# This policy enforces that all containers of a deployment has the image repo match the environment label of its namespace. # Except for "exempt" deployments, or any containers that do not belong to the "example.com" organization (e.g. common sidecars). # For example, if the namespace has a label of {"environment": "staging"}, all container images must be either staging.example.com/* # or do not contain "example.com" at all, unless the deployment has {"exempt": "true"} label. apiVersion: admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: ValidatingAdmissionPolicy metadata: name: "image-matches-namespace-environment.policy.example.com" spec: failurePolicy: Fail matchConstraints: resourceRules: - apiGroups: ["apps"] apiVersions: ["v1"] operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"] resources: ["deployments"] variables: - name: environment expression: "'environment' in namespaceObject.metadata.labels ? namespaceObject.metadata.labels['environment'] : 'prod'" - name: exempt expression: "'exempt' in object.metadata.labels && object.metadata.labels['exempt'] == 'true'" - name: containers expression: "object.spec.template.spec.containers" - name: containersToCheck expression: "variables.containers.filter(c, c.image.contains('example.com/'))" validations: - expression: "variables.exempt || variables.containersToCheck.all(c, c.image.startsWith(variables.environment + '.'))" messageExpression: "'only ' + variables.environment + ' images are allowed in namespace ' + namespaceObject.metadata.name"