// © 2023–2024 KudoAI & contributors under the MIT license. // Source: https://github.com/KudoAI/chatgpt.js // User guide: https://chatgptjs.org/userguide // Latest minified release: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@kudoai/chatgpt.js/chatgpt.min.js // Init endpoints const endpoints = { assets: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/KudoAI/chatgpt.js', openAI: { session: 'https://chatgpt.com/api/auth/session', chats: 'https://chatgpt.com/backend-api/conversations', chat: 'https://chatgpt.com/backend-api/conversation', share_create: 'https://chatgpt.com/backend-api/share/create', share: 'https://chatgpt.com/backend-api/share', instructions: 'https://chatgpt.com/backend-api/user_system_messages' } }; // Init feedback properties localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify([]); localStorage.notifyProps = JSON.stringify({ queue: { topRight: [], bottomRight: [], bottomLeft: [], topLeft: [] }}); // Define chatgpt.methods const chatgpt = { // eslint-disable-line no-redeclare openAIaccessToken: {}, actAs: function(persona) { // Prompts ChatGPT to act as a persona from https://github.com/KudoAI/chat-prompts/blob/main/personas.json const promptsUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KudoAI/chat-prompts/main/dist/personas.min.json'; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', promptsUrl, true); xhr.send(); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve prompts data.'); const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).personas; if (!persona) { console.log('\n%c🤖 chatgpt.js personas\n', 'font-family: sans-serif ; font-size: xxx-large ; font-weight: bold'); for (const prompt of data) // list personas console.log(`%c${ prompt.title }`, 'font-family: monospace ; font-size: larger ;'); return resolve(); } const selectedPrompt = data.find(obj => obj.title.toLowerCase() == persona.toLowerCase()); if (!selectedPrompt) return reject(`🤖 chatgpt.js >> Persona '${ persona }' was not found!`); chatgpt.send(selectedPrompt.prompt, 'click'); console.info(`Loading ${ persona } persona...`); chatgpt.isIdle().then(() => { console.info('Persona activated!'); }); return resolve(); }; }); }, activateDarkMode: function() { document.documentElement.classList.replace('light', 'dark'); document.documentElement.style.colorScheme = 'dark'; localStorage.setItem('theme', 'dark'); }, activateLightMode: function() { document.documentElement.classList.replace('dark', 'light'); document.documentElement.style.colorScheme = 'light'; localStorage.setItem('theme', 'light'); }, alert: function(title, msg, btns, checkbox, width) { // [ title/msg = strings, btns = [named functions], checkbox = named function, width (px) = int ] = optional // * Spaces are inserted into button labels by parsing function names in camel/kebab/snake case const scheme = chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 'dark' : 'light', isMobile = chatgpt.browser.isMobile(); // Create modal parent/children elements const modalContainer = document.createElement('div'); modalContainer.id = Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 1000000) + Date.now(); modalContainer.classList.add('chatgpt-modal'); // add class to main div const modal = document.createElement('div'), modalTitle = document.createElement('h2'), modalMessage = document.createElement('p'); // Create/append/update modal style (if missing or outdated) const thisUpdated = 20231203; // datestamp of last edit for this file's `modalStyle` let modalStyle = document.querySelector('#chatgpt-modal-style'); // try to select existing style if (!modalStyle || parseInt(modalStyle.getAttribute('last-updated'), 10) < thisUpdated) { // if missing or outdated if (!modalStyle) { // outright missing, create/id/attr/append it first modalStyle = document.createElement('style'); modalStyle.id = 'chatgpt-modal-style'; modalStyle.setAttribute('last-updated', thisUpdated.toString()); document.head.append(modalStyle); } modalStyle.innerText = ( // update prev/new style contents // Background styles '.chatgpt-modal {' + 'position: fixed ; top: 0 ; left: 0 ; width: 100% ; height: 100% ;' // expand to full view-port + 'background-color: rgba(67, 70, 72, 0) ;' // init dim bg but no opacity + 'transition: background-color 0.05s ease ;' // speed to transition in show alert routine + 'display: flex ; justify-content: center ; align-items: center ; z-index: 9999 }' // align // Alert styles + '.chatgpt-modal > div {' + 'opacity: 0 ; transform: translateX(-2px) translateY(5px) ; max-width: 75vw ; word-wrap: break-word ;' + 'transition: opacity 0.1s cubic-bezier(.165,.84,.44,1), transform 0.2s cubic-bezier(.165,.84,.44,1) ;' + `background-color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'black' : 'white' } ;` + ( scheme != 'dark' ? 'border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) ;' : '' ) + 'padding: 20px ; margin: 12px 23px ; border-radius: 15px ; box-shadow: 0 30px 60px rgba(0, 0, 0, .12) ;' + ' -webkit-user-select: none ; -moz-user-select: none ; -ms-user-select: none ; user-select: none ; }' + '.chatgpt-modal h2 { margin-bottom: 9px }' + `.chatgpt-modal a { color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? '#00cfff' : '#1e9ebb' }}` + '.chatgpt-modal.animated > div { opacity: 1 ; transform: translateX(0) translateY(0) }' + '@keyframes alert-zoom-fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1 ; transform: scale(1) }' + '50% { opacity: 0.25 ; transform: scale(1.05) }' + '100% { opacity: 0 ; transform: scale(1.35) }}' // Button styles + '.modal-buttons { display: flex ; justify-content: flex-end ; margin: 20px -5px -3px 0 ;' + ( isMobile ? 'flex-direction: column-reverse' : '' ) + '}' + '.chatgpt-modal button {' + `margin-left: ${ isMobile ? 0 : 10}px ; padding: ${ isMobile ? 15 : 4}px 18px ; border-radius: 15px ;` + ( isMobile ? 'margin-top: 5px ; margin-bottom: 3px ;' : '') + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }}` + '.primary-modal-btn {' + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;` + `background: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;` + `color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'black' : 'white' }}` + '.chatgpt-modal button:hover { color: #3d5d71 ; border-color: #6d9cb9 ;' + 'background-color: ' + ( scheme == 'dark' ? '#00cfff' : '#9cdaff' ) + ';' + 'box-shadow: 2px 1px ' + ( scheme == 'dark' ? '54px #00cfff' : '30px #9cdaff' ) + '}' + '.modal-close-btn {' + 'cursor: pointer ; width: 20px ; height: 20px ; float: right ; position: relative ; right: -2px }' + '.modal-close-btn svg { margin: 5px 5px }' // center SVG for hover overlay + `.modal-close-btn:hover { background-color: #f2f2f2${ scheme == 'dark' ? '00' : '' }}` // Checkbox styles + '.chatgpt-modal .checkbox-group { display: flex ; margin-top: -18px }' + '.chatgpt-modal .checkbox-group label {' + 'font-size: .7rem ; margin: -.04rem 0 0px .3rem ;' + `color: ${ scheme == 'dark' ? '#e1e1e1' : '#1e1e1e' }}` + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"] { transform: scale(0.7) ;' + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' }}` + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"]:checked {' + `border: 1px solid ${ scheme == 'dark' ? 'white' : 'black' } ;` + 'background-color: black ; position: inherit }' + '.chatgpt-modal input[type="checkbox"]:focus { outline: none ; box-shadow: none }' ); } // Insert text into elements modalTitle.innerText = title || ''; modalMessage.innerText = msg || ''; chatgpt.renderHTML(modalMessage); // Create/append buttons (if provided) to buttons div const modalButtons = document.createElement('div'); modalButtons.classList.add('modal-buttons'); if (btns) { // are supplied if (!Array.isArray(btns)) btns = [btns]; // convert single button to array if necessary btns.forEach((buttonFn) => { // create title-cased labels + attach listeners const button = document.createElement('button'); button.textContent = buttonFn.name .replace(/[_-]\w/g, match => match.slice(1).toUpperCase()) // convert snake/kebab to camel case .replace(/([A-Z])/g, ' $1') // insert spaces .replace(/^\w/, firstChar => firstChar.toUpperCase()); // capitalize first letter button.addEventListener('click', () => { dismissAlert(); buttonFn(); }); modalButtons.insertBefore(button, modalButtons.firstChild); // insert button to left }); } // Create/append OK/dismiss button to buttons div const dismissBtn = document.createElement('button'); dismissBtn.textContent = btns ? 'Dismiss' : 'OK'; modalButtons.insertBefore(dismissBtn, modalButtons.firstChild); // Highlight primary button modalButtons.lastChild.classList.add('primary-modal-btn'); // Create/append checkbox (if provided) to checkbox group div const checkboxDiv = document.createElement('div'); if (checkbox) { // is supplied checkboxDiv.classList.add('checkbox-group'); const checkboxFn = checkbox, // assign the named function to checkboxFn checkboxInput = document.createElement('input'); checkboxInput.type = 'checkbox'; checkboxInput.addEventListener('change', checkboxFn); // Create/show label const checkboxLabel = document.createElement('label'); checkboxLabel.addEventListener('click', () => { checkboxInput.checked = !checkboxInput.checked; checkboxFn(); }); checkboxLabel.textContent = checkboxFn.name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() // capitalize first char + checkboxFn.name.slice(1) // format remaining chars .replace(/([A-Z])/g, (match, letter) => ' ' + letter.toLowerCase()) // insert spaces, convert to lowercase .replace(/\b(\w+)nt\b/gi, '$1n\'t') // insert apostrophe in 'nt' suffixes .trim(); // trim leading/trailing spaces checkboxDiv.append(checkboxInput); checkboxDiv.append(checkboxLabel); } // Create close button const closeBtn = document.createElement('div'); closeBtn.title = 'Close'; closeBtn.classList.add('modal-close-btn'); const closeSVG = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); closeSVG.setAttribute('height', '10px'); closeSVG.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 14 14'); closeSVG.