# Please set project and email! apiVersion: kfdef.apps.kubeflow.org/v1beta1 kind: KfDef metadata: # If name is not set, kfctl will infer app name from the directory. # name: myapp2 namespace: kubeflow spec: applications: - kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: namespace value: istio-system repoRef: name: manifests path: istio/istio-crds name: istio-crds - kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: namespace value: istio-system repoRef: name: manifests path: istio/istio-install name: istio-install - kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: clusterRbacConfig value: "ON" repoRef: name: manifests path: istio/istio name: istio - kustomizeConfig: repoRef: name: manifests path: application/application-crds name: application-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: application/application name: application - kustomizeConfig: repoRef: name: manifests path: kubeflow-roles name: kubeflow-roles - kustomizeConfig: repoRef: name: manifests path: metacontroller name: metacontroller - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio - application repoRef: name: manifests path: argo name: argo - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio - application parameters: - name: userid-header value: X-Goog-Authenticated-User-Email - name: userid-prefix value: 'accounts.google.com:' repoRef: name: manifests path: common/centraldashboard name: centraldashboard - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: admission-webhook/webhook name: webhook - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application parameters: - name: webhookNamePrefix value: admission-webhook- repoRef: name: manifests path: admission-webhook/bootstrap name: bootstrap - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio - application parameters: - name: userid-header value: X-Goog-Authenticated-User-Email - name: userid-prefix value: 'accounts.google.com:' repoRef: name: manifests path: jupyter/jupyter-web-app name: jupyter-web-app - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio - application repoRef: name: manifests path: metadata name: metadata - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio - application parameters: - name: injectGcpCredentials value: "true" repoRef: name: manifests path: jupyter/notebook-controller name: notebook-controller - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pytorch-job/pytorch-job-crds name: pytorch-job-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pytorch-job/pytorch-operator name: pytorch-operator - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application parameters: - name: namespace value: knative-serving repoRef: name: manifests path: knative/knative-serving-crds name: knative-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application parameters: - name: namespace value: knative-serving repoRef: name: manifests path: knative/knative-serving-install name: knative-install - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: kfserving/kfserving-crds name: kfserving-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: kfserving/kfserving-install name: kfserving-install - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application parameters: - name: usageId value: "7439583937720421527" - name: reportUsage value: "true" repoRef: name: manifests path: common/spartakus name: spartakus - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - istio repoRef: name: manifests path: tensorboard name: tensorboard - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: tf-training/tf-job-crds name: tf-job-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: tf-training/tf-job-operator name: tf-job-operator - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: katib/katib-crds name: katib-crds - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application - istio repoRef: name: manifests path: katib/katib-controller name: katib-controller - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/api-service name: api-service - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - minioPd - application parameters: - name: minioPd value: test1-storage-artifact-store - name: minioPvName value: minio-pv - name: minioPvcName value: minio-pv-claim repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/minio name: minio - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - mysqlPd - application parameters: - name: mysqlPd value: test1-storage-metadata-store - name: mysqlPvName value: mysql-pv - name: mysqlPvcName value: mysql-pv-claim repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/mysql name: mysql - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/persistent-agent name: persistent-agent - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/pipelines-runner name: pipelines-runner - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - gcp - istio - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/pipelines-ui name: pipelines-ui - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/pipelines-viewer name: pipelines-viewer - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/scheduledworkflow name: scheduledworkflow - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: pipeline/pipeline-visualization-service name: pipeline-visualization-service - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: gcp/cloud-endpoints name: cloud-endpoints - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application - istio parameters: # kfctl will set admin to current user account that deploying kubeflow - name: admin # value: SET_EMAIL - name: userid-header value: X-Goog-Authenticated-User-Email - name: userid-prefix value: 'accounts.google.com:' repoRef: name: manifests path: profiles name: profiles - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: gcp/gpu-driver name: gpu-driver - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - managed-cert - application parameters: - name: namespace value: istio-system # email will be auto-filled. - name: ipName value: test1-ip - name: hostname # The value of hostname should be the DNS address for ingress. # This will be set automatically during kfctl generate. # value: test1.endpoints.SET_PROJECT.cloud.goog repoRef: name: manifests path: gcp/iap-ingress name: iap-ingress - kustomizeConfig: overlays: - application repoRef: name: manifests path: seldon/seldon-core-operator name: seldon-core-operator - kustomizeConfig: parameters: - name: user # kfctl will set user to current user account that deploying kubeflow # value: SET_EMAIL - name: profile-name # kfctl might overwrite profile name value: anonymous repoRef: name: manifests path: default-install name: default-install plugins: - kind: KfGcpPlugin metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: gcp spec: createPipelinePersistentStorage: true deploymentManagerConfig: repoRef: name: manifests path: gcp/deployment_manager_configs enableWorkloadIdentity: true skipInitProject: true useBasicAuth: false # email should be set the google account of the person setting up Kubeflow. # If its not set kfctl generate will try to set it automatically based on the default # gcloud config # email: # # Project should be set to the GCP project you want to use. # If you run kfctl init --config=/kfctl_gcp_iap.yaml # kfctl will try to automatically set it. # project: # # User can specify which zone to deploy to. If not set, will try to auto-fill # this field based on default config in gcloud. # zone: us-east1-d repos: - name: manifests uri: https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/archive/c0e81bedec9a4df8acf568cc5ccacc4bc05a3b38.tar.gz # To get manifest at a PR: #uri: https://github.com/kubeflow/manifests/archive/pull/235/head.tar.gz version: v0.7.0