# HttpBin HttpBin application that implements (large parts of) [httpbin(1)](https://httpbin.org/) HTTP request & response service. ## Running Execute this command to run this sample: ```bash ./gradlew run ``` Then, navigate to [http://localhost:8080/](http://localhost:8080/) to see the sample home page. ## Endpoints | Location | Description | |----------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | / | HTML page describing the service | | /postman | Downloads postman collection for httpbin | | /ip | Returns Origin IP. | | /user-agent | Returns user-agent. | | /headers | Returns header dict. | | /get | Returns GET data. | | /post | Returns POST data. | | /forms/post | HTML form that submits to /post | | /patch | Returns PATCH data. | | /put | Returns PUT data. | | /delete | Returns DELETE data | | /encoding/utf8 | Returns page containing UTF-8 data. | | /status/:code | Returns given HTTP Status code. | | /html | Renders an HTML Page. | | /robots.txt | Returns some robots.txt rules. | | /deny | Denied by robots.txt file. | | /cache | Returns 200 unless an If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match header is provided,when it returns a 304. | | /cache/:n | Sets a Cache-Control header for n seconds. | | /links/:n | Returns page containing n HTML links. | | /image | Returns page containing an image based on sent Accept header. | | /image/png | Returns page containing a PNG image. | | /image/jpeg | Returns page containing a JPEG image. | | /image/webp | Returns page containing a WEBP image. | | /image/svg | Returns page containing a SVG image. | | /xml | Returns some XML | | /encoding/utf8 | Returns page containing UTF-8 data. | | /gzip | Returns gzip-encoded data. | | /deflate | Returns deflate-encoded data. | | /throw | Returns HTTP 500 server error | | /someInvalidEndpoint | Returns a customized HTTP 404 json error | | /cookies | Returns the cookies | | /cookies/set?name=value | Set new cookies | | /cookies/delete?name | Delete specified cookies | | /redirect/:n | Redirect n times | | /redirect-to?url= | Redirect to an URL | | /delay/:n | Delays responding for n seconds. | | /stream/:n | Streams n lines. | | /cache/:n | Sets a Cache-Control header for n seconds. | | /bytes/:n | Generates n random bytes of binary data | | /basic-auth + Authorization | Challenges HTTPBasic Auth. | | /basic-auth/:user/:passwd | Challenges HTTPBasic Auth. | | /hidden-basic-auth/:user/:passwd | 404'd BasicAuth. |