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); const closeSVGpath = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('clip-rule', 'evenodd'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('fill', chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 'white' : 'black'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('d', 'M13.7071 1.70711C14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 0.683417 13.7071 0.292893C13.3166 -0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 12.2929 0.292893L7 5.58579L1.70711 0.292893C1.31658 -0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 0.292893 0.292893C-0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 1.31658 0.292893 1.70711L5.58579 7L0.292893 12.2929C-0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 13.3166 0.292893 13.7071C0.683417 14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 1.70711 13.7071L7 8.41421L12.2929 13.7071C12.6834 14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 13.7071 13.7071C14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 12.6834 13.7071 12.2929L8.41421 7L13.7071 1.70711Z'); closeSVG.append(closeSVGpath); closeBtn.append(closeSVG); // Assemble/append div const modalElems = [closeBtn, modalTitle, modalMessage, modalButtons, checkboxDiv]; modalElems.forEach((elem) => { modal.append(elem); }); modal.style.width = `${ width || 458 }px`; modalContainer.append(modal); document.body.append(modalContainer); // Enqueue alert let alertQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.alertQueue); alertQueue.push(modalContainer.id); localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify(alertQueue); // Show alert if none active modalContainer.style.display = 'none'; if (alertQueue.length === 1) { modalContainer.style.display = ''; setTimeout(() => { // delay non-0 opacity's for transition fx modalContainer.style.backgroundColor = ( `rgba(67, 70, 72, ${ scheme === 'dark' ? 0.62 : 0 })`); modalContainer.classList.add('animated'); }, 100); } // Define click/key handlers const clickHandler = event => { // explicitly defined to support removal post-dismissal if (event.target == event.currentTarget || event.target instanceof SVGPathElement) dismissAlert(); }; const keyHandler = event => { // to dismiss active alert const dismissKeys = [13, 27]; // enter/esc if (dismissKeys.includes(event.keyCode)) { for (const alertId of alertQueue) { // look to handle only if triggering alert is active const alert = document.getElementById(alertId); if (alert && alert.style.display !== 'none') { // active alert found if (event.keyCode === 27) dismissAlert(); // if esc pressed, dismiss alert & do nothing else if (event.keyCode === 13) { // else if enter pressed const mainButton = alert.querySelector('.modal-buttons').lastChild; // look for main button if (mainButton) { mainButton.click(); event.preventDefault(); } // click if found } return; }}}}; // Add listeners to dismiss alert const dismissElems = [modalContainer, closeBtn, closeSVG, dismissBtn]; dismissElems.forEach(elem => { elem.addEventListener('click', clickHandler); }); document.addEventListener('keydown', keyHandler); // Define alert dismisser const dismissAlert = () => { modalContainer.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent'; modal.style.animation = 'alert-zoom-fade-out 0.075s ease-out'; setTimeout(() => { // delay removal for fade-out // Remove alert modalContainer.remove(); // ...from DOM alertQueue = JSON.parse(localStorage.alertQueue); alertQueue.shift(); // + memory localStorage.alertQueue = JSON.stringify(alertQueue); // + storage // Remove all listeners to prevent memory leaks dismissElems.forEach(elem => { elem.removeEventListener('click', clickHandler); }); document.removeEventListener('keydown', keyHandler); // Check for pending alerts in queue if (alertQueue.length > 0) { const nextAlert = document.getElementById(alertQueue[0]); setTimeout(() => { nextAlert.style.display = ''; setTimeout(() => { nextAlert.classList.add('animated'); }, 100); }, 500); } }, 50); }; return modalContainer.id; // if assignment used }, askAndGetReply: async function(query) { chatgpt.send(query); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, autoRefresh: { activate: function(interval) { if (this.isActive) { // already running, do nothing console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Auto refresh already active!'); return; } const autoRefresh = this; // Run main activate routine this.toggle.refreshFrame(); const scheduleRefreshes = interval => { const randomDelay = Math.max(2, Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 21 - 10)); // set random delay up to ±10 secs autoRefresh.isActive = setTimeout(() => { const manifestScript = document.querySelector('script[src*="_ssgManifest.js"]'); document.querySelector('#refresh-frame').src = manifestScript.src + '?' + Date.now(); console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] ChatGPT session refreshed'); scheduleRefreshes(interval); }, (interval + randomDelay) * 1000); }; scheduleRefreshes( interval ? parseInt(interval, 10) : 30 ); console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Auto refresh activated'); // Add listener to send beacons in Chromium to thwart auto-discards if Page Visibility API supported if (navigator.userAgent.includes('Chrome') && typeof document.hidden !== 'undefined') { document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', this.toggle.beacons); } }, deactivate: function() { if (this.isActive) { this.toggle.refreshFrame(); document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', this.toggle.beacons); clearTimeout(this.isActive); this.isActive = null; console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Auto refresh de-activated'); } else { console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Auto refresh already inactive!'); } }, nowTimeStamp: function() { const now = new Date(); const hours = now.getHours() % 12 || 12; // Convert to 12-hour format let minutes = now.getMinutes(), seconds = now.getSeconds(); if (minutes < 10) minutes = '0' + minutes; if (seconds < 10) seconds = '0' + seconds; const meridiem = now.getHours() < 12 ? 'AM' : 'PM'; return hours + ':' + minutes + ':' + seconds + ' ' + meridiem; }, toggle: { beacons: function() { if (chatgpt.autoRefresh.beaconID) { clearInterval(chatgpt.autoRefresh.beaconID); chatgpt.autoRefresh.beaconID = null; console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Beacons de-activated'); } else { chatgpt.autoRefresh.beaconID = setInterval(() => { navigator.sendBeacon('https://httpbin.org/post', new Uint8Array()); console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Beacon sent'); }, 90000); console.log('↻ ChatGPT >> [' + chatgpt.autoRefresh.nowTimeStamp() + '] Beacons activated'); } }, refreshFrame: function() { let refreshFrame = document.querySelector('#refresh-frame'); if (refreshFrame) refreshFrame.remove(); else { refreshFrame = Object.assign(document.createElement('iframe'), { id: 'refresh-frame', style: 'display: none' }); document.head.prepend(refreshFrame); } } } }, browser: { isLightMode: function() { return window.matchMedia?.('(prefers-color-scheme: light)')?.matches; }, isDarkMode: function() { return window.matchMedia?.('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)')?.matches; }, isChromium: function() { return navigator.userAgent.includes('Chrome'); }, isFirefox: function() { return navigator.userAgent.includes('Firefox'); }, isFullScreen: function() { const userAgentStr = navigator.userAgent; return userAgentStr.includes('Chrome') ? window.matchMedia('(display-mode: fullscreen)').matches : userAgentStr.includes('Firefox') ? window.fullScreen : /MSIE|rv:/.test(userAgentStr) ? document.msFullscreenElement : document.webkitIsFullScreen; }, isMobile: function() { return /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test(navigator.userAgent); } }, clearChats: async function(method) { // Validate method arg const validMethods = ['api', 'dom']; method = (method || 'dom').trim().toLowerCase(); // set to 'dom' by default if (method && !validMethods.includes(method)) return console.error(`Method argument must be one of: [${validMethods}]`); if (method == 'dom') { const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms)); try { chatgpt.menu.open(); await delay(10); const settingsBtn = document.querySelector( 'a[role="menuitem"] svg path[d*="M12.003 10.5a1.5"]').parentNode.parentNode; settingsBtn.click(); await delay(333); const settingsBtns = document.querySelectorAll('[id*=radix] button'), deleteBtn = settingsBtns[settingsBtns.length - 1]; deleteBtn.click(); await delay(10); document.querySelector('button[class*="danger"').click(); // confirm clear return console.info('Chats successfully cleared.'); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); if (arguments.length == 0) { console.info('Using backend API method instead.'); chatgpt.clearChats('api'); } } } else { // API method // NOTE: DOM is not updated to reflect new empty chat list (until session refresh) return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(token => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('PATCH', endpoints.openAI.chats, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot clear chats.'); console.info('Chats successfully cleared'); resolve(); }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ is_visible: false })); }).catch(err => reject(new Error(err.message))); }); } }, code: { // Tip: Use template literals for easier passing of code arguments. Ensure backticks and `$`s are escaped (using `\`) execute: async function(code) { if (!code) return console.error('Code argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); if (typeof code !== 'string') return console.error('Code argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Display the output as if you were terminal:\n\n' + code); console.info('Executing code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); }, extract: function(msg) { // extract pure code from response (targets last block) const codeBlocks = msg.match(/(?<=```.*\n)[\s\S]*?(?=```)/g); return codeBlocks ? codeBlocks[codeBlocks.length - 1] : msg; }, minify: async function(code) { if (!code) return console.error('Code argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); if (typeof code !== 'string') return console.error('Code argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Minify the following code:\n\n' + code); console.info('Minifying code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); }, obfuscate: async function(code) { if (!code) return console.error('Code argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); if (typeof code !== 'string') return console.error('Code argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Obfuscate the following code:\n\n' + code); console.info('Obfuscating code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); }, refactor: async function(code, objective) { if (!code) return console.error('Code (1st) argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string.`); chatgpt.send('Refactor the following code for ' + (objective || 'brevity') + ':\n\n' + code); console.info('Refactoring code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); }, review: async function(code) { if (!code) return console.error('Code argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); if (typeof code !