首示众", "gold": "cut off a person's head and hang it up as a warning to all", "human": [], "machine": [ "Owl's head in public", "beheaded and displayed in public", "behead" ] }, { "id": 2261, "chinese": "梳妆打扮", "gold": "be dressed up", "human": [ "deck oneself out", "dress smartly" ], "machine": [ "dress up", "grooming and dressing", "grooming", "dress up and groom" ] }, { "id": 2262, "chinese": "弃甲曳兵", "gold": "flee pell-mell", "human": [ "throw away one's armor and trail the weapons", "behind", "drag weapons and abandon armor in a rout", "be routed" ], "machine": [ "Abandoning Armor and Drifting", "abandoning armor and trailing soldiers" ] }, { "id": 2263, "chinese": "弃旧图新", "gold": "turn over a new leaf", "human": [ "reject the old for the new", "start afresh" ], "machine": [ "Abandon the old and picture the new", "Abandoning the old for the new" ] }, { "id": 2264, "chinese": "弃如粪土", "gold": "cast away like dirt", "human": [], "machine": [ "abandoned like dung", "discard as dirt", "discarded like dirt", "discarded as dirt", "throw away like dirt" ] }, { "id": 2265, "chinese": "弃若敝履", "gold": "cast aside like an old shoe", "human": [ "be left in the basket" ], "machine": [ "Abandoned", "discard as good as worn-out shoes", "discard as good as worn out" ] }, { "id": 2266, "chinese": "弃暗投明", "gold": "leave the reactionary side and cross over to the side of progress", "human": [ "forsake darkness and cross over to brightness", "leave the darkness and come to the light" ], "machine": [ "Abandon the dark to the light", "give up the darkness and turn to the light" ] }, { "id": 2267, "chinese": "棋逢对手", "gold": "even-matched", "human": [ "meet one's match in a chess tournament", "be well-matched in a contest", "find one's match", "diamond cuts diamond", "when Greek meets Greek, then comes the tug of war" ], "machine": [ "Chess against opponents", "meet your match", "Meet the Match" ] }, { "id": 2268, "chinese": "森罗万象", "gold": "everything under the sun", "human": [ "myriads of things" ], "machine": [ "Vientiane", "Morrowind", "Senro", "Moro", "Moriros" ] }, { "id": 2269, "chinese": "业精于勤", "gold": "efficiency comes from diligence", "human": [], "machine": [ "Diligence", "Excellence in work lies in diligence." ] }, { "id": 2270, "chinese": "荣华富贵", "gold": "high position and great wealth", "human": [ "glory, splendor, wealth and rank", "honor and wealth" ], "machine": [ "Prosperity and wealth", "glory, wealth and prosperity", "glory and wealth" ] }, { "id": 2271, "chinese": "枪林弹雨", "gold": "a hail of bullets", "human": [], "machine": [ "Guns and Bullets", "Gunfire", "Guns and Bombs" ] }, { "id": 2272, "chinese": "概莫能外", "gold": "without exception", "human": [ "admit no exception whatsoever" ], "machine": [ "no exception", "there is no exception to this rule", "there is no exception", "no exceptions to this rule" ] }, { "id": 2273, "chinese": "乐不可支", "gold": "extremely happy", "human": [ "overwhelmed with joy", "overjoyed" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed" ] }, { "id": 2274, "chinese": "乐不思蜀", "gold": "so happy as to be unwilling to return home", "human": [ "indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty" ], "machine": [ "Reluctant to think about Shu", "I can't stop thinking about it.", "I don't want to be happy" ] }, { "id": 2275, "chinese": "乐极生悲", "gold": "extreme joy begets sorrow", "human": [ "drunken days have all their tomorrows" ], "machine": [ "Joy begets sorrow", "extreme joy turns sorrowful", "extreme joy turns sorrow", "extreme joy turns into sorrow", "extreme joy turns to sorrow" ] }, { "id": 2276, "chinese": "乐善好施", "gold": "be prodigal of benefactions", "human": [], "machine": [ "be kind", "Goodness and charity", "Goodwill and charity" ] }, { "id": 2277, "chinese": "标新立异", "gold": "create something new and original", "human": [ "start something new in order to be different", "do something unconventional or unorthodox", "uphold what is new and establish what is distinctive" ], "machine": [ "unconventional", "new and different", "new and innovative" ] }, { "id": 2278, "chinese": "模棱两可", "gold": "ambiguous", "human": [ "ready to accept either course", "in an equivocal way cut both ways", "shift and hedge", "betwixt and between", "fence-sitting", "on the line" ], "machine": [ "equivocate", "equivocal" ] }, { "id": 2279, "chinese": "树碑立传", "gold": "glorify somebody by erecting a monument to him and writing his biography", "human": [ "build up somebody's public image", "glorify somebody by singing the praises of his life", "sing in praise and eulogy of" ], "machine": [ "Build a monument", "Monument to the biography", "Monument to the biography of", "Monumental biography" ] }, { "id": 2280, "chinese": "树大招风", "gold": "a person in high position is liable to be attacked", "human": [ "a tall tree catches the wind" ], "machine": [ "being targeted", "a tall tree attracts the wind" ] }, { "id": 2281, "chinese": "树倒猢狲散", "gold": "rats leave a sinking ship", "human": [ "when the tree falls the monkeys scatter", "when an influential person falls from power, his hangers-on disperse", "monkeys disperse when a tree falls", "members run away when a family or institution falls" ], "machine": [ "Fallen tree hozen scattered", "Rats leave a sinking ship.", "Rats from a sinking ship" ] }, { "id": 2282, "chinese": "树高千丈,叶落归根", "gold": "a person residing away from home eventually returns to his native soil", "human": [ "a tree may grow a thousand chang high, but its leaves fall back to its roots" ], "machine": [ "Trees are thousands of feet tall, leaves fall back to their roots", "The tree is a thousand feet tall, the leaves return to their roots" ] }, { "id": 2283, "chinese": "树欲静而风不止", "gold": "contradictions and problems exist in ourselves and in the world though we want to get away from them", "human": [ "the tree desires stillness but the wind will not cease", "the trees may prefer calm but the wind will not subside" ], "machine": [ "The tree wants to be still but the wind is not", "the world will never cease to change" ] }, { "id": 2284, "chinese": "机不可失,时不再来", "gold": "don't lose a golden opportunity; it is never found again", "human": [ "don't let slip an opportunity", "it may never come again", "now of never" ], "machine": [ "Now or never", "Opportunity is not lost, time is of the essence" ] }, { "id": 2285, "chinese": "横七竖八", "gold": "in disorder", "human": [ "at sixes and sevens", "higgledy-piggledy", "topsy-turvy" ], "machine": [ "all over the place", "in all directions", "in disarray" ] }, { "id": 2286, "chinese": "横行霸道", "gold": "tyrannize", "human": [ "act against law and reason", "play the tyrant", "truculently and tyrannically", "ride roughshod", "run wild", "lord it over", "domineer" ], "machine": [ "Domineering", "rule as a despot" ] }, { "id": 2287, "chinese": "横行无忌", "gold": "run amuck", "human": [ "do evil outrageously" ], "machine": [ "rampant", "go on a rampage", "go on the rampage", "go on rampage" ] }, { "id": 2288, "chinese": "横征暴敛", "gold": "cruelly exploit the people with exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies", "human": [ "extort illegal taxes and levies", "levy exorbitant taxes", "bleed the people white with taxes" ], "machine": [ "Excessive levy" ] }, { "id": 2289, "chinese": "横冲直撞", "gold": "jostle and elbow one's way", "human": [ "push one's way by shoving", "colliding right and left", "dash around madly", "reckless action", "barge about", "go on the rampage", "rampage" ], "machine": [ "Bashing" ] }, { "id": 2290, "chinese": "横生枝节", "gold": "side issues or new problems unexpectedly crop up", "human": [ "trouble arising at every hand", "raise obstacles", "deliberately complicate an issue" ], "machine": [ "cross section" ] }, { "id": 2291, "chinese": "横扫千军", "gold": "sweep away the enemy", "human": [ "sweep all before one" ], "machine": [ "Total Annihilation", "sweep away a thousand troops", "sweep away a thousand armies", "sweep across a thousand troops", "sweep across a thousand armies" ] }, { "id": 2292, "chinese": "栉风沐雨", "gold": "travel or work despite wind and rain", "human": [ "be combed by the wind and washed by the rain", "expose oneself to the winds and rains in travel", "travel all the time" ], "machine": [ "Combating wind and rain", "comb one's hair in the wind and wash it in the rain" ] }, { "id": 2293, "chinese": "权衡轻重", "gold": "weigh up the matter carefully", "human": [ "weigh up one thing against another" ], "machine": [ "balance", "Weighing up the priorities", "Weighing the priorities", "Weigh the priorities" ] }, { "id": 2294, "chinese": "权宜之计", "gold": "a makeshift", "human": [ "a measure of expediency", "temporary expedient", "stopgap measures" ], "machine": [ "stopgap", "stopgap measure", "stop-gap measure", "expedient plan" ] }, { "id": 2295, "chinese": "欣喜若狂", "gold": "leap with joy", "human": [ "be mad with joy", "go wild with joy", "be as happy as a lark", "exult" ], "machine": [ "ecstatic", "be ecstatic" ] }, { "id": 2296, "chinese": "欣欣向荣", "gold": "full of life and vigor", "human": [ "growing prosperity", "springing up vigorously", "a lively", "atmosphere", "on the upgrade", "thriving", "flourishing", "prosperous" ], "machine": [ "Thrive" ] }, { "id": 2297, "chinese": "欲罢不能", "gold": "try to stop but cannot", "human": [ "unable to stop even though one wants to", "cannot refrain from carrying out", "cannot help carrying on" ], "machine": [ "can't stop", "can't stop thinking about it" ] }, { "id": 2298, "chinese": "欲盖弥彰", "gold": "the harder one tries to conceal a thing, the more it attracts attention", "human": [ "the more one tries to hide, the more one is exposed", "the more one tries to cover up, the more one is exposed to public view", "the more concealed, the more conspicuous", "who excuses himself, accuses himself" ], "machine": [ "Want to cover up", "want to cover up the obvious.", "want to cover up the details", "want to cover up the truth" ] }, { "id": 2299, "chinese": "欲壑难填", "gold": "avarice knows no bounds", "human": [ "greed is like a valley that can never be filled", "the covetous are never satisfied" ], "machine": [ "Insatiable desire", "bottomless pit of desire", "insatiable greed" ] }, { "id": 2300, "chinese": "欲加之罪,何患无辞", "gold": "if you are out to condemn somebody, you can always trump up a charge", "human": [ "if you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he ate the frying pan" ], "machine": [ "If you want to add a crime, why not worry", "To add insult to injury, how can one say that?" ] }, { "id": 2301, "chinese": "欲擒故纵", "gold": "leave somebody at large to better apprehend him", "human": [ "let the enemy off in order to catch him", "allow somebody more latitude first to keep a tighter rein on him afterwards" ], "machine": [ "play hard", "loosen the reins only when you can't catch them" ] }, { "id": 2302, "chinese": "欲取姑与", "gold": "make concessions for the sake of future gains", "human": [ "in order to take, one must first give", "give in order to take" ], "machine": [ "want to marry", "to be taken with", "to be taken with the" ] }, { "id": 2303, "chinese": "欲速则不达", "gold": "haste brings no success", "human": [ "haste does not bring success", "things done in a hurry cannot be done well", "haste makes waste", "more haste, less speed", "too swift arrives as tardy as too stow" ], "machine": [ "Haste is not enough", "If you want to go fast, you can't go fast enough" ] }, { "id": 2304, "chinese": "钦差大臣", "gold": "an imperial envoy", "human": [ "an imperial commissioner" ], "machine": [ "Imperial envoy", "Imperial Secretary", "Imperial Secretary of State" ] }, { "id": 2305, "chinese": "欺世盗名", "gold": "win popularity by cheap means", "human": [ "unsound scholarship", "gain the fame by deceiving the public", "angle for undeserved fame" ], "machine": [ "deceive the world", "deceive the world and steal its reputation" ] }, { "id": 2306, "chinese": "欺人太甚", "gold": "bully others too much", "human": [ "go too far in insult" ], "machine": [ "deceiving too much", "Bullying is too much", "Bullying too much", "Bullying", "Bullying people too much" ] }, { "id": 2307, "chinese": "欺人之谈", "gold": "deceptive talk", "human": [ "deceitful words" ], "machine": [ "bullying", "deceitful talk", "bullying talk" ] }, { "id": 2308, "chinese": "欺软怕硬", "gold": "bully the weak and fear the strong", "human": [], "machine": [ "bully the soft and fear the hard", "bullying the weak and fearing the hard" ] }, { "id": 2309, "chinese": "歌功颂德", "gold": "heap praises and eulogies on", "human": [ "eulogize somebody's virtues and achievements", "chant one's praises and sing of somebody's virtue", "sing the praises of somebody", "flattery and exaggerated praise" ], "machine": [ "sing praises", "sing somebody's praises" ] }, { "id": 2310, "chinese": "歌舞升平", "gold": "celebrate peace by singing and dancing", "human": [ "sing and dance to extol the good time", "pat on a false show of peace and prosperity" ], "machine": [ "Peacefulness", "make a show of happiness and prosperity", "make a show of happiness." ] }, { "id": 2311, "chinese": "叹为观止", "gold": "acclaim as the acme of perfection", "human": [], "machine": [ "breathtaking", "awe-inspiring", "amazed" ] }, { "id": 2312, "chinese": "欢天喜地", "gold": "extremely delighted", "human": [ "extravagant joy and rejoicing", "rapt to the seventh heaven", "be in raptures", "tread on air", "as pleased as one can be", "filled with joy", "with boundless joy", "wild with joy", "with great delight", "overjoyed" ], "machine": [ "rejoice", "with great joy", "with joy", "with great pleasure" ] }, { "id": 2313, "chinese": "欢欣鼓舞", "gold": "be elated and inspired", "human": [ "be filled with exultation", "highly elated", "full of joy and enthusiasm", "dance for joy", "rejoice", "jubilantly" ], "machine": [ "elated" ] }, { "id": 2314, "chinese": "欢声雷动", "gold": "cheers resound like rolls of thunder", "human": [ "burst into thunders of applause", "a thundering applause", "thunderous cheers" ], "machine": [ "cheers", "thunderous roar of joy", "thunderous roar of laughter", "thunderous roar", "thunder of joy" ] }, { "id": 2315, "chinese": "正本清源", "gold": "thoroughly overhaul", "human": [ "deal with the root and cleanse the source", "radical reform", "reform from the bottom" ], "machine": [ "Original clear source", "Get to the root of the matter", "Get to the bottom of it", "Get to the root" ] }, { "id": 2316, "chinese": "正襟危坐", "gold": "be completely serious", "human": [ "straighten one's clothes and sit properly" ], "machine": [ "Sit upright", "sit upright and still", "sit upright in one's seat", "Sitting upright" ] }, { "id": 2317, "chinese": "正中下怀", "gold": "be just what one hopes for", "human": [ "that is exactly my idea", "become exactly what one wants", "fit in exactly with one's wishes", "after one's heart" ], "machine": [ "midway", "exactly what one wants", "exactly what you want", "exactly what is wanted", "just what one wants" ] }, { "id": 2318, "chinese": "正人君子", "gold": "gentleman", "human": [ "a man of honor" ], "machine": [ "A gentleman of integrity", "A gentleman of honor", "A gentleman with integrity" ] }, { "id": 2319, "chinese": "正颜厉色", "gold": "put on a stern countenance", "human": [ "with a severe and harsh countenance", "look serious and severe", "sedate and grave" ], "machine": [ "solemn in countenance" ] }, { "id": 2320, "chinese": "此地无银三百两", "gold": "a guilty person gives himself away by conspicuously protesting his innocence", "human": [ "\"no 300 taels of silver buried here\"" ], "machine": [ "There is no silver three hundred taels here", "300 silver taels not found here" ] }, { "id": 2321, "chinese": "此起彼伏", "gold": "ebb and flow", "human": [ "rising here and subsiding there", "as one falls, another rises", "rise one after another", "in a wavelike fashion" ], "machine": [ "one after another" ] }, { "id": 2322, "chinese": "步步为营", "gold": "consolidate at every step", "human": [ "advance gradually and entrench oneself at every step", "make a stand at every step", "a bastion at every step", "take precautions at every step" ], "machine": [ "step by step" ] }, { "id": 2323, "chinese": "步调一致", "gold": "keep pace with", "human": [ "march in step", "fall into step" ], "machine": [ "in step", "Uniformity of pace", "Uniform pace", "Unison of pace" ] }, { "id": 2324, "chinese": "步履维艰", "gold": "have difficulty walking", "human": [ "walk with difficulty" ], "machine": [ "struggling" ] }, { "id": 2325, "chinese": "步人后尘", "gold": "trail along behind others", "human": [ "follow in somebody's footsteps", "tread in the footprints of somebody", "step into someone's shoes", "come upon somebody's heels", "follow in the wake of somebody" ], "machine": [ "follow in other people's footsteps" ] }, { "id": 2326, "chinese": "歪风邪气", "gold": "unhealthy trends and evil practices", "human": [ "evil winds and noxious influences", "perverse trends", "gust of evil wind" ], "machine": [ "evil spirits", "noxious winds and evil influences", "noxious winds, evil influences", "noxious winds and evil spirits" ] }, { "id": 2327, "chinese": "历历在目", "gold": "leap up vividly before the eyes", "human": [ "clearly reappear before one's eyes", "come clearly into view" ], "machine": [ "vividly", "vividly in your mind", "vividly in front of you", "vividly in mind", "vividly in the mind" ] }, { "id": 2328, "chinese": "归根结蒂", "gold": "in the end", "human": [ "in the final analysis", "in the long run", "come down to the bedrock", "boil down to", "get to the root of the problem", "after all", "finally" ], "machine": [ "When it comes down to it", "Ultimately" ] }, { "id": 2329, "chinese": "归心似箭", "gold": "impatient to get back", "human": [ "a mind bent on returning is like an arrow", "with one's heart set on speeding home", "anxious to return" ], "machine": [ "Returning like an arrow", "The heart of returning is like an arrow", "The Heart of Return" ] }, { "id": 2330, "chinese": "死不瞑目", "gold": "die with a grievance or everlasting regret", "human": [ "not close one's eyes when one dies", "die with injustice unredressed or with one's wishes not fulfilled" ], "machine": [ "dead", "dead but not in peace", "death does not end in peace", "death is not a good idea" ] }, { "id": 2331, "chinese": "死皮赖脸", "gold": "brazen-faced and unreasonable", "human": [ "thick-skinned and hard to shake off" ], "machine": [ "dead skinned", "brazen faced", "brazen", "shamelessly" ] }, { "id": 2332, "chinese": "死马当活马医", "gold": "make every possible effort", "human": [ "doctor a dead horse as if it were still alive", "not give up for lost", "try last resort to save a hopeless situation" ], "machine": [ "dead horse as a living horse doctor", "give medicine to a dead horse", "to keep trying everything in a desperate situation" ] }, { "id": 2333, "chinese": "死得其所", "gold": "die a worthy death", "human": [], "machine": [ "die well", "A good death", "A death well earned" ] }, { "id": 2334, "chinese": "死里逃生", "gold": "escape by the skin of one's teeth", "human": [ "barely escape with one's life", "escape by a hair's breadth", "have a narrow escape", "a close shave" ], "machine": [ "escape", "Survival of the Dead", "Surviving the death", "Survival by death" ] }, { "id": 2335, "chinese": "死灰复燃", "gold": "come to life again", "human": [ "the dying ashes burn again", "the buried past comes alive again", "dying embers flaring up again", "rise again from the ashes" ], "machine": [ "resurgence", "the ashes return to life", "the ashes return" ] }, { "id": 2336, "chinese": "死记硬背", "gold": "mechanical memorizing", "human": [ "learn by rote" ], "machine": [ "rote", "learn by heart" ] }, { "id": 2337, "chinese": "死气沉沉", "gold": "dull", "human": [ "lose one's vitality", "without vitality", "without animation", "politically apathetic", "like a log", "lifeless", "spiritless", "stagnant", "dreary", "inert" ], "machine": [ "Dead air", "Deadly atmosphere" ] }, { "id": 2338, "chinese": "死去活来", "gold": "hovering between life and death", "human": [ "half dead", "half alive" ], "machine": [ "dead and alive", "Dead or Alive" ] }, { "id": 2339, "chinese": "死心塌地", "gold": "be hell-bent on", "human": [ "death will not make him change", "of an unchangeable disposition", "be dead set on" ], "machine": [ "stubbornly", "Dead Set", "Dead set on the ground", "dead set on the job" ] }, { "id": 2340, "chinese": "死有余辜", "gold": "even death would be too good for him", "human": [ "one's crime deserves more than death", "even death would not expiate all one's crimes" ], "machine": [ "dead for nothing", "death deserves to die", "death deserves to live", "death deserves to be punished" ] }, { "id": 2341, "chinese": "死无对证", "gold": "the dead cannot bear witness", "human": [], "machine": [ "dead without proof", "No proof of death", "No evidence of death", "the dead cannot testify" ] }, { "id": 2342, "chinese": "死于非命", "gold": "die an unnatural death", "human": [], "machine": [ "to die", "die in an unnatural way", "die in an untimely death", "die in a fatal way", "die in a fatal accident" ] }, { "id": 2343, "chinese": "殊途同归", "gold": "reach the same goal by different routes", "human": [ "different roads lead to the same goal", "arrive at the same end by different means", "all roads lead to Rome" ], "machine": [ "same destination", "different routes to the same destination" ] }, { "id": 2344, "chinese": "殊深轸念", "gold": "express deep solicitude for", "human": [], "machine": [ "Deeply miss", "lam deeply concerned", "lam deeply concerned about", "I'm deeply concerned" ] }, { "id": 2345, "chinese": "残杯冷炙", "gold": "leftovers", "human": [ "remains of a meal", "a scrappy dinner", "broken victuals", "crumbs from the table" ], "machine": [ "leftover cup", "The glass is broken and cold", "The glass is broken", "The glass is cold" ] }, { "id": 2346, "chinese": "残兵败将", "gold": "remnants of a routed army", "human": [], "machine": [ "remnants of the army", "ruined army, defeated general" ] }, { "id": 2347, "chinese": "残缺不全", "gold": "fragmentary", "human": [ "incomplete" ], "machine": [ "Dismemberment", "Dismembered", "Disfigured", "Disfigurement" ] }, { "id": 2348, "chinese": "残渣余孽", "gold": "the dregs of the old society", "human": [ "evil elements from the old society", "dregs and remnant evil elements", "dross and remnant evils", "dregs and leftover evils" ], "machine": [ "leftovers", "Residuals", "Remnants", "Residue", "Remnants of the residue" ] }, { "id": 2349, "chinese": "残山剩水", "gold": "the remaining remnants of national territory", "human": [], "machine": [ "Remnants of mountains and water", "Remaining Mountains and Waters", "Remaining Mountains and Water", "Remaining Mountains" ] }, { "id": 2350, "chinese": "殷鉴不远", "gold": "past examples serving as a warning to later generations are not far to seek", "human": [ "one need not look far for a lesson" ], "machine": [ "Yin Jian is not far", "an important lesson is not far away" ] }, { "id": 2351, "chinese": "杀回马枪", "gold": "wheel around and hit back", "human": [ "make a backward thrust at one's pursuer" ], "machine": [ "back to the carbine", "shoot back", "shoot back in time", "shoot back in one's tracks", "shoot back in the air" ] }, { "id": 2352, "chinese": "杀鸡警猴", "gold": "punish somebody as a warning to others", "human": [ "kill the chicken to frighten the monkey" ], "machine": [ "Kill the chicken police monkey", "killing the chicken warn the monkey", "to punish an individual as an example to others", "pour encourager les autres" ] }, { "id": 2353, "chinese": "杀鸡取卵", "gold": "kill the hen to get all its eggs", "human": [ "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs" ], "machine": [ "Kill the chicken and get the eggs", "kill the chicken and take the egg" ] }, { "id": 2354, "chinese": "杀鸡焉用牛刀", "gold": "what's the need for using a large knife to kill a fowl?", "human": [ "why should one break a butterfly upon the wheel?", "is it necessary to use a steam-hammer to crack nuts?", "how could people use a sledge-hammer on a gnat?" ], "machine": [ "Use a knife to kill a chicken", "don't use a sledgehammer on a nutcase" ] }, { "id": 2355, "chinese": "杀气腾腾", "gold": "have plenty of fight in one", "human": [ "with a murderous look on one's face", "be out to kill", "see things bloodshot", "bellicose" ], "machine": [ "murderous", "ferocious", "murderous-looking" ] }, { "id": 2356, "chinese": "杀身成仁", "gold": "die for a just cause", "human": [ "die to achieve virtue", "sacrifice one's life to preserve", "one's integrity" ], "machine": [ "Kill yourself", "kill oneself and become a benevolent being", "kill oneself and become a hero" ] }, { "id": 2357, "chinese": "杀人不见血", "gold": "kill without spilling blood", "human": [ "kill by subtle means", "destroy a person by smooth strategy" ], "machine": [ "Kill without blood", "Killing without blood" ] }, { "id": 2358, "chinese": "杀人不眨眼", "gold": "kill without batting an eyelid", "human": [ "slaughter people without blinking an eye", "murder somebody in cold blood", "be trigger-crazy", "bloodthirsty" ], "machine": [ "Kill without blinking", "Killing without blinking" ] }, { "id": 2359, "chinese": "杀人灭口", "gold": "kill all so that there won't be any eye-witness left", "human": [], "machine": [ "kill", "kill someone to silence them", "kill a person to silence him", "kill a person to silence them" ] }, { "id": 2360, "chinese": "杀人如麻", "gold": "kill people like flies", "human": [ "commit innumerable murders" ], "machine": [ "Murder like hemp", "kill people like scything flax", "kill people like scything", "kill people like sack of flax" ] }, { "id": 2361, "chinese": "杀人越货", "gold": "kill a person and seize his goods", "human": [ "murder for property" ], "machine": [ "murder", "kill people and cross the border" ] }, { "id": 2362, "chinese": "杀一儆百", "gold": "execute one as a warming to a hundred where", "human": [ "punish one as an example to others" ], "machine": [ "Kill one to warn one hundred", "kill one to warn a hundred", "kill one to warn others" ] }, { "id": 2363, "chinese": "毁于一旦", "gold": "be destroyed in a moment", "human": [], "machine": [ "ruined", "Destroyed in one piece", "ruined in one piece", "Destroyed in one go", "ruined in one go" ] }, { "id": 2364, "chinese": "毅然决然", "gold": "firmly", "human": [ "put one's foot down", "determinedly", "wilfully", "resolutely" ], "machine": [ "Resolute", "Resolve" ] }, { "id": 2365, "chinese": "每逢佳节倍思亲", "gold": "on festive occasions more than ever we think of our dear ones far away", "human": [], "machine": [ "Thinking of relatives every festive season", "Thinking of your family at every festive season" ] }, { "id": 2366, "chinese": "每况愈下", "gold": "steadily deteriorate", "human": [ "get worse every time", "go from bad to worse", "be on the downgrade", "go down the drain", "from smoke into smother" ], "machine": [ "getting worse", "deteriorate steadily", "deteriorate daily", "deteriorating", "deteriorate each day" ] }, { "id": 2367, "chinese": "比比皆是", "gold": "can be seen everywhere", "human": [ "they are everywhere", "all like that", "a universal phenomenon" ], "machine": [ "everywhere", "abound", "There are more than enough", "There are more than a few", "There are many" ] }, { "id": 2368, "chinese": "比肩接踵", "gold": "be crowded with people", "human": [ "walk shoulder-to-shoulder", "follow in the footsteps of another", "crowd around", "jostle each other" ], "machine": [ "shoulder to shoulder", "shoulder-to-shoulder", "shoulder-to-shoulder contact" ] }, { "id": 2369, "chinese": "比上不足,比下有余", "gold": "worse off than some, better off than many", "human": [ "fall short of the best but be better than the worst", "contented to be middling", "can pass muster" ], "machine": [ "Less than above, more than below", "can't compare with the best but can't compare with the worst" ] }, { "id": 2370, "chinese": "毛骨悚然", "gold": "make one's flesh creep", "human": [ "with one's hear standing on end", "with every hair erect", "make one's blood run cold", "freeze somebody's blood", "have goose flesh", "horror-stricken" ], "machine": [ "creepy", "absolutely horrified", "absolutely terrified", "creeped out" ] }, { "id": 2371, "chinese": "毛手毛脚", "gold": "perverted", "human": [ "nasty", "indecent" ], "machine": [ "hairy feet", "carelessly and haphazardly", "grope", "get fresh hands and feet", "paw" ] }, { "id": 2372, "chinese": "毛遂自荐", "gold": "volunteer one's services", "human": [ "offer one's services as Mao Sui did", "self-recommendation for a post or task" ], "machine": [ "self-recommendation", "volunteer for the job", "volunteer for a job", "volunteer" ] }, { "id": 2373, "chinese": "毫不在乎", "gold": "do not give a dime", "human": [], "machine": [ "don't care", "couldn't care less", "couldn't give a damn", "couldn't give a damn about it", "couldn't give a damn about" ] }, { "id": 2374, "chinese": "毫厘不爽", "gold": "without the slightest error", "human": [ "not the least loss", "just right" ], "machine": [ "unhappy", "the slightest difference", "a hundred percent", "a hundred percent accurate", "a thousand percent" ] }, { "id": 2375, "chinese": "毫无二致", "gold": "identical", "human": [ "exactly the same", "without the least difference" ], "machine": [ "indistinguishable", "there is no difference", "there can be no difference", "there is no difference between" ] }, { "id": 2376, "chinese": "民不聊生", "gold": "live on the edge of starvation", "human": [ "the people have no means of livelihood", "the people are utterly destitute", "the masses live in dire poverty", "make life impossible for the people" ], "machine": [ "People are not living", "no way for the people to live", "no way of getting by" ] }, { "id": 2377, "chinese": "民不畏死,奈何以死惧之", "gold": "the people fear no death, why threaten them with it?", "human": [], "machine": [ "People are not afraid of death, but how can they be afraid of death?", "The people are not afraid of death, why should they be afraid of death?" ] }, { "id": 2378, "chinese": "民穷财尽", "gold": "the people suffer privation and the country has depleted its resources", "human": [ "a complete bankruptcy" ], "machine": [ "The people are exhausted", "the people are impoverished, their means exhausted", "drive the nation to bankruptcy" ] }, { "id": 2379, "chinese": "民脂民膏", "gold": "flesh and blood of the people", "human": [ "the fat of the people", "the people's life-blood" ], "machine": [ "Minzhi Min Cream", "the people's blood, sweat and tears", "the people's blood and sweat" ] }, { "id": 2380, "chinese": "民生凋敝", "gold": "a mass impoverishment", "human": [ "the people live in destitution" ], "machine": [ "People's livelihood is dying", "the people's livelihood is in ruins" ] }, { "id": 2381, "chinese": "民以食为天", "gold": "food is the first necessity", "human": [ "the masses regard sufficient food as their heaven" ], "machine": [ "People take food as their heaven", "Food is the God of the people.", "Food first" ] }, { "id": 2382, "chinese": "民怨沸腾", "gold": "seething popular discontent", "human": [ "the people are boiling with resentment" ], "machine": [ "Public grievance boils over", "seething discontent", "popular grievances boil over", "seething public discontent" ] }, { "id": 2383, "chinese": "气吞山河", "gold": "imbued with a spirit that can conquer mountains and rivers", "human": [ "full of daring" ], "machine": [ "swallowing mountains and rivers", "swallowing the mountains", "swallow the mountains", "swallow mountains" ] }, { "id": 2384, "chinese": "气贯长虹", "gold": "full of noble aspiration and daring", "human": [ "imbued with a spirit as lofty as a rainbow spanning the sky" ], "machine": [ "Qi penetrates Changhong", "Gas through the rainbow", "Gas through the long rainbow" ] }, { "id": 2385, "chinese": "气急败坏", "gold": "flustered and exasperated", "human": [ "utterly discomfited" ], "machine": [ "Out of breath" ] }, { "id": 2386, "chinese": "气息奄奄", "gold": "at death's door", "human": [ "at the end of one's resources", "at one's last gasp", "like a person who is sinking at the point of death", "moribund", "dying" ], "machine": [ "dying of breath", "dying of exhaustion" ] }, { "id": 2387, "chinese": "气象万千", "gold": "majestic", "human": [ "a magnificent and changeful prospect", "spectacular" ], "machine": [ "Meteorological", "Atmosphere", "Weather", "Atmospheric", "Atmospheres" ] }, { "id": 2388, "chinese": "气壮山河", "gold": "full of power and grandeur", "human": [ "sublime and heroic", "magnificent" ], "machine": [ "Magnificent mountains", "Magnificent Mountain" ] }, { "id": 2389, "chinese": "气势磅礴", "gold": "of a great momentum", "human": [ "powerful" ], "machine": [ "majestic", "Magnificent" ] }, { "id": 2390, "chinese": "气势汹汹", "gold": "be in a very threatening manner", "human": [ "an aggressive posture", "fierce", "truculent", "overbearing", "arrogantly" ], "machine": [ "aggressive", "raging" ] }, { "id": 2391, "chinese": "气焰嚣张", "gold": "be swollen with arrogance", "human": [], "machine": [ "arrogance", "arrogant and unyielding", "arrogant and unrestrained", "arrogant", "arrogant and aggressive" ] }, { "id": 2392, "chinese": "气味相投", "gold": "people of the same tastes", "human": [ "be of the same cast of mind", "be like-minded", "be birds of a feather", "be two of a kind", "be congenial to each other" ], "machine": [ "similar smells", "share similar tastes", "share a similar taste", "share a common taste", "share the same taste" ] }, { "id": 2393, "chinese": "水到渠成", "gold": "something achieved without effort", "human": [ "where water flows, a channel is formed", "when conditions are ripe, success will come", "a canal is formed when water comes" ], "machine": [ "A matter of course", "Water to water" ] }, { "id": 2394, "chinese": "水滴石穿", "gold": "constant effort brings success", "human": [ "dripping water wears through a rock", "constant dropping wears away a stone", "little strokes fell great oaks" ], "machine": [ "water drops", "Water drips through the stone", "Water drips through a stone." ] }, { "id": 2395, "chinese": "水落石出", "gold": "the truth is out", "human": [ "when the water subsides the rocks emerge", "the whole thing comes to light", "doubts will clear up when facts are known", "the truth will prevail in the end", "everything is thrashed out", "the murder is out" ], "machine": [ "unearthed", "The water is revealed." ] }, { "id": 2396, "chinese": "水火不相容", "gold": "irreconcilable", "human": [ "be incompatible as fire and water", "water and fire are antagonistic", "mutual aversion", "exclude each other like fire and water", "agree like cats and dogs" ], "machine": [ "water and fire incompatibility", "Fire and water are incompatible", "Fire and water do not mix" ] }, { "id": 2397, "chinese": "水火无情", "gold": "floods and fires have no mercy for anybody", "human": [], "machine": [ "ruthless", "Fire and water have no mercy", "Water and fire have no mercy", "Fire and water are merciless" ] }, { "id": 2398, "chinese": "水泄不通", "gold": "tightly packed", "human": [ "not even a drop of water could trickle through", "be crowded", "so jammed as to be impassable", "like rabbits in a warren" ], "machine": [ "water leaking", "not one drop of water can pass through" ] }, { "id": 2399, "chinese": "水至清则无鱼", "gold": "things do not exist in absolute purity", "human": [ "when the water is too clear there are no fish", "one should not demand absolute purity" ], "machine": [ "When the water is clear, there are no fish", "Water is as clear as water, so there are no fish." ] }, { "id": 2400, "chinese": "水涨船高", "gold": "particular things improve with the improvement of the general situation", "human": [ "when the river rises the boat goes up", "a ship rises with the tide" ], "machine": [ "rising tide", "the water rises, the boat rises" ] }, { "id": 2401, "chinese": "水中捞月", "gold": "futile fantasy", "human": [ "catch the moon in the water", "make impractical or vain efforts", "dredge up the moon from the water", "fish in the air", "cry for the moon" ], "machine": [ "fishing for the moon in water", "Fetching the Moon in the Water" ] }, { "id": 2402, "chinese": "水深火热", "gold": "extreme misery", "human": [ "deep water and scorching fire", "an abyss of suffering", "plunged into deep water and tormented by the heat of fires", "bitterest sufferings of the people", "keep in suffering", "in deep waters", "dire suffering" ], "machine": [ "hot water", "deep water and hot fire", "Deep water and fire" ] }, { "id": 2403, "chinese": "水乳交融", "gold": "inseparable", "human": [ "mixed like water and milk", "as well blended as milk and water", "in complete harmony", "complete understanding between friends" ], "machine": [ "Blend of water and milk", "Water and Milk", "Water and milk are intertwined", "Water and milk are in harmony", "Water and milk are blended" ] }, { "id": 2404, "chinese": "永志不忘", "gold": "will always cherish the memory of somebody or something", "human": [ "will always bear in mind" ], "machine": [ "never forget", "Never forget it" ] }, { "id": 2405, "chinese": "永垂不朽", "gold": "live forever in the hearts of", "human": [ "eternal glory to", "win immortality", "will go down to posterity", "be engraved for all time", "undying", "immortal" ], "machine": [ "Eternal Immortality", "Forever and ever", "Eternity", "Eternally Yours" ] }, { "id": 2406, "chinese": "求大同,存小异", "gold": "seek common ground on major issues while leaving aside the minor differences", "human": [ "seek common ground on major issues while reserving differences on minor points" ], "machine": [ "Seek great harmony, keep small differences", "seek common ground while preserving minor differences" ] }, { "id": 2407, "chinese": "求同存异", "gold": "seek common ground while reserving differences", "human": [], "machine": [ "seek common ground while preserving differences" ] }, { "id": 2408, "chinese": "求全责备", "gold": "demand perfection", "human": [ "take to task severely, expect to be saints" ], "machine": [ "ask for full blame", "seek to eliminate all blame", "seek to blame everything" ] }, { "id": 2409, "chinese": "求之不得", "gold": "all that one could wish for", "human": [ "most welcome" ], "machine": [ "Unable to ask for", "seek but fail to meet", "seek but fail to receive", "seek but fail to find", "seek but fail to get" ] }, { "id": 2410, "chinese": "汗马功劳", "gold": "war exploits", "human": [ "achievements in war", "merit in battle", "toil and hardship in the war", "make achievements in one's work" ], "machine": [ "contribution", "sweat and horse work", "sweat and toil", "sweat equity", "sweat and blood" ] }, { "id": 2411, "chinese": "汗牛充栋", "gold": "an immense number of books", "human": [ "so many as to make the ox carrying", "them perspire and to fill a house to the rafters" ], "machine": [ "sweaty cows", "enough sweat and cattle to fill a house", "many books" ] }, { "id": 2412, "chinese": "汗流浃背", "gold": "streaming with sweat", "human": [ "sweat all over", "all of a sweat", "sweat like a pig" ], "machine": [ "sweaty", "Sweating" ] }, { "id": 2413, "chinese": "江河日下", "gold": "be on the decline", "human": [ "the rivers daily decrease their flow", "going from bad to worse", "degenerate day by day", "gradual declension", "fail away" ], "machine": [ "The river goes down", "rivers pour away by the day" ] }, { "id": 2414, "chinese": "江心补漏", "gold": "too late", "human": [ "mend a leaking boat in midstream" ], "machine": [ "Jiangxin leak repair", "Leak repair in the heart of the river", "Riverside Leakage Repair" ] }, { "id": 2415, "chinese": "江山易改,本性难移", "gold": "a leopard cannot change its spots", "human": [ "it's easy to change rivers and mountains but hard to change a person's nature", "rivers and mountains may be changed but it is hard to alter a man's nature", "a sow, when washed, returns to the muck" ], "machine": [ "The country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change", "it is easier change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character" ] }, { "id": 2416, "chinese": "江洋大盗", "gold": "an infamous robber or pirate", "human": [ "a sea robber", "a highway robber" ], "machine": [ "Jiangyang Bandit", "Gangster", "Gangsters", "Gangsta" ] }, { "id": 2417, "chinese": "污泥浊水", "gold": "filthy mire", "human": [ "filth and mire", "the mire" ], "machine": [ "Sludge water", "Sludge and turbid water", "Sludge and turbidity" ] }, { "id": 2418, "chinese": "决一雌雄", "gold": "fight it out", "human": [ "fight to see who is the stronger" ], "machine": [ "Showdown", "a duel between a hero and a heroine", "a duel of the sexes", "have a showdown" ] }, { "id": 2419, "chinese": "沁人心脾", "gold": "refreshing", "human": [ "mentally refreshing", "gladdening the heart and refreshing the mind" ], "machine": [ "refresh the mind", "refresh your mind" ] }, { "id": 2420, "chinese": "沃野千里", "gold": "a vast expanse of fertile land", "human": [], "machine": [ "fertile fields", "A Thousand Miles of Wilderness", "A Thousand Miles of Water" ] }, { "id": 2421, "chinese": "沆瀣一气", "gold": "like attracts like", "human": [ "act in collusion with", "wallow in the mire with", "of the same ilk" ], "machine": [ "in unison", "act in collusion with one another", "act in collusion" ] }, { "id": 2422, "chinese": "沉默寡言", "gold": "of few words", "human": [ "incommunicative", "taciturn", "reticent" ], "machine": [ "silent and uncommunicative", "silent", "reticent to speak" ] }, { "id": 2423, "chinese": "沉冤莫白", "gold": "a deep grievance", "human": [ "suffer a grievous wrong", "wrongs that cannot be redressed" ], "machine": [ "Injustice Mo Bai", "sunken in injustice not to be whitewashed" ] }, { "id": 2424, "chinese": "沙里淘金", "gold": "get a small return from great effort", "human": [ "wash grains of gold out of the sands", "extract the essential from a large mass of material" ], "machine": [ "Sand panning", "Panning for gold in the sand", "Panning for gold in sand", "Gold in the sand" ] }, { "id": 2425, "chinese": "没齿不忘", "gold": "remember for the rest of one's life", "human": [ "will never forget till all one's teeth are lost", "remember it throughout one's whole life", "will never forget to the end of one's days" ], "machine": [ "never forget", "will not be forgotten even after one's teeth fall out", "unforgettable", "remember as long as one lives" ] }, { "id": 2426, "chinese": "油头滑脑", "gold": "flippant", "human": [ "an oily sharper", "as slippery as an eel" ], "machine": [ "slick", "oily-headed and smooth-witted", "oily-headed and smooth-tongued" ] }, { "id": 2427, "chinese": "油腔滑调", "gold": "tongue in cheek", "human": [ "full of guile and cunning", "persuasive but not reliable", "unctuous", "glib", "slick", "plausible" ], "machine": [ "oil chamber slip", "flippant and insincere", "glib-tongued" ] }, { "id": 2428, "chinese": "油嘴滑舌", "gold": "slice", "human": [ "have a well-oiled tongue", "mealy-mouthed", "smooth-tongued", "glib-tongued", "oleaginous" ], "machine": [ "slick tongue", "oily-mouthed and smooth talking", "oily-mouthed", "glib" ] }, { "id": 2429, "chinese": "河清难俟", "gold": "the time would be too long", "human": [ "it is hard to wait till the river is clear" ], "machine": [ "Heqing is difficult", "It is difficult to clear the river once" ] }, { "id": 2430, "chinese": "河清海晏", "gold": "a peaceful era", "human": [ "the Yellow River is clear and the seas are calm", "perfect tranquility under heaven" ], "machine": [ "Ha Ching Haiyan", "The river is clear and the sea is calm" ] }, { "id": 2431, "chinese": "沽名钓誉", "gold": "court publicity", "human": [ "devise one's personal fame by unjust means", "fish for fame and reputation", "angle for praise" ], "machine": [ "fishing for fame", "put a reputation on the line", "put a reputation on the table" ] }, { "id": 2432, "chinese": "治病救人", "gold": "cure the sickness to save the patient", "human": [], "machine": [ "Healing and saving lives", "Healing the sick and saving the lives of others" ] }, { "id": 2433, "chinese": "治国安民", "gold": "run the country well and give the people peace and security", "human": [], "machine": [ "order the country and the people", "rule the country and pacify the people" ] }, { "id": 2434, "chinese": "治丝益棼", "gold": "do something which only makes matters worse", "human": [ "sort out silk threads improperly only to tangle them further", "make confusion worse confounded" ], "machine": [ "Zhisi Yifen", "beams in the air", "beams in the wind", "beams of light", "beams in a garden" ] }, { "id": 2435, "chinese": "沾沾自喜", "gold": "be very pleased with oneself", "human": [ "feel complacent", "pat oneself on the back", "look like the cat who swallowed the canary", "play the peacock", "self-complacent", "self-contented" ], "machine": [ "complacent", "immeasurably self-satisfied", "be complacent" ] }, { "id": 2436, "chinese": "沿波讨源", "gold": "make a thorough investigation of a thing", "human": [ "follow up the stream and seek the source" ], "machine": [ "source along the wave", "discuss sources along the wave" ] }, { "id": 2437, "chinese": "沿门托钵", "gold": "beg from house to house with a bowl in hand", "human": [], "machine": [ "alms along the door", "Mantle along the door" ] }, { "id": 2438, "chinese": "泛泛之交", "gold": "casual acquaintance", "human": [ "a nodding acquaintance" ], "machine": [ "general friendship", "nodding acquaintance", "acquaintance", "slight familiarity", "acquaintance with" ] }, { "id": 2439, "chinese": "泛滥成灾", "gold": "be swamped by something", "human": [ "break dams and overflow", "run rampant", "be flooded with evil things", "deluge", "inundate" ], "machine": [ "flooded", "flood causes disaster", "flooded with disaster", "flood caused by disaster" ] }, { "id": 2440, "chinese": "波澜壮阔", "gold": "unfold on a magnificent scale", "human": [ "surge forward with great momentum", "surge high and sweep forward", "sweep ahead magnificently" ], "machine": [ "magnificent", "The wave is magnificent", "The waves are strong" ] }, { "id": 2441, "chinese": "泣不成声", "gold": "choke with sobs", "human": [], "machine": [ "weeping", "unable stop weeping", "unable stop crying", "unable stop sobbing" ] }, { "id": 2442, "chinese": "泥菩萨过河,自身难保", "gold": "hardly able to save oneself", "human": [ "like a clay idol fording a river", "can't save oneself any more than a clay idol can save itself while crossing a river", "an idol of clay which can hardly survive when crossing a river" ], "machine": [ "The mud bodhisattva crosses the river, and it is difficult for him to protect himself", "the clay Bodhisattva crosses the river and cannot protect himself" ] }, { "id": 2443, "chinese": "泥牛入海", "gold": "gone forever", "human": [ "disappear like a clay buffalo drowned at sea", "like a clay ox entering the sea", "never to be heard of again" ], "machine": [ "Cow into the sea", "A mud bull enters the sea", "Mud and Bull into the Sea", "A mud bull goes into the sea" ] }, { "id": 2444, "chinese": "泥沙俱下", "gold": "there is a mingling of good and bad", "human": [ "mud and sand are carried away" ], "machine": [ "mud and sand", "the mud and sand", "mud and sand are everywhere" ] }, { "id": 2445, "chinese": "泥塑木雕", "gold": "as wooden as a dummy", "human": [ "like an idol moulded in clay or carved in wood", "as modelled in clay of carved from wood" ], "machine": [ "Clay wood carving", "Wooden clay sculpture", "Wooden sculpture in clay", "Clay and wood sculpture", "Wooden clay sculptures" ] }, { "id": 2446, "chinese": "泰山北斗", "gold": "Mt. Tai and the Big Dipper, both are high and looked up to - said in praise of worthy men", "human": [], "machine": [ "Taishan Beidou", "Tarzan Big Dipper", "Tarzan and Big Dipper" ] }, { "id": 2447, "chinese": "泰山鸿毛", "gold": "a great mountain and a goose feather", "human": [ "comparison of extremes in weight" ], "machine": [ "Tarzan Feather", "Tai Shan Hung Mo", "Taishan Hongmao", "Tai Shan Hong Mo", "Tarzan Hongmao" ] }, { "id": 2448, "chinese": "泰山压顶", "gold": "bear down on one with the weight of Mount Tai", "human": [], "machine": [ "Mount Taishan", "Tarzan crushes the top of the mountain", "Tarzan crushes the top", "Tarzan crushes the roof", "Tarzan crushes" ] }, { "id": 2449, "chinese": "泰山压卵", "gold": "when the extremely powerful crush the extremely weak, the", "human": [ "result is certain", "use Mt. Tai to crush an egg" ], "machine": [ "Tarzan egg pressing", "Tarzan crushes the eggs", "Tarzan crushes the egg", "Tarzan pressing the eggs", "Tarzan presses the egg" ] }, { "id": 2450, "chinese": "泰然处之", "gold": "not bat an eyelid", "human": [ "bear something with equanimity", "take something calmly", "take it easy" ], "machine": [ "Take it with equanimity", "take it all in stride", "calm and collected" ] }, { "id": 2451, "chinese": "泰然自若", "gold": "be self-possessed", "human": [ "behave with perfect composure", "without turning an eyelash", "as cool as a cucumber" ], "machine": [ "poised", "cool and collected", "perfectly composed", "calm and collected" ] }, { "id": 2452, "chinese": "泰阿倒持", "gold": "surrender one's power to another at one's own peril", "human": [ "hold the sword by the blade" ], "machine": [ "Tea holds back", "Tai Ah inverted holding", "Tai Ah inverted hold" ] }, { "id": 2453, "chinese": "洋洋大观", "gold": "spectacular sight", "human": [ "an impressive array", "spectacular", "grandiose", "imposing" ], "machine": [ "Great view", "an impressive sight", "an impressive array of things" ] }, { "id": 2454, "chinese": "洋洋得意", "gold": "with evident pride", "human": [ "be immensely proud", "look triumphant", "be quite elated", "walk on air", "self-satisfied", "conceited", "jauntily" ], "machine": [ "complacent", "immensely pleased with oneself", "proud of oneself", "proud" ] }, { "id": 2455, "chinese": "洋为中用", "gold": "make foreign things serve China", "human": [], "machine": [ "foreign to Chinese", "use foreign goods for Chinese purposes" ] }, { "id": 2456, "chinese": "洗心革面", "gold": "turn over a new leaf", "human": [ "change one's heart and reform", "make a thorough reformation", "reform oneself thoroughly" ], "machine": [ "reformed", "wash one's heart and renew one's face" ] }, { "id": 2457, "chinese": "洗耳恭听", "gold": "be all ears", "human": [ "cleanse the ears and listen reverently", "listen with respectful attention", "prick up one's ears", "hang on somebody's lips" ], "machine": [ "all ears", "we are all ears", "listen with respect" ] }, { "id": 2458, "chinese": "洞烛其奸", "gold": "see through somebody's treachery", "human": [ "know one's villainy fully" ], "machine": [ "hole candles", "see clearly the wickedness of the people", "see clearly the wicked" ] }, { "id": 2459, "chinese": "洞察一切", "gold": "have a keen insight into matters", "human": [], "machine": [ "Insight into everything", "Insight to everything", "Insightful" ] }, { "id": 2460, "chinese": "洞若观火", "gold": "clear like looking at fire", "human": [ "see something as clearly as a blazing fire" ], "machine": [ "Cave like watching fire", "clear as a flame", "clear as fire" ] }, { "id": 2461, "chinese": "津津乐道", "gold": "take delight in talking about", "human": [ "indulge in elaborating on", "dwell upon something with great relish" ], "machine": [ "relish", "with great pleasure", "with great interest", "with great relish", "with pleasure" ] }, { "id": 2462, "chinese": "津津有味", "gold": "with great interest", "human": [ "extremely interesting", "with much unction", "with keen pleasure", "with gusto", "with zest", "with relish" ], "machine": [ "relish", "with great relish", "with great pleasure", "with great taste" ] }, { "id": 2463, "chinese": "洪水猛兽", "gold": "like floods and wild beasts", "human": [ "fierce floods and savage beasts", "great scourges" ], "machine": [ "Flood beast", "The Flood Beast", "Flood beasts" ] }, { "id": 2464, "chinese": "汹涌澎湃", "gold": "torrential", "human": [ "rise in tempestuous waves", "rise in a surging tide", "surge forward", "roll irresistibly onward", "sweeping and surging", "run high", "surging", "turbulent", "tempestuous" ], "machine": [ "turbulent and surging", "turbulent surge", "turbulent surging", "surge" ] }, { "id": 2465, "chinese": "活到老,学到老", "gold": "one is never too old to learn", "human": [ "it is never too late to learn", "live and learn" ], "machine": [ "Live till you drop, learn till you drop", "Live to learn", "Live till you drop and learn" ] }, { "id": 2466, "chinese": "活灵活现", "gold": "make something come to life", "human": [ "tone it up with color and life", "living image of", "vividly", "lifelike" ], "machine": [ "vivid", "vivid and realistic", "vividness", "vivid and lifelike", "living spirit" ] }, { "id": 2467, "chinese": "流芳百世", "gold": "be immortalized", "human": [ "hand down a good reputation to a hundred future generations", "leave a good name to posterity", "have a niche in the temple of fame" ], "machine": [ "Famous forever", "leave a mark for generations to come" ] }, { "id": 2468, "chinese": "流离转徙", "gold": "vagrant", "human": [ "migratory life of a refugee" ], "machine": [ "exile", "Departure and migration", "Departure and transfer", "Departure from the migration" ] }, { "id": 2469, "chinese": "流离失所", "gold": "displaced", "human": [ "become destitute and homeless", "be forced to leave one's home and wander about" ], "machine": [ "Displacement" ] }, { "id": 2470, "chinese": "流连忘返", "gold": "enjoy oneself so much that one forgets to go home", "human": [ "indulge in pleasures and forget to go back home", "linger on, forgetting to return" ], "machine": [ "linger", "Linger to forget", "Linger for a while" ] }, { "id": 2471, "chinese": "流水不腐,户枢不蠹", "gold": "running water is never stale and a door-hinge never gets worm-eaten", "human": [ "practice keeps one fit", "the used key is always bright" ], "machine": [ "The running water does not rot, andthe pivot of the house does not stink", "Flowing water does not rot, and a door-hinge does not become worm-eaten" ] }, { "id": 2472, "chinese": "流言蜚语", "gold": "derogatory remarks", "human": [ "rumors and slanders", "rumors and gossip", "lies and slanders" ], "machine": [ "gossip" ] }, { "id": 2473, "chinese": "浩浩荡荡", "gold": "enormous and powerful", "human": [ "exceedingly great", "vast and mighty", "with mighty power" ], "machine": [ "mighty", "vast and majestic", "vast" ] }, { "id": 2474, "chinese": "浩然之气", "gold": "noble spirit", "human": [], "machine": [ "Aura of grandeur", "the spirit of the vast" ] }, { "id": 2475, "chinese": "浩如烟海", "gold": "tremendous amount of", "human": [ "vast as the open sea", "voluminous" ], "machine": [ "vast", "Vast as a sea of smoke", "Vast as a sea", "vast as the ocean", "Vast as an ocean" ] }, { "id": 2476, "chinese": "浴血奋战", "gold": "fight a bloody battle", "human": [ "battle courageously" ], "machine": [ "bloody battle", "Bloodbath", "Bloodbaths", "Bloodbaths and battles", "blood-soaked battle" ] }, { "id": 2477, "chinese": "浮光掠影", "gold": "shimming over the surface", "human": [ "hasty and casual", "cursory" ], "machine": [ "Glimpse", "a fleeting glimpse of light", "a glimpse of light", "a fleeting glimpse of the past", "a flash of light" ] }, { "id": 2478, "chinese": "浮想联翩", "gold": "thoughts thronging one's mind", "human": [ "a lot of fancies cross one's mind", "a lot of fancies gush forth like a spring" ], "machine": [ "imaginative", "let one's imagination roam", "think fast", "let one's imagination run wild", "let one's imagination wander" ] }, { "id": 2479, "chinese": "浮云朝露", "gold": "passing clouds and morning dew", "human": [ "not lasting" ], "machine": [ "Floating Clouds Morning Dew", "floating clouds and morning dew", "Floating clouds, morning dew" ] }, { "id": 2480, "chinese": "海底捞针", "gold": "look for a needle in a haystack", "human": [ "fish up a needle from the bottom of the sea" ], "machine": [ "Looking for a needle in a haystack", "find a needle in a haystack", "Finding a needle in the sea", "Finding a needle in a sea" ] }, { "id": 2481, "chinese": "海底捞月", "gold": "strive for the impossible or illusory", "human": [ "try to fish out the moon from the bottom of the sea" ], "machine": [ "sea fishing moon", "fetching the moon from the seabed", "fetching moon from the seabed" ] }, { "id": 2482, "chinese": "海枯石烂", "gold": "forevermore", "human": [ "when the seas dry up and the rocks decay", "an oath of unchanging fidelity", "the seas run dry and the rocks crumble" ], "machine": [ "rotten sea", "when the seas run dry and the stones go soft" ] }, { "id": 2483, "chinese": "海阔天空", "gold": "talk at random", "human": [ "as boundless as the sea and sky", "in open sea and sky", "unrestrained and far-ranging" ], "machine": [ "The sky is wide", "wide sea and sky" ] }, { "id": 2484, "chinese": "海誓山盟", "gold": "pledge of eternal love", "human": [ "lovers' pledge of eternal loyalty", "a solemn pledge of love", "lovers' vows" ], "machine": [ "eachother", "swear by the sea and the mountains", "swear by all the Gods", "swear by all the world" ] }, { "id": 2485, "chinese": "海市蜃楼", "gold": "imaginary", "human": [ "strange and unreal appearance", "the shadow of a shade", "castle in the air", "castle in Spain", "mirage" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2486, "chinese": "海外奇谈", "gold": "a tall story", "human": [ "a strange story from beyond the seas", "a fantastic tale", "a traveller's tale", "a long yarn" ], "machine": [ "Overseas stories", "Overseas Strange Talk", "Overseas Curiosities", "Overseas Curiosity" ] }, { "id": 2487, "chinese": "泾渭不分", "gold": "make no such distinction between good and evil", "human": [ "can not distinguish between the rivers Ching and Wei" ], "machine": [ "Jingwei does not distinguish", "be entirely different from each other", "be entirely different", "be entirely separate" ] }, { "id": 2488, "chinese": "泾渭分明", "gold": "make a clear distinction between good and evil", "human": [ "as different as the waters of the Ching Ho and the Wei Ho", "entirely different" ], "machine": [ "clear distinction", "be clear-cut", "clear-cut", "be clear and distinct", "be clear cut" ] }, { "id": 2489, "chinese": "涓滴归公", "gold": "turn in every cent of public money", "human": [], "machine": [ "trickle down", "every drop returns to the public good", "Every drop goes to the public" ] }, { "id": 2490, "chinese": "涸辙之鲋", "gold": "a person in a desperate situation", "human": [ "a fish trapped in a dry rut" ], "machine": [ "dry trout", "dry rut and silver carp", "dry rutting carp", "dry rutted carp", "dry rutting silver carp" ] }, { "id": 2491, "chinese": "凄风苦雨", "gold": "wretched circumstances", "human": [ "wailing wind and weeping rain" ], "machine": [ "miserable wind and rain", "miserable wind and bitter rain", "miserable circumstances", "miserable wind and hard rain" ] }, { "id": 2492, "chinese": "淋漓尽致", "gold": "most incisively and vividly", "human": [ "thoroughly" ], "machine": [ "incisively and vividly", "in great detail", "in the best possible way", "in full force", "in full swing" ] }, { "id": 2493, "chinese": "淡然处之", "gold": "give somebody the cold shoulder", "human": [ "treat with indifference", "take things coolly", "turn the cold shoulder on" ], "machine": [ "Take it lightly", "take it easy", "take it in stride" ] }, { "id": 2494, "chinese": "深不可测", "gold": "have no bottom", "human": [ "fathomless", "plumbless", "abysmal" ], "machine": [ "Unfathomable", "unfathomable depths", "unfathomable depth", "unpredictable" ] }, { "id": 2495, "chinese": "深谋远虑", "gold": "think deeply and plan carefully", "human": [ "be circumspect and far-sighted", "farseeing and thoughtful", "foresighted" ], "machine": [ "Foresight", "deep planning and far-sightedness", "plan far ahead", "deep thinking" ] }, { "id": 2496, "chinese": "深明大义", "gold": "be deeply conscious of the righteousness of a cause", "human": [ "know clearly the right thing to do and principles to follow" ], "machine": [ "Profound sense of justice", "have a deep understanding of the meaning of the word", "be highly principled" ] }, { "id": 2497, "chinese": "深沟高垒", "gold": "strong defence", "human": [ "deep trenches and high ramparts" ], "machine": [ "deep groove high base", "deep ditch and high base", "deep and inequitable" ] }, { "id": 2498, "chinese": "深更半夜", "gold": "in the dead of night", "human": [ "in the depth of night", "the midnight hours" ], "machine": [ "midnight", "late at night" ] }, { "id": 2499, "chinese": "深居简出", "gold": "live in solitude", "human": [ "dwell in deep seclusion and rarely come out", "live in the seclusion of one's own home", "live with few social contacts", "live a secluded life" ], "machine": [ "reclusive", "live in seclusion", "live in deep seclusion", "live in deep and simple" ] }, { "id": 2500, "chinese": "深情厚谊", "gold": "profound sentiments of friendship", "human": [], "machine": [ "deep friendship", "deep love and friendship" ] }, { "id": 2501, "chinese": "深仇大恨", "gold": "have a dead hatred for", "human": [ "great enmity and deep hostility" ], "machine": [ "hatred", "deep hatred", "deep hatred and resentment", "bitter hatred", "deep-seated hatred" ] }, { "id": 2502, "chinese": "深山老林", "gold": "remote, thickly forested mountains", "human": [], "machine": [ "deep mountain forest", "deep in the mountains and old forests", "deep in the forest", "deep in the woods" ] }, { "id": 2503, "chinese": "深入浅出", "gold": "explain the profound in simple terms", "human": [ "be described penetratingly with simple language" ], "machine": [ "Explain in simple language", "In-depth and easy-to-understand", "In-depth and simple", "In-depth" ] }, { "id": 2504, "chinese": "深入人心", "gold": "capture the hearts of the people", "human": [ "win support among the people", "strike root in the hearts of the people", "strike fire into one's heart", "strike a deep chord in the hearts of the people", "find its way deep into the hearts of the people" ], "machine": [ "deeply rooted in the hearts of the people", "Deep in the heart", "Deeper into the heart", "Deeper in the heart" ] }, { "id": 2505, "chinese": "深藏若虚", "gold": "be modest about one's talent or learning", "human": [ "not be given to boasting or showing off" ], "machine": [ "hidden", "hide one's treasure away if one is not aware of it" ] }, { "id": 2506, "chinese": "深思熟虑", "gold": "ponder deeply", "human": [ "deep and careful consideration", "long deliberation", "chew the cud", "cogitative" ], "machine": [ "thoughtful", "Deliberate", "Deliberation", "Deliberate and thoughtful", "Deliberate and careful" ] }, { "id": 2507, "chinese": "深恶痛绝", "gold": "hate deeply", "human": [ "cherish an undying hatred for", "hate like poison", "abhor", "detest" ], "machine": [ "abhorrence", "detest bitterly", "anathema", "detest deeply" ] }, { "id": 2508, "chinese": "深文周纳", "gold": "frame and punish severely", "human": [ "use every means to have an innocent person pronounced guilty", "convict somebody by deliberately mis-interpreting the law" ], "machine": [ "Shen Wen Zhou Na", "deep literature and Zhouna", "deep literature and Zhounah" ] }, { "id": 2509, "chinese": "混世魔王", "gold": "devil incarnate", "human": [ "fiend in human shape" ], "machine": [ "Demon King of Chaos", "The devil in the flesh" ] }, { "id": 2510, "chinese": "混淆黑白", "gold": "confuse black and white", "human": [ "mix up black and white", "obliterate the difference between black and white" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2511, "chinese": "混淆是非", "gold": "confuse right and wrong", "human": [], "machine": [ "confusing right and wrong", "Confusion of right and wrong" ] }, { "id": 2512, "chinese": "混淆视听", "gold": "mislead the public", "human": [ "lead the public opinion astray", "confuse public opinion" ], "machine": [ "confusion", "obscure the facts", "to mislead the public with prevarication and confusion" ] }, { "id": 2513, "chinese": "混为一谈", "gold": "confuse something with something else", "human": [ "lump together" ], "machine": [ "mix it up", "confuse one thing with another", "conflate with one another", "confuse one with another", "confuse one with the other" ] }, { "id": 2514, "chinese": "清规戒律", "gold": "outmoded rules, regulations and conventions", "human": [ "taboos and commandments", "restrictions and fetters" ], "machine": [ "clear rules", "clear rules and precepts", "clear rules and commandments", "clear rules and regulations", "clear regulations and precepts" ] }, { "id": 2515, "chinese": "清夜扪心", "gold": "examine one's own conscience in the stillness of the night", "human": [], "machine": [ "clear night", "Look into your heart in the clear night", "Look into your heart at night", "Look in your heart at night" ] }, { "id": 2516, "chinese": "浅尝辄止", "gold": "be satisfied with a smattering of a subject", "human": [ "stop after getting a little knowledge of a subject or about something" ], "machine": [ "Just taste it", "shallow taste", "shallow", "shallow tasting" ] }, { "id": 2517, "chinese": "添枝加叶", "gold": "embellish a story", "human": [ "add a few branches and leaves" ], "machine": [ "Add branches and leaves", "add new branches and leaves", "add new branches and leaves to" ] }, { "id": 2518, "chinese": "添砖加瓦", "gold": "do one's little bit", "human": [ "add bricks and tiles" ], "machine": [ "Add bricks and mortar", "Adding bricks and mortar", "Adding Bricks and Tiles", "Adding Bricks to the Mix" ] }, { "id": 2519, "chinese": "添油加醋", "gold": "add color and emphasis to", "human": [ "add inflammatory details to" ], "machine": [ "Add oil and vinegar", "Adding oil and vinegar", "add oil and vinegar to the mix" ] }, { "id": 2520, "chinese": "涣然冰释", "gold": "melt away", "human": [ "vanish like the melting ice", "of doubts or suspicions being quickly dispelled" ], "machine": [ "Huan Ran Freeze", "lax", "lax ice release", "lax and ice", "Laxity and Ice Release" ] }, { "id": 2521, "chinese": "游手好闲", "gold": "loaf about", "human": [ "live in idleness", "eat the bread of idleness", "idle