#!/usr/bin/env bash # Copyright 2022 The Kubernetes Authors. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 # If no argument is given -> Downloads the most recently released # kustomize binary to your current working directory. # (e.g. 'install_kustomize.sh') # # If one argument is given -> # If that argument is in the format of #.#.#, downloads the specified # version of the kustomize binary to your current working directory. # If that argument is something else, downloads the most recently released # kustomize binary to the specified directory. # (e.g. 'install_kustomize.sh 3.8.2' or 'install_kustomize.sh $(go env GOPATH)/bin') # # If two arguments are given -> Downloads the specified version of the # kustomize binary to the specified directory. # (e.g. 'install_kustomize.sh 3.8.2 $(go env GOPATH)/bin') # # Fails if the file already exists. set -e # Unset CDPATH to restore default cd behavior. An exported CDPATH can # cause cd to output the current directory to STDOUT. unset CDPATH where=$PWD release_url=https://api.github.com/repos/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/releases if [ -n "$1" ]; then if [[ "$1" =~ ^[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+){2}$ ]]; then version=v$1 release_url=${release_url}/tags/kustomize%2F$version elif [ -n "$2" ]; then echo "The first argument should be the requested version." exit 1 else where="$1" fi fi if [ -n "$2" ]; then where="$2" fi if ! test -d "$where"; then echo "$where does not exist. Create it first." exit 1 fi # Emulates `readlink -f` behavior, as this is not available by default on MacOS # See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055671/how-can-i-get-the-behavior-of-gnus-readlink-f-on-a-mac function readlink_f { TARGET_FILE=$1 cd "$(dirname "$TARGET_FILE")" TARGET_FILE=$(basename "$TARGET_FILE") # Iterate down a (possible) chain of symlinks while [ -L "$TARGET_FILE" ] do TARGET_FILE=$(readlink "$TARGET_FILE") cd "$(dirname "$TARGET_FILE")" TARGET_FILE=$(readlink "$TARGET_FILE") done # Compute the canonicalized name by finding the physical path # for the directory we're in and appending the target file. PHYS_DIR=$(pwd -P) RESULT=$PHYS_DIR/$TARGET_FILE echo "$RESULT" } function find_release_url() { local releases=$1 local opsys=$2 local arch=$3 echo "${releases}" |\ grep "browser_download.*${opsys}_${arch}" |\ cut -d '"' -f 4 |\ sort -V | tail -n 1 } where="$(readlink_f "$where")/" if [ -f "${where}kustomize" ]; then echo "${where}kustomize exists. Remove it first." exit 1 elif [ -d "${where}kustomize" ]; then echo "${where}kustomize exists and is a directory. Remove it first." exit 1 fi tmpDir=$(mktemp -d) if [[ ! "$tmpDir" || ! -d "$tmpDir" ]]; then echo "Could not create temp dir." exit 1 fi function cleanup { rm -rf "$tmpDir" } trap cleanup EXIT ERR pushd "$tmpDir" >& /dev/null opsys=windows if [[ "$OSTYPE" == linux* ]]; then opsys=linux elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then opsys=darwin fi # Supported values of 'arch': amd64, arm64, ppc64le, s390x case $(uname -m) in x86_64) arch=amd64 ;; arm64|aarch64) arch=arm64 ;; ppc64le) arch=ppc64le ;; s390x) arch=s390x ;; *) arch=amd64 ;; esac # You can authenticate by exporting the GITHUB_TOKEN in the environment if [[ -z "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then releases=$(curl -s "$release_url") else releases=$(curl -s "$release_url" --header "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}") fi if [[ $releases == *"API rate limit exceeded"* ]]; then echo "Github rate-limiter failed the request. Either authenticate or wait a couple of minutes." exit 1 fi RELEASE_URL="$(find_release_url "$releases" "$opsys" "$arch")" if [[ "$arch" == "arm64" ]] && [[ -z "$RELEASE_URL" ]] ; then # fallback to the old behavior of downloading amd64 binaries on aarch64 systems. # People might have qemu-binfmt-misc installed, so it worked for them previously. echo "Version $version does not exist for ${opsys}/arm64, trying ${opsys}/amd64 instead." arch=amd64 RELEASE_URL="$(find_release_url "$releases" "$opsys" "amd64")" fi if [[ -z "$RELEASE_URL" ]]; then echo "Version $version does not exist or is not available for ${opsys}/${arch}." exit 1 fi curl -sLO "$RELEASE_URL" tar xzf ./kustomize_v*_${opsys}_${arch}.tar.gz cp ./kustomize "$where" popd >& /dev/null "${where}kustomize" version echo "kustomize installed to ${where}kustomize"