== 'string') return console.error('Code argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Review the following code for me:\n\n' + code); console.info('Reviewing code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, unminify: async function(code) { if (!code) return console.error('Code argument not supplied. Pass some code!'); if (typeof code !== 'string') return console.error('Code argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Unminify the following code.:\n\n' + code); console.info('Unminifying code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); }, write: async function(prompt, outputLang) { if (!prompt) return console.error('Prompt (1st) argument not supplied. Pass a prompt!'); if (!outputLang) return console.error('outputLang (2nd) argument not supplied. Pass a language!'); for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string.`); chatgpt.send(prompt + '\n\nWrite this as code in ' + outputLang); console.info('Writing code...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.code.extract(await chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest')); } }, continue: function() { chatgpt.response.continue(); }, detectLanguage: async function(text) { if (!text) return console.error('Text argument not supplied. Pass some text!'); if (typeof text !== 'string') return console.error('Text argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Detect the language of the following text:\n\n' + text + '\n\nOnly respond with the name of the language'); console.info('Reviewing text...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, executeCode: function() { chatgpt.code.execute(); }, exportChat: async function(chatToGet, format) { // chatToGet = 'active' (default) | 'latest' | index|title|id of chat to get // format = 'html' (default) | 'md' | 'pdf' | 'text' // Init args chatToGet = !chatToGet ? 'active' // default to 'active' if unpassed : Number.isInteger(chatToGet) || /^\d+$/.test(chatToGet) ? // else if string/int num passed parseInt(chatToGet, 10) // parse as integer : chatToGet; // else preserve non-num string as 'active', 'latest' or title/id of chat to get format = format.toLowerCase() || 'html'; // default to 'html' if unpassed // Create transcript + filename console.info('Generating transcript...'); let transcript = '', filename; if (/te?xt/.test(format)) { // generate plain transcript + filename for TXT export // Format filename using date/time const now = new Date(), day = now.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'), month = (now.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'), year = now.getFullYear(), hour = now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0'), minute = now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'); filename = `ChatGPT_${ day }-${ month }-${ year }_${ hour }-${ minute }.txt`; // Create transcript from active chat if (chatToGet == 'active' && /\/\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}$/.test(window.location.href)) { const chatDivs = document.querySelectorAll('main > div > div > div > div > div > div[class*=group]'); if (chatDivs.length === 0) return console.error('Chat is empty!'); const msgs = []; let isUserMsg = true; chatDivs.forEach((div) => { const sender = isUserMsg ? 'USER' : 'CHATGPT'; isUserMsg = !isUserMsg; let msg = Array.from(div.childNodes).map(node => node.innerText) .join('\n\n') // insert double line breaks between paragraphs .replace('Copy code', ''); msgs.push(sender + ': ' + msg); }); transcript = msgs.join('\n\n'); // ...or from getChatData(chatToGet) } else { for (const entry of await chatgpt.getChatData(chatToGet, 'msg', 'both', 'all')) { transcript += `USER: ${ entry.user }\n\n`; transcript += `CHATGPT: ${ entry.chatgpt }\n\n`; }} } else { // generate rich transcript + filename for HTML/MD/PDF export // Fetch HTML transcript from OpenAI const response = await fetch(await chatgpt.shareChat(chatToGet)), htmlContent = await response.text(); // Format filename after const parser = new DOMParser(), parsedHtml = parser.parseFromString(htmlContent, 'text/html'); filename = parsedHtml.querySelector('title').textContent + '.html'; // Convert relative CSS paths to absolute ones const cssLinks = parsedHtml.querySelectorAll('link[rel="stylesheet"]'); cssLinks.forEach(link => { const href = link.getAttribute('href'); if (href?.startsWith('/')) link.setAttribute('href', 'https://chat.openai.com' + href); }); // Serialize updated HTML to string transcript = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(parsedHtml); } // Export transcript console.info(`Exporting transcript as ${ format.toUpperCase() }...`); if (format == 'pdf') { // convert SVGs + launch PDF printer // Convert SVG icons to data URLs for proper PDF rendering transcript = transcript.replace(/<svg.*?<\/svg>/g, (match) => { const dataURL = 'data:image/svg+xml,' + encodeURIComponent(match); return `<img src="${ dataURL }">`; }); // Launch PDF printer const transcriptPopup = window.open('', '', 'toolbar=0, location=0, menubar=0, height=600, width=800'); transcriptPopup.document.write(transcript); setTimeout(() => { transcriptPopup.print({ toPDF: true }); }, 100); } else { // auto-save to file if (format == 'md') { // remove extraneous HTML + fix file extension const mdMatch = /<.*(?:<h1(.|\n)*?href=".*?continue[^"]*".*?\/a>.*?)<[^/]/.exec(transcript)[1]; transcript = mdMatch || transcript; filename = filename.replace('.html', '.md'); } const blob = new Blob([transcript], { type: 'text/' + ( format == 'html' ? 'html' : format == 'md' ? 'markdown' : 'plain' )}); const link = document.createElement('a'), blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); link.href = blobURL; link.download = filename; document.body.append(link); link.click(); document.body.removeChild(link); URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL); } }, extractCode: function() { chatgpt.code.extract(); }, generateRandomIP: function() { const ip = Array.from({length: 4}, () => Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 256)).join('.'); console.info('IP generated: ' + ip); return ip; }, get: function(targetType, targetName = '') { // targetType = 'button'|'link'|'div'|'response' // targetName = from get[targetName][targetType] methods, e.g. 'send' // Validate argument types to be string only if (typeof targetType !== 'string' || typeof targetName !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('Invalid arguments. Both arguments must be strings.'); } // Validate targetType if (!targetTypes.includes(targetType.toLowerCase())) { throw new Error('Invalid targetType: ' + targetType + '. Valid values are: ' + JSON.stringify(targetTypes)); } // Validate targetName scoped to pre-validated targetType const targetNames = [], reTargetName = new RegExp('^get(.*)' + targetType + '$', 'i'); for (const prop in chatgpt) { if (typeof chatgpt[prop] == 'function' && reTargetName.test(prop)) { targetNames.push( // add found targetName to valid array prop.replace(reTargetName, '$1').toLowerCase()); }} if (!targetNames.includes(targetName.toLowerCase())) { throw new Error('Invalid targetName: ' + targetName + '. ' + (targetNames.length > 0 ? 'Valid values are: ' + JSON.stringify(targetNames) : 'targetType ' + targetType.toLowerCase() + ' does not require additional options.')); } // Call target function using pre-validated name components const targetFuncNameLower = ('get' + targetName + targetType).toLowerCase(); const targetFuncName = Object.keys(this).find( // find originally cased target function name (name) => { return name.toLowerCase() == targetFuncNameLower; }); // test for match return this[targetFuncName](); // call found function }, getAccessToken: function() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (Object.keys(chatgpt.openAIaccessToken).length > 0 && // populated (Date.parse(chatgpt.openAIaccessToken.expireDate) - Date.parse(new Date()) >= 0)) // not expired return resolve(chatgpt.openAIaccessToken.token); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', endpoints.openAI.session, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve access token.'); console.info('Token expiration: ' + new Date(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).expires).toLocaleString().replace(',', ' at')); chatgpt.openAIaccessToken = { token: JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).accessToken, expireDate: JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).expires }; return resolve(chatgpt.openAIaccessToken.token); }; xhr.send(); }); }, getAccountDetails: function(...details) { // details = [email|id|image|name|picture] = optional // Build details array const validDetails = [ 'email', 'id', 'image', 'name', 'picture' ]; details = ( !arguments[0] ? validDetails // no details passed, populate w/ all valid ones : Array.isArray(arguments[0]) ? arguments[0] // details array passed, do nothing : Array.from(arguments) ); // details arg(s) passed, convert to array // Validate detail args for (const detail of details) { if (!validDetails.includes(detail)) { return console.error( 'Invalid detail arg \'' + detail + '\' supplied. Valid details are:\n' + ' [' + validDetails + ']'); }} // Return account details return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', endpoints.openAI.session, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status === 200) { const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).user, detailsToReturn = {}; for (const detail of details) detailsToReturn[detail] = data[detail]; return resolve(detailsToReturn); } else return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve account details.'); }; xhr.send(); }); }, getChatBox: function() { return document.getElementById('prompt-textarea'); }, getChatData: function(chatToGet = 1, detailsToGet = 'all', sender = 'all', msgToGet = 'all') { // chatToGet = 'active' | 'latest' | index|title|id of chat to get (defaults to active OpenAI chat > latest chat) // detailsToGet = 'all' | [ 'id' | 'title' | 'create_time' | 'update_time' | 'msg' ] (defaults to 'all', excludes msg's) // sender = ( 'all' | 'both' ) | 'user' | 'chatgpt' (defaults to 'all', requires 2nd param = 'msg') // msgToGet = 'all' | 'latest' | index of msg to get (defaults to 'all', requires 2nd param = 'msg') // Init args const validDetails = [ 'all', 'id', 'title', 'create_time', 'update_time', 'msg' ]; const validSenders = [ 'all', 'both', 'user', 'chatgpt' ]; chatToGet = !chatToGet ? 'active' // if '' passed, set to active : Number.isInteger(chatToGet) || /^\d+$/.test(chatToGet) ? // else if string/int num passed ( parseInt(chatToGet, 10) === 0 ? 