away one's time", "snot to do a stitch of work", "keep hands in pockets", "sit on one's hands", "lounge idly" ], "machine": [ "idle", "loafing about", "idle about" ] }, { "id": 2522, "chinese": "游刃有余", "gold": "be move than equal to a task", "human": [ "handle a butcher's cleaver skilfully", "do a job with skill and ease" ], "machine": [ "Do it with ease", "handling a delicate task with ease" ] }, { "id": 2523, "chinese": "浑浑噩噩", "gold": "muddle-headed", "human": [ "in a nebulous state", "muddle along", "ignorant" ], "machine": [ "confused", "muddleheaded", "muddleheadedness", "muddle through", "muddled" ] }, { "id": 2524, "chinese": "浑身是胆", "gold": "be every inch a hero", "human": [ "be the very embodiment of valor" ], "machine": [ "full of courage", "all over the place", "all over the world", "all over the body" ] }, { "id": 2525, "chinese": "浑水摸鱼", "gold": "fish in troubled waters", "human": [], "machine": [ "Fishing in troubled waters", "fish in troubled water", "fish in muddy waters", "fish in muddy water" ] }, { "id": 2526, "chinese": "浑然一体", "gold": "an integral whole", "human": [ "one integrated mass", "a unified entity" ], "machine": [ "all in one", "blend into one", "blend together", "blend together as one" ] }, { "id": 2527, "chinese": "湮没无闻", "gold": "drift into obscurity", "human": [ "sink into oblivion", "be buried in oblivion" ], "machine": [ "oblivion", "pass into oblivion", "pass away", "Passing into oblivion" ] }, { "id": 2528, "chinese": "温故而知新", "gold": "reviewing the past helps one to understand the present", "human": [ "review the old and learn the new", "gain new insights through restudying old material", "learn the new by restudying the old", "review what you have learned and know what is new" ], "machine": [ "Learn from the past", "Review the old and know the new" ] }, { "id": 2529, "chinese": "温情脉脉", "gold": "full of tender feeling", "human": [ "too softhearted" ], "machine": [ "tenderness", "full of tender feelings", "tender-hearted" ] }, { "id": 2530, "chinese": "温文尔雅", "gold": "gentle and cultivated", "human": [ "cultured and refined in manners" ], "machine": [ "suave", "cultured and refined", "gentle and refined" ] }, { "id": 2531, "chinese": "源源不绝", "gold": "inexhaustible", "human": [ "a steady flow of", "a constant torrent of", "an uninterrupted flow", "in a steady stream" ], "machine": [ "endless", "an endless stream", "an endless stream of water", "an endless stream of" ] }, { "id": 2532, "chinese": "源远流长", "gold": "of ancient origin and long development", "human": [ "a distant source and a long stream", "of long standing and well established", "date from ancient times" ], "machine": [ "long history", "A long history of origin and flow", "A long history of origin" ] }, { "id": 2533, "chinese": "源源而来", "gold": "move on in a continuous stream", "human": [ "come continuously", "incessantly coming" ], "machine": [ "source" ] }, { "id": 2534, "chinese": "溜之大吉", "gold": "make oneself scarce", "human": [ "sneak away", "slink off", "show one's heels", "show a clean pair of heels", "take to one's heels", "seek safety in flight" ], "machine": [ "good luck", "slip away for good", "run away", "slip away", "slip away and take off" ] }, { "id": 2535, "chinese": "沧海横流", "gold": "the changes and disorders of the times", "human": [], "machine": [ "Across the sea", "The vicissitudes of the sea" ] }, { "id": 2536, "chinese": "沧海桑田", "gold": "the world is changing all the time", "human": [ "seas change into mulberry fields and mulberry fields into seas", "time brings great changes to the world" ], "machine": [ "vicissitudes of life", "The vicissitudes of the sea" ] }, { "id": 2537, "chinese": "沧海一粟", "gold": "a drop in the ocean", "human": [ "a grain afloat on the vast ocean", "paltry, compared with heaven and earth" ], "machine": [ "drop in the ocean" ] }, { "id": 2538, "chinese": "灭顶之灾", "gold": "be drowned", "human": [ "be buried beneath the waves", "be swamped" ], "machine": [ "catastrophe", "The end of the line", "The end" ] }, { "id": 2539, "chinese": "灭绝人性", "gold": "inhuman", "human": [ "cannibalistic", "barbarous", "savage" ], "machine": [ "genocide" ] }, { "id": 2540, "chinese": "灭此朝食", "gold": "be anxious to finish off the enemy immediately", "human": [ "will not have breakfast until the enemy is wiped out" ], "machine": [ "annihilate this dynasty", "The destruction of this Dynasty Food" ] }, { "id": 2541, "chinese": "滑头滑脑", "gold": "crafty", "human": [ "as slippery as an eel", "artful" ], "machine": [ "slick", "slick-headed", "Slippery head", "slick head", "slick and clever" ] }, { "id": 2542, "chinese": "滔滔不绝", "gold": "talk your ear off", "human": [ "a flood of words", "a flow of conversation", "spout eloquent speeches", "speak unceasingly", "talk a horse's hind leg off", "talk nineteen to the dozen", "roll out", "most effusive" ], "machine": [ "eloquent", "heave", "heaving" ] }, { "id": 2543, "chinese": "滴水成冰", "gold": "freezing cold", "human": [ "dripping water freezes", "no sooner the water drops down than it freezes up", "ice-cold", "hard frost" ], "machine": [ "dripping into ice", "Dripping water becomes ice", "Dripping water into ice" ] }, { "id": 2544, "chinese": "滴水穿石", "gold": "little strokes fell great oaks", "human": [ "constant dropping wears away a stone", "drops of water wear out the stone" ], "machine": [ "dripping water", "Dripping water penetrates the stone" ] }, { "id": 2545, "chinese": "滚瓜烂熟", "gold": "have something at one's fingertips", "human": [ "fluently", "down pat" ], "machine": [ "overripe", "know something by heart", "know something inside-out", "know your way around", "know your way around a problem" ] }, { "id": 2546, "chinese": "满不在乎", "gold": "not worry at all", "human": [ "not care in the least", "give no heed" ], "machine": [ "careless", "couldn't care less", "couldn't give a damn about it", "not in the least concerned", "couldn't give a damn" ] }, { "id": 2547, "chinese": "满面春风", "gold": "radiant with happiness", "human": [ "a face shining with pleasure", "beaming with satisfaction" ], "machine": [ "spring breeze", "beaming with spring breeze", "beaming with spring", "beaming with springtime", "beaming with spring breezes" ] }, { "id": 2548, "chinese": "满腹牢骚", "gold": "full of grievances", "human": [ "full of resentment", "be querulous" ], "machine": [ "grumble", "Full of complaints" ] }, { "id": 2549, "chinese": "满腹经纶", "gold": "profoundly learned and talented", "human": [], "machine": [ "full of experience", "with a full belly of wisdom", "full of experience and wisdom", "with a wealth of wisdom" ] }, { "id": 2550, "chinese": "满谷满坑", "gold": "in great abundance", "human": [ "in large numbers", "in plenty" ], "machine": [ "full valley", "Full of valleys and pits", "Full of valley and pit" ] }, { "id": 2551, "chinese": "满腔热忱", "gold": "with warmth and enthusiasm", "human": [ "filled with ardor and sincerity", "in the fullness of one's heart", "in all earnestness", "with zeal" ], "machine": [ "full of enthusiasm", "Full of passion" ] }, { "id": 2552, "chinese": "满招损,谦受益", "gold": "one loses by pride and gains by modesty", "human": [ "pride leads to toss while modesty brings benefit" ], "machine": [ "Full of losses, modest benefits", "complacency leads to loss, modesty leads to gain" ] }, { "id": 2553, "chinese": "满城风雨", "gold": "become the talk of the town", "human": [ "spread all over the city", "raise a colossal uproar like a storm over the whole city" ], "machine": [ "Wind and rain all over the city", "the talk of the town", "the whole town is in a storm" ] }, { "id": 2554, "chinese": "满载而归", "gold": "come back with fruitful results", "human": [ "return fully loaded", "return from a rewarding journey" ], "machine": [ "full load", "Returning with a full load", "Returning with full capacity", "Returning from a full house" ] }, { "id": 2555, "chinese": "满园春色", "gold": "a garden full of the beauty of spring", "human": [ "the whole garden is filled with the beauties of spring - a picture of prosperity", "the beauties of spring please the eye everywhere" ], "machine": [ "full of spring", "A garden full of spring colors", "A garden full of spring color" ] }, { "id": 2556, "chinese": "漆黑一团", "gold": "pitch-dark", "human": [ "altogether pitch black", "as black as night", "be completely in the dark", "an utterly dark picture", "as black as a crow", "in a fog", "in a complete mess", "utterly hopeless" ], "machine": [ "pitch black", "pitch-black", "It's dark." ] }, { "id": 2557, "chinese": "漏洞百出", "gold": "full of loopholes", "human": [], "machine": [ "full of holes" ] }, { "id": 2558, "chinese": "漠不关心", "gold": "indifferent and apathetic", "human": [ "totally unconcerned", "show no concern", "give short shift", "nonchalant" ], "machine": [ "indifferent", "indifference" ] }, { "id": 2559, "chinese": "漠然置之", "gold": "show no concern for", "human": [ "remain indifferent towards something", "look on with unconcern", "hold loose" ], "machine": [ "indifferent", "set to one side and ignore it", "cold and uncaring", "indifferent to the situation" ] }, { "id": 2560, "chinese": "漫不经心", "gold": "careless", "human": [ "totally unconcerned", "with indifference", "wanting in care", "unmindful", "casual", "negligent", "nonchalant", "inattentively" ], "machine": [ "carelessness", "indifferent", "carelessly" ] }, { "id": 2561, "chinese": "漫山遍野", "gold": "all over the mountains and plains", "human": [ "up the hills and down the fields", "over hill and dale" ], "machine": [ "the whole mountain", "the hills are full" ] }, { "id": 2562, "chinese": "洁身自好", "gold": "lead an honest and clean life", "human": [ "refuse to be contaminated by evil influence", "keep oneself clean", "preserve one's purity", "mind one's own business in order to keep out of trouble" ], "machine": [ "clean yourself", "Keep your hands clean", "Keep your body clean" ] }, { "id": 2563, "chinese": "泼妇骂街", "gold": "like a shrew shouting abuse in the street", "human": [], "machine": [ "vixen scolding the street", "A shrew scolds the street", "A shrew curses the street", "A shrew curses the streets", "A shrew scolds the streets" ] }, { "id": 2564, "chinese": "潜移默化", "gold": "be unconsciously influenced", "human": [ "exert a subtle influence on somebody's character, thinking, etc.", "a silent transforming influence" ], "machine": [ "Imperceptibly", "Subliminal", "subliminal influence", "Subtlety", "subtle influence" ] }, { "id": 2565, "chinese": "溃不成军", "gold": "be completely defeated", "human": [ "be utterly routed", "be put to rout" ], "machine": [ "collapsed", "The rout is over." ] }, { "id": 2566, "chinese": "激浊扬清", "gold": "eliminate vice and exalt virtue", "human": [ "eliminate the impure from the pure", "drain away the mud and bring in fresh water", "drive out evil and usher in good", "cast out the wicked and cherish the virtuous", "remove evil-doers and promote the pure" ], "machine": [ "turbulent and clear", "drain away filth and bring in fresh water" ] }, { "id": 2567, "chinese": "滥竽充数", "gold": "just to fill up a vacancy", "human": [ "pass oneself off as one of the players in an ensemble", "be there just to make up the", "number", "hold a post without qualification", "act as a stop-gap" ], "machine": [ "Excessive use of data", "masquerade as a token", "masquerade as a group" ] }, { "id": 2568, "chinese": "火中取栗", "gold": "pull chestnuts out of the fire", "human": [ "be a cat's paws" ], "machine": [ "Fire chestnuts", "be somebody's cat's-paw" ] }, { "id": 2569, "chinese": "火烧眉毛", "gold": "a matter of the utmost urgency", "human": [ "the fire is singeing the eyebrows", "a desperate situation", "fire singeing the eyebrows", "an imminent crisis" ], "machine": [ "burning eyebrows", "the fire is burning" ] }, { "id": 2570, "chinese": "火烧火燎", "gold": "restless with anxiety", "human": [ "feeling terribly hot" ], "machine": [ "burning fire", "unbearably hot and anxious", "restless with fire and anxiety" ] }, { "id": 2571, "chinese": "火上加油", "gold": "add fuel to the flames", "human": [ "pour oil on the fire", "add oil to fire", "inflame one's anger" ], "machine": [ "pour oil on the flame", "Fuel on the fire", "Fueling the fire" ] }, { "id": 2572, "chinese": "火树银花", "gold": "a display of fireworks and a sea of lanterns", "human": [ "bonfire display or brilliantly lighted garden", "fiery trees with silver flowers" ], "machine": [ "fire tree silver flower", "fire tree and silver flowers", "fire trees and silver flowers", "Fire Tree and Silver Flower" ] }, { "id": 2573, "chinese": "灰心丧气", "gold": "be utterly disheartened", "human": [ "lose heart", "be dispirited or discouraged", "disappointed", "despair" ], "machine": [ "discouraged", "downhearted", "downcast", "in despair" ] }, { "id": 2574, "chinese": "炙手可热", "gold": "burning to the touch", "human": [ "if you stretch out your hand you feel the heat", "the supreme arrogance of a person with great power" ], "machine": [ "hot", "Sizzling hot", "Sizzling" ] }, { "id": 2575, "chinese": "炯炯有神", "gold": "bright piercing eyes", "human": [], "machine": [ "Brilliant", "shining bright and full of expression", "shining bright" ] }, { "id": 2576, "chinese": "乌合之众", "gold": "a motley crowd", "human": [ "a motley force that knows no discipline", "an undisciplined mob", "a disorderly band", "sheep without a shepherd", "the ragtag and bobtail", "tag-rag", "rout", "mob", "rabble" ], "machine": [ "mob of people", "the masses", "The mob" ] }, { "id": 2577, "chinese": "乌有先生", "gold": "Mr. Nobody - a fictitious character created by Su-Ma Hsiang Ju", "human": [], "machine": [ "Mr. Wu You", "Mr. Uyén", "Mr. Uyéu" ] }, { "id": 2578, "chinese": "乌烟瘴气", "gold": "a foul atmosphere", "human": [ "a pestilential atmosphere", "befoul the atmosphere", "pandemonium" ], "machine": [ "smoky", "Pestilence" ] }, { "id": 2579, "chinese": "烈火见真金", "gold": "true blue will never stain", "human": [ "pure gold proves its worth in a blazing fire", "people of worth show their mettle during trials and tribulations", "genuine gold fears no fire" ], "machine": [ "Fire sees real gold", "Fire to see the real gold", "Fire to see true gold", "Fire to see real gold", "Fire to see the true gold" ] }, { "id": 2580, "chinese": "烘云托月", "gold": "art of using contrasting effects", "human": [ "paint clouds to set off the moon", "provide a foil to set off a character in a literary work" ], "machine": [ "Baking Clouds to the Moon", "shade in the clouds to offset the moon", "a foil" ] }, { "id": 2581, "chinese": "烜赫一时", "gold": "be far-famed for a time", "human": [ "shining impressive reputation for a time" ], "machine": [ "Xuanhe moment", "enjoy a short-lived fame or position of power", "enjoy a short-lived fame", "enjoy a short-lived reputation" ] }, { "id": 2582, "chinese": "烽火连天", "gold": "continuous wars", "human": [ "flames of battle raging everywhere", "war-clouds spread everywhere" ], "machine": [ "beacon fire", "Beacon in the Sky", "The Beacon of Fire", "Beacon in the air" ] }, { "id": 2583, "chinese": "焦头烂额", "gold": "utterly exhausted from overwork or anxiety", "human": [ "be severely burned in assisting to extinguish a fire - said of one who has worked under great hardship", "be bruised and battered", "badly battered", "in a terrible fix", "black and blue" ], "machine": [ "burnt out", "overwhelmed with worry", "overwrought", "overwhelmed with work", "overwhelmed with worries" ] }, { "id": 2584, "chinese": "无病呻吟", "gold": "make a fuss about an imaginary illness", "human": [ "moan and groan without being ill", "groaning when not really in pain", "pain without cause", "make a fuss about nothing", "adopt a sentimental pose", "baseless anxiety" ], "machine": [ "moaning", "moaning without illness", "moaning like a sick person", "moaning without feeling sick", "moaning like a disease" ] }, { "id": 2585, "chinese": "无米之炊", "gold": "make bricks without straw", "human": [ "lacking the necessary materials one cannot accomplish one's intentions", "cook a meal without rice" ], "machine": [ "Cooking without rice", "cook without rice", "no rice to cook" ] }, { "id": 2586, "chinese": "无名小卒", "gold": "a nobody", "human": [ "a cipher", "nonentity" ], "machine": [ "Nobody", "nameless soldier", "an unknown" ] }, { "id": 2587, "chinese": "无名英雄", "gold": "an unknown hero", "human": [], "machine": [ "unsung hero", "Unsung Heroes" ] }, { "id": 2588, "chinese": "无法无天", "gold": "run wild and stir up trouble", "human": [ "defy laws human and divine", "become absolutely lawless", "run riot", "one's madness knows no bounds", "devil-may-care", "licentious", "lawless" ], "machine": [ "lawlessness" ] }, { "id": 2589, "chinese": "无风不起浪", "gold": "theres no smoke without fire", "human": [ "there are no waves without wind" ], "machine": [ "No wind, no wave", "no wind, no waves", "no smoke without fire", "No wind, no waves." ] }, { "id": 2590, "chinese": "无风起浪", "gold": "make trouble out of nothing", "human": [ "waves rising without any breeze", "baseless slanders" ], "machine": [ "no wind and waves", "No wind, no waves", "No wind and no waves", "No wind, no wave" ] }, { "id": 2591, "chinese": "无的放矢", "gold": "shoot at random", "human": [ "shoot an arrow without a target", "random shooting", "let fly at nothing", "discharge one's pistol in the air" ], "machine": [ "aimless", "No targeting", "No target" ] }, { "id": 2592, "chinese": "无地自容", "gold": "look for a hole to crawl into", "human": [ "no place for one", "not a leg to stand on", "find nowhere to hide oneself for shame", "feel too ashamed to show one's face" ], "machine": [ "shameless", "ashamed of oneself", "ashamed of one's dignity" ] }, { "id": 2593, "chinese": "无敌于天下", "gold": "unmatched anywhere in the world", "human": [ "invincible", "matchless", "peerless" ], "machine": [ "Invincible in the world", "Invincible in all the world" ] }, { "id": 2594, "chinese": "无独有偶", "gold": "not come singly but in pairs", "human": [ "it is not unique, but has its counterpart" ], "machine": [ "Coincidentally", "it's not the only case", "it's not unique", "it's not the only one" ] }, { "id": 2595, "chinese": "无动于衷", "gold": "aloof and indifferent", "human": [ "call forth no response in one's breast", "with nonchalance", "without compunction", "be dead to all feeling", "be hardened to", "untouched", "unmoved", "unconcerned" ], "machine": [ "indifferent", "indifference" ] }, { "id": 2596, "chinese": "无能为力", "gold": "incapable of action", "human": [ "cannot do anything to help", "powerless", "helpless" ], "machine": [ "Powerlessness" ] }, { "id": 2597, "chinese": "无理取闹", "gold": "refuse to listen to reason", "human": [ "make trouble out of nothing", "make trouble groundlessly", "be deliberately provocative", "utter nonsense and make trouble", "unreasonable altercation", "frivolous quibbling", "unreasonable quarreling", "mischief-making" ], "machine": [ "vexatious", "make trouble without reason", "make trouble for no reason", "irrational", "unreasonable" ] }, { "id": 2598, "chinese": "无论如何", "gold": "whatever happens", "human": [ "at any rate", "at all events", "in any case", "at all costs", "for all the world", "come what may", "sink or swim" ], "machine": [ "anyway", "No matter what", "Anyhow" ] }, { "id": 2599, "chinese": "无根无蒂", "gold": "without foundation or support", "human": [], "machine": [ "rootless", "rootless and unattached", "rootless and untethered", "rootless and unsupported" ] }, { "id": 2600, "chinese": "无关大局", "gold": "not matter very much", "human": [ "of no great importance", "of little account", "a side issue" ], "machine": [ "irrelevant", "Nothing to do with the big picture", "Not about the big picture", "No big picture" ] }, { "id": 2601, "chinese": "无关痛痒", "gold": "be completely indifferent to", "human": [ "without any bite", "irrelevant or pointless", "irrelevant" ], "machine": [ "innocuous", "No pain, no gain", "No pain or itch", "No pain or gain" ] }, { "id": 2602, "chinese": "无关宏旨", "gold": "insignificant", "human": [ "a matter of no consequence", "be of no consequence", "be of no consideration", "inessential" ], "machine": [ "irrelevant", "No macro-intent", "No macro-objective", "No macro-objectives", "No macro-intention" ] }, { "id": 2603, "chinese": "无功受禄", "gold": "get a reward without deserving it", "human": [], "machine": [ "Reward without merit", "get undeserved rewards", "receive undeserved rewards" ] }, { "id": 2604, "chinese": "无可比拟", "gold": "unparalleled", "human": [ "beyond compare", "matchless", "incomparable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2605, "chinese": "无可非议", "gold": "above reproach", "human": [ "without rebuke", "above criticism", "unobjectionable", "blameless", "unimpeachable" ], "machine": [ "beyond reproach", "unquestionable", "nothing objectionable about it", "unquestionably", "Nothing to criticize" ] }, { "id": 2606, "chinese": "无可奈何", "gold": "have no alternative", "human": [ "there is no help for it", "have no way out", "be reluctant to", "against one's will", "willynilly", "helpless" ], "machine": [ "there is nothing to be done about it", "there is nothing to be done", "there is nothing to do" ] }, { "id": 2607, "chinese": "无可厚非", "gold": "give no cause for much criticism", "human": [ "not inexcusable" ], "machine": [ "understandable", "There is nothing wrong with that.", "There is no excuse" ] }, { "id": 2608, "chinese": "无可讳言", "gold": "undeniable", "human": [ "there is no hiding the fact" ], "machine": [ "Undeniably", "It can't be denied.", "there is no denying it", "there is nothing to hide", "It's no secret." ] }, { "id": 2609, "chinese": "无可置疑", "gold": "without doubt", "human": [ "out of doubt", "undoubted", "indubitable", "unquestionable" ], "machine": [ "beyond doubt", "Undoubtedly", "There is no doubt about it.", "No doubt about it." ] }, { "id": 2610, "chinese": "无可争辩", "gold": "indisputable", "human": [ "beyond question", "beyond controversy", "beyond dispute", "irrefutable", "incontrovertible", "incontestable", "undeniable" ], "machine": [ "undisputed", "no argument", "No argument there" ] }, { "id": 2611, "chinese": "无可无不可", "gold": "uncertain", "human": [ "not care one way or another", "without any preconceived ideas", "indecisive" ], "machine": [ "Absolutely unavoidable", "neither for nor against", "indifferent" ] }, { "id": 2612, "chinese": "无孔不入", "gold": "seize every opportunity", "human": [ "there is no opening into which he does not enter - of one who is skilful in intrigue", "always trying to penetrate in", "enter into every opening", "poke into every nook and corner", "always have an eye on the main chance", "have a finger in every pie", "lose no chance", "no opportunity overlooked", "all-pervasive" ], "machine": [ "pervasive" ] }, { "id": 2613, "chinese": "无计可施", "gold": "utterly without resources", "human": [ "without any plan which might be used", "at one's wits' end", "at the end of one's tether" ], "machine": [ "Nothing can be done", "There is nothing to be done", "There's nothing to be done." ] }, { "id": 2614, "chinese": "无稽之谈", "gold": "baseless gossip", "human": [ "unfounded talk or statements)", "pack of nonsense", "a cock-and-bull story", "a fishy story", "a latrine rumour", "a tale of a tub", "fiction" ], "machine": [ "nonsense" ] }, { "id": 2615, "chinese": "无济于事", "gold": "useless", "human": [ "of no help to the matter", "of no avail", "to no effect", "a grain of wheat in a bushel of chaff", "unhelpful" ], "machine": [ "to no avail", "of no use", "No help" ] }, { "id": 2616, "chinese": "无价之宝", "gold": "priceless treasure", "human": [ "invaluable asset", "above price" ], "machine": [ "priceless", "Invaluable", "A Priceless Treasure" ] }, { "id": 2617, "chinese": "无坚不摧", "gold": "invincible", "human": [ "capable of destroying any stronghold", "overrun all fortifications", "carry all before one", "be all-conquering" ], "machine": [ "indestructible", "invulnerable", "invulnerable to destruction" ] }, { "id": 2618, "chinese": "无精打采", "gold": "be in low spirits", "human": [ "dispirited and discouraged", "with one's spirit quenched", "be in the blues", "out of heart", "feel slack", "dejected", "lackadaisical" ], "machine": [ "listless", "dull and lifeless", "listlessness" ] }, { "id": 2619, "chinese": "无拘无束", "gold": "free and easy", "human": [ "unconstrained", "unrestrained" ], "machine": [ "Unrestricted", "Unrestricted and unrestrained" ] }, { "id": 2620, "chinese": "无穷无尽", "gold": "boundless", "human": [ "infinite", "endless", "inexhaustible", "unfailing" ], "machine": [ "no limit" ] }, { "id": 2621, "chinese": "无隙可乘", "gold": "leave no room for", "human": [ "no crack to get in by", "no openings to exploit", "no weakness to take advantage of" ], "machine": [ "no gap", "no gap to take advantage of", "No Gap to Ride" ] }, { "id": 2622, "chinese": "无懈可击", "gold": "flawless", "human": [ "with no chink in one's armor", "find no flaw for attack", "beyond criticism", "unassailable", "unimpeachable", "invulnerable", "watertight" ], "machine": [ "Impeccable", "Infallible" ] }, { "id": 2623, "chinese": "无中生有", "gold": "manufacture out of thin air", "human": [ "create something out of nothing", "trumped up", "turn nothing into something", "sheer fabrication", "a figment of the imagination", "purely fictitious", "fabricated" ], "machine": [ "out of nothing", "create something from nothing" ] }, { "id": 2624, "chinese": "无耻之尤", "gold": "brazen in the extreme", "human": [ "the height of shamelessness", "most shameless of all" ], "machine": [ "Shameless", "shameless person", "shamelessness" ] }, { "id": 2625, "chinese": "无出其右", "gold": "second to none", "human": [ "nothing superior to it", "matchless", "unequalled", "unexcelled" ], "machine": [ "unrivaled", "there is nothing like it", "there is no one else like it", "there is no one else like him" ] }, { "id": 2626, "chinese": "无事不登三宝殿", "gold": "would not go to somebody's place except on business, for help, etc.", "human": [ "no one comes to the Hall of the Trinity without a reason", "never go to the temple for nothing", "I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't something to ask of you." ], "machine": [ "bother you for something", "visit somebody with an ulterior motive" ] }, { "id": 2627, "chinese": "无事生非", "gold": "create problems where none exists", "human": [ "make trouble out of nothing", "make uncalled-for trouble", "be deliberately provocative" ], "machine": [ "Much Ado About Nothing", "making trouble out of nothing", "make trouble for nothing", "make a scene out of nothing" ] }, { "id": 2628, "chinese": "无伤大雅", "gold": "not matter much", "human": [ "involving no major principle", "not affect the whole", "not hurt the important essentials", "unimportant defects" ], "machine": [ "harmless", "no harm, no foul" ] }, { "id": 2629, "chinese": "无声无臭", "gold": "obscure", "human": [ "neither sound nor smell - of a person who is unknown to fame and without notoriety", "of no reputation", "unknown" ], "machine": [ "Silent and odorless", "No sound, no smell", "No sound and no smell" ] }, { "id": 2630, "chinese": "无足挂齿", "gold": "not worth mentioning", "human": [ "don't mention it" ], "machine": [ "footless", "no big deal", "It's not worth mentioning." ] }, { "id": 2631, "chinese": "无足轻重", "gold": "of little importance", "human": [ "a matter of no consequence", "be of no account", "count for little", "carry no weight", "not fit to be considered", "kick the beam", "nonsignificant", "footy" ], "machine": [ "insignificant", "No importance", "Not important" ] }, { "id": 2632, "chinese": "无所不包", "gold": "all-encompassing", "human": [ "leave nothing unincluded", "all-embracing" ], "machine": [ "all-inclusive", "All inclusive" ] }, { "id": 2633, "chinese": "无所不能", "gold": "omnipotent", "human": [ "almighty" ], "machine": [ "omnipotence" ] }, { "id": 2634, "chinese": "无所不知", "gold": "omniscient", "human": [], "machine": [ "know everything", "omniscience", "Knowing everything" ] }, { "id": 2635, "chinese": "无所不至", "gold": "in every possible way", "human": [ "penetrate everywhere", "spare no pains", "be capable of anything", "by every possible means" ], "machine": [ "everywhere", "Doing everything", "Do it all" ] }, { "id": 2636, "chinese": "无所不在", "gold": "omnipresent", "human": [ "ubiquitous" ], "machine": [ "omnipresence" ] }, { "id": 2637, "chinese": "无所不为", "gold": "stop at nothing", "human": [ "there is nothing which he does not do - in the way of evil", "do all manner of evil", "go all lengths" ], "machine": [ "do anything", "Doing everything", "do everything", "Doing nothing" ] }, { "id": 2638, "chinese": "无所不用其极", "gold": "stop at nothing", "human": [ "resort to every conceivable means", "resort to extreme measures", "employ the meanest of tricks", "use every trick up one's sleeve", "go to every extreme", "leave no stone unturned", "go to any length" ], "machine": [ "do everything", "nothing is left to chance", "nothing is off limits", "nothing is left untouched" ] }, { "id": 2639, "chinese": "无所顾忌", "gold": "without scruple", "human": [ "hesitate at no act", "go all lengths", "unscrupulously" ], "machine": [ "No worries", "No scruples" ] }, { "id": 2640, "chinese": "无所事事", "gold": "have nothing to do", "human": [ "be occupied with nothing", "idle away one's time", "idle about", "be at an idle end", "idleness" ], "machine": [ "do nothing", "have nothing better to do", "idle" ] }, { "id": 2641, "chinese": "无所适从", "gold": "with no definite plan to follow", "human": [ "not know what course to take", "be at a loss as to what to do", "be at sea" ], "machine": [ "at a loss", "at a loss for words", "at aloss" ] }, { "id": 2642, "chinese": "无所作为", "gold": "be in a state of inertia", "human": [ "attempt nothing and accomplish nothing" ], "machine": [ "do nothing", "inaction", "Nothing", "Nothing to do" ] }, { "id": 2643, "chinese": "无所措手足", "gold": "be at a loss as to what to do", "human": [ "do not know how to move hand and foot", "not knowing what to do" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "at a loss for words", "at aloss" ] }, { "id": 2644, "chinese": "无所畏惧", "gold": "utterly without fear", "human": [ "fearless", "dauntless", "undaunted" ], "machine": [ "No Fear", "Fearlessness", "without fear" ] }, { "id": 2645, "chinese": "无所用心", "gold": "not give serious thought to anything", "human": [ "have an empty head" ], "machine": [ "indifferent", "not paying attention", "not using one's mind", "not using anything" ] }, { "id": 2646, "chinese": "无恶不作", "gold": "commit all manner of crimes", "human": [ "stop at nothing in doing evil", "stop at no evil", "do every imaginable evil", "commit all kinds of atrocities", "be as wicked as possible", "one's evil doings know no limits" ], "machine": [ "do no evil", "No evil is ever done.", "No evil is done.", "No evil." ] }, { "id": 2647, "chinese": "无以复加", "gold": "in the extreme", "human": [], "machine": [ "can't be added", "beyond measure", "beyond compare", "beyond description" ] }, { "id": 2648, "chinese": "无依无靠", "gold": "helpless", "human": [ "have no one to depend on" ], "machine": [ "no one to rely on", "on one's own", "left one's own devices", "no one to turn to" ] }, { "id": 2649, "chinese": "无忧无虑", "gold": "carefree", "human": [ "free from care" ], "machine": [ "No worries, no worries" ] }, { "id": 2650, "chinese": "无影无踪", "gold": "vanish without a trace", "human": [ "disappeared without a shadow", "disappear completely", "not a trace left", "vanish into thin air", "fly to the winds", "clean gone" ], "machine": [ "without a trace", "disappear without a trace", "disappear without trace", "without trace" ] }, { "id": 2651, "chinese": "无微不至", "gold": "meticulously", "human": [ "never came short in the smallest details", "without any detail not taken care of", "lavish every care on", "in every possible way", "reaches everywhere", "to the last atom" ], "machine": [ "meticulous", "in every detail", "in every way possible", "in every way" ] }, { "id": 2652, "chinese": "无往不利", "gold": "be ever successful", "human": [ "go smoothly everywhere", "all water runs to one's mill" ], "machine": [ "unfavorable", "be successful in every endeavor", "be successful in all endeavors", "have no disadvantages", "be unprecedented" ] }, { "id": 2653, "chinese": "无往不胜", "gold": "invincible", "human": [ "carry all before one", "ever-victorious" ], "machine": [ "nothing is left to chance", "nothing can be done about it", "nothing to lose" ] }, { "id": 2654, "chinese": "无妄之灾", "gold": "unexpected misfortune", "human": [ "undeserved ill turn" ], "machine": [ "no calamity", "an unwarranted disaster", "an unwarranted calamity", "an undeserved disaster" ] }, { "id": 2655, "chinese": "无与伦比", "gold": "without equal", "human": [ "beyond challenge", "beyond compare", "past comparison", "like all creation", "incomparable", "unparalleled", "unique" ], "machine": [ "Unmatched", "Unbeatable", "Unrivaled" ] }, { "id": 2656, "chinese": "无源之水,无本之木", "gold": "watery without a source and a tree without roots", "human": [], "machine": [ "Water without source, wood without root", "No water without a source, no wood without a foundation" ] }, { "id": 2657, "chinese": "无缘无故", "gold": "for no reason at all", "human": [ "without any reason", "without cause or reason", "without rhyme or reason" ], "machine": [ "for no reason", "no cause, no reason" ] }, { "id": 2658, "chinese": "无庸讳言", "gold": "be frank", "human": [ "no need for reticence" ], "machine": [ "No secret", "It's no secret", "It's no secret that", "It is no secret that" ] }, { "id": 2659, "chinese": "无庸赘述", "gold": "it's unnecessary to go into details", "human": [], "machine": [ "Needless to say", "no need to dwell on", "needless say" ] }, { "id": 2660, "chinese": "烟消云散", "gold": "disappear in a flash", "human": [ "vanish like mist and smoke", "completely vanish", "melt into air", "end in smoke", "be lost in a cloud", "to the four winds", "turn to dust and ashes" ], "machine": [ "disappear into smoke", "vanish into thin air", "Dissipate", "Disappear" ] }, { "id": 2661, "chinese": "焕然一新", "gold": "take on an entirely new look", "human": [ "take on a fresh complexion", "having a bright new look", "look brand-new", "quite new", "spick-and-span" ], "machine": [ "new look", "A new look", "A new lease of life", "A fresh look" ] }, { "id": 2662, "chinese": "煮豆燃萁", "gold": "fratricidal strife", "human": [ "burn beanstalks to cook beans - one member of a family injuring another", "boil beans with beanstalks - reference to a fight among brothers" ], "machine": [ "boiled beans", "burning beanstalks cook the beans", "to cause internecine strife" ] }, { "id": 2663, "chinese": "煮鹤焚琴", "gold": "inappreciative of art or beauty", "human": [ "cooked the crane for meat and burned a stringed instrument for fuel" ], "machine": [ "Boil the Crane and Burn the Qin", "cook a crane and burn a lute" ] }, { "id": 2664, "chinese": "煞费苦心", "gold": "laboriously", "human": [ "cudgel one's brains", "take great pains", "be at great pains", "with much ado", "painstakingly" ], "machine": [ "take a lot of trouble", "painstaking", "take a lot of trouble to do so", "take great pains to do so" ] }, { "id": 2665, "chinese": "照本宣科", "gold": "repeat what the book says", "human": [ "read item by item from the text" ], "machine": [ "scripted", "a bookish approach" ] }, { "id": 2666, "chinese": "照猫画虎", "gold": "imitate", "human": [ "draw a tiger with a cat as a model", "copy" ], "machine": [ "Draw cats and tigers", "drawing a tiger using a cat as a model", "pretend to do something without thinking" ] }, { "id": 2667, "chinese": "茕茕孑立,形影相吊", "gold": "standing all alone, body and shadow comforting each other", "human": [], "machine": [ "Standing alone, hanging from each other", "All alone, all alone, all alone", "All alone, in shadow" ] }, { "id": 2668, "chinese": "熙熙攘攘", "gold": "bustling with activity", "human": [ "hustle and bustle about", "with people bustling about", "coming and going in crowds" ], "machine": [ "bustling" ] }, { "id": 2669, "chinese": "熊熊烈火", "gold": "raging flames", "human": [], "machine": [ "Raging fire", "blazing fire", "a blazing fire", "a raging fire", "a blaze of fire" ] }, { "id": 2670, "chinese": "煽风点火", "gold": "instigate", "human": [ "inflame and agitate people", "fan the fire", "fan up evil winds and flames", "stir up trouble and create splits", "blow the coals" ], "machine": [ "fan the flames", "Stoke the fire", "stirring up the fire", "stoke the fires" ] }, { "id": 2671, "chinese": "熟能生巧", "gold": "practice makes perfect", "human": [ "proficiency comes from familiarity", "skill comes from practice" ], "machine": [ "With practice comes skill." ] }, { "id": 2672, "chinese": "熟视无睹", "gold": "ignore", "human": [ "pay no attention to a familiar sight", "close one's eyes to", "turn a blind eye to", "not to see right under one's nose", "be blind to", "be indifferent to" ], "machine": [ "turn a blind eye", "pay no attention to", "pay no attention to the facts" ] }, { "id": 2673, "chinese": "热火朝天", "gold": "in full swing", "human": [ "buzzing with activity", "stirring and seething", "burning with ardor", "flaming" ], "machine": [ "In the heat of the moment", "The heat is on" ] }, { "id": 2674, "chinese": "热气腾腾", "gold": "seething with activity", "human": [ "steaming hot" ], "machine": [ "steamy", "piping hot" ] }, { "id": 2675, "chinese": "灯火辉煌", "gold": "brilliantly illuminated", "human": [ "ablaze with lights" ], "machine": [ "bright lights", "Brilliant lights", "Brilliant light" ] }, { "id": 2676, "chinese": "灯红酒绿", "gold": "scene of debauchery", "human": [ "red lanterns and green wine", "bright wine banquet" ], "machine": [ "feasting", "lanterns red and green", "lanterns and wine", "debauched and corrupt" ] }, { "id": 2677, "chinese": "燃眉之急", "gold": "a matter of extreme urgency", "human": [ "\"with eyebrows on fire\"", "urgently critical", "as pressing as a fire singeing one's eyebrows", "a pressing need" ], "machine": [ "urgently needed", "extreme emergency", "urgent need", "extreme urgency", "immediate need" ] }, { "id": 2678, "chinese": "燎原烈火", "gold": "a prairie fire", "human": [], "machine": [ "blaze", "start a blaze of fire", "start a prairie fire", "start a blaze", "start a blaze of glory" ] }, { "id": 2679, "chinese": "燕雀处堂", "gold": "oblivious of imminent danger", "human": [ "swallows and sparrows nesting in the hall, unmindful of the spreading blaze" ], "machine": [ "Sparrow's Hall", "a fool's paradise", "a caged bird in a hall" ] }, { "id": 2680, "chinese": "燕巢幕上", "gold": "precarious", "human": [ "a swallow's nest in a tent" ], "machine": [ "Swallow's Nest on the Curtain", "On the Swallow's Nest Curtain", "On the Swallow Nest Curtain", "Swallow's Nest Curtain" ] }, { "id": 2681, "chinese": "营私舞弊", "gold": "practise graft", "human": [ "engage in malpractices for selfish ends", "be corrupt in politics", "malpractices", "jobbery" ], "machine": [ "malpractice", "fraudulent exploitation", "fraud and abuse", "fraudulent activities" ] }, { "id": 2682, "chinese": "炉火纯青", "gold": "high degree of one's technical proficiency and perfection of one's learning", "human": [ "the pure blue flame" ], "machine": [ "Pure fire", "The fire is pure" ] }, { "id": 2683, "chinese": "争分夺秒", "gold": "race against time", "human": [ "seize every minute and every second" ], "machine": [ "The race to the finish line", "Race to the bottom", "Race for time" ] }, { "id": 2684, "chinese": "争权夺利", "gold": "scramble for power and profit", "human": [ "struggle for power and money", "fight for power and wealth" ], "machine": [ "scramble for power", "Competition for power and profit", "Competition for power" ] }, { "id": 2685, "chinese": "争先恐后", "gold": "fall over each other", "human": [ "strive to be the first and fear to lag behind", "in a mad rush to be first", "rush on to the front", "vie with each other" ], "machine": [ "scrambling", "Compete to be first", "Compete to be the first", "Compete first", "Compete for first" ] }, { "id": 2686, "chinese": "争长论短", "gold": "squabble", "human": [ "dispute with somebody about some insignificant matter", "wrangling about anything", "argue" ], "machine": [ "Debating long and short", "argue over the long and short of it", "argue the long and short of it" ] }, { "id": 2687, "chinese": "为民请命", "gold": "plead in the name of the people", "human": [ "plead for the life of the people", "plead for the people" ], "machine": [ "Pray for the people", "For the People" ] }, { "id": 2688, "chinese": "为非作歹", "gold": "break the law", "human": [ "do evil", "carry on misdeeds", "engage in lawlessness", "commit crimes", "perpetrate outrages" ], "machine": [ "to do evil", "break the law and commit crimes", "malefactor", "evil-doer" ] }, { "id": 2689, "chinese": "为富不仁", "gold": "be rich and cruel", "human": [ "be one of the heartless rich" ], "machine": [ "for the rich", "the benevolent man cannot be rich." ] }, { "id": 2690, "chinese": "为虎傅翼", "gold": "assist an evil-doer", "human": [ "give wings to a tiger", "increase the power of a tyrant to do evil", "lend support to an evil-doer like adding wings to a tiger" ], "machine": [ "Fu Yi for the tiger", "for the tiger's wings", "for the tiger", "for the tiger's wing", "for the tiger's sake" ] }, { "id": 2691, "chinese": "为虎作伥", "gold": "help a villain do evil", "human": [ "play the jackal to the tiger", "act as guide to the tiger", "act as a helper to an evil person", "assist the evil-doer", "serve as the enemy's jackal", "hold a candle to the devil" ], "machine": [ "play for the tiger", "act as a helper for the tiger", "act as a helper to the tiger", "act as accomplice to the tiger" ] }, { "id": 2692, "chinese": "为期不远", "gold": "the day is not far off", "human": [], "machine": [ "not far", "Not too far away", "Not far away", "Not far off", "Not too far off" ] }, { "id": 2693, "chinese": "为人作嫁", "gold": "slave for other people", "human": [ "labor in the interests of another in order to make a living", "from the idea of a girl working on the bridal finery of another", "sewing somebody else's trousseau", "doing work for others with no benefit to oneself", "make a wedding dress for others - a woman's lament of being a bridesmaid and never a bride", "act on others' behalf" ], "machine": [ "to marry", "marry for the sake of others", "marry for someone else's sake", "get married for someone else", "marry for someone else" ] }, { "id": 2694, "chinese": "为丛驱雀", "gold": "drive one's friends to the side of the enemy", "human": [ "drive the birds into the woods" ], "machine": [ "drive the sparrows", "Drive the birds away for the bush" ] }, { "id": 2695, "chinese": "为所欲为", "gold": "have one's own way", "human": [ "do whatever one likes", "do as one pleases", "have one's full swing", "act wilfully" ], "machine": [ "do whatever you want", "do whatever you want to do" ] }, { "id": 2696, "chinese": "为渊驱鱼", "gold": "drive one's friends to the side of the enemy", "human": [ "drive the fish into deep waters" ], "machine": [ "drive fish for the abyss", "drive away the fish for the abyss", "to fight for the abyss" ] }, { "id": 2697, "chinese": "爽然若失", "gold": "not know what to do", "human": [ "be at a loss" ], "machine": [ "Reluctantly", "not know what to make of it", "not know what to expect", "at aloss" ] }, { "id": 2698, "chinese": "尔虞我诈", "gold": "each trying to cheat and outwit the other", "human": [ "you cheat and I deceive", "mutually deceive", "mutual suspicion and deception", "play each other false" ], "machine": [ "intrigue", "you hoodwink me and I cheat you", "mutual deception" ] }, { "id": 2699, "chinese": "墙倒众人推", "gold": "everybody bits a man who is down", "human": [ "when a wall is about to collapse, everybody gives it a push", "when a wall is falling, all push it", "take advantage of other's frustration" ], "machine": [ "The wall is pushed down", "a wall falls on everyone", "the wall falls on everyone" ] }, { "id": 2700, "chinese": "片甲不留", "gold": "the army is completely wiped out", "human": [ "not a single armored warrior remains" ], "machine": [ "No armor left", "No armor left behind" ] }, { "id": 2701, "chinese": "片言只字", "gold": "fragments of writing", "human": [ "half a word", "just a note with few words on it" ], "machine": [ "only words", "just a word or two", "just a few words" ] }, { "id": 2702, "chinese": "片瓦无存", "gold": "be razed to the ground", "human": [ "not a single tile remains" ], "machine": [ "No tiles left", "no surviving tiles", "no surviving pieces of tile", "no surviving tile", "no surviving pieces" ] }, { "id": 2703, "chinese": "版版六十四", "gold": "unaccommodating", "human": [ "rigid" ], "machine": [ "Edition sixty-four", "Edition 64", "Version 64", "Edition LXIV", "Plate 64" ] }, { "id": 2704, "chinese": "牛头不对马嘴", "gold": "incongruous", "human": [ "horses' jaws don't match cows' heads", "things that don't agree", "irrelevant" ], "machine": [ "The bull's head is not the horse's mouth", "doesn't fit the bill", "doesn't fit" ] }, { "id": 2705, "chinese": "牛鬼蛇神", "gold": "monsters and demons of all descriptions", "human": [ "monsters and ghosts", "forces of evil", "ogres of all kinds" ], "machine": [ "Bull ghosts and snakes", "Cow and snake gods", "Cow and Snake" ] }, { "id": 2706, "chinese": "牝鸡司晨", "gold": "wife being the head of the family", "human": [ "a hen trying to cry cock-a-doodle-doo", "the grey mare is the better horse" ], "machine": [ "Chicken Sichen", "The female wears the trousers." ] }, { "id": 2707, "chinese": "牢不可破", "gold": "unbreakable", "human": [ "indestructible", "impregnable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2708, "chinese": "物腐虫生", "gold": "worms breed in decaying matter", "human": [ "worms invest decayed matter" ], "machine": [ "carrion", "biological decay and insect growth", "biological rot and insect life", "biological decay insects" ] }, { "id": 2709, "chinese": "物换星移", "gold": "things or aspects of things have changed", "human": [ "things change and the stars move", "change of the seasons" ], "machine": [ "barter", "things change and stars move on", "things change and stars move", "things change and stars shift" ] }, { "id": 2710, "chinese": "物极必反", "gold": "things always revert themselves after reaching an extreme", "human": [ "when a thing reaches its limit, it begins to return", "things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme", "a thing turns into its opposite if pushed too far", "things which have reached their extremes turn into their opposites" ], "machine": [ "Extremes meet", "when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction" ] }, { "id": 2711, "chinese": "物尽其用", "gold": "make the best use of everything", "human": [ "let all things serve their proper purpose" ], "machine": [ "make the best use of it", "Make the best use of things", "Make the most of what you have", "Use everything to the fullest" ] }, { "id": 2712, "chinese": "物以类聚", "gold": "birds of a feather flock together", "human": [ "things of one kind come together", "like attracts like" ], "machine": [ "clustered together", "Birds of a feather flock together." ] }, { "id": 2713, "chinese": "特立独行", "gold": "do not follow the crowd", "human": [ "act independently", "do not go with the current", "do not drift with the tide" ], "machine": [ "maverick" ] }, { "id": 2714, "chinese": "牵肠挂肚", "gold": "be very worried about", "human": [ "feel deep anxiety about", "be deeply concerned", "infinite longing for", "cause deep personal concern" ], "machine": [ "worrying", "deeply worried", "deeply concerned" ] }, { "id": 2715, "chinese": "牵一发而动全身", "gold": "a slight move in one part may affect the situation as a whole", "human": [ "pull one hair and the whole body is affected", "one careless move loses the whole game" ], "machine": [ "Pull one hair and move the whole body", "the whole body is affected by one hair" ] }, { "id": 2716, "chinese": "犬马之劳", "gold": "be at one's beck and call", "human": [ "serve like a dog or a horse" ], "machine": [ "dog's labor", "a dog's job", "a dog's labor", "a dog or horse's labor", "a dog or horse's service" ] }, { "id": 2717, "chinese": "犬牙交错", "gold": "jigsaw-like", "human": [ "be very close to and interlocked with", "of jigsaw pattern" ], "machine": [ "Houndstooth", "intertwining of the teeth of the dog" ] }, { "id": 2718, "chinese": "狂风暴雨", "gold": "a windy downpour", "human": [ "a nasty storm", "the fury of the elements", "tempest" ], "machine": [ "stormy", "howling wind and rain", "howling storm", "howling storm and rain", "difficult situation" ] }, { "id": 2719, "chinese": "狂妄自大", "gold": "arrogant and conceited", "human": [], "machine": [ "arrogant", "arrogance and conceit" ] }, { "id": 2720, "chinese": "狗急跳墙", "gold": "will take desperate measures if pushed to the wall", "human": [ "a cornered beast will do something desperate", "like a cornered dog going mad", "despair gives courage to a coward" ], "machine": [ "dog jumping off the wall", "a cornered dog will jump over the wall", "be driven to desperate action" ] }, { "id": 2721, "chinese": "狗血喷头", "gold": "let loose a stream of abuse", "human": [ "pour out a flood of invective" ], "machine": [ "dog blood sprinkler", "torrent of blood", "torrent of abuse" ] }, { "id": 2722, "chinese": "狗仗人势", "gold": "like a dog threatening people on the strength of its master's power", "human": [ "be a bully under the protection of a powerful person", "a dog bites on the strength of its master's position", "bully others with evil force" ], "machine": [ "dog fight", "a dog threatens to overpower a man" ] }, { "id": 2723, "chinese": "狗嘴里吐不出象牙", "gold": "a cracked bell can never sound well", "human": [ "a dog's mouth emits no ivory", "what can you expect from a hog but a grunt?", "no ivory will come of a dog's mouth", "a filthy mouth can't utter decent language" ], "machine": [ "Dogs bark", "A dog's mouth can't spit out an elephant's teeth" ] }, { "id": 2724, "chinese": "狗眼看人低", "gold": "act like a snob", "human": [ "be damned snobbish" ], "machine": [ "Snob", "a dog's eye can look down on a man" ] }, { "id": 2725, "chinese": "狗尾续貂", "gold": "like patching up a sable coat with a dog's tail", "human": [ "join a dog's tail to sable - incongruous", "a wretched sequel to a fine work", "write a deplorable sequel to a masterpiece" ], "machine": [ "dog-tailed mink", "use a dog's tail as a substitute for sable" ] }, { "id": 2726, "chinese": "狐狸尾巴", "gold": "cloven hoof", "human": [ "fox's tail - something that gives away a person's real character or evil intentions" ], "machine": [ "fox tail", "Foxtail", "Fox tails" ] }, { "id": 2727, "chinese": "狐假虎威", "gold": "take advantage of the influence of others", "human": [ "the fox borrows the tiger's terror - pretending to power, etc.", "a fox makes himself feared by walking in tiger's company", "a man assuming self-importance by his powerful connections", "bully people by flaunting one's powerful connections" ], "machine": [ "fox fake tiger power", "fox and tiger", "Foxes and tigers" ] }, { "id": 2728, "chinese": "狐群狗党", "gold": "a gang of scoundrels", "human": [ "a set of rogues", "a bad lot", "evil associates" ], "machine": [ "Fox and Dog Party", "a gang of foxes and dogs", "a skulk of foxes and dogs" ] }, { "id": 2729, "chinese": "狡兔三窟", "gold": "a crafty person has more than one hideout", "human": [ "a wily hare has three burrows", "elude discovery, burrow oneself in secret hideouts", "a wily rabbit has several exits to its burrow" ], "machine": [ "Three Caves of Crafty Rabbit", "a sly rabbit has three burrows", "a sly rabbit has three caves" ] }, { "id": 2730, "chinese": "狼狈不堪", "gold": "in an extremely awkward position", "human": [ "in an embarrassing situation", "in sore straits", "be in a sorry plight", "like a drowned rat", "totally helpless", "utterly disconcerted" ], "machine": [ "embarrassed", "battered and exhausted", "stuck in a dilemma", "stuck in a rut", "stuck in a difficult situation" ] }, { "id": 2731, "chinese": "狼狈为奸", "gold": "be partners in crime", "human": [ "act in collusion with each other", "be banded together in collusion", "collude in doing evil", "join in a conspiracy", "work hand in glove with ..." ], "machine": [ "embarrassed", "wolves are in a dilemma", "wolves in a dilemma", "wolves and wicked people" ] }, { "id": 2732, "chinese": "狼奔豕突", "gold": "run like wolves and rush like boars", "human": [ "infest and harass about" ], "machine": [ "wolf rush", "the wolves run and the wild boar rushes" ] }, { "id": 2733, "chinese": "狼吞虎咽", "gold": "wolf down", "human": [ "eat like a wolf or a tiger", "devour ravenously", "eat voraciously", "gobble up", "make a pig of oneself", "gorge", "gormandize" ], "machine": [ "wolf", "wolf down one's food", "to devour ravenously", "gorge oneself", "gorge oneself with food" ] }, { "id": 2734, "chinese": "狼心狗肺", "gold": "brutal and coldblooded", "human": [ "rapacious as a wolf and savage as a cur", "completely without conscience", "cruel and unscrupulous", "of cruel and fierce disposition", "wicked-hearted", "ungrateful" ], "machine": [ "heart of wolf and lungs of dog" ] }, { "id": 2735, "chinese": "狼子野心", "gold": "greedy, cruel and full of wild ambitions", "human": [ "designs of wolves and of wolfish nature" ], "machine": [ "wild ambition", "ambition of the wolf", "ambition of wolves", "ambition of the wolves" ] }, { "id": 2736, "chinese": "狭路相逢", "gold": "meet face to face on a narrow path", "human": [ "they met on a narrow path - where they could not avoid each other", "come into unavoidable confrontation", "inevitable revenge", "be squeezed into an ever-shrinking domain" ], "machine": [ "meet by narrow road", "The Narrow Road", "Narrow Road", "The Narrow Path", "The Narrow Way" ] }, { "id": 2737, "chinese": "犹豫不决", "gold": "remain undecided", "human": [ "hesitate to act or choose one's course", "inability to make up one's mind", "halt between two opinions", "be in two minds", "yea and nay", "back and fill", "hang fire", "shilly-shally", "indecision", "hesitate", "vacillate", "waver" ], "machine": [ "indecisive", "Hesitation", "Hesitant" ] }, { "id": 2738, "chinese": "獐头鼠目", "gold": "repulsively ugly and sly looking", "human": [ "with the head of a buck and the eyes of a rat" ], "machine": [ "Roe-headed mouse", "a swine's head and a mouse's eye", "a swine's head and a rat's eye" ] }, { "id": 2739, "chinese": "独霸一方", "gold": "be a local despot", "human": [ "lord it over a district" ], "machine": [ "Dominate one side", "dominate one's own", "dominate one's own party", "dominate a party" ] }, { "id": 2740, "chinese": "独步一时", "gold": "set the pace for the generation", "human": [ "be unequalled in one's generation" ], "machine": [ "stand alone", "outstanding" ] }, { "id": 2741, "chinese": "独木不成林", "gold": "unable to do single-handed", "human": [ "one tree does not make the woods", "one person alone cannot accomplish much", "one swallow does not make a summer" ], "machine": [ "A single tree does not make a forest", "a lone tree does not make a forest" ] }, { "id": 2742, "chinese": "独木难支", "gold": "one person alone cannot save the situation", "human": [ "one log cannot prop up a tottering building", "individual effort cannot sustain it" ], "machine": [ "alone tree", "it is hard to support a single log", "unable support a single person on one's own" ] }, { "id": 2743, "chinese": "独夫民贼", "gold": "autocrat and traitor to the people", "human": [], "machine": [ "single husomebodyand and thief", "dictator and thief", "tyrant and thief", "Dictatorial thief" ] }, { "id": 2744, "chinese": "独当一面", "gold": "lake charge as chief of one department", "human": [ "able to undertake the sole responsibility for one matter", "take charge of a department" ], "machine": [ "stand alone", "assume personal responsibility", "to take charge of a section", "take charge of one's own" ] }, { "id": 2745, "chinese": "独断专行", "gold": "decide alone and act at one's own will", "human": [ "come to a decision and act on one's own desire", "make arbitrary decisions and take preemptory actions", "decide and act arbitrarily" ], "machine": [ "Autocratic", "arbitrary", "arbitrary and unconventional", "arbitrary and unilateral", "arbitrary and unconstrained" ] }, { "id": 2746, "chinese": "独揽大权", "gold": "arrogate all powers to oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "monopolize power", "monopoly", "assume sole control" ] }, { "id": 2747, "chinese": "独立自主", "gold": "on an independent basis", "human": [ "maintain independence and keep the initiative in one's own hands", "act independently and with the initiative in one's own hands", "stand on one's own feet" ], "machine": [ "independent", "Independence", "Independence and autonomy" ] }, { "id": 2748, "chinese": "独具匠心", "gold": "have originality", "human": [ "possessing mental strategy alone", "show ingenuity" ], "machine": [ "originality", "Originality and craftsmanship", "Unique and original", "unique and ingenious" ] }, { "id": 2749, "chinese": "独具双眼", "gold": "have exceptional insight", "human": [ "be able to see what others cannot" ], "machine": [ "unique eyes", "A unique pair of eyes" ] }, { "id": 2750, "chinese": "独占鳌头", "gold": "head the list of successful candidates", "human": [ "come out first", "be the champion" ], "machine": [ "come out on top", "the only one to take the lead" ] }, { "id": 2751, "chinese": "独出心裁", "gold": "show originality", "human": [ "take a course of one's own", "create new styles", "be original", "ingenuity" ], "machine": [ "ingenious", "original and ingenious", "originality", "original and unconventional", "original and distinctive" ] }, { "id": 2752, "chinese": "独善其身", "gold": "attend to one's own virtue in solitude", "human": [ "pay attention to one's own moral uplift without thought of others" ], "machine": [ "be alone", "keep to oneself", "keep to yourself" ] }, { "id": 2753, "chinese": "独树一帜", "gold": "create a separate school", "human": [ "fly one's own colors", "develop a school of one's own" ], "machine": [ "Unique", "A unique and unique", "A unique and distinctive" ] }, { "id": 2754, "chinese": "独一无二", "gold": "unmatched", "human": [ "the one and only", "the only one", "unique", "unrivaled", "unparalleled" ], "machine": [ "Exclusive", "One of a kind" ] }, { "id": 2755, "chinese": "献计献策", "gold": "make suggestions", "human": [ "offer advice", "suggest ways and means for ..." ], "machine": [ "Contribution", "Contributions", "Contribute your ideas" ] }, { "id": 2756, "chinese": "玄之又玄", "gold": "mystery of mysteries", "human": [ "extremely mysterious and abstruse" ], "machine": [ "Mysterious and Mysterious", "The mystery of the mystery" ] }, { "id": 2757, "chinese": "率由旧章", "gold": "follow the beaten track", "human": [ "observe the old rules", "act in accordance with established rules" ], "machine": [ "rate by old chapter", "Rate by the old chapter" ] }, { "id": 2758, "chinese": "玉不琢,不成器", "gold": "jade requires chiseling - as man needs training and discipline", "human": [ "if jade is not cut and polished, it can not be made into anything" ], "machine": [ "Jade is not cut, not a device", "If you don't cut the jade, it won't make you a piece of art" ] }, { "id": 2759, "chinese": "玉石俱焚", "gold": "good men destroyed with the bad", "human": [ "jade and stone burned together", "indiscriminate destruction of good and bad alike", "jade and stone both burned" ], "machine": [ "Jade burns", "Burn the jade and burn the stone" ] }, { "id": 2760, "chinese": "玩火自焚", "gold": "whoever plays with fire gets burnt", "human": [ "he who plays with fire will get burned", "play with fire and perish by it", "get burnt by playing with fire" ], "machine": [ "play with fire", "play with fire and get burnt", "to play with fire and get burnt" ] }, { "id": 2761, "chinese": "玩世不恭", "gold": "be cynical", "human": [ "take a cynical attitude towards life", "a hippy" ], "machine": [ "cynicism", "trifle without respect", "to despise worldly conventions", "frivolous", "trifle with the world" ] }, { "id": 2762, "chinese": "玩物丧志", "gold": "play through life and have no serious ambition", "human": [ "riding a hobby saps one's will to make progress", "excessive attention to trivia saps the will", "sap one's aspiration by seeking pleasure" ], "machine": [ "plaything mourning", "trifling with things loses one's will" ] }, { "id": 2763, "chinese": "珠联璧合", "gold": "a perfect pair", "human": [ "strings of pearls and girdles of jade", "collection of pearls and valuables", "excellent composition", "combined together", "a happy combination" ], "machine": [ "Perfect match", "the pearl is a perfect match" ] }, { "id": 2764, "chinese": "珠圆玉润", "gold": "excellent singing or polished writing", "human": [ "round as pearls and smooth as jade" ], "machine": [ "Pearl Round Yurun", "pearls and jade", "pearly and jade", "pearly and elegant" ] }, { "id": 2765, "chinese": "班门弄斧", "gold": "show off in the presence of an old hand", "human": [ "show off one's proficiency with the axe before Lu Pan the master carpenter", "display one's slight skill before an expert", "teach one's grandmother how to suck eggs" ], "machine": [ "ban door axe" ] }, { "id": 2766, "chinese": "现身说法", "gold": "advise somebody or explain something by using one's own experience as an example", "human": [ "take oneself as an example" ], "machine": [ "personal statement", "Talk from the inside", "Talking from the inside", "Talking from the heart", "Talk about it from the inside" ] }, { "id": 2767, "chinese": "理屈词穷", "gold": "fall silent when having nothing left to justify oneself", "human": [ "shut up when defeated in argument", "have nothing more to say on finding oneself devoid of all argument", "be condemned out of one's own showing" ], "machine": [ "lack of reason", "faulty argument and poor rhetoric", "unable put forward any convincing arguments", "without a leg to stand on", "without a leg stand on" ] }, { "id": 2768, "chinese": "理直气壮", "gold": "be self-confident on the strength of one's righteousness", "human": [ "with justice on one's side, one is bold and assured", "be in the right and self-confident" ], "machine": [ "confident", "have the courage of one's convictions", "have the courage to do so" ] }, { "id": 2769, "chinese": "理所当然", "gold": "both natural and right", "human": [ "it's only right and proper", "it goes without saying", "as it ought to be", "in accordance with what is right", "as a matter of course" ], "machine": [ "Of course", "Right and proper", "Rightfully so." ] }, { "id": 2770, "chinese": "琳琅满目", "gold": "dazzle the eye", "human": [ "a superb collection of beautiful things", "a feast for the eyes" ], "machine": [ "dazzling array", "a wide range of products" ] }, { "id": 2771, "chinese": "瑕不掩瑜", "gold": "the defects cannot obscure the virtues", "human": [ "one flaw cannot obscure the splendour of the jade", "the flaws do not detract from the jade's essential beauty", "blemishes do not detract from man's greatness" ], "machine": [ "Flaws do not hide beauty", "A blemish does not obscure a blemish." ] }, { "id": 2772, "chinese": "瑕瑜互见", "gold": "have both strong and weak points", "human": [ "there are both good and bad qualities", "see what is perfect and what is not", "have defects as well as merits" ], "machine": [ "Xia Yu meet each other", "the best of both worlds", "the pros and cons of each case", "the pros and cons" ] }, { "id": 2773, "chinese": "瑞雪兆丰年", "gold": "winter snow signifies a year of good crops", "human": [ "a fall of seasonable snow gives promise of a fruitful year", "a timely snow promises a good harvest", "a snow year, a good year" ], "machine": [ "Ruixue Mega Year", "A bountiful year of snow", "A bumper year of snow", "A bountiful year with snow", "A bountiful snow year" ] }, { "id": 2774, "chinese": "璞玉浑金", "gold": "unadorned beauty", "human": [ "uncut jade and unrefined gold", "gold-ore and unworked jade - said of one who has not been spoiled" ], "machine": [ "Raw jade and gold", "a diamond in the rough with gold in it", "a diamond in the rough" ] }, { "id": 2775, "chinese": "琼楼玉宇", "gold": "a magnificent building", "human": [ "a richly decorated jade palace" ], "machine": [ "Qionglou Yuyu", "jade palace", "jade building" ] }, { "id": 2776, "chinese": "瓜田李下", "gold": "be found in a suspicious position", "human": [ "don't tie your shoes in a melon-patch and adjust your hat under a plum tree", "avoid being suspected" ], "machine": [ "Melon Field Lixia", "pull down a melon field and plum tree", "pull down a melon patch" ] }, { "id": 2777, "chinese": "瓜熟蒂落", "gold": "at the right time things are easily managed", "human": [ "when a melon is ripe it falls off its stem", "things will be easily settled when conditions are ripe" ], "machine": [ "Ripe melon", "When the melon is ripe, it falls.", "the melon is ripe and falls" ] }, { "id": 2778, "chinese": "瓦釜雷鸣", "gold": "an unworthy man in a high position", "human": [ "an earthen pot sounding like thunder", "earthen pots making a lot of noise instead of the classical bells - said of bombastic politicians in power while good men are out" ], "machine": [ "Wah Kettle Thunder", "thundering from a cauldron", "thunder in a cauldron", "thunder from a cauldron", "thundering from the cauldron" ] }, { "id": 2779, "chinese": "瓮中之鳖", "gold": "a rat in a hole", "human": [ "a turtle in the jar", "bottled up", "inescapable situation", "a sitting duck", "trapped" ], "machine": [ "Turtle in a urn", "A turtle in a jar", "A turtle in an urn" ] }, { "id": 2780, "chinese": "瓮中捉鳖", "gold": "a sure catch", "human": [ "catch a turtle in the jar", "catch a rat in the hole", "go after an easy prey" ], "machine": [ "Catching turtle in urn", "catch a turtle in a jar", "Catching a turtle