site_name: KubeStellar repo_url: site_url: repo_short_name: kubestellar/kubestellar repo_default_file_path: kubestellar helm_repo_short_name: kubestellar/helm helm_repo_default_file_path: helm brew_repo_short_name: kubestellar/homebrew-kubestellar brew_repo_default_file_path: homebrew-kubestellar docs_url: repo_raw_url: edit_uri: edit/main/docs/content ks_branch: 'main' ks_tag: 'latest' ks_latest_regular_release: '0.26.0' ks_latest_release: '0.26.0' ks_kind_port_num: '1119' # Site content docs_dir: 'content' # Where to generate site_dir: 'generated' nav: - Welcome: - Landing: - What is KubeStellar?: - Overview: - Architecture: direct/ - Related: - KubeFlex: direct/ - KubeStellar Galaxy: direct/ - Release-notes: direct/ - Roadmap: direct/ - Getting Started: direct/ - User Guide: - Guide Overview: direct/ - Getting Started: direct/ - Getting Started from OCM: direct/ - General Setup: - Overview: direct/ - Setup limitations: direct/ - Prerequisites: direct/ - KubeFlex Hosting cluster: - Acquire cluster for KubeFlex Hosting: direct/ - Initialize KubeFlex Hosting cluster: direct/ - Core Spaces: - Inventory and Transport Spaces: direct/ - Workload Description Spaces: direct/ - Core Helm chart: direct/ - Workload Execution Clusters: - About Workload Execution Clusters: direct/ - Register a Workload Execution Cluster: direct/ - Usage: - Usage limitations: direct/ - KubeStellar API: - Overview: direct/ - API reference (new tab): - Binding: direct/ - Transforming desired state: direct/ - Combining reported state: direct/ - Example Scenarios: direct/ - Third-party integrations: - ArgoCD to WDS: direct/ - Troubleshooting: direct/ - Known Issues: - Overview: direct/ - Hidden state in kubeconfig: direct/ - Kind needs OS reconfig: direct/ - Authorization failure while fetching Helm chart from direct/ - Missing results in a CombinedStatus object: direct/ - Teardown: direct/ - Contributing: - How to join in: direct/ - Code of Conduct: contribution-guidelines/ - License: contribution-guidelines/ - Governance: contribution-guidelines/ - Onboarding: contribution-guidelines/ - Website: - Docs Management Overview: contribution-guidelines/operations/ - Testing website PRs: contribution-guidelines/operations/ - Security: - Policy: contribution-guidelines/security/ - Contacts: contribution-guidelines/security/ - Testing: direct/ - Packaging: direct/ - Release Process: direct/ - Release Testing: direct/ - Guidelines: contribution-guidelines/ - Sign-off and Signing Contributions: direct/ - Community: - Get Involved: Community/ - Contact Us: - Mailing List: - Community Meeting Agenda (join mailing list first): - Slack: - Medium Blog: - YouTube Channel: - LinkedIn: - Reddit: - Google Drive: - Partners: - ArgoCD: Community/partners/ - Turbonomic: Community/partners/ - MVI: Community/partners/ - FluxCD: Community/partners/ - OpenZiti: Community/partners/ - Kyverno: Community/partners/ - 'Blog':" target="_blank # # - Auto generated: # - ... | auto-generated/*/*.md theme: font: text: 'SapceMono' code: 'Roboto Mono' name: material language: en # Common files such as images, stylesheets, theme overrides custom_dir: 'overrides' features: # enable the ability to dismiss the announcement bar - announce.dismiss - content.action.edit - content.action.view # Enable navigation section index pages, so we don't see Concepts > Concepts - navigation.indexes - navigation.tabs # - navigation.tabs.sticky # - navigation.expand - navigation.path - navigation.footer # - navigation.tracking # Enable a copy button in code blocks - content.code.copy # Enable annotations on specific lines in code blocks - content.code.annotate logo: logo.png favicon: favicons/favicon.ico palette: # Palette toggle for automatic mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme)" toggle: icon: material/brightness-auto name: Switch to light mode # Palette toggle for light mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" scheme: default toggle: icon: material/brightness-7 name: Switch to dark mode # Palette toggle for dark mode - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" scheme: slate toggle: icon: material/brightness-4 name: Switch to system preference primary: light blue accent: cyan extra: # social: # - icon: fontawesome/brands/github # link: '' # name: KubeStellar on GitHub # - icon: fontawesome/brands/linkedin # link: '' # name: KubeStellar on LinkedIn # - icon: fontawesome/brands/medium # link: '' # - icon: fontawesome/brands/YouTube # link: '' # name: KubeStellar on YouTube # - icon: fontawesome/brands/slack # link: '' # name: KubeStellar on Slack # - icon: fontawesome/solid/paper-plane # link: # name: Email us version: default: latest # Enable mike for multi-version selection provider: mike analytics: provider: google property: G-SR5TD1CXY7 feedback: title: Was this page helpful? ratings: - icon: material/emoticon-happy-outline name: This page was helpful data: 1 note: >- Thanks for your feedback! - icon: material/emoticon-sad-outline name: This page could be improved data: 0 note: >- Thanks for your feedback! Help us improve this page by using our feedback form. plugins: - i18n: default_language: en languages: en: "English" fr: "Français" # apidocs # - mkdocs-apidoc # Docs site search - search - mermaid2: version: 10.0.2 # Use Jinja macros in .md files - open-in-new-tab - include-markdown - macros: include_dir: 'overrides' module_name: 'main' # Configure multiple language support # - redirects: # redirect_maps: # 'docs': 'docs/Coding%20Milestones/PoC2023q1/outline/' # 'old/': 'new/' # '': '' markdown_extensions: - markdown_captions - pymdownx.superfences: custom_fences: - name: mermaid class: mermaid format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format - attr_list - md_in_html - toc: # Builds a table of contents permalink: "#" # Code block highlighting - pymdownx.highlight: # Allows linking directly to specific lines in code blocks anchor_linenums: true pygments_lang_class: true # Inline code block highlighting - pymdownx.inlinehilite # Lets you embed content from another file - pymdownx.snippets # Arbitrary nesting of code/content blocks inside each other - pymdownx.tabbed: alternate_style: true # Enable note/warning/etc. callouts - admonition # Our CSS extra_css: - stylesheets/kubestellar.css # Live reload if any of these change when running 'mkdocs serve' watch: - mkdocs.yml - content - overrides