0 : parseInt(chatToGet, 10) - 1 ) // ...offset -1 or keep as 0 : chatToGet; // else preserve non-num string as 'active', 'latest' or title/id of chat to get detailsToGet = ['all', ''].includes(detailsToGet) ? // if '' or 'all' passed validDetails.filter(detail => /^(?!all$|msg$).*/.test(detail)) // populate w/ [validDetails] except 'all' & 'msg' : Array.isArray(detailsToGet) ? detailsToGet : [detailsToGet]; // else convert to array if needed sender = !sender ? 'all' // if '' or unpassed, set to 'all' : validSenders.includes(sender) ? sender : 'invalid'; // else set to validSenders or 'invalid' msgToGet = Number.isInteger(msgToGet) || /^\d+$/.test(msgToGet) ? // if string/int num passed ( parseInt(msgToGet, 10) === 0 ? 0 : parseInt(msgToGet, 10) - 1 ) // ...offset -1 or keep as 0 : ['all', 'latest'].includes(msgToGet.toLowerCase()) ? // else if 'all' or 'latest' passed msgToGet.toLowerCase() // ...preserve it : !msgToGet ? 'all' // else if '', set to 'all' : 'invalid'; // else set 'invalid' for validation step // Validate args for (const detail of detailsToGet) { if (!validDetails.includes(detail)) { return console.error( 'Invalid detail arg \'' + detail + '\' passed. Valid details are:\n' + ' [' + validDetails + ']'); }} if (sender == 'invalid') { return console.error( 'Invalid sender arg passed. Valid senders are:\n' + ' [' + validSenders + ']'); } if (msgToGet == 'invalid') { return console.error( 'Invalid msgToGet arg passed. Valid msg\'s to get are:\n' + ' [ \'all\' | \'latest\' | index of msg to get ]'); } const getChatDetails = (token, detailsToGet) => { const re_chatID = /\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}/; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('GET', endpoints.openAI.chats, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve chat details.'); const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).items; if (data.length <= 0) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Chat list is empty.'); const detailsToReturn = {}; // Return by index if num, 'latest', or 'active' passed but not truly active if (Number.isInteger(chatToGet) || chatToGet == 'latest' || (chatToGet == 'active' && !new RegExp('\/' + re_chatID.source + '$').test(window.location.href))) { chatToGet = Number.isInteger(chatToGet) ? chatToGet : 0; // preserve index, otherwise get latest if (chatToGet > data.length) { // reject if index out-of-bounds return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Chat with index ' + ( chatToGet + 1 ) + ' is out of bounds. Only ' + data.length + ' chats exist!'); } for (const detail of detailsToGet) detailsToReturn[detail] = data[chatToGet][detail]; return resolve(detailsToReturn); } // Return by title, ID or active chat const chatIdentifier = ( // determine to check by ID or title chatToGet == 'active' || new RegExp('^' + re_chatID.source + '$').test(chatToGet) ? 'id' : 'title' ); if (chatToGet == 'active') // replace chatToGet w/ actual ID chatToGet = re_chatID.exec(window.location.href)[0]; let idx, chatFound; // index of potentially found chat, flag if found for (idx = 0; idx < data.length; idx++) { // search for id/title to set chatFound flag if (data[idx][chatIdentifier] == chatToGet) { chatFound = true; break; }} if (!chatFound) // exit return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> No chat with ' + chatIdentifier + ' = ' + chatToGet + ' found.'); for (const detail of detailsToGet) detailsToReturn[detail] = data[idx][detail]; return resolve(detailsToReturn); }; xhr.send(); });}; const getChatMsgs = token => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); getChatDetails(token, ['id']).then(chat => { xhr.open('GET', `${endpoints.openAI.chat}/${chat.id}`, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve chat messages.'); // Init const's const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).mapping; // Get chat messages const userMessages = [], chatGPTMessages = [], msgsToReturn = []; // Fill [userMessages] for (const key in data) if (data[key].message != null && data[key].message.author.role == 'user') userMessages.push({ id: data[key].id, msg: data[key].message }); userMessages.sort((a, b) => a.msg.create_time - b.msg.create_time); // sort in chronological order if (parseInt(msgToGet, 10) + 1 > userMessages.length) // reject if index out of bounds return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Message/response with index ' + ( msgToGet + 1) + ' is out of bounds. Only ' + userMessages.length + ' messages/responses exist!'); // Fill [chatGPTMessages] for (const userMessage of userMessages) { let sub = []; for (const key in data) { if (data[key].message != null && data[key].message.author.role == 'assistant' && data[key].parent == userMessage.id) { sub.push(data[key].message); } } sub.sort((a, b) => a.create_time - b.create_time); // sort in chronological order sub = sub.map(x => { // pull out msgs after sorting switch(x.content.content_type) { case 'code': return x.content.text; case 'text': return x.content.parts[0]; default: return; } }); sub = sub.length === 1 ? sub[0] : sub; // convert not regenerated responses to strings chatGPTMessages.push(sub); // array of arrays (length > 1 = regenerated responses) } if (sender == 'user') // Fill [msgsToReturn] with user messages for (const userMessage in userMessages) msgsToReturn.push(userMessages[userMessage].msg.content.parts[0]); else if (sender == 'chatgpt') // Fill [msgsToReturn] with ChatGPT responses for (const chatGPTMessage of chatGPTMessages) msgsToReturn.push(msgToGet == 'latest' ? chatGPTMessages[chatGPTMessages.length - 1] : chatGPTMessage ); else { // Fill [msgsToReturn] with objects of user messages and chatgpt response(s) let i = 0; for (const message in userMessages) { msgsToReturn.push({ user: userMessages[message].msg.content.parts[0], chatgpt: msgToGet == 'latest' ? chatGPTMessages[i][chatGPTMessages[i].length - 1] : chatGPTMessages[i] }); i++; } } return resolve(msgToGet == 'all' ? msgsToReturn // if 'all' passed, return array : msgToGet == 'latest' ? msgsToReturn[msgsToReturn.length - 1] // else if 'latest' passed, return latest : msgsToReturn[msgToGet] ); // else return element of array }; xhr.send(); });});}; // Return chat data return new Promise(resolve => chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(token => { return resolve(detailsToGet.includes('msg') ? getChatMsgs(token) : getChatDetails(token, detailsToGet)); })); }, getChatInput: function() { return chatgpt.getChatBox().value; }, getContinueGeneratingButton: function() { for (const formBtnSVG of document.querySelectorAll('form button svg')) { if (formBtnSVG.querySelector('path[d*="M4.472 2.5a1"]')) return formBtnSVG.parentNode.parentNode; }}, getFooterDiv: function() { return document.querySelector('main form').parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling; }, getHeaderDiv: function() { return document.querySelector('main .sticky'); }, getLastPrompt: function() { return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'user', 'latest'); }, getLastResponse: function() { return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, getNewChatButton: function() { for (const navBtnSVG of document.querySelectorAll('nav button svg')) if (navBtnSVG.querySelector('path[d*="M15.673 3.913a3.121"]')) // new chat icon found return navBtnSVG.parentNode; }, getNewChatLink: function() { return document.querySelector('nav a[href="/"]'); }, getRegenerateButton: function() { for (const mainSVG of document.querySelectorAll('main svg')) { if (mainSVG.querySelector('path[d*="M3.07 10.876C3.623"]')) // regen icon found return mainSVG.parentNode; }}, getResponse: function() { // * Returns response via DOM by index arg if OpenAI chat page is active, otherwise uses API w/ following args: // chatToGet = index|title|id of chat to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) // responseToGet = index of response to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) // regenResponseToGet = index of regenerated response to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) return chatgpt.response.get(...arguments); }, getResponseFromAPI: function(chatToGet, responseToGet) { return chatgpt.response.getFromAPI(chatToGet, responseToGet); }, getResponseFromDOM: function(pos) { return chatgpt.response.getFromDOM(pos); }, getScrollToBottomButton: function() { return document.querySelector('button[class*="cursor"][class*="bottom"]'); }, getSendButton: function() { return document.querySelector('[data-testid="send-button"]') // pre-GPT-4o || document.querySelector('path[d*="M15.192 8.906a1.143"]')?.parentNode.parentNode; // post-GPT-4o }, getStopGeneratingButton: function() { for (const svg of document.querySelectorAll('form button svg')) { if (svg.querySelector('path[d*="2 0 0 1 2"], rect')) return svg.parentNode; }}, getUserLanguage: function() { return navigator.languages[0] || navigator.language || navigator.browserLanguage || navigator.systemLanguage || navigator.userLanguage || ''; }, hideFooter: function() { chatgpt.getFooterDiv().style.display = 'none'; }, hideHeader: function() { chatgpt.getHeaderDiv().style.display = 'none'; }, history: { isLoaded: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { (function checkChatHistory() { if (document.querySelector('nav')) resolve(true); else setTimeout(checkChatHistory, 100); })(); });} }, instructions: { // NOTE: DOM is not updated to reflect new instructions added/removed or toggle state (until session refresh) add: function(instruction, target) { if (!instruction) return console.error('Please provide an instruction'); if (typeof instruction !== 'string') return console.error('Instruction must be a string'); const validTargets = ['user', 'chatgpt']; // valid targets if (!target) return console.error('Please provide a valid target!'); if (typeof target !== 'string') return console.error('Target must be a string'); target = target.toLowerCase(); // lowercase target if (!validTargets.includes(target)) return console.error(`Invalid target ${target}. Valid targets are [${validTargets}]`); instruction = `\n\n${instruction}`; // add 2 newlines to the new instruction return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(async token => { const instructionsData = await this.fetchData(); // Concatenate old instructions with new instruction if (target == 'user') instructionsData.about_user_message += instruction; else if (target == 'chatgpt') instructionsData.about_model_message += instruction; await this.sendRequest('POST', token, instructionsData); return resolve(); }); }); }, clear: function(target) { const validTargets = ['user', 'chatgpt']; // valid targets if (!target) return console.error('Please provide a valid target!'); if (typeof target !