in a jar" ] }, { "id": 2781, "chinese": "甘拜下风", "gold": "willingly acknowledge defeat", "human": [ "willingly to take an inferior position", "candidly admit defeat", "acknowledge the corn", "lower one's sail" ], "machine": [ "Gan Bai downwind", "concede defeat", "play second fiddle", "concede defeat to", "concede defeat to the enemy" ] }, { "id": 2782, "chinese": "甘之如饴", "gold": "gladly endure hardships", "human": [ "enjoy something bitter as if it were malt sugar" ], "machine": [ "Sweet as candy", "as sweet as syrup", "as sweet as a syrup", "as sweet as a pie", "as good as it gets" ] }, { "id": 2783, "chinese": "甚嚣尘上", "gold": "making a lot of noise", "human": [ "the dust and din of somebody fill the air", "cause a temporary clamor" ], "machine": [ "all over the place", "raise a tremendous stink", "clamor raises the dust" ] }, { "id": 2784, "chinese": "甜言蜜语", "gold": "sweet words and honeyed phrases", "human": [ "fine-sounding words", "sugary word", "soft sawder", "glib talk", "blarney", "cajolement", "honey-lipped", "smooth-tongued" ], "machine": [ "sweet Nothing", "sweet speech and honeyed words", "sweet talk and honeyed words." ] }, { "id": 2785, "chinese": "生搬硬套", "gold": "apply or copy mechanically", "human": [ "copy mechanically in disregard of specific conditions", "copy mechanically and apply indiscriminately" ], "machine": [ "Rigidly", "rigidly apply", "rigid application", "rigid adaptation", "rigidly copy" ] }, { "id": 2786, "chinese": "生米煮成熟饭", "gold": "what's done can't be undone", "human": [ "the rice is already cooked" ], "machine": [ "uncooked rice cooked rice", "the rice is cooked" ] }, { "id": 2787, "chinese": "生龙活虎", "gold": "lively", "human": [ "vivid and vigorous" ], "machine": [ "Lively Dragon", "Lively dragon and tiger", "LIVING DRAGON" ] }, { "id": 2788, "chinese": "生吞活剥", "gold": "swallow something raw and whole", "human": [ "accept something uncritically", "gulp down uncritically", "transplant indiscriminately", "force an interpretation of text", "without understanding", "skin alive" ], "machine": [ "Swallow and peel", "swallow whole", "to apply uncritically", "swallow alive" ] }, { "id": 2789, "chinese": "生拉活扯", "gold": "stretch the meaning", "human": [ "drag somebody out to do something by force as well as by persuasion" ], "machine": [ "life pulls", "wildly exaggerate the meaning of something." ] }, { "id": 2790, "chinese": "生离死别", "gold": "part forever", "human": [ "eternal separation between loved ones in life or death", "part never to meet again" ], "machine": [ "life and death", "Separation of life and death", "Separation in life and death", "Separation from life and death" ] }, { "id": 2791, "chinese": "生灵涂炭", "gold": "the people are plunged into an abyss of misery", "human": [ "the people are amid mire and charcoal", "in great distress", "people in great affliction" ], "machine": [ "living beings", "people are in a terrible situation", "people are in a terrible state", "people are in ruins" ] }, { "id": 2792, "chinese": "生龙活虎", "gold": "with furious energy", "human": [ "doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger", "brimming with energy", "full of vim and vigor", "be alive and kicking" ], "machine": [ "lively", "Lively Dragon", "Lively dragon and tiger", "LIVING DRAGON" ] }, { "id": 2793, "chinese": "生花妙笔", "gold": "a gifted pen", "human": [ "a graphic pen" ], "machine": [ "gifted pen", "beautiful writing", "beautiful or talented writing" ] }, { "id": 2794, "chinese": "生气勃勃", "gold": "full of life", "human": [ "dynamic and vigorous", "alive with activity", "alive and kicking", "be vivid with life", "like a steam-engine", "spirited" ], "machine": [ "fresh", "full of vitality", "Vitality", "vibrant", "lively" ] }, { "id": 2795, "chinese": "生杀予夺", "gold": "have somebody completely in one's power", "human": [ "hold power over somebody's life and property" ], "machine": [ "life and death", "life, death and discretion", "life, death and power", "life, death and destruction" ] }, { "id": 2796, "chinese": "生死存亡", "gold": "life or death", "human": [ "question of survival or not", "question of living or dying", "life-and-death" ], "machine": [ "life and death", "Survival" ] }, { "id": 2797, "chinese": "生死攸关", "gold": "life and death", "human": [ "vital importance", "life-or-death" ], "machine": [ "A Matter of Life and Death", "A matter of life or death" ] }, { "id": 2798, "chinese": "生于忧患,死于安乐", "gold": "life springs from sorrow and calamity, death comes from ease and pleasure", "human": [], "machine": [ "Born in trouble, die in peace" ] }, { "id": 2799, "chinese": "用兵如神", "gold": "be a superb military commander", "human": [ "direct military operations with miraculous skill", "work miracles in manoeuvring troops" ], "machine": [ "Use soldiers like gods", "Use your troops like a god", "Use the army like a god", "Use of troops like a god" ] }, { "id": 2800, "chinese": "男盗女娼", "gold": "behave like thieves and whores", "human": [ "be out-and-out scoundrels" ], "machine": [ "male thief female prostitute", "male thieves and female prostitutes" ] }, { "id": 2801, "chinese": "畏首畏尾", "gold": "fear both the beginning and the end", "human": [ "excessive fear", "be full of misgivings", "be overcautious", "be filled with misgivings and fear", "be frightened all over" ], "machine": [ "timid", "afraid of the head", "fearful of the head" ] }, { "id": 2802, "chinese": "畏缩不前", "gold": "hesitate to press forward", "human": [ "hang back", "recoil in fear", "flinch from" ], "machine": [ "cringe", "cowering in fear", "Cowering", "cowering in fear of the future" ] }, { "id": 2803, "chinese": "留得青山在,不怕没柴烧", "gold": "while there is life there is hope", "human": [ "as long as the green mountains are there one need not worry about firewood", "as long as green hills remain there'll never be a shortage of firewood" ], "machine": [ "Where there is life, there is hope", "While the green hills last, there will be wood burn . Where there's life there's no firewood." ] }, { "id": 2804, "chinese": "留有余地", "gold": "allow for unforeseen circumstances", "human": [ "leave some ground", "leave some leeway" ], "machine": [ "leave room", "Leave room to maneuver", "Leave a margin for error", "Leave room to manoeuvre", "Leave a margin" ] }, { "id": 2805, "chinese": "略见一斑", "gold": "get a rough idea of", "human": [ "see a sample of", "catch a glimpse of" ], "machine": [ "Spotted", "anecdotal evidence", "anecdotal observation", "an overview", "a glimpse of what's going on" ] }, { "id": 2806, "chinese": "略胜一筹", "gold": "slightly better", "human": [ "a notch above", "just a little better", "one too many for somebody", "be one-up on", "preferable" ], "machine": [ "a little better", "slightly better than" ] }, { "id": 2807, "chinese": "毕其功于一役", "gold": "accomplish the whole task at one stroke", "human": [], "machine": [ "Completed in one battle", "complete a task in one go", "complete a task in one piece" ] }, { "id": 2808, "chinese": "异端邪说", "gold": "heretical beliefs", "human": [ "a heterodox opinion", "teachings that lead one astray", "unorthodox opinions" ], "machine": [ "Heresy", "heresies and cults", "heresies", "heretical heresy" ] }, { "id": 2809, "chinese": "异口同声", "gold": "unanimously", "human": [ "cry out in one voice", "join in the same chorus of", "sing the same tune in different keys", "all agree", "a myriad voices with one sound", "with one voice", "with one accord", "by common consent", "in unison", "in chorus", "without a dissentient voice" ], "machine": [ "in different voices", "different mouths and voices", "in different languages" ] }, { "id": 2810, "chinese": "异乎寻常", "gold": "uncommon", "human": [ "extraordinary", "unusual", "abnormal" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 2811, "chinese": "异军突起", "gold": "a new force suddenly coming to the fore", "human": [], "machine": [ "sudden emergence", "emerge as a new force to be reckoned with", "emerge as a new force", "emerging as a new force" ] }, { "id": 2812, "chinese": "异曲同工", "gold": "the same result achieved by different methods", "human": [ "different tunes rendered with equal skill", "different in approach but equally satisfactory in result", "achieve the same goal with different means", "different approaches contribute to the same end", "play the same tune on different instruments", "the same meaning expressed in different words" ], "machine": [ "Same purpose", "different and similar", "different and identical", "the same difference" ] }, { "id": 2813, "chinese": "异想天开", "gold": "have strange, fantastic ideas", "human": [ "come out with most fantastic ideas", "indulge in the wildest fantasy", "have a maggot in one's head", "give rein to fancy", "expect wonders", "a flight of fancy", "a kick in one's gallop", "stretch of the imagination", "wild hopes", "wishful thinking", "freakish", "vagarious", "fantastic" ], "machine": [ "whimsical", "Bizarre", "Bizarro" ] }, { "id": 2814, "chinese": "画饼充饥", "gold": "feed on illusions", "human": [ "draw a cake and call it a dinner", "a Barmecide feast", "draw cakes to allay hunger", "eat the air" ], "machine": [ "painting cake to satisfy hunger", "allay one's hunger using a picture of a cake" ] }, { "id": 2815, "chinese": "画地为牢", "gold": "restrict somebody's activities to a designated area or sphere", "human": [ "draw a circle on the ground for a prison" ], "machine": [ "prison", "confine oneself to a restricted area" ] }, { "id": 2816, "chinese": "画龙点睛", "gold": "put the finishing touches on something", "human": [ "bring the painted dragon to life by putting in the pupils of its eyes", "add the touch that brings a work of art to life", "put life into something - like dotting the eyeballs of a painted dragon", "add a word or two to clinch the point" ], "machine": [ "finishing touch", "paint the dragon and dot the eyes", "paint a dragon and dot a line" ] }, { "id": 2817, "chinese": "画虎类狗", "gold": "attempting more than one has ability for", "human": [ "make an attempt at a picture of a tiger and only achieve the likeness of a dog", "try to draw a tiger and end up with the likeness of a dog", "make a poor imitation" ], "machine": [ "drawing tiger dog", "drawing a tiger like a dog", "painting a tiger like a dog" ] }, { "id": 2818, "chinese": "画虎画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心", "gold": "in drawing a tiger, you show its skin but not its bones; in knowing a man, you know his face but not his heart", "human": [], "machine": [ "Painted painting difficult to draw tiger bone, Clothes make the man", "painting a tiger's skin is hard to paint a bone, knowing that one knows the face but not the heart" ] }, { "id": 2819, "chinese": "画蛇添足", "gold": "ruin the effect by adding something superfluous", "human": [ "draw a snake and add feet to it", "do what is superfluous - like adding feet to a painted snake", "to over-reach the mark is just as bad as not reaching it", "gild the lily", "put butter on bacon", "fan the breezes" ], "machine": [ "superfluous", "draw legs on a snake", "overdo it", "overdoing it" ] }, { "id": 2820, "chinese": "当头棒喝", "gold": "a blow to the head", "human": [ "a blow and a shout", "a sharp warning", "give somebody sharp advices to wake him up from error", "arouse a person from his stupidity", "issue a strong warning" ], "machine": [ "drink up", "drink from the head", "strike a blow to the head", "drink to the head" ] }, { "id": 2821, "chinese": "当机立断", "gold": "decide on the moment", "human": [ "decide promptly and opportunely", "make a quick decision as the situation demands", "make a prompt decision", "prompt a decision at the right moment" ], "machine": [ "Make an immediate decision", "Make an instant decision" ] }, { "id": 2822, "chinese": "当家作主", "gold": "be the master of one's own affairs", "human": [ "be master in one's own house" ], "machine": [ "Homeownership", "Be the master of your own house", "Be in charge", "Be the master", "Be the master of your house" ] }, { "id": 2823, "chinese": "当局者迷,旁观者清", "gold": "those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside", "human": [ "the spectators see the chess game better than the players", "out-standers see more than gamesters" ], "machine": [ "Father, like son", "The person on the spot is confused, the onlooker is clear" ] }, { "id": 2824, "chinese": "当之无愧", "gold": "be worthy of", "human": [ "worthy of the title or honor", "merit the reward", "deserve well of", "be well qualified for" ], "machine": [ "well deserved", "well-deserved", "deservedly so" ] }, { "id": 2825, "chinese": "当场出丑", "gold": "make a spectacle of oneself", "human": [ "give the whole show away on the spot" ], "machine": [ "Embarrassed on the spot", "make a fool of oneself on the spot", "make a fool of oneself" ] }, { "id": 2826, "chinese": "当仁不让", "gold": "not decline to shoulder a responsibility", "human": [ "not pass on to others what one is called upon to do", "make virtue one's burden", "take it as one's obligation to manage something for the just cause", "take it as one's obligation to assume such authority", "in good causes do not lag behind" ], "machine": [ "Do your part", "be a worthy successor", "be the one to blame", "be the one to do it", "be unwilling to let go" ] }, { "id": 2827, "chinese": "当耳边风", "gold": "turn a deaf ear to", "human": [ "look upon it as a wind blowing past the ear - as if of no importance", "let something in one ear and out the other", "regard it as a matter of no concern", "take like passing wind" ], "machine": [ "when the wind blows", "When the wind in your ears", "When the wind is in your ears" ] }, { "id": 2828, "chinese": "当务之急", "gold": "urgent matter", "human": [ "a pressing matter of the moment", "a task of top priority", "pressing obligation" ], "machine": [ "top priority", "The urgent need of the hour", "The urgent task at hand", "The urgent need" ] }, { "id": 2829, "chinese": "叠床架屋", "gold": "pile one bed upon another or build one house on top of another", "human": [ "needless duplication" ], "machine": [ "Stacked bed frame house", "Stacked beds and houses", "Stacking beds and houses" ] }, { "id": 2830, "chinese": "疏不间亲", "gold": "blood is thicker than water", "human": [], "machine": [ "inseparable", "The distant are not close relatives." ] }, { "id": 2831, "chinese": "疑团莫释", "gold": "dark shadows of doubt lurking in one's mind", "human": [ "doubts and suspicions can not be cleared up" ], "machine": [ "Suspicion unsolved", "mystery remains unanswered", "mystery remains unresolved", "mystery remains unexplained", "mystery remains" ] }, { "id": 2832, "chinese": "疑心生暗鬼", "gold": "suspicions create imaginary fears", "human": [ "a suspicious heart will see ghosts" ], "machine": [ "Suspicious ghost", "suspecting the devil in the eyes of the beholder" ] }, { "id": 2833, "chinese": "疑神疑鬼", "gold": "imagine all sorts of things", "human": [ "be terribly suspicious", "even afraid of one's own shadow", "oversensitive" ], "machine": [ "suspicious", "overly suspicious", "suspect everyone", "suspecting everyone" ] }, { "id": 2834, "chinese": "疲于奔命", "gold": "be tired out by too much running around", "human": [ "be kept constantly on the run", "tired and exhausted from rushing about on missions", "be weighed down with work" ], "machine": [ "exhausted", "be overwhelmed with work", "be overwhelmed", "be overwhelmed with fatigue", "be overwhelmed with workload" ] }, { "id": 2835, "chinese": "疾风知劲草", "gold": "adversity is the best testing ground for moral stamina", "human": [ "the force of the wind tests the strength of the grass", "the strong wind reveals the strength of the grass", "strength of character is tested in a crisis", "in time of disorder, the loyal and the disloyal are revealed" ], "machine": [ "The wind knows the strong grass", "the storm put strong grass the test", "troubled times test a faithful minister" ] }, { "id": 2836, "chinese": "疾首蹙额", "gold": "with aching head and knitted brows - abhorrence", "human": [], "machine": [ "frown", "head in anguish and wrinkling of the forehead" ] }, { "id": 2837, "chinese": "疾足先得", "gold": "the hasty foot gets there first", "human": [], "machine": [ "first-served", "the first one to win" ] }, { "id": 2838, "chinese": "疾恶如仇", "gold": "abhor evils or evildoers as if they were personal enemies", "human": [ "hate evil as one does his enemy", "hate evil like an enemy", "have an abhorrence of evil" ], "machine": [ "Evil like hatred", "hate evil as one hates an enemy" ] }, { "id": 2839, "chinese": "疾言厉色", "gold": "harsh words and stern looks", "human": [ "sudden outpourings and fierce looks" ], "machine": [ "speak sternly", "stern words and severe colors", "stern words and severe color", "stern words" ] }, { "id": 2840, "chinese": "病急乱投医", "gold": "try anything when in a desperate situation", "human": [ "turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill" ], "machine": [ "emergency medical treatment", "turn to any doctor in a crisis", "to try anyone or anything in a crisis" ] }, { "id": 2841, "chinese": "病入膏肓", "gold": "rotten to the core", "human": [ "the disease has attacked the vitals", "beyond cure", "sick to the core", "be past praying for", "incurably sick", "fatal disease", "hopeless case" ], "machine": [ "terminally ill", "the disease has gone beyond cure" ] }, { "id": 2842, "chinese": "病从口入", "gold": "illness finds its way in by the mouth", "human": [ "diseases enter by the mouth" ], "machine": [ "disease from the mouth", "Illness enters by the mouth .", "Illness enters by the mouth", "Illness comes from the mouth." ] }, { "id": 2843, "chinese": "痛定思痛", "gold": "recall past pains", "human": [ "recall a painful experience", "take one's painful experience to heart", "draw a lesson from a bitter experience to heart" ], "machine": [ "grief", "think about the pain and suffering" ] }, { "id": 2844, "chinese": "痛改前非", "gold": "sincerely mend one's ways", "human": [ "thoroughly rectify one's errors", "a thorough repent of one's former sins", "earnestly reform one's misdeeds", "reform with a keen sense of errors" ], "machine": [ "rehabilitate", "completely correcting one's former misdeeds", "repent past mistakes and turn over a new leaf", "a reformed character" ] }, { "id": 2845, "chinese": "痛哭流涕", "gold": "cry one's heart out", "human": [ "cry and shed bitter tears", "cry bitterly", "wail" ], "machine": [ "weeping", "weeping bitter tears", "weeping bitterly" ] }, { "id": 2846, "chinese": "痛心疾首", "gold": "resent or hate deeply", "human": [ "with bitter hatred" ], "machine": [ "distressed", "grieve and lament", "bitter and hateful" ] }, { "id": 2847, "chinese": "痛心切齿", "gold": "make one burn with anger", "human": [ "gnash the teeth with anger" ], "machine": [ "gnashing of teeth", "grieve and cut one's teeth", "bitterly disappointed" ] }, { "id": 2848, "chinese": "痛痒相关", "gold": "care for one another's comfort and happiness", "human": [ "share a common lot" ], "machine": [ "Itching related", "Pain and itch related", "Pain and itch-related" ] }, { "id": 2849, "chinese": "痴心妄想", "gold": "wishful thinking", "human": [ "fond dream", "an idle dream", "a pipe dream" ], "machine": [ "delusions of grandeur", "delusional thinking" ] }, { "id": 2850, "chinese": "痴人说梦", "gold": "a fool's talk", "human": [ "an idiot's day-dream", "idiotic nonsense", "lunatic ravings", "tell fantastic tales", "talk fantastic nonsense" ], "machine": [ "idiots dream", "Idiot's dream", "Idiots talk about dreams", "Idiot's Dreams" ] }, { "id": 2851, "chinese": "疮痍满目", "gold": "wherever one looks, there is devastation", "human": [ "the wounded meet the eye everywhere", "distress and suffering are seen on every side", "everywhere a scene of devastation meets the eye", "see evidence of people's distress everywhere", "full eyesight of devastation" ], "machine": [ "scarred", "devastation everywhere", "devastation", "devastation and destruction" ] }, { "id": 2852, "chinese": "癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉", "gold": "aspiring after something one is not worthy of", "human": [ "a toad lusting after a swan's flesh" ], "machine": [ "Toad wants to eat", "A toad wants to eat swan meat", "Toad wants to eat swan meat", "A toad trying to eat swan meat", "Toad trying to eat swan meat" ] }, { "id": 2853, "chinese": "癣疥之疾", "gold": "not matter very much", "human": [ "only a skin complaint", "some slight ailment", "of little account", "unimportant trouble" ], "machine": [ "ringworm disease", "Scabies", "a disease of scabies" ] }, { "id": 2854, "chinese": "登峰造极", "gold": "reach the summit", "human": [ "attain to perfection", "reach the peak of perfection", "have a very high level", "reach the limit" ], "machine": [ "reach the pinnacle", "Climbing to the top", "Climbing the peak", "Climb the peak" ] }, { "id": 2855, "chinese": "登堂入室", "gold": "pass through the hall into the inner chamber", "human": [ "reach a higher level in one's studies or become more proficient in one's profession" ], "machine": [ "Entering the room", "go to the next level" ] }, { "id": 2856, "chinese": "发奋图强", "gold": "strive for national prosperity", "human": [ "work with a will to make the country strong", "resolve to make the country strong", "work hard and aim high", "rise in great vigor" ], "machine": [ "Work hard", "Make an effort to be strong", "Make an effort to get stronger" ] }, { "id": 2857, "chinese": "发愤忘食", "gold": "immersed in hard work one forgets to eat", "human": [ "study with such eagerness that one forgets his food", "be so immersed in work that one forgets one's meals", "in eagerness to study so as to forget food" ], "machine": [ "get angry and forget to eat", "indulge in anger and forget about food", "indignant and forgetful" ] }, { "id": 2858, "chinese": "发号施令", "gold": "give order", "human": [ "issue orders", "order people about", "order somebody as one fancies", "dictate one's own terms to", "lay off the order" ], "machine": [ "give orders", "boss people around", "boss" ] }, { "id": 2859, "chinese": "发人深省", "gold": "thought-provoking", "human": [ "set people thinking", "prompt one to deep thought", "call for deep thought", "provide food for thought", "make one wide awake" ], "machine": [ "thought provoking" ] }, { "id": 2860, "chinese": "发扬光大", "gold": "develop and enrich", "human": [ "bring to greater height of development", "give greater scope to", "carry forward", "foster and enhance" ], "machine": [ "carry forward the development" ] }, { "id": 2861, "chinese": "白璧无瑕", "gold": "impeccable moral integrity", "human": [ "flawless white jade" ], "machine": [ "flawless white", "impeccable white jade", "impeccable integrity", "Impeccable White" ] }, { "id": 2862, "chinese": "白璧微瑕", "gold": "a slight blemish", "human": [ "a flaw in a white jade" ], "machine": [ "Slightly flawed white jade", "a slight blemish on white skin" ] }, { "id": 2863, "chinese": "白面书生", "gold": "inexperienced in life", "human": [ "pale-faced scholar" ], "machine": [ "white-faced scholar", "White Faced Scholar" ] }, { "id": 2864, "chinese": "白头偕老", "gold": "remain a devoted couple to the end of their lives", "human": [ "reach old age together", "live to ripe old age in conjugal bliss" ], "machine": [ "grow old together", "Growing old together", "To grow old together" ] }, { "id": 2865, "chinese": "白驹过隙", "gold": "time flies", "human": [ "the white colt passed the crack", "like a white pony's shadow across a crevice", "in a split second", "time passes swiftly" ], "machine": [ "white horse", "A White Pony Passes by" ] }, { "id": 2866, "chinese": "白手起家", "gold": "self-made", "human": [ "rise in life by one's own efforts", "build up from scratch", "start from scratch", "start empty-handed" ], "machine": [ "from scratch", "Start with nothing", "Starting with nothing", "Starting from scratch" ] }, { "id": 2867, "chinese": "白日见鬼", "gold": "see demons in broad daylight - of a strange, absurd, impossible thing", "human": [], "machine": [ "hell by day", "Seeing ghosts in the daytime", "Seeing ghosts in daylight", "Seeing ghosts in the daylight", "See ghosts in the daytime" ] }, { "id": 2868, "chinese": "白日做梦", "gold": "daydream", "human": [ "dream daydreams", "indulge in wishful thinking", "cherish a pipe dream" ], "machine": [ "daydreaming" ] }, { "id": 2869, "chinese": "百步穿杨", "gold": "shoot with great precision", "human": [ "shoot an arrow through a willow leaf a hundred paces away", "the shots hit every time" ], "machine": [ "shoot with a hundred steps", "shoot with a hundred paces", "shoot with 100 steps" ] }, { "id": 2870, "chinese": "百发百中", "gold": "hit the mark every time", "human": [ "a hundred hits for every hundred shots", "shoot with unfailing accuracy", "a hundred shots, a hundred bull's eyes", "make every shot tell", "shoot with superb marksmanship" ], "machine": [ "crack shot", "One hundred shots" ] }, { "id": 2871, "chinese": "百废俱兴", "gold": "full-scale reconstruction is under way", "human": [ "put a hundred broken things right all at once", "all neglected tasks are being undertaken", "do everything abandoned at once" ], "machine": [ "Everything is booming", "all things considered", "all the scraps are gone" ] }, { "id": 2872, "chinese": "百读不厌", "gold": "be worth reading a hundred times", "human": [], "machine": [ "never tire of reading" ] }, { "id": 2873, "chinese": "百端待举", "gold": "a thousand things wait to be done", "human": [ "have one hundred and one things to attend to", "numerous tasks remain to be undertaken" ], "machine": [ "Waiting for everything", "a thousand things remain to be done", "a thousand things to be done" ] }, { "id": 2874, "chinese": "百年大计", "gold": "a project of vital and lasting importance", "human": [ "a grand hundred-year plan", "an undertaking of fundamental importance for generations to come" ], "machine": [ "Centennial plan", "a hundred-year plan", "a hundred-year project" ] }, { "id": 2875, "chinese": "百年好合", "gold": "a harmonious union lasting a hundred years", "human": [], "machine": [ "Hundred Years of Harmony", "A hundred years of good cooperation", "A hundred years of good luck" ] }, { "id": 2876, "chinese": "百里挑一", "gold": "cream of the crop", "human": [ "a hundred" ], "machine": [ "One in a hundred", "One in 100" ] }, { "id": 2877, "chinese": "百炼成钢", "gold": "be toughened and hardened into steel", "human": [ "be tempered into steel", "be steeled in repeated struggles", "be put through the mill" ], "machine": [ "tempered into a steel", "A hundred refinements make a steel" ] }, { "id": 2878, "chinese": "百感交集", "gold": "a multitude of feelings surges up", "human": [ "all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart", "crowd upon one's mind" ], "machine": [ "mixed feelings", "all sorts of feelings well up" ] }, { "id": 2879, "chinese": "百口莫辩", "gold": "a hundred mouths cannot explain it away", "human": [], "machine": [ "No arguing", "unable defend oneself with a hundred mouths to feed" ] }, { "id": 2880, "chinese": "百孔千疮", "gold": "in a disastrous state", "human": [ "a hundred holes, a thousand scars", "be riddled with gaping wounds", "be full of ills and troubles", "be afflicted with all ills" ], "machine": [ "riddled with gaping wounds", "riddled with holes and sores", "riddled with holes" ] }, { "id": 2881, "chinese": "百花齐放,百家争鸣", "gold": "let a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred schools of thought contend", "human": [], "machine": [ "A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend", "A hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought", "contend" ] }, { "id": 2882, "chinese": "百折不挠", "gold": "be indomitable", "human": [ "keep on fighting in spite of all setbacks", "be unflinching in the face of setbacks", "make unbending efforts to", "put up an obstinate resistance", "be assiduous in", "tenacity of purpose", "never say die", "persistent", "unremitting", "persevering", "unflinching", "unbending" ], "machine": [ "indomitable", "keep on fighting back", "keep on fighting" ] }, { "id": 2883, "chinese": "百战百胜", "gold": "invincible", "human": [ "fight a hundred battles, win a hundred victories", "emerge victorious in every battle", "win battle after battle", "carry all before one", "ever-victorious" ], "machine": [ "Win every battle", "be ever-victorious", "be ever victorious" ] }, { "id": 2884, "chinese": "百尺竿头,更进一步", "gold": "keep forging ahead", "human": [ "make further progress from the satisfactory base", "strive for further progress", "take one more step forward" ], "machine": [ "Go further", "One hundred foot pole, one step further" ] }, { "id": 2885, "chinese": "百川归海", "gold": "all things tend in one direction", "human": [ "all rivers flow to the sea", "all streams meet in the sea" ], "machine": [ "A hundred rivers return to the sea", "All rivers return to the sea" ] }, { "id": 2886, "chinese": "百足之虫,死而不僵", "gold": "old institutions die hard", "human": [ "a centipede does not topple over even when dead", "a centipede dies but never falls down" ], "machine": [ "A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff" ] }, { "id": 2887, "chinese": "百思不解", "gold": "incomprehensible", "human": [ "remain puzzled after pondering over something a hundred times", "inscrutable", "fail to understand although one thinks hard", "remain perplexed despite much thought", "can't figure out", "unfathomable" ], "machine": [ "hundred times", "remain puzzled by a hundred thoughts", "ponder over a hundred things" ] }, { "id": 2888, "chinese": "百依百顺", "gold": "docile and obedient", "human": [ "obey in every way", "all obedience", "obedient in all things", "dance after somebody's pipe", "be at a person's beck and call" ], "machine": [ "obedience", "docile and obedient to all" ] }, { "id": 2889, "chinese": "百无聊赖", "gold": "bored to death", "human": [ "utterly bored", "bored stiff", "overcome with boredom" ], "machine": [ "boring", "bored out of one's mind" ] }, { "id": 2890, "chinese": "百无禁忌", "gold": "stop at nothing", "human": [ "nothing to be superstitious about", "no restrictions of any kind here, in the way of taboo or things to be avoided", "without restraint" ], "machine": [ "No taboo", "all taboos are off limits", "nothing is forbidden", "nothing is off limits" ] }, { "id": 2891, "chinese": "百无一失", "gold": "cannot possibly go wrong", "human": [ "no danger of anything going wrong", "no risk at all" ], "machine": [ "Infallible", "No one is wrong" ] }, { "id": 2892, "chinese": "百闻不如一见", "gold": "seeing is believing", "human": [ "it is better to see once than hear a hundred times", "seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times", "one look is worth a thousand words", "there is nothing like seeing for yourself" ], "machine": [ "Seeing is better than hearing", "Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times" ] }, { "id": 2893, "chinese": "皆大欢喜", "gold": "everybody is happy", "human": [ "to the satisfaction of all", "satisfaction of everybody concerned" ], "machine": [ "everyone is happy", "All's Well That Ends Well" ] }, { "id": 2894, "chinese": "皮开肉绽", "gold": "the skin is torn and the flesh gapes open", "human": [ "badly bruised from flogging" ], "machine": [ "open skin", "flesh lacerated from the skin", "flesh split open", "flesh splits open" ] }, { "id": 2895, "chinese": "皮笑肉不笑", "gold": "put on a false smile", "human": [ "cold smile", "skin-deep smile" ], "machine": [ "skin laughing meat not laughing", "skin laughing, flesh not smiling", "not smiling at all" ] }, { "id": 2896, "chinese": "皮之不存,毛将焉附", "gold": "a thing cannot exist without its basis", "human": [ "with the skin gone, what can the hair adhere to" ], "machine": [ "If the skin does not exist, the hair will be attached", "if the skin does not survive, how will the hair attach itself?" ] }, { "id": 2897, "chinese": "盛名难副", "gold": "it is hard to live up to a great reputation", "human": [], "machine": [ "Famous is hard to match", "a great reputation is hard to match" ] }, { "id": 2898, "chinese": "盛极一时", "gold": "be all the rage at the moment", "human": [ "prevail for a time", "be in fashion in one's time" ], "machine": [ "heyday", "all the rage for a while", "all the rage for a time", "all the rage", "a golden age" ] }, { "id": 2899, "chinese": "盛气凌人", "gold": "be pushy and overbearing", "human": [ "carry an arrogant air", "put on airs and browbeat others", "lift up one's horn", "get up on one's hind legs", "arrogant", "domineering" ], "machine": [ "arrogant bully", "overbearing", "arrogant and overbearing", "arrogant bullying" ] }, { "id": 2900, "chinese": "盛情难却", "gold": "be ungracious not to accept somebody's invitation", "human": [ "difficult to refuse such kindness" ], "machine": [ "Kindness but hardship", "a great favor is hard to come by" ] }, { "id": 2901, "chinese": "盛衰荣辱", "gold": "the ups and downs", "human": [ "prosperity and decline, glory and humiliation", "rise and fall", "vicissitudes of life" ], "machine": [ "ups and downs", "prosperity, decline, glory and disgrace" ] }, { "id": 2902, "chinese": "尽力而为", "gold": "do one's best", "human": [ "do everything in one's power", "try to do it with utmost effort" ], "machine": [ "do your best", "Try your best" ] }, { "id": 2903, "chinese": "尽心竭力", "gold": "with all one's heart", "human": [ "and all one's might", "exert one's heart and strength to the utmost", "put forth the utmost exertion", "do one's best according to one's might", "with all mind and energy", "put one's heart and soul into" ], "machine": [ "do my best", "Doing my best", "Doing our best", "Do your best", "Doing your best" ] }, { "id": 2904, "chinese": "尽善尽美", "gold": "perfectly good and perfectly beautiful", "human": [ "the acme of perfection", "satisfactory in every way", "perfect" ], "machine": [ "perfection", "As good as it gets", "The best of all worlds" ] }, { "id": 2905, "chinese": "尽人事,听天命", "gold": "do one's level best and leave the rest to God's will", "human": [], "machine": [ "Do your best, listen to destiny", "Do your best, listen to God", "Do your best and listen to God" ] }, { "id": 2906, "chinese": "尽如人意", "gold": "to one's heart's content", "human": [], "machine": [ "as expected", "as good as one can expect", "as good as one could wish for", "as good as it gets", "as good as one could wish" ] }, { "id": 2907, "chinese": "监守自盗", "gold": "embezzle", "human": [ "steal what is entrusted to one's care", "custodian turned thief", "defalcate" ], "machine": [ "robbery" ] }, { "id": 2908, "chinese": "盘根错节", "gold": "complicated and difficult to deal with", "human": [ "with twisted roots and gnarled branches", "as complicated as trees with twisting roots and intercrossing branches", "deep-rooted" ], "machine": [ "intertwined", "twisted roots and intertwined joints" ] }, { "id": 2909, "chinese": "目不交睫", "gold": "not sleep a wink", "human": [], "machine": [ "eyesight", "the eyelashes do not come together" ] }, { "id": 2910, "chinese": "目不见睫", "gold": "lack of self-knowledge", "human": [ "the eye cannot see its lashes" ], "machine": [ "out of sight", "the eye cannot see the eyelashes", "unable see one's own faults", "truths too close home", "lacking in vision", "truth is missing" ] }, { "id": 2911, "chinese": "目不暇给", "gold": "the eye cannot take it all in", "human": [ "too many things for the eye to see" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "a feast for the eyes", "too much for the eyes to see" ] }, { "id": 2912, "chinese": "目不转睛", "gold": "look with fixed eyes", "human": [ "watch with the utmost concentration", "not to take one's eyes off", "a fixed gaze" ], "machine": [ "keep an eye on", "unable take one's eyes off the road", "unable take one's eyes off", "stare blankly" ] }, { "id": 2913, "chinese": "目不识丁", "gold": "be completely ignorant or illiterate", "human": [ "not know one's ABC's", "uncultured", "unread" ], "machine": [ "illiterate", "the eye cannot recognize the letter T", "totally illiterate" ] }, { "id": 2914, "chinese": "目瞪口呆", "gold": "stare at in mute amazement", "human": [ "be stunned speechless", "be struck dumb", "stand aghast at", "gaping", "stupefied", "dumbfounded" ], "machine": [ "stunned", "dumbstruck" ] }, { "id": 2915, "chinese": "目光如豆", "gold": "of narrow vision", "human": [ "one's circle of vision is as large as a bean", "very limited outlook", "myopic view of things", "not see beyond one's nose", "shortsighted" ], "machine": [ "eyes like beans", "eyes like a bean" ] }, { "id": 2916, "chinese": "目光如炬", "gold": "farsighted", "human": [ "eyes blazing like torches - blazing with anger", "looking ahead with wisdom" ], "machine": [ "eyes like torches", "eyes like a torch", "with eyes like a torch", "a torch for eyes", "with a torch-like gaze" ] }, { "id": 2917, "chinese": "目空一切", "gold": "insolent", "human": [ "consider the whole world is too mean for one's notice - expression of pride and haughtiness", "be on the high horse", "with one's nose in the air", "full of conceit", "supercilious" ], "machine": [ "arrogant", "the eye can see nothing worthwhile", "condescending" ] }, { "id": 2918, "chinese": "目中无人", "gold": "supercilious", "human": [ "consider everyone beneath one's notice", "get too big for one's boots", "be overweening", "despising others", "far gone in pride" ], "machine": [ "no one", "go about with one's nose in the air", "condescending" ] }, { "id": 2919, "chinese": "盲人摸象", "gold": "one-sided view", "human": [ "the blind men feel about the elephant and each of them holds his own opinion", "like the blind men trying to size up the elephant", "take a part for the whole" ], "machine": [ "blind man touching elephant", "unable see the wood for the trees", "a blind man's touch" ] }, { "id": 2920, "chinese": "盲人瞎马", "gold": "rushing headlong to an immediate danger", "human": [ "a blind person riding a blind horse" ], "machine": [ "blind man blind horse", "a blind horse", "blind man's horse" ] }, { "id": 2921, "chinese": "直截了当", "gold": "simple and direct", "human": [ "say without mincing words", "without preliminary remarks", "flat and plain", "straight from the shoulder", "straightforward", "outspoken", "bluntly", "point-blank" ], "machine": [ "Straight forward", "Direct" ] }, { "id": 2922, "chinese": "直抒己见", "gold": "talk directly and simply", "human": [ "state one's view frankly", "be plainspoken" ], "machine": [ "express one's opinion", "Express your own opinion", "Express your own views", "Express your opinion" ] }, { "id": 2923, "chinese": "直言不讳", "gold": "outspoken", "human": [ "speak without reservation", "speak without fear or favor", "make an unflattering remark", "mince no words", "call a spade a spade", "speak bluntly", "talk straight" ], "machine": [ "speak bluntly without euphemism" ] }, { "id": 2924, "chinese": "直言贾祸", "gold": "straight talk invites disaster", "human": [], "machine": [ "speak bluntly", "straight talk about Jia woe", "straight talk about Jia woes" ] }, { "id": 2925, "chinese": "相反相成", "gold": "oppose each other and yet also complement each other", "human": [ "things opposed to and complementing each other", "both opposite and complementary to each other" ], "machine": [ "opposite", "The opposite is true", "the opposite becomes true" ] }, { "id": 2926, "chinese": "相辅相成", "gold": "supplement each other", "human": [ "complement each other" ], "machine": [ "Complementary to each other", "Complementing each other" ] }, { "id": 2927, "chinese": "相得益彰", "gold": "bring out the best in each other", "human": [ "each shining more brilliantly in the other's company", "complement each other", "each improves by association with the other", "benefit by association together" ], "machine": [ "Complementing each other", "complement each other well" ] }, { "id": 2928, "chinese": "相提并论", "gold": "put something on a par with", "human": [ "mention in the same breath", "regard in the same category" ], "machine": [ "on a par" ] }, { "id": 2929, "chinese": "相机行事", "gold": "do as one sees fit", "human": [ "act as the occasion demands", "watch for the proper moment for action", "act when the time is opportune", "act at the opportune time" ], "machine": [ "camera act", "Act as you see fit", "Acting as a camera", "Doing as you see fit" ] }, { "id": 2930, "chinese": "相敬如宾", "gold": "treat each other with respect", "human": [ "never fail in mutual respect" ], "machine": [ "treat each other as an honoured guest" ] }, { "id": 2931, "chinese": "相去无几", "gold": "not much difference between", "human": [], "machine": [ "very different", "not far apart", "not much difference", "There is not much difference" ] }, { "id": 2932, "chinese": "相形见绌", "gold": "overshadowed", "human": [ "prove definitely inferior", "pale by comparison", "be inferior by comparison", "seem pallid by comparison", "appear deficient in comparison", "compare unfavorably with", "be pale before", "be casted into the shade", "be outshone" ], "machine": [ "dwarfs", "pale in comparison", "dwarfed by comparison", "dwarfed by" ] }, { "id": 2933, "chinese": "相知有素", "gold": "have known each other long", "human": [], "machine": [ "Know each other well", "have known each other for a long time", "know each other well enough", "know one another well" ] }, { "id": 2934, "chinese": "相生相克", "gold": "mutual promotion and restraint between the five elements", "human": [], "machine": [ "Allelopathy", "Mutual interactions", "Mutual interplay", "Mutually exclusive" ] }, { "id": 2935, "chinese": "相安无事", "gold": "live in peace with each other", "human": [ "live together peacefully" ], "machine": [ "everything is fine", "live together in peace", "live together in harmony", "live in harmony", "live together in safety" ] }, { "id": 2936, "chinese": "相依为命", "gold": "shore one's life together", "human": [ "depend on each other for existence", "be bound by a common destiny" ], "machine": [ "Depend on each other", "interdependent", "Interdependence" ] }, { "id": 2937, "chinese": "相沿成习", "gold": "become a custom through long usage", "human": [], "machine": [ "learn from each other", "accepted as a habit", "well established", "accepted as a practice" ] }, { "id": 2938, "chinese": "相映成趣", "gold": "set each other off", "human": [ "form a delightful contrast", "contrast finely with each other", "gain by contrast" ], "machine": [ "Comparing with each other", "set each other off nicely", "Set in a perfect match" ] }, { "id": 2939, "chinese": "省吃俭用", "gold": "live frugally", "human": [], "machine": [ "scrimp and save", "economize on food and clothing", "save on food and clothing" ] }, { "id": 2940, "chinese": "眉毛胡子一把抓", "gold": "try to attend to big and small matters all at once", "human": [ "try to grasp the eyebrows and the beard all at once" ], "machine": [ "Eyebrows and beards", "careless", "any-old-how, any-old-thing", "any-old-how", "any-old-thing" ] }, { "id": 2941, "chinese": "眉飞色舞", "gold": "look. of exultation", "human": [ "with dancing eyebrows and a radiant face", "enraptured", "exultantly" ], "machine": [ "frowning and dancing", "frowning", "frown", "frowny" ] }, { "id": 2942, "chinese": "眉头一皱,计上心来", "gold": "knit the brows and a stratagem comes to mind", "human": [], "machine": [ "Brows furrowed, thinking about it", "A frown on the brow, a plan on the mind" ] }, { "id": 2943, "chinese": "眉开眼笑", "gold": "be all smiles", "human": [ "beaming with joy" ], "machine": [ "smile", "brows raised in delight", "all smiles", "beam", "brows raised in amusement" ] }, { "id": 2944, "chinese": "眉来眼去", "gold": "make eyes at each other", "human": [ "flirt with each other" ], "machine": [ "flirt", "exchange flirting glances with somebody", "exchange flirting glances" ] }, { "id": 2945, "chinese": "眉清目秀", "gold": "have delicate features", "human": [ "beautiful", "handsome" ], "machine": [ "beautiful eyes", "pretty", "with delicate features" ] }, { "id": 2946, "chinese": "看菜吃饭,量体裁衣", "gold": "adapt oneself to circumstances", "human": [ "fit the appetite to the dishes and the dress to the figure" ], "machine": [ "See the dishes and eat, tailor the clothes", "Eat according to the dishes and tailor your food to suit your needs" ] }, { "id": 2947, "chinese": "真凭实据", "gold": "solid evidence", "human": [ "factual evidence", "indisputable evidence" ], "machine": [ "real evidence", "reliable evidence", "conclusive proof", "definitive evidence" ] }, { "id": 2948, "chinese": "真金不怕火", "gold": "an honest person does not fear the light", "human": [ "true gold fears no fire", "a person of integrity can stand severe tests", "a genuine article can stand any test", "truth fears not the flames of slander and injustice", "true blue will never stain" ], "machine": [ "Real gold is not afraid of fire", "True gold fears no fire.", "Real gold fears no fire." ] }, { "id": 2949, "chinese": "真心诚意", "gold": "with all one's heart", "human": [ "from the bottom of one's heart", "out of genuine friendship", "sincere desire", "truly and wholeheartedly" ], "machine": [ "sincerely", "Sincerity and sincerity", "Sincerity" ] }, { "id": 2950, "chinese": "真相大白", "gold": "the whole truth has come out", "human": [ "everything is clear now", "the murder is out", "the cat is out of the bag" ], "machine": [ "The truth is revealed", "The truth is out" ] }, { "id": 2951, "chinese": "真知灼见", "gold": "real knowledge and deep insight", "human": [ "insight won from close knowledge of the subject", "penetrating judgement" ], "machine": [ "insight", "insightful", "insights" ] }, { "id": 2952, "chinese": "真才实学", "gold": "genuine talent", "human": [ "real ability and learning", "sturdy knowledge" ], "machine": [ "real talent and real learning", "real talent" ] }, { "id": 2953, "chinese": "真伪莫辨", "gold": "can't distinguish the genuine from the false", "human": [ "can't separate the true from the false" ], "machine": [ "Indistinguishable", "No way to tell if it's real or fake" ] }, { "id": 2954, "chinese": "眼明手快", "gold": "quick of eye and deft of hand", "human": [ "sharp-eyed and quick-moving", "alert", "nimble" ], "machine": [ "quick-witted", "sharp-sighted and deft", "sharp-sighted and quick-witted", "sharp-sighted", "sharp-sighted and quick-handed" ] }, { "id": 2955, "chinese": "眼高手低", "gold": "have high ambition but no real ability", "human": [ "one's ability does not match one's wishes or high goal", "high in aim but low-rate in execution", "have grandiose aims but puny abilities", "great ambition but little talent", "be fastidious but incompetent" ], "machine": [ "Eyes are high and hands are low" ] }, { "id": 2956, "chinese": "眼花缭乱", "gold": "be dazzled", "human": [ "the eyes confused by looking at a number of things, etc." ], "machine": [ "dazzled", "dazzling" ] }, { "id": 2957, "chinese": "着手成春", "gold": "bring back life to patients", "human": [ "a touch of the hand brings back spring" ], "machine": [ "start spring", "Proceeding to become a spring", "Proceeding to become spring", "Proceeding to the spring" ] }, { "id": 2958, "chinese": "睚眦必报", "gold": "seek revenge for the smallest grievance", "human": [], "machine": [ "Jairus must be reported", "a cornered eye for revenge", "a corner of the eye" ] }, { "id": 2959, "chinese": "睹物思人", "gold": "the thing reminds one of its owner", "human": [ "seeing the thing one thinks of the person" ], "machine": [ "see things and think people", "seeing an object makes me miss its owner" ] }, { "id": 2960, "chinese": "瞎子摸鱼", "gold": "act blindly", "human": [ "a blind man groping for fish" ], "machine": [ "blind man fishing", "Blind man catching fish", "Blind men touching fish", "Blind man catching a fish", "Blind men touching the fish" ] }, { "id": 2961, "chinese": "瞎子点灯白费蜡", "gold": "absolutely useless", "human": [ "like lighting a lamp for a blind man", "like a blind man carrying a candle", "a sheer waste" ], "machine": [ "The blind man lights the lamp in vain", "the blind man lights a lamp for nothing" ] }, { "id": 2962, "chinese": "瞎子见钱眼睛开", "gold": "on seeing money, even a blind man would have his eyes wide open", "human": [], "machine": [ "The blind man sees money and his eyes open", "The blind man's eyes are open when he sees money" ] }, { "id": 2963, "chinese": "瞒天过海", "gold": "practice deception", "human": [ "cross the sea under camouflage" ], "machine": [ "cross the sea", "cross the sea by a trick", "cross the sea by concealing it" ] }, { "id": 2964, "chinese": "瞠目结舌", "gold": "stunned and speechless", "human": [ "stare tongue-tied" ], "machine": [ "jaw-dropping", "Stunned", "flabbergasted", "Staggered" ] }, { "id": 2965, "chinese": "瞠乎其后", "gold": "fall far behind", "human": [ "stare helplessly at the vanishing back of the runner ahead", "despair of catching up", "be left staring far behind" ], "machine": [ "stunned", "jaw-dropping", "jaw dropping", "jaw drops", "jaw drops to the next level" ] }, { "id": 2966, "chinese": "瞬息万变", "gold": "fast changing .", "human": [ "undergoing a myriad changes in the twinkling of an eye", "change quickly" ], "machine": [ "ever-changing", "Rapid change", "Rapid changes", "Rapidly changing" ] }, { "id": 2967, "chinese": "瞻前顾后", "gold": "take into account both past experience and the situation that may possibly arise in the future", "human": [ "look ahead and behind", "be overcautious and indecisive", "weigh one's steps by thinking of consequences", "look fore and aft", "circumspect" ], "machine": [ "Looking ahead", "Looking forward and backward", "Looking ahead and back", "Looking forward and back" ] }, { "id": 2968, "chinese": "矢口抵赖", "gold": "flatly deny", "human": [ "refuse to admit even unto death", "never admitted" ], "machine": [ "denial", "deny it flatly", "deny it flat out" ] }, { "id": 2969, "chinese": "矢志不移", "gold": "vow to adhere to one's chosen course", "human": [ "swear will never change" ], "machine": [ "Determined", "Vigilance", "Vigilant", "Vowing to stay the course", "Vowed" ] }, { "id": 2970, "chinese": "知己知彼,百战百胜", "gold": "to know one's own strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory", "human": [ "know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat" ], "machine": [ "Know thyself, ever-victorious", "Know your enemy and know yourself and you will win a hundred battles" ] }, { "id": 2971, "chinese": "知法犯法", "gold": "knowingly violate the low", "human": [ "deliberately break the law", "wilful transgression" ], "machine": [ "Know the law and break the law", "know the law and break it" ] }, { "id": 2972, "chinese": "知难而退", "gold": "shrink back from difficulties", "human": [ "beat a retreat in the face of difficulties" ], "machine": [ "Retreat", "get out on finding out what's hard to do" ] }, { "id": 2973, "chinese": "知难而进", "gold": "press forward in the face of difficulties", "human": [ "advance despite difficulties" ], "machine": [ "Advancing in spite of difficulties", "know what's hard and go forward", "know what's hard and get ahead", "know what's hard and go ahead" ] }, { "id": 2974, "chinese": "知过必改", "gold": "know one's faults and correct them", "human": [ "always correct an error when one becomes aware of it" ], "machine": [ "Knowing must change", "acknowledge one's faults and correct them" ] }, { "id": 2975, "chinese": "知其一,不知其二", "gold": "have only a one-sided view", "human": [ "know only one aspect of a thing", "be aware of one aspect and be ignorant of the other" ], "machine": [ "I know one, don't know the other", "know one thing, but not the other" ] }, { "id": 2976, "chinese": "知人善任", "gold": "use a man according to his ability", "human": [ "know one's subordinates well enough to assign them jobs commensurate with" ], "machine": [ "knowledgeable person", "know the right people and appoint them well" ] }, { "id": 2977, "chinese": "知无不言,言无不尽", "gold": "speak unreservedly", "human": [ "say all one knows and", "say it without reserve" ], "machine": [ "Know everything, speak everything", "know everything, say everything" ] }, { "id": 2978, "chinese": "短兵相接", "gold": "engage in hand-to-hand fight", "human": [ "fight at close quarters", "fight hand to hand", "close combat", "cut and thrust" ], "machine": [ "hand in hand" ] }, { "id": 2979, "chinese": "短小精悍", "gold": "not of imposing stature but strong and capable", "human": [ "small, compactly built and very capable", "short and pithy", "terse and forceful" ], "machine": [ "succinct", "short and compact", "Small and compact", "short and sweet", "short, compact, and smart" ] }, { "id": 2980, "chinese": "矫揉造作", "gold": "artificial", "human": [ "airs and graces", "prunes and prism", "affected", "unnaturally" ], "machine": [ "affectation", "putting on artificial airs", "pretentious", "pretension", "pretentiousness" ] }, { "id": 2981, "chinese": "矫枉过正", "gold": "overcorrect", "human": [ "straighten the crooked beyond the straight", "exceed the proper limits in righting a wrong", "take excessive measures", "overshoot one's mark" ], "machine": [ "overkill", "over-correcting", "over-correct", "over-correcting the situation" ] }, { "id": 2982, "chinese": "石破天惊", "gold": "devastating", "human": [ "a great concussion or shock", "earth-shattering and heaven-battering", "remarkably original and forceful" ], "machine": [ "groundbreaking", "Stone Breaking", "Stone Breaker", "Stone Breakers" ] }, { "id": 2983, "chinese": "石沉大海", "gold": "it disappears forever", "human": [ "like a stone dropped into the sea" ], "machine": [ "sinking into the sea", "throw a stone and see it sink into the sea" ] }, { "id": 2984, "chinese": "破釜沉舟", "gold": "cut off all means of retreat", "human": [ "break cooking pots and sink boats", "army's grim determination of no retreat", "break the cauldrons and sink the boats", "burn one's boats", "cross the Rubicon" ], "machine": [ "break the cauldron and sink the boats" ] }, { "id": 2985, "chinese": "破涕为笑", "gold": "tears melt into smiles", "human": [ "smile through tears", "change tears into laughter" ], "machine": [ "burst into laughter", "turn tears into laughter", "to turn grief into happiness", "break into tears and laugh" ] }, { "id": 2986, "chinese": "破口大骂", "gold": "let loose a torrent of abuse", "human": [ "shout abuse", "abuse freely" ], "machine": [ "yelling", "abuse roundly" ] }, { "id": 2987, "chinese": "破旧立新", "gold": "destroy the old and establish the new", "human": [ "discard the old and create something new" ], "machine": [ "Break the old and build the new", "Break the old and bring in the new", "Break the old and create new" ] }, { "id": 2988, "chinese": "破镜重圆", "gold": "a broken mirror joined together - reunion of a couple after an enforced separation or rupture", "human": [], "machine": [ "reunion", "A broken mirror reunites", "A broken mirror to reunite", "A broken mirror reunited", "a shattered mirror reunited" ] }, { "id": 2989, "chinese": "破绽百出", "gold": "be full of loopholes", "human": [ "be full of holes" ], "machine": [ "Full of flaws", "one hundred splits", "full of mistakes" ] }, { "id": 2990, "chinese": "破除迷信", "gold": "banish all blind faith", "human": [ "do away with all fetishes and superstitions", "topple old idols" ], "machine": [ "Destroy superstition", "Eliminate superstition", "Eliminate superstitions", "Dispelling superstition", "Dispel superstition" ] }, { "id": 2991, "chinese": "碌碌无奇", "gold": "incompetent", "human": [ "devoid of ability" ], "machine": [ "mediocre", "blah, blah, blah", "bogged down" ] }, { "id": 2992, "chinese": "硕大无朋", "gold": "gigantic", "human": [ "of unparalleled size" ], "machine": [ "huge", "huge and unimaginable", "huge and unimpressive", "huge and unimportant" ] }, { "id": 2993, "chinese": "硕果仅存", "gold": "one of the few still lest", "human": [ "rare survival" ], "machine": [ "only fruit remains", "The only remaining fruit", "The only remaining fruits", "The only surviving fruit" ] }, { "id": 2994, "chinese": "确凿不移", "gold": "conclusive", "human": [ "definite and sure", "be proven to the hilt", "authentic", "irrefutable" ], "machine": [ "unwavering", "definite and unshakable", "definite and unshakeable", "definite and unmovable", "definite and unmoving" ] }, { "id": 2995, "chinese": "磨杵成针", "gold": "perseverance will prevail", "human": [ "an iron pestle can be ground down to a needle", "little strokes fell great oaks" ], "machine": [ "Grind the pestle into a needle", "grind an iron bar down to a fine needle", "to persevere in a difficult task", "study diligently" ] }, { "id": 2996, "chinese": "碍手碍脚", "gold": "be a hindrance", "human": [ "be in the way" ], "machine": [ "get in the way", "in the way", "in the way of" ] }, { "id": 2997, "chinese": "秘而不宣", "gold": "keep something secret", "human": [ "not let anyone into a secret", "keep a matter dark" ], "machine": [ "secrecy", "Keeping it secret", "withholding information", "Keep it secret." ] }, { "id": 2998, "chinese": "神不知,鬼不觉", "gold": "in great secrecy", "human": [ "unknown to god and ghost", "without anybody know" ], "machine": [ "God does not know, ghost does not know", "hush-hush, unobtrusive", "hush-hush, unseen", "hush-hush", "hush-hush, unnoticed" ] }, { "id": 2999, "chinese": "神妙莫测", "gold": "so subtle as to be difficult to guess what comes next", "human": [], "machine": [ "unpredictable", "Fantastic and unpredictable", "Fantastic and mysterious", "Fantastic" ] }, { "id": 3000, "chinese": "神通广大", "gold": "be infinitely resourceful", "human": [ "have far-reaching supernatural power" ], "machine": [ "supernatural", "possess great magical power", "possess great magical powers", "possessing great magical power", "possess great powers" ] }, { "id": 3001, "chinese": "神工鬼斧", "gold": "superlative craftsmanship", "human": [ "extraordinary as if done by the spirits", "supernatural workmanship" ], "machine": [ "magic axe", "superlative workmanship" ] }, { "id": 3002, "chinese": "神乎其神", "gold": "miraculous", "human": [ "fantastic", "wonderful" ], "machine": [ "Godly", "Godlike", "God is very good" ] }, { "id": 3003, "chinese": "神魂颠倒", "gold": "be infatuated", "human": [ "be out of one's mind", "one's mind is confused by", "be carried away with", "be mad about", "enrapt" ], "machine": [ "fascinated", "captivated" ] }, { "id": 3004, "chinese": "神机妙算", "gold": "ability to divine the unknown", "human": [ "wonderful foresight" ], "machine": [ "magic trick", "miraculous calculations", "miraculous calculator", "miracle calculator" ] }, { "id": 3005, "chinese": "神气十足", "gold": "very arrogant", "human": [ "put on grand airs" ], "machine": [ "full of air", "full of vigor", "full of spirit", "full of energy" ] }, { "id": 3006, "chinese": "神出鬼没", "gold": "appear and disappear mysteriously", "human": [ "come and go like a shadow", "alert and quick" ], "machine": [ "elusive", "Gods out and about", "Gods and Ghosts" ] }, { "id": 3007, "chinese": "神采奕奕", "gold": "glowing with health and radiating vigor", "human": [ "brim over with health and spirits", "brim with energy and vitality", "beaming and buoyant in spirits", "as fit as a fiddle", "in pretty good fettle" ], "machine": [ "in high spirits", "in glowing spirits", "in great spirits", "glowing", "radiant with life" ] }, { "id": 3008, "chinese": "神思恍惚", "gold": "be distracted", "human": [ "in a confused state of mind" ], "machine": [ "trance", "in a trance", "absent-minded", "delirious", "abstracted" ] }, { "id": 3009, "chinese": "神色自若", "gold": "be perfectly calm and collected", "human": [ "show composure and presence of mind" ], "machine": [ "look at ease", "look calm and collected", "calm and collected", "look calm and composed", "look calm" ] }, { "id": 3010, "chinese": "祸不单行", "gold": "it never rains but it pours", "human": [ "misfortunes never come alone", "an evil chance seldom comes alone", "one misfortune rides upon another's back", "troubles never come singly", "one woe doth tread upon another's heels" ], "machine": [ "Misfortunes never come singly", "The disaster doesn't last forever" ] }, { "id": 3011, "chinese": "祸国殃民", "gold": "bring disaster to the country and the people", "human": [ "injure the country and bring calamity to the people", "wreck the country and ruin the people" ], "machine": [ "harm the country and the people", "wreak havoc on the country and the people" ] }, { "id": 3012, "chinese": "福无双至", "gold": "blessings never come in pairs", "human": [], "machine": [ "Fu Wushuang arrives", "No happiness is too great", "No happiness", "No happiness is too much" ] }, { "id": 3013, "chinese": "礼尚往来", "gold": "courtesy demands reciprocation", "human": [ "etiquette requires reciprocity", "deal with a man as he deals with you", "pay a man back in his own coin" ], "machine": [ "Reciprocity", "return politeness for politeness", "return the favor" ] }, { "id": 3014, "chinese": "秀而不实", "gold": "flowering but producing no fruit", "human": [ "put forth flower but bear no fruit" ], "machine": [ "show but not truth", "showy but not real", "showy but not really", "showy but not practical", "showy but not realistic" ] }, { "id": 3015, "chinese": "私心杂念", "gold": "selfish ideas and personal considerations", "human": [], "machine": [ "selfish thoughts", "selfish motives" ] }, { "id": 3016, "chinese": "私相授受", "gold": "make an illicit transfer", "human": [ "privately give and privately accept" ], "machine": [ "give and receive privately", "private agreement" ] }, { "id": 3017, "chinese": "秋风过耳", "gold": "thinking something of no importance", "human": [ "regard with indifference", "like an autumn breeze passing the ear" ], "machine": [ "autumn wind", "the autumn breeze passes the ear" ] }, { "id": 3018, "chinese": "秋风扫落叶", "gold": "wipe out the corrupt and the evil easily", "human": [ "the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves" ], "machine": [ "autumn wind sweeps leaves", "as the autumn gale sweeps away the fallen leaves" ] }, { "id": 3019, "chinese": "秋老虎", "gold": "very hot weather in autumn", "human": [], "machine": [ "autumn tiger", "Autumn Tigers" ] }, { "id": 3020, "chinese": "秋毫无犯", "gold": "not commit the slightest offence against the civilians", "human": [ "not encroach on the interests of the people to the slightest degree", "forbid the slightest violation of the people's interests", "do not cause the slightest damage to the people" ], "machine": [ "Autumn is innocent", "not harming a new feather", "not committing any crime against the people", "would not hurt a fly" ] }, { "id": 3021, "chinese": "移风易俗", "gold": "bring about a change in morals and mores", "human": [ "change prevailing customs and habits", "transform established traditions and practices", "transformation of customs and habits", "transform social traditions" ], "machine": [ "change customs", "Changing customs and traditions", "Changing customs and practices", "Changing customs" ] }, { "id": 3022, "chinese": "移花接木", "gold": "graft", "human": [ "graft one twig on another", "graft and transplant", "stealthily substitute one thing for another", "place a substitute by subterfuge", "palm off the spurious for the genuine" ], "machine": [ "grafting", "grafting on a tree", "grafting on a flower" ] }, { "id": 3023, "chinese": "移山倒海", "gold": "conquer nature", "human": [ "remove mountains and seas", "transform nature", "overpower natural forces" ], "machine": [ "move mountains", "transform mountains and drain seas", "transform mountains and seas" ] }, { "id": 3024, "chinese": "稍纵即逝", "gold": "fleeting", "human": [ "transient" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 3025, "chinese": "稀奇古怪", "gold": "odd", "human": [ "rare", "bizarre" ], "machine": [ "weird and wonderful", "strange and wonderful", "strange and exotic" ] }, { "id": 3026, "chinese": "稀稀拉拉", "gold": "thinly scattered", "human": [ "sparse" ], "machine": [ "sparse and sparse", "sparse and scattered" ] }, { "id": 3027, "chinese": "稗官野史", "gold": "books containing anecdotes", "human": [], "machine": [ "book of anecdotes", "barnyard and wild history", "barnyard and wildlife history", "barnyard and wildlife stories" ] }, { "id": 3028, "chinese": "稠人广众", "gold": "dense", "human": [ "a dense crowd", "big gathering" ], "machine": [ "crowded", "crowded with people", "large crowd", "the masses" ] }, { "id": 3029, "chinese": "种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆", "gold": "as you sow, so will you reap", "human": [ "plant melons and get melons, sow beans and get beans", "you must reap what you have sown", "reap what one has sown" ], "machine": [ "you get what you sow", "Sow melon and you get melon, sow beans and you get beans" ] }, { "id": 3030, "chinese": "称孤道寡", "gold": "act like an absolute ruler", "human": [ "style oneself king" ], "machine": [ "act like an absolute monarch", "act as a loner" ] }, { "id": 3031, "chinese": "称心如意", "gold": "to one's heart's content", "human": [ "in accord with one's wishes", "to the satisfaction of", "have as one wishes", "to one's liking or taste", "after one's own heart" ], "machine": [ "Satisfied", "to your heart's content", "to your liking", "to your hearts content", "to be happy" ] }, { "id": 3032, "chinese": "称兄道弟", "gold": "be on intimate terms", "human": [ "call each other brothers", "address each other in great familiarity", "fraternize with" ], "machine": [ "call brothers and talk to brothers" ] }, { "id": 3033, "chinese": "称王称霸", "gold": "act like an overlord", "human": [ "lord it over", "play the despot", "domineer" ], "machine": [ "become king and hegemon" ] }, { "id": 3034, "chinese": "积不相能", "gold": "have never been on good terms", "human": [ "have always been at variance", "be always at loggerheads" ], "machine": [ "product incompatibility", "always at odds with each other", "unable get on with each other", "always at odds" ] }, { "id": 3035, "chinese": "积年累月", "gold": "for months and years", "human": [], "machine": [ "Over the years", "over the years and months" ] }, { "id": 3036, "chinese": "积劳成疾", "gold": "break