// Copyright 2022 Yoshiya Hinosawa. All rights reserved. MIT license. // Copyright 2018-2021 Sindre Sorhus. All rights reserved. MIT license. // deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-any type AnyFunction = (...args: any[]) => any; export interface CallSite { /** Returns the value of `this`. */ getThis(): unknown | undefined; /** Returns the type of `this` as a string. This is the name of the function stored in the constructor field of `this`, if available, otherwise the object's `[[Class]]` internal property. */ getTypeName(): string | null; /** Returns the current function. */ getFunction(): AnyFunction | undefined; /** Returns the name of the current function, typically its `name` property. If a name property is not available an attempt will be made to try to infer a name from the function's context. */ getFunctionName(): string | null; /** Returns the name of the property of `this` or one of its prototypes that holds the current function. */ getMethodName(): string | undefined; /** Returns the name of the script if this function was defined in a script. */ getFileName(): string | null; /** Returns the current line number if this function was defined in a script. */ getLineNumber(): number | null; /** Returns the current column number if this function was defined in a script. */ getColumnNumber(): number | null; /** Returns a string representing the location where `eval` was called if this function was created using a call to `eval`. */ getEvalOrigin(): string | undefined; /** Returns `true` if this is a top-level invocation, that is, if it's a global object. */ isToplevel(): boolean; /** Returns `true` if this call takes place in code defined by a call to `eval`. */ isEval(): boolean; /** Returns `true` if this call is in native V8 code. */ isNative(): boolean; /** Returns `true` if this is a constructor call. */ isConstructor(): boolean; } /** Returns the list of CallSite objects from the V8 stack trace API. * * ```ts * import callsites from ""; * function foo() { * console.log(callsites()[0].getFileName()); * // => file:///path/to/file.js * } * foo(); * ``` */ export default function callsites(): CallSite[] { const _prepareStackTrace = (Error as any).prepareStackTrace; (Error as any).prepareStackTrace = (_: unknown, stack: CallSite) => stack; const stack = (new Error() as any).stack.slice(1); (Error as any).prepareStackTrace = _prepareStackTrace; return stack; }