== 'string') return console.error('Target must be a string'); target = target.toLowerCase(); // lowercase target if (!validTargets.includes(target)) return console.error(`Invalid target ${target}. Valid targets are [${validTargets}]`); return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(async token => { const instructionsData = await this.fetchData(); // Clear target's instructions if (target == 'user') instructionsData.about_user_message = ''; else if (target == 'chatgpt') instructionsData.about_model_message = ''; await this.sendRequest('POST', token, instructionsData); return resolve(); });}); }, fetchData: function() { // INTERNAL METHOD return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(async token => { return resolve(await this.sendRequest('GET', token)); // Return API data });}); }, sendRequest: function(method, token, body) { // INTERNAL METHOD // Validate args for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length - 1; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string`); const validMethods = ['POST', 'GET']; method = (method || '').trim().toUpperCase(); if (!method || !validMethods.includes(method)) // reject if not valid method return console.error(`Valid methods are ${ validMethods }`); if (!token) return console.error('Please provide a valid access token!'); if (body && typeof body !== 'object') // reject if body is passed but not an object return console.error(`Invalid body data type. Got ${ typeof body }, expected object`); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open(method, endpoints.openAI.instructions, true); // Set headers xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept-Language', 'en-US'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); if (method == 'POST') xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.onload = () => { const responseData = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText); if (xhr.status === 422) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Character limit exceeded. Custom instructions can have a maximum length of 1500 characters.'); else if (xhr.status === 403 && responseData.detail.reason == 'content_policy') return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> ' + responseData.detail.description); else if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot contact custom instructions endpoint.'); console.info(`Custom instructions successfully contacted with method ${ method }`); return resolve(responseData || {}); // return response data no matter what the method is }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify(body) || ''); // if body is passed send it, else just send the request }); }, turnOff: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(async token => { const instructionsData = await this.fetchData(); instructionsData.enabled = false; await this.sendRequest('POST', token, instructionsData); return resolve(); }); }); }, turnOn: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(async token => { const instructionsData = await this.fetchData(); instructionsData.enabled = true; await this.sendRequest('POST', token, instructionsData); return resolve(); }); }); }, toggle: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { this.fetchData().then(async instructionsData => { await (instructionsData.enabled ? this.turnOff() : this.turnOn()); return resolve(); });}); } }, isChromium: function() { return chatgpt.browser.isChromium(); }, isDarkMode: function() { return document.documentElement.classList.toString().includes('dark'); }, isFirefox: function() { return chatgpt.browser.isFirefox(); }, isFullScreen: function() { return chatgpt.browser.isFullScreen(); }, isIdle: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { (function checkIsIdle() { if (chatgpt.getRegenerateButton()) resolve(true); else setTimeout(checkIsIdle, 100); })(); });}, isLoaded: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { (function checkIsLoaded() { if (chatgpt.getNewChatButton()) resolve(true); else setTimeout(checkIsLoaded, 100); })(); });}, isLightMode: function() { return document.documentElement.classList.toString().includes('light'); }, isMobileDevice: function() { return chatgpt.browser.isMobile(); }, logout: function() { window.location.href = 'https://chat.openai.com/auth/logout'; }, menu: { elements: [], addedEvent: false, append: function(element, attrs = {}) { // element = 'button' | 'dropdown' REQUIRED (no default value) // attrs = { ... } // attrs for 'button': 'icon' = src string, 'label' = string, 'onclick' = function // attrs for 'dropdown': 'items' = [ { text: string, value: string }, ... ] array of objects // where 'text' is the displayed text of the option and 'value' is the value of the option const validElements = ['button', 'dropdown']; if (!element || typeof element !== 'string') // element not passed or invalid type return console.error('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Please supply a valid string element name!'); element = element.toLowerCase(); if (!validElements.includes(element)) // element not in list return console.error(`🤖 chatgpt.js >> Invalid element! Valid elements are [${validElements}]`); const newElement = document.createElement( element == 'dropdown' ? 'select' : element == 'button' ? 'a' : element ); newElement.id = Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 1000000) + Date.now(); // add random id to the element if (element == 'button') { newElement.textContent = attrs?.label && typeof attrs.label == 'string' ? attrs.label : 'chatgpt.js button'; const icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.src = attrs?.icon && typeof attrs.icon == 'string' // can also be base64 encoded image string ? attrs.icon // add icon to button element if given, else default one : ( endpoints.assets + '/starters/chrome/extension/icons/icon128.png' ); icon.width = 18; newElement.insertBefore(icon, newElement.firstChild); newElement.onclick = attrs?.onclick && typeof attrs.onclick == 'function' ? attrs.onclick : function() {}; } else if (element == 'dropdown') { if (!attrs?.items || // there no are options to add !Array.isArray(attrs.items) || // it's not an array !attrs.items.length) // the array is empty attrs.items = [{ text: '🤖 chatgpt.js option', value: 'chatgpt.js option value' }]; // set default dropdown entry if (!attrs.items.every(el => typeof el == 'object')) // the entries of the array are not objects return console.error('\'items\' must be an array of objects!'); newElement.style = 'background-color: #000; width: 100%; border: none;'; attrs.items.forEach(item => { const optionElement = document.createElement('option'); optionElement.textContent = item?.text; optionElement.value = item?.value; newElement.add(optionElement); }); } const addElementsToMenu = () => { const optionButtons = document.querySelectorAll('a[role="menuitem"]'); let cssClasses; for (let navLink of optionButtons) if (navLink.textContent == 'Settings') { cssClasses = navLink.classList; break; } const headlessNav = optionButtons[0].parentNode; chatgpt.menu.elements.forEach(element => { element.setAttribute('class', cssClasses); if (!headlessNav.contains(element)) try { headlessNav.insertBefore(element, headlessNav.firstChild); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); }; this.elements.push(newElement); const menuBtn = document.querySelector('nav button[id*="headless"]'); if (!this.addedEvent) { // to prevent adding more than one event menuBtn.addEventListener('click', () => { setTimeout(addElementsToMenu, 25); }); this.addedEvent = true; } return newElement.id; // Return the element id }, close: function() { try { document.querySelector('nav [id*="menu-button"][aria-expanded="true"]').click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); } }, open: function() { try { document.querySelector('nav [id*="menu-button"][aria-expanded="false"]').click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); } } }, minify: function() { chatgpt.code.minify(); }, notify: async function(msg, position, notifDuration, shadow) { notifDuration = notifDuration ? +notifDuration : 1.75; // sec duration to maintain notification visibility const fadeDuration = 0.3, // sec duration of fade-out vpYoffset = 23, vpXoffset = 27; // px offset from viewport border // Create/append notification div const notificationDiv = document.createElement('div'); // make div notificationDiv.id = Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 1000000) + Date.now(); notificationDiv.classList.add('chatgpt-notif'); notificationDiv.innerText = msg; // insert msg document.body.append(notificationDiv); // insert into DOM // Create/append close button const closeBtn = document.createElement('div'); closeBtn.title = 'Dismiss'; closeBtn.classList.add('notif-close-btn'); const closeSVG = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'svg'); closeSVG.setAttribute('height', '8px'); closeSVG.setAttribute('viewBox', '0 0 14 14'); closeSVG.setAttribute('fill', 'none'); closeSVG.style.height = closeSVG.style.width = '8px'; // override SVG styles on non-OpenAI sites const closeSVGpath = document.createElementNS('http://www.w3.org/2000/svg', 'path'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('fill-rule', 'evenodd'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('clip-rule', 'evenodd'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('fill', 'white'); closeSVGpath.setAttribute('d', 'M13.7071 1.70711C14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 0.683417 13.7071 0.292893C13.3166 -0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 12.2929 0.292893L7 5.58579L1.70711 0.292893C1.31658 -0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 0.292893 0.292893C-0.0976312 0.683417 -0.0976312 1.31658 0.292893 1.70711L5.58579 7L0.292893 12.2929C-0.0976312 12.6834 -0.0976312 13.3166 0.292893 13.7071C0.683417 14.0976 1.31658 14.0976 1.70711 13.7071L7 8.41421L12.2929 13.7071C12.6834 14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 13.7071 13.7071C14.0976 13.3166 14.0976 12.6834 13.7071 12.2929L8.41421 7L13.7071 1.70711Z'); closeSVG.append(closeSVGpath); closeBtn.append(closeSVG); notificationDiv.append(closeBtn); // Determine div position/quadrant notificationDiv.isTop = !position || !/low|bottom/i.test(position); notificationDiv.isRight = !position || !/left/i.test(position); notificationDiv.quadrant = (notificationDiv.isTop ? 'top' : 'bottom') + (notificationDiv.isRight ? 