down from constant overwork", "human": [ "fall sick from overwork" ], "machine": [ "overworked", "accumulation of work causes illness" ] }, { "id": 3037, "chinese": "积谷防饥", "gold": "accumulate grains against famine", "human": [ "store up grain against dearth" ], "machine": [ "Accumulate grain to prevent hunger", "Storing grain against hunger", "Storing grain against famine" ] }, { "id": 3038, "chinese": "积毁销骨", "gold": "much reviling and slander wears the bone - i.e. when everybody speaks against a person, it makes him tired of life", "human": [], "machine": [ "Destroy the bones", "accumulate and destroy bones" ] }, { "id": 3039, "chinese": "积铢累寸", "gold": "build up bit by bit", "human": [ "accumulate little by little", "save every tiny bit", "let small amounts accumulate" ], "machine": [ "Accumulate baht", "accumulate at a certain point in time", "accumulate at a high level", "accumulate at a distance" ] }, { "id": 3040, "chinese": "积重难返", "gold": "old habits are difficult to get rid of", "human": [ "ingrained habits can not be cast off overnight", "bad old practices die hard" ], "machine": [ "hard to return", "old habits die hard", "old habits are hard to return" ] }, { "id": 3041, "chinese": "积少成多", "gold": "from small increments comes abundance", "human": [ "economy in trifles ensures abundance", "take care of the pence, and the pounds will take care of themselves", "many a little makes a mickle", "many drops make a shower" ], "machine": [ "add up", "A little goes a long way.", "A few are many." ] }, { "id": 3042, "chinese": "积羽沉舟", "gold": "the awesome power of sheer numbers", "human": [ "enough feathers can sink a boat", "tiny things may gather into a mighty force", "a heavy enough load of feathers can sink a boat" ], "machine": [ "Accumulate feathers sink the boat", "cumulative feathers and sinking boats", "cumulative feather sinker" ] }, { "id": 3043, "chinese": "稳扎稳打", "gold": "go about things steadily and surely", "human": [ "go ahead steadily and strike sure blows", "wage steady and sure struggle" ], "machine": [ "Steady and steady", "Steady and stable" ] }, { "id": 3044, "chinese": "稳操胜券", "gold": "have full assurance of success", "human": [], "machine": [ "be sure to win", "have a sure win", "have a sure victory", "have a sure winner", "have a safe chance of winning" ] }, { "id": 3045, "chinese": "穴居野处", "gold": "dwell in caves in the wilds", "human": [], "machine": [ "cave dwelling", "cave and wild places", "cave and wild place", "cave and wilderness", "cave and wildlife" ] }, { "id": 3046, "chinese": "空洞无物", "gold": "devoid of content", "human": [ "utter lack of content" ], "machine": [ "empty and empty", "empty cave, nothing there", "devoid of substance", "empty cavity, nothing there" ] }, { "id": 3047, "chinese": "空头支票", "gold": "lip service", "human": [ "a dud cheque", "a false cheque", "empty promise" ], "machine": [ "bad check", "blank check", "Blank cheques" ] }, { "id": 3048, "chinese": "空口说白话", "gold": "make empty promises", "human": [ "pay lip service" ], "machine": [ "empty talk", "empty promises" ] }, { "id": 3049, "chinese": "空空如也", "gold": "empty", "human": [ "all empty" ], "machine": [ "Empty.", "Empty as in the sky" ] }, { "id": 3050, "chinese": "空前绝后", "gold": "unique", "human": [ "without both precedent and following up", "unprecedented and unrepeatable" ], "machine": [ "unprecedented", "unprecedented and unprecedented", "unprecedented and unmatched" ] }, { "id": 3051, "chinese": "空前未有", "gold": "unprecedented", "human": [ "it has never been known before", "without parallel" ], "machine": [ "Never before" ] }, { "id": 3052, "chinese": "空穴来风", "gold": "weakness lends wings to rumors", "human": [ "an empty hole invites the wind" ], "machine": [ "groundless", "No wind from an empty cave", "No wind from the cave", "No wind from an empty hole" ] }, { "id": 3053, "chinese": "空中楼阁", "gold": "daydream", "human": [ "castles in the air", "a groundless plan", "a vain hope" ], "machine": [ "castle in the sky", "The Pavilion in the Air" ] }, { "id": 3054, "chinese": "穿针引线", "gold": "act as a go-between", "human": [], "machine": [ "Thread the needle", "Threading the needle", "Threaded Needle" ] }, { "id": 3055, "chinese": "穿凿附会", "gold": "stretch the sense", "human": [ "give strained interpretations and draw farfetched analogies", "make a farfetched comparison", "draw a forced analogy", "twist one's words", "argue by quoting something irrelevant", "a farfetched explanation" ], "machine": [ "chisel affiliate", "draw far-fetched analogies", "give a forced interpretation" ] }, { "id": 3056, "chinese": "突飞猛进", "gold": "make a spurt of progress", "human": [ "advance by leaps and bounds", "advance at seven-league strides", "make giant strides", "advance swiftly and vigorously", "swift advance" ], "machine": [ "Rapid progress", "Rapid advancement", "Rapidly advancing" ] }, { "id": 3057, "chinese": "突告失踪", "gold": "suddenly disappear", "human": [], "machine": [ "Sudden disappearance", "sudden disappearance of" ] }, { "id": 3058, "chinese": "突如其来", "gold": "arrive unexpectedly", "human": [ "arise suddenly", "come all of a sudden" ], "machine": [ "Suddenly", "sudden" ] }, { "id": 3059, "chinese": "窗明几净", "gold": "clean and bright", "human": [ "bright windows and clear desks" ], "machine": [ "bright and clean", "clear window and clean table", "clear windows and clean tables", "clear window", "clear windows and clean table" ] }, { "id": 3060, "chinese": "穷兵黩武", "gold": "adopt a warlike policy", "human": [ "exhaust all resources to build up military power", "use all one's armed might to indulge in wars of aggression", "wantonly engage in military aggression", "engage in unjust military ventures", "wage sanguinary wars", "be militaristic" ], "machine": [ "go to war", "militaristic", "militarism" ] }, { "id": 3061, "chinese": "穷途末路", "gold": "dead end", "human": [ "cul-de-sac", "an impasse" ], "machine": [ "no way no money", "The end of the road" ] }, { "id": 3062, "chinese": "穷年累月", "gold": "year after year", "human": [ "for years on end" ], "machine": [ "Years of poverty", "for years and years", "over a long period of time", "over a long period of years" ] }, { "id": 3063, "chinese": "穷极无聊", "gold": "absolutely senseless", "human": [ "be utterly bored", "extreme boredom", "disgusting" ], "machine": [ "Poor and Bored", "Poor and boring" ] }, { "id": 3064, "chinese": "穷乡僻壤", "gold": "backlands", "human": [ "a remote, backward place", "an obscure region", "the remote hinterland", "a district shut off from the outside world" ], "machine": [ "backcountry", "Poor countryside", "Poor Country", "a poor and remote area", "a poor countryside" ] }, { "id": 3065, "chinese": "穷凶恶极", "gold": "diabolical", "human": [ "in a vicious and unrestrained way", "extremely violent and wicked", "wickedness and evil carried to the utmost possible degree", "savage and sinister in the extreme", "utterly evil", "devilish" ], "machine": [ "vicious", "vicious and desperate", "vicious and evil" ] }, { "id": 3066, "chinese": "穷奢极欲", "gold": "wanton extravagance", "human": [ "luxury and extravagance", "live on the fat of the land", "be lapped in luxury" ], "machine": [ "extravagant", "indulge in a life of luxury", "indulge in luxury", "indulge in extravagance" ] }, { "id": 3067, "chinese": "穷山恶水", "gold": "barren mountains and unruly rivers", "human": [], "machine": [ "poor mountains and bad waters", "poor hills and bad waters", "poor hills and bad water", "poor hills and badlands", "poor hills and bad lands" ] }, { "id": 3068, "chinese": "穷则思变", "gold": "poverty gives rise to a desire for change", "human": [], "machine": [ "Being poor is changing", "Poor is poor" ] }, { "id": 3069, "chinese": "穷原竟委", "gold": "get to the bottom of the matter", "human": [ "make a thorough investigation, of the antecedents and consequences", "try to find out the chain of cause and effect", "make a thorough inquiring into something" ], "machine": [ "poor plains", "Poor Origin" ] }, { "id": 3070, "chinese": "窥测方向,以求一逞", "gold": "spy out the land in order to accomplish one's schemes", "human": [ "see how the wind blows in order to achieve one's evil ends" ], "machine": [ "Peep the direction, in order to succeed", "Peeking in the direction for a chance" ] }, { "id": 3071, "chinese": "窃窃私语", "gold": "intimate or confidential talk", "human": [ "have a tête-à-tête talk", "whisper", "murmur", "exchanged whispered comments", "confidential discussion" ], "machine": [ "Whispering", "Whispers" ] }, { "id": 3072, "chinese": "窃玉偷香", "gold": "indulge in secret relations with women", "human": [], "machine": [ "steal jade", "steal jade and steal fragrance" ] }, { "id": 3073, "chinese": "立竿见影", "gold": "produce an immediate effect", "human": [ "set up a pole and see its shadow", "get instant results", "a shadow is cast as soon as a pole is raised" ], "machine": [ "Immediate results", "quick results", "immediate effect", "immediate impact" ] }, { "id": 3074, "chinese": "立功赎罪", "gold": "perform meritorious services to atone for one's crimes", "human": [], "machine": [ "meritorious atonement", "atone for one's crimes by meritorious acts", "make amends for one's crimes" ] }, { "id": 3075, "chinese": "立锥之地", "gold": "a tiny bit of land", "human": [ "\"the place to stick an awl\"" ], "machine": [ "The land of the cone", "cone", "cone of land", "cone of refuge", "cone of strength" ] }, { "id": 3076, "chinese": "立身处世", "gold": "how to get along with people", "human": [ "ways of conducting oneself in society" ], "machine": [ "live in the world", "stand up for oneself and deal with the world" ] }, { "id": 3077, "chinese": "立足之地", "gold": "standing-room", "human": [ "a standing", "a foothold" ], "machine": [ "gain a foothold", "Grounding", "Grounded", "Grounds" ] }, { "id": 3078, "chinese": "立于不败之地", "gold": "establish oneself in an unassailable position", "human": [ "make one's position impregnable", "remain invincible" ], "machine": [ "never fail", "Be invincible", "Stand invincible" ] }, { "id": 3079, "chinese": "童山濯濯", "gold": "a bare hill", "human": [], "machine": [ "Tong Shanzhuo", "bald head of a child", "bald head of a hill", "treeless hill", "bald head" ] }, { "id": 3080, "chinese": "竭尽全力", "gold": "to the best of one's ability", "human": [ "strive to the utmost of one's strength", "do one's utmost", "do all one can", "strain one's efforts", "strain oneself to the limit", "strain every nerve", "spare no efforts", "with might and main", "go all lengths", "tooth and nail", "do one's level best", "move heaven and earth", "bring to bear" ], "machine": [ "make every effort", "Do your best", "Doing your best" ] }, { "id": 3081, "chinese": "竭泽而渔", "gold": "ruin the source of supply", "human": [ "drain the pond to catch all the fish", "fish out", "kill the goose that lays the golden eggs" ], "machine": [ "Doing your best to catch fish", "Doing the best you can" ] }, { "id": 3082, "chinese": "端倪可察", "gold": "have found a due to something", "human": [ "have an inkling of the matter" ], "machine": [ "Clues can be seen", "The end can be seen", "The end is visible" ] }, { "id": 3083, "chinese": "笑里藏刀", "gold": "an iron hand in a velvet glove", "human": [ "hide a dagger in a smile", "with murderous intent behind one's smiles", "a murderous heart under a smiling exterior", "velvet paws hide sharp claws", "treachery lying underneath a mask of friendliness" ], "machine": [ "Hidden knife in laughter", "The smile hides the knife" ] }, { "id": 3084, "chinese": "笑逐颜开", "gold": "beam with smiles", "human": [ "be covered with smiles", "be wreathed in smiles" ], "machine": [ "smile", "smiling from ear to ear", "smiling all over the place", "smiling all over" ] }, { "id": 3085, "chinese": "笑容满面", "gold": "be all smiles", "human": [ "grin from ear to ear" ], "machine": [ "all smiles", "smiling faces", "smiling face", "Smiles all around" ] }, { "id": 3086, "chinese": "笑容可掬", "gold": "with a charming smile", "human": [ "a face beaming with smiles", "be radiant with smiles" ], "machine": [ "smile", "smiling wholeheartedly", "Smiling" ] }, { "id": 3087, "chinese": "笨鸟先飞", "gold": "the need to start early", "human": [], "machine": [ "Stupid bird fly first", "The stupid bird flies first.", "The clumsy bird flies first." ] }, { "id": 3088, "chinese": "笔墨官司", "gold": "a battle of words", "human": [ "controversy in writing", "written polemics", "paper arguments", "paper polemics" ], "machine": [ "battle of words", "Pen and ink lawsuit", "Pen and ink lawsuits" ] }, { "id": 3089, "chinese": "等量齐观", "gold": "place on the same footing", "human": [ "be regarded as equal", "put on a par", "draw a parallel between", "equate with" ], "machine": [ "equate", "View in equal measure", "equal measure up", "equalize", "equal measure" ] }, { "id": 3090, "chinese": "等闲视之", "gold": "regard as unimportant", "human": [ "regard it idly as of no importance", "treat lightly", "make light of - make nothing of", "take it lightly" ], "machine": [ "wait and see", "look on with equanimity", "look upon it with equanimity", "look on it with equanimity", "look on it as an idle matter" ] }, { "id": 3091, "chinese": "等而下之", "gold": "lower down", "human": [ "from that grade down" ], "machine": [ "wait", "going from there" ] }, { "id": 3092, "chinese": "管窥蠡测", "gold": "take a narrow view of things", "human": [ "look at the sky through a bamboo tube and measure the sea with a conch shell", "restricted in vision and shallow in understanding" ], "machine": [ "peep test", "A glimpse of the calabash", "A glimpse of the calypso", "A glimpse of the calyx" ] }, { "id": 3093, "chinese": "管见所及", "gold": "one's limited understanding", "human": [ "one's humble opinion" ], "machine": [ "see everything", "What I see", "in my humble opinion", "in my opinion" ] }, { "id": 3094, "chinese": "管中窥豹,可见一斑", "gold": "conjure the whole thing through seeing a part of it", "human": [ "lock at one spot on a leopard and you can visualize the whole animal", "from the claw we may infer the lion", "from the foot we may judge of Hercules" ], "machine": [ "Peeping the leopard in the tube, it can be seen", "A glimpse of a leopard in a tube" ] }, { "id": 3095, "chinese": "箭在弦上", "gold": "a point of no return", "human": [ "like an arrow on the bowstring", "there can be no turning back", "the arrow is on the bow", "poised to strike" ], "machine": [ "arrow on the string", "The arrow is on the string", "Arrows on the string" ] }, { "id": 3096, "chinese": "节节胜利", "gold": "scoring one victory", "human": [ "win many victories in succession", "gain victory after victory", "go from victory to victory" ], "machine": [ "victories", "Section victory" ] }, { "id": 3097, "chinese": "节衣缩食", "gold": "economize on food and clothing", "human": [ "live frugally" ], "machine": [ "frugal food", "save on food and clothing", "save on clothes and food", "scrimp and save", "save on food and clothes" ] }, { "id": 3098, "chinese": "节外生枝", "gold": "one complication arising from another", "human": [ "branches springing from the joints", "cause complications", "one complication leading to an-other", "create side issues", "proliferate issues and problems", "bring up unnecessary ramifications" ], "machine": [ "outgrowth", "a new branch grows out of a knotted tree" ] }, { "id": 3099, "chinese": "筑室道谋", "gold": "have no idea or plan of one's own and accomplish nothing", "human": [ "ask every passerby how to build one's house", "one can never build a house by consulting every passerby" ], "machine": [ "Architectural Taoism", "plan to build a room", "plan to build a house", "plan for building a room" ] }, { "id": 3100, "chinese": "筚路蓝缕", "gold": "the pioneering spirit", "human": [ "drive a cart in ragged clothes to blaze a new trail", "endure great hardships in pioneer work", "put on one's worn-out clothes to cut wood and swaths in jungle", "be a trail blazer or pioneer in opening up virgin lands" ], "machine": [ "Bilu blue thread", "Wicker Road", "The Wicker Road", "Wickerwork", "The Wickerwork" ] }, { "id": 3101, "chinese": "箪食壶浆", "gold": "welcome with food and drink", "human": [], "machine": [ "Tanshi pot pulp", "live a frugal life", "live in a frugal diet" ] }, { "id": 3102, "chinese": "简明扼要", "gold": "short sand to the point", "human": [ "terse and concise", "be short and sweet", "put it in a nutshell" ], "machine": [ "concise", "Concise and concise", "Concise and brief" ] }, { "id": 3103, "chinese": "米珠薪桂", "gold": "exorbitantly high cost of living", "human": [ "rice is as precious as pearls and firewood as costly as cassia" ], "machine": [ "Mi Zhu Xin Gui", "Rice beads pay cinnamon", "Rice beads pay laurel", "Rice beads and salary laurel", "Rice bead pay cinnamon" ] }, { "id": 3104, "chinese": "粉墨登场", "gold": "don one's costume and appear on the stage", "human": [ "make oneself up and go on stage", "mount the stage in full regalia", "go on stage in full disguise", "embark upon a political venture" ], "machine": [ "Ink debut", "make an appearance", "make an appearance on stage", "make an appearance in powder" ] }, { "id": 3105, "chinese": "粉饰太平", "gold": "present false appearance of peace and prosperity", "human": [], "machine": [ "Whitewashing Taiping", "pretend that everything is going well", "pretend to be beautiful", "decorate the whole place" ] }, { "id": 3106, "chinese": "粉身碎骨", "gold": "die the most cruel death", "human": [ "die with one's body smashed to pieces", "have one's body smashed to pieces" ], "machine": [ "shattered", "crush one's bones", "crushed to pieces", "crushed to death", "crushed to bits" ] }, { "id": 3107, "chinese": "粗心大意", "gold": "negligent", "human": [ "careless and heedless", "be careless in ...", "carelessly", "inadvertent" ], "machine": [ "careless", "carelessness" ] }, { "id": 3108, "chinese": "粗枝大叶", "gold": "in a slipshod manner", "human": [ "crude and careless", "done in broad strokes of rough outline", "in a cursory fashion", "slapdash" ], "machine": [ "thick branches and large leaves", "thick stems and broad leaves", "rough and tumble", "thick stems and leaves", "rough and ready" ] }, { "id": 3109, "chinese": "粗制滥造", "gold": "crudely made", "human": [ "manufacture in a rough and slipshod way", "turn out rough and slipshod work" ], "machine": [ "shoddy", "crude manufacture", "rough and tumble", "rough and ready-made" ] }, { "id": 3110, "chinese": "粗茶淡饭", "gold": "plain tea and simple food", "human": [ "coarse, homely fare - conventional apology of a host", "humble fare", "bread and water" ], "machine": [ "rough tea", "plain tea and light meal", "plain tea and light meals", "plain tea and simple meals" ] }, { "id": 3111, "chinese": "粥少僧多", "gold": "not enough to go around", "human": [ "the gruel is meagre and the monks are many" ], "machine": [ "Less porridge, more monks", "There is little porridge and many monks" ] }, { "id": 3112, "chinese": "精兵简政", "gold": "streamlined administration", "human": [ "better troops and simpler administration", "better staff and simpler administration", "picked troops and simplified administration" ], "machine": [ "Efficient and streamlined administration", "streamline the army and simplify government", "lean and mean" ] }, { "id": 3113, "chinese": "精疲力竭", "gold": "utterly exhausted", "human": [ "be extremely tired out", "be dead-tired", "be dog-tired", "be over-spent", "be fagged out", "run down", "feel tired out" ], "machine": [ "exhausted", "Exhaustion", "drained" ] }, { "id": 3114, "chinese": "精明强干", "gold": "skilled and capable", "human": [ "intelligent and capable", "able and efficient" ], "machine": [ "shrewd and capable", "smart and capable", "intelligent and competent", "smart and competent" ] }, { "id": 3115, "chinese": "精打细算", "gold": "pinch pennies", "human": [ "careful calculation and strict budgeting", "careful planning and detailed calculation", "be very careful in reckoning", "count every cent and make every cent count" ], "machine": [ "prudent", "careful planning and budgeting", "careful budgeting", "careful accounting", "careful planning" ] }, { "id": 3116, "chinese": "精雕细刻", "gold": "meticulous work", "human": [ "work at something with the care and precision of a sculptor", "work at something with great care", "give something careful revision", "elaborate" ], "machine": [ "Elaborately carved", "Fine engraving", "Fine carving" ] }, { "id": 3117, "chinese": "精心炮制", "gold": "elaborately cook up", "human": [ "be carefully dished up" ], "machine": [ "carefully concocted", "Careful preparation", "elaborate concoction", "elaborate concoctions" ] }, { "id": 3118, "chinese": "精神抖擞", "gold": "in high spirits", "human": [ "full of energy", "full of beans", "in great form" ], "machine": [ "refreshed", "spirited" ] }, { "id": 3119, "chinese": "精神焕发", "gold": "brimming with energy", "human": [ "in good spirits", "vigorous" ], "machine": [ "refreshed" ] }, { "id": 3120, "chinese": "精益求精", "gold": "constantly improve something", "human": [ "keep improving", "always endeavoring to do still better", "seek for ever greater perfection", "perfect one's skill constantly", "ever seeking refinement in what one does" ], "machine": [ "Excellence" ] }, { "id": 3121, "chinese": "精卫填海", "gold": "the mythical bird ching wei trying to fill up the sea with pebbles - a symbol of dogged determination", "human": [ "a mythical bird which tries to fill up the ocean with twigs and pebbles" ], "machine": [ "Jingwei Reclamation", "the task of the Sisyphus" ] }, { "id": 3122, "chinese": "糖衣炮弹", "gold": "sugarcoated bullet", "human": [], "machine": [ "sugar-coated shells", "sugar-coated cannonball", "sugar-coated artillery bomb", "sugar-coated artillery shell" ] }, { "id": 3123, "chinese": "约法三章", "gold": "make a few simple rules to be observed by all concerned", "human": [ "agree on a three-point law" ], "machine": [ "Three chapters of the covenant", "agree on three laws", "agree on the three laws" ] }, { "id": 3124, "chinese": "约定俗成", "gold": "accepted through common usage", "human": [ "established by the people through long social practice", "established by usage" ], "machine": [ "convention", "established by popular usage", "common usage agreement", "customary convention", "established by convention" ] }, { "id": 3125, "chinese": "红光满面", "gold": "in ruddy health", "human": [ "one's face glowing with health" ], "machine": [ "red face", "radiant with red", "glowing red", "radiant with happiness", "radiant with color" ] }, { "id": 3126, "chinese": "纨绔子弟", "gold": "playboy", "human": [ "fellows with white silken breeches", "fops", "profligate son of the rich", "dandy" ], "machine": [ "Rich playboy", "hedonistic son", "hedonistic son of a rich man", "hedgehog" ] }, { "id": 3127, "chinese": "纸上谈兵", "gold": "be an armchair strategist", "human": [ "fight only on paper", "a paper plan", "mere paper talk", "engage in idle theorizing" ], "machine": [ "On paper", "Paper Talk" ] }, { "id": 3128, "chinese": "纸醉金迷", "gold": "luxury and dissipation", "human": [ "living an extravagant life" ], "machine": [ "Paper drunk", "dazzling with paper and gold", "indulging in a life of luxury" ] }, { "id": 3129, "chinese": "纷至沓来", "gold": "come in a continuous stream", "human": [ "come in continuous crowds", "come thick and fast", "come in throngs", "keep pouring in", "thick as hail" ], "machine": [ "one after another", "come and go", "come in a flurry", "come in a flurry of activity" ] }, { "id": 3130, "chinese": "素昧平生", "gold": "know nothing about somebody", "human": [ "have never met before", "have never had the honor of making somebody's acquaintance" ], "machine": [ "unknown", "a complete stranger", "I've never met anyone before", "have never met anyone before" ] }, { "id": 3131, "chinese": "索然无味", "gold": "flat and insipid", "human": [], "machine": [ "Dull", "insipid" ] }, { "id": 3132, "chinese": "细针密缕", "gold": "in a meticulous way", "human": [ "fine needle and closely wrought threads", "in fine, close stitches" ], "machine": [ "fine needles", "fine needle and fine wisp", "fine needle and wisp", "fine needle and thread" ] }, { "id": 3133, "chinese": "细水长流", "gold": "small but steady income", "human": [ "a small but a steady stream", "plan on a long-term basis", "economize to avoid running short", "go about something little by little without a letup" ], "machine": [ "long water", "Thin water flows forever", "Thin Streams", "Thin Streaming", "The thin stream" ] }, { "id": 3134, "chinese": "细枝末节", "gold": "minor details", "human": [ "side issues", "nonessentials" ], "machine": [ "minutiae" ] }, { "id": 3135, "chinese": "终天之恨", "gold": "regret forever", "human": [ "lifelong regret", "eternal remorse", "have a secret regret for life" ], "machine": [ "eternal hatred", "The Hate of the End of Days", "The Ultimate Hate" ] }, { "id": 3136, "chinese": "终南捷径", "gold": "shortcut to success", "human": [ "shortcut to high office", "royal road to fame" ], "machine": [ "Zhongnan Shortcut", "Terminal South Shortcut", "Zhongnan Jieji", "Zhongnanjiejie" ] }, { "id": 3137, "chinese": "终身大事", "gold": "an important event in one's life", "human": [ "the great affair of a lifetime - marriage" ], "machine": [ "lifelong event", "lifelong importance", "Lifelong Events", "Lifetime Events" ] }, { "id": 3138, "chinese": "结党营私", "gold": "form a clique to pursue selfish interest", "human": [ "set up cliques for one's own selfish interests", "form a clique and scheme for evil purposes", "gang up together", "narrow self-seeking clique", "cabal" ], "machine": [ "partisanship", "gang up for personal interest", "form a clique" ] }, { "id": 3139, "chinese": "绝口不提", "gold": "refuse to say anything about", "human": [ "never say a single word about", "be absolutely silent about", "avoid all mention of" ], "machine": [ "never mention", "keep silent about it" ] }, { "id": 3140, "chinese": "绝处逢生", "gold": "escape by the skin of one's teeth", "human": [ "be unexpectedly rescued from a desperate circumstance" ], "machine": [ "life in desperation", "come back from the dead", "come back from a dead end", "come back from death's door", "come back from the grave" ] }, { "id": 3141, "chinese": "绝无仅有", "gold": "unique", "human": [ "one and the only one", "the only one of its kind", "on extremely rare occasions" ], "machine": [ "One of a kind", "One and only" ] }, { "id": 3142, "chinese": "绞尽脑汁", "gold": "rack one's brains", "human": [ "cudgel one's brains" ], "machine": [ "racking my brains", "rack your brains", "rack your brain", "racking brains" ] }, { "id": 3143, "chinese": "络绎不绝", "gold": "unending", "human": [ "coming and going in an endless stream", "forma continuous stream" ], "machine": [ "an endless stream", "a steady stream of people", "endless streams of people", "incessant", "endless stream of people" ] }, { "id": 3144, "chinese": "绚丽多彩", "gold": "bright and colorful", "human": [ "gorgeous" ], "machine": [ "colorful", "Splendid and colorful", "Gorgeous and colorful" ] }, { "id": 3145, "chinese": "统筹兼顾", "gold": "make overall plans and take all factors into consideration", "human": [ "unified planning with due consideration for all concerned", "overall planning and all-round considerations", "overall consideration" ], "machine": [ "Overall planning", "Integration", "Integration and balance" ] }, { "id": 3146, "chinese": "丝丝入扣", "gold": "with meticulous care and flawless artistry", "human": [ "intricately woven together" ], "machine": [ "Everywhere", "perfection in every detail", "perfection", "perfect fit", "perfection in every way" ] }, { "id": 3147, "chinese": "经年累月", "gold": "for years", "human": [ "a long-drawn-out period", "year in year out" ], "machine": [ "over the years", "for years and years" ] }, { "id": 3148, "chinese": "绿林好汉", "gold": "a band of bandits entrenched in a mountain stronghold", "human": [ "heroes of greenwood", "forest outlaws", "gentleman of the pad" ], "machine": [ "green forest hero", "true hero of Greenwood", "true hero of the Green Forest" ] }, { "id": 3149, "chinese": "纲举目张", "gold": "once the key link is grasped, everything falls into place", "human": [ "once the head-rope of a fishing net is pulled up, all its meshes open", "a lucid exposition of an outline, a sharp definition of categories" ], "machine": [ "Tsunade Muzhang" ] }, { "id": 3150, "chinese": "网开一面", "gold": "purposely give the offenders a chance to turn over a new leaf", "human": [ "leave one side of the net open", "give the wrongdoer a way out", "a net open on one side" ], "machine": [ "open side", "open the net on one side", "give one's opponent a way out", "open the net to one side", "open the net for one side" ] }, { "id": 3151, "chinese": "绰绰有余", "gold": "more than sufficient", "human": [ "more than enough to meet the needs", "enough and to spare", "aplenty" ], "machine": [ "more than enough", "more than adequate", "More than enough to do" ] }, { "id": 3152, "chinese": "绵里藏针", "gold": "a ruthless character behind a gentle appearance", "human": [ "a needle hidden in silk floss", "a needle in wool", "a soft appearance but dangerous heart", "an iron hand in a velvet glove" ], "machine": [ "Tibetan needles in cotton", "an iron fist in a velvet glove", "a needle in a sheep's clothing", "a wolf in a sheep's clothing" ] }, { "id": 3153, "chinese": "紧锣密鼓", "gold": "wildly beating gongs and drums", "human": [ "intense publicity campaign in preparation for some sinister undertaking, etc." ], "machine": [ "in full swing", "pressing ahead in earnest", "pressing ahead in every detail", "pressing ahead" ] }, { "id": 3154, "chinese": "缘木求鱼", "gold": "a useless search", "human": [ "climb a tree to catch fish", "do things by the wrong method", "try to do the impossible", "milk the bull", "get water from a flint" ], "machine": [ "edge wood for fish", "the edge of the wood to catch a fish" ] }, { "id": 3155, "chinese": "缓兵之计", "gold": "stalling tactics", "human": [ "the strategy of delaying the approach of the enemy's troops", "a strategy to stall off immediate attack by enemy", "measures to stave off an attack", "stratagem to gain a respite" ], "machine": [ "slow down", "a plan to slow down the process", "a plan to delay the attack", "a plan to slow the process" ] }, { "id": 3156, "chinese": "缓不济急", "gold": "slow action cannot save a critical situation", "human": [ "leisurely action will not help in desperate crises" ], "machine": [ "in no hurry", "too slow meet too urgent", "too slow meet a pressing need", "too slow meet the urgent", "too slow meet the urgent need" ] }, { "id": 3157, "chinese": "缓急轻重", "gold": "in order of importance and urgency", "human": [ "order of priority", "relative importance and urgency" ], "machine": [ "priority", "Priority and importance" ] }, { "id": 3158, "chinese": "纵横捭阖", "gold": "manoeuvre among various political groupings", "human": [], "machine": [ "vertical and horizontal", "Vertical", "Vertical & Horizontal" ] }, { "id": 3159, "chinese": "纵横驰骋", "gold": "move about freely and quickly", "human": [ "sweep through the length and breadth of", "manoeuvre freely" ], "machine": [ "gallop", "Vertical" ] }, { "id": 3160, "chinese": "缩头缩脑", "gold": "shrink from responsibility", "human": [ "be timid", "be fainthearted" ], "machine": [ "shrink your head", "head shrinking", "shrunken head", "scowl", "scowling" ] }, { "id": 3161, "chinese": "缩手缩脚", "gold": "timid and flinching", "human": [ "shrink with cold", "shrink from doing something", "become irresolute and passive", "be overcautious", "be handicapped", "timid" ], "machine": [ "hold back", "shrinking hands and feet", "shrink back", "shrinking hands", "shrinking hands and legs" ] }, { "id": 3162, "chinese": "总而言之", "gold": "to make a long story short", "human": [ "to put it briefly", "to sum up", "in a word", "in short", "in brief", "in a nutshell", "at any rate", "finally" ], "machine": [ "all in all", "In conclusion" ] }, { "id": 3163, "chinese": "总角之交", "gold": "childhood friend", "human": [ "friends from childhood" ], "machine": [ "Turn of the total angle", "General angle of intersection", "General angle intersection" ] }, { "id": 3164, "chinese": "繁荣昌盛", "gold": "flourishing", "human": [ "thriving and prospering", "prosperous" ], "machine": [ "prosperous and flourishing", "Prosperity" ] }, { "id": 3165, "chinese": "繁文缛节", "gold": "red tape", "human": [ "ritualistic formalities", "unnecessary and overelaborate formalities", "prolix style and hackneyed rites", "official circumlocution" ], "machine": [ "mumbo-jumbo", "mumbo jumbo" ] }, { "id": 3166, "chinese": "绣花枕头", "gold": "an outwardly attractive but worthless person", "human": [ "a pillow with an embroidered case" ], "machine": [ "embroidered pillow", "Embroidered pillows", "Embroidery pillow" ] }, { "id": 3167, "chinese": "绘声绘影", "gold": "vivid description", "human": [ "described to the life", "true lo nature", "vivid" ], "machine": [ "Picture sound and picture", "Sound and Image", "Sound and picture", "Sound Painting" ] }, { "id": 3168, "chinese": "继往开来", "gold": "be a follower of past traditions and a trailblazer for future generations", "human": [ "carry on past traditions and open up a way for those who follow", "carry forward the cause and forge ahead into the future" ], "machine": [ "continue", "Following the past and starting the future", "Following on from the past", "Following the Past" ] }, { "id": 3169, "chinese": "罄竹难书", "gold": "too numerous to record", "human": [ "inexpiable and too numerous to be listed in one book" ], "machine": [ "too many books to read", "innumerable books", "innumerable crimes", "innumerable records" ] }, { "id": 3170, "chinese": "罪不容诛", "gold": "an unpardonable offence, for which even death is insufficient", "human": [ "even death cannot excuse his offence", "even death cannot atone for the offence", "be guilty of crimes for which even death is insufficient punishment" ], "machine": [ "innocence", "No punishment for the crime", "No punishment for crime", "No punishment for crimes", "No crime can be punished" ] }, { "id": 3171, "chinese": "罪大恶极", "gold": "be guilty of the most heinous crimes", "human": [ "criminal and wicked in the extreme", "guilty of terrible crimes", "the enormity of the crime", "flagitious" ], "machine": [ "heinous", "Sin is a great evil", "Sin is great" ] }, { "id": 3172, "chinese": "罪孽深重", "gold": "sinful", "human": [], "machine": [ "Sins run deep", "Sins are deep" ] }, { "id": 3173, "chinese": "罪魁祸首", "gold": "ringleader", "human": [ "chief criminal", "arch-criminal" ], "machine": [ "culprit", "The main culprit", "The culprit" ] }, { "id": 3174, "chinese": "罪该万死", "gold": "hideous crime deserving the harshest punishment", "human": [ "be guilty of a crime for which one deserves to die ten thousand deaths", "be guilty of a crime for which even death cannot atone" ], "machine": [ "sin deserves death", "deserve to die", "deserves to die", "deserved to die" ] }, { "id": 3175, "chinese": "罪责难逃", "gold": "cannot get away with it", "human": [ "cannot escape the responsibility for the offence" ], "machine": [ "guilt is inevitable", "there is no escape from guilt" ] }, { "id": 3176, "chinese": "罪恶滔天", "gold": "be guilty of monstrous crimes", "human": [ "with crimes mounting up to the sky" ], "machine": [ "sinful", "evil crimes are so great", "evil crimes are so bad", "evil crimes are so serious", "evil crimes are so bad that" ] }, { "id": 3177, "chinese": "罪恶昭彰", "gold": "flagrant offences", "human": [ "flagrant" ], "machine": [ "guilty", "the crime is clear", "the crime is obvious", "the crime is notorious", "the crime was clear" ] }, { "id": 3178, "chinese": "罪有应得", "gold": "deserve the punishment", "human": [ "a well-earned punishment" ], "machine": [ "deserved", "guilty and deserves it", "guilty as charged" ] }, { "id": 3179, "chinese": "置之不理", "gold": "shut one's eyes to", "human": [ "put it on the shelf", "pay no attention to", "pay no regard to", "turn a deaf ear to", "turn a cold shoulder to", "pass without remark", "sit idly by", "brush aside", "leave alone", "disregard" ], "machine": [ "ignore it", "ignore" ] }, { "id": 3180, "chinese": "置之度外", "gold": "disregard entirely", "human": [ "leave it out of the calculations", "leave something out of consideration", "give no thought to", "have no regard for", "not take into account", "ignore" ], "machine": [ "disregard", "disregard for", "have no regard for the" ] }, { "id": 3181, "chinese": "置之脑后", "gold": "put out of mind", "human": [ "put it at the back of the brain", "disregard it", "banish from one's mind", "ignore and forget", "consign to oblivion" ], "machine": [ "leave it behind", "take no notice", "ignore", "take no notice of" ] }, { "id": 3182, "chinese": "置之死地而后快", "gold": "will not be satisfied until one has been destroyed", "human": [ "will be content with nothing less than somebody's destruction" ], "machine": [ "die soon", "to the death", "to the death of a person" ] }, { "id": 3183, "chinese": "置身事外", "gold": "stay aloof from the affair", "human": [ "keep out of the business", "refuse to be drawn into the matter" ], "machine": [ "stay out of the way", "stay out of it", "stay out of things" ] }, { "id": 3184, "chinese": "置若罔闻", "gold": "turn a deaf ear to", "human": [ "act as if one had not heard", "close one's ears to", "treat with indifference", "pay no heed to", "take no heed of", "pay it no attention", "ignore completely" ], "machine": [ "turn a deaf ear", "to pretend not to hear" ] }, { "id": 3185, "chinese": "罚不当罪", "gold": "the punishment exceeded the crime", "human": [ "be unduly punished" ], "machine": [ "wrongful punishment", "Misdemeanor Punishment", "Improper punishment", "Misdemeanor punishments" ] }, { "id": 3186, "chinese": "罗雀掘鼠", "gold": "contrive ways and means to live when in straits", "human": [ "\"net birds and dig out rats\"" ], "machine": [ "Rat digging", "net birds and dig for rats", "hard pressed for cash", "on the verge of bankruptcy" ] }, { "id": 3187, "chinese": "羊质虎皮", "gold": "a sheep in a tiger's skin", "human": [ "outwardly strong, inwardly weak" ], "machine": [ "sheep skin", "Sheep quality tiger skin", "Sheepish Tiger Skin", "Sheepskin Tiger Skin" ] }, { "id": 3188, "chinese": "羊肠鸟道", "gold": "narrow winding trail", "human": [ "meandering footpath" ], "machine": [ "guinea pig", "sheep's intestine and bird path", "Sheep's intestine bird road" ] }, { "id": 3189, "chinese": "美不胜收", "gold": "too beautiful to be absorbed all at once", "human": [ "so many beautiful things that one simply can't take them all in" ], "machine": [ "beautiful", "beautiful and incomparable", "beautiful beyond compare", "beautiful and incomprehensible" ] }, { "id": 3190, "chinese": "美中不足", "gold": "a blemish in an otherwise perfect thing", "human": [ "some slight imperfection", "a fly in the ointment", "crumpled rose-leaf", "cloud on one's happiness" ], "machine": [ "The beauty of it all" ] }, { "id": 3191, "chinese": "羞人答答", "gold": "very shy", "human": [ "bashful about", "coy" ], "machine": [ "shy", "shy person answering", "bashful answer", "bashful", "bashful reply" ] }, { "id": 3192, "chinese": "羞与为伍", "gold": "consider if beneath one to associate with somebody", "human": [ "ashamed to be in the same rank with somebody", "ashamed to be one's colleague" ], "machine": [ "ashamed", "be ashamed to be associated with", "shame to be associated with", "be ashamed to associate with" ] }, { "id": 3193, "chinese": "群魔乱舞", "gold": "a hast of demons dancing in riotous revelry", "human": [ "rogues of all kinds running wild" ], "machine": [ "Demons dance", "A dance of demons" ] }, { "id": 3194, "chinese": "群龙无首", "gold": "a group without a leader", "human": [ "a host of dragons without a head" ], "machine": [ "Dragons without a leader", "No head of the dragon", "No head for the dragon" ] }, { "id": 3195, "chinese": "群起而攻之", "gold": "rally together to attack", "human": [ "all rise and attack", "all rise up in struggle against", "launch collective attacks on" ], "machine": [ "group to attack", "The masses rise to attack.", "The masses rise up to attack.", "The masses rise up and attack." ] }, { "id": 3196, "chinese": "群策群力", "gold": "pool the wisdom and efforts of everyone", "human": [ "club ideas and exertions", "collective wisdom and efforts", "united strength and wisdom" ], "machine": [ "brainstorming", "Group effort" ] }, { "id": 3197, "chinese": "群威群胆", "gold": "mass heroism and daring", "human": [], "machine": [ "Awe-inspiring", "The power and courage of the group" ] }, { "id": 3198, "chinese": "义不容辞", "gold": "one's sense of honor makes it impossible to refuse", "human": [ "an obligation one cannot escape", "act from a strong sense of duty", "be incumbent upon one to", "be duty-bound", "have an unshakable duty" ], "machine": [ "duty-bound", "not to be denied", "not be denied", "not to be denied by the law", "not be denied by the law" ] }, { "id": 3199, "chinese": "义愤填膺", "gold": "be filled with righteous indignation", "human": [ "wrath surged in one's heart", "anger for justice filled one's breast", "boil with indignation" ], "machine": [ "indignation", "righteous indignation", "righteous anger" ] }, { "id": 3200, "chinese": "义形于色", "gold": "with indignation written on one's face", "human": [ "one's face showed no compromise with evil" ], "machine": [ "figurative", "show one's righteousness in one's face" ] }, { "id": 3201, "chinese": "义正词严", "gold": "in no uncertain terms", "human": [ "speak sternly out of a sense of justice", "speak with the force of justice" ], "machine": [ "righteousness", "righteous and serious", "righteous and solemn", "righteous and severe", "righteous and stern" ] }, { "id": 3202, "chinese": "义无反顾", "gold": "proceed without hesitation", "human": [ "honour permits no turning back", "be duty-bound not to turn back" ], "machine": [ "no hesitation", "no turning back", "righteous and uncompromising" ] }, { "id": 3203, "chinese": "羽毛丰满", "gold": "become full-fledged", "human": [], "machine": [ "plump", "Plenty of feathers", "Plump feathers", "Plump feather" ] }, { "id": 3204, "chinese": "羽毛未丰", "gold": "young and immature", "human": [ "unfledged" ], "machine": [ "feathered", "not yet fully feathered", "not yet feathered", "not yet full of feathers" ] }, { "id": 3205, "chinese": "习非成是", "gold": "accept what is wrong as right as one grows accustomed", "human": [ "through usage the erroneous becomes the correct" ], "machine": [ "Xi Feicheng", "Xi Fei Cheng is", "Xi Fei Cheng Yes", "Xi is not a reality", "Xi is not the right person" ] }, { "id": 3206, "chinese": "习惯成自然", "gold": "habit is a second nature", "human": [ "once you form a habit, it comes natural to you", "what is habitually done becomes natural", "habit makes things natural", "once used, forever a custom" ], "machine": [ "Habit is second nature", "Habit becomes nature", "Habits become nature", "Habit becomes natural" ] }, { "id": 3207, "chinese": "习以为常", "gold": "become accustomed to be used to", "human": [], "machine": [ "accustomed to", "accustomed to it" ] }, { "id": 3208, "chinese": "习焉不察", "gold": "too accustomed to something to call it in question", "human": [], "machine": [ "inattentive", "absent-minded", "not aware of one's habits", "not aware of one's mistakes" ] }, { "id": 3209, "chinese": "习与性成", "gold": "habit becomes one's second nature", "human": [], "machine": [ "habit and sexuality", "habit and nature become", "habit and sex become", "habit and sex becoming" ] }, { "id": 3210, "chinese": "翻天覆地", "gold": "the whole world topsy-turvy", "human": [ "\"heaven and earth turning upside down\"", "a great and thorough change", "the universe is overthrown", "a state of extreme confusion", "a tremendous change", "shake the very ground - earth-shaking", "epoch-making", "titanic changes" ], "machine": [ "earth-shaking", "sky and the earth turning upside down" ] }, { "id": 3211, "chinese": "翻来覆去", "gold": "over and over again", "human": [ "toss and turn", "toss from side to side", "again and again", "repeatedly", "reiterate" ], "machine": [ "over and over" ] }, { "id": 3212, "chinese": "翻江倒海", "gold": "stupendous", "human": [ "overturn the river and pour out the sea", "overwhelming", "the momentum of an avalanche", "terrific" ], "machine": [ "overturned", "overturning seas and rivers", "overwhelm the whole world", "overwhelm the world" ] }, { "id": 3213, "chinese": "翻箱倒柜", "gold": "turn things over in a thorough search", "human": [ "overturn boxes and empty chests - thorough search", "rummage through chests and cupboards", "ransack boxes and chests" ], "machine": [ "rummaging", "overturn trunks and boxes", "overturning trunks and boxes", "make a thorough search" ] }, { "id": 3214, "chinese": "翻山越岭", "gold": "travel over hill and dale", "human": [ "cross over mountain after mountain" ], "machine": [ "Over the mountains", "pass over mountains", "Over the Mountain" ] }, { "id": 3215, "chinese": "翻覆无常", "gold": "unstable", "human": [ "vacillating", "capricious", "whimsical", "fickle", "erratic", "impulsive" ], "machine": [ "upside down", "changeable and unpredictable", "changeable" ] }, { "id": 3216, "chinese": "翻云覆雨", "gold": "shifty", "human": [ "produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another", "given to playing tricks" ], "machine": [ "overturned", "tricky and inconvenient", "produce clouds and rain", "tricky and inconstant" ] }, { "id": 3217, "chinese": "耀武扬威", "gold": "put on airs", "human": [ "make a show of one's strength", "show one's prowess", "parade military prowess", "bluff and bluster", "swagger before others", "brandish one's sword", "a warlike gesture", "mount the high horse" ], "machine": [ "show off", "show off one's military prowess" ] }, { "id": 3218, "chinese": "老马识途", "gold": "know the ropes", "human": [ "the old horse knows the way", "an old hand is a good guide", "the devil knows many things because he is old" ], "machine": [ "an old horse knows the way", "an old hand knows the ropes", "An old horse knows the way." ] }, { "id": 3219, "chinese": "老谋深算", "gold": "circumspect and farseeing", "human": [ "make every move only after mature deliberation", "experienced and astute" ], "machine": [ "wily", "rigorous schemes and deep foresight", "astute and circumspect", "rigorous and deep-rooted" ] }, { "id": 3220, "chinese": "老当益壮", "gold": "old but vigorous", "human": [ "more vigorous with age", "enjoy a green old age", "their's many a goad tune played on an old fiddle" ], "machine": [ "old and strong", "hale and hearty despite the years" ] }, { "id": 3221, "chinese": "老态龙钟", "gold": "senile", "human": [ "old men's manners or appearance", "senility", "doddering" ], "machine": [ "old-fashioned clock", "doddering old age" ] }, { "id": 3222, "chinese": "老骥伏枥,志在千里", "gold": "old people may still cherish high aspirations", "human": [ "a veteran thoroughbred tied to its stable still dreams of the wilds", "a man of action, temporarily lying low, has yet ambitions unfulfilled", "an old steed in the stable still aspires to gallop a thousand li" ], "machine": [ "Old Ji Fuzheng, aspiring to a thousand miles", "An old steed with high aspirations is a good thing." ] }, { "id": 3223, "chinese": "老奸巨猾", "gold": "an old fox", "human": [ "an old hand at trickery and deception", "an old, crafty person", "a past master of machination and manoeuvre", "a sly old fish" ], "machine": [ "old cunning", "cunning", "wily old fox", "wily old man", "cunning and crafty" ] }, { "id": 3224, "chinese": "老气横秋", "gold": "lacking in youthful vigor", "human": [ "showing self-importance of the aged", "arrogant on account of one's seniority" ], "machine": [ "old-fashioned", "old and decrepit", "old-fashioned and decrepit", "old fashioned and decrepit" ] }, { "id": 3225, "chinese": "老羞成怒", "gold": "angry at one's humiliation", "human": [ "fly into a rage out of shame", "be shamed into anger", "turn angry from embarrassment" ], "machine": [ "old shame", "old shyness becomes anger", "old shame becomes anger" ] }, { "id": 3226, "chinese": "老成持重", "gold": "capable and reliable", "human": [ "well-experienced and prudent" ], "machine": [ "mature and prudent", "old and wise", "experienced and knowledgeable" ] }, { "id": 3227, "chinese": "老生常谈", "gold": "Sunday school truth", "human": [ "the platitudes of an old scholar", "a platitude", "an old story", "ordinary or usual" ], "machine": [ "cliché", "the same old story", "the usual suspects", "the same old stuff", "the usual story" ] }, { "id": 3228, "chinese": "老鼠过街,人人喊打", "gold": "when a rat runs across the street, everybody cries, \"Kill it!\"", "human": [], "machine": [ "Rats cross the street, everyone shouts", "when the rat crosses the street, everyone cries out for help" ] }, { "id": 3229, "chinese": "耐人寻味", "gold": "afford food for thought", "human": [ "stand careful pondering on", "thought-provoking" ], "machine": [ "intriguing" ] }, { "id": 3230, "chinese": "耳目一新", "gold": "a refreshing change", "human": [ "a pleasant change of atmosphere", "find everything fresh and new", "all made new" ], "machine": [ "refreshing", "A breath of fresh air" ] }, { "id": 3231, "chinese": "耳提面命", "gold": "give earnest exhortations", "human": [ "pour exhortations into somebody's ear", "earnestness in imparting instruction" ], "machine": [ "face-to-face", "hear and mention orders from the ear", "ears and mentions orders" ] }, { "id": 3232, "chinese": "耳食之谈", "gold": "accept readily without comprehending what is heard", "human": [], "machine": [ "Talking about ear food", "Ear Food Talk", "Ear Food Talks" ] }, { "id": 3233, "chinese": "耳熟能详", "gold": "often heard and well remembered", "human": [ "what has been well-heard can be repeated in detail", "be very familiar with something far having heard it many times" ], "machine": [ "familiar", "earful", "earworm" ] }, { "id": 3234, "chinese": "耳濡目染", "gold": "be imperceptibly influenced by what one constantly sees and hears", "human": [ "thoroughly imbued with what has been seen and heard", "colored by what one sees and hears constantly", "get influenced without one's knowing it", "influence of surroundings" ], "machine": [ "dazzled", "be influenced", "be influenced by the words" ] }, { "id": 3235, "chinese": "耳聪目明", "gold": "can hear and see well", "human": [ "have good ears and eyes", "have a thorough grasp of the situation" ], "machine": [ "ears and eyesight", "sharp ears and keen eyes", "sharp ears and clear eyes", "sharp ears and keen eyesight" ] }, { "id": 3236, "chinese": "耳闻不如目见", "gold": "seeing for oneself is better than hearing from others", "human": [ "hearsay is not equal to observation" ], "machine": [ "Hearing is worse than seeing", "seeing for oneself is better than hearing about it", "Hearing is better than seeing" ] }, { "id": 3237, "chinese": "耳闻目睹", "gold": "what one hears and sees", "human": [], "machine": [ "heard and seen", "hear and see", "see for yourself", "see for oneself", "see for oneself and others" ] }, { "id": 3238, "chinese": "聊胜于无", "gold": "half a loaf is better than no bread", "human": [ "a little is better than none", "it s better than nothing" ], "machine": [ "better than nothing", "It's better than nothing." ] }, { "id": 3239, "chinese": "聊以自慰", "gold": "just to console oneself", "human": [ "comfort oneself with thought" ], "machine": [ "chat to masturbate", "just for the sake of comfort", "just to console myself", "just to console yourself", "just for fun" ] }, { "id": 3240, "chinese": "聊以卒岁", "gold": "just to tide over the year", "human": [], "machine": [ "talk about death", "A few years ago", "A few years to go", "A few years of age" ] }, { "id": 3241, "chinese": "聚精会神", "gold": "focus one's attention on", "human": [ "concentrate one's attention and energy", "rivet one's attention on", "be all attention", "be absorbed in", "with rapt attention" ], "machine": [ "concentrate", "Concentration", "Concentrate on" ] }, { "id": 3242, "chinese": "聚沙成塔", "gold": "many a little makes a mickle", "human": [ "many grains of sand piled up will make a pagoda" ], "machine": [ "Gather sand into a tower", "Gathering sand makes a tower", "Gather sand to make a tower" ] }, { "id": 3243, "chinese": "众说纷纭", "gold": "opinions are widely divided", "human": [ "argue back and forth and cannot agree", "be at variance with each other" ], "machine": [ "Opinions vary", "There are many different opinions", "There are different opinions" ] }, { "id": 3244, "chinese": "闻风丧胆", "gold": "become terror-stricken at the news", "human": [], "machine": [ "frightened", "hear the wind and lose their nerve", "hear the wind and lose gall", "hear the wind and lose courage" ] }, { "id": 3245, "chinese": "闻风而起", "gold": "go into action without delay", "human": [ "immediately respond to a call", "take action as soon as one hears" ], "machine": [ "up in the wind", "start by hearing the wind", "start by smelling the wind", "start by sniffing the wind", "start by hearing the news" ] }, { "id": 3246, "chinese": "闻名不如见面", "gold": "know a man by repute is not as good as meeting him face to face", "human": [ "knowing a person by repute is not as good as seeing him in", "the flesh" ], "machine": [ "Better to be famous than to meet", "Better to meet than to be known", "Better known than met" ] }, { "id": 3247, "chinese": "闻过则喜", "gold": "be glad to have one's errors pointed out", "human": [ "feel happy when told of one's errors", "glad when told of one's own errors", "thankful for being told of one's errors" ], "machine": [ "Happy to hear it", "be happy when one's errors are pointed out" ] }, { "id": 3248, "chinese": "闻所未闻", "gold": "unheard-of", "human": [ "hear what one has never heard before", "never even heard-of", "never heard of such a thing before", "it licks creation" ], "machine": [ "unheard of", "an unheard of event", "an unheard-of event", "an unprecedented event" ] }, { "id": 3249, "chinese": "闻一知十", "gold": "infer the whole matter after hearing but one point", "human": [ "\"hear one thing and know ten others\"", "intelligent", "quick-witted", "smart" ], "machine": [ "hear one know ten", "a word of advice", "a word the wise", "a word of advice from a friend" ] }, { "id": 3250, "chinese": "联翩而至", "gold": "arrive in close succession", "human": [], "machine": [ "come together", "come in quick succession", "Come in triumph" ] }, { "id": 3251, "chinese": "聪明反被聪明误", "gold": "cleverness may overreach itself", "human": [ "clever people may be victims of their own cleverness" ], "machine": [ "Smart is mistaken by smart", "a clever person may become a clever person", "too smart for one's own good" ] }, { "id": 3252, "chinese": "聪明才智", "gold": "intelligence and wisdom", "human": [], "machine": [ "ingenuity", "Brilliance", "Brilliance and intelligence" ] }, { "id": 3253, "chinese": "聪明一世,糊涂一时", "gold": "smart as a rule, but this time a fool", "human": [ "clever all one's life but stupid this once" ], "machine": [ "Smart for a lifetime, confused for a while", "be smart for a lifetime, but confused for a while" ] }, { "id": 3254, "chinese": "声名狼藉", "gold": "unsavory", "human": [ "with a bad reputation", "fall into disrepute", "one's reputation is ruined", "notorious", "disreputable" ], "machine": [ "notoriety", "infamous" ] }, { "id": 3255, "chinese": "声东击西", "gold": "make a feint", "human": [ "make a feint to the east bet attack in the west", "pretend to attack the east while attacking the west", "shoot at a pigeon and kill a crow", "look one way and row another" ], "machine": [ "sound east and west", "make a declaration for the east and strike to the west" ] }, { "id": 3256, "chinese": "声泪俱下", "gold": "in a tearful voice", "human": [ "shedding tears while speaking" ], "machine": [ "weeping", "sobbing in tears", "shed tears", "sobbing tears" ] }, { "id": 3257, "chinese": "声势浩大", "gold": "a large-scale", "human": [ "great in strength and impetus", "mammoth", "influential", "grand" ], "machine": [ "great momentum", "great sound", "great sound and power", "great sound and momentum", "great sound and force" ] }, { "id": 3258, "chinese": "声嘶力竭", "gold": "shout oneself blue in the face", "human": [ "shout oneself hoarse", "shout at the top of one's voice" ], "machine": [ "hoarse", "shouting at the top of one's voice", "shouting" ] }, { "id": 3259, "chinese": "声色俱厉", "gold": "severe in voice and countenance", "human": [], "machine": [ "stern", "sound and color", "sounding and shouting" ] }, { "id": 3260, "chinese": "声威大震", "gold": "gain resounding fame", "human": [ "gain great fame and high prestige" ], "machine": [ "prestige", "great prestige", "great reputation", "great prestige and power", "great prestige and influence" ] }, { "id": 3261, "chinese": "耸人听闻", "gold": "sensational", "human": [ "deliberately exaggerate so as to create a sensation", "arrest one's attention", "create a great sensation", "sensation-mongering" ], "machine": [ "sensationalism", "sensationalist", "sensationalize the news", "sensationalize a story" ] }, { "id": 3262, "chinese": "耸入云霄", "gold": "rise above the clouds", "human": [ "tower into the clouds", "towering to the skies" ], "machine": [ "soaring into the sky", "Towering into the clouds", "Towering into the sky" ] }, { "id": 3263, "chinese": "听天由命", "gold": "happy-go-lucky", "human": [ "submit to the will of Heaven", "resign to one's fate", "trust to luck", "leave it to chance", "just as Heaven decrees" ], "machine": [ "resign", "Let's leave it to God.", "Let's leave it to fate" ] }, { "id": 3264, "chinese": "听其自然", "gold": "leave to chance", "human": [ "let things take their own course", "let matters slide", "let it have its swing", "let it be as it likes", "let the world wag" ], "machine": [ "let it be", "let nature take its course", "listen to nature" ] }, { "id": 3265, "chinese": "听其言而观其行", "gold": "judge people by their deeds not just by their words", "human": [ "listen to what a person says and watch what he does" ], "machine": [ "Listen to what he says and watch what he does" ] }, { "id": 3266, "chinese": "听之任之", "gold": "let one have one's own way", "human": [ "let something go unchecked", "take a laissez-faire attitude", "let matters drift", "allow something to continue" ], "machine": [ "leave it alone", "take a laissez-faire approach" ] }, { "id": 3267, "chinese": "肆无忌惮", "gold": "run riot", "human": [ "scruple at nothing", "without any scruples", "reckless and unbridled", "act outrageously", "unscrupulously", "brazenly", "unprincipled", "unconscionable", "unbridled" ], "machine": [ "unscrupulous", "Unrestrained" ] }, { "id": 3268, "chinese": "肃然起敬", "gold": "a feeling of profound respect", "human": [ "be filled with deep veneration" ], "machine": [ "in awe", "feel deep veneration for somebody", "feel deep respect for somebody", "feel deep veneration", "feel deep respect" ] }, { "id": 3269, "chinese": "肝胆相照", "gold": "show utter devotion to", "human": [ "open-heartedness", "loyal-hearted" ], "machine": [ "liver and gallbladder", "treat each other with love and courage", "treat each other with respect", "treat each other with care" ] }, { "id": 3270, "chinese": "肝胆涂地", "gold": "be extremely loyal to", "human": [ "the liver and brains spilt on the ground - as on the battlefield", "die the cruelest death" ], "machine": [ "liver and gallbladder", "offer one's life on a platter of liver and guts", "offer one's life on a platter" ] }, { "id": 3271, "chinese": "肩摩毂击", "gold": "overcrowded with people and traffic", "human": [ "shoulder to shoulder and hub to hub", "crowded with people and vehicles" ], "machine": [ "shoulder rub", "Shoulder Mo and Hub", "Shoulders and hubs" ] }, { "id": 3272, "chinese": "肺腑之言", "gold": "words from the bottom of one's heart", "human": [ "confidential conversation" ], "machine": [ "Words from the Heart", "Words from the bottom of my heart" ] }, { "id": 3273, "chinese": "背道而驰", "gold": "run counter to", "human": [ "run in opposite direction", "be diametrically opposed to", "contradict the whole purpose of", "draw further apart" ], "machine": [ "run in the opposite direction", "to run counter to" ] }, { "id": 3274, "chinese": "背信弃义", "gold": "traitorous", "human": [ "break faith with", "break one's word", "violate a treaty", "be perfidious", "throw somebody over the bridge", "play somebody false", "bad faith", "Punic faith", "faithless", "treacherously" ], "machine": [ "treachery", "breaking faith and abandoning righteousness" ] }, { "id": 3275, "chinese": "背城借一", "gold": "put up a desperate struggle", "human": [ "make a last-ditch stand before the city wall", "fight to the last ditch", "try to fight one's way out", "fight with a rope round one's neck", "make a spoon or spoil a horn" ], "machine": [ "Borrow one from behind the city", "to fight to the last ditch" ] }, { "id": 3276, "chinese": "背水一战", "gold": "a death-struggle", "human": [ "fight with one's back to the river", "fight to win or die", "put up a last-ditch struggle", "cross the Rubicon", "stand at bay" ], "machine": [ "last stand", "Backwater Battle", "Backwater", "Back to the water" ] }, { "id": 3277, "chinese": "胡说八道", "gold": "rubbish", "human": [ "talk nonsense", "sheer nonsense", "stuff and nonsense", "rave about", "balderdash" ], "machine": [ "nonsense", "Bullshit." ] }, { "id": 3278, "chinese": "胡作非为", "gold": "run amuck", "human": [ "act wildly in defiance of the law", "commit all kinds of outrages", "criminal actions" ], "machine": [ "Misomebodyehavior", "run amok", "to commit outrages" ] }, { "id": 3279, "chinese": "胡思乱想", "gold": "let one's imagination run away with him", "human": [ "stupid thoughts", "vain imaginings", "imagine things", "go off into wild flights of fancy", "have a maggot in one's brain", "wild-goose chase", "crankily" ], "machine": [ "have a bee in one's bonnet", "indulgence", "indiscriminate thinking", "indulgence in fantasy" ] }, { "id": 3280, "chinese": "胡言乱语", "gold": "babble about", "human": [ "foolish talk", "talk folly", "all one's eye", "rave" ], "machine": [ "nonsense", "babbling nonsense", "crazy talk", "babbling" ] }, { "id": 3281, "chinese": "胸怀坦白", "gold": "openhearted", "human": [ "frank" ], "machine": [ "candid", "Be open-minded", "Be frank with your heart", "Be honest", "Be honest with your heart" ] }, { "id": 3282, "chinese": "胸中有数", "gold": "have a good idea of how things stand", "human": [ "know the true state of affairs", "have a head for figures" ], "machine": [ "number in chest", "have a plan in mind", "know what's in your heart" ] }, { "id": 3283, "chinese": "胸中无数", "gold": "have no idea of how things stand", "human": [ "have no figures in one's head" ], "machine": [ "countless in the chest", "have a lot in mind", "have a lot of things in mind" ] }, { "id": 3284, "chinese": "胸有成竹", "gold": "have a well-thought-out plan, stratagem, etc. beforehand", "human": [ "definite ideas or plans to meet a situation", "have an idea in the mind before giving expression to it", "have a card up one's sleeve" ], "machine": [ "confident", "have a plan in place", "have a plan in mind", "a plan in place" ] }, { "id": 3285, "chinese": "胸无点墨", "gold": "unlearned", "human": [ "completely illiterate", "unlettered" ], "machine": [ "ingenuity", "ingenuous", "ingenious", "ingenuity in the details" ] }, { "id": 3286, "chinese": "胸无城府", "gold": "open and unreserved", "human": [ "quite open-minded" ], "machine": [ "no city", "open and candid", "not hiding anything", "ingenuous", "open-minded", "ingenuity" ] }, { "id": 3287, "chinese": "胸无宿物", "gold": "utterly simple and unreserved", "human": [], "machine": [ "no chest", "open and candid", "not hiding anything", "ingenuous", "ingenious" ] }, { "id": 3288, "chinese": "能屈能伸", "gold": "adaptable to circumstances", "human": [ "able to stoop or stand erect" ], "machine": [ "flexion and extension", "flexible", "flexible and adaptable", "flexible and able" ] }, { "id": 3289, "chinese": "能者多劳", "gold": "able people should do more work", "human": [], "machine": [ "Those who can do more work", "Those who can do more", "Those who can work more", "Those who are able to do more" ] }, { "id": 3290, "chinese": "能者为师", "gold": "let these who know teach", "human": [], "machine": [ "able teacher", "Those who can are teachers", "Those who can are the teachers" ] }, { "id": 3291, "chinese": "能上能下", "gold": "be ready to work both at the top or at the grass roots", "human": [ "be ready to accept a higher or a lower post" ], "machine": [ "Can go up and down", "Can go up or down", "Can be up or down", "Can move up and down" ] }, { "id": 3292, "chinese": "能说会道", "gold": "be a smart talker", "human": [ "have the gift of the gab", "have a glib tongue" ], "machine": [ "articulate", "can talk well", "can speak well" ] }, { "id": 3293, "chinese": "能文能武", "gold": "capable of handling both military and civilian affairs", "human": [ "be versed in both polite letters and martial arts", "be able to wield both the pen and the gun" ], "machine": [ "capable of writing and martial arts", "capable of performing arts and letters", "able perform arts and letters" ] }, { "id": 3294, "chinese": "胁肩谄笑", "gold": "cringe and smile obsequiously", "human": [ "play the sycophant" ], "machine": [ "smirk", "coerce the shoulders and flatter the smile" ] }, { "id": 3295, "chinese": "唇枪舌剑", "gold": "engage in a battle of words", "human": [ "cross verbal swords", "the thrust and parry of", "bandy words with", "repartee" ], "machine": [ "sparring sword", "Lip-smacking", "Lip-synching", "Lip-syncing", "Lip Syncing" ] }, { "id": 3296, "chinese": "唇齿相依", "gold": "be closely related and mutually dependent", "human": [ "as closely related as the lips and the teeth", "interdependent as lips and teeth", "close interdependence" ], "machine": [ "lips and teeth", "interdependence