#!/usr/bin/env bash ## Deploys the GMSA webhook set -e usage() { cat < /dev/null; then curl -sL "$URL" > "$DIR/$NAME" else wget -O "$DIR/$NAME" "$URL" fi fi realpath "$DIR/$NAME" } write_manifests_file() { local TEMPLATE_PATH="$1" local MANIFESTS_FILE="$2" if [ -x "$(command -v envsubst)" ] && [ ! "$WITHOUT_ENVSUBST" ]; then echo "using local envsubst" envsubst < "$TEMPLATE_PATH" > "$MANIFESTS_FILE" elif [ -x "$(command -v docker)" ]; then echo "using envsubst in docker" # due to a bug in --env-file convert varaibles we care about to -e parameters # The sed commands get only the env names before =, clean any white space, add -e to them, then make it all one line # https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/12997#issuecomment-307665540 ENVS=`env | grep -E 'NAME|NAMESPACE|TLS|RBAC|TOLERATIONS|IMAGE|CA' | sed -n '/^[^\t]/s/=.*//p' | sed '/^$/d' | sed 's/^/-e /g' | tr '\n' ' '` # envsubst is installed in the nginx images which we already maintain docker run --rm -v "$TEMPLATE_PATH:$TEMPLATE_PATH" $ENVS registry.k8s.io/e2e-test-images/nginx:1.15-1 sh -c "cat $TEMPLATE_PATH | envsubst" > $MANIFESTS_FILE else fatal_error "Unable to run envsubst" fi } main() { local MANIFESTS_FILE= local NAME='gmsa-webhook' local NAMESPACE='gmsa-webhook' local IMAGE_NAME='registry.k8s.io/gmsa-webhook/k8s-gmsa-webhook:v0.12.1' local CERTS_DIR='gmsa-webhook-certs' local DRY_RUN=false local OVERWRITE=false local TOLERATE_MASTER=false # parse arguments while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in --file) MANIFESTS_FILE="$2" && shift 2 ;; --name) NAME="$2" && shift 2 ;; --namespace) NAMESPACE="$2" && shift 2 ;; --image) IMAGE_NAME="$2" && shift 2 ;; --certs-dir) CERTS_DIR="$2" && shift 2 ;; --dry-run) DRY_RUN=true && shift ;; --overwrite) OVERWRITE=true && shift ;; --tolerate-master) TOLERATE_MASTER=true && shift ;; *) echo "Unknown option: $1" usage ;; esac done [ "$MANIFESTS_FILE" ] || usage # download the helper scripts if needed local HELPERS_SCRIPT HELPER_SCRIPT=$(ensure_helper_file_present '.helpers.sh') . "$HELPER_SCRIPT" local CREATE_SIGNED_CERT_SCRIPT CREATE_SIGNED_CERT_SCRIPT=$(ensure_helper_file_present 'create-signed-cert.sh') if [ -d "$CERTS_DIR" ]; then $OVERWRITE || warn "Certs dir $CERTS_DIR already exists" else mkdir -p "$CERTS_DIR" fi # create the SSL cert and apply it to the cluster local CREATE_CERT_CMD="$BASH $CREATE_SIGNED_CERT_SCRIPT --service $NAME --namespace $NAMESPACE --certs-dir $CERTS_DIR" $DRY_RUN && CREATE_CERT_CMD+=" --dry-run" || true $OVERWRITE && CREATE_CERT_CMD+=" --overwrite" || true eval "K8S_WINDOWS_GMSA_HELPER_SCRIPT='$HELPER_SCRIPT' $CREATE_CERT_CMD" # create the CRD local CRD_MANIFEST_PATH=$(ensure_helper_file_present 'gmsa-crd.yml') local CRD_MANIFEST_CONTENTS=$(cat "$CRD_MANIFEST_PATH") if ! $DRY_RUN && $KUBECTL get crd gmsacredentialspecs.windows.k8s.io &> /dev/null; then $KUBECTL delete crd gmsacredentialspecs.windows.k8s.io fi echo_or_run --with-kubectl-dry-run "$KUBECTL create -f - <<< '$CRD_MANIFEST_CONTENTS'" # then render the template for the rest of the resources local TEMPLATE_PATH TEMPLATE_PATH=$(ensure_helper_file_present 'gmsa-webhook.yml.tpl') # the TLS certificate might not have been generated yet if it's a dry run local TLS_CERTIFICATE if [ -r "$SERVER_CERT" ]; then TLS_CERTIFICATE=$(cat "$SERVER_CERT" | base64 -w 0) elif $DRY_RUN; then TLS_CERTIFICATE='TBD' else fatal_error "Expected to find the server certificate at $SERVER_CERT" fi TOLERATIONS='' if $TOLERATE_MASTER; then TOLERATIONS=' tolerations: - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule - key: node-role.kubernetes.io/control-plane operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule' fi if [ -f "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt" ]; then info 'using pod based authentication' BUNDLE=$(cat /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt | base64 | tr -d '\n') else info 'using config file authentication' BUNDLE=$($KUBECTL config view --raw --minify --flatten -o jsonpath='{.clusters[].cluster.certificate-authority-data}') fi if [[ -z "$BUNDLE" ]]; then fatal_error "Not able to determine CA bundle for depoloyment" fi TLS_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat "$SERVER_KEY" | base64 -w 0) \ TLS_CERTIFICATE="$TLS_CERTIFICATE" \ CA_BUNDLE="$BUNDLE" \ RBAC_ROLE_NAME="$NAMESPACE-$NAME-rbac-role" \ NAME="$NAME" \ NAMESPACE="$NAMESPACE" \ IMAGE_NAME="$IMAGE_NAME" \ TOLERATIONS="$TOLERATIONS" \ write_manifests_file "$TEMPLATE_PATH" "$MANIFESTS_FILE" echo_or_run --with-kubectl-dry-run "$KUBECTL apply -f $MANIFESTS_FILE" if ! $DRY_RUN; then verify_webhook_ready() { local READY if READY="$($KUBECTL -n "$NAMESPACE" get pod --selector=app=$NAME -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.containerStatuses[0].ready}' 2> /dev/null)"; then [[ "$READY" == 'true' ]] else return 1 fi } wait_for verify_webhook_ready 'webhook not ready' info 'Windows GMSA Admission Webhook successfully deployed!' info "You can remove it by running $KUBECTL delete -f $MANIFESTS_FILE" fi # cleanup rm -rf "$TMP_DIR_PREFIX"* } main "$@"