'Right' : 'Left'); // Create/append/update notification style (if missing or outdated) const thisUpdated = 20231110; // datestamp of last edit for this file's `notifStyle` let notifStyle = document.querySelector('#chatgpt-notif-style'); // try to select existing style if (!notifStyle || parseInt(notifStyle.getAttribute('last-updated'), 10) < thisUpdated) { // if missing or outdated if (!notifStyle) { // outright missing, create/id/attr/append it first notifStyle = document.createElement('style'); notifStyle.id = 'chatgpt-notif-style'; notifStyle.setAttribute('last-updated', thisUpdated.toString()); document.head.append(notifStyle); } notifStyle.innerText = ( // update prev/new style contents '.chatgpt-notif {' + 'background-color: black ; padding: 10px 13px 10px 18px ; border-radius: 11px ; border: 1px solid #f5f5f7 ;' // bubble style + 'opacity: 0 ; position: fixed ; z-index: 9999 ; font-size: 1.8rem ; color: white ;' // visibility + '-webkit-user-select: none ; -moz-user-select: none ; -ms-user-select: none ; user-select: none ;' + `transform: translateX(${ !notificationDiv.isRight ? '-' : '' }35px) ;` // init off-screen for transition fx + ( shadow ? ( 'box-shadow: -8px 13px 25px 0 ' + ( /\b(shadow|on)\b/gi.test(shadow) ? 'gray' : shadow )) : '' ) + '}' + '.notif-close-btn { cursor: pointer ; float: right ; position: relative ; right: -4px ; margin-left: -3px ;' + 'display: grid }' // top-align for non-OpenAI sites + '@keyframes notif-zoom-fade-out { 0% { opacity: 1 ; transform: scale(1) }' // transition out keyframes + '15% { opacity: 0.35 ; transform: rotateX(-27deg) scale(1.05) }' + '45% { opacity: 0.05 ; transform: rotateX(-81deg) }' + '100% { opacity: 0 ; transform: rotateX(-180deg) scale(1.15) }}' ); } // Enqueue notification let notifyProps = JSON.parse(localStorage.notifyProps); notifyProps.queue[notificationDiv.quadrant].push(notificationDiv.id); localStorage.notifyProps = JSON.stringify(notifyProps); // Position notification (defaults to top-right) notificationDiv.style.top = notificationDiv.isTop ? vpYoffset.toString() + 'px' : ''; notificationDiv.style.bottom = !notificationDiv.isTop ? vpYoffset.toString() + 'px' : ''; notificationDiv.style.right = notificationDiv.isRight ? vpXoffset.toString() + 'px' : ''; notificationDiv.style.left = !notificationDiv.isRight ? vpXoffset.toString() + 'px' : ''; // Reposition old notifications const thisQuadrantQueue = notifyProps.queue[notificationDiv.quadrant]; if (thisQuadrantQueue.length > 1) { try { // to move old notifications for (const divId of thisQuadrantQueue.slice(0, -1)) { // exclude new div const oldDiv = document.getElementById(divId), offsetProp = oldDiv.style.top ? 'top' : 'bottom', // pick property to change vOffset = +/\d+/.exec(oldDiv.style[offsetProp])[0] + 5 + oldDiv.getBoundingClientRect().height; oldDiv.style[offsetProp] = `${ vOffset }px`; // change prop } } catch (err) {} } // Show notification setTimeout(() => { notificationDiv.style.opacity = chatgpt.isDarkMode() ? 0.8 : 0.67; // show msg notificationDiv.style.transform = 'translateX(0)'; // bring from off-screen notificationDiv.style.transition = 'transform 0.15s ease, opacity 0.15s ease'; }, 10); // Init delay before hiding const hideDelay = fadeDuration > notifDuration ? 0 // don't delay if fade exceeds notification duration : notifDuration - fadeDuration; // otherwise delay for difference // Add notification dismissal to timeout schedule + button clicks const dismissNotif = () => { notificationDiv.style.animation = `notif-zoom-fade-out ${ fadeDuration }s ease-out`; clearTimeout(dismissFuncTID); }; const dismissFuncTID = setTimeout(dismissNotif, hideDelay * 1000); // maintain visibility for `hideDelay` secs, then dismiss closeSVG.addEventListener('click', dismissNotif, { once: true }); // add to close button clicks // Destroy notification notificationDiv.addEventListener('animationend', () => { notificationDiv.remove(); // remove from DOM notifyProps = JSON.parse(localStorage.notifyProps); notifyProps.queue[notificationDiv.quadrant].shift(); // + memory localStorage.notifyProps = JSON.stringify(notifyProps); // + storage }, { once: true }); }, obfuscate: function() { chatgpt.code.obfuscate(); }, printAllFunctions: function() { // Define colors const colors = { // element: [light, dark] cmdPrompt: ['#ff00ff', '#00ff00'], // pink, green objName: ['#0611e9', '#f9ee16'], // blue, yellow methodName: ['#005aff', '#ffa500'], // blue, orange entryType: ['#467e06', '#b981f9'], // green, purple srcMethod: ['#ff0000', '#00ffff'] // red, cyan }; Object.keys(colors).forEach(element => { // populate dark scheme colors if missing colors[element][1] = colors[element][1] || '#' + (Number(`0x1${ colors[element][0].replace(/^#/, '') }`) ^ 0xFFFFFF) .toString(16).substring(1).toUpperCase(); // convert to hex }); // Create [functionNames] const functionNames = []; for (const prop in this) { if (typeof this[prop] == 'function') { const chatgptIsParent = !Object.keys(this).find(obj => Object.keys(this[obj]).includes(this[prop].name)), functionParent = chatgptIsParent ? 'chatgpt' : 'other'; functionNames.push([functionParent, prop]); } else if (typeof this[prop] == 'object') { for (const nestedProp in this[prop]) { if (typeof this[prop][nestedProp] == 'function') { functionNames.push([prop, nestedProp]); }}}} functionNames.sort((a, b) => { return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]) || a[1].localeCompare(b[1]); }); // Print methods const isDarkMode = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches, baseFontStyles = 'font-family: monospace ; font-size: larger ; '; console.log('\n%c🤖 chatgpt.js methods\n', 'font-family: sans-serif ; font-size: xxx-large ; font-weight: bold'); for (const functionName of functionNames) { const isChatGptObjParent = /chatgpt|other/.test(functionName[0]), rootFunction = ( functionName[0] == 'chatgpt' ? this[functionName[1]].name : functionName[0] !== 'other' ? functionName[0] + '.' + functionName[1] : (( Object.keys(this).find(obj => Object.keys(this[obj]).includes(this[functionName[1]].name)) + '.' ) + this[functionName[1]].name )), isAsync = this[functionName[1]]?.constructor.name == 'AsyncFunction'; console.log('%c>> %c' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? '' : `${ functionName[0] }.%c`) + functionName[1] + ' - https://chatgptjs.org/userguide/' + /(?:.*\.)?(.*)/.exec(rootFunction)[1].toLowerCase() + ( isAsync ? '-async' : '' ) + '\n%c[%c' + ((( functionName[0] == 'chatgpt' && functionName[1] == this[functionName[1]].name ) || // parent is chatgpt + names match or !isChatGptObjParent) // parent is chatgpt.obj ? 'Function' : 'Alias of' ) + '%c: %c' + rootFunction + '%c]', // Styles baseFontStyles + 'font-weight: bold ; color:' + colors.cmdPrompt[+isDarkMode], baseFontStyles + 'font-weight: bold ;' + 'color:' + colors[isChatGptObjParent ? 'methodName' : 'objName'][+isDarkMode], baseFontStyles + 'font-weight: ' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'initial' : 'bold' ) + ';' + 'color:' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'initial' : colors.methodName[+isDarkMode] ), baseFontStyles + 'font-weight: ' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'bold' : 'initial' ) + ';' + 'color:' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? colors.entryType[+isDarkMode] : 'initial' ), baseFontStyles + 'font-weight: ' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'initial' : 'bold' ) + ';' + 'color:' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'initial' : colors.entryType[+isDarkMode] ), baseFontStyles + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'font-style: italic' : 'font-weight: initial' ) + ';' + 'color:' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? colors.srcMethod[+isDarkMode] : 'initial' ), baseFontStyles + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'font-weight: initial' : 'font-style: italic' ) + ';' + 'color:' + ( isChatGptObjParent ? 'initial' : colors.srcMethod[+isDarkMode] ), isChatGptObjParent ? '' : ( baseFontStyles + 'color: initial ; font-weight: initial' )); } }, randomFloat: function() { // * Generates a random, cryptographically secure value between 0 (inclusive) & 1 (exclusive) const crypto = window.crypto || window.msCrypto; return crypto?.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] / 0xFFFFFFFF || Math.random(); }, refactor: function() { chatgpt.code.refactor(); }, regenerate: function() { chatgpt.response.regenerate(); }, renderHTML: function(node) { const reTags = /<([a-z\d]+)\b([^>]*)>([\s\S]*?)<\/\1>/g, reAttributes = /(\S+)=['"]?((?:.(?!['"]?\s+\S+=|[>']))+.)['"]?/g, nodeContent = node.childNodes; // Preserve consecutive spaces + line breaks if (!chatgpt.renderHTML.preWrapSet) { node.style.whiteSpace = 'pre-wrap'; chatgpt.renderHTML.preWrapSet = true; setTimeout(() => { chatgpt.renderHTML.preWrapSet = false; }, 100); } // Process child nodes for (const childNode of nodeContent) { // Process text node if (childNode.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) { const text = childNode.nodeValue, elems = Array.from(text.matchAll(reTags)); // Process 1st element to render if (elems.length > 0) { const elem = elems[0], [tagContent, tagName, tagAttributes, tagText] = elem.slice(0, 4), tagNode = document.createElement(tagName); tagNode.textContent = tagText; // Extract/set attributes const attributes = Array.from(tagAttributes.matchAll(reAttributes)); attributes.forEach(attribute => { const name = attribute[1], value = attribute[2].replace(/['"]/g, ''); tagNode.setAttribute(name, value); }); const renderedNode = chatgpt.renderHTML(tagNode); // render child elements of newly created node // Insert newly rendered node const beforeTextNode = document.createTextNode(text.substring(0, elem.index)), afterTextNode = document.createTextNode(text.substring(elem.index + tagContent.length)); // Replace text node with processed nodes node.replaceChild(beforeTextNode, childNode); node.insertBefore(renderedNode, beforeTextNode.nextSibling); node.insertBefore(afterTextNode, renderedNode.nextSibling); } // Process element nodes recursively } else if (childNode.