of lips and teeth", "interdependent lips and teeth", "interdependent" ] }, { "id": 3297, "chinese": "唇亡齿寒", "gold": "share a common lot", "human": [ "with bared lips, the teeth feel cold - interdependence of neighboring states", "when the lips are gone the teeth will be exposed to the cold", "if one falls, the other is in danger" ], "machine": [ "cold lips", "without the lips, the teeth feel the cold", "intimately interdependent" ] }, { "id": 3298, "chinese": "脱胎换骨", "gold": "turn over a new leaf", "human": [ "be reborn", "cast off one's old self", "create new things out of the old", "make a thoroughgoing change", "thoroughly remold oneself" ], "machine": [ "reborn", "shed one's body and change one's bones", "shed one's bones" ] }, { "id": 3299, "chinese": "脱口而出", "gold": "let slip", "human": [ "say something unwittingly", "swords escape from one's lips", "speak by impulse or without forethought", "blurt out", "one's tongue runs before one's wit", "jerk out words" ], "machine": [ "blurted out" ] }, { "id": 3300, "chinese": "脱缰之马", "gold": "uncontrollable as a wild horse without bridle", "human": [ "a runaway horse - uncontrollable" ], "machine": [ "runaway horse", "A horse out of reins", "A horse out of control", "A horse out of the reins" ] }, { "id": 3301, "chinese": "脱颖而出", "gold": "become eminent", "human": [ "the point of an awl sticking out through a bag", "talent showing itself", "come out in the open" ], "machine": [ "stand out", "stand out from the crowd" ] }, { "id": 3302, "chinese": "脚踏两只船", "gold": "have a foot in either camp", "human": [ "straddle two boats", "sit on the fence", "be a fence-sitter" ], "machine": [ "pedal two boats", "have a foot in both camps", "have a foot in both boats", "be having an affair" ] }, { "id": 3303, "chinese": "脚踏实地", "gold": "earnest and down-to-earth", "human": [ "have one's feet planted on solid ground", "stand on solid ground", "do solid work", "down-to-earth" ], "machine": [ "down to earth", "Feet on the ground", "Foot on the ground" ] }, { "id": 3304, "chinese": "脑满肠肥", "gold": "heavy-jowled and potbellied - the idle rich", "human": [ "with a fair round belly and a swelled head" ], "machine": [ "Brain full of fat", "brains full of fat", "full of brains" ] }, { "id": 3305, "chinese": "腹背受敌", "gold": "be attacked from all sides", "human": [ "be beset front and rear", "between two fires", "between the hammer and the anvil", "between the upper and nether millstone" ], "machine": [ "Enemy on the back", "enemy at the back", "enemy in the belly and back", "enemy in the back" ] }, { "id": 3306, "chinese": "膏粱子弟", "gold": "good-for-nothing sons of the idle rich", "human": [ "children from well-fed families" ], "machine": [ "Gao Liang's disciples", "sorghum children", "son-in-law" ] }, { "id": 3307, "chinese": "胆大包天", "gold": "audacious in the extreme", "human": [], "machine": [ "boldness", "bold and daring", "bold" ] }, { "id": 3308, "chinese": "胆大心细", "gold": "bold but cautious", "human": [ "show courage and prudence", "brave but not reckless" ], "machine": [ "Bold and careful", "boldness and carefulness", "Boldness and Care" ] }, { "id": 3309, "chinese": "胆小如鼠", "gold": "as timid as a mouse", "human": [ "as cowardly as a mouse", "cannot say boo to a goose", "chicken-hearted" ], "machine": [ "chicken-hearted like a mouse", "chicken-hearted like a rat", "chickenshit" ] }, { "id": 3310, "chinese": "胆大妄为", "gold": "reckless", "human": [ "act in fool-hardy manner", "rush in where angels fear to tread", "daredevil" ], "machine": [ "daring", "daredevilism", "daring to act" ] }, { "id": 3311, "chinese": "胆战心惊", "gold": "strike terror into the heart of", "human": [ "one's heart beats with fear", "be prostrate with fear", "be terror-stricken", "tremble with fright", "be all of a jump", "make one's blood curdle" ], "machine": [ "tremble with fear", "trepidation and fear", "tremble in fear" ] }, { "id": 3312, "chinese": "脍炙人口", "gold": "win universal praise", "human": [ "enjoy great popularity", "popular and much relished", "pleasant to eat", "be often and widely quoted", "please all tastes" ], "machine": [ "popular", "Popularity", "popular with people" ] }, { "id": 3313, "chinese": "卧薪尝胆", "gold": "nurse vengeance", "human": [ "sleep on brushwood and taste gall", "undergo self-imposed hardships so as to strengthen one's resolve to wipe out a national humiliation", "lie on faggots and taste gall", "endure hardships to accomplish some ambition", "in determination for revenge" ], "machine": [ "try hard", "Crouching on the ground" ] }, { "id": 3314, "chinese": "临别赠言", "gold": "parting advice", "human": [ "words of advice at parting" ], "machine": [ "parting words", "Farewell Message" ] }, { "id": 3315, "chinese": "临渴掘井", "gold": "do a thing at the 11th hour", "human": [ "not dig a well until one is thirsty", "begin to dig a well when thirsty", "not make timely preparations", "lack of forethought" ], "machine": [ "Digging a well when thirsty", "not digging a well until one is thirsty" ] }, { "id": 3316, "chinese": "临机应变", "gold": "cope with any contingency", "human": [ "adapt to circumstances", "decide as the situation demands" ], "machine": [ "Immediate response", "Strain on the fly", "Strain on the spot", "Strain by chance", "Stimulating the situation" ] }, { "id": 3317, "chinese": "临阵磨枪", "gold": "start to prepare only at the last moment", "human": [ "sharpen one's spear only before going into battle", "rub one's gun when battle begins", "hastily make preparations when the matter is at hand" ], "machine": [ "Sharpening the gun", "sharpen one's spear before the battle" ] }, { "id": 3318, "chinese": "临阵脱逃", "gold": "hightail it off at the first contact with the enemy", "human": [ "flee on the eve of a battle", "sneak away at a critical juncture" ], "machine": [ "run away", "desertion of a battlefield", "get away from the front line", "desertion", "get away from the battlefield" ] }, { "id": 3319, "chinese": "临深履薄", "gold": "\"as if on the brink of the abyss, as if treading on thin ice\" - cautions", "human": [], "machine": [ "Deep and thin", "be troubled by inadequate preparation" ] }, { "id": 3320, "chinese": "临危不惧", "gold": "remain calm in the face of a crisis", "human": [ "face danger fearlessly", "be undaunted in the face of perils", "betray no fear in an hour of danger" ], "machine": [ "Don't be afraid of danger", "not afraid of danger", "not be afraid of danger", "not be afraid to face danger" ] }, { "id": 3321, "chinese": "临渊羡鱼,不如归而结网", "gold": "one should take practical steps to achieve one's aims", "human": [ "it's better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish" ], "machine": [ "Linyuan is envious of fish, it is better to go home and make a net", "It is better to go home and tie a net than to stand by the pond and envy the fish" ] }, { "id": 3322, "chinese": "自暴自弃", "gold": "abandon oneself to despair", "human": [ "be backward and have no urge to make progress", "be resigned to one's backwardness", "give up hope in oneself", "lose self-confidence", "give oneself up to vice", "throw oneself away", "be blind to one's own interests", "self-abandoned", "self-forsaking", "self-degradation" ], "machine": [ "self-defeating", "give up on oneself", "Give up on yourself" ] }, { "id": 3323, "chinese": "自不量力", "gold": "overreach oneself", "human": [ "overestimate one's strength", "not know one's own limitations", "not to take a proper measure of oneself", "overrate oneself", "go beyond one's depth", "unaware of one's own impotence", "put a quart into a pint pot", "put one's arm out further than one can draw it back again" ], "machine": [ "overthinking", "not to measure oneself", "not to measure up" ] }, { "id": 3324, "chinese": "自卖自夸", "gold": "blow one's own trumpet", "human": [ "praise the goods one sells", "indulge in self-glorification" ], "machine": [ "self-promotion", "sell oneself short of praise", "boast about oneself", "sell oneself short", "boast of one's own" ] }, { "id": 3325, "chinese": "自命不凡", "gold": "have an unduly high opinion of oneself", "human": [ "consider oneself no ordinary being", "think of oneself as a superior being", "pride oneself on being out of the ordinary", "consider oneself above the crowd", "consider oneself an exceptional person", "think no end of oneself", "think no small beer of oneself", "be well wadded with conceit", "priggish" ], "machine": [ "Pretentious", "self-important", "arrogant and self-important", "arrogant" ] }, { "id": 3326, "chinese": "自鸣得意", "gold": "be puffed up with pride", "human": [ "show self-satisfaction", "be very pleased with oneself", "be self-satisfied", "sing one's own praises", "crow over one's success", "preen oneself", "plume oneself on", "cock-a-hoop", "smug" ], "machine": [ "think highly of oneself", "complacent" ] }, { "id": 3327, "chinese": "自鸣清高", "gold": "imagine oneself to be superior to others", "human": [ "profess to be above polities and worldly considerations" ], "machine": [ "Self-proclaimed", "think highly of oneself", "smug and self-righteous" ] }, { "id": 3328, "chinese": "自得其乐", "gold": "be content with one's lot", "human": [ "take delight in doing something as a pleasurable occupation", "get a kick out of it" ], "machine": [ "enjoy yourself", "enjoy oneself" ] }, { "id": 3329, "chinese": "自讨苦吃", "gold": "do something which will only cause trouble to oneself", "human": [ "walk into trouble", "ask for trouble and get it", "seek out hardships" ], "machine": [ "asking for trouble", "make a rod for one's own back", "ask for trouble" ] }, { "id": 3330, "chinese": "自投罗网", "gold": "fall into one's own snare", "human": [ "fall into a trap through one's own fault", "be caught in a net through one's own fault", "hurl oneself willingly into the net", "fall into a trap set for oneself by another", "bite the hook" ], "machine": [ "self-injection", "surrender to the trap", "walk right into the trap", "surrender to the net" ] }, { "id": 3331, "chinese": "自力更生", "gold": "stand on one's own feet", "human": [ "rely on oneself", "take fate in one's own hands", "regeneration through one's own efforts", "rely on one's own efforts", "self-reliance", "self-dependence" ], "machine": [ "Self Reliance" ] }, { "id": 3332, "chinese": "自告奋勇", "gold": "volunteer", "human": [ "offer to undertake", "volunteer for some special duty", "volunteer one's services for", "offer to take the responsibility upon oneself", "of one's own accord", "come forward" ], "machine": [ "volunteered", "volunteer for", "volunteer for the job", "volunteer to" ] }, { "id": 3333, "chinese": "自高自大", "gold": "arrogant", "human": [ "be full of conceit", "be disgusting self-satisfied", "be full of vainglory", "be above oneself", "be on the high horse", "have an overweening opinion of oneself", "go about with one's head in the air", "self-important", "self-conceited" ], "machine": [ "conceited", "arrogant and self-important", "arrogance and self-importance", "arrogant and conceited", "arrogance" ] }, { "id": 3334, "chinese": "自顾不暇", "gold": "unable to take care of oneself", "human": [ "unable even to fend for oneself", "be busy enough with one's own affairs", "have enough to do to look after oneself" ], "machine": [ "overwhelmed", "have no time to think about oneself", "have no time for oneself" ] }, { "id": 3335, "chinese": "自给自足", "gold": "self-sufficiency", "human": [ "self-contained and self-sufficient", "able to support oneself", "self-supporting", "autarkic", "autarky", "autarchy" ], "machine": [ "self-sufficient" ] }, { "id": 3336, "chinese": "自掘坟墓", "gold": "bring ruin upon oneself", "human": [ "dig one's own grave" ], "machine": [ "Digging one's own grave", "Digging your own grave" ] }, { "id": 3337, "chinese": "自觉自愿", "gold": "voluntarily", "human": [ "of one's own free will" ], "machine": [ "Voluntary", "Consciously and voluntarily", "Consciously volunteered" ] }, { "id": 3338, "chinese": "自欺欺人", "gold": "cheat oneself and others", "human": [ "deceive oneself as well as others", "try to deceive others only to end in deceiving oneself", "sheer hypocrisy", "believe one's own lies", "whip the devil round the stump", "self-deceiving", "self-deception" ], "machine": [ "deceive oneself and others", "deceive oneself", "deceive yourself" ] }, { "id": 3339, "chinese": "自强不息", "gold": "constantly strive to become stronger", "human": [ "make unremitting efforts to improve oneself" ], "machine": [ "self-improvement", "Self-empowerment", "Self-strengthening" ] }, { "id": 3340, "chinese": "自取灭亡", "gold": "head for disaster", "human": [ "court destruction", "court one's own ruin", "court self-destruction", "bring oneself to ruin", "bring about one's own destruction", "bring destruction on oneself", "seek one's own downfall", "take the road to one's doom", "ride to disaster", "run towards disaster", "cut one's own throat" ], "machine": [ "Suicide", "self-destruction", "self-defeating", "self-destructive" ] }, { "id": 3341, "chinese": "自取其咎", "gold": "have only oneself to blame", "human": [ "bring blame on oneself", "bring misery upon oneself", "ask for trouble" ], "machine": [ "Blame it on yourself", "bring trouble on oneself" ] }, { "id": 3342, "chinese": "自信不疑", "gold": "be sure of oneself", "human": [ "have self-confidence" ], "machine": [ "confident", "Confidence without doubt", "Self-confidence without doubt", "Confidence without doubts", "Self-confidence" ] }, { "id": 3343, "chinese": "自相矛盾", "gold": "contradict oneself", "human": [ "be incongruous with", "self-contradictory", "antilogy" ], "machine": [ "paradoxical", "Self-contradiction" ] }, { "id": 3344, "chinese": "自相惊扰", "gold": "raise false alarms", "human": [ "alarm one's own group, etc.", "create disturbance within one's ranks" ], "machine": [ "self-disturbance", "frighten one another", "frighten each other", "alarm each other", "startle one another" ] }, { "id": 3345, "chinese": "自相残杀", "gold": "mutual annihilation", "human": [ "kill each other", "cause death to one another", "slaughter one another", "cut one another's throats", "internecine" ], "machine": [ "cannibalism", "internecine strife", "killing each other", "internecine warfare" ] }, { "id": 3346, "chinese": "自行其是", "gold": "go one's own way", "human": [ "act as one thinks fit", "act wilfully" ], "machine": [ "on its own", "act on one's own", "act on their own", "act on its own", "act as one's own" ] }, { "id": 3347, "chinese": "自寻烦恼", "gold": "bring vexation on oneself", "human": [ "worry over for nothing", "bring trouble on oneself" ], "machine": [ "asking for trouble", "bring trouble upon oneself", "bring trouble on yourself" ] }, { "id": 3348, "chinese": "自寻死路", "gold": "bring about one's own destruction", "human": [ "wilfully take the road to one's doom" ], "machine": [ "suicide", "follow the path to one's own doom", "bring about one's own demise", "bring about one's own death" ] }, { "id": 3349, "chinese": "自知之明", "gold": "know one's own limitations", "human": [ "know oneself", "self-knowledge" ], "machine": [ "Self Knowledge" ] }, { "id": 3350, "chinese": "自成一家", "gold": "found a new school of", "human": [ "strike out a new line for oneself - independence", "have a style of one's own", "be unique in one's style", "develop one's own style of" ], "machine": [ "own family", "have a family of one's own", "have a family of its own", "have a family of their own" ] }, { "id": 3351, "chinese": "自吹自擂", "gold": "blows one's own trumpet", "human": [ "crack oneself up", "sing one's own praise", "ring one's own bell", "praise one's own wares", "brag and boast", "cry roast meat", "self-advertisement", "brag about", "self-glorification" ], "machine": [ "boasting", "blowing oneself up", "bragging about oneself", "boast about oneself", "boast of oneself" ] }, { "id": 3352, "chinese": "自食其力", "gold": "self-supporting", "human": [ "live on one's own toil", "live by one's own labor", "support oneself by one's own labour", "earn one's own living" ], "machine": [ "self-reliance", "Self-eating", "Self-exploitation" ] }, { "id": 3353, "chinese": "自食其果", "gold": "face the consequences of one's action", "human": [ "eat one's own bitter fruit", "be made to pay for one's rabid evil doings", "reap the harvest of one's misdeeds", "reap what one has sown", "stew in one's own juice" ], "machine": [ "Eat your own fruit", "eat their own fruit", "eat its own fruit", "eating their own fruit" ] }, { "id": 3354, "chinese": "自食其言", "gold": "break one's own promise", "human": [ "go back on one's own words" ], "machine": [ "Eat your own words", "eat one's own words", "eat their own words", "eat one's words" ] }, { "id": 3355, "chinese": "自始至终", "gold": "from start to finish", "human": [ "from beginning to end", "from first to last", "from A to Z" ], "machine": [ "Throughout" ] }, { "id": 3356, "chinese": "自生自灭", "gold": "run its course", "human": [ "emerge of itself and perish of itself" ], "machine": [ "self-inflicted", "Self-perpetuating", "Self-perpetuation", "Self-extinguishing", "Self-generated" ] }, { "id": 3357, "chinese": "自然而然", "gold": "naturally", "human": [ "automatically", "spontaneously", "of oneself" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 3358, "chinese": "自认倒楣", "gold": "grin and bear it", "human": [ "accept bad luck without complaint", "admit defeat in good grace" ], "machine": [ "self-defeating", "Confess to be unlucky", "Confessing to be unlucky", "Confess to be unfortunate", "Confessing to be unfortunate" ] }, { "id": 3359, "chinese": "自作主张", "gold": "decide for oneself", "human": [ "act on one's own" ], "machine": [ "self-assertion", "think for oneself" ] }, { "id": 3360, "chinese": "自作自受", "gold": "suffer the consequences of one's own action", "human": [ "suffer for one's own account", "receive the penalty for one's own sins", "as you made your bed, so you must lie on it", "reap the whirlwind of one's own sowing", "as you brew, so you must drink", "fry in one's own grease", "have only oneself to thank", "self do, self have" ], "machine": [ "self-inflicted", "make your own bed and suffer the consequences" ] }, { "id": 3361, "chinese": "自作聪明", "gold": "think oneself clever", "human": [ "act on the strength of one's own imagined cleverness", "fancy oneself clever", "pretending to be wise" ], "machine": [ "make yourself smart", "Self-intelligence", "Self-intellectual", "Self-intelligent", "Self-serving" ] }, { "id": 3362, "chinese": "自惭形秽", "gold": "have a sense of inferiority or inadequacy", "human": [ "ashamed of one's own appearance", "feel unworthy", "look small", "feel cheap" ], "machine": [ "ashamed", "feel ashamed of oneself", "feel ashamed of one's self", "feel ashamed of one's dignity" ] }, { "id": 3363, "chinese": "自私自利", "gold": "selfish", "human": [ "self-seeking", "self-centered", "egocentricity", "egotistic" ], "machine": [ "selfishness", "selfishness and self-interest" ] }, { "id": 3364, "chinese": "自以为得计", "gold": "fancy oneself clever", "human": [ "be pleased with one's own ruses", "think oneself a smart fellow", "fancy oneself resourceful" ], "machine": [ "self-righteous", "think they have a plan", "think they have a good plan", "think they've got a plan" ] }, { "id": 3365, "chinese": "自以为是", "gold": "be cocksure", "human": [ "consider oneself always in the right", "regard oneself as infallible", "have a firm belief in one's own opinions", "presumptuously claim infallibility", "opinionatedly believe something to be correct", "regard oneself as right", "self-opinionated", "self-righteous" ], "machine": [ "opinionated", "Self-righteousness" ] }, { "id": 3366, "chinese": "自由泛滥", "gold": "have free rein", "human": [ "open wide the floodgates to", "give free currency to", "spread unchecked" ], "machine": [ "freedom floods", "Free flooding", "Freedom Flood", "Freedom Flooding" ] }, { "id": 3367, "chinese": "自由放任", "gold": "laissez-faire", "human": [ "allowing unrestrained freedom", "unrestrained self-indulgence", "follow one's own inclination" ], "machine": [ "laissez faire" ] }, { "id": 3368, "chinese": "自由自在", "gold": "free and unrestrained", "human": [ "leisurely and carefree" ], "machine": [ "free", "Free and Easy", "freedom and liberty" ] }, { "id": 3369, "chinese": "自言自语", "gold": "keep on chattering though to one is listening", "human": [ "murmur to oneself", "make unilateral declaration", "speak to oneself", "think aloud", "soliloquize" ], "machine": [ "talking to oneself", "Talking to myself", "talk to oneself", "Talk to yourself" ] }, { "id": 3370, "chinese": "自我陶醉", "gold": "imagine oneself to be better than one really is", "human": [ "indulge in self-delusion as an escape from reality", "be intoxicated with oneself", "narcissism" ], "machine": [ "self-indulgence", "self-absorption", "self-admiration" ] }, { "id": 3371, "chinese": "自我解嘲", "gold": "console oneself with soothing remarks", "human": [ "pat oneself on the back after one's feelings have been wounded" ], "machine": [ "self-deprecating", "self-deprecation", "make fun of oneself" ] }, { "id": 3372, "chinese": "自我吹嘘", "gold": "boast smugly", "human": [ "boast oneself", "self-commendation", "self-glorification", "self-advertisement", "self-praise" ], "machine": [ "brag about oneself", "self-aggrandizement", "boast", "bragging about oneself" ] }, { "id": 3373, "chinese": "自我作故", "gold": "be the first to do something", "human": [ "originate a method, etc.", "not bound by conventionality", "do what others have never done before" ], "machine": [ "self-inflicted", "make an excuse for oneself", "act on one's own initiative", "make a fool of oneself", "make an assertion of oneself" ] }, { "id": 3374, "chinese": "自圆其说", "gold": "explain away", "human": [ "give a satisfactory explanation of what one has said or done", "make one's statement consistent", "justify oneself", "make out a good case", "self-justification" ], "machine": [ "justify it", "explain oneself", "self-justifying" ] }, { "id": 3375, "chinese": "自怨自艾", "gold": "be full of remorse", "human": [ "repent and redress one's errors", "be contrite and reform oneself" ], "machine": [ "self-pity", "be full of remorse and regret" ] }, { "id": 3376, "chinese": "臭不可当", "gold": "give off an unbearable stink", "human": [], "machine": [ "stinky", "unbearable stink", "notorious" ] }, { "id": 3377, "chinese": "臭皮囊", "gold": "a bag of stinking fluids - the human body", "human": [], "machine": [ "stinky sac", "this mortal flesh", "dead skin", "This is a good skin." ] }, { "id": 3378, "chinese": "臭名远扬", "gold": "notorious", "human": [], "machine": [ "notorious far and wide", "stinking reputation" ] }, { "id": 3379, "chinese": "臭气熏天", "gold": "reek to high heaven", "human": [ "stink to the skies" ], "machine": [ "smelly", "overwhelming stench", "stinking to high heaven", "stinky", "overwhelming smell" ] }, { "id": 3380, "chinese": "臭味相投", "gold": "be two of a hind", "human": [ "share the same rotten tastes, habits, etc.", "people of the same ilk like each other", "like drawn to like" ], "machine": [ "Smells like", "share vile habits", "birds of a feather" ] }, { "id": 3381, "chinese": "至理名言", "gold": "maxim", "human": [ "famous dictum", "a golden saying", "axiom" ], "machine": [ "wise sayings", "The best words of wisdom", "The best words", "The best words of truth" ] }, { "id": 3382, "chinese": "至高无上", "gold": "supreme", "human": [ "most lofty", "crowning", "unrivaled", "paramount" ], "machine": [ "supremacy", "The Supreme" ] }, { "id": 3383, "chinese": "至死不变", "gold": "constant till death", "human": [ "will never change even unto death", "changeless" ], "machine": [ "unchanging till death", "unchanged until death", "unchanging until death", "unchanged to the death" ] }, { "id": 3384, "chinese": "至死不悟", "gold": "incorrigibly stubborn", "human": [ "never repent even unto death", "never repent even at death's door" ], "machine": [ "to death", "not realize it until the end of one's life", "not realize it to the death" ] }, { "id": 3385, "chinese": "与虎谋皮", "gold": "ask a tiger for its hide", "human": [ "a doomed petition", "request somebody to act against his own interests" ], "machine": [ "scheming with tigers", "conspire with a tiger for its skin", "conspire with a tiger for skin" ] }, { "id": 3386, "chinese": "与众不同", "gold": "different with the others", "human": [ "out of the ordinary" ], "machine": [ "different", "Different from the rest", "Different from others", "Different from the others" ] }, { "id": 3387, "chinese": "与世长辞", "gold": "pass away", "human": [ "depart from the world forever" ], "machine": [ "death", "Depart from the world", "Departed from the world", "Departed from this world", "Depart from this world" ] }, { "id": 3388, "chinese": "与世无争", "gold": "hold oneself aloof from the world", "human": [ "stand aloof from worldly success", "reconcile oneself to one's situation" ], "machine": [ "Indisputable", "No competition with the world", "No competition from the world", "No competition for the world" ] }, { "id": 3389, "chinese": "与日俱增", "gold": "be steadily on the increase", "human": [ "grow with each passing day", "multiply daily" ], "machine": [ "increasing day by day", "Increasing with each passing day", "Growing with each passing day" ] }, { "id": 3390, "chinese": "与人为善", "gold": "do good for people", "human": [ "help others kind-heartedly" ], "machine": [ "Be kind to people", "Be kind to others" ] }, { "id": 3391, "chinese": "兴风作浪", "gold": "make waves", "human": [ "stir up trouble", "incite and create trouble", "fan the flames of disorder" ], "machine": [ "stir up havoc", "incite trouble", "create havoc" ] }, { "id": 3392, "chinese": "兴利除弊", "gold": "promote what is beneficial and abolish what is harmful", "human": [ "promote that which is profitable and abolish that which is evil", "start the good and weed out the corrupt practices" ], "machine": [ "Pros and cons", "promote what is useful and eliminate what is harmful" ] }, { "id": 3393, "chinese": "兴高采烈", "gold": "in high spirits", "human": [ "full of spirits and elated", "in great form", "jolly as a sand-boy", "full of beans", "go into raptures with glee", "exhilaration", "jubilant" ], "machine": [ "elated", "happy and excited", "high spirits", "happy" ] }, { "id": 3394, "chinese": "兴致勃勃", "gold": "in high spirits", "human": [ "full of zest", "a flow of spirits", "be of good cheer", "tails up", "cheerfully" ], "machine": [ "with great enthusiasm", "with enthusiasm", "with great interest" ] }, { "id": 3395, "chinese": "兴师动众", "gold": "move troops about and stir up the people", "human": [ "drag in many people" ], "machine": [ "Inspiring teachers", "get a great number of people involved" ] }, { "id": 3396, "chinese": "兴师问罪", "gold": "send a punitive expedition against", "human": [], "machine": [ "Xingshi to ask guilt", "send punitive forces against", "go in search of punishment" ] }, { "id": 3397, "chinese": "兴妖作怪", "gold": "conjure up a host of demons to make mischief", "human": [ "make trouble", "raise the devil" ], "machine": [ "make monsters", "summon demons and make mischief", "to stir up trouble with intent of sabotage" ] }, { "id": 3398, "chinese": "兴味索然", "gold": "dull and uninteresting", "human": [ "not to show a spark of interest", "bored stiff", "uninterested" ], "machine": [ "lost interest", "bored out of one's mind", "indifferent", "bored out of shape", "insipid" ] }, { "id": 3399, "chinese": "举不胜举", "gold": "too numerous to mention", "human": [ "provide countless instances" ], "machine": [ "too many to mention", "The list goes on and on.", "To name a few" ] }, { "id": 3400, "chinese": "举目无亲", "gold": "have no one to turn to", "human": [ "not a relative or a friend to be seen", "asStranger in a strange place", "far away from one's kin", "find no kin to turn to", "be a stranger in a strange land" ], "machine": [ "unaccompanied", "without a friend in the world", "without a friend in sight", "without a relative in sight" ] }, { "id": 3401, "chinese": "举国上下", "gold": "the whole nation", "human": [ "people all over the country", "throughout the nation" ], "machine": [ "the whole country", "the entire nation", "the entire country" ] }, { "id": 3402, "chinese": "举棋不定", "gold": "be unable to make up one's mind", "human": [ "hesitate about what move to make", "shilly-shally", "vacillate" ], "machine": [ "indecisive", "hesitate over what move to make", "hesitate to make a move" ] }, { "id": 3403, "chinese": "举世瞩目", "gold": "attract worldwide attention", "human": [ "become the focus of world attention", "world spotlight" ], "machine": [ "worldwide attention", "World attention" ] }, { "id": 3404, "chinese": "举世无敌", "gold": "without an equal in the world", "human": [ "be matchable to none", "with no match in the world", "matchless in the world" ], "machine": [ "invincible", "unrivalled in the world", "unrivaled in the world", "unparalleled in the world", "unrivalled" ] }, { "id": 3405, "chinese": "举世无双", "gold": "unrivaled", "human": [ "unparalleled anywhere in the world", "unmatched in the world", "second to none", "matchless", "peerless" ], "machine": [ "unparalleled", "The world is unmatched", "The world is unique", "Unique", "The world's best" ] }, { "id": 3406, "chinese": "举世闻名", "gold": "world-famous", "human": [ "of world renown", "be known to all the world" ], "machine": [ "world famous", "world-renowned" ] }, { "id": 3407, "chinese": "举足轻重", "gold": "play a decisive role", "human": [ "hold the balance", "prove decisive", "count for much", "carry a big weight in", "tip the scales" ], "machine": [ "pivotal", "A significant amount of weight", "A significant amount" ] }, { "id": 3408, "chinese": "举措失当", "gold": "make false moves", "human": [ "make an ill-advised move" ], "machine": [ "Improper action", "Missteps", "Inappropriate initiatives", "Improper initiatives", "Misstep" ] }, { "id": 3409, "chinese": "举一反三", "gold": "infer other things from one fact", "human": [ "raise one corner of a subject and expect the pupil to infer the other three", "from a part one may divine the whole", "draw inferences about other cases from one instance" ], "machine": [ "learn by analogy", "raise one and reflect three", "raise one to three", "raise one and reflect on three" ] }, { "id": 3410, "chinese": "旧瓶装新酒", "gold": "new wine in old bottles", "human": [], "machine": [ "new wine in an old bottle" ] }, { "id": 3411, "chinese": "旧地重游", "gold": "revisit a once familiar place", "human": [], "machine": [ "Revisiting old places", "revisit old haunts", "Revisit old places", "revisit the old haunts" ] }, { "id": 3412, "chinese": "旧调重弹", "gold": "harp on the same old tunes", "human": [ "harp on one string" ], "machine": [ "old tune", "replaying the same old tunes", "replaying the same old tune", "replaying old tunes", "replaying the old tunes" ] }, { "id": 3413, "chinese": "旧恨新仇", "gold": "new hatred piled on old", "human": [], "machine": [ "old hatred new hatred", "old hatred and new hatred", "old hatred and new enmity", "old hatred and new feud", "old hatred and new grudges" ] }, { "id": 3414, "chinese": "旧仇宿怨", "gold": "old grudge inveterate hatred", "human": [], "machine": [ "old feud", "old feud and old grudge", "old grudge", "old grudges and resentments", "old feud and grudge" ] }, { "id": 3415, "chinese": "舌敝唇焦", "gold": "wear oneself out in pleading, expostulating, etc.", "human": [ "talk till one's tongue and tips are parched" ], "machine": [ "Tongue and lip burn", "A broken tongue and burnt lips" ] }, { "id": 3416, "chinese": "舞文弄墨", "gold": "indulge in fancy writing", "human": [ "pervert the law by playing with legal phraseology", "engage in phrase-mongering", "play on words" ], "machine": [ "dance with ink", "dance and write" ] }, { "id": 3417, "chinese": "良辰美景", "gold": "beautiful scene on a bright day", "human": [], "machine": [ "Beautiful scenery", "fine time and beautiful scenery", "fine time, beautiful scenery", "fine time and beautiful view" ] }, { "id": 3418, "chinese": "良师益友", "gold": "good teachers and helpful friends", "human": [], "machine": [ "mentor", "A good teacher and a good friend", "A good teacher and friend" ] }, { "id": 3419, "chinese": "良药苦口", "gold": "good medicine tastes bitter", "human": [ "bitter pills may have wholesome effects", "good advice, like medicine, is hard to take" ], "machine": [ "Good medicine is bitter", "frank criticism is hard to swallow" ] }, { "id": 3420, "chinese": "良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行", "gold": "just as bitter medicine cures sickness, so unpalatable advice benefits conduct", "human": [], "machine": [ "Good medicine tastes bitter, unpalatable advice help line", "A good medicine is good for the sick, and advice is good for the ears" ] }, { "id": 3421, "chinese": "良莠不齐", "gold": "the good and the bad are intermingled", "human": [], "machine": [ "Good and bad", "A mix of good and bad", "A mix of good and bad people", "Good and bad people" ] }, { "id": 3422, "chinese": "艰难竭蹶", "gold": "difficulties and hardships", "human": [ "hardship and destitution" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "tough and stubborn", "tough and strenuous", "tough and exhausted", "hard and exhausted" ] }, { "id": 3423, "chinese": "艰难曲折", "gold": "arduous and tortuous", "human": [ "difficulties and setbacks" ], "machine": [ "difficult twists and turns", "Tough twists and turns", "Tough and twisted", "Tough and twisty" ] }, { "id": 3424, "chinese": "艰难险阻", "gold": "difficulties and dangers", "human": [ "difficulties and obstacles" ], "machine": [ "hardships", "hardships and dangers", "hardships and perils", "hardship and peril", "hardship and dangers" ] }, { "id": 3425, "chinese": "艰苦朴素", "gold": "hard work and plain living", "human": [ "hardworking and plain-living" ], "machine": [ "hard and simple", "Hard work and simplicity", "Hardworking and simple", "Hardworking and plain" ] }, { "id": 3426, "chinese": "艰苦奋斗", "gold": "through hard struggle", "human": [ "brave hard and bitter struggles", "struggle hard amid difficulties", "work hard and perseveringly", "make intense effort", "arduous struggle", "hard-hitting" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "Hard Struggle", "Hard Struggles" ] }, { "id": 3427, "chinese": "艰苦卓绝", "gold": "extreme hardships and difficulties", "human": [ "extremely hard and bitter", "overcome untold difficulties with surpassing bravery", "most arduous" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "hard and difficult", "hard and challenging", "hard work and dedication" ] }, { "id": 3428, "chinese": "色厉内荏", "gold": "be tough-looking outside but really timid within", "human": [ "firm in the countenance, but weak inside", "fierce of visage but faint of heart", "forcible-feeble" ], "machine": [ "Color Li Nei", "a sheep in wolf's clothing", "a sheep in the wolf's clothing", "a sheepish character" ] }, { "id": 3429, "chinese": "芒刺在背", "gold": "feel nervous and uneasy", "human": [ "having prickles on the back - of a man who sits stiffly and ill at ease", "feel prickles down one's back" ], "machine": [ "thorn on the back", "with a thorn in one's side", "with a thorn in one's back", "with thorns in one's back" ] }, { "id": 3430, "chinese": "花天酒地", "gold": "indulge in gay life and debauchery", "human": [ "world of wine and women", "indulge in dissipation", "lead a gay life", "lead a fast life", "be on the tiles", "be on the loose", "guzzle and carouse to one's heart's content" ], "machine": [ "Spend the day", "spend one's time in drinking and pleasure", "to indulge in sensual pleasures", "life of debauchery" ] }, { "id": 3431, "chinese": "花团锦簇", "gold": "bouquets of flowers and piles of silks - rich multicolored decorations", "human": [ "confusion and gay bustle" ], "machine": [ "flower clusters", "The flowers are in full bloom", "The flowers are in bloom", "The flowers are in abundance" ] }, { "id": 3432, "chinese": "花好月圆", "gold": "perfect conjugal bliss", "human": [ "blooming flowers and full moon" ], "machine": [ "full moon", "A Good Flower and a Happy Moon", "A Good Moon", "A Good Flower and a Full Moon" ] }, { "id": 3433, "chinese": "花花公子", "gold": "a dandy", "human": [ "a fop", "a coxcomb" ], "machine": [ "playboy" ] }, { "id": 3434, "chinese": "花花世界", "gold": "this mortal world", "human": [ "the dazzling human world with its myriad temptations", "a dissolute age" ], "machine": [ "flower world", "Flowering World", "The Flower World" ] }, { "id": 3435, "chinese": "花枝招展", "gold": "be gorgeously dressed", "human": [ "be seductively dressed" ], "machine": [ "flowery", "the flowering branches sway" ] }, { "id": 3436, "chinese": "花朝月夕", "gold": "beautiful days and nights with moon and flowers", "human": [ "the day of flowers and the evening of the moon", "delightful weather and beautiful prospects" ], "machine": [ "Flowers and Moons", "a beautiful day in the morning and an evening in the moon", "a beautiful day in the moon", "a beautiful day in the evening", "a beautiful day" ] }, { "id": 3437, "chinese": "花言巧语", "gold": "fair words", "human": [ "sweet chatter", "artful talk", "lip service", "verbal tricks", "luring speech", "fair-spoken", "fine-spoken", "blandishments", "blarney" ], "machine": [ "rhetoric", "dishonest rhetoric", "graceful words", "cheating wheedling" ] }, { "id": 3438, "chinese": "苛捐杂税", "gold": "exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous levies", "human": [], "machine": [ "Excessive taxes", "exorbitant taxation", "exorbitant taxes and levies", "exorbitant taxes", "onerous taxation" ] }, { "id": 3439, "chinese": "若明若暗", "gold": "have a hazy notion about", "human": [ "have a blurred picture of", "have only a vague idea of something" ], "machine": [ "light and dark", "if bright, if dark", "if bright, if dim" ] }, { "id": 3440, "chinese": "若即若离", "gold": "maintain a lukewarm relationship", "human": [ "be neither friendly nor aloof", "partly accepting, partly rejecting", "keep somebody at arm's length", "half-hearted" ], "machine": [ "if away", "if it's not, it's not" ] }, { "id": 3441, "chinese": "若要人不知,除非己莫为", "gold": "the only way to keep people from knowing something is not to do it", "human": [ "if you do not want a thing to be known, the only way is not to do it", "do not do it if you don't want others to know it", "what is done by night appears by day" ], "machine": [ "If you don't know, you have to do it yourself", "If you don't want people to know, don't do it ." ] }, { "id": 3442, "chinese": "若有所失", "gold": "feel lost", "human": [ "feel as if something were missing", "look distracted" ], "machine": [ "If something is lost", "as if one had lost something", "if something is missing", "as if something had gone wrong", "as if one were lost" ] }, { "id": 3443, "chinese": "若有所思", "gold": "seem lost in thought", "human": [ "as if deep in thought", "as if thinking of something", "look pensive" ], "machine": [ "thoughtful", "as if thinking", "as if one were thinking", "as if thinking about something", "as if one is thinking" ] }, { "id": 3444, "chinese": "若隐若现", "gold": "partly hidden and partly visible", "human": [ "appear indistinctly" ], "machine": [ "looming", "faintly discernible", "faintly visible", "appearing and disappearing" ] }, { "id": 3445, "chinese": "若无其事", "gold": "calmly", "human": [ "as if nothing had occurred", "remain indifferent", "nonchalant", "casually" ], "machine": [ "if nothing happened", "as if nothing had happened", "as if nothing happened", "as if nothing were happening" ] }, { "id": 3446, "chinese": "苦大仇深", "gold": "suffer bitterly and nurse deep hatred", "human": [], "machine": [ "bitterness and hatred", "great bitterness and deep hatred", "deeply ingrained long-standing resentment" ] }, { "id": 3447, "chinese": "苦口婆心", "gold": "advise somebody time and again in earnest words and with good intention", "human": [ "be faithful and kind in remonstrance" ], "machine": [ "bitter", "earnest and well-meaning advice", "persuade patiently" ] }, { "id": 3448, "chinese": "苦海无边,回头是岸", "gold": "escape from the human world of woes and find salvation", "human": [ "boundless is the sea of bitterness, yet a man who will repent can reach the shore nearby" ], "machine": [ "The sea of suffering is boundless, turning back is the shore", "The sea of bitterness has no bounds, turn back to the shore" ] }, { "id": 3449, "chinese": "苦尽甘来", "gold": "after suffering comes happiness", "human": [ "after the bitter comes the sweet", "luck turns after hardship", "sweet are the fruits of labor", "from foul to fair" ], "machine": [ "bittersweet", "bitterness ends, sweetness begins" ] }, { "id": 3450, "chinese": "苦心孤诣", "gold": "drive oneself mercilessly to attain one's goal", "human": [ "make notable achievement after extraordinarily persistent and painstaking efforts" ], "machine": [ "painstakingly", "work hard at something", "painstaking efforts", "make painstaking efforts" ] }, { "id": 3451, "chinese": "苦心经营", "gold": "work oui with unsparing efforts", "human": [ "contrive painstakingly", "elaboration" ], "machine": [ "painstakingly managed", "build up an enterprise through painstaking efforts", "painstaking efforts" ] }, { "id": 3452, "chinese": "英雄所见略同", "gold": "great minds think alike", "human": [], "machine": [ "Heroes see the same", "heroes usually agree", "Great minds think alike.", "heroes always agree" ] }, { "id": 3453, "chinese": "英雄无用武之地", "gold": "no scope for one's energies", "human": [ "a hero with no place to display his prowess - no scope to exercise one's abilities", "a hero with no scope for displaying his heroism" ], "machine": [ "Heroes are useless", "No use for heroes", "No place for heroes", "A hero with no place to use", "a hero with no chance of use" ] }, { "id": 3454, "chinese": "英姿飒爽", "gold": "bright and brave", "human": [ "valiant and heroic in bearing" ], "machine": [ "valiant", "heroic", "valiant and heroic" ] }, { "id": 3455, "chinese": "茁壮成长", "gold": "grow up healthy and strong", "human": [ "steadily mature" ], "machine": [ "growing up healthily", "Thrive", "Thriving", "Growing Stronger", "Growing Strong" ] }, { "id": 3456, "chinese": "苟且偷安", "gold": "seek momentary ease", "human": [ "be content with temporary ease and comfort", "seek ease and comfort at the expense of principles" ], "machine": [ "stubbornly", "seeking only ease and comfort", "taking things easily", "taking things easy" ] }, { "id": 3457, "chinese": "苟延残喘", "gold": "eke out a meagre life", "human": [ "drag out one's feeble existence", "linger out a feeble existence", "linger on in a steadily worsening condition", "keep body and soul together", "be on one's last leg" ], "machine": [ "on one's last legs", "struggle to stay alive", "struggle to survive", "struggling to survive", "struggle for survival" ] }, { "id": 3458, "chinese": "茫无头绪", "gold": "not know where to begin", "human": [ "be confused like a tangle of flax" ], "machine": [ "Confused", "no clue what's going on", "at a loss for words", "be at a loss", "be at a loss as to what to do" ] }, { "id": 3459, "chinese": "茶余饭后", "gold": "spend one's leisure time doing something", "human": [ "over a cup of tea or after dinner - at one's leisure" ], "machine": [ "after dinner", "leisure time", "after tea and dinner" ] }, { "id": 3460, "chinese": "茹毛饮血", "gold": "live the life of a primitive man", "human": [ "eat animal flesh raw and drink its blood" ], "machine": [ "Ru Mao drinks blood", "devour raw meat and fowl", "devour raw meat and blood" ] }, { "id": 3461, "chinese": "草木皆兵", "gold": "be afraid of one's own shadow", "human": [ "every bush and tree looks like an enemy soldier", "a state of extreme nervousness" ], "machine": [ "All grass and trees", "All the Weeds", "All the Weeds are Alive" ] }, { "id": 3462, "chinese": "草菅人命", "gold": "have complete disregard for human life", "human": [ "treat human life as grass", "act with utter disregard for human life" ], "machine": [ "Candid life", "a life in the wild", "a life of grass", "a life in the wilderness", "a life on the streets" ] }, { "id": 3463, "chinese": "草草了事", "gold": "get through with something hastily", "human": [ "finish something roughly", "declare the matter closed before it is thoroughly settled", "do a thing carelessly", "shuffle through one's work", "do something in a perfunctory manner" ], "machine": [ "hastily", "get through a thing hastily", "get through a thing carelessly", "rush through the work" ] }, { "id": 3464, "chinese": "荒谬绝伦", "gold": "extremely ludicrous", "human": [ "absolutely preposterous", "utterly absurd", "absurd in the highest degree", "absurd beyond compare", "the height of absurdity" ], "machine": [ "ridiculous", "ridiculous as hell", "ridiculous as all hell", "ridiculousness" ] }, { "id": 3465, "chinese": "荒诞不经", "gold": "fantastic", "human": [ "absurd and unreasonable", "preposterous" ], "machine": [ "ridiculous", "absurd", "absurdity" ] }, { "id": 3466, "chinese": "荒诞无稽", "gold": "absurd end unbelievable", "human": [ "irrational", "legendary", "mythological", "fabulous" ], "machine": [ "absurd", "absurd and unbelievable", "absurd and ridiculous", "absurd and nonsense" ] }, { "id": 3467, "chinese": "荒时暴月", "gold": "lean year", "human": [ "time of dearth", "in hard time" ], "machine": [ "stormy moon", "Stormy moon in the deserted time", "Stormy moon in the desert" ] }, { "id": 3468, "chinese": "荒淫无耻", "gold": "dissipated and unashamed", "human": [ "be dissolute in conduct" ], "machine": [ "Shameless", "shamelessness", "shamelessly" ] }, { "id": 3469, "chinese": "荒无人烟", "gold": "desolate and uninhabited", "human": [ "no human habitation" ], "machine": [ "deserted", "deserted and uninhabited", "no one is in the wilderness" ] }, { "id": 3470, "chinese": "荼毒生灵", "gold": "plunge the people into the depths of suffering", "human": [ "cruelly injure the people" ], "machine": [ "Poisoning creatures", "tormenting the living", "torment the living", "tormenting people" ] }, { "id": 3471, "chinese": "莫名其妙", "gold": "baffling", "human": [ "difficult to guess what it is all about", "ignorant of the heart of the matter", "unable to make head or tail of", "be all abroad", "without rhyme or reason" ], "machine": [ "somehow", "I don't know why.", "I don't know." ] }, { "id": 3472, "chinese": "莫逆之交", "gold": "bosom friends", "human": [ "friends with complete mutual understanding", "one's intimate friend" ], "machine": [ "Friendship", "bosom buddies", "intimate friendship" ] }, { "id": 3473, "chinese": "莫衷一是", "gold": "unable to agree or decide which is right", "human": [], "machine": [ "Inconsistently", "no unanimous decision", "unable reach a decision" ] }, { "id": 3474, "chinese": "莫此为甚", "gold": "one can expect nothing beyond this", "human": [ "nothing or nobody is capable of exceeding this" ], "machine": [ "why not", "none more so than", "none of the above", "none more so than the", "none more so" ] }, { "id": 3475, "chinese": "莫测高深", "gold": "enigmatic", "human": [ "unfathomable" ], "machine": [ "unfathomable depth", "unpredictable", "unpredictable and profound", "unpredictable and unfathomable" ] }, { "id": 3476, "chinese": "华而不实", "gold": "superficially clever", "human": [ "flashy and without substance", "showy and not substantial", "have all one's goods in the window", "gimcrack", "specious", "gewgaw" ], "machine": [ "flashy", "flashy but not realistic", "flashy but not practical" ] }, { "id": 3477, "chinese": "萍水相逢", "gold": "casual, temporary meeting", "human": [ "meet by chance like patches of drifting duckweed", "a strange bedfellow", "ships that pass in the night" ], "machine": [ "meet by chance", "Pingback.", "Pingback: The Meeting", "Pingback by The New York Times" ] }, { "id": 3478, "chinese": "萎靡不振", "gold": "in low spirits", "human": [ "dejected and apathetic", "dejection and laxity", "feel blue", "milk-and-water", "dispirited", "downcast" ], "machine": [ "malaise", "depressed", "Depression" ] }, { "id": 3479, "chinese": "荆棘载途", "gold": "a path beset with difficulties", "human": [ "a path overgrown with brambles" ], "machine": [ "thorns on the road", "Thorns on the path", "Thorns on a Road" ] }, { "id": 3480, "chinese": "万般皆下品,惟有读书高", "gold": "all occupations are ranked low, only book-learning is exalted", "human": [ "only the learned rank high, all other trades are low" ], "machine": [ "Everything is inferior, only reading is high", "All things are inferior, only reading is superior" ] }, { "id": 3481, "chinese": "万变不离其宗", "gold": "the central theme remains the same", "human": [ "change ten thousand times without departing from the original aim or stand", "no matter how many changes he has made, he has not departed from his tine", "in none of his changes has he departed from his stand" ], "machine": [ "ever-changing", "many superficial changes but no departure from the original standpoint" ] }, { "id": 3482, "chinese": "万马奔腾", "gold": "ten thousand horses galloping ahead", "human": [ "going full steam ahead" ], "machine": [ "galloping horses", "Ten thousand galloping horses", "Ten thousand stampeding horses", "Ten Thousand Rushing Horses", "Ten Thousand Horses Running" ] }, { "id": 3483, "chinese": "万马齐喑", "gold": "ten thousand horses standing mute", "human": [], "machine": [ "all horses", "thousands of horses, all mute", "an atmosphere of raspy air" ] }, { "id": 3484, "chinese": "万目睽睽", "gold": "all eyes are fixed on", "human": [ "ail eyes centered on" ], "machine": [ "all eyes", "in full view of all eyes", "in full view of all" ] }, { "id": 3485, "chinese": "万籁俱寂", "gold": "all sounds are hushed", "human": [ "all sounds of nature stopped", "complete silence of the night", "in the dead of the night", "all is quiet", "silence reigns everywhere", "silence reigns supreme" ], "machine": [ "Everything is silent", "all is silent" ] }, { "id": 3486, "chinese": "万里长征", "gold": "a long march of ten thousand li", "human": [], "machine": [ "The Long March", "The Long March of Ten Thousand Miles", "The Long March of 10,000 Miles" ] }, { "id": 3487, "chinese": "万古流芳", "gold": "will be remembered throughout the ages", "human": [ "leave a good name to posterity", "have a niche in the temple of fame" ], "machine": [ "everlasting", "A thousand years of fame", "A thousand years to come" ] }, { "id": 3488, "chinese": "万古千秋", "gold": "forever", "human": [ "throughout the ages" ], "machine": [ "for ages and ages", "for all time and ages", "for all eternity", "for all time" ] }, { "id": 3489, "chinese": "万古长青", "gold": "be everlasting", "human": [ "be forever green", "be evergreen", "eternally new", "ever new", "flourish forever", "remain fresh forever" ], "machine": [ "Evergreen", "Forever Green", "Everlasting Green", "Forever Young" ] }, { "id": 3490, "chinese": "万古长存", "gold": "last forever", "human": [ "be everlasting" ], "machine": [ "forever and ever", "Lasting for all time", "Lasting for all eternity", "Last for all time" ] }, { "id": 3491, "chinese": "万家灯火", "gold": "a myriad of twinkling lights", "human": [], "machine": [ "Thousands of lights", "Ten Thousand Lights" ] }, { "id": 3492, "chinese": "万劫不复", "gold": "beyond redemption", "human": [ "doomed eternally" ], "machine": [ "doomed", "with no hope of reprieve" ] }, { "id": 3493, "chinese": "万象更新", "gold": "everything is fresh again", "human": [ "everything looks fresh and gay" ], "machine": [ "Vientiane update", "Renewing the Elephant", "Renewing the Elephants", "Renewing the World" ] }, { "id": 3494, "chinese": "万众一心", "gold": "all united in one purpose", "human": [ "millions of people all of one mind", "millions united as one", "all of one heart", "with one heart and one mind" ], "machine": [ "one heart", "All the people are one", "All the people are one mind", "One Mind" ] }, { "id": 3495, "chinese": "万事大吉", "gold": "everything goes off without a hitch", "human": [ "everything is just fine", "all is well and propitious", "everything is in order", "everything opportune", "everything propitious", "time and tide are favorable", "with fortune smiling" ], "machine": [ "All is well", "All's well that ends well", "Allis well", "All the best" ] }, { "id": 3496, "chinese": "万事亨通", "gold": "everything goes well", "human": [ "everything runs smoothly", "sail before the wind" ], "machine": [ "Everything is prosperous", "Everything is going smoothly", "Everything is going well", "Everything's going smoothly" ] }, { "id": 3497, "chinese": "万事俱备,只欠东风", "gold": "all is ready except what is crucial", "human": [ "everything is ready, and all that we need is an east wind" ], "machine": [ "All is ready except for the opportunity", "everything is ready, all we need is an east wind" ] }, { "id": 3498, "chinese": "万寿无疆", "gold": "a long life", "human": [], "machine": [ "Longevity without borders", "Longevity", "Long Live" ] }, { "id": 3499, "chinese": "万水千山", "gold": "ten thousand crags and torrents", "human": [ "the trails of a long journey" ], "machine": [ "Thousands of Waters and Thousands of Mountains", "Ten Thousand Waters and Mountains", "Ten Thousand Mountains" ] }, { "id": 3500, "chinese": "万人空巷", "gold": "the whole town turns out", "human": [], "machine": [ "empty alley", "the whole town is empty", "the whole town is deserted", "the whole city is empty" ] }, { "id": 3501, "chinese": "万紫千红", "gold": "a riot of color", "human": [ "innumerable flowers of purple and red" ], "machine": [ "colorful", "thousands of purples and reds", "thousands of purples and red" ] }, { "id": 3502, "chinese": "万死一生", "gold": "only one chance in ten thousand of preserving the life", "human": [], "machine": [ "life and death", "A million deaths and a lifetime", "A Million Deaths", "A million deaths and one life" ] }, { "id": 3503, "chinese": "万应灵丹", "gold": "panacea", "human": [ "cure-all" ], "machine": [ "Wan Ying Ling Dan", "Wanying Lingdan", "Wan Ying Spiritual Elixir", "Wan Ying Elixir" ] }, { "id": 3504, "chinese": "万无一失", "gold": "perfectly safe", "human": [ "absolutely sure, no possibility of failure", "cannot fail under any circumstances", "not a chance of an error", "no risk at all" ], "machine": [ "foolproof", "No risk", "No risk of loss" ] }, { "id": 3505, "chinese": "落拓不羁", "gold": "unconventional and uninhibited", "human": [], "machine": [ "unruly", "unrestrained", "unrestrained and downbeat" ] }, { "id": 3506, "chinese": "落落大方", "gold": "carry oneself gracefully", "human": [ "natural and graceful" ], "machine": [ "generous", "natural and unrestrained" ] }, { "id": 3507, "chinese": "落落寡合", "gold": "aloof", "human": [ "standoffish", "unsociable" ], "machine": [ "widowhood", "aloof and asymmetrical" ] }, { "id": 3508, "chinese": "落花流水", "gold": "be shattered to pieces", "human": [ "like the fallen flowers carried away by flowing water", "utterly routed", "beat somebody to fits", "beat somebody hollow" ], "machine": [ "falling flowers", "be in a state of flux", "be in a sorry state", "be in a state of defeat", "be in a sorry state of affairs" ] }, { "id": 3509, "chinese": "落花有意,流水无情", "gold": "unrequited love", "human": [ "shedding petals, the waterside flower pines for love, while the heartless brook babbles on" ], "machine": [ "Falling flowers are intentional, flowing water is ruthless", "The falling flower is intentional, the flowing water is unfeeling" ] }, { "id": 3510, "chinese": "落荒而走", "gold": "take to flight", "human": [ "take to the wilds", "be defeated and flee the battlefield" ], "machine": [ "walk away", "walk away in despair", "walk away in desperation", "run away in despair", "leave in desperation" ] }, { "id": 3511, "chinese": "落井下石", "gold": "strike a person when he is down", "human": [ "drop stones on a man who has fallen into a well", "take a mean advantage", "throw rocks in after somebody has fallen into a well" ], "machine": [ "fall into the hole", "throw stones at the well", "throw stones at a well" ] }, { "id": 3512, "chinese": "叶落归根", "gold": "falling leaves settle on their roots", "human": [ "the leaves fall and return to the root", "everything reverts to its original source", "a person residing elsewhere finally returns to his ancestral home" ], "machine": [ "Leaves fall back to their roots", "A leaf falls back to its roots" ] }, { "id": 3513, "chinese": "叶公好龙", "gold": "professed love of what one really fears", "human": [ "Lord Ye's love of dragons" ], "machine": [ "Ye Gong Hao Long", "the leaves are good for the dragon" ] }, { "id": 3514, "chinese": "蒙昧无知", "gold": "childish ignorance", "human": [ "be wrapped in the night of ignorance", "unenlightened", "illiterate" ], "machine": [ "ignorance", "ignorant and uneducated", "ignorant and uninformed", "ignorant and inexperienced" ] }, { "id": 3515, "chinese": "蒙头转向", "gold": "lose one's bearings", "human": [ "be utterly confused" ], "machine": [ "head covering", "confused and disoriented", "confused" ] }, { "id": 3516, "chinese": "蒙混过关", "gold": "slip by", "human": [ "gloss over one's faults", "sneak away in the confusion", "get by under false pretences", "steal away" ], "machine": [ "Muddle through", "get through", "get by with a scam", "get by with a scare" ] }, { "id": 3517, "chinese": "蒙在鼓里", "gold": "be kept in the dark", "human": [ "be kept inside a drum" ], "machine": [ "kept in the dark", "in the dark", "kept in a dark place", "in a dark place" ] }, { "id": 3518, "chinese": "蒸蒸日上", "gold": "greater and greater prosperity", "human": [ "thrive with each passing day", "become more prosperous every day", "ever more flourishing", "vigorous and fast developing" ], "machine": [ "thriving", "Steaming", "Steaming up", "Steaming ahead" ] }, { "id": 3519, "chinese": "盖棺论定", "gold": "a man's merits or demerits can be finally judged only after his death", "human": [ "when one's coffin is covered all discussion about him can be settled", "final judgement can be passed on a person only when the lid is laid on his coffin" ], "machine": [ "coffin conclusion", "definitive conclusion on the coffin lid", "definitive conclusion", "definitive" ] }, { "id": 3520, "chinese": "蓬头垢面", "gold": "with dishevelled hair and a dirty face", "human": [ "unkempt" ], "machine": [ "disheveled hair and face", "disheveled face", "disheveled hair", "disheveled" ] }, { "id": 3521, "chinese": "蔚然成风", "gold": "become a common practice", "human": [ "this practice has grown into a general trend", "become the order of the day", "come into vogue" ], "machine": [ "popular", "A wind in the air", "A wind in your sails", "A windy situation", "A wind of enthusiasm" ] }, { "id": 3522, "chinese": "蔚为大观", "gold": "be a sight to behold", "human": [ "present a splendid sight", "afford a magnificent view", "make an impressive sight" ], "machine": [ "Great view", "A great sight to behold", "A great sight to see", "A great sight" ] }, { "id": 3523, "chinese": "萧规曹随", "gold": "follow established rules", "human": [ "Tsao followed the rules set by Hsiao" ], "machine": [ "Xiao Gui Cao Sui", "Xiao Gui Cao follows the rules", "follow the rules of a certain place" ] }, { "id": 3524, "chinese": "藏头露尾", "gold": "speak evasively", "human": [ "secrete the head and have the tail showing", "tell part of the truth but not the whole of it", "give a partial account of", "get an inkling of" ], "machine": [ "hide one's head and show one's tail", "hide the head and show the tail" ] }, { "id": 3525, "chinese": "藏龙卧虎", "gold": "hidden dragons and crouching tigers", "human": [ "talented men still remained in concealment" ], "machine": [ "Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger", "hidden dragon, crouching tiger", "talented individuals in hiding" ] }, { "id": 3526, "chinese": "藏污纳垢", "gold": "a place infested with bad elements", "human": [ "shelter evil people and countenance evil practices" ], "machine": [ "hide filth", "hide dirt and accept wrongdoing" ] }, { "id": 3527, "chinese": "藕断丝连", "gold": "the affection cannot be entirely severed", "human": [ "the lotus root snaps but its fibres stay joined", "apparently severed, actually still connected", "the lotus root breaks, but the fibres hold together", "not completely cut off", "still keep something up" ], "machine": [ "disconnected", "The root is broken.", "The lotus root is broken" ] }, { "id": 3528, "chinese": "药石之言", "gold": "unpleasant but needed advice", "human": [ "exhortations" ], "machine": [ "words of medicine stone", "Words of Medicine and Stone", "Words of medicine and stones" ] }, { "id": 3529, "chinese": "虎背熊腰", "gold": "stalwart men", "human": [ "backs like tigers and loins like bears" ], "machine": [ "Tiger's back and bear's waist", "back of a tiger and waist of a bear" ] }, { "id": 3530, "chinese": "虎头蛇尾", "gold": "a brave beginning but a weak ending", "human": [ "things which start off big and then end up in nothing", "begin with tigerish energy but peter out towards the end", "failure after a great flourish of trumpets at the beginning", "tine start and poor finish", "do things by halves", "anticlimax", "bathos" ], "machine": [ "anticlimactic", "tiger's head, snake's tail", "tiger head, snake tail", "tiger's head and snake's tail" ] }, { "id": 3531, "chinese": "虎口余生", "gold": "a narrow escape from death", "human": [ "saved from the mouth of a tiger", "escape with bare life", "survive a disaster", "have a narrow escape", "be snatched out of the jaws of death" ], "machine": [ "The rest of the life", "Tiger's Mouth Remains", "Tiger's Mouth" ] }, { "id": 3532, "chinese": "虎视眈眈", "gold": "glare at fiercely", "human": [ "glare like a tiger eyeing its prey", "cast covetous eyes on", "eye covetously" ], "machine": [ "eyeing", "eye of the tiger", "eye of a tiger" ] }, { "id": 3533, "chinese": "虎尾春冰", "gold": "walking on thin ice", "human": [ "treading on the tail of a tiger or walking on the ice in springtime", "very precarious conditions", "full of apprehension" ], "machine": [ "Huwei Chunbing", "Tiger Tail Spring Ice", "Tigertail Spring Ice", "Tigers Tail Spring Ice" ] }, { "id": 3534, "chinese": "处心积虑", "gold": "deliberately plan", "human": [ "brood over a matter for a long time", "incessantly scheme", "have all along nurtured schemes to", "scheme and use every kind of trick" ], "machine": [ "Preoccupied", "think through something deliberately and methodically", "to rack one's brains", "think through something deliberately" ] }, { "id": 3535, "chinese": "处之泰然", "gold": "take it easy", "human": [ "take things calmly", "take things as they are", "remain unruffled", "bear" ], "machine": [ "not losing one's cool", "take it in stride", "take things in stride" ] }, { "id": 3536, "chinese": "虚怀若谷", "gold": "have o mind as open as a valley", "human": [ "a receptive mind is open to all suggestions, as a hollow valley arouses echoes", "a mind like a valley: it is open to all suggestions", "be extremely open-minded", "be very modest" ], "machine": [ "humility", "receptive as an empty valley", "modest and open-minded", "receptive as a valley" ] }, { "id": 3537, "chinese": "虚己以听", "gold": "listen patiently", "human": [ "listen with an open mind" ], "machine": [ "humility to listen", "listen to the ideas of others with an open mind" ] }, { "id": 3538, "chinese": "虚情假意", "gold": "false display of affection", "human": [ "hypocritical show of friendship" ], "machine": [ "hypocrisy", "false friendship", "hypocritical love", "false feelings" ] }, { "id": 3539, "chinese": "虚张声势", "gold": "make an empty show of strength", "human": [ "make pretenses", "make a demonstration", "make a pompous but empty show of power and influence", "bluff and bluster", "be swashbuckling", "bluffing" ], "machine": [ "bluff", "bluster" ] }, { "id": 3540, "chinese": "虚有其表", "gold": "appear better than it is", "human": [ "deceptively handsome", "good in appearance only", "good looks without substantial ability or virility", "look impressive but lack real worth", "have all one's goods in the window", "a penny plain and two pence colored" ], "machine": [ "fictitious", "not as good as it looks", "a false appearance", "not as good as it seems", "not as good as its name" ] }, { "id": 3541, "chinese": "虚应故事", "gold": "a mere formality", "human": [ "do something perfunctorily as a mere matter of form or as a routine practice", "do something for form's sake only" ], "machine": [ "virtual story", "Virtual Response Stories", "Virtual Response Story", "Void Response Stories" ] }, { "id": 3542, "chinese": "虚无缥缈", "gold": "abstruse, vague, insubstantial", "human": [ "with no reality whatever", "nothing to hold on", "vague with nothing in it", "purely imaginary", "entirely unreal", "utterly visionary", "in the clouds", "visionary", "illusory" ], "machine": [ "Unreal" ] }, { "id": 3543, "chinese": "虚位以待", "gold": "a vacant seat awaits", "human": [ "leave a seat vacant for somebody", "reserve the honored post for somebody competent" ], "machine": [ "waiting", "Vacant seats available", "Vacant seats are available", "Vacancies available", "Vacancies are available" ] }, { "id": 3544, "chinese": "虚与委蛇", "gold": "deal with somebody courteously but without sincerity", "human": [ "pretend politeness and compliance", "pretend interest and sympathy", "hypocrisy" ], "machine": [ "Void and Serpent", "pretense at complying with a sham" ] }, { "id": 3545, "chinese": "蚍蜉撼树", "gold": "ridiculously overrating one's own strength", "human": [ "an ant trying to topple a giant tree" ], "machine": [ "mayfly shake the tree", "an ant trying to shake a tree", "overrate oneself", "Overrate yourself" ] }, { "id": 3546, "chinese": "蛛丝马迹", "gold": "clues, traces", "human": [ "thread of a spider and trail of a horse" ], "machine": [ "clues", "traces of spiders and horses", "spider traces", "traces of spider and horse", "traces" ] }, { "id": 3547, "chinese": "蛟龙得水", "gold": "a hero gets an opportunity for showing his