# KubeArmor is an open source software that enables you to protect your cloud workload at run-time. # To learn more about KubeArmor visit: # https://www.accuknox.com/kubearmor/ apiVersion: security.kubearmor.com/v1 kind: KubeArmorPolicy metadata: name: ksp-cve-2022-0185-block-container-escape namespace: default #change the namespace your requirement spec: tags: ["CVE","K8s","CVE-2022-0185", "Privilege Escalation", "Heap Overflow"] message: "Alert! Privileged functions invoked, possible exploitation of CVE-2022-0185 " selector: matchLabels: app: ubuntu-pod #change label app: ubuntu-pod to your label capabilities: severity: 8 matchCapabilities: - capability: sys_admin action: Block