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) chatgpt.renderHTML(childNode); } return node; // if assignment used }, resend: async function() { chatgpt.send(await chatgpt.getChatData('latest', 'msg', 'user', 'latest')); }, response: { continue: function() { try { chatgpt.getContinueBtn().click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); }}, get: function() { // * Returns response via DOM by index arg if OpenAI chat page is active, otherwise uses API w/ following args: // chatToGet = index|title|id of chat to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) // responseToGet = index of response to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) // regenResponseToGet = index of regenerated response to get (defaults to latest if '' unpassed) if (window.location.href.startsWith('https://chatgpt.com/c/')) return this.getFromDOM.apply(null, arguments); else return this.getFromAPI.apply(null, arguments); }, getFromAPI: function(chatToGet, responseToGet) { // chatToGet = index|title|id of chat to get (defaults to latest if '' or unpassed) // responseToGet = index of response to get (defaults to latest if '' or unpassed) chatToGet = chatToGet || 'latest'; responseToGet = responseToGet || 'latest'; return chatgpt.getChatData(chatToGet, 'msg', 'chatgpt', responseToGet); }, getFromDOM: function(pos) { const responseDivs = document.querySelectorAll('div[data-testid*="conversation-turn"]:nth-child(odd)'), strPos = pos.toString().toLowerCase(); let response = ''; if (responseDivs.length) { if (/last|final/.test(strPos)) // get last response response = responseDivs[responseDivs.length - 1].textContent; else { // get nth response const nthOfResponse = ( // Calculate base number Number.isInteger(pos) ? pos : // do nothing for integers /^\d+/.test(strPos) ? /^\d+/.exec(strPos)[0] : // extract first digits for strings w/ them ( // convert words to integers for digitless strings /^(?:1|one|fir)(?:st)?$/.test(strPos) ? 1 : /^(?:2|tw(?:o|en|el(?:ve|f))|seco)(?:nd|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 2 : /^(?:3|th(?:ree|ir?))(?:rd|teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 3 : /^(?:4|fou?r)(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 4 : /^(?:5|fi(?:ve|f))(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 5 : /^(?:6|six)(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 6 : /^(?:7|seven)(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 7 : /^(?:8|eight?)(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 8 : /^(?:9|nine?)(?:teen|t[yi])?(?:e?th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 9 : /^(?:10|ten)(?:th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 1 ) // Transform base number if suffixed * ( /(ty|ieth)$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 1 ) // x 10 if -ty/ieth + ( /teen(th)?$/.test(strPos) ? 10 : 0 ) // + 10 if -teen/teenth ); response = responseDivs[nthOfResponse - 1].textContent; } response = response.replace(/^ChatGPT(?:ChatGPT)?/, ''); // strip sender name } return response; }, getLast: function() { return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, regenerate: function() { try { chatgpt.getRegenerateBtn().click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); }}, stopGenerating: function() { try { chatgpt.getStopBtn().click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); }} }, reviewCode: function() { chatgpt.code.review(); }, scrollToBottom: function() { try { chatgpt.getScrollBtn().click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); }}, send: function(msg, method='') { for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string!`); const textArea = document.querySelector('form textarea'), sendBtn = chatgpt.getSendButton(); textArea.value = msg; textArea.dispatchEvent(new Event('input', { bubbles: true })); // enable send button setTimeout(function delaySend() { if (!sendBtn?.hasAttribute('disabled')) { // send msg method.toLowerCase() == 'click' || chatgpt.browser.isMobile() ? sendBtn.click() : textArea.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent('keydown', { keyCode: 13, bubbles: true })); } else setTimeout(delaySend, 25); }, 25); }, sendInNewChat: function(msg) { if (typeof msg !== 'string') return console.error('Message must be a string!'); for (const navLink of document.querySelectorAll('nav a')) { if (/(new|clear) chat/i.test(navLink.text)) { navLink.click(); break; }} setTimeout(() => { chatgpt.send(msg); }, 500); }, settings: { scheme: { isDark: function() { return document.documentElement.classList.contains('dark'); }, isLight: function() { return document.documentElement.classList.contains('light'); }, set: function(value) { // Validate value const validValues = ['dark', 'light', 'system']; if (!value) return console.error('Please specify a scheme value!'); if (!validValues.includes(value)) return console.error(`Invalid scheme value. Valid values are [${ validValues }]`); // Determine scheme to set let schemeToSet = value; if (value == 'system') schemeToSet = window.matchMedia('(prefers-color-scheme: dark)').matches ? 'dark' : 'light'; localStorage.setItem('theme', value); console.info(`Scheme set to ${ value.toUpperCase() }.`); // Toggle scheme if necessary if (!document.documentElement.classList.contains(schemeToSet)) this.toggle(); }, toggle: function() { const [schemeToRemove, schemeToAdd] = this.isDark() ? ['dark', 'light'] : ['light', 'dark']; document.documentElement.classList.replace(schemeToRemove, schemeToAdd); document.documentElement.style.colorScheme = schemeToAdd; localStorage.setItem('theme', schemeToAdd); } } }, sentiment: async function(text, entity) { for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string.`); chatgpt.send('What is the sentiment of the following text' + ( entity ? ` towards the entity ${ entity },` : '') + ' from strongly negative to strongly positive?\n\n' + text ); console.info('Analyzing sentiment...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, setScheme: function(value) { chatgpt.settings.scheme.set(value); }, shareChat: function(chatToGet, method = 'clipboard') { // chatToGet = index|title|id of chat to get (defaults to latest if '' or unpassed) // method = [ 'alert'|'clipboard' ] (defaults to 'clipboard' if '' or unpassed) const validMethods = ['alert', 'notify', 'notification', 'clipboard', 'copy']; if (!validMethods.includes(method)) return console.error( 'Invalid method \'' + method + '\' passed. Valid methods are [' + validMethods + '].'); const getChatNode = token => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); chatgpt.getChatData(chatToGet).then(chat => { xhr.open('GET', `${ endpoints.openAI.chat }/${ chat.id }`, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot retrieve chat node.'); return resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText).current_node); // chat messages until now }; xhr.send(); });});}; const makeChatToShare = (token, node) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); chatgpt.getChatData(chatToGet).then(chat => { xhr.open('POST', endpoints.openAI.share_create, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot initialize share chat.'); return resolve(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText)); // return untouched data }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ // request body current_node_id: node, // by getChatNode conversation_id: chat.id, // current chat id is_anonymous: true // show user name in the conversation or not })); });});}; const confirmShareChat = (token, data) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open('PATCH', `${ endpoints.openAI.share }/${ data.share_id }`, true); xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + token); xhr.onload = () => { if (xhr.status !== 200) return reject('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Request failed. Cannot share chat.'); console.info(`Chat shared at '${ data.share_url }'`); return resolve(); // the response has nothing useful }; xhr.send(JSON.stringify({ // request body share_id: data.share_id, highlighted_message_id: data.highlighted_message_id, title: data.title, is_public: true, // must be true or it'll cause a 404 error is_visible: data.is_visible, is_anonymous: data.is_anonymous })); });}; return new Promise(resolve => { chatgpt.getAccessToken().then(token => { // get access token getChatNode(token).then(node => { // get chat node makeChatToShare(token, node).then(data => { confirmShareChat(token, data).then(() => { if (['copy', 'clipboard'].includes(method)) navigator.clipboard.writeText(data.share_url); else chatgpt.alert('🚀 Share link created!', '"' + data.title + '" is available at: <a target="blank" rel="noopener" href="' + data.share_url + '" >' + data.share_url + '</a>', [ function openLink() { window.open(data.share_url, '_blank', 'noopener'); }, function copyLink() { navigator.clipboard.writeText(data.share_url); }]); resolve(data.share_url); });});});});}); }, showFooter: function() { chatgpt.getFooterDiv().style.display = 'revert'; }, showHeader: function() { chatgpt.getHeaderDiv().style.display = 'flex'; }, sidebar: { elements: [], observer: {}, activateObserver: function() { // Stop the previous observer to preserve resources if (this.observer instanceof MutationObserver) try { this.observer.disconnect(); } catch (e) {} if (!this.elements.length) return console.error('🤖 chatgpt.js >> No elements to append!'); let cssClasses; // Grab CSS from original website elements for (let navLink of document.querySelectorAll('nav a')) { if (/.*chat/.exec(navLink.text)[0]) { cssClasses = navLink.classList; navLink.parentNode.style.margin = '2px 0'; // add v-margins to ensure consistency across all inserted buttons break; } } // Apply CSS to make the added elements look like they belong to the website this.elements.forEach(element => { element.setAttribute('class', cssClasses); element.style.maxHeight = element.style.minHeight = '44px'; // Fix the height of the element element.style.margin = '2px 0'; }); const navBar = document.querySelector('nav'); // Create MutationObserver instance this.observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { mutations.forEach(mutation => { if ((mutation.type == 'childList' && mutation.addedNodes.length) || (mutation.type == 'attributes' && mutation.attributeName == 'data-chatgptjs')) // check for trigger // Try to insert each element... this.elements.forEach(element => { // ...if it's not already present... if (!navBar.contains(element)) try { // ...at the top of the sidebar navBar.insertBefore(element, navBar.querySelector('a').parentNode); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); }); }); this.observer.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true, attributes: true }); }, append: function(element, attrs = {}) { // element = 'button' | 'dropdown' REQUIRED (no default value) // attrs = { ... } // attrs for 'button': 'icon' = src string, 'label' = string, 'onclick' = function // attrs for 'dropdown': 'items' = [ { text: string, value: string }, ... ] array of objects // where 'text' is the displayed text of the option and 'value' is the value of the option const validElements = ['button', 'dropdown']; if (!element || typeof element !