prowess", "human": [ "the flood-dragon gets to water" ], "machine": [ "Jiaolong gets water", "the dragon gets water" ] }, { "id": 3548, "chinese": "蜕化变质", "gold": "degenerate", "human": [ "degeneration" ], "machine": [ "metamorphosis", "degeneration and deterioration", "degenerate and deteriorate" ] }, { "id": 3549, "chinese": "蜀犬吠日", "gold": "an ignorant person makes a fuss about something which he alone finds strange", "human": [], "machine": [ "Shu dog bark day", "Sichuan dogs bark at the sun", "a simpleton will marvel at even the most universal known." ] }, { "id": 3550, "chinese": "蜻蜓点水", "gold": "touch on something without going into it deeply", "human": [ "like a dragonfly skimming the surface of the water" ], "machine": [ "dragonfly", "The dragonflies are in the water." ] }, { "id": 3551, "chinese": "虾兵蟹将", "gold": "ineffective troops", "human": [ "shrimp soldiers and crab generals" ], "machine": [ "Shrimp soldier and crab general" ] }, { "id": 3552, "chinese": "融会贯通", "gold": "bring together and understand thoroughly", "human": [ "achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject", "be well versed in" ], "machine": [ "Integrate", "Integration and mastery", "Integration", "Integration of the whole" ] }, { "id": 3553, "chinese": "蚂蚁啃骨头", "gold": "plod away at a big job bit by bit", "human": [ "ants gnawing at a bone", "a concentration of small machines on a big job" ], "machine": [ "Ant chews on bone", "Ants gnawing on bones", "Ants Gnawing Bones" ] }, { "id": 3554, "chinese": "螳臂当车", "gold": "throw straws against the wind", "human": [ "the mantis would try to stop a chariot with its feelers - great rage and puny strength", "over-estimating its own strength, the \"mantis trying to stop a cart\"", "like the grasshopper which wanted to stop the chariot", "overrate oneself and try to hold back an overwhelmingly superior force" ], "machine": [ "mantis arm", "a mantra" ] }, { "id": 3555, "chinese": "螳螂捕蝉,黄雀在后", "gold": "the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind", "human": [ "the mantis seizes the cicada, not knowing that the oriole is just behind it - warning against covetousness", "the mantis takes the cicada, but behind him lurks the oriole" ], "machine": [ "The mantis catches the cicada, the orioleis behind", "the mantis catches the cicada, the yellow bird in the back" ] }, { "id": 3556, "chinese": "蝇头小利", "gold": "very small profit", "human": [ "petty gains" ], "machine": [ "petty profit", "a small fortune", "small profit", "small profits" ] }, { "id": 3557, "chinese": "蝇营狗苟", "gold": "shamelessly seek personal gain", "human": [], "machine": [ "fly camp dog gou", "a fly in the ointment", "a lynch mob", "a fly-by-night operation" ] }, { "id": 3558, "chinese": "蠢蠢欲动", "gold": "ready to make trouble", "human": [ "ready to start wriggling", "be eager for action", "itch for action", "restless and about to start some move", "about to make mischief" ], "machine": [ "just around the corner", "begin to stir", "get restless", "begin to stir up", "get excited" ] }, { "id": 3559, "chinese": "蚕食鲸吞", "gold": "seize another country's territory by piecemeal encroachment or wholesale annexation", "human": [ "nibble away like a silkworm or swallow like a whale", "encroach on" ], "machine": [ "swallow like a whale", "nibble away and devour", "eat and swallow by whale" ] }, { "id": 3560, "chinese": "蛊惑人心", "gold": "blind the minds of the people", "human": [ "confuse and poison people's minds", "instill poisonous suspicions into men's minds", "beguile people out of the right way", "resort to demagogy", "blatantly and demagogically" ], "machine": [ "Demagogic", "Compelling people", "Compulsion", "Compulsions" ] }, { "id": 3561, "chinese": "蛮横无理", "gold": "rude and unreasonable", "human": [ "impervious to reason", "peremptory and untenable" ], "machine": [ "outrageous", "brutal and unreasonable" ] }, { "id": 3562, "chinese": "血流成河", "gold": "blood flows enough to make a river", "human": [ "a large-scale slaughter", "massacre" ], "machine": [ "river of blood", "Blood flowing in rivers", "Blood flowing in a river", "Blood flowing into a river", "Blood flowing into the river" ] }, { "id": 3563, "chinese": "血流如注", "gold": "shed blood like water", "human": [ "a gush of blood", "bleed profusely" ], "machine": [ "blood flow", "blood flowing like water", "bleed like water", "blood flowing like a river" ] }, { "id": 3564, "chinese": "血口喷人", "gold": "smite with the tongue", "human": [ "malicious words to injure someone", "make unfounded and scurrilous attacks upon somebody", "venomously slander" ], "machine": [ "bloody mouth", "spit blood", "venomous slander", "blood spitting" ] }, { "id": 3565, "chinese": "血海深仇", "gold": "intense and deep-seated hatred", "human": [ "a huge debt of blood" ], "machine": [ "blood feud", "deep hatred of blood and sea", "deep-seated hatred", "deep-seated hatred of blood" ] }, { "id": 3566, "chinese": "血气方刚", "gold": "in the prime of youth", "human": [ "full of sap" ], "machine": [ "Bloody Fang Gang", "full of blood and vigor", "full of blood and vitality" ] }, { "id": 3567, "chinese": "血肉横飞", "gold": "bodies blown to bits", "human": [ "blood and flesh flying in every direction - describing a carnage" ], "machine": [ "Flesh and blood", "full of blood and vigor", "full of blood and vitality" ] }, { "id": 3568, "chinese": "血肉相联", "gold": "be related by flesh and blood", "human": [ "ties of flesh and blood", "be inseparably linked to", "have close ties with", "flesh of its flesh and blood of its blood", "bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh" ], "machine": [ "flesh and blood", "one's flesh and blood", "closely related" ] }, { "id": 3569, "chinese": "血案如山", "gold": "with a list of bloody crimes", "human": [], "machine": [ "bloody mountains", "bloodshed like a mountain", "A mountain of blood", "a mountain of bloodshed" ] }, { "id": 3570, "chinese": "众叛亲离", "gold": "the masses are in rebellion and one's friends are deserting", "human": [ "rebellion by the masses and desertion by one's followers", "be opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers", "rebellion in its ranks, desertion by its associates", "with its followers in revolt and its close associates deserting", "be utterly isolated", "forsaken by all" ], "machine": [ "betrayal", "people rebelling and friends deserting", "find oneself at a loss" ] }, { "id": 3571, "chinese": "众目睽睽", "gold": "in the public eye", "human": [ "the eyes of the masses are fixed on somebody or something", "under the watchful eyes of the people", "in the face of the world" ], "machine": [ "in full view", "in full view of all", "in full view of the public", "in full view of everyone", "in full view of all eyes" ] }, { "id": 3572, "chinese": "众目昭彰", "gold": "everyone sees it clearly", "human": [ "the masses are sharp-eyed" ], "machine": [ "well-known", "for all to see" ] }, { "id": 3573, "chinese": "众怒难犯", "gold": "you cannot afford to incur public wrath", "human": [ "it is difficult to go against the anger of all", "it is dangerous to incur the anger of the masses", "an aroused public is difficult to tackle with", "the anger of a crowd is difficult to oppose" ], "machine": [ "public anger", "It's hard for people to be angry." ] }, { "id": 3574, "chinese": "众寡悬殊", "gold": "not equally matched", "human": [ "a great disparity in numerical strength" ], "machine": [ "disparity", "disparity between the many and the few", "disparity in numbers", "disparity between the masses" ] }, { "id": 3575, "chinese": "众口难调", "gold": "it is difficult to please everyone", "human": [ "it is difficult to cater to all tastes", "it is very difficult to satisfy everyone's desire" ], "machine": [ "Difficult to reach", "It's hard to adjust to a crowd." ] }, { "id": 3576, "chinese": "众口铄金", "gold": "public opinion will fuse metals", "human": [ "a public clamor can melt metals", "public clamor can confound right and wrong" ], "machine": [ "All mouths of gold", "The crowd is fierce", "The crowd is firing." ] }, { "id": 3577, "chinese": "众擎易举", "gold": "many hands make light work", "human": [ "with united effort it is easily raised", "what is supported by the people is easily accomplished", "if each would sweep before his own door, we should have a clean city" ], "machine": [ "Easy to do", "easy as pie", "easy lift" ] }, { "id": 3578, "chinese": "众志成城", "gold": "unity is strength", "human": [ "a united people is like a city defense", "unanimity of purpose is like a fenced city", "unity of will is an impregnable stronghold" ], "machine": [ "Unity", "The people's will is the city", "A unity of willis a city", "A unity of purpose" ] }, { "id": 3579, "chinese": "众矢之的", "gold": "the target of public criticise", "human": [ "under attack on all sides" ], "machine": [ "target of criticism", "the target of all", "a target for all", "a target of all" ] }, { "id": 3580, "chinese": "众说纷纭,莫衷一是", "gold": "as opinions vary, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn", "human": [ "there are so many contradictory views that it is difficult to decide which is right", "as opinions vary, no decision can be reached" ], "machine": [ "Different opinions, no consensus", "There are many different opinions" ] }, { "id": 3581, "chinese": "众人拾柴火焰高", "gold": "great things may be done by mass effort", "human": [ "the fire burns high when everybody adds wood to it", "when everybody adds fuel the flames rise high", "many hands make quick work" ], "machine": [ "The more the merrier", "The crowd picks up the firewood." ] }, { "id": 3582, "chinese": "众所周知", "gold": "as everyone knows", "human": [ "as is known to all", "it is common knowledge that" ], "machine": [ "well known", "As we all know", "As you know", "It is well known that", "It is well known" ] }, { "id": 3583, "chinese": "众望所归", "gold": "enjoy popular confidence", "human": [ "the people's hope is centered on" ], "machine": [ "As expected", "The popular expectation", "The popular hope", "The popular expectations" ] }, { "id": 3584, "chinese": "行百里者半九十", "gold": "one must sustain one's effort when a task is nearing completion", "human": [ "ninety li is only half of a hundred li journey", "the going is toughest towards the end of a journey" ], "machine": [ "Barry is only half of 90", "the man who walks a hundred miles is half a dozen" ] }, { "id": 3585, "chinese": "行同狗彘", "gold": "make a beast of oneself", "human": [ "behave like pigs and dogs", "awful behavior", "behave shamelessly" ], "machine": [ "go with the dog", "the action is as bad as a dog pig", "a pig's tongue is like a dog's" ] }, { "id": 3586, "chinese": "行行出状元", "gold": "every trade has its master", "human": [ "there is not a field in which one can't distinguish", "one can make something of himself in his own trade", "every profession produces its own leading authority" ], "machine": [ "line-up champion", "The best in every line of work", "The best in every line", "The best in every profession", "The best in each line" ] }, { "id": 3587, "chinese": "行将就木", "gold": "have one foot in the grave", "human": [ "be getting nearer and nearer the coffin", "be fast approaching death", "one's days are numbered", "on the verge of extinction" ], "machine": [ "dying", "approaching one's coffin", "with one foot in the grave" ] }, { "id": 3588, "chinese": "行之有效", "gold": "effective", "human": [ "effectual" ], "machine": [ "It works", "proven" ] }, { "id": 3589, "chinese": "行成于思", "gold": "success depends on forethought", "human": [ "a deed is accomplished through taking thought" ], "machine": [ "act by thinking", "The action is in the thinking" ] }, { "id": 3590, "chinese": "行尸走肉", "gold": "a walking corpse", "human": [ "one who vegetates", "an utterly worthless person", "dead-alive person", "a walking skeleton", "be all but dead" ], "machine": [ "walking dead", "The Walking Dead", "walking dead body" ] }, { "id": 3591, "chinese": "行若无事", "gold": "behave as if nothing had happened", "human": [], "machine": [ "act like nothing", "Act as if nothing had happened", "Act as if nothing is wrong", "Act as if nothing has happened", "Act as if nothing happened" ] }, { "id": 3592, "chinese": "行远自迩", "gold": "step by step", "human": [ "from the near to the distant", "advance in regular order" ], "machine": [ "travel far away", "To travel far from home", "To travel far and wide" ] }, { "id": 3593, "chinese": "行云流水", "gold": "free-flowing style of writing", "human": [ "like floating clouds and flowing water", "natural and smooth", "with natural grace" ], "machine": [ "flowing water", "Running clouds and flowing water", "Running Clouds" ] }, { "id": 3594, "chinese": "街头巷尾", "gold": "streets and lanes", "human": [ "street corners and alleys", "everywhere in the street" ], "machine": [ "alleys", "street and alley", "Street and Lane" ] }, { "id": 3595, "chinese": "街谈巷议", "gold": "street gossip", "human": [ "common talk" ], "machine": [ "street talk", "talk of the town", "talk on the street", "talk on the streets", "talk in the street" ] }, { "id": 3596, "chinese": "冲锋陷阵", "gold": "charge forward", "human": [ "charge and shatter enemy positions", "charge the enemy lines", "charge against enemy fire", "breach and storm enemy citadel", "rush on the enemy and break the line", "rush on the hostile ranks", "press boldly forward" ], "machine": [ "charge into battle", "charge the enemy" ] }, { "id": 3597, "chinese": "衣不蔽体", "gold": "be dressed in rags", "human": [ "be in rags" ], "machine": [ "Barely clothed", "clothes not covering the body", "poverty-stricken" ] }, { "id": 3598, "chinese": "衣冠禽兽", "gold": "a brute", "human": [ "a beast in human clothing", "a dressed-up beast" ], "machine": [ "beast", "dressed up animal", "dressed as an animal", "dressed animal" ] }, { "id": 3599, "chinese": "衣冠楚楚", "gold": "smartly dressed", "human": [ "immaculately dressed", "well groomed", "neat and trim in appearance", "put on the ritz" ], "machine": [ "well-dressed", "well-groomed", "dapper" ] }, { "id": 3600, "chinese": "衣架饭囊", "gold": "useless lazy persons", "human": [ "mere material for a clothes-horse and a food-bag", "a good-for-nothing person", "good-for-nought" ], "machine": [ "hanger rice bag", "Clothes rack and rice bag", "Clothes hanger and rice bag", "hanger and rice bag" ] }, { "id": 3601, "chinese": "衣锦还乡", "gold": "return home after making good", "human": [ "return to one's hometown in silken robes" ], "machine": [ "homecoming", "Returning home in clothes", "Returning to your home" ] }, { "id": 3602, "chinese": "表里如一", "gold": "sincere", "human": [ "the face reflects the heart", "think and act in one and the same way", "conformity of profession and conduct", "make one's appearance tally with one's inner mind", "be what one professes to be", "true to one's word" ], "machine": [ "same on the outside", "think and act as one", "think and act like one" ] }, { "id": 3603, "chinese": "袖手旁观", "gold": "stand by and do nothing", "human": [ "put the hands in the sleeves and look on - have nothing to do with a thing", "look on with folded arms", "take no part in a matter", "remain indifferent spectator", "look on unconcerned" ], "machine": [ "stand idly by", "Watching from the sidelines", "Stand by and watch", "Sidestep" ] }, { "id": 3604, "chinese": "被褐怀玉", "gold": "not show off one's talent", "human": [ "wearing rough garments but carrying a precious gem in the bosom" ], "machine": [ "by brown jade", "Being brown with jade", "Being brown and pregnant" ] }, { "id": 3605, "chinese": "里应外合", "gold": "work in collusion, one from without and the other from within", "human": [ "attack the enemy from within in coordination with operations from without", "collaborate from within with forces from without" ], "machine": [ "inside and outside", "act together from the inside and outside", "coordinate outside and inside" ] }, { "id": 3606, "chinese": "补偏救弊", "gold": "rectify deviation and error", "human": [], "machine": [ "rectify", "remedy defects and correct errors", "to rectify past mistakes" ] }, { "id": 3607, "chinese": "装模作样", "gold": "indulge in histrionics", "human": [ "make a pretence of", "behave in an affected way", "be affected in one's manners", "put on an act", "assume airs", "smell of the footlights", "affectation" ], "machine": [ "pretend", "to show affectation", "act" ] }, { "id": 3608, "chinese": "装疯卖傻", "gold": "pretend ignorance", "human": [ "feign madness and act like an idiot", "play the fool" ], "machine": [ "pretending to be crazy", "feign madness and sell oneself silly" ] }, { "id": 3609, "chinese": "装聋作哑", "gold": "pretend to be ignorant of something", "human": [ "Pretend to be deaf and dumb", "pretend not to know", "play deaf and dumb" ], "machine": [ "pretend to be deaf", "play deaf-mute" ] }, { "id": 3610, "chinese": "装潢门面", "gold": "keep up appearances", "human": [ "put up a front", "maintain an outward show", "pretentious" ], "machine": [ "decoration facade", "Decorating storefronts", "Decorating facade", "Decorating Facades" ] }, { "id": 3611, "chinese": "装腔作势", "gold": "be affected or pretentious", "human": [ "indulge in histrionics", "give oneself airs", "put on lugs", "strike an attitude", "strike a pose", "make grand gestures", "attitudinize", "affect" ], "machine": [ "posturing", "pretentious", "pretend", "pretend to be someone else" ] }, { "id": 3612, "chinese": "裹足不前", "gold": "hesitate to proceed", "human": [ "hang a leg", "come to a standstill" ], "machine": [ "hold back", "stand still without moving forward", "stand still without advancing", "stand still without progress" ] }, { "id": 3613, "chinese": "襟怀坦白", "gold": "straightforward", "human": [ "openhearted and aboveboard", "unselfish and magnanimous", "largeness of mind" ], "machine": [ "candid", "Be honest", "Be open and honest", "Be frank" ] }, { "id": 3614, "chinese": "要言不烦", "gold": "terse", "human": [ "an important statement need not be prolix", "spoken short and to the point", "succinct" ], "machine": [ "explain in simple terms", "concise" ] }, { "id": 3615, "chinese": "覆水难收", "gold": "there is no use crying over spilt milk", "human": [ "spilt water cannot be gathered", "no help for what is already done", "what is done cannot be undone" ], "machine": [ "Overwhelmed", "spilt water is difficult to retrieve" ] }, { "id": 3616, "chinese": "覆巢之下无完卵", "gold": "all involved", "human": [ "when the nest is overturned no egg stays unbroken", "in a great disaster no one can escape unscathed", "if one section is defeated the whole cannot hold its own" ], "machine": [ "No eggs under the nest", "when the nest is upset no egg is left intact" ] }, { "id": 3617, "chinese": "见风转舵", "gold": "see how the wind blows", "human": [ "sail with the wind", "trim one's sail to the wind", "have it both ways", "see how the cat jumps" ], "machine": [ "see the wind", "see the wind and set the helm", "act pragmatically", "be flexible and take the helm" ] }, { "id": 3618, "chinese": "见缝插针", "gold": "make use of every bit of time or space", "human": [ "stick in a pin wherever there's room" ], "machine": [ "See the seam", "see a gap and stick a needle in it", "see a gap and stick it in" ] }, { "id": 3619, "chinese": "见多识广", "gold": "have seen much of the world", "human": [ "experienced and knowledgeable", "well-read and experienced" ], "machine": [ "well-informed", "knowledgeable and experienced", "knowledgeable" ] }, { "id": 3620, "chinese": "见利忘义", "gold": "forget all moral principles at the sight of profits", "human": [ "forget principles for the sake of profit", "forget honor at sight of money", "sell one's birthright", "actuated by mercenary views" ], "machine": [ "Forget about profit", "see profit and forget morality", "to act from mercenary considerations" ] }, { "id": 3621, "chinese": "见猎心喜", "gold": "thrill to see one's favorite sport and itch to have a go", "human": [], "machine": [ "see the heart of the hunter", "seeing others go hunting, one is excited by the thrill of the hunt" ] }, { "id": 3622, "chinese": "见怪不怪", "gold": "become inured to the unusual", "human": [ "face the fearful with no fears" ], "machine": [ "no surprise", "not wonder at strange sights", "not wonder at all" ] }, { "id": 3623, "chinese": "见机行事", "gold": "do as one sees fit", "human": [ "act according to circumstances", "act as the occasion serves", "take the cue and act accordingly", "take advantage of an opportunity that comes one's way" ], "machine": [ "Act by chance", "see the opportunity to act", "See the opportunity" ] }, { "id": 3624, "chinese": "见仁见智", "gold": "opinions differ", "human": [ "different people, different views", "each according to his own" ], "machine": [ "Different opinions", "Opinions are divided" ] }, { "id": 3625, "chinese": "见所未见,闻所未闻", "gold": "unprecedented", "human": [ "never seen or heard of before" ], "machine": [ "unseen, unheard", "See the unseen, hear the unheard" ] }, { "id": 3626, "chinese": "见异思迁", "gold": "desire to change one's work the moment one sees something different", "human": [ "change one's mind the moment one sees something new", "always look for a change when seeing something better", "be full of fancies", "be inconstant or irresolute", "freakish" ], "machine": [ "see different thoughts", "change at first sight", "change at sight" ] }, { "id": 3627, "chinese": "见义勇为", "gold": "never hesitate to do what is right", "human": [ "ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause", "gallantly rise to the occasion", "moral courage" ], "machine": [ "act bravely", "Seeing justice and courage", "Seeing the righteousness", "Seeing justice and bravery" ] }, { "id": 3628, "chinese": "见物不见人", "gold": "see things but not people", "human": [ "see only material factors to the neglect of human ones", "ignore the human factor and see only the material factor" ], "machine": [ "Seeing things but not people", "See things, not people" ] }, { "id": 3629, "chinese": "见微知著", "gold": "from one small clue one can see what is coming", "human": [ "from the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop", "recognize the whole through observation of the part" ], "machine": [ "see micro-knowledge", "see the microscopic view" ] }, { "id": 3630, "chinese": "规矩准绳", "gold": "fixed laws", "human": [ "compass, square, level and plumb-line - exact" ], "machine": [ "Rules and guidelines", "criteria", "Criteria for the rules" ] }, { "id": 3631, "chinese": "规行矩步", "gold": "follow the beaten track", "human": [ "guided by rule in every act and movement", "strictly upright and correct", "behave correctly and cautiously", "stick to established practice" ], "machine": [ "well-behaved", "follow the compass and go with the set square", "to follow the rules inflexibly", "act according to convention" ] }, { "id": 3632, "chinese": "视同路人", "gold": "regard as a stranger", "human": [], "machine": [ "Treat as a passerby", "view as fellow travelers", "regard as fellow travelers", "view as a fellow traveler" ] }, { "id": 3633, "chinese": "视同儿戏", "gold": "treat as a trifle", "human": [ "consider as mere children's play", "trifle with" ], "machine": [ "Treat it like a child's play", "regard something as a child's plaything", "regard something as a child's play", "regard something as a plaything", "view as trifling" ] }, { "id": 3634, "chinese": "视如敝屣", "gold": "cast aside as worthless", "human": [ "regard as worn-out shoes" ], "machine": [ "look like", "regard like a pair of worn-out shoes", "look on something as worthless" ] }, { "id": 3635, "chinese": "视如寇仇", "gold": "regard somebody as one's enemy", "human": [], "machine": [ "regarded as a hatred", "regard as an enemy", "regard as enemy", "regard as enemies", "treat as an enemy" ] }, { "id": 3636, "chinese": "视若无睹", "gold": "turn a blind eye to", "human": [ "take no notice of what has been seen", "shut one's eyes to" ], "machine": [ "turn a blind eye" ] }, { "id": 3637, "chinese": "视死如归", "gold": "look death calmly in the face", "human": [ "look upon death with ease", "face death unflinchingly", "take death calmly", "defy death" ], "machine": [ "look at death", "view death as a return home", "view death as a return" ] }, { "id": 3638, "chinese": "视而不见", "gold": "turn a blind eye to", "human": [ "look but see not", "shut one's eyes to" ], "machine": [ "turn a blind eye", "turn a blind eye to the", "ignore" ] }, { "id": 3639, "chinese": "视而不见,听而不闻", "gold": "look at but not pay attention to, listen to but hear nothing", "human": [ "look but see not, listen but hear not" ], "machine": [ "turn a blind eye, hear without hearing", "turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to it" ] }, { "id": 3640, "chinese": "视为知己", "gold": "regard as a good friend", "human": [], "machine": [ "regarded as a confidant", "Consider yourself a confidant", "Considered a confidant", "Consider yourself a confidante" ] }, { "id": 3641, "chinese": "视为畏途", "gold": "keep away from something", "human": [ "regard as dangerous", "be afraid to undertake" ], "machine": [ "regarded as a dreadful way", "view as a daunting prospect", "view as intimidating", "view as fearful", "view as a daunting path" ] }, { "id": 3642, "chinese": "亲密无间", "gold": "be on very intimate terms", "human": [ "thick as thieves", "in close coordination" ], "machine": [ "intimacy", "intimate and close", "intimate and nothing more" ] }, { "id": 3643, "chinese": "亲痛仇快", "gold": "sadden one's friends and gladden one's enemies", "human": [ "grieve those dear and near to us and gladden the enemy" ], "machine": [ "love and hate", "with pain in one's own heart, but with pleasure in the next" ] }, { "id": 3644, "chinese": "解放思想", "gold": "free oneself from old ideas", "human": [], "machine": [ "Emancipate the mind", "Emancipate your mind", "Emancipation", "Emancipation of the mind" ] }, { "id": 3645, "chinese": "解囊相助", "gold": "help somebody generously with money", "human": [], "machine": [ "Unpacking to help", "give a helping hand", "Give a hand", "Give us a hand" ] }, { "id": 3646, "chinese": "解铃系铃", "gold": "whoever started the trouble should end it", "human": [ "let him who tied the bell on the tiger take it off", "the man who has tied the bell on the tiger's neck should untie it", "the one who creates the problem should be the one to solve it", "it is better for the doer to undo what he has done", "untie the knot oneself tied" ], "machine": [ "Unwind the bell", "whoever hung the bell on the tiger's neck must untie it.", "untie the bell to tie it." ] }, { "id": 3647, "chinese": "解甲归田", "gold": "retire from service", "human": [ "take off one's armor and go home", "take off one's armor and return to one's native place", "be demobilized" ], "machine": [ "Disarming and returning to the field", "remove armor and return to the farm", "return to civilian life" ] }, { "id": 3648, "chinese": "触目皆是", "gold": "can be seen everywhere", "human": [ "meet the eye everywhere" ], "machine": [ "eye-catching", "All around", "All over the place", "All you can see", "All you see is" ] }, { "id": 3649, "chinese": "触目惊心", "gold": "appalling", "human": [ "be startled at seeing", "be shocked to witness", "shocking", "startling" ], "machine": [ "shocking to the eye", "shocking to the eyes", "shocking to see" ] }, { "id": 3650, "chinese": "触类旁通", "gold": "reason by analogy", "human": [ "grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category", "single out one thing and bring out its interrelationships" ], "machine": [ "comprehend by analogy", "Comprehension", "Comprehending by analogy", "Compatibility", "Comprehend the class" ] }, { "id": 3651, "chinese": "触景生情", "gold": "recall old memories at familiar sights", "human": [ "the scene brings back memories", "the scene touches a chord in one's heart", "the circumstances excite one's feelings", "memories revive at the sight of familiar places" ], "machine": [ "Sensational", "A reminder of the scene", "A reminder of a scene", "A reminiscent of the scene" ] }, { "id": 3652, "chinese": "言必信,行必果", "gold": "always be true in word and resolute in deed", "human": [ "promises must be kept and action must be resolute" ], "machine": [ "You must believe in what you say, and you must do what you say." ] }, { "id": 3653, "chinese": "言必有中", "gold": "whenever one says something one hits the nail on the head", "human": [ "whenever one speaks, one speaks to the point", "speak just to the point" ], "machine": [ "Words must be right", "be sure to hit the mark" ] }, { "id": 3654, "chinese": "言不及义", "gold": "talk frivolously", "human": [ "never talk about anything serious", "talk nonsense" ], "machine": [ "unjustifiable", "frivolous talk" ] }, { "id": 3655, "chinese": "言不由衷", "gold": "speak insincerely", "human": [ "not to say what one thinks in one's mind", "not speak honestly", "insincere in one's words", "speak with one's tongue in one's cheek" ], "machine": [ "insincere", "words do not mean what they say", "words don't mean what they say", "words don't mean anything" ] }, { "id": 3656, "chinese": "言听计从", "gold": "have implicit faith in somebody", "human": [ "always follow somebody's advice", "readily listen to one's advice and accept it", "act upon whatever somebody says" ], "machine": [ "obey", "take somebody at his word", "Take it on board" ] }, { "id": 3657, "chinese": "言过其实", "gold": "overstate", "human": [ "stretch the truth", "pull the long bow", "turn geese into swans", "exaggerate", "bombastic" ], "machine": [ "exaggerated", "overstate the facts", "Overstatement" ] }, { "id": 3658, "chinese": "言归正传", "gold": "get to business", "human": [ "come back to our story", "return to the subject", "jesting apart", "return from the digression", "return to one's muttons", "resume the thread of one's discourse", "keep to the record" ], "machine": [ "Closer to home", "Back to the main topic", "Back to the main story", "Back to business" ] }, { "id": 3659, "chinese": "言归于好", "gold": "start with a clean slate", "human": [ "make friends again", "make it up with somebody", "become reconciled", "make peace with", "sink a feud", "smoke the calumet", "bury the hatchet" ], "machine": [ "reconciled" ] }, { "id": 3660, "chinese": "言简意赅", "gold": "concise and comprehensive", "human": [ "what one says is precise and to the point", "compendious" ], "machine": [ "concise", "concise and clear" ] }, { "id": 3661, "chinese": "言近旨远", "gold": "some simple words carry a profound meaning", "human": [], "machine": [ "near and far", "simple words with a profound meaning" ] }, { "id": 3662, "chinese": "言行不一", "gold": "one's actions are not in keeping with one's promises", "human": [ "one's deeds do not match one's words" ], "machine": [ "Inconsistent words and deeds", "inconsistency between words and deeds" ] }, { "id": 3663, "chinese": "言行一致", "gold": "practise what one preaches", "human": [ "act up to what one says", "fit one's deeds to one's words", "square one's words with one's conduct", "match words with deeds", "live up to one's promise", "deeds accord with words", "suit one's action to one's words", "one's deeds are consistent with one's words", "one's words correspond with one's action", "be as good as one's word" ], "machine": [ "Consistent with words and deeds", "Practice what you preach", "Be consistent in word and deed" ] }, { "id": 3664, "chinese": "言之成理", "gold": "have sense", "human": [ "said with solid judgement", "it stands to reason", "sound reasonable", "speak in a rational and convincing way", "well said", "hold water" ], "machine": [ "Makes sense", "the words make sense", "the words are justified", "the words are reasonable", "the words are true" ] }, { "id": 3665, "chinese": "言之凿凿", "gold": "speak on good grounds", "human": [ "said with definite evidence" ], "machine": [ "Strictly speaking", "speak with conviction", "speak with certainty" ] }, { "id": 3666, "chinese": "言之无物", "gold": "be devoid of substance", "human": [ "be just empty verbiage" ], "machine": [ "nothing to say", "speak without substance", "speak without thinking" ] }, { "id": 3667, "chinese": "言者无罪,闻者足戒", "gold": "it is not the one who speaks who is culpable; it is up to the one who listens to exercise due caution", "human": [ "blame not the speaker but be warned by his words", "don't blame the speaker but take his words as a warning", "do not blame the one who speaks but heed what you hear" ], "machine": [ "Whoever speaks is innocent, whoever hears is worthy of precepts", "No offense to the speaker, just a warning to the hearer" ] }, { "id": 3668, "chinese": "言出法随", "gold": "enforce the regulations to the letter", "human": [ "upon its promulgation the law shall be enforced to the letter" ], "machine": [ "follow the law", "The words follow the law" ] }, { "id": 3669, "chinese": "言传身教", "gold": "teach by personal example as well as verbal instruction", "human": [ "set up examples for others with both precept and practice" ], "machine": [ "Teaching by precept and example", "Teach by example", "Teach by word and example", "Teaching by example" ] }, { "id": 3670, "chinese": "言人人殊", "gold": "different people give different views", "human": [ "each person offers a different version" ], "machine": [ "different people", "All words are different", "All words are equal" ] }, { "id": 3671, "chinese": "言而有信", "gold": "be as good as one's word", "human": [], "machine": [ "word of mouth", "speak and believe", "speak the truth and keep it", "speak the truth and believe it" ] }, { "id": 3672, "chinese": "言而无信", "gold": "go back on one's word", "human": [ "fail to keep faith", "eat one's words" ], "machine": [ "unbelievable", "be unfaithful to one's word", "be untrustworthy of one's word", "break one's promise" ] }, { "id": 3673, "chinese": "言犹在耳", "gold": "the words are still ringing in one's ears", "human": [], "machine": [ "The words are still in my ears", "words still ringing in one's ears" ] }, { "id": 3674, "chinese": "言外之意", "gold": "an implied meaning", "human": [ "something beyond the literal words", "the meaning between the lines", "implication" ], "machine": [ "what is beyond the words", "what is meant beyond the words", "what is meant by the words", "what is meant by the word" ] }, { "id": 3675, "chinese": "言为心声", "gold": "one's words reflect one's thinking", "human": [ "words are the voice of the mind", "what the heart thinks the tongue speaks" ], "machine": [ "speak for the heart", "Words are the voice of the heart", "Words for the heart" ] }, { "id": 3676, "chinese": "计日程功", "gold": "estimate exactly how much time is needed to complete a project", "human": [ "have the completion of a project well in sight" ], "machine": [ "calendar function", "Counting schedule work", "Schedule calculation", "Counting Schedule Credit" ] }, { "id": 3677, "chinese": "讨好卖乖", "gold": "curry favor with", "human": [ "ingratiate oneself with", "fawn upon", "toady to", "play the sycophant" ], "machine": [ "curry favor", "curry favor by showing obeisance", "curry favor and show obeisance" ] }, { "id": 3678, "chinese": "讨价还价", "gold": "haggle over the price", "human": [ "bargain", "higgle-haggle", "chaffer" ], "machine": [ "Bargaining", "Haggling", "Haggle", "Bargains" ] }, { "id": 3679, "chinese": "训练有素", "gold": "well-trained", "human": [], "machine": [ "well trained", "Trained" ] }, { "id": 3680, "chinese": "记忆犹新", "gold": "remain fresh in one's memory", "human": [ "be still fresh in one's memory", "be green in somebody's memory" ], "machine": [ "fresh in memory", "Memories are still fresh", "The memory is still fresh", "Memories remain fresh" ] }, { "id": 3681, "chinese": "设身处地", "gold": "put oneself in somebody else's position", "human": [ "be considerate", "look at something from the angle of others" ], "machine": [ "put yourself in", "Put yourself in their shoes." ] }, { "id": 3682, "chinese": "评头品足", "gold": "find fault with", "human": [ "make frivolous remarks about a woman's appearance", "comment on", "criticize people not in a good sense", "be overcritical" ], "machine": [ "Comment on the head and the foot", "make idle remarks about a woman's appearance", "make idle remarks" ] }, { "id": 3683, "chinese": "词不达意", "gold": "the language fail to express the idea", "human": [], "machine": [ "inaccurate words", "words do not convey the meaning", "the words don't make sense", "the words don't fit" ] }, { "id": 3684, "chinese": "诡计多端", "gold": "have the whole bag of tricks", "human": [ "full of schemes and tricks", "be very crafty", "be up to all dodges", "as a monkey", "trickish", "wiliness" ], "machine": [ "scheming", "tricky", "trickery", "trickery and cunning", "tricky and unpredictable" ] }, { "id": 3685, "chinese": "诘屈聱牙", "gold": "difficult to pronounce or comprehend", "human": [], "machine": [ "cringe", "difficult to read", "difficult to read and write", "difficult to pronounce" ] }, { "id": 3686, "chinese": "话不投机半句多", "gold": "when the conversation gets disagreeable, to say one word more is a waste of breath", "human": [], "machine": [ "Don't talk more than half a sentence", "when words get sour, half a sentence is needed" ] }, { "id": 3687, "chinese": "诛求无厌", "gold": "make endless exorbitant demands", "human": [ "make incessant, exorbitant demands" ], "machine": [ "insatiable", "incessant exorbitant demands" ] }, { "id": 3688, "chinese": "诛锄异己", "gold": "wipe out dissenters", "human": [ "eradicate persons not of one's own party" ], "machine": [ "slaughtering dissidents", "wipe out dissidents", "exterminate those who disagree", "exterminate dissidents" ] }, { "id": 3689, "chinese": "夸大其词", "gold": "exaggerate", "human": [ "make an overstatement" ], "machine": [ "exaggeration", "Exaggerated" ] }, { "id": 3690, "chinese": "夸夸其谈", "gold": "talk big", "human": [ "indulge in verbiage", "bombastic twaddle", "bragging", "boastfulness" ], "machine": [ "rhetoric", "bragging about it", "bragging about", "boast", "boast about" ] }, { "id": 3691, "chinese": "认贼作父", "gold": "treat a thief as one's father", "human": [ "take the foe for one's father", "regard the enemy as kith and kin", "take a filial attitude towards the enemy of the people" ], "machine": [ "recognize a thief as a father", "acknowledge a thief as one's father" ] }, { "id": 3692, "chinese": "誓不甘休", "gold": "swear not to stop", "human": [], "machine": [ "unwilling to rest", "vow not to rest", "vow not to give up", "vow to never give up", "swear not to rest" ] }, { "id": 3693, "chinese": "誓不两立", "gold": "be irreconcilable", "human": [ "swear not to coexist with one's enemy", "resolve to destroy the enemy or die in the attempt" ], "machine": [ "swear", "the two cannot exist together", "incompatible", "the two cannot be separated" ] }, { "id": 3694, "chinese": "誓死不二", "gold": "swear to be loyal forever", "human": [], "machine": [ "swear to death", "vow to die without fail", "Vow to die" ] }, { "id": 3695, "chinese": "诱敌深入", "gold": "lure the enemy troops in deep", "human": [], "machine": [ "lure the enemy deep", "Lure the enemy deeper", "Lure the enemy in deep" ] }, { "id": 3696, "chinese": "语重心长", "gold": "talk in earnest", "human": [ "in all earnestness", "sincere words and earnest wishes", "significantly", "meaningfully" ], "machine": [ "sincere", "meaningful and heartfelt words", "with heartfelt words", "meaningful words" ] }, { "id": 3697, "chinese": "语焉不详", "gold": "not elaborate on", "human": [ "it is mentioned but not in detail", "not speak in detail" ], "machine": [ "vague", "mention incomplete details", "mention incomplete information" ] }, { "id": 3698, "chinese": "语无伦次", "gold": "speak incoherently", "human": [ "ramble in one's statement" ], "machine": [ "incoherent", "incoherent speech", "incoherent language", "incoherence" ] }, { "id": 3699, "chinese": "诚惶诚恐", "gold": "with reverence and awe", "human": [ "in fear and trepidation" ], "machine": [ "trembling", "in reverence before your majesty" ] }, { "id": 3700, "chinese": "诚心诚意", "gold": "whole-heartedly", "human": [ "earnestly and sincerely", "from the bottom of one's heart", "with all one's heart", "with one's whole heart" ], "machine": [ "Sincerely", "With all sincerity", "Sincerity" ] }, { "id": 3701, "chinese": "误人子弟", "gold": "lead young people astray", "human": [ "harm the younger generation" ], "machine": [ "misunderstood children", "Misleading children", "Misguided", "Mislead the children" ] }, { "id": 3702, "chinese": "误入歧途", "gold": "go astray", "human": [ "be misled" ], "machine": [ "Misadventure", "Misadventures", "Misguided" ] }, { "id": 3703, "chinese": "诲盗诲淫", "gold": "propagate violence and sex", "human": [ "stir up the base passions" ], "machine": [ "instruct robbery", "promote theft and prostitution", "promote sex and violence" ] }, { "id": 3704, "chinese": "诲人不倦", "gold": "teach with tireless zeal", "human": [ "be tireless in teaching", "teach without weariness", "be never tired of teaching people" ], "machine": [ "tireless", "instructing people with tireless enthusiasm" ] }, { "id": 3705, "chinese": "说到做到", "gold": "live up to one's word", "human": [ "do what one says", "match one's deeds to one's words" ], "machine": [ "do as promised", "Do what you say.", "Be true to your word" ] }, { "id": 3706, "chinese": "说来话长", "gold": "it's a long story", "human": [], "machine": [ "long story", "It is along story" ] }, { "id": 3707, "chinese": "说长道短", "gold": "gossip", "human": [ "discuss the failings of others", "find fault with", "backbite" ], "machine": [ "gossip about the long and short of it" ] }, { "id": 3708, "chinese": "说曹操,曹操就到", "gold": "talk of the devil and he will appear", "human": [ "to mention the wolf's name is to see the same", "speak of angels, and you will hear their wings" ], "machine": [ "Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will come", "speak of Cao Cao and Cao Cao arrives" ] }, { "id": 3709, "chinese": "说一不二", "gold": "mean what one says", "human": [ "stand by one's word", "never make a promise one cannot keep" ], "machine": [ "say no", "say one thing and do another", "say one thing and mean another", "say one thing and mean it" ] }, { "id": 3710, "chinese": "调兵遣将", "gold": "transfer troops", "human": [ "deploy forces" ], "machine": [ "dispatch generals", "Deployment of troops", "Move the troops", "Deploy troops", "Move troops" ] }, { "id": 3711, "chinese": "调虎离山", "gold": "lure the tiger out of the mountains", "human": [ "lure the enemy away from his base" ], "machine": [ "Tiaohu Lishan", "move the tiger from the mountain", "to lure an opponent out by a stratagem" ] }, { "id": 3712, "chinese": "谄上欺下", "gold": "fawn on those above and bully those below", "human": [ "be servile to one's superiors and tyrannical to one's subordinates", "snobbish" ], "machine": [ "bully", "flatter the top and bully the bottom" ] }, { "id": 3713, "chinese": "谆谆告诫", "gold": "tirelessly counsel", "human": [ "admonish repeatedly", "earnestly enjoin" ], "machine": [ "earnestly admonish", "earnestly caution", "sincerely caution", "earnestly advise", "somebody earnestly cautioned" ] }, { "id": 3714, "chinese": "谈天说地", "gold": "talk of anything under the sun", "human": [], "machine": [ "gossip", "talk about the sky and the earth", "talk about the weather" ] }, { "id": 3715, "chinese": "谈何容易", "gold": "easier said than done", "human": [ "by no means easy" ], "machine": [ "how easy it is to talk", "How easy is it to talk", "how easy it is to talk about" ] }, { "id": 3716, "chinese": "谈虎色变", "gold": "turn pate at the mere mention of something terrible", "human": [ "speaking of tigers makes one pale - nervous fears make things seem real", "turn pale at the mention of a tiger" ], "machine": [ "Talk about a tiger's discoloration" ] }, { "id": 3717, "chinese": "谈笑风生", "gold": "talk cheerfully and humorously", "human": [ "talk in a gay manner", "a fascinating, lively talk" ], "machine": [ "chatty", "talk and laugh", "Talking and laughing" ] }, { "id": 3718, "chinese": "谈笑自若", "gold": "go on talking and laughing as if nothing had happened", "human": [ "be completely at ease", "is his usual joking self", "undisturbed" ], "machine": [ "Talk and laugh", "talk and laugh as though nothing had happened", "talk and laugh as if it were a" ] }, { "id": 3719, "chinese": "谈言微中", "gold": "use an expression which hits the mark", "human": [], "machine": [ "small talk", "Talking about micro-medium", "Talking about micro-Chinese", "Talking about micro-mediums", "Talking about micro-media" ] }, { "id": 3720, "chinese": "请君入瓮", "gold": "kindly step into the vat - try what you have devised against others", "human": [], "machine": [ "please enter the urn", "please Sir, get in the boiling pot" ] }, { "id": 3721, "chinese": "论功行赏", "gold": "award people according to their contributions", "human": [ "dispense rewards according to one's merit" ], "machine": [ "On meritorious deeds", "reward for meritorious service", "reward for merit", "reward for meritorious deeds" ] }, { "id": 3722, "chinese": "讳莫如深", "gold": "not utter a single word about something", "human": [ "carefully conceal or avoid mentioning", "closely guard a secret", "not breathe a word to a soul", "keep something shady" ], "machine": [ "keep a secret", "keep a secret from the public", "keep a secret from the world", "keep a taboo on everything" ] }, { "id": 3723, "chinese": "讳疾忌医", "gold": "hide one's sickness for fear of treatment", "human": [ "conceal the disease and avoid the doctor", "hide one's fault for fear of criticism", "gloss over one's shortcomings for fear of being criticized" ], "machine": [ "taboo", "keep a secret from the doctor", "keep a secret from doctors", "keep a secret from the doctors" ] }, { "id": 3724, "chinese": "诸如此类", "gold": "things like that", "human": [ "all are similar to this", "and so on and so forth" ], "machine": [ "and so on", "blah blah blah" ] }, { "id": 3725, "chinese": "谑而不虐", "gold": "tease without embarrassing", "human": [], "machine": [ "sarcastic but not cruel", "banter but not abuse", "banter, not abuse", "banter and not abuse", "banter without abuse" ] }, { "id": 3726, "chinese": "谦谦君子", "gold": "a modest, self-disciplined gentleman", "human": [ "a hypocritically modest person" ], "machine": [ "modest gentleman", "Humble gentleman" ] }, { "id": 3727, "chinese": "谦虚谨慎", "gold": "modest and prudent", "human": [], "machine": [ "modest", "modesty and discretion", "Modesty and prudence" ] }, { "id": 3728, "chinese": "谢天谢地", "gold": "thank goodness", "human": [ "thank heavens" ], "machine": [ "Thank goodness!", "Thank God." ] }, { "id": 3729, "chinese": "谬种流传", "gold": "the dissemination of error", "human": [ "a school of bastard thoughts" ], "machine": [ "fallacy", "The false seeds are circulated" ] }, { "id": 3730, "chinese": "谨小慎微", "gold": "timid and overcautious", "human": [ "meticulous to a fault", "cautious and meticulous", "timorous and punctilious", "prissy", "overcautious" ], "machine": [ "Be cautious", "cautious and timid", "prudent", "careful and cautious", "cautious and small", "be cautious and small" ] }, { "id": 3731, "chinese": "谨言慎行", "gold": "speak and act cautiously", "human": [ "be discreet in word and deed", "mind one's P's and Q's" ], "machine": [ "Be cautious", "Be careful what you say and do." ] }, { "id": 3732, "chinese": "哗众取宠", "gold": "talk big to impress people", "human": [ "try to please the public with claptrap", "curry favor by claptrap", "impress people by claptrap", "play to the gallery", "play with an eye to the gallery" ], "machine": [ "grandstanding", "sensationalism" ] }, { "id": 3733, "chinese": "识途老马", "gold": "a wise old bird", "human": [ "an old horse which knows the way", "a person of rich experience" ], "machine": [ "old horse", "an old horse knows the way home" ] }, { "id": 3734, "chinese": "识时务者为俊杰", "gold": "a brave man knows how to bow to circumstances", "human": [ "whosoever understands the times is a great man", "he is wise who understands the times", "those who suit their actions to the times are wise", "timeservers are clever" ], "machine": [ "The person who knows the times is Junjie", "Only an outstanding talent can recognize current trends." ] }, { "id": 3735, "chinese": "变本加厉", "gold": "go even further", "human": [ "become aggravated", "be further intensified", "with ever-increasing intensity", "outdo the previous ones", "go from bad to worse" ], "machine": [ "intensified", "intensify", "intensify the intensity", "intensify the situation" ] }, { "id": 3736, "chinese": "变化无常", "gold": "fickle", "human": [ "constantly changing", "changing all the time", "hop from one thing to another", "flux and reflux", "chop and change", "changeful", "erratic", "capricious" ], "machine": [ "Varying", "Vagaries", "Variable", "Variability" ] }, { "id": 3737, "chinese": "变幻莫测", "gold": "unpredictable", "human": [ "change unpredictably", "unending changes", "capricious", "changeable" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 3738, "chinese": "豁达大度", "gold": "generous", "human": [ "open-minded and magnanimous" ], "machine": [ "Open-mindedness", "magnanimous and generous", "generosity", "magnanimity and generosity", "open-minded and generous" ] }, { "id": 3739, "chinese": "豁然贯通", "gold": "suddenly see the whole thing in a clear sight", "human": [], "machine": [ "All of a sudden", "a clean breakthrough", "aclean slate", "a clean break", "a wide berth" ] }, { "id": 3740, "chinese": "豁然开朗", "gold": "suddenly cleared up", "human": [ "suddenly see the light", "be suddenly enlightened" ], "machine": [ "a wide berth opens up", "a wide berth opened up", "a wide berth of light opens up", "a wide openness" ] }, { "id": 3741, "chinese": "岂有此理", "gold": "How unreasonable!", "human": [ "Is there such a principle?", "Who ever heard of such a thing?", "This is utter nonsense indeed!", "By thunder!", "preposterous", "outrageous", "absurd", "fantastic" ], "machine": [ "no reason", "how can this be so?", "how could this be so?", "how can this be?" ] }, { "id": 3742, "chinese": "丰富多彩", "gold": "rich and varied", "human": [ "rich and colorful", "varied and colorful" ], "machine": [ "colorful" ] }, { "id": 3743, "chinese": "丰功伟绩", "gold": "great achievements", "human": [ "a great stock of merit", "great services", "great contributions", "gigantic contributions", "valiant records" ], "machine": [ "Great Achievement" ] }, { "id": 3744, "chinese": "丰衣足食", "gold": "well-provided", "human": [ "ample food and clothing", "ample clothing and sufficient food", "well-fed and well-clothed" ], "machine": [ "well-dressed", "having enough food and clothing", "have enough food and clothing" ] }, { "id": 3745, "chinese": "象齿焚身", "gold": "an elephant is killed because of its ivory - warning against hoarding wealth", "human": [ "the elephant is destroyed for the sake of its tusks" ], "machine": [ "ivory burnt", "burn one's body with elephant teeth" ] }, { "id": 3746, "chinese": "象牙之塔", "gold": "the ivory tower", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ivory Tower", "Ivory Towers" ] }, { "id": 3747, "chinese": "豪情壮志", "gold": "lofty sentiments and aspirations", "human": [], "machine": [ "Pride and ambition", "lofty ideals", "lofty ambitions", "noble aspirations", "lofty aspirations" ] }, { "id": 3748, "chinese": "豪言壮语", "gold": "heroic sayings", "human": [ "words which are full of revolutionary heroism", "brave words" ], "machine": [ "rhetoric", "bold words", "bold words and phrases", "bold and visionary words", "grandiloquent words" ] }, { "id": 3749, "chinese": "豹死留皮", "gold": "a leopard's skin survives its body", "human": [ "the leopard dies but leaves his skin - as a man leaves his reputation" ], "machine": [ "Leopard dead skin", "The leopard dies and leaves its skin behind" ] }, { "id": 3750, "chinese": "豺狼当道", "gold": "evil person in power", "human": [ "wolves stop the road - said of evil men usurping authority", "a wolf stands astride the road", "jackals and wolves hold sway" ], "machine": [ "Jackal in power", "ravenous wolves hold the road", "wolves in power" ] }, { "id": 3751, "chinese": "豺狼成性", "gold": "rapacious and ruthless", "human": [ "wolfish" ], "machine": [ "jackal", "ravenous wolves have become the nature of the land" ] }, { "id": 3752, "chinese": "貌合神离", "gold": "seemingly in harmony but actually at variance", "human": [ "one in appearance but each going his own way", "apparently of one accord but divided in heart", "friends in name or appearance only", "apparently acquiescing while being contrary" ], "machine": [ "Appearance and separation", "the appearance of unity, but divided at heart" ] }, { "id": 3753, "chinese": "猫哭耗子", "gold": "shed crocodile tears", "human": [ "the cat weeping over the dead mouse" ], "machine": [ "cat crying mouse", "crocodile tears", "crocodile crying" ] }, { "id": 3754, "chinese": "负荆请罪", "gold": "apologize", "human": [ "bearing the rod and willingly taking the punishment", "make a humble apology", "proffer a birch and ask for a flogging", "make an apology for one's wrong-doings" ], "machine": [ "plead guilty", "bring a bramble and ask for punishment", "offer a humble apology" ] }, { "id": 3755, "chinese": "负重致远", "gold": "be able to shoulder important tasks", "human": [ "carrying heavy burdens for a great distance" ], "machine": [ "Carrying weight goes far", "Carrying the Weight to the Future" ] }, { "id": 3756, "chinese": "负隅顽抗", "gold": "put up a desperate struggle", "human": [ "fight stubbornly with one's back to the wall" ], "machine": [ "Recalcitrant", "resist at the corner", "resist in the corner", "resist in a corner" ] }, { "id": 3757, "chinese": "贫病交迫", "gold": "suffering from both poverty and sickness", "human": [ "be sick and in financial straits", "be sick as well as poor" ], "machine": [ "poverty-stricken", "poverty and illness", "poverty and sickness", "poverty and disease" ] }, { "id": 3758, "chinese": "贫嘴薄舌", "gold": "garrulous and sharp-tongued", "human": [], "machine": [ "thin tongue", "poor mouth and thin tongue", "poor and sharp-tongued", "poor mouth, thin tongue", "poor talker with a thin tongue" ] }, { "id": 3759, "chinese": "贫无立锥之地", "gold": "utterly destitute", "human": [ "so poor as to have no place to stick an awl", "in extreme poverty" ], "machine": [ "A land of poverty", "no place to stand in poverty", "no place to live in poverty", "no place to build a business", "no place to stand on poverty" ] }, { "id": 3760, "chinese": "货真价实", "gold": "one hundred percent", "human": [ "genuine goods at a fair price", "through-and-through", "out-and-out", "dyed-in-the-wool" ], "machine": [ "genuine", "genuine goods at genuine prices", "genuine goods at real prices" ] }, { "id": 3761, "chinese": "贪得无厌", "gold": "he insatiably greedy", "human": [ "be greedy of gain", "insatiably covetous", "flay a flint", "rapacious", "avaricious" ], "machine": [ "insatiable", "greedy and insatiable", "greedy and never satisfied", "insatiable greed" ] }, { "id": 3762, "chinese": "贪天之功", "gold": "credit other people's achievements to oneself", "human": [ "covet the merits of Heaven as one's own", "appropriate to oneself the meritorious services of others", "have inordinate ambitions" ], "machine": [ "greed", "Greedy for the work of heaven" ] }, { "id": 3763, "chinese": "贪图富贵", "gold": "desire wealth and honor greatly", "human": [], "machine": [ "covet wealth", "greed for wealth and riches", "greedy for wealth", "greed for riches" ] }, { "id": 3764, "chinese": "贪小失大", "gold": "covet a little and lose a lot", "human": [ "go for the small things and miss things that are worthwhile", "penny wise and pound foolish" ], "machine": [ "greedy for the small", "get greedy for a small amount and lose a big one" ] }, { "id": 3765, "chinese": "贪生怕死", "gold": "clinging to life instead of braving death", "human": [ "care for nothing but saving one's skin", "be mortally afraid of death", "no more than a coward" ], "machine": [ "greedy for life", "greedy for life and afraid of death" ] }, { "id": 3766, "chinese": "贪赃枉法", "gold": "take bribes and bend the law", "human": [ "graft and circumvent the law", "pervert justice for a bribe" ], "machine": [ "embezzlement", "corruption and abuse of the law" ] }, { "id": 3767, "chinese": "贪污腐化", "gold": "corruption and degeneration", "human": [], "machine": [ "corruption", "corruption and decadence", "corruption and decay" ] }, { "id": 3768, "chinese": "责有攸归", "gold": "cannot shift the blame onto others", "human": [ "responsibility for crime can be traced", "responsibility rests where it belongs" ], "machine": [ "responsibility", "be a responsible person", "be responsible for something", "be a responsibility", "be accountable" ] }, { "id": 3769, "chinese": "责无旁贷", "gold": "an inescapable duty", "human": [ "there is so shirking responsibility", "a responsibility one cannot relinquish", "be duty-bound", "unshakable duty", "bounden duty" ], "machine": [ "duty-bound", "No responsibility", "No responsibility at all" ] }, { "id": 3770, "chinese": "买空卖空", "gold": "speculate on the rise and fall of prices", "human": [], "machine": [ "short selling", "Buy and sell short", "Buying and selling short", "Short buying and selling" ] }, { "id": 3771, "chinese": "费力不讨好", "gold": "get no thanks for one's hard work", "human": [ "do a hard but thankless job" ], "machine": [ "thankless", "hard work but not pleasing to the eye", "hard work but not pleasant" ] }, { "id": 3772, "chinese": "费尽心机", "gold": "painstakingly", "human": [ "expend much care and thought", "take great pains to", "rack one's brains", "make much ado" ], "machine": [ "go to great lengths", "rack one's brains for schemes", "beat one's brains out", "beat about the bush", "exhaust one's brains" ] }, { "id": 3773, "chinese": "贻害无穷", "gold": "cause endless trouble to future things", "human": [ "entail untold troubles" ], "machine": [ "Endless harm", "have disastrous consequences", "have endless consequences" ] }, { "id": 3774, "chinese": "贻笑大方", "gold": "be laughed at by experts", "human": [ "incur the ridicule of experts", "make a laughing stock of oneself before experts", "become a laughing-stock by showing inability", "be laughed at by those who know" ], "machine": [ "hilarious", "make a fool of oneself", "make a fool of himself" ] }, { "id": 3775, "chinese": "贻人口实", "gold": "be a source of ridicule", "human": [ "give people basis for gossip", "give occasion for talk", "give people grounds for ridicule", "expose oneself to ridicule" ], "machine": [ "Distraction", "make oneself an object of ridicule", "make oneself look bad" ] }, { "id": 3776, "chinese": "贿赂公行", "gold": "give and take bribes openly", "human": [ "commit briberies undisguisedly" ], "machine": [ "bribery", "Public bribery", "Bribes for public conduct", "Bribery of public officials" ] }, { "id": 3777, "chinese": "贼头贼脑", "gold": "furtive", "human": [ "behaving stealthily like a thief", "stealthy" ], "machine": [ "thief", "Thief head", "Thief's head", "Thieves' heads" ] }, { "id": 3778, "chinese": "贼喊捉贼", "gold": "the devil rebuking a sin", "human": [ "a thief crying \"Stop thief\"", "the robber cries \"Stop thief\"", "thief crying for the thief", "a robber acting like a cop", "cover oneself up by shouting with the crowd" ], "machine": [ "thief shouting catch thief", "The thief cries out to catch the thief" ] }, { "id": 3779, "chinese": "贼去关门", "gold": "lock the door after the thief has gone", "human": [ "lock the stable door when the horse is stolen" ], "machine": [ "thief to close the door", "Thieves go to close the door" ] }, { "id": 3780, "chinese": "宾至如归", "gold": "a home from home", "human": [ "guests come as if they have returned home", "make every guest feel at home" ], "machine": [ "Feel at home", "A home away from home", "A welcome home", "A guest at home" ] }, { "id": 3781, "chinese": "赏罚分明", "gold": "be strict and fair in meting out rewards and punishments", "human": [], "machine": [ "Clear rewards and punishments", "Clearly defined rewards and punishments", "Clear reward and punishment" ] }, { "id": 3782, "chinese": "赏心悦目", "gold": "find the scenery pleasing both to the eye and the mind", "human": [], "machine": [ "pleasing to the eye", "delightful to the eye", "delightful to look at", "delightful to the eyes", "delightful" ] }, { "id": 3783, "chinese": "赔了夫人又折兵", "gold": "throw the helve after the hatchet", "human": [], "machine": [ "lost my wife and lost my army", "having given away a wife and lost an army", "suffer a double loss" ] }, { "id": 3784, "chinese": "卖剑买牛", "gold": "beat swords into ploughshares", "human": [ "selling one's swords to purchase oxen for farming - reformation of brigands" ], "machine": [ "Sell swords and buy cattle", "Sell your sword and buy a bull", "Sell your sword and buy a cow", "Sell your sword to buy a bull", "Sell your sword to buy a cow" ] }, { "id": 3785, "chinese": "卖身投靠", "gold": "basely offer to serve the enemy", "human": [ "barter away one's honor for somebody's patronage" ], "machine": [ "sell themselves", "sell oneself into obedience", "sell oneself to", "sell oneself into submission", "sell out to" ] }, { "id": 3786, "chinese": "质疑问难", "gold": "raise doubts and difficult questions for discussion", "human": [], "machine": [ "Difficult to question", "questioning", "questioning the difficulties", "questioning the difficulty" ] }, { "id": 3787, "chinese": "赞不绝口", "gold": "be full of praise", "human": [ "be unstinting in one's praise", "be profuse in praise", "be prodigal of praise", "be above praise", "praise unceasingly" ], "machine": [ "Full of praise", "can't stop raving about it", "can't stop talking about it", "can't praise enough" ] }, { "id": 3788, "chinese": "赤膊上阵", "gold": "come out into the open", "human": [ "go into battle stripped to the waist", "throw away all disguise" ], "machine": [ "shirtless", "Bare Shoulder", "Bare Shoulders" ] }, { "id": 3789, "chinese": "赤胆忠心", "gold": "extreme loyalty", "human": [ "a red heart of complete dedication", "utter devotion", "wholeheartedness" ], "machine": [ "daring and loyal", "red-blooded loyalty", "red-blooded devotion", "red-bellied devotion", "red-bellied" ] }, { "id": 3790, "chinese": "赤地千里", "gold": "a thousand li of barren land - a scene of utter desolation", "human": [ "thousands of miles of cracked, parched and deserted land" ], "machine": [ "A thousand miles of red", "Bare earth and a thousand miles", "Bare ground, a thousand miles", "Bare ground, thousand miles", "Bare land, a thousand miles" ] }, { "id": 3791, "chinese": "赤手空拳", "gold": "unarmed", "human": [ "bare-handed", "empty-handed", "with naked fists" ], "machine": [ "with bare hands and empty fists" ] }, { "id": 3792, "chinese": "赤子之心", "gold": "utter innocence", "human": [ "the pure heart of a new-born baby" ], "machine": [ "child's heart", "the heart of a newborn", "the heart of a child" ] }, { "id": 3793, "chinese": "赫赫有名", "gold": "well-renowned", "human": [ "having a great reputation", "far-famed", "illustrious" ], "machine": [ "famous", "famous for", "famous for its quality" ] }, { "id": 3794, "chinese": "走马观花", "gold": "take a brief look at", "human": [ "look at the flowers while riding on horseback", "gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation", "view the flowers from horseback", "snatch a transient glance of", "take only a passing glance", "give a hurried and cursory glance" ], "machine": [ "Watching flowers on a horseback", "a horse's-eye view", "a horse's eye view", "a horse's-eye view of things" ] }, { "id": 3795, "chinese": "走投无路", "gold": "be driven to the wall", "human": [ "poor and utterly helpless", "be in an impasse", "come to the end of one's tether", "find oneself cornered", "be driven from pillar to post", "be at bay", "have no way out" ], "machine": [ "cornered", "no way out", "at a dead end", "at a loss" ] }, { "id": 3796, "chinese": "赴汤蹈火", "gold": "go through hell", "human": [ "go through fire and water", "through thick and thin", "risk one's own life" ], "machine": [ "go through water and fire", "go through fire and soup" ] }, { "id": 3797, "chinese": "起承转合", "gold": "introduction, elucidation of the theme, transition to another viewpoint and summing up - the four steps in the composition of an essay", "human": [], "machine": [ "Initiation and transfer", "The rise and fall", "The rise and fall of", "The rise and fall of a story" ] }, { "id": 3798, "chinese": "起死回生", "gold": "snatch a patient from the jaws of death", "human": [ "make the dead come back to life", "bring back to life" ], "machine": [ "come back to life", "Resurrecting the Dead", "Resurrection of the Dead" ] }, { "id": 3799, "chinese": "趁火打劫", "gold": "take advantage of somebody's misfortune to do him harm", "human": [ "take the advantage of a conflagration to loot", "fish in troubled waters", "plunder a burning house", "go on the scamp" ], "machine": [ "robbery", "Take advantage of the fire", "Take advantage of a fire" ] }, { "id": 3800, "chinese": "趁热打铁", "gold": "strike while the iron is hot", "human": [ "make hay while the sun shines", "hoist sail when the wind is fair", "seize time by the forelock" ], "machine": [ "Strike while the iron's hot" ] }, { "id": 3801, "chinese": "超凡越圣", "gold": "above the average and overtake the sages", "human": [ "of abstruse and profound attainment" ], "machine": [ "transcendent", "transcendental and saintly", "transcendental and sage", "transcendent and saintly", "transcendental to the saints" ] }, { "id": 3802, "chinese": "超群绝伦", "gold": "for surpassing those of one's fellows", "human": [ "cut a conspicuous figure", "preeminent" ], "machine": [ "outstanding", "incomparable", "exceptional" ] }, { "id": 3803, "chinese": "超尘拔俗", "gold": "above the average", "human": [ "above this mortal life and overtopping the man's world", "a well-cultivated mind" ], "machine": [ "Extraordinary", "outstanding" ] }, { "id": 3804, "chinese": "超然物外", "gold": "keep out of", "human": [ "hold aloof from", "be above worldly considerations", "stay away from the scene of contention" ], "machine": [ "detached", "transcendent", "transcendental", "transcendence" ] }, { "id": 3805, "chinese": "越俎代庖", "gold": "take another's job into one's own hands", "human": [ "a kitchen assistant taking the place of the chef", "do what is not in one's department", "exceed one's functions and meddle in others' affairs", "poke one's nose into other's business" ], "machine": [ "Over and over again", "go beyond the sacrificial altar and take over the kitchen" ] }, { "id": 3806, "chinese": "趔趄不前", "gold": "hesitating whether to go forward or not", "human": [ "hesitate to advance", "hobble along" ], "machine": [ "stumbling forward", "Stumble and fall", "Stumbling", "Stumble" ] }, { "id": 3807, "chinese": "赶尽杀绝", "gold": "spare none", "human": [ "drive away and exterminate everyone", "be ruthless" ], "machine": [ "exterminate", "ruthless", "ruthlessly kill", "ruthlessly kill all", "kill to the last one" ] }, { "id": 3808, "chinese": "趋之若鹜", "gold": "scramble for something", "human": [ "go after something like a flock of ducks" ], "machine": [ "rush", "the rush is on" ] }, { "id": 3809, "chinese": "趋炎附势", "gold": "curry favor with the powerful", "human": [ "hurry to the glorious and hang on to the influential", "be a follower of the rich and powerful", "play up to those in power" ], "machine": [ "Inflammation", "curry favor with the rich and powerful", "social climbing", "curry favor with the rich" ] }, { "id": 3810, "chinese": "足智多谋", "gold": "wise and full of stratagems", "human": [ "masterly in planning and execution", "clever and resourceful", "good at finding resources", "of ingenuity", "shifty" ], "machine": [ "resourceful", "resourcefulness" ] }, { "id": 3811, "chinese": "趾高气扬", "gold": "head in the clouds", "human": [ "strut about and give oneself airs", "step high and look proud", "carry one's head high", "lift up one's horn", "mount the high horse", "put on an elated look", "be above oneself", "be swollen with arrogance", "be bloated with pride", "high and mighty" ], "machine": [ "arrogant" ] }, { "id": 3812, "chinese": "跋山涉水", "gold": "travel across mountains and rivers", "human": [ "scale mountains and ford streams cross land and water" ], "machine": [ "trekking", "Trekking over mountains and water" ] }, { "id": 3813, "chinese": "路遥知马力,事久见人心", "gold": "as a long road tests a horse's strength, so a long task proves a person's heart", "human": [], "machine": [ "Lu Yao knows horsepower, and things see people's hearts", "a long journey leads a horsepower, a long time in the making" ] }, { "id": 3814, "chinese": "跳梁小丑", "gold": "contemptible rebel", "human": [ "petty burglar" ], "machine": [ "jumping beam clown", "clown who jumped the gun", "clown who jumps overhead", "clown who jumps overboard" ] }, { "id": 3815, "chinese": "踟蹰不前", "gold": "hesitate to move forward", "human": [], "machine": [ "hesitant", "Stumbling", "Stuttering" ] }, { "id": 3816, "chinese": "踵决肘见", "gold": "down at the heels and out at the elbow", "human": [ "very poor" ], "machine": [ "see you", "heel and see the elbow", "heel and see the elbows", "heel the decision to elbow", "heels and elbows" ] }, { "id": 3817, "chinese": "蹈常袭故", "gold": "follow mere routine", "human": [ "go on in the same old way", "get into a rut", "be a slave to old methods of doing things" ], "machine": [ "repeat the same", "follow the same old path", "stuck in a rut", "follow the same old pattern" ] }, { "id": 3818, "chinese": "蹉跎岁月", "gold": "idle away one's time", "human": [ "the years roll by - spend one's life in fruitless efforts", "let time slip by without accomplishing anything", "dally time away" ], "machine": [ "wasted years", "The wasted years" ] }, { "id": 3819, "chinese": "踌躇不前", "gold": "waver in determination", "human": [ "hesitate to move forward" ], "machine": [ "hesitant", "hesitant to move forward", "Hesitation" ] }, { "id": 3820, "chinese": "踌躇满志", "gold": "smug with pride", "human": [ "enormously proud of one's success", "exceedingly gratified", "puffed up with pride", "elated with success", "be self-satisfied", "complacent" ], "machine": [ "smug", "complacency" ] }, { "id": 3821, "chinese": "跃跃欲试", "gold": "itch to have a go", "human": [ "be anxious to try one's chance", "be eager to have a try", "itch for a try" ], "machine": [ "eager to try", "eager to give it a try", "eager to try out", "eager to give it a go" ] }, { "id": 3822, "chinese": "身败名裂", "gold": "one's personal reputation is ruined", "human": [ "lose all standing and reputation", "bring disgrace and ruin upon oneself", "be utterly discredited" ], "machine": [ "disfigured", "have one's reputation swept away", "lose one's reputation", "lose one's standing" ] }, { "id": 3823, "chinese": "身不由己", "gold": "lose one's balance", "human": [ "constrained by circumstances", "in spite of oneself" ], "machine": [ "involuntarily", "not of one's own volition", "not in one's own hands", "inability to act on one's own" ] }, { "id": 3824, "chinese": "身体力行", "gold": "practice what one preaches", "human": [ "earnestly practice what one advocates", "set an example by personally taking part" ], "machine": [ "practice", "Practice what you preach" ] }, { "id": 3825, "chinese": "身临其境", "gold": "personally go through a situation", "human": [ "be personally on the scene" ], "machine": [ "Immersive", "Be there", "Immersion" ] }, { "id": 3826, "chinese": "身价百倍", "gold": "skyrocket to fame", "human": [], "machine": [ "worth a hundred times", "hundredfold in value", "hundredfold increase in value", "worth a hundred times more", "hundredfold increase in price" ] }, { "id": 3827, "chinese": "身教胜于言教", "gold": "practice is better than precept", "human": [], "machine": [ "Teaching by example is better than teaching", "teaching by example is better than teaching by words" ] }, { "id": 3828, "chinese": "身强力壮", "gold": "strong", "human": [ "tough", "sturdy" ], "machine": [ "strong and healthy" ] }, { "id": 3829, "chinese": "身先士卒", "gold": "lead one's men in a charge", "human": [ "charge at the head of one's men" ], "machine": [ "lead the way", "take the lead", "take the lead in this regard", "take the lead in this matter", "take the lead in this area" ] }, { "id": 3830, "chinese": "身在福中不知福", "gold": "not appreciate the happy life one enjoys", "human": [ "growing up in happiness, one often fails to appreciate what happiness really means" ], "machine": [ "In the midst of happiness, don't know happiness", "live in plenty without appreciating it" ] }, { "id": 3831, "chinese": "身外之物", "gold": "mere worldly possessions", "human": [ "external things" ], "machine": [ "outside things", "something outside the body", "something outside of the body", "something outside of oneself" ] }, { "id": 3832, "chinese": "车到山前必有路", "gold": "things will eventually sort themselves out", "human": [ "the cart will find its way round the hill when it gets there", "in the end things will mend" ], "machine": [ "There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain", "It will be all right if we get to the mountain.", "Let's get to the mountain." ] }, { "id": 3833, "chinese": "车水马龙", "gold": "heavy traffic", "human": [ "an incessant stream of horses and carriages" ], "machine": [ "busy traffic", "traffic", "traffic and horses", "traffic and horseback" ] }, { "id": 3834, "chinese": "车载斗量", "gold": "plentiful", "human": [ "enough to fill carts and be measured by bushels", "common and numerous", "immense quantities" ], "machine": [ "Vehicle capacity", "Truckload bucket volume", "Carload bucket volume", "Vehicle bucket volume", "Truckload bucket capacity" ] }, { "id": 3835, "chinese": "轩然大波", "gold": "a great disturbance", "human": [ "a mighty uproar" ], "machine": [ "uproar", "tempest" ] }, { "id": 3836, "chinese": "软硬皆施", "gold": "use both persuasion and force", "human": [ "use both tough and soft tactics", "combine hard tactics with soft measures", "couple threat with promises", "act tough and talk soft" ], "machine": [ "Both soft and hard", "Both hard and soft" ] }, { "id": 3837, "chinese": "载歌载舞", "gold": "festively singing and dancing", "human": [ "now singing, now dancing" ], "machine": [ "Sing and dance", "singing and dancing", "festive celebrations", "dance and sing" ] }, { "id": 3838, "chinese": "轻描淡写", "gold": "play down", "human": [ "touch on the matter lightly", "describe with a delicate touch", "mention casually", "mild comments" ], "machine": [ "understatement", "sketch lightly", "downplay" ] }, { "id": 3839, "chinese": "轻诺寡信", "gold": "make promises easily but seldom keep them", "human": [ "who promises toe lightly is seldom able to live up to his words" ], "machine": [ "light promises", "perfunctory and untrustworthy", "perfunctory and unfaithful", "perfidious and untrustworthy", "glib and perfunctory" ] }, { "id": 3840, "chinese": "轻歌曼舞", "gold": "sing merrily and dance grace fully", "human": [ "soft songs and beautiful dances" ], "machine": [ "light songman dance", "light song and dance", "light singing and dancing", "Singing and dancing lightly" ] }, { "id": 3841, "chinese": "轻举妄动", "gold": "act rashly", "human": [ "take reckless actions", "do something without careful thought", "take a leap in the dark", "go off the deep end", "impetuosity" ], "machine": [ "act blindly", "move lightly", "make a rash move" ] }, { "id": 3842, "chinese": "轻装上阵", "gold": "a forward with one's burdens discarded", "human": [ "go into battle with a light pack", "come to the battlefront without any mental burdens" ], "machine": [ "travel light", "Go light", "Go lightly" ] }, { "id": 3843, "chinese": "轻重倒置", "gold": "put the trivial above the important", "human": [ "reverse the order of importance", "lack a sense of proportion" ], "machine": [ "Inversion of light and heavy", "invert the importance of the light and the heavy" ] }, { "id": 3844, "chinese": "轻手轻脚", "gold": "gingerly", "human": [ "cautiously without any noise", "gently", "softly" ], "machine": [ "lightly", "gently hand and foot" ] }, { "id": 3845, "chinese": "轻而易举", "gold": "without making an effort", "human": [ "easy to undertake", "easy as ABC", "an easy job", "can be easily accomplished", "without striking a blow" ], "machine": [ "easy", "with ease" ] }, { "id": 3846, "chinese": "轻于鸿毛", "gold": "lighter than a feather - a death which is of no significance at all", "human": [], "machine": [ "lighter than a feather", "light as a goose feather", "trifling", "lighter than a goose feather" ] }, { "id": 3847, "chinese": "辗转反侧", "gold": "toss and turn restlessly", "human": [ "toss to and fro", "toss about" ], "machine": [ "tossing and turning", "toss and turn" ] }, { "id": 3848, "chinese": "转败为胜", "gold": "turn a defeat into a victory", "human": [ "snatch a victory out of a defeat", "turn the tables on", "score an upset" ], "machine": [ "turn defeat into victory", "Turning defeat into victory" ] }, { "id": 3849, "chinese": "转祸为福", "gold": "turn a calamity into a blessing", "human": [], "machine": [ "turn a misfortune into a blessing", "turn disaster into blessing", "turn disaster into happiness" ] }, { "id": 3850, "chinese": "转危为安", "gold": "pull through", "human": [ "take a turn for the better and be out of danger", "carry over the crisis", "be past danger" ], "machine": [ "turn the corner", "turn crisis into safety", "turn a crisis into a safety", "Turning a crisis into a safety" ] }, { "id": 3851, "chinese": "转弯抹角", "gold": "beat about the bush", "human": [ "turn a corner", "full of twists and turns", "in a roundabout way", "in a devious way", "prunes and prism", "circumambulate" ], "machine": [ "beating around the bush", "equivocate" ] }, { "id": 3852, "chinese": "辙乱旗靡", "gold": "utterly routed", "human": [ "chariots in disorder and banners drooping", "crisscross chariot tracks and drooping banners - signs of an army in headlong flight" ], "machine": [ "messed up", "rutting and banners are in disarray", "rutting and flagging" ] }, { "id": 3853, "chinese": "轰轰烈烈", "gold": "stormy and heroic", "human": [ "on a grand and spectacular scale", "magnificent and victorious", "with vigor and vitality", "amid fire and thunder", "vigorous", "dynamic", "resoundingly" ], "machine": [ "vigorous and powerful" ] }, { "id": 3854, "chinese": "辛辛苦苦", "gold": "take great pains", "human": [ "take a lot of trouble", "work laboriously" ], "machine": [ "hard work", "with great pains", "painstakingly", "with great trouble", "painstaking" ] }, { "id": 3855, "chinese": "迅雷不及掩耳", "gold": "as sudden as lightning", "human": [ "a sudden peal of thunder leaves no time for covering the ears", "as swift as a clap of thunder which gives no time to cover the ears", "lightning flash before precautions can be taken", "with the suddenness of a thunderbolt" ], "machine": [ "lightning fast", "rapidity and speed" ] }, { "id": 3856, "chinese": "迎头痛击", "gold": "deal a telling blow to somebody", "human": [ "score a hard, direct hit", "deal head-on blows to somebody.", "give somebody a bad knock on the head", "give somebody a good hiding", "head-on hammer-blows" ], "machine": [ "head-on", "head on" ] }, { "id": 3857, "chinese": "迎头赶上", "gold": "try hard to catch up", "human": [], "machine": [ "catch up", "Catching up" ] }, { "id": 3858, "chinese": "迎刃而解", "gold": "solve problems or difficulties with the greatest ease", "human": [ "split all the way down once it's been chopped open", "be easily solved", "splits off as it meets the edge of the knife without efforts" ], "machine": [ "Solved", "Easy to solve", "Easy to use" ] }, { "id": 3859, "chinese": "近朱者赤,近墨者黑", "gold": "he who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl", "human": [ "he who handles vermilion will be reddened, and he who touches ink will be blackened - of the influence of companionship", "he who stays near the vermilion gets stained red, and he who stays near the ink gets stained black", "one takes on the color of one's company", "moral influence by contact or close association", "touch pitch, and you will be defiled", "he who lies with dogs will rise with fleas" ], "machine": [ "Those who are close to vermilion are red, those who are close to ink are black", "Nurture the vermilion is red, Nurture the ink is black." ] }, { "id": 3860, "chinese": "近水楼台先得月", "gold": "enjoy the benefits of a favorable position", "human": [ "a waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first", "the advantage of being in a favored position", "those on the waterfront are the first to see the rising moon" ], "machine": [ "Near the water floor, first-served month", "The moon is near the water pavilion" ] }, { "id": 3861, "chinese": "返老还童", "gold": "feel rejuvenated", "human": [ "recover one's youthful vigor", "rejuvenate in old age", "undergo rejuvenation", "a renewal of youthfulness" ], "machine": [ "rejuvenation", "rejuvenate" ] }, { "id": 3862, "chinese": "迥然不同", "gold": "definitely different", "human": [ "utterly unlike", "not in the least alike", "as different as chalk from cheese" ], "machine": [ "very different", "vastly different", "quite different", "wildly different" ] }, { "id": 3863, "chinese": "迫不得已", "gold": "be forced to", "human": [ "have no alternative but", "do something against one's will", "no other way" ], "machine": [ "as a last resort", "forced to", "have no choice but to", "forced to do so", "no choice but to" ] }, { "id": 3864, "chinese": "迫不及待", "gold": "cannot wait", "human": [ "too impatient to wait", "unable to hold oneself back", "brook no delay", "be all agog to do something", "posomethingaste" ], "machine": [ "can't wait" ] }, { "id": 3865, "chinese": "迫在眉睫", "gold": "extremely urgent", "human": [ "be imminent", "be impending" ], "machine": [ "imminent", "Impending", "imminence" ] }, { "id": 3866, "chinese": "迷迷糊糊", "gold": "in a daze, difficult to make out", "human": [], "machine": [ "semi-consciously", "bewildered", "in a daze", "confused", "befuddled" ] }, { "id": 3867, "chinese": "迷途知返", "gold": "return to the correct path", "human": [ "become aware of one's errors and return from one's wrong path", "realize one's errors and mend one's ways", "recover one's bearings and return to the fold" ], "machine": [ "Getting lost", "get back on the right path", "get back on the right track" ] }, { "id": 3868, "chinese": "追奔逐北", "gold": "pursue a routed army", "human": [], "machine": [ "chase north", "chasing and pursuing north", "chasing and pursuing the north", "chase and pursue the north", "chase and pursue north" ] }, { "id": 3869, "chinese": "追本溯源", "gold": "trace to its source", "human": [ "trace back to the sources or early beginnings", "investigate the origins", "go into a matter with thoroughness", "get at the root of the matter" ], "machine": [ "traceability", "Trace back to the source", "Trace back to the origin", "Trace the source" ] }, { "id": 3870, "chinese": "追根究底", "gold": "get to the bottom of something", "human": [ "pursue investigation of the origin of an event", "go into the whys and wherefores of it", "get down to the rock bottom", "inquire deeply into" ], "machine": [ "get to the bottom of it" ] }, { "id": 3871, "chinese": "退避三舍", "gold": "avoid somebody like a plague", "human": [ "retreat ninety li - give way to somebody to avoid a conflict", "withdraw from somebody", "keep a good distance from" ], "machine": [ "retreat", "Retreat in three places.", "Retreat three times." ] }, { "id": 3872, "chinese": "送旧迎新", "gold": "ring out the Old Year and ring in the New", "human": [ "see off the old and welcome the new" ], "machine": [ "Send the old and welcome the new", "Sending out the old and welcoming the new" ] }, { "id": 3873, "chinese": "送往迎来", "gold": "see off those who depart and welcome those who arrive", "human": [ "speed the parting guests and welcome the new arrivals" ], "machine": [ "send to welcome", "Send to us", "Sending to us" ] }, { "id": 3874, "chinese": "逃之夭夭", "gold": "make one's getaway", "human": [ "escaped and is nowhere to be found", "show one's heels", "o a bolt", "decamp" ], "machine": [ "run away", "Escape without a trace", "Escape without a hitch" ] }, { "id": 3875, "chinese": "逆来顺受", "gold": "take the rough with the smooth", "human": [ "meekly submit to oppression, maltreatment, etc.", "take insults philosophically", "resign oneself to adversity", "with a resigned mind", "grin and bear it" ], "machine": [ "resign", "submit to adversity", "resign oneself to it" ] }, { "id": 3876, "chinese": "逆水行舟", "gold": "row against the flood", "human": [ "sail against the current" ], "machine": [ "sailing against the current", "rowing against the current" ] }, { "id": 3877, "chinese": "逍遥法外", "gold": "go scot-free", "human": [ "be at large", "on the loose", "get away with murder" ], "machine": [ "get away with it", "Getting away with it", "Getting Away with Murder" ] }, { "id": 3878, "chinese": "逍遥自在", "gold": "be at peace with the world and oneself", "human": [ "enjoying freedom, calm and be a master of oneself", "free and unrestrained", "be in a state of blissful abstraction", "be in a state of enjoyment", "be at ease" ], "machine": [ "at ease", "Free and Easy", "Free and easy to do" ] }, { "id": 3879, "chinese": "逐字逐句", "gold": "word for word", "human": [ "word by word and sentence by sentence", "literally" ], "machine": [ "word by word, sentence by sentence" ] }, { "id": 3880, "chinese": "通风报信", "gold": "divulge secret information", "human": [], "machine": [ "tip off", "communicate with the wind", "communicate with the public" ] }, { "id": 3881, "chinese": "通都大邑", "gold": "metropolis", "human": [ "large cities" ], "machine": [ "Tongdu Dayi", "the capital city of China", "the capital of China", "the capital city of Beijing", "the capital city of Hong Kong" ] }, { "id": 3882, "chinese": "通力合作", "gold": "make a united effort", "human": [ "give full cooperation to" ], "machine": [ "work together", "Full cooperation", "Collaboration", "collaborative efforts", "collaborate" ] }, { "id": 3883, "chinese": "通情达理", "gold": "show common sense", "human": [ "be amenable to reason", "stand to sense", "understanding and reasonable" ], "machine": [ "Reasonable", "fair and reasonable", "sensible", "sensible and reasonable", "reasonable and fair-minded" ] }, { "id": 3884, "chinese": "通权达变", "gold": "adaptable to changing circumstances", "human": [ "act as an occasion requires", "adapt oneself to circumstances" ], "machine": [ "Pass the right to change", "adapt to changes", "adapt to changes in power", "adapt to changes in authority", "adapt to circumstances" ] }, { "id": 3885, "chinese": "通宵达旦", "gold": "all night long", "human": [ "throughout the whole night until the dawn", "whole night until dawn", "all night till dawn" ], "machine": [ "all night", "overnight until daybreak", "overnight until the day", "overnight until dawn" ] }, { "id": 3886, "chinese": "逞性妄为", "gold": "act recklessly", "human": [], "machine": [ "presumptuous", "act in a desperate manner", "act in a desperate way", "act in a desperate fashion", "act with impunity" ] }, { "id": 3887, "chinese": "速战速决", "gold": "fight a quick battle to force a quick decision", "human": [], "machine": [ "quick fix", "Quick War", "Rapid Warfare", "Quick Warfare", "Speedy battle" ] }, { "id": 3888, "chinese": "造谣惑众", "gold": "spread rumors to confuse the people", "human": [], "machine": [ "spread rumors", "disinformation and confusion", "disinformation", "misinformation" ] }, { "id": 3889, "chinese": "造谣中伤", "gold": "make up stories to defame others", "human": [ "spread rumors to injure others' reputation", "hurt somebody by calumnious fabrication", "utter slander against somebody" ], "machine": [ "slander", "disinformation and slander", "Disinformation" ] }, { "id": 3890, "chinese": "造谣生事", "gold": "cause trouble by spreading rumors", "human": [ "cause trouble by false stories", "stir up trouble by rumormongering", "spread rumors to create trouble" ], "machine": [ "spread rumors", "start rumors and create trouble", "Disinformation and trouble" ] }, { "id": 3891, "chinese": "逢凶化吉", "gold": "turn calamities into blessings", "human": [ "turn ill luck into good luck" ], "machine": [ "Turning bad luck into good luck", "Turning the evil into good fortune", "Turning the evil into luck" ] }, { "id": 3892, "chinese": "逢场作戏", "gold": "join in the fun on occasion", "human": [ "play along on rare occasions", "find amusement when occasion arises" ], "machine": [ "Flirtation", "play along with the crowd", "play along with the others", "play along with others" ] }, { "id": 3893, "chinese": "连篇累牍", "gold": "long-winded", "human": [ "reiterate again and again", "one article after another", "pages and pages", "lengthy and tedious", "at great length", "floods of ink" ], "machine": [ "a series of articles", "winding up with a lot of paper" ] }, { "id": 3894, "chinese": "进退两难", "gold": "in a quandary", "human": [ "difficult to advance or to retreat", "in a dilemma", "neither able to advance nor retreat", "on the horns of a dilemma", "be between two fires" ], "machine": [ "dilemma", "no room advance or to retreat", "without any way out of a dilemma", "in an impossible situation", "trapped in a dilemma" ] }, { "id": 3895, "chinese": "进退失据", "gold": "be kept in the air", "human": [ "equally difficult to go on or retreat" ], "machine": [ "advance and retreat", "no room advance or to retreat", "at a loss", "in a hopeless situation" ] }, { "id": 3896, "chinese": "进退维谷", "gold": "in a dilemma", "human": [ "advance and retreat, both difficult", "up a gum-tree", "stand at a nonplus", "between the devil and the deep sea", "between Scylla and Charybdis" ], "machine": [ "Dilemma", "no room advance or to retreat", "without any way out of a dilemma", "trapped in a dilemma", "in an impossible situation" ] }, { "id": 3897, "chinese": "进寸退尺", "gold": "the loss outweighs the gain", "human": [ "advance an inch and lose a foot", "the game is not worth the candle" ], "machine": [ "Advance and retreat", "advance an inch, retreat a foot", "to advance one's steps and retreat to another" ] }, { "id": 3898, "chinese": "逼上梁山", "gold": "be driven to drastic alternatives", "human": [ "be driven to join the Liangshan rebels", "be driven to revolt", "be forced to do something desperate", "be compelled to do something against one's will", "be driven to extremity" ], "machine": [ "Forcing Liangshan", "force somebody. to join the Liangshan Mountain", "force somebody. to go to the wall", "force somebody. to join the mountain", "force somebody. to go up to the wall" ] }, { "id": 3899, "chinese": "遇事生风", "gold": "sow discord whenever possible", "human": [], "machine": [ "troubled", "stir up trouble when things happen", "stir up trouble at every turn" ] }, { "id": 3900, "chinese": "运筹帷幄", "gold": "map out a strategy", "human": [ "prepare schemes in the tent - make plans beforehand", "devise strategies within a command tent", "contrive strategic plans in the headquarters" ], "machine": [ "strategize", "planning strategies", "planning of a tent", "planning for a tent", "planning for the future" ] }, { "id": 3901, "chinese": "运用自如", "gold": "have a perfect command of", "human": [ "grasp and skilfully apply", "handle very skilfully", "make oneself master of" ], "machine": [ "ease-of-use", "Use with ease", "Use freely", "Use it with ease", "Use it freely" ] }, { "id": 3902, "chinese": "遍地开花", "gold": "spring up all over the place", "human": [ "blossom everywhere", "spring up like mushrooms" ], "machine": [ "Blossoming all over the place", "blooming all over the place" ] }, { "id": 3903, "chinese": "遍体鳞伤", "gold": "beaten black and blue", "human": [ "whole body covered with wounds", "one's whole body was wounded seriously", "covered all over with cuts and bruises", "be a mass of bruises" ], "machine": [ "bruised", "covered in bruises", "covered with bruises", "covered in wounds", "covered in scars" ] }, { "id": 3904, "chinese": "过目成诵", "gold": "have a photographic memory", "human": [ "be able to recite a passage after one perusal", "be able to recite something after reading it over once" ], "machine": [ "read through", "read by heart", "read by sight", "readily apparent" ] }, { "id": 3905, "chinese": "过屠门而大嚼", "gold": "feed oneself on illusions", "human": [ "pass the butcher's and start munching" ], "machine": [ "chewing through the butchery", "pass through the slaughterhouse door and chew it up" ] }, { "id": 3906, "chinese": "过河拆桥", "gold": "ingratitude for past help", "human": [ "break the bridge after crossing the river", "drop one's benefactor as soon as his help is not required", "kick down the ladder", "cut down the tree that once gave him shade" ], "machine": [ "Cross the river and demolish the bridge", "destroy the bridge after crossing the river" ] }, { "id": 3907, "chinese": "过甚其词", "gold": "give an exaggerated account", "human": [ "overstate the case", "strain the truth", "paint the devil blacker than he is", "exaggerated", "bombastic" ], "machine": [ "go too far" ] }, { "id": 3908, "chinese": "过犹不及", "gold": "too much water drowned the miller", "human": [ "to go beyond is as wrong as to fall short", "going too far is as bad as not going far enough", "the half is more than the whole" ], "machine": [ "too much", "too far is as bad as not enough" ] }, { "id": 3909, "chinese": "过眼云烟", "gold": "as transient as a fleeting cloud", "human": [], "machine": [ "pass by", "passing cloud of smoke", "passing clouds", "passing cloud", "passing clouds of the past" ] }, { "id": 3910, "chinese": "过为已甚", "gold": "carry things too for", "human": [ "overdo a thing", "overstep the limits", "you have gone too far", "it is a bit thick", "cut it too fat" ], "machine": [ "too much", "too much is too bad", "too much has gone wrong", "go too far" ] }, { "id": 3911, "chinese": "远近闻名", "gold": "be well-known far and near", "human": [ "enjoy widespread renown", "everybody far and near knows it" ], "machine": [ "famous", "well-known far and near", "famous from afar", "Famous from far and near", "Known far and wide" ] }, { "id": 3912, "chinese": "道不拾遗,夜不闭户", "gold": "no one picks up and pockets anything found on the road, and doors need not be locked at night", "human": [ "honesty prevails throughout society" ], "machine": [ "Do not pick up lost things, do not closethe door at night", "The road is not closed at night" ] }, { "id": 3913, "chinese": "道貌岸然", "gold": "pose as a person of high morals", "human": [ "assume the appearance of a man of integrity", "be sanctimonious" ], "machine": [ "sanctimonious", "dignified" ] }, { "id": 3914, "chinese": "道听途说", "gold": "hearsay", "human": [ "market gossip", "a traveler's tale", "gossip", "rumor", "on-dit" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 3915, "chinese": "违法乱纪", "gold": "violate the law and discipline", "human": [ "break laws and violate discipline", "offences against law and discipline" ], "machine": [ "Illegal and disorderly", "illegal and disorderly conduct" ] }, { "id": 3916, "chinese": "遥相呼应", "gold": "coordinate with each other from afar", "human": [ "echo each other at a distance" ], "machine": [ "echo each other", "Remote echoes", "Remote echoing", "Remote echo", "Remote Response" ] }, { "id": 3917, "chinese": "遥遥无期", "gold": "not within the foreseeable future", "human": [ "at some future time", "indefinite" ], "machine": [ "indefinitely", "Remote", "Remote from", "Remote from the future" ] }, { "id": 3918, "chinese": "远交近攻", "gold": "befriend the distant states while attacking those nearby", "human": [ "attacking nearby neighbors and maintaining friendly relations with more distant nations", "befriending the distant country while attacking the nearer one" ], "machine": [ "close attack", "attack from afar and attack from near", "attack from afar", "attacking from afar" ] }, { "id": 3919, "chinese": "远见卓识", "gold": "farsighted", "human": [ "foresight and sagacity" ], "machine": [ "Visionary", "Visionary and wise", "Visionary and wisdom" ] }, { "id": 3920, "chinese": "远水不解近渴", "gold": "distant water cannot quench present thirst - the aid is too slow in coming to be of any help", "human": [], "machine": [ "Far water does not quench thirst near", "distant water does not cure present thirst" ] }, { "id": 3921, "chinese": "远水不救近火", "gold": "water far away is not of much use in putting out a fire", "human": [ "distant water won't put out a fire close at hand - a slow remedy cannot meet an urgency" ], "machine": [ "Far water does not save near fire", "a slow remedy does not address the current emergency" ] }, { "id": 3922, "chinese": "远走高飞", "gold": "get away from home", "human": [ "run far away and fly high up", "slip away to a distant place", "be off to distant parts" ], "machine": [ "fly away", "Go far away", "Go far" ] }, { "id": 3923, "chinese": "适逢其会", "gold": "happen to be present at the right moment", "human": [], "machine": [ "coincides with the meeting", "opportune moment", "opportune time to meet", "opportune meeting", "opportune time for a meeting" ] }, { "id": 3924, "chinese": "适得其反", "gold": "on the contrary", "human": [ "run counter to one's desires", "lead to just the opposite", "accomplish the very opposite", "be just the opposite of what one wishes", "be just the reverse" ], "machine": [ "backfire", "counterproductive", "counter-productive" ] }, { "id": 3925, "chinese": "适可而止", "gold": "not overdo it", "human": [ "stop before going too far", "know when or where to stop", "stop where you reach the limit", "be satisfied with what is proper", "a little wind kindles, much puts out the fire" ], "machine": [ "enough", "stop while you're ahead", "stop before it's too late", "stop while you can", "stop before you go" ] }, { "id": 3926, "chinese": "迟疑不决", "gold": "be undecided", "human": [ "hesitate to make a decision", "be irresolute" ], "machine": [ "indecision", "hesitant to decide", "Hesitant", "Hesitation" ] }, { "id": 3927, "chinese": "遗臭万年", "gold": "an everlasting shame", "human": [ "leave a stink for ten thousand years", "go down in history as a byword of infamy", "leave a bad name for thousands of years to come", "leave a name that stinks through the ages", "leave a bad name forever", "be condemned by posterity" ], "machine": [ "stink forever", "have a lasting legacy" ] }, { "id": 3928, "chinese": "避坑落井", "gold": "escape one difficulty only to fall into another", "human": [ "dodge a pit only to fall into a well" ], "machine": [ "Avoid pits and fall into wells", "avoiding pits and falling into wells" ] }, { "id": 3929, "chinese": "避其锐气,击其惰归", "gold": "avoid the enemy when he is fresh and strike him down when he is tired and withdrawn", "human": [], "machine": [ "Avoid its sharpness, strike its idleness", "avoid their sharpness and strike their inertia" ] }, { "id": 3930, "chinese": "避重就轻", "gold": "avoid the important and dwell on the trivial", "human": [ "choose the light and avoid the heavy", "shirk the difficult and take the easy", "evade serious matters and take up trifles", "take up the minor issue to evade the major one" ], "machine": [ "light weight", "avoiding the important and avoiding the trivial" ] }, { "id": 3931, "chinese": "避实就虚", "gold": "strike where the enemy is weakest", "human": [ "stay clear of the enemy's main force and strike at his weak points", "dwell on the abstract to avoid real issues" ], "machine": [ "avoid reality", "stay clear of the real and stay clear of the imaginary" ] }, { "id": 3932, "chinese": "邂逅相遇", "gold": "meet", "human": [ "unexpectedly", "meet by chance" ], "machine": [ "encounter encounter" ] }, { "id": 3933, "chinese": "邪魔歪道", "gold": "crooked ways", "human": [ "dishonest practices" ], "machine": [ "Demon crooked way", "evil spirits and crooked ways", "evil and crooked path", "evil and crooked", "devilish and crooked" ] }, { "id": 3934, "chinese": "邯郸学步", "gold": "lose one's own individuality in imitating others", "human": [ "slavishly imitate others and lose one's own originality", "following others and losing one's own originality", "in attempting to walk like a swan, the crow loses its own", "gait" ], "machine": [ "Handan toddler", "Handan learns to walk in the same direction" ] }, { "id": 3935, "chinese": "郑重其事", "gold": "seriously", "human": [ "take something seriously", "act with due care and respect", "assume a serious attitude to", "in earnest" ], "machine": [ "serious about the matter", "serious about it", "serious" ] }, { "id": 3936, "chinese": "酌情处理", "gold": "settle a matter as one sees fit", "human": [ "act at one's discretion", "do as the situation demands" ], "machine": [ "discretion", "Discretionary", "Discretionary treatment" ] }, { "id": 3937, "chinese": "酒囊饭袋", "gold": "a good-for-nothing person", "human": [ "wine sack and rice bag - a term of abuse for a gluttonous man who is also useless and ignorant" ], "machine": [ "wine bag rice bag", "wine sack, food bag", "useless person, only fit for guzzling and boozing" ] }, { "id": 3938, "chinese": "酒肉朋友", "gold": "fair-weather friends", "human": [ "wine-and-meat friends" ], "machine": [ "wine and meat friends", "Friends with Wine and Meat", "Friends in Wine", "Friends with Wine", "Friends in Liquor" ] }, { "id": 3939, "chinese": "酗酒滋事", "gold": "get drunk and create a disturbance", "human": [], "machine": [ "alcoholism", "alcoholism and nuisance", "Alcoholism and Trouble", "drunkenness and nuisance" ] }, { "id": 3940, "chinese": "酩酊大醉", "gold": "be dead drunk", "human": [ "as drunk as a lord" ], "machine": [ "drunk", "dead drunk" ] }, { "id": 3941, "chinese": "醉生梦死", "gold": "live a life of dreams", "human": [ "live as if intoxicated or dreaming", "lead a befuddled life", "lead a happy-go-lucky life" ], "machine": [ "Drunk life and dream death", "in a drunken stupor", "in a drunken dream", "a drunken dream", "inebriated dream" ] }, { "id": 3942, "chinese": "醉翁之意不在酒", "gold": "though one professes to be a drinker, he is really not interested in wine", "human": [ "the drinker's heart is not in the cup", "have ulterior motives" ], "machine": [ "The drunkard's intention is not the wine", "with an ulterior motive", "with an axe to grind" ] }, { "id": 3943, "chinese": "醍醐灌顶", "gold": "be enlightened", "human": [ "pour the rich liquor on a man's head - increase one's wisdom", "be filled with wisdom", "feel cool and comfortable as if being sprinkled with rich liquor", "suddenly feel refreshed" ], "machine": [ "Daigo empowerment", "the best of all worlds", "the purest of all" ] }, { "id": 3944, "chinese": "丑态百出", "gold": "utterly ridiculous", "human": [ "act like a buffoon", "cut a contemptible figure" ], "machine": [ "in a hideous state", "in all its ugliness", "in an ugly state", "in full ugliness" ] }, { "id": 3945, "chinese": "重蹈覆辙", "gold": "recommit the same error", "human": [ "get on to the route of an over-turned cart", "follow the same old disastrous road", "fall into the rut" ], "machine": [ "repeat the same mistakes", "repeat the same mistake", "repeat a disastrous mistake", "repeat a mistake" ] }, { "id": 3946, "chinese": "重见天日", "gold": "once more see the light of day - be delivered from oppression or persecution", "human": [], "machine": [ "see the sun again", "see the light again", "Seeing the light again" ] }, { "id": 3947, "chinese": "重整旗鼓", "gold": "rally one's forces", "human": [ "regroup for battle", "dig up the hatchet" ], "machine": [ "Regroup", "reorganize the flag and drums", "Reorganize the flag", "Reorganize the flag and drum", "Reorganize your flag" ] }, { "id": 3948, "chinese": "重温旧梦", "gold": "revive an old dream", "human": [ "renew the old romance", "relive an old experience", "again indulge in one's pipe-dreams" ], "machine": [ "relive old dreams", "revisit old dreams", "relive the old dream" ] }, { "id": 3949, "chinese": "野心勃勃", "gold": "driven by wild ambition", "human": [ "be obsessed with ambition" ], "machine": [ "Ambitious", "ambition" ] }, { "id": 3950, "chinese": "量力而行", "gold": "act according to one's ability", "human": [ "do what one is capable of", "do what one's strength allows" ], "machine": [ "Do what you can", "Do your best", "Do as you can" ] }, { "id": 3951, "chinese": "量入为出", "gold": "make both ends meet", "human": [ "keep expenditures within the limit of income", "base one's expenditures upon one's income", "live within one's means", "cut one's coat according to one's cloth" ], "machine": [ "Live within your means", "You can only spend what you earn." ] }, { "id": 3952, "chinese": "量材录用", "gold": "assign jobs to people according to their talents", "human": [ "give one employment commensurate with his abilities", "give somebody work suited to his abilities" ], "machine": [ "Quantity material acceptance", "Measure and hire", "Measure the material and hire", "Measure and employ", "Measurements" ] }, { "id": 3953, "chinese": "金碧辉煌", "gold": "resplendent and magnificent", "human": [ "looking splendid in green and gold", "magnificent", "splendid" ], "machine": [ "resplendent", "Infinity", "Gold and Blue", "Gold & Green", "Infinite" ] }, { "id": 3954, "chinese": "金戈铁马", "gold": "shining spears and armoured horses - a symbol of war in ancient China", "human": [], "machine": [ "Golden Horse", "Golden Gorges and Iron Horses", "Golden Gorges and Iron Horse", "Golden Goblet" ] }, { "id": 3955, "chinese": "金科玉律", "gold": "laws and regulations", "human": [ "golden rule and precious precept", "infallible law" ], "machine": [ "The golden rule", "golden rule", "Golden rules" ] }, { "id": 3956, "chinese": "金口玉言", "gold": "precious words", "human": [ "oracular words" ], "machine": [ "Chrysostom", "golden words", "golden mouth, jade words" ] }, { "id": 3957, "chinese": "金蝉脱壳", "gold": "escape unnoticed", "human": [ "cicada leaving behind its cast-off part in molting - a disappearing act from an entangled situation", "slip out of a predicament like a cicada sloughing its skin", "escape like a cicada by casting off its skin", "stratagem for slinking off" ], "machine": [ "Golden cicada shells", "a golden cicada sheds its shell", "the cicada sheds its shell" ] }, { "id": 3958, "chinese": "金城汤池", "gold": "a strong, well-guarded city", "human": [ "metal walls and scalding moat - an impregnable city", "ramparts of metal and a moat of boiling water - impregnable fortress", "strongly fortified city" ], "machine": [ "Jincheng Tangchi", "Jincheng Tangsi", "Golden City Tang Pool" ] }, { "id": 3959, "chinese": "金石为开", "gold": "the utmost sincerity can influence even the metal and stone", "human": [], "machine": [ "gold stone is open", "gold and stone are open", "gold and stones are open" ] }, { "id": 3960, "chinese": "金字招牌", "gold": "gold-lettered signboard", "human": [ "a vainglorious title" ], "machine": [ "golden signboard", "Gold sign", "Gold signboard", "Gold signage", "Gold signboards" ] }, { "id": 3961, "chinese": "金瓯无缺", "gold": "unimpaired territorial integrity", "human": [], "machine": [ "Ca Mau is flawless", "Ca Mau is free", "Ca Mau is free of any defects", "Ca Mau without a trace" ] }, { "id": 3962, "chinese": "金玉良言", "gold": "valuable advice", "human": [ "a golden saying" ], "machine": [ "Jin Yuliangyan", "gems of wisdom", "priceless advice" ] }, { "id": 3963, "chinese": "金玉其外,败絮其中", "gold": "shining on the outside but rotten on the inside", "human": [ "rubbish coated in gold and jade", "being superficially showy but actually of little value or worth", "fair without and foul within", "the apple of Sodom" ], "machine": [ "The gold and jade are outside, andthe corruption is in it.", "gilded exterior, shabby and ruined inside" ] }, { "id": 3964, "chinese": "釜底抽薪", "gold": "take a drastic measure to deal with a situation", "human": [ "extract the firewood from under a cauldron - a fundamental solution", "withdraw fuel from a boiling cauldron" ], "machine": [ "Salary from the bottom of the pot", "pull the rug out from underneath", "pull the rug from underneath" ] }, { "id": 3965, "chinese": "釜底游鱼", "gold": "person whose fate is seated", "human": [ "the fish swimming in the pot - its pleasure is of short duration", "a fish swimming in the bottom of a cauldron", "near one's end", "one's doom is sealed" ], "machine": [ "bottom fish", "a fish at the bottom of the pot" ] }, { "id": 3966, "chinese": "针锋相对", "gold": "blow for blow", "human": [ "stand in sharp opposition to", "be diametrically opposed to", "contrast sharply with", "wage a tit-for-tat struggle against someone" ], "machine": [ "tit for tat", "oppose each other with equal harshness" ] }, { "id": 3967, "chinese": "勾心斗角", "gold": "jockey for position", "human": [ "intrigue against each other" ], "machine": [ "intrigue", "hook, line and sinker", "hook and line", "hook and sinker", "hooking and fighting" ] }, { "id": 3968, "chinese": "银样蜡枪头", "gold": "a pewter spearhead that shines like silver - an impressive looking but useless person", "human": [], "machine": [ "Silver wax tip", "silver pattern wax gun head", "silver pattern wax head", "silver pattern wax gun" ] }, { "id": 3969, "chinese": "钢筋铁骨", "gold": "a brass and iron constitution - a strong man", "human": [], "machine": [ "Reinforced iron bones", "steel and iron bones", "steel and iron" ] }, { "id": 3970, "chinese": "铜墙铁壁", "gold": "impregnable fortress", "human": [ "wall of iron and brass", "wall of bronze", "a bastion of iron" ], "machine": [ "iron wall", "Copper walls and iron walls", "Copper Wall" ] }, { "id": 3971, "chinese": "铢积寸累", "gold": "accumulate little by little", "human": [ "build up bit by bit" ], "machine": [ "Accumulation of baht", "accumulate over a long period of time", "accumulate at an early stage", "accumulate over time" ] }, { "id": 3972, "chinese": "铭感终身", "gold": "remain deeply grateful for the rest of one's life", "human": [], "machine": [ "Impressive for life", "A Lifetime of Insight", "A Lifetime of Memories" ] }, { "id": 3973, "chinese": "铭记不忘", "gold": "be engraved on one's heart", "human": [ "bear in mind", "be inscribed on one's memory", "be branded in one's memory", "be imprinted on one's mind" ], "machine": [ "never forget", "Remember not to forget", "Remembering not to forget", "Remembering not forgetting" ] }, { "id": 3974, "chinese": "锐不可当", "gold": "be an irresistible force", "human": [ "cannot be checked" ], "machine": [ "unstoppable", "sharp as a tack", "sharp and unstoppable", "unbeatable" ] }, { "id": 3975, "chinese": "销声匿迹", "gold": "keep silent and lie tow", "human": [ "disappear from the scene", "draw in one's horns" ], "machine": [ "disappeared", "disappear without a trace", "disappear without trace", "disappear from sight" ] }, { "id": 3976, "chinese": "铤而走险", "gold": "rush headlong into danger", "human": [ "become reckless in desperation, like an animal at bay", "risk danger in desperation", "make a reckless move", "take a risk", "neck or nothing" ], "machine": [ "Take the risk", "Desperate", "Desperation", "Desperate to take risks", "Desperate to take a risk" ] }, { "id": 3977, "chinese": "锋芒毕露", "gold": "make a showy display of one's abilities", "human": [ "make oneself too remarkable" ], "machine": [ "hard-edged", "sharpness", "sharpness of the blade", "sharpness and power" ] }, { "id": 3978, "chinese": "锋芒逼人", "gold": "display one's talent in an aggressive manner", "human": [ "insufferably haughty" ], "machine": [ "Sharp", "Sharpness is compelling", "Sharpness", "Sharp and compelling" ] }, { "id": 3979, "chinese": "锋芒所向", "gold": "target of attack", "human": [ "direct the spearhead against", "direct the sharp edge at a struggle against" ], "machine": [ "The direction of the edge", "Where the front is", "Where the front is directed", "Where the front goes" ] }, { "id": 3980, "chinese": "锄强扶弱", "gold": "get rid of the strong and help the weak", "human": [ "fight for the weak to vanquish the strong" ], "machine": [ "Hoe the strong and help the weak", "Weeding out the strong and supporting the weak" ] }, { "id": 3981, "chinese": "铺天盖地", "gold": "blot out the sky and cover up the earth", "human": [ "like a ton of bricks" ], "machine": [ "overwhelming", "the sky is covered with" ] }, { "id": 3982, "chinese": "铺张浪费", "gold": "extravagant", "human": [ "extravagance and waste", "wasteful" ], "machine": [ "extravagance", "extravagant and wasteful" ] }, { "id": 3983, "chinese": "锱铢必较", "gold": "dispute over every detail", "human": [ "counting cents and pennies", "haggle over every penny" ], "machine": [ "Baht must be compared", "every cent counts", "every penny counts", "every cent is a dollar", "every bit as much as the other" ] }, { "id": 3984, "chinese": "钱可通神", "gold": "money makes the mare go", "human": [ "money can move the gods" ], "machine": [ "money can be transcendental", "money is all-powerful", "Money can be a god", "money can be used to help God" ] }, { "id": 3985, "chinese": "锦囊妙计", "gold": "a master stroke", "human": [ "instructions for dealing with an emergency", "wise counsel", "a secret master plan", "ace in the hole", "stratagem up one's sleeve", "have a card up one's sleeve" ], "machine": [ "Tips and Tricks", "The best plan", "The magic plan" ] }, { "id": 3986, "chinese": "锦绣河山", "gold": "beautiful land", "human": [ "a land of charm and beauty", "beautiful landscape" ], "machine": [ "splendid rivers and mountains", "Fairview River and Mountain", "Fairview River and Mountains", "Fairview River & Mountain", "Fairview River" ] }, { "id": 3987, "chinese": "锦绣前程", "gold": "glorious future", "human": [ "bright prospect" ], "machine": [ "Bright future", "Fairway", "Fairview", "Fairways" ] }, { "id": 3988, "chinese": "锦上添花", "gold": "win honor one after another in quick succession", "human": [ "add flowers to the brocade", "make perfection still more perfect", "add flowers to an embroidery" ], "machine": [ "icing on the cake", "The icing on the cake" ] }, { "id": 3989, "chinese": "错综复杂", "gold": "complicated", "human": [ "intricate", "complex", "involute", "perplexing", "labyrinthine" ], "machine": [ "intricate and complex", "intricate and complicated", "convoluted" ] }, { "id": 3990, "chinese": "锲而不舍", "gold": "keep on carving unflaggingly - work with perseverance", "human": [], "machine": [ "perseverance", "perseverance and persistence" ] }, { "id": 3991, "chinese": "镜花水月", "gold": "flowers in a mirror and the moon in water - an illusion", "human": [ "beautiful but evanescent dreams", "insubstantial" ], "machine": [ "Through the mirror", "Mirror and Moon", "Mirror", "Mirrors and Moon" ] }, { "id": 3992, "chinese": "铁面无私", "gold": "impartial and incorruptible", "human": [ "unmoved by personal appeals, without fear or favor", "a man of integrity and justice", "inflexibly just" ], "machine": [ "unselfish", "iron mask and selflessness", "iron face and selflessness", "ironclad and selfless", "iron mask and selfless" ] }, { "id": 3993, "chinese": "铁证如山", "gold": "irrefutable proof", "human": [ "the ironclad details pile up mountain high", "ironclad fact which one can never succeed in denying", "irrefutable, conclusive evidence" ], "machine": [ "Hard evidence", "irrefutable evidence", "ironclad evidence" ] }, { "id": 3994, "chinese": "铁石心肠", "gold": "unmoved by feeling", "human": [ "have a heart of iron or stone", "as hard as the nether millstone", "weep millstones", "marble-hearted", "hardhearted", "iron-hearted" ], "machine": [ "Heart of stone", "hard-hearted", "hard-heartedness" ] }, { "id": 3995, "chinese": "铁树开花", "gold": "the iron tree in blossom - something seldom seen or hardly possible", "human": [ "the iron tree bursting into blossom" ], "machine": [ "iron tree blossom", "Iron Tree blooms", "Iron tree blooming" ] }, { "id": 3996, "chinese": "铁案如山", "gold": "borne out by ironclad evidence", "human": [], "machine": [ "The iron case is like a mountain", "iron case like a mountain", "an iron case like a mountain" ] }, { "id": 3997, "chinese": "铸成大错", "gold": "make a gross error", "human": [ "make a grave mistake", "put one's foot in it", "commit a howler" ], "machine": [ "make a big mistake", "make a huge mistake", "make a serious mistake" ] }, { "id": 3998, "chinese": "鉴往知来", "gold": "see visions of things by experiences", "human": [], "machine": [ "Learn from the past", "observe the past to learn the future" ] }, { "id": 3999, "chinese": "钻牛角尖", "gold": "get into a dead end", "human": [ "take unnecessary pains to study an insignificant or insoluble problem" ], "machine": [ "horns", "penetrate into a bull's horn", "split hairs", "a wild goose chase" ] }, { "id": 4000, "chinese": "长篇大论", "gold": "a lengthy speech", "human": [ "a ponderous thesis", "long-windedness" ], "machine": [ "tirade", "long-winded speech", "long-winded talk", "long speech", "lengthy discussion" ] }, { "id": 4001, "chinese": "长年累月", "gold": "year in year out", "human": [ "months and years", "over the years" ], "machine": [ "for years and years", "over a long period of time", "for years and months" ] }, { "id": 4002, "chinese": "长驱直入", "gold": "drive deep into", "human": [ "drive straight in" ], "machine": [ "long drive", "Long drive in" ] }, { "id": 4003, "chinese": "长嘘短叹", "gold": "sigh incessantly", "human": [ "deep groans", "moan and groan", "whine" ], "machine": [ "Hush and sigh", "long hush and short sigh", "long pout and short sigh" ] }, { "id": 4004, "chinese": "长此以往", "gold": "if things continue this way", "human": [ "if things go on like this", "if always going on like this" ], "machine": [ "for along time", "in the long run", "in the long term" ] }, { "id": 4005, "chinese": "门当户对", "gold": "well-matched - of a matrimonial alliance", "human": [ "be well-matched in social and economic status" ], "machine": [ "match", "the families are well-matched", "the right family", "well-matched" ] }, { "id": 4006, "chinese": "门庭若市", "gold": "a much visited house", "human": [ "the courtyard is as crowded as a marketplace" ], "machine": [ "Ting Ruo city", "a place with many doors open", "a busy market", "a busy market with many doors" ] }, { "id": 4007, "chinese": "门可罗雀", "gold": "where visitors are few and far between", "human": [ "you can catch sparrows on the doorstep", "birds may be snared at the door - of a deserted house" ], "machine": [ "Moncrow", "you can net sparrows at the door", "completely deserted" ] }, { "id": 4008, "chinese": "门户之见", "gold": "sectarian views", "human": [ "parochial prejudice", "sectarianism" ], "machine": [ "portal view", "Portal views" ] }, { "id": 4009, "chinese": "闪烁其辞", "gold": "speak evasively", "human": [ "evade issues", "dodge about", "hedge" ], "machine": [ "flicker" ] }, { "id": 4010, "chinese": "闭门羹", "gold": "receive a cold-shoulder treatment", "human": [ "be denied entrance", "slam the door in one's face", "find the door slammed", "meet with a door banged shut", "be left out in the cold" ], "machine": [ "closed door", "close the door", "closed shop", "closed-door meeting" ] }, { "id": 4011, "chinese": "闭门造车", "gold": "draw up plans behind closed doors", "human": [ "make a cart behind closed doors", "work at some project without reference to the actual needs", "divorce oneself from the masses and from reality and act blindly", "impractical" ], "machine": [ "behind closed doors", "build a cart behind closed doors", "be a closed book" ] }, { "id": 4012, "chinese": "闭门思过", "gold": "ponder over one's mistakes in solitude", "human": [ "shut oneself up and ponder over one's mistakes", "meditate on one's own faults behind closed doors", "reflect on one's misdeeds in private" ], "machine": [ "thought behind closed doors", "close the door and think about it" ] }, { "id": 4013, "chinese": "闭目塞听", "gold": "shut one's eyes and stop up one's ears - be out of touch with reality", "human": [ "turn a blind eye and a deaf ear", "shut one's eyes and ears", "blind obstinacy" ], "machine": [ "Close your eyes and listen", "shut one's eyes and stop one's ears" ] }, { "id": 4014, "chinese": "闭关自守", "gold": "closed-door", "human": [ "stop international intercourse for defence", "close the country to trade", "live in isolation" ], "machine": [ "closed door", "close the country and keep to oneself", "close the country to itself", "close the country to oneself" ] }, { "id": 4015, "chinese": "闭关锁国", "gold": "lock one's doors against the world", "human": [ "close the communications at the borders", "close the border" ], "machine": [ "closed country", "closed and sealed off" ] }, { "id": 4016, "chinese": "闭塞眼睛捉麻雀", "gold": "act blindly", "human": [ "try to catch sparrows with one's eyes blindfolded" ], "machine": [ "Close your eyes to catch sparrows", "Catching sparrows with eyes closed" ] }, { "id": 4017, "chinese": "开门见山", "gold": "put it bluntly", "human": [ "declare one's intention immediately", "without beating about the bush", "let the door open on a view of mountains - come straight to the point" ], "machine": [ "Straight to the point", "Open the door and see the mountain" ] }, { "id": 4018, "chinese": "开门揖盗", "gold": "ask for trouble", "human": [ "open the door for the robbers - let in disaster by inviting evildoers", "put the cat near the goldfish bowl" ], "machine": [ "open the door", "leaving the door open invites the thief" ] }, { "id": 4019, "chinese": "开台锣鼓", "gold": "a flourish of gongs and drums introducing a theatrical performance", "human": [], "machine": [ "gongs and drums", "opening gong", "gong for opening ceremony", "gong for opening the stage" ] }, { "id": 4020, "chinese": "开天辟地", "gold": "epoch-making", "human": [ "since the separation of heaven and earth - since the beginning of history", "from the creation of the universe" ], "machine": [ "open up the world", "open up the heavens and open up the earth", "open up the heavens" ] }, { "id": 4021, "chinese": "开花结果", "gold": "blossom bear fruit - yield positive results", "human": [], "machine": [ "Bloom and bear fruit", "Blooming", "Blooming results", "Blooming and fruitful", "Blooming and fruit" ] }, { "id": 4022, "chinese": "开卷有益", "gold": "reading enriches the mind", "human": [ "reading is always profitable" ], "machine": [ "Unwinding is beneficial", "Opening a book is beneficial", "Opening a book is good for you" ] }, { "id": 4023, "chinese": "开诚布公", "gold": "speak frankly and sincerely", "human": [ "open one's heart to somebody", "come out into the open", "straight from the shoulder", "wear one's heart on one's sleeve", "unbosom" ], "machine": [ "open and honest", "Let's be frank and open-minded.", "Let's be frank and open", "Let's talk frankly and openly.", "Let's be honest and open." ] }, { "id": 4024, "chinese": "开山祖师", "gold": "a founder", "human": [ "the founder of a religious sect or a school of thought", "an originator" ], "machine": [ "The founder of the mountain", "Founding Fathers", "founder of the mountain", "founding master", "founding father" ] }, { "id": 4025, "chinese": "开宗明义", "gold": "make clear the purpose and main theme from the very beginning", "human": [ "make clear the purpose in the opening chapter or sentences" ], "machine": [ "First and foremost", "start with the obvious", "start off with the obvious", "start with the right word", "start of the main text" ] }, { "id": 4026, "chinese": "开源节流", "gold": "earn more income and cut down expenses", "human": [ "open up the source and regulate the flow", "tap new sources of revenue and economize on the expenditures", "find new sources of income while cutting down expenses" ], "machine": [ "Open source and reduce expenditure", "Open the source and cut the flow", "Open the source and save money" ] }, { "id": 4027, "chinese": "闲情逸致", "gold": "leisurely and carefree mood", "human": [ "in the mood for enjoyment", "romantic or poetic fancy", "mood for relaxation" ], "machine": [ "Leisurely", "leisure and relaxation", "leisurely moods", "leisurely mood", "leisure and pleasure" ] }, { "id": 4028, "chinese": "关怀备至", "gold": "show somebody every consideration", "human": [ "show the utmost solicitude" ], "machine": [ "caring to", "the utmost care" ] }, { "id": 4029, "chinese": "防不胜防", "gold": "impossible to defend effectively", "human": [ "no way to prevent absolutely", "very hard to guard against" ], "machine": [ "hard to guard against", "Can't be prevented", "It can't be prevented" ] }, { "id": 4030, "chinese": "防患未然", "gold": "take preventive measures", "human": [ "prevent trouble before it happens", "make provisions before troubles occur", "provide against possible trouble", "take precautions against calamity" ], "machine": [ "Take precautions", "Prevention is better than cure", "Preventive measures" ] }, { "id": 4031, "chinese": "防意如城", "gold": "guard the thoughts of the heart as you would defend a city", "human": [], "machine": [ "Defense is like a city", "Prevention is like a city", "Prevention is like the city", "Prevention is like city" ] }, { "id": 4032, "chinese": "防微杜渐", "gold": "check in the bud", "human": [ "destroy evils before they become apparent", "crush in the egg", "stifle in the cradle" ], "machine": [ "Anti-microduplication", "Preventing microscopic problems" ] }, { "id": 4033, "chinese": "阿谀逢迎", "gold": "act as the yes-man", "human": [ "flatter and toady", "stoop to flattery", "pay one's court to", "lay it on with a trowel", "curry favor with", "flatter and fawn on", "butter up a person", "adulate" ], "machine": [ "flattery", "flattering and fawning", "flattering", "flatter and welcome" ] }, { "id": 4034, "chinese": "附赘悬疣", "gold": "a thing of no use", "human": [ "a thing of no purpose", "unneeded things", "something redundant and not needed" ], "machine": [ "epiphyseal wart", "superfluous warts", "superfluous wart" ] }, { "id": 4035, "chinese": "降龙伏虎", "gold": "subdue the dragon and tame the tiger - overcome powerful adversaries", "human": [], "machine": [ "Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger", "subdue the dragon and vanquish the tiger", "vanquish dragons and tigers", "vanquish the dragon and tiger", "subdue dragons and tigers" ] }, { "id": 4036, "chinese": "降格以求", "gold": "fall back on something inferior to what one originally wanted", "human": [ "set one's aim lower than usual, look for without insisting on the best", "accept a second best" ], "machine": [ "downgrade", "downgrading for", "downgrading", "downgrading for the" ] }, { "id": 4037, "chinese": "除暴安良", "gold": "get rid of bullies and bring peace to good people", "human": [ "suppress the evil and quiet the good", "weed out the wicked and let the law-abiding citizens live in peace", "drive out the rascals and protect the people" ], "machine": [ "An Liang", "eliminate violence and give people peace", "to rob the rich and give to the poor" ] }, { "id": 4038, "chinese": "除旧布新", "gold": "ring out the old, ring in the new", "human": [ "eliminate the old to make way for the new", "do away with the old and set up the new" ], "machine": [ "Remove old cloth and new", "Get rid of the old and bring in the new" ] }, { "id": 4039, "chinese": "除恶务尽", "gold": "uproot evils", "human": [ "one must be thorough in exterminating an evil", "all evils must be thoroughly done away with" ], "machine": [ "do away with evil", "eradicate evil completely", "thorough in rooting out wickedness" ] }, { "id": 4040, "chinese": "阴谋诡计", "gold": "plot", "human": [ "schemes and intrigues", "intrigues and plots", "conspiracies and plots", "intrigues and manoeuvres", "underhand schemes and machinations", "dark and crafty devices", "underhand methods", "scheme", "ruse" ], "machine": [ "intrigue", "intrigue and trickery", "intrigue and subterfuge", "conspiracy and trickery" ] }, { "id": 4041, "chinese": "阴魂不散", "gold": "haunting spectre", "human": [ "the soul refuses to leave", "the ghost of ... inexorably hangs on", "the shadow of ... still lingers on" ], "machine": [ "haunted", "the spirit of a deceased has not yet dispersed", "the spirit is still alive" ] }, { "id": 4042, "chinese": "阴错阳差", "gold": "a strange combination of circumstances", "human": [], "machine": [ "yin and yang difference", "a mistake and a misunderstanding", "a mistake and an error", "a mistake and an accident" ] }, { "id": 4043, "chinese": "阴阳怪气", "gold": "eccentric", "human": [ "mystifying", "enigmatic", "queer", "cynical" ], "machine": [ "yin and yang", "peculiar and mysterious", "peculiar", "eerie" ] }, { "id": 4044, "chinese": "陈规陋习", "gold": "outworn customs and bad habits", "human": [ "out-dated conventions and bad customs" ], "machine": [ "stereotypes", "old-fashioned ways" ] }, { "id": 4045, "chinese": "陈陈相因", "gold": "follow a set routine", "human": [ "keep on doing something without any change", "follow the beaten track", "stay in the same old groove" ], "machine": [ "Chen Chen Xiangyin", "follow a set pattern of events" ] }, { "id": 4046, "chinese": "陈词滥调", "gold": "cliché", "human": [ "a hackneyed and stereotyped phrase", "worn-out lingoes", "soften-repeated trash", "old stuff", "hoary platitude", "truism" ], "machine": [ "cliche", "clichéd words", "stereotype" ] }, { "id": 4047, "chinese": "陷身囹圄", "gold": "be thrown into prison", "human": [ "be sent to prison", "be put in prison" ], "machine": [ "behind bars" ] }, { "id": 4048, "chinese": "阳奉阴违", "gold": "comply in public but oppose in private", "human": [ "overtly agree but covertly oppose", "feign compliance while acting in opposition", "outwardly compliant but inwardly unsubmissive" ], "machine": [ "Yang follows yin", "agree overtly, but oppose in secret" ] }, { "id": 4049, "chinese": "阳春白雪", "gold": "highbrow art and literature", "human": [ "the Spring Snow - something selected and among the best" ], "machine": [ "spring and snow", "the sun and the snow", "the sun and snow", "the sunny side up" ] }, { "id": 4050, "chinese": "隔墙有耳", "gold": "beware of eavesdroppers", "human": [ "walls have ears" ], "machine": [ "wall has ears", "There are ears on the walls." ] }, { "id": 4051, "chinese": "隔靴搔痒", "gold": "fail to lay one's finger on the right spot", "human": [ "scratch an itch from outside the boot - attempt an ineffective solution" ], "machine": [ "scratching", "scratch an itch in the middle of a boot" ] }, { "id": 4052, "chinese": "隔岸观火", "gold": "look on at somebody's trouble with indifference", "human": [ "watch a fire on the other side of the river - showing utter unconcern" ], "machine": [ "Watching the fire from the other side", "watch the fires burning across the river" ] }, { "id": 4053, "chinese": "随波逐流", "gold": "follow the current", "human": [ "go with the stream", "go with the current", "drift with the tide", "follow the winds and waves", "sail with the stream", "serve the hour", "time-serving" ], "machine": [ "go with the flow", "Follow the wave and go with the flow", "Follow the Wave" ] }, { "id": 4054, "chinese": "随风转舵", "gold": "take one's cue from changing conditions", "human": [ "sail with the wind", "trim one's sails" ], "machine": [ "turn the rudder with the wind", "turn the tide with the wind" ] }, { "id": 4055, "chinese": "随机应变", "gold": "rise to the occasion", "human": [ "adapt oneself to changing conditions", "act according to circumstances", "do as the circumstances dictate", "adjust to changing circumstances", "decide according to changing situations", "be guided by the turn of events", "use one's own discretion", "make decisions on the spot", "change to suit the occasion", "play to the score", "as occasion demands" ], "machine": [ "improvised", "Randomization", "randomly" ] }, { "id": 4056, "chinese": "随心所欲", "gold": "have one's own way", "human": [ "follow one's inclinations", "do as one pleases", "do as the heart desires", "at one's own sweet will", "in a slipshod way", "wilfully", "arbitrarily" ], "machine": [ "do whatever you want", "follow your heart's desires", "Follow your heart" ] }, { "id": 4057, "chinese": "随声附和", "gold": "agree to what other people say", "human": [ "echo what others say", "chime in with others", "follow the crowd", "follow the majority blindly", "yes-men add their voices to the chorus" ], "machine": [ "echo", "parrot other people's words", "parrot along with others" ] }, { "id": 4058, "chinese": "随遇而安", "gold": "be able to adapt oneself to different circumstances", "human": [ "feel at home wherever one is" ], "machine": [ "whatever happens", "At ease with the situation", "At ease with the encounter", "At home with what you see", "At home in the world" ] }, { "id": 4059, "chinese": "隐晦曲折", "gold": "veiled and round-about", "human": [ "insidious and devious" ], "machine": [ "Obscure twists and turns", "Obscure twist", "Obscure twists" ] }, { "id": 4060, "chinese": "隐姓埋名", "gold": "live incognito", "human": [ "conceal one's name and surname", "conceal one's identity", "keep one's identity hidden", "live in the shadow" ], "machine": [ "incognito", "anonymity", "anonymous" ] }, { "id": 4061, "chinese": "隐恶扬善", "gold": "hide somebody's wrongdoing and praise his good deeds", "human": [ "cover up somebody's faults and publicize his merits", "conceal what is evil and publish what is good", "conceal faults of others and praise their good points" ], "machine": [ "hide evil and promote good", "conceal the evil and promote the good", "conceal evil and promote good" ] }, { "id": 4062, "chinese": "隐约其辞", "gold": "use ambiguous language", "human": [ "speak in equivocal terms", "implicit meaning" ], "machine": [ "vaguely", "vague or ambiguous language", "vague and ambiguous language", "vague or ambiguous speech", "vague or ambiguous words" ] }, { "id": 4063, "chinese": "雄心壮志", "gold": "great and lofty aspirations", "human": [ "lofty aspirations and great ideals", "lofty aspirations and high aims", "lofty ambitions" ], "machine": [ "Ambitious", "Ambition", "Ambitions" ] }, { "id": 4064, "chinese": "雄才大略", "gold": "great talent and bold vision", "human": [ "outstanding ability", "rare gifts and bold strategy" ], "machine": [ "Great talent", "great skill and strategy", "great skill and ability", "great skill" ] }, { "id": 4065, "chinese": "雅俗共赏", "gold": "give pleasure both to the refined and the vulgar", "human": [ "appeal to both the more and the less cultured", "suit both refined and popular tastes" ], "machine": [ "Both refined and popular", "refined and elegant" ] }, { "id": 4066, "chinese": "集思广益", "gold": "good at listening to all useful opinions", "human": [ "draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas", "pool the wisdom of the masses", "benefit by mutual discussion" ], "machine": [ "brainstorm", "Brainstorming", "Collecting ideas" ] }, { "id": 4067, "chinese": "集腋成裘", "gold": "many drops of water make an ocean", "human": [ "the finest fragments of fox fur sewn together will make a robe - many a little makes a mickle", "the bits of fur from the axillae of many foxes taken together will make a robe" ], "machine": [ "Combine armpits into fur", "The collection of armpits becomes a fur coat" ] }, { "id": 4068, "chinese": "雕虫小技", "gold": "insignificant skill", "human": [ "the trifling skill of a scribe", "literary skill of no high order" ], "machine": [ "Bug carving tricks", "skill of an insignificant talent", "skill of a sculptor", "minor accomplishment", "skill of a carving insect" ] }, { "id": 4069, "chinese": "双管齐下", "gold": "do both things simultaneously", "human": [ "paint a picture with two brushes at the same time - work along both lines" ], "machine": [ "Two-pronged approach", "Two pronged approach", "Two-pronged" ] }, { "id": 4070, "chinese": "杂乱无章", "gold": "disorderly and unsystematic", "human": [ "without pattern or order", "without order or logical connection", "out of order", "in wild disorder", "all in confusion", "be all in a muddle", "be at sixes and sevens", "be at loose ends", "out of joint", "rough-and-tumble", "disorganized", "higgledy-piggledy" ], "machine": [ "disordered and in disarray", "disordered and in a mess" ] }, { "id": 4071, "chinese": "离题万里", "gold": "far from the mark", "human": [ "too far afield", "go wide of the mark", "be all abroad" ], "machine": [ "Digression", "Off-topic Miles", "Off Topic Miles" ] }, { "id": 4072, "chinese": "离经叛道", "gold": "wayward and rebellious", "human": [ "depart from the classics and rebel against orthodoxy", "be heretical and deviate from the true teachings", "be guilty of heterodoxy" ], "machine": [ "Deviant", "rebel against the orthodoxy", "rebel against the orthodox", "depart from the orthodox" ] }, { "id": 4073, "chinese": "离群索居", "gold": "live in solitude", "human": [ "live alone, cut off from society", "live the life of a recluse", "live out of the world", "live within oneself", "keep oneself to oneself", "plough a lonely furrow" ], "machine": [ "isolated", "live in isolation", "outlier", "live apart from the herd", "live off the grid" ] }, { "id": 4074, "chinese": "离心离德", "gold": "dissension and discord", "human": [ "disunity" ], "machine": [ "Centrifugal", "Centrifugal Separation of Virtues", "Centrifugal Separation" ] }, { "id": 4075, "chinese": "离乡背井", "gold": "leave one's native district", "human": [ "leave one's native place" ], "machine": [ "away from home", "leave home", "away from one's native place" ] }, { "id": 4076, "chinese": "难能可贵", "gold": "exceptionably commendable", "human": [ "difficult of attainment, hence worthy of esteem", "deserving much praise for one's excellent performance or behavior" ], "machine": [ "invaluable", "valuable" ] }, { "id": 4077, "chinese": "难乎为继", "gold": "difficult to follow up", "human": [ "hard to keep up" ], "machine": [ "unsustainable", "difficult to continue", "hard to continue", "hard to follow", "hard get on with" ] }, { "id": 4078, "chinese": "难解难分", "gold": "be locked together", "human": [ "be inextricably involved", "be sentimentally attached to each other" ], "machine": [ "Intractable", "hard to solve, hard to separate", "hard to separate" ] }, { "id": 4079, "chinese": "难兄难弟", "gold": "fellow sufferers", "human": [ "two of a kind" ], "machine": [ "Brothers and sisters", "brothers in hardship" ] }, { "id": 4080, "chinese": "难舍难分", "gold": "loath to part from each other", "human": [], "machine": [ "inseparable", "loath part", "emotionally close and unwilling to separate" ] }, { "id": 4081, "chinese": "难言之隐", "gold": "a painful topic", "human": [ "something which it would be awkward to disclose", "something embarrassing to mention", "something difficult to voice out", "something which ails one in the mind and hard to state", "a secret which could not be told" ], "machine": [ "Unspeakable", "a hidden trouble", "an embarrassing secret", "an embarrassing illness", "a hidden agenda" ] }, { "id": 4082, "chinese": "雨过天晴", "gold": "after a storm comes a calm", "human": [ "the sun shines again after the rain" ], "machine": [ "rainy and sunny", "The rain has cleared the sky" ] }, { "id": 4083, "chinese": "雨后春笋", "gold": "spring up like mushrooms", "human": [ "spring up like bamboo shoots", "after a spring rain" ], "machine": [ "spring bamboo shoots", "After the rain, the spring bamboo", "After the rain, spring bamboo", "After the Rain, Springtime" ] }, { "id": 4084, "chinese": "雪中送炭", "gold": "provide timely help", "human": [ "send charcoal in snowy weather", "send a present of firewood in cold weather", "offer fuel in snowy weather", "do yeoman's service" ], "machine": [ "charcoal in the snow", "Sending charcoal in the snow", "Sending charcoal in snow", "Sending charcoal during snow", "Sending charities in the snow" ] }, { "id": 4085, "chinese": "雪上加霜", "gold": "one disaster after another", "human": [ "adding frost to snow", "disasters pile up on one another" ], "machine": [ "make matters worse", "Adding insult to injury", "Adding to the snow" ] }, { "id": 4086, "chinese": "云消云散", "gold": "vanish into thin air", "human": [ "the clouds melt and the mists disperse" ], "machine": [ "the clouds dissipate", "Clouds Dissipate" ] }, { "id": 4087, "chinese": "零敲碎打", "gold": "do something bit by bit, off and on", "human": [ "adopt a piecemeal approach" ], "machine": [ "piecemeal", "do things in bits and pieces", "piecemeal work" ] }, { "id": 4088, "chinese": "雷霆万钧", "gold": "as powerful as a thunderbolt", "human": [ "with the force of a thunderbolt" ], "machine": [ "Thunderclap", "Thunderbolt", "Thundering the world" ] }, { "id": 4089, "chinese": "雷厉风行", "gold": "vigorously and effectively", "human": [ "with thunder-like violence and wind-like swiftness", "resolute enforcement in a sweeping manner" ], "machine": [ "Resolute and resolute", "thunder and lightning", "thunder and wind", "thundering and moving" ] }, { "id": 4090, "chinese": "雷声大,雨点小", "gold": "much said but little done", "human": [ "loud thunder but small raindrops", "much cry and little wool", "great boast, small roast", "the mountain has brought forth a mouse" ], "machine": [ "Thunder, little rain", "loud thunder, but only tiny drops of rain", "loud thunder, but little rain" ] }, { "id": 4091, "chinese": "震古铄今", "gold": "earthshaking", "human": [ "surpassing the ancients and amazing the contemporaries" ], "machine": [ "Shocking the past and the present", "shake the old and fuse the new" ] }, { "id": 4092, "chinese": "震撼人心", "gold": "shocking", "human": [ "be greatly shocked" ], "machine": [ "Shake up the mind", "Shake up the heart", "Shake up" ] }, { "id": 4093, "chinese": "震耳欲聋", "gold": "enough to wake the dead", "human": [ "make the ears tingle", "split the ears", "a deafening noise", "ear-splitting", "deafening" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 4094, "chinese": "露出马脚", "gold": "let the cat out of the bag", "human": [ "the horse's hoof shows - the plot is out", "show the cloven hoof", "give the game away" ], "machine": [ "show off", "reveal the cloven foot", "to unmask one's true nature" ] }, { "id": 4095, "chinese": "灵丹圣药", "gold": "panacea", "human": [ "miraculous cure", "heal-all", "catholicon" ], "machine": [ "Elixir", "elixir of the panacea", "elixir of the sacred" ] }, { "id": 4096, "chinese": "青面獠牙", "gold": "terrifying in appearance", "human": [ "with a green face and ferocious fangs" ], "machine": [ "blue-faced fangs", "Green-faced Fangs", "green face and fangs", "Green Face Fangs" ] }, { "id": 4097, "chinese": "青黄不接", "gold": "temporary shortage", "human": [ "when the new crop is still in the blade and the old one is all consumed", "when one crop is eaten and the next still green - the transition from one period to another", "gap in succession", "in temporary financial difficulty" ], "machine": [ "green and yellow", "unable make ends meet", "unable make up for it" ] }, { "id": 4098, "chinese": "青出于蓝,而胜于蓝", "gold": "the pupil learns from and outdoes his teacher", "human": [ "blue indigo ink is bluer then the indigo plant from which it comes" ], "machine": [ "the student surpasses the master", "green is made out of blue, but is better than blue" ] }, { "id": 4099, "chinese": "青云直上", "gold": "rapid advancement in one's career", "human": [ "meteoric rise" ], "machine": [ "Clouds go straight up", "rising straight up in the clear sky" ] }, { "id": 4100, "chinese": "非同小可", "gold": "no small matter", "human": [ "in no ordinary degree" ], "machine": [ "Extraordinary", "no small feat" ] }, { "id": 4101, "chinese": "非驴非马", "gold": "neither ass nor horse", "human": [ "neither hay nor grass", "neither fish nor fowl" ], "machine": [ "Not a donkey not a horse", "neither a donkey nor a horse" ] }, { "id": 4102, "chinese": "非亲非故", "gold": "neither kith nor kin", "human": [ "neither kinsfolks nor friends", "neither relatives nor acquaintances" ], "machine": [ "unrelated", "neither a relative nor a friend", "unrelated to one another" ] }, { "id": 4103, "chinese": "靠山吃山,靠水吃水", "gold": "make use of local resources", "human": [ "those living on the mountain live off the mountain, those living near the water live off the water" ], "machine": [ "Relying on the mountains to eat the mountains, relying on the water to drink water", "live off the mountain, live off the sea" ] }, { "id": 4104, "chinese": "靡靡之音", "gold": "decadent music", "human": [], "machine": [ "The Voice of Extravagance", "decadent sound", "decadent sounds" ] }, { "id": 4105, "chinese": "面不改色", "gold": "remain calm", "human": [ "not change color", "without turning a hair", "without batting an eyelid" ], "machine": [ "face unchanged", "face not changing color", "not change one's expression", "not change one's countenance" ] }, { "id": 4106, "chinese": "面面俱到", "gold": "have every detail thought of", "human": [ "attend to each and every aspect of a matter", "be very attentive in every way" ], "machine": [ "All-inclusive", "All aspects are covered", "All aspects", "All in one place", "All in one" ] }, { "id": 4107, "chinese": "面面相觑", "gold": "look at each other at a loss about what to do", "human": [ "look at each other in astonishment", "gaze at each other in speechless despair" ], "machine": [ "face to face", "look at each other in dismay", "look at each other blankly", "look at each other with dismay" ] }, { "id": 4108, "chinese": "面目可憎,语言无味", "gold": "repulsive in appearance and flavorless in verbal expression", "human": [], "machine": [ "Disgusting face, tasteless language", "The face is abominable, the language is tasteless" ] }, { "id": 4109, "chinese": "面目全非", "gold": "be changed or distorted beyond recognition", "human": [ "all looks wrong or differently" ], "machine": [ "beyond recognition", "nothing remains the same", "look completely different", "nothing is left of it", "Nothing is the same" ] }, { "id": 4110, "chinese": "面目一新", "gold": "take on an entirely new look", "human": [ "put a new face on", "present a completely new appearance", "assume a new aspect" ], "machine": [ "new face", "A new look", "A new face" ] }, { "id": 4111, "chinese": "面黄肌瘦", "gold": "lean and haggard", "human": [ "sallow and emaciated" ], "machine": [ "yellowish skinny", "yellow face, emaciated body", "malnourished and sickly in appearance", "yellow face, muscular and thin." ] }, { "id": 4112, "chinese": "面红耳赤", "gold": "blush up to the ears", "human": [ "emotionally excited, face reddens to the ears", "be red in the face", "suffused with blushes", "be flushed" ], "machine": [ "red face", "flushed with anger" ] }, { "id": 4113, "chinese": "面授机宜", "gold": "give a confidential briefing", "human": [ "personally instruct somebody on the line of action to pursue" ], "machine": [ "face-to-face", "Face-to-face instruction" ] }, { "id": 4114, "chinese": "面如土色", "gold": "look pale", "human": [ "look ashen", "a ghastly livid countenance" ], "machine": [ "earthy face", "look as pale as dirt", "face ashen", "look as pale as earth" ] }, { "id": 4115, "chinese": "面无人色", "gold": "look ghastly pale", "human": [], "machine": [ "faceless", "face unmasked", "look unconscious", "look unfeeling", "look pale and unfeeling" ] }, { "id": 4116, "chinese": "革故鼎新", "gold": "discard the old ways of life in favor of the new", "human": [ "drop old habits and reform" ], "machine": [ "Revolutionizing the old", "discard the old and introduce the new" ] }, { "id": 4117, "chinese": "鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已", "gold": "give one's all till one's heart stops beating", "human": [ "bend one's back to the task until one's dying day", "give oneself entirely to public service" ], "machine": [ "bow down and die", "to the end of one's life, and to the end of one's life", "to the end of one's life" ] }, { "id": 4118, "chinese": "鞭辟入里", "gold": "penetrating", "human": [ "trenchant", "incisive" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 4119, "chinese": "鞭长莫及", "gold": "beyond one's ability", "human": [ "beyond the reach of one's power", "too far away for one to be able to help", "cannot do it as much as one would like to" ], "machine": [ "out of reach", "The whip is too long", "The whip is out of reach" ] }, { "id": 4120, "chinese": "韬光养晦", "gold": "hide one's capacities and bide one's time", "human": [], "machine": [ "keep a low profile", "Towing the Light" ] }, { "id": 4121, "chinese": "响彻云霄", "gold": "resound through the skies", "human": [ "echoing to the skies", "the air resounded with" ], "machine": [ "resounding through the sky", "resounding through the clouds", "resonate through the clouds", "resounding in the clouds" ] }, { "id": 4122, "chinese": "响遏行云", "gold": "reverberate through the skies", "human": [], "machine": [ "sound stop cloud", "resonate with the clouds", "resounding with clouds" ] }, { "id": 4123, "chinese": "顶天立地", "gold": "be absolutely fearless", "human": [ "upright and high-minded", "of gigantic stature", "of indomitable spirit" ], "machine": [ "stand upright", "able support the sky and stand up to the earth" ] }, { "id": 4124, "chinese": "顶礼膜拜", "gold": "pay homage to", "human": [ "prostrate oneself before", "make a fetish of", "make obeisance to" ], "machine": [ "worship", "salute and worship", "pay homage and worship", "pay homage" ] }, { "id": 4125, "chinese": "项背相望", "gold": "one after another in close succession", "human": [ "look in both directions", "a huge jostling crowd" ], "machine": [ "facing each other", "neck and neck", "back and forth", "neck and back" ] }, { "id": 4126, "chinese": "项庄舞剑,意在沛公", "gold": "act with a hidden motive", "human": [ "Hsiang Chuang performed the sword dance as a cover for his attempt on Liu Pang's life" ], "machine": [ "Xiang Zhuang dances the sword, aiming at Pei Gong", "an elaborate deed by an elaborate deed" ] }, { "id": 4127, "chinese": "顺藤摸瓜", "gold": "track down somebody or something by following clues", "human": [ "follow the vine to get the melon" ], "machine": [ "follow the vine", "follow the vine to get to the melon" ] }, { "id": 4128, "chinese": "顺理成章", "gold": "speak logically", "human": [ "to write well, you must follow a logical train of thought", "to do some work well, you must follow a rational line" ], "machine": [ "It's a matter of course", "logical", "logical and natural", "It's logical." ] }, { "id": 4129, "chinese": "顺手牵羊", "gold": "take something that doesn't belong to oneself", "human": [ "lead a goat away in passing - pick up something on the sly", "lead away the sheep off hand", "pick up something in passing", "walk away with something", "go on the scamp" ], "machine": [ "take the sheep by the hand", "take advantage of a crisis" ] }, { "id": 4130, "chinese": "顺水推舟", "gold": "do something without extra effort", "human": [ "push the boat along with the current - make use of an opportunity to gain one's end" ], "machine": [ "Push the boat", "Go with the flow" ] }, { "id": 4131, "chinese": "顺水人情", "gold": "a favor done at little cost to oneself", "human": [], "machine": [ "Shun Shui Favor", "A favor to the people", "A favor for the people" ] }, { "id": 4132, "chinese": "顺之者昌,逆之者亡", "gold": "those who submit will prosper, those who resist shall perish", "human": [], "machine": [ "Those who obey prosper, those who oppose perish", "Those who obey will prosper, those who disobey will perish" ] }, { "id": 4133, "chinese": "颂古非今", "gold": "eulogize the past at the expense of the present", "human": [], "machine": [ "Praise the past", "Ode to the past, not the present" ] }, { "id": 4134, "chinese": "顽石点头", "gold": "the insensate stones nod in agreement", "human": [], "machine": [ "stubborn stone nod", "Nod of the stubborn stone", "Stubborn Rock nods", "Stubborn Stone nods" ] }, { "id": 4135, "chinese": "顿开茅塞", "gold": "at once become enlightened", "human": [ "the obstructing rushes at once removed - open up the mind for instruction", "be suddenly enlightened by", "suddenly see the light" ], "machine": [ "open mouth", "be enlightened" ] }, { "id": 4136, "chinese": "颐指气使", "gold": "be insufferably arrogant", "human": [ "order people about by gesture" ], "machine": [ "bossy", "arrogant and bossy" ] }, { "id": 4137, "chinese": "头破血流", "gold": "be badly battered", "human": [ "knock one's head against a brick wall", "run into bumps and bruises", "break one's neck" ], "machine": [ "bloodshed", "badly bruised and bleeding", "badly bruised" ] }, { "id": 4138, "chinese": "头面人物", "gold": "big shot", "human": [ "prominent figure", "bigwig" ], "machine": [ "Headshots", "Headliners", "Headliner", "Top People" ] }, { "id": 4139, "chinese": "头头是道", "gold": "clear and logical", "human": [ "closely reasoned and well argued", "appear impressive", "everything clear and straight-forward", "methodical" ], "machine": [ "head on", "Head to head", "headstrong" ] }, { "id": 4140, "chinese": "头痛医头,脚痛医脚", "gold": "treat symptoms but not the disease", "human": [ "treat the head when the head aches, treat the foot when the foot hurts", "palliative measures for one's illness", "a defensive stop-gap measure", "sporadic and piecemeal steps" ], "machine": [ "Headache doctor head, foot pain doctor foot", "treat the head when it hurts, and treat the foot when it hurts" ] }, { "id": 4141, "chinese": "头角峥嵘", "gold": "out standing talent", "human": [ "brilliance", "very promising" ], "machine": [ "head horns", "headstrong", "headline" ] }, { "id": 4142, "chinese": "头重脚轻", "gold": "top-heavy", "human": [], "machine": [ "top heavy" ] }, { "id": 4143, "chinese": "颠沛流离", "gold": "drift from place to place", "human": [ "homeless and miserable", "wander about in a desperate plight", "lead a vagrant life" ], "machine": [ "Displaced", "wandering about in a desperate plight" ] }, { "id": 4144, "chinese": "颠扑不破", "gold": "stands despite time and argument", "human": [ "be able to withstand heavy battering", "irrefutable", "incontrovertible", "indisputable" ], "machine": [ "Unbreakable" ] }, { "id": 4145, "chinese": "颠倒黑白", "gold": "prove that black is white and white black", "human": [ "confound black and white", "confuse right and wrong", "give false accounts of the true facts", "stand truth on its head", "misrepresent" ], "machine": [ "upside down black and white", "turn black and white upside down", "turn black and white" ] }, { "id": 4146, "chinese": "颠倒是非", "gold": "confound right and wrong", "human": [ "confuse truth and falsehood", "turn things upside down", "reversal of the truth", "tarn right into wrong", "pervert the truth" ], "machine": [ "upside down", "reversing right and wrong", "invert right and wrong" ] }, { "id": 4147, "chinese": "颠三倒四", "gold": "disorderly", "human": [ "incoherent", "confused" ], "machine": [] }, { "id": 4148, "chinese": "顾盼自雄", "gold": "look about complacently", "human": [], "machine": [ "Gu Panzixiong", "look around and enjoy oneself" ] }, { "id": 4149, "chinese": "顾名思义", "gold": "as the term suggests", "human": [ "seeing the same of a thing one thinks of its function", "think what a title or name should imply", "just as its name implies" ], "machine": [ "As the name suggests", "As the name implies", "As its name implies" ] }, { "id": 4150, "chinese": "顾虑重重", "gold": "be full of worries have no end of misgivings", "human": [], "machine": [ "Concerned", "with many worries", "with a lot of concerns", "with many concerns" ] }, { "id": 4151, "chinese": "顾前不顾后", "gold": "act rashly", "human": [ "drive ahead without considering the consequences" ], "machine": [ "regardless of the future", "take into account the past and not the future" ] }, { "id": 4152, "chinese": "顾全大局", "gold": "take the interests of the whole into account", "human": [ "give due consideration to the overall situation", "take the situation as a whole into consideration", "for the sake of the larger interest" ], "machine": [ "Take the overall situation into consideration", "Consider the big picture", "Considering the big picture" ] }, { "id": 4153, "chinese": "顾此失彼", "gold": "be put in a double squeeze", "human": [ "take one into consideration to the neglect of the other", "attend to one thing and lose sight of another", "unable to attend to everything at once", "unable to hit one without losing hold of the other" ], "machine": [ "Take care of one thing and lose another", "neglecting one side and losing the other" ] }, { "id": 4154, "chinese": "顾影自怜", "gold": "look at one's reflection and admire oneself", "human": [ "look at one's shadow and lament one's lot", "lock back at one's own shadow and pity oneself" ], "machine": [ "Gu Ying feels sorry for herself", "looking at one's shadow and feeling sorry for oneself" ] }, { "id": 4155, "chinese": "显而易见", "gold": "obvious", "human": [ "it is crystal clear that", "clearly show", "evidently", "clearly" ], "machine": [ "It is obvious", "It's obvious" ] }, { "id": 4156, "chinese": "风平浪静", "gold": "calm and tranquil", "human": [ "the wind has subsided and the waves have calmed down", "the storm abates, all is calm", "a calm and unruffled sea" ], "machine": [ "calm and peaceful", "The wind is calm and the waves are quiet", "A calm breeze and a quiet wave" ] }, { "id": 4157, "chinese": "风马牛不相及", "gold": "be totally unrelated", "human": [ "have absolutely nothing to do with each other", "have nothing in common with", "have no relationship whatsoever with", "two different, unrelated things" ], "machine": [ "Incompatibility", "irrelevant", "be irrelevant", "be completely unrelated" ] }, { "id": 4158, "chinese": "风靡一时", "gold": "be popular for a time", "human": [ "be the rage at the time", "bring into vogue" ], "machine": [ "all the rage", "popular for a while" ] }, { "id": 4159, "chinese": "风调雨顺", "gold": "year of bumper harvests", "human": [ "good weather for the crops", "seasonable weather", "year of good crops" ], "machine": [ "good weather", "Good weather conditions", "Good weather and rain" ] }, { "id": 4160, "chinese": "风土人情", "gold": "local manners and practices", "human": [ "local conditions and customs", "manners and customs" ], "machine": [ "customs", "Local conditions", "The local conditions" ] }, { "id": 4161, "chinese": "风流人物", "gold": "truly great men", "human": [], "machine": [ "Merry", "Aman of the moment", "A man of the highest caliber", "A person of great talent" ] }, { "id": 4162, "chinese": "风流云散", "gold": "separated and scattered", "human": [ "blown apart by the wind and scattered like clouds", "as the wind blowing and the clouds scattering" ], "machine": [ "wind and clouds", "Wind flow and clouds scatter", "Wind flow and clouds scattered" ] }, { "id": 4163, "chinese": "风卷残云", "gold": "a strong wind scattering the last clouds - make a clean sweep of something", "human": [ "the wind blows the clouds away - everything is cleared up", "sweep everything before one like the wind rolls up the clouds", "like a whirlwind scattering wisps of clouds" ], "machine": [ "wind and cloud", "Wind Rolling", "Wind Rolled", "Wind Rollers" ] }, { "id": 4164, "chinese": "风起云涌", "gold": "spread like a storm", "human": [ "like a rising wind or scudding clouds", "rolling on with full force", "tempestuous growth", "surge forward", "gain momentum", "raging" ], "machine": [ "ups and downs", "The rising winds and turbulent clouds", "The rising winds", "The rising storm" ] }, { "id": 4165, "chinese": "风烛残年", "gold": "old and ailing like a candle guttering in the candlestick", "human": [], "machine": [ "wind candle waning years", "one's late days", "have one foot in the grave", "one's late years", "one's late days are numbered" ] }, { "id": 4166, "chinese": "风驰电掣", "gold": "as quick as a flash", "human": [ "swift as the wind and quick as lightning", "at lightning speed", "flash like lightning" ], "machine": [ "galloping", "Wind Speed", "Windy and lightning fast", "Windy and fast", "Windy and Lightning" ] }, { "id": 4167, "chinese": "风尘仆仆", "gold": "endure the hardships of a long journey", "human": [ "be toilworn all along the journey", "to toil through a journey", "be travel-stained", "be travel-worn and weary", "hard journey" ], "machine": [ "dusty", "covered in dust", "travel-worn", "covered with dust" ] }, { "id": 4168, "chinese": "风吹草动", "gold": "the rustle of leaves in the wind - a sign of disturbance or trouble", "human": [ "the grass moves when the wind blows", "state of unrest", "sensitive to slight upsets" ], "machine": [ "bells and whistles", "The wind blows and the grass moves", "Wind blows grass", "Wind blows the grass" ] }, { "id": 4169, "chinese": "风声鹤唳", "gold": "in a state of fear and turmoil", "human": [ "scared by the sound of the wind and the cry of cranes", "a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound", "get frightened on hearing the wind whistle and cranes cry", "apprehend danger in every sound" ], "machine": [ "The sound of the wind", "Wind and Crane", "Wind and cranes", "Windy and cranky" ] }, { "id": 4170, "chinese": "风餐露宿", "gold": "brave wind and dew", "human": [ "eat in the wind and sleep in the dew", "endure the hardships of an arduous journey or fieldwork", "exposed to cold and wet on a journey" ], "machine": [ "wind meal camping", "sleep and eat in the open", "sleep rough and wind", "sleep and eat" ] }, { "id": 4171, "chinese": "风言风语", "gold": "groundless talk", "human": [ "slanderous gossip" ], "machine": [ "gossip", "The windy words", "The windy word", "The windy talk" ] }, { "id": 4172, "chinese": "风雨飘摇", "gold": "precarious", "human": [ "swaying in the midst of a raging storm", "fluttering about in the storm", "tottering", "unstable" ], "machine": [ "Stormy and swaying", "Storm and rain" ] }, { "id": 4173, "chinese": "风雨同舟", "gold": "stand together through thick and thin", "human": [ "in the same storm-tossed boat" ], "machine": [ "through thick and thin", "Together in Wind and Rain", "Together in the Wind and Rain" ] }, { "id": 4174, "chinese": "风雨交加", "gold": "a rainstorm", "human": [ "a storm of wind and rain", "a stormy rain" ], "machine": [ "wind and rain" ] }, { "id": 4175, "chinese": "风雨无阻", "gold": "rain or shine", "human": [ "stopped by neither wind nor rain", "regardless of the weather" ], "machine": [ "Rain or shine, no hindrance", "Rain or shine, no obstacle", "Rain or shine, no obstacles" ] }, { "id": 4176, "chinese": "风云变幻", "gold": "a changeable situation", "human": [ "rapid changes in the situation" ], "machine": [ "changing situation", "Wind and cloud changes", "Wind and cloud change" ] }, { "id": 4177, "chinese": "风云突变", "gold": "a sudden change in the situation", "human": [], "machine": [ "sudden change", "sudden change of wind and clouds" ] }, { "id": 4178, "chinese": "风云人物", "gold": "a celebrity", "human": [ "men of the day", "men in the news" ], "machine": [ "Man of the Year", "The man of the hour", "People of the moment" ] }, { "id": 4179, "chinese": "飞黄腾达", "gold": "have a meteoric rise", "human": [ "Fei Huang, the divine horse, is prancing - of one who bas made rapid advance towards success in his career", "climb up the social ladder rapidly" ], "machine": [ "Prosperity", "The Flying Dutchman", "career success", "Flying Dutchman" ] }, { "id": 4180, "chinese": "飞针走线", "gold": "do needlework very skilfully", "human": [ "flying needle and running thread" ], "machine": [ "Flying needle routing", "Flying needle and thread", "Flying needle walking", "Flying Needle Thread", "Fly needle walking" ] }, { "id": 4181, "chinese": "飞沙走石", "gold": "a sandstorm", "human": [ "flying sand and pebbles - a terrible storm", "a wind that carries sand and drives stones" ], "machine": [ "flying sand and stone", "Flying sand and stones", "Flying sand and rocks" ] }, { "id": 4182, "chinese": "飞蛾投火", "gold": "a seeking one's own doom", "human": [ "a moth darting into a flame - bring destruction upon oneself", "seek one's own doom like moths flying into the fire", "make nooses for one's own neck" ], "machine": [ "moth to fire", "like a moth flying inthe fire", "to choose a path to certain destruction" ] }, { "id": 4183, "chinese": "飞扬跋扈", "gold": "arrogant and domineering", "human": [ "be arbitrary and supercilious", "lord it over", "throw one's weight about" ], "machine": [ "Domineering", "bossy and domineering", "throwing one's weight around", "bossy" ] }, { "id": 4184, "chinese": "食古不化", "gold": "be pedantic", "human": [ "read ancient teachings without digesting them", "be slave to the ancients", "swallow ancient learning without digesting it" ], "machine": [ "food ancient", "be pedantic without having an understanding of the past" ] }, { "id": 4185, "chinese": "食肉寝皮", "gold": "want to eat his flesh and sleep on his hide - swear revenge", "human": [], "machine": [ "carnivorous skin", "eat meat and sleep on skin", "to swear revenge on somebody" ] }, { "id": 4186, "chinese": "食而不化", "gold": "eat without digesting - read without understanding", "human": [], "machine": [ "eat without melting", "eat but not digest", "eat but not transform", "eat without digesting" ] }, { "id": 4187, "chinese": "食言而肥", "gold": "go back on one's wort", "human": [ "eat one's words", "fail to live up to promise", "fail to make good one's promise", "break faith with somebody", "break a promise", "be worse than one's word", "swallow one's words" ], "machine": [ "fattening", "grow fat eating one's words" ] }, { "id": 4188, "chinese": "饥不择食", "gold": "a hungry person is not choosy about his food", "human": [ "hunger is the best sauce", "all food is delicious to the starving", "beggars must not be choosers", "a good appetite is a good sauce", "nothing comes amiss to a hungry man" ], "machine": [ "hungry", "When you're hungry, you can't choose what you eat." ] }, { "id": 4189, "chinese": "饥寒交迫", "gold": "live in hunger and cold", "human": [ "suffer cold and hunger", "a life of cold and hunger", "misery of starvation and poverty", "be poverty-stricken" ], "machine": [ "suffer hunger and cold", "starving and cold", "starvation and cold", "starving and freezing", "starvation and coldness" ] }, { "id": 4190, "chinese": "饥肠辘辘", "gold": "one's stomach rumbling with hunger", "human": [ "rumblings of an empty stomach" ], "machine": [ "hungry", "ravenous", "famished" ] }, { "id": 4191, "chinese": "饮恨而终", "gold": "die with a grievance in one's heart", "human": [], "machine": [ "end with hatred", "die of a broken heart", "die with a broken heart", "end up with a bad luck", "die with a grudge" ] }, { "id": 4192, "chinese": "饮泣吞声", "gold": "weep silent tears", "human": [ "swallow one's tears", "gulp down sobs", "put one's pride in one's pocket" ], "machine": [ "weeping", "swallowing tears", "swallow tears", "swallowing tears and singing" ] }, { "id": 4193, "chinese": "饮鸩止渴", "gold": "a remedy worse than what it is supposed to cure", "human": [ "drink poison to quench thirst - seek temporary relief regardless of the consequences", "temporary relief which results in disaster", "a supposed remedy having the opposite effect" ], "machine": [ "drink poison to quench thirst", "Drinking hemlock to quench your thirst" ] }, { "id": 4194, "chinese": "饮水思源", "gold": "never forget where one's happiness comes from", "human": [ "when you drink water, think of its source", "think of the fountain when drinking the water", "let every man praise the bridge he goes over" ], "machine": [ "have gratitude", "Drinking water and thinking of its source", "Drinking Water" ] }, { "id": 4195, "chinese": "饭来张口,衣来伸手", "gold": "be waited on hand and foot", "human": [ "have only to open one's mouth to be fed and hold out one's hands to be dressed - lead an easy life, with everything provided" ], "machine": [ "Open your mouth with food, stretch out your hand with clothes", "food to eat and clothes to wear", "food to eat, clothes to wear", "food to eat, clothing to wear" ] }, { "id": 4196, "chinese": "饱汉不知饿汉饥", "gold": "the well-fed don't know how the starving suffer", "human": [], "machine": [ "A full man does not know a hungry man is hungry", "The well-fed cannot know how the starving suffer ." ] }, { "id": 4197, "chinese": "饱经风霜", "gold": "having gone through all hardships", "human": [ "having experienced the hardships of life", "go through the mill", "weather-beaten", "storm-beaten", "much-weathered" ], "machine": [ "weathered" ] }, { "id": 4198, "chinese": "饱食终日,无所用心", "gold": "eat one's fill and idle about all day long", "human": [ "eat three square meals a day and do not work", "spend one's day in food and drink and have an empty head", "loaf about all day long and do nothing", "live like a parasite", "become a mere vegetable" ], "machine": [ "Eating all day long", "eat all day long and do nothing" ] }, { "id": 4199, "chinese": "饱以老拳", "gold": "hit one full in the face", "human": [], "machine": [ "full of old fists", "with a good old fist", "with the old fist", "with old fists", "with old fist" ] }, { "id": 4200, "chinese": "养虎遗患", "gold": "appeasement brings disaster", "human": [ "to rear a tiger is to court calamity", "to keep a tiger will only bring trouble upon oneself", "nourish a tiger to be a source of trouble in the future" ], "machine": [ "The legacy of raising tigers", "Rear a tiger and court disaster.", "cherish a snake in one's bosom", "Rear a tiger and save it." ] }, { "id": 4201, "chinese": "养精蓄锐", "gold": "conserve strength and store up energy", "human": [ "strengthen the vital forces", "harness one's spiritual resources", "build up one's strength", "recuperate and build up energy", "reserve oneself for" ], "machine": [ "recharge", "build up your strength", "build up your spirit" ] }, { "id": 4202, "chinese": "养尊处优", "gold": "live a comfortable life", "human": [ "enjoy a high position and live in ease and comfort", "revel in a high position and indulge in comfort", "live in clover", "live like a prince", "mollycoddle oneself" ], "machine": [ "pampered", "live in luxury", "be spoiled by a high standard" ] }, { "id": 4203, "chinese": "养痈遗患", "gold": "warm a snake in one's bosom", "human": [ "a carbuncle neglected becomes the bane of one's life", "leaving evil unchecked spells ruin" ], "machine": [ "Carbuncle Remnants", "foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity" ] }, { "id": 4204, "chinese": "余音绕梁", "gold": "the music lingered in the air", "human": [ "the lingering sounds of the music winds around the beams" ], "machine": [ "Buzzing", "lingering sound", "The lingering sound", "lingers on the sound" ] }, { "id": 4205, "chinese": "余勇可贾", "gold": "still having plenty of fight left in one", "human": [ "with one's strength not exhausted", "with strength yet to spare" ], "machine": [ "Yu Yongke Jia", "The remaining courage can be Jia" ] }, { "id": 4206, "chinese": "饶有风趣", "gold": "full of wit and humor", "human": [ "humourous" ], "machine": [ "very funny", "spare the fun", "spare the wind", "spare no effort" ] }, { "id": 4207, "chinese": "馋涎欲滴", "gold": "mouth drooling with greed", "human": [ "make one's mouth water" ], "machine": [ "greedy", "greedy and salivating", "greedy and hungry" ] }, { "id": 4208, "chinese": "首当其冲", "gold": "bear the brunt", "human": [ "be the first to be affected", "stand in the breach" ], "machine": [ "bear the brunt of", "bear the brunt of it" ] }, { "id": 4209, "chinese": "首屈一指", "gold": "be second to none", "human": [ "come first on the list", "top the world" ], "machine": [ "second to none", "The first and foremost", "The first and only" ] }, { "id": 4210, "chinese": "首鼠两端", "gold": "shilly-shally", "human": [ "be in two minds", "be undecided in course of action" ], "machine": [ "Both ends of the first mouse", "the first mouse and the second end", "act on both sides of the coin" ] }, { "id": 4211, "chinese": "首尾相应", "gold": "beginning and end correspond with each other", "human": [], "machine": [ "end-to-end", "the first and the last correspond to each other", "the first and last" ] }, { "id": 4212, "chinese": "馨香祝祷", "gold": "earnestly pray for something", "human": [ "burn incense and pray to the gods", "sincerely wish" ], "machine": [ "Fragrant prayer", "Fragrant Blessing", "Fragrant Blessings", "Fragrance Blessing", "Fragrance Blessings" ] }, { "id": 4213, "chinese": "马不停蹄", "gold": "without a stop", "human": [ "hurried journey without stop", "nonstop" ], "machine": [ "non-stop", "non-stop horsepower", "non-stop hoofing", "non-stop horseback riding" ] }, { "id": 4214, "chinese": "马马虎虎", "gold": "carelessly", "human": [ "in a slap-dash manner", "sloppily", "perfunctory", "not so bad", "just passable", "so-so" ], "machine": [ "vague", "careless", "vague and careless" ] }, { "id": 4215, "chinese": "马到成功", "gold": "gain an immediate victory", "human": [ "win a success immediately upon arrival", "be accomplished instantly" ], "machine": [ "horse to success", "Horses to success" ] }, { "id": 4216, "chinese": "马革裹尸", "gold": "die on the battle field", "human": [ "be wrapped in a horse's hide after death" ], "machine": [ "die on the battlefield", "be buried in a horse hide", "be buried in horse hide" ] }, { "id": 4217, "chinese": "驾轻就熟", "gold": "be able to handle a job with ease because one has had previous experience", "human": [ "drive a light carriage on a familiar road", "do something one knows well and can manage with ease", "do a familiar job with ease", "in one's element", "be versed in", "well qualified for a post" ], "machine": [ "familiar", "agile", "agile and familiar", "a task that is easy to master", "a task that is easy to perform" ] }, { "id": 4218, "chinese": "骇人听闻", "gold": "hideous", "human": [ "be startled at hearing", "be astounded at", "shocking", "appalling", "horrifying", "astounding" ], "machine": [ "horrific" ] }, { "id": 4219, "chinese": "骑马找马", "gold": "hold on to one job while seeking a better one", "human": [ "looking for a horse while sitting on one", "look for a donkey on a donkey's back - absent-minded" ], "machine": [ "horse riding", "Riding a horse to find a horse", "Riding for horses", "Riding to find a horse" ] }, { "id": 4220, "chinese": "骑虎难下", "gold": "have no way to back down", "human": [ "he who rides a tiger finds it difficult to dismount", "like riding on a tiger - afraid to go on and unable to get down", "have a wolf by the ears" ], "machine": [ "It's hard to ride a tiger", "if you ride a tiger, it's hard to get off", "impossible to stop halfway" ] }, { "id": 4221, "chinese": "腾蛟起凤", "gold": "a mounting dragon and a soaring phoenix - a rising man", "human": [ "great talents like a mounting dragon and a soaring phoenix", "a rapidly rising talent" ], "machine": [ "Teng Jiao Qi Feng", "Tengjiao raises the phoenix", "Tengjiao raises a phoenix", "Tengjiao raises phoenix", "Teng Jiao Qi Qi" ] }, { "id": 4222, "chinese": "骄兵必败", "gold": "pride goes before a fall", "human": [ "an army puffed up with pride is bound to lose", "pride will have a fall" ], "machine": [ "Pride will be defeated", "an arrogant army will be defeated", "an arrogant soldier will lose" ] }, { "id": 4223, "chinese": "骄奢淫逸", "gold": "wallow in luxury and dissipation", "human": [ "lordly, luxury-loving, loose-living and idle", "pride, luxury, profligacy and idleness", "extravagant and dissipated" ], "machine": [ "Pride and lust", "decadent", "extravagant", "decadent and extravagant" ] }, { "id": 4224, "chinese": "惊涛骇浪", "gold": "story sea", "human": [ "a situation or life full of perils", "raging waves", "fierce storm" ], "machine": [ "stormy sea", "shocking waves", "shock and awe" ] }, { "id": 4225, "chinese": "惊天动地", "gold": "earthshaking", "human": [ "shaking heaven and earth", "startle heaven and move the earth", "it startles the universe", "world-shaking", "astounding", "tremendous" ], "machine": [ "earth-shattering", "awe-inspiring", "astonishing", "astonishingly", "astonishing and amazing" ] }, { "id": 4226, "chinese": "惊弓之鸟", "gold": "a bird that starts at the sight of a bow", "human": [ "birds startled by the mere twang of a bow-string", "the bird that has been injured by the bow", "a badly frightened person", "a burned child fears fire", "a scalded cat dreads cold water" ], "machine": [ "startled bird", "The Bird of Prey", "The bird of prey is scared.", "Birds of a Feather" ] }, { "id": 4227, "chinese": "惊恐万状", "gold": "be struck with panic", "human": [ "be greatly paralyzed with fear", "in a great panic", "convulsed with fear", "extremely panicky", "be thrown into consternation", "in a blue funk", "be scared stiff", "scared as a rabbit", "thunderstruck" ], "machine": [ "terrified", "in a state of panic", "in a panic", "in a state of shock" ] }, { "id": 4228, "chinese": "惊魂未定", "gold": "still badly shaken", "human": [ "not yet recovered from a fright", "have hardly recovered from a recent shock" ], "machine": [ "frightened", "The shock is still there", "The shock is not yet over", "The shock is not over yet" ] }, { "id": 4229, "chinese": "惊慌失措", "gold": "lose one's head", "human": [ "in a state of panic", "be seized with panic", "be thrown into a panic", "be overwhelmed in astonishment", "be frightened out of one's wits", "all in a fluster", "out of countenance", "like a dying duck in a thunderstorm" ], "machine": [ "panicked", "lose one's head in panic", "lose one's head in a panic", "lose one's head in fear", "panic-stricken" ] }, { "id": 4230, "chinese": "惊心动魄", "gold": "hair-raising", "human": [ "profoundly affecting", "struck with fright or horror", "soul-stirring", "breathtaking" ], "machine": [ "Thrilling", "Thrills and spills", "Thrill", "Thrills and chills" ] }, { "id": 4231, "chinese": "驴鸣狗吠", "gold": "poor style of writing", "human": [ "like asses braying and dogs barking" ], "machine": [ "donkey barking", "Donkeys barking and dogs barking" ] }, { "id": 4232, "chinese": "驴头不对马嘴", "gold": "irrelevant", "human": [ "a donkey's lips do not match a horse's jaws - incongruous" ], "machine": [ "Donkey's head is wrong", "donkey head but not horse mouth", "donkey head but no horse mouth" ] }, { "id": 4233, "chinese": "骨鲠在喉", "gold": "have an opinion one cannot suppress", "human": [ "feel as if one has a fishbone in one's throat and cannot rest until one has spat it out" ], "machine": [ "Bone stuck in throat", "fish bone stuck in one's throat", "feel obliged to speak out candidly", "something on one's mind" ] }, { "id": 4234, "chinese": "骨瘦如柴", "gold": "a bag of bones", "human": [ "thin and emaciated like a stick", "be reduced to a mere skeleton", "be all skin and bone", "lean as lath", "worn to a shadow" ], "machine": [ "skinny", "as thin as a bone", "as thin as a match", "skinny as a bone" ] }, { "id": 4235, "chinese": "骨肉相连", "gold": "blood relationship", "human": [ "as closely linked as flesh and blood", "inseparable from each other like flesh and blood", "of one's own flesh and blood", "kith and kin" ], "machine": [ "flesh and blood", "Flesh and bone" ] }, { "id": 4236, "chinese": "体大思精", "gold": "broad in conception and meticulous in details", "human": [], "machine": [ "Mindfulness", "extensive and penetrating", "expansive and profound" ] }, { "id": 4237, "chinese": "体贴入微", "gold": "be extremely considerate", "human": [ "look after with meticulous care", "care for with great solicitude" ], "machine": [ "Be considerate", "show every possible consideration", "meticulous care" ] }, { "id": 4238, "chinese": "体无完肤", "gold": "have cuts and bruises all over the body", "human": [ "be a mass of bruises", "be refuted down to the last point", "be smashed to smithereens" ], "machine": [ "Unfinished", "cuts and bruises all over the body", "cuts and bruises all over" ] }, { "id": 4239, "chinese": "高不可攀", "gold": "unattainable", "human": [ "too high to reach", "difficult to reach" ], "machine": [ "too high reach", "eminent and unapproachable" ] }, { "id": 4240, "chinese": "高不成,低不就", "gold": "can't have one's heart's desire but won't stoop for less", "human": [ "be unfit for a higher post but unwilling to take a lower one" ], "machine": [ "high or low", "can't reach the high or accept the low", "can't reach high or accept low" ] }, { "id": 4241, "chinese": "高谈阔论", "gold": "indulge in loud and empty talk", "human": [ "talk volubly", "talk in a lofty strain", "loud and big talk", "high-flown talk", "prate about", "harangue", "brag" ], "machine": [ "talk aloud", "loud arrogant talk", "loud talk", "spouting off on a rant" ] }, { "id": 4242, "chinese": "高歌猛进", "gold": "stride forward singing militant songs", "human": [ "advance boldly with songs on one's lips", "advance triumphantly" ], "machine": [ "go ahead", "sing loud and clear", "sing high and fast", "sing high", "sing loudly" ] }, { "id": 4243, "chinese": "高高在上", "gold": "stand high above the masses", "human": [ "be far removed from the masses and reality" ], "machine": [ "high above", "high and mighty", "High on the sky" ] }, { "id": 4244, "chinese": "高瞻远瞩", "gold": "far-sighted", "human": [ "stand high and see far", "take a broad and long view", "show great foresight" ], "machine": [ "Foresight", "Visionary", "Vision" ] }, { "id": 4245, "chinese": "高枕无忧", "gold": "sit back and relax", "human": [ "shake up the pillow and have a good sleep", "sew pillows under one's elbows", "sleep soundly without worry", "relax one's vigilance", "rest easy" ], "machine": [ "rest assured of no worries" ] }, { "id": 4246, "chinese": "高视阔步", "gold": "strut", "human": [ "walk with one's head held high", "carry oneself proudly", "prance" ], "machine": [ "strut about with great attention to detail", "strutting about", "strut about", "strut about in a high voice" ] }, { "id": 4247, "chinese": "高屋建瓴", "gold": "be strategically situated", "human": [ "pour water off a steep roof - sweep down irresistibly from a commanding height", "operate from a strategically advantageous position", "press on irresistibly from a commanding height" ], "machine": [ "high-rise building", "high level", "high level of the house", "high level of the roof", "high level of the building" ] }, { "id": 4248, "chinese": "郁郁寡欢", "gold": "feel depressed", "human": [ "depressed and not talking much", "be in low spirits", "be out of humor", "mope about", "joylessly", "atrabilious", "gloomy", "melancholy" ], "machine": [ "unhappy", "depressed and cheerless", "depressed", "depressed and frustrated", "depressed and cheerful" ] }, { "id": 4249, "chinese": "鬼鬼祟祟", "gold": "sneaking", "human": [ "furtive", "stealthy", "surreptitious" ], "machine": [ "sneaky", "secretive" ] }, { "id": 4250, "chinese": "鬼哭神号", "gold": "terrifying cries", "human": [ "wail like ghosts and howl like wolves", "set up wild shrieks and howls" ], "machine": [ "ghost cry", "wail like ghosts and trumpet like gods" ] }, { "id": 4251, "chinese": "鬼使神差", "gold": "a curious coincidence", "human": [ "doings of ghosts and gods - unexpected happenings", "at the behest of supernatural powers" ], "machine": [ "curious coincidence", "demons and gods", "demonic coincidence", "demonically and god willingly", "demonically and god willing" ] }, { "id": 4252, "chinese": "鬼蜮伎俩", "gold": "evil tactics", "human": [ "devilish stratagem", "malicious intrigues", "underhanded tricks" ], "machine": [ "ghost trick", "trickery", "trick" ] }, { "id": 4253, "chinese": "魂不附体", "gold": "be frightened out of one's wits", "human": [ "soul departs from body - severely shocked", "as if the soul had left the body", "soul and body parted", "be entranced with", "go down in one's boots" ], "machine": [ "soulless", "the soul is not attached to the body", "scared out of one's wits" ] }, { "id": 4254, "chinese": "魂飞魄散", "gold": "frightened out of one's senses", "human": [], "machine": [ "soul flies away", "be frightened out of one's wits", "spooked out of one's mind", "spirited out of one's mind", "spirits fly away" ] }, { "id": 4255, "chinese": "魑魅魍魉", "gold": "demons and devils", "human": [ "all sorts of evil spirits", "freaks and goblins" ], "machine": [ "Demons and monsters", "spirits and monsters" ] }, { "id": 4256, "chinese": "鱼米之乡", "gold": "a land of plenty", "human": [ "a land of fish and rice" ], "machine": [ "land of plenty", "The Land of Fish and Rice", "Land of Fish and Rice" ] }, { "id": 4257, "chinese": "鱼目混珠", "gold": "mix the genuine with the fictitious", "human": [ "pass off fish eyes as pearls", "pass off the sham as the genuine", "pass fish eyes for pearls", "palm fish-eyes off as pearls" ], "machine": [ "jellyfish", "pass off fish eyes for pearls", "fish eyes and pearls", "mix up fish eyes and pearls" ] }, { "id": 4258, "chinese": "鱼龙混杂", "gold": "good and bad people mixed together", "human": [ "dragons and fish jumbled together" ], "machine": [ "a mixed bag", "fish and dragons mixed in with each other" ] }, { "id": 4259, "chinese": "鱼游釜中", "gold": "in imminent peril", "human": [ "like fish swimming in a cooking pot" ], "machine": [ "fish in the cauldron", "fish swimming in a kettle", "fish swimming in a cauldron", "A fish swimming in a kettle" ] }, { "id": 4260, "chinese": "鲁莽灭裂", "gold": "rash and careless", "human": [ "go it blind", "ride blind" ], "machine": [ "Reckless Destruction", "Reckless Extinction" ] }, { "id": 4261, "chinese": "鳏寡孤独", "gold": "widowers, widows, orphans and the childless - those who have no kith and kin and cannot support themselves", "human": [], "machine": [ "widows and loneliness", "widows, widowers and lonely", "Widowhood and loneliness" ] }, { "id": 4262, "chinese": "鳞次栉比", "gold": "in orderly rows, like scales on a fish or the teeth of a comb", "human": [ "row upon row of" ], "machine": [ "row upon row", "scattered in a row" ] }, { "id": 4263, "chinese": "鸟尽弓藏", "gold": "cast aside the bow once the birds are gone", "human": [ "cast somebody aside when he has served his purpose" ], "machine": [ "all the birds are hidden", "Birds are over, bows are put away." ] }, { "id": 4264, "chinese": "鸟语花香", "gold": "birds sing and flowers give forth their fragrance - characterizing a fine spring day", "human": [], "machine": [ "Birds and flowers", "Birdsong and flowers" ] }, { "id": 4265, "chinese": "凤毛麟角", "gold": "rarity of rarities", "human": [ "phoenix feathers and unicorn's horns - very rare things", "phoenix feathers and unicorn horns", "black swan" ], "machine": [ "rare", "a phoenix's hair and a lion's horn", "a phoenix and a rare bird", "a phoenix hair and a rare horn" ] }, { "id": 4266, "chinese": "鸣锣开道", "gold": "pave the way for", "human": [ "sound the gongs to clear the way", "prepare the public for a coming event" ], "machine": [ "Ring the gong to clear the way", "beat the gong to clear the way", "beat a gong to clear the way", "pave the way for something" ] }, { "id": 4267, "chinese": "鸣鼓而攻", "gold": "sound the call for attack", "human": [], "machine": [ "beat the drum", "Sound the drum and attack", "Sound the drums and attack" ] }, { "id": 4268, "chinese": "鸣冤叫屈", "gold": "make bitter complaints", "human": [ "complain and call for redress", "voice grievances" ], "machine": [ "grievance and grievance", "complain bitterly", "air one's grievances" ] }, { "id": 4269, "chinese": "鸦雀无声", "gold": "a dead silence", "human": [ "not even a crow or sparrow can be heard", "silence reigns", "not even the sound of a crow or a magpie's cawing", "in perfect silence" ], "machine": [ "silent", "Crow's Nest", "Crowded" ] }, { "id": 4270, "chinese": "鹏程万里", "gold": "a roc can reach a destination 10,000 miles away in one jump - have a bright future", "human": [], "machine": [ "Pengcheng Miles", "Pentax", "Roc-Mile", "Pengyang", "Pengchuang Wanli" ] }, { "id": 4271, "chinese": "鹊巢鸠占", "gold": "one person seizes another's place, land, etc.", "human": [ "the turtledove occupies the magpie's nest" ], "machine": [ "magpie nest dove account", "magpie nest and turtledove", "a magpie's nest" ] }, { "id": 4272, "chinese": "鹑衣百结", "gold": "in rags", "human": [ "ragged clothes with many patches", "ragged and patched clothing" ], "machine": [ "Quail coat knot", "quail coat with a hundred knots", "quail coat with hundred knots", "quail coat with 100 knots" ] }, { "id": 4273, "chinese": "鹤发童颜", "gold": "healthy in old age", "human": [ "a hoary head with a youthful face", "white hair and ruddy complexion", "hale and hearty" ], "machine": [ "He Fa Tong Yan", "crane hair and childlike face", "crane hair and beautiful face" ] }, { "id": 4274, "chinese": "鹤立鸡群", "gold": "stand head and shoulders above others", "human": [ "like a crane standing among chickens", "an outstanding man in a common crowd", "excel others as a crane among chickens", "a Triton of the minnows", "the flower of the flock" ], "machine": [ "Stand out from the crowd", "a crane stands out from the crowd", "acrane in a flock of chickens", "a crane in a flock of chicken" ] }, { "id": 4275, "chinese": "莺啼燕语", "gold": "the joy of spring", "human": [ "orioles sing and swallows dart", "a scene of prosperity" ], "machine": [ "Yingti Yanyu", "The warbler cries and the swallow speaks", "The warbler cries" ] }, { "id": 4276, "chinese": "鸡毛蒜皮", "gold": "trifles", "human": [ "chicken feathers and garlic skins", "trivialities" ], "machine": [ "trivial skin", "chicken feather, garlic skin", "kitchen trash" ] }, { "id": 4277, "chinese": "鸡鸣狗盗", "gold": "small tricks", "human": [ "crow like a cock and snatch like a dog" ], "machine": [ "crowing and dog thieves", "crowing like a cock and stealing like a dog", "bag of tricks", "bag of tricks and robbers", "cock and dog stealing" ] }, { "id": 4278, "chinese": "鸡飞蛋打", "gold": "come out empty-handed", "human": [ "the hen has flown away and the eggs in the coop are broken - all is lost" ], "machine": [ "egg beat", "the chicken has flown the coop and the eggs are broken" ] }, { "id": 4279, "chinese": "鸡零狗碎", "gold": "in bits and pieces", "human": [ "bits and pieces of things of little value", "odds and ends", "fragmentary" ], "machine": [ "Chicken bits and pieces", "in pieces" ] }, { "id": 4280, "chinese": "鸡犬不宁", "gold": "greatly upset like a poultry yard visited by a fox", "human": [ "even the fowls and dogs are not left in peace", "general turmoil" ], "machine": [ "The dog is restless", "no rest for the chicken and the dog" ] }, { "id": 4281, "chinese": "鸡犬不留", "gold": "ruthless mass slaughter", "human": [ "even fowls and dogs are not spared", "not a fowl nor a dog left - of utter extermination" ], "machine": [ "no dog", "No dogs or chickens left behind", "No dogs or chickens left" ] }, { "id": 4282, "chinese": "鸡犬不惊", "gold": "complete peace and quiet", "human": [ "even fowls and dogs are not disturbed", "excellent army discipline", "peace and tranquility" ], "machine": [ "Chickens and dogs are not surprised", "No one is surprised by the chicken or the dog", "No one is surprised" ] }, { "id": 4283, "chinese": "鹬蚌相争,渔翁得利", "gold": "it's the third party that benefits from the tussle", "human": [ "when the snipe and the clam grapple, the fisherman profits", "contention between a snipe and a clam - a beneficial chance for a fisherman to catch both", "if a snipe and a clam are locked in a fight, it is only to the advantage of the fisherman", "if two parties fight, a third party will benefit" ], "machine": [ "Two dogs fight, play off", "a snipe and a clam war together and the fisherman gets his money back" ] }, { "id": 4284, "chinese": "鹦鹉学舌", "gold": "parrot", "human": [ "repeat the words of others like a parrot", "echo another's words" ], "machine": [ "Parrots learn to talk", "Parrots learn to speak", "Parrots learning to speak", "Parrots learning to talk" ] }, { "id": 4285, "chinese": "鹿死不择音", "gold": "a stricken deer has no time to select its retreat - a man hard pressed cannot be particular about whom to follow", "human": [], "machine": [ "deer die", "Deer death does not choose the sound" ] }, { "id": 4286, "chinese": "鹿死谁手", "gold": "who will win the prize", "human": [ "at whose hand will the deer die", "who will gain supremacy" ], "machine": [ "Who will kill the deer", "whom the deer falls", "who will emerge victorious", "whom the deer will die" ] }, { "id": 4287, "chinese": "麻痹大意", "gold": "lower one's guard and become careless", "human": [ "lack of vigilance", "slacken in vigilance", "drop one's guard", "be off one's guard" ], "machine": [ "paralyzed", "paralysis and carelessness", "Paralysis" ] }, { "id": 4288, "chinese": "麻木不仁", "gold": "dead to all feelings", "human": [ "indifferent and apathetic", "lacking feeling or sensitivity", "insensitive", "benumbed" ], "machine": [ "apathetic", "numbness", "insensitive to the situation" ] }, { "id": 4289, "chinese": "麻雀虽小,五脏俱全", "gold": "small but complete", "human": [ "the sparrow may be small but it has all the vital organs" ], "machine": [ "The sparrow may be small but all its organs are intact" ] }, { "id": 4290, "chinese": "黄粱一梦", "gold": "pipe dream", "human": [ "Golden Millet Dream", "a vanished dream", "disillusionment" ], "machine": [ "A dream of Huangliang", "dream of golden sorghum", "Dreams of Yellow Sorghum", "Dream of the Yellow Sorghum", "Dreaming of Yellow Sorghum" ] }, { "id": 4291, "chinese": "黑白分明", "gold": "in sharp contrast", "human": [ "with white and black sharply contrasted", "two attitudes stand in sharp contrast" ], "machine": [ "black and white" ] }, { "id": 4292, "chinese": "黑云压城城欲摧", "gold": "the city might crumble under the mass of dark clouds", "human": [], "machine": [ "Dark clouds overwhelm the city", "the black clouds are pressing down on the city and the city is about to be destroyed" ] }, { "id": 4293, "chinese": "黔驴技穷", "gold": "at one's wits' end", "human": [ "the proverbial donkey in ancient Kuei Chou has exhausted its tricks - can do nothing more" ], "machine": [ "Guizhou donkey is poor", "exhausting one's limited abilities", "exhausting one's donkey skills" ] }, { "id": 4294, "chinese": "默默无闻", "gold": "unknown to the public", "human": [ "be buried in oblivion", "be completely unknown or unrecognized", "without attracting public attention", "in the shade" ], "machine": [ "obscurity", "obscure and unknown" ] }, { "id": 4295, "chinese": "点金成铁", "gold": "turn gold into iron", "human": [ "a depreciatory phrase when correcting or revising compositions for another" ], "machine": [ "touch gold into iron", "transform gold into base metal." ] }, { "id": 4296, "chinese": "点石成金", "gold": "touch a stone and turn it into gold", "human": [ "turn a crude essay into a literary gem", "the golden touch in writing by dexterous use of a word" ], "machine": [ "Turn stone into gold", "Turning stones into gold", "Turning stone into gold" ] }, { "id": 4297, "chinese": "党同伐异", "gold": "side with one's co-partners against those who disagree", "human": [ "unite with those of the same ideas and punish those who differ", "defend those who belong to one's own faction and attack those who don't", "take sides with those in the same cabal to ostracize those who hold different opinions" ], "machine": [ "partisanship", "unite with those of the same party but alienate those with different views", "be narrowly partisan" ] }, { "id": 4298, "chinese": "黯然失色", "gold": "pale by comparison", "human": [ "be overshadowed", "be eclipsed", "pale into insignificance" ], "machine": [ "eclipsed", "be overshadowed by", "be eclipsed by" ] }, { "id": 4299, "chinese": "鼎足之势", "gold": "a situation dominated by three powerful rivals", "human": [ "a situation of tripartite confrontation" ], "machine": [ "The momentum of the tripod", "tripartite confrontation", "Tripod" ] }, { "id": 4300, "chinese": "鼓足干劲", "gold": "go all out", "human": [ "be all out" ], "machine": [ "be motivated", "Encouragement", "Encourage full energy", "Encourage full motivation", "Encouraging energy" ] }, { "id": 4301, "chinese": "鼠目寸光", "gold": "see only what is under one's nose", "human": [ "a mouse can see only an inch", "see no further than one's nose", "short-sighted as mice" ], "machine": [ "shortsighted", "a rat's eye is too small", "the rat's eye is too small", "a rat's eye is too short" ] }, { "id": 4302, "chinese": "鼠窃狗盗", "gold": "play petty tricks on the sly", "human": [ "filch like rats and snatch like dogs" ], "machine": [ "Rat and dog thief", "a rat steals and a dog steals", "theft by rats and dogs" ] }, { "id": 4303, "chinese": "齐头并进", "gold": "advance side by side", "human": [ "do two of more things at once" ], "machine": [ "go hand in hand", "Together", "Together and in tandem", "Together and in parallel" ] }, { "id": 4304, "chinese": "齐心协力", "gold": "pull together", "human": [ "work as one", "be of one heart", "with one heart", "make concerted efforts", "join hands", "hand to fist", "hang together" ], "machine": [ "work together", "work with a common purpose", "work with one heart and soul" ] }, { "id": 4305, "chinese": "龙蟠虎踞", "gold": "a forbidding strategic point", "human": [ "like a coiling dragon and crouching tiger" ], "machine": [ "dragon and tiger", "the dragon coils and the tiger stands tall" ] }, { "id": 4306, "chinese": "龙飞凤舞", "gold": "like dragons flying and phoenixes dancing", "human": [ "lively and vigorous flourishes in calligraphy" ], "machine": [ "flamboyant", "Dragon flying and phoenix dancing", "Dragon flying and dancing", "Dragon Fly", "Dragon flying" ] }, { "id": 4307, "chinese": "龙潭虎穴", "gold": "dangerous places", "human": [ "dragon's pond and tiger's cave" ], "machine": [ "Longtan Tiger Cave", "dragon's den and tiger's den", "dragon pool and tiger cave", "dragon pool and tiger den", "dragon pool and tiger's den" ] }, { "id": 4308, "chinese": "龙腾虎跃", "gold": "a scene of bustling activity", "human": [ "dragons rising and tigers leaping", "do something with vigorous enthusiasm" ], "machine": [ "Dragon and Tiger Leap", "The Dragon Takes Off and the Tiger Leaps", "The Dragon Takes Flight", "The Dragon Takes Off" ] }, { "id": 4309, "chinese": "龙争虎斗", "gold": "a close game", "human": [ "fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents", "a near match" ], "machine": [ "dragon fight", "the dragon wars and the tiger battles" ] } ]