== 'string') // Element not passed or invalid type return console.error('🤖 chatgpt.js >> Please supply a valid string element name!'); element = element.toLowerCase(); if (!validElements.includes(element)) // Element not in list return console.error(`🤖 chatgpt.js >> Invalid element! Valid elements are [${validElements}]`); const newElement = document.createElement(element == 'dropdown' ? 'select' : element); newElement.id = Math.floor(chatgpt.randomFloat() * 1000000) + Date.now(); // Add random id to the element if (element == 'button') { newElement.textContent = attrs?.label && typeof attrs.label == 'string' ? attrs.label : 'chatgpt.js button'; const icon = document.createElement('img'); icon.src = attrs?.icon && typeof attrs.icon == 'string' // Can also be base64 encoded image string ? attrs.icon // Add icon to button element if given, else default one : ( endpoints.assets + '/starters/chrome/extension/icons/icon128.png' ); icon.width = 18; newElement.insertBefore(icon, newElement.firstChild); newElement.onclick = attrs?.onclick && typeof attrs.onclick == 'function' ? attrs.onclick : function() {}; } else if (element == 'dropdown') { if (!attrs?.items || // There no are options to add !Array.isArray(attrs.items) || // It's not an array !attrs.items.length) // The array is empty attrs.items = [{ text: '🤖 chatgpt.js option', value: 'chatgpt.js option value' }]; // Set default dropdown entry if (!attrs.items.every(el => typeof el == 'object')) // The entries of the array are not objects return console.error('\'items\' must be an array of objects!'); attrs.items.forEach(item => { const optionElement = document.createElement('option'); optionElement.textContent = item?.text; optionElement.value = item?.value; newElement.add(optionElement); }); } // Fix for blank background on dropdown elements if (element == 'dropdown') newElement.style.backgroundColor = 'var(--gray-900, rgb(32, 33, 35))'; this.elements.push(newElement); this.activateObserver(); document.body.setAttribute('data-chatgptjs', 'observer-trigger'); // add attribute to trigger the observer return newElement.id; // Return the element id }, hide: function() { this.isOn() ? this.toggle() : console.info('Sidebar already hidden!'); }, show: function() { this.isOff() ? this.toggle() : console.info('Sidebar already shown!'); }, isOff: function() { return !this.isOn(); }, isOn: function() { const sidebar = document.querySelector('#__next > div > div'); return chatgpt.browser.isMobile() ? document.documentElement.style.overflow == 'hidden' : sidebar.style.visibility != 'hidden' && sidebar.style.width != '0px'; }, toggle: function() { const isMobileDevice = chatgpt.browser.isMobile(), isGPT4oUI = !!document.documentElement.className.includes(' '), navBtnSelector = isMobileDevice ? '#__next button' : isGPT4oUI ? 'nav button' : 'main button', isToggleBtn = isMobileDevice ? () => true // since 1st one is toggle : isGPT4oUI ? btn => btn.querySelectorAll('svg path[d*="M8.857 3h6.286c1.084"]').length > 0 : /* post-GPT-4o desktop */ btn => [...btn.querySelectorAll('*')] .some(child => child.style.transform.includes('translateY')); for (const btn of document.querySelectorAll(navBtnSelector)) if (isToggleBtn(btn)) { btn.click(); return; } }, isLoaded: function() { return new Promise(resolve => { (function checkIsLoaded() { if (document.querySelector('nav a[href="/"]')) resolve(true); else setTimeout(checkIsLoaded, 100); })(); });} }, startNewChat: function() { try { chatgpt.getNewChatBtn().click(); } catch (err) { console.error(err.message); }}, stop: function() { chatgpt.response.stopGenerating(); }, suggest: async function(ideaType, details) { if (!ideaType) return console.error('ideaType (1st argument) not supplied' + '(e.g. \'gifts\', \'names\', \'recipes\', etc.)'); for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string.`); chatgpt.send('Suggest some names. ' + ( details || '' )); console.info(`Creating ${ ideaType }...`); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, speak: function(msg, options = {}) { // Usage example: chatgpt.speak(await chatgpt.getLastResponse(), { voice: 1, pitch: 2, speed: 3 }) // options.voice = index of voices available on user device // options.pitch = float for pitch of speech from 0 to 2 // options.speed = float for rate of speech from 0.1 to 10 const { voice = 2, pitch = 2, speed = 1.1 } = options; // Validate args if (typeof msg !== 'string') return console.error('Message must be a string!'); for (let key in options) { const value = options[key]; if (typeof value !== 'number' && !/^\d+$/.test(value)) return console.error(`Invalid ${ key } index '${ value }'. Must be a number!`); } try { // to speak msg using {options} const voices = speechSynthesis.getVoices(), utterance = new SpeechSynthesisUtterance(); utterance.text = msg; utterance.voice = voices[voice]; utterance.pitch = pitch; utterance.rate = speed; speechSynthesis.speak(utterance); } catch (err) { console.error( err); } }, summarize: async function(text) { if (!text) return console.error('Text (1st) argument not supplied. Pass some text!'); if (typeof text !== 'string') return console.error('Text argument must be a string!'); chatgpt.send('Summarize the following text:\n\n' + text); console.info('Summarizing text...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, toggleScheme: function() { chatgpt.settings.scheme.toggle(); }, translate: async function(text, outputLang) { if (!text) return console.error('Text (1st) argument not supplied. Pass some text!'); if (!outputLang) return console.error('outputLang (2nd) argument not supplied. Pass a language!'); for (let i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) if (typeof arguments[i] !== 'string') return console.error(`Argument ${ i + 1 } must be a string!`); chatgpt.send('Translate the following text to ' + outputLang + '. Only reply with the translation.\n\n' + text); console.info('Translating text...'); await chatgpt.isIdle(); return chatgpt.getChatData('active', 'msg', 'chatgpt', 'latest'); }, unminify: function() { chatgpt.code.unminify(); }, uuidv4: function() { let d = new Date().getTime(); // get current timestamp in ms (to ensure UUID uniqueness) const uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, (c) => { const r = ( // generate random nibble ( d + (window.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(1))[0] / (Math.pow(2, 32) - 1))*16)%16 | 0 ); d = Math.floor(d/16); // correspond each UUID digit to unique 4-bit chunks of timestamp return ( c == 'x' ? r : (r&0x3|0x8) ).toString(16); // generate random hexadecimal digit }); return uuid; }, writeCode: function() { chatgpt.code.write(); } }; chatgpt.scheme = { ...chatgpt.settings.scheme }; // copy `chatgpt.settings.scheme` methods into `chatgpt.scheme` // Create chatgpt.[actions]Button(identifier) functions const buttonActions = ['click', 'get'], targetTypes = [ 'button', 'link', 'div', 'response' ]; for (const buttonAction of buttonActions) { chatgpt[buttonAction + 'Button'] = function handleButton(buttonIdentifier) { const button = /^[.#]/.test(buttonIdentifier) ? document.querySelector(buttonIdentifier) : /send/i.test(buttonIdentifier) ? document.querySelector('form button[class*="bottom"]') : /scroll/i.test(buttonIdentifier) ? document.querySelector('button[class*="cursor"]') : (function() { // get via text content for (const button of document.querySelectorAll('button')) { // try buttons if (button.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(buttonIdentifier.toLowerCase())) { return button; }} for (const navLink of document.querySelectorAll('nav a')) { // try nav links if no button if (navLink.textContent.toLowerCase().includes(buttonIdentifier.toLowerCase())) { return navLink; }}})(); if (buttonAction == 'click') { button.click(); } else { return button; } }; } // Create alias functions const funcAliases = [ ['actAs', 'actas', 'act', 'become', 'persona', 'premadePrompt', 'preMadePrompt', 'prePrompt', 'preprompt', 'roleplay', 'rolePlay', 'rp'], ['activateAutoRefresh', 'activateAutoRefresher', 'activateRefresher', 'activateSessionRefresher', 'autoRefresh', 'autoRefresher', 'autoRefreshSession', 'refresher', 'sessionRefresher'], ['continue', 'continueChat', 'continueGenerating', 'continueResponse'], ['deactivateAutoRefresh', 'deactivateAutoRefresher', 'deactivateRefresher', 'deactivateSessionRefresher'], ['detectLanguage', 'getLanguage'], ['executeCode', 'codeExecute'], ['exportChat', 'chatExport', 'export'], ['getFooterDiv', 'getFooter'], ['getHeaderDiv', 'getHeader'], ['getLastPrompt', 'getLastQuery', 'getMyLastMsg', 'getMyLastQuery'], ['getContinueGeneratingButton', 'getContinueButton'], ['getScrollToBottomButton', 'getScrollButton'], ['getStopGeneratingButton', 'getStopButton'], ['getTextarea', 'getTextArea', 'getChatbox', 'getChatBox'], ['isFullScreen', 'isFullscreen', 'isfullscreen'], ['isLoaded', 'isloaded'], ['logOut', 'logout', 'logOff', 'logoff', 'signOut', 'signout', 'signOff', 'signoff'], ['minify', 'codeMinify', 'minifyCode'], ['new', 'newChat', 'startNewChat'], ['obfuscate', 'codeObfuscate', 'obfuscateCode'], ['printAllFunctions', 'showAllFunctions'], ['refactor', 'codeRefactor', 'refactorCode'], ['refreshReply', 'regenerate', 'regenerateReply'], ['refreshSession', 'sessionRefresh'], ['renderHTML', 'renderHtml', 'renderLinks', 'renderTags'], ['reviewCode', 'codeReview'], ['send', 'sendChat', 'sendMsg'], ['sendInNewChat', 'sendNewChat'], ['sentiment', 'analyzeSentiment', 'sentimentAnalysis'], ['startNewChat', 'new', 'newChat'], ['stop', 'stopChat', 'stopGenerating', 'stopResponse'], ['suggest', 'suggestion', 'recommend'], ['toggleAutoRefresh', 'toggleAutoRefresher', 'toggleRefresher', 'toggleSessionRefresher'], ['toggleScheme', 'toggleMode'], ['translate', 'translation', 'translator'], ['unminify', 'unminifyCode', 'codeUnminify'], ['writeCode', 'codeWrite'] ]; const synonyms = [ ['account', 'acct'], ['activate', 'turnOn'], ['analyze', 'check', 'evaluate', 'review'], ['ask', 'send', 'submit'], ['button', 'btn'], ['continue', 'resume'], ['chats', 'history'], ['chat', 'conversation', 'convo'], ['clear', 'delete', 'remove'], ['data', 'details'], ['deactivate', 'deActivate', 'turnOff'], ['execute', 'interpret', 'interpreter', 'run'], ['generating', 'generation'], ['minify', 'uglify'], ['refactor', 'rewrite'], ['regenerate', 'regen'], ['render', 'parse'], ['reply', 'response'], ['sentiment', 'attitude', 'emotion', 'feeling', 'opinion', 'perception'], ['speak', 'say', 'speech', 'talk', 'tts'], ['summarize', 'tldr'], ['unminify', 'beautify', 'prettify', 'prettyPrint'] ]; const camelCaser = (words) => { return words.map((word, index) => index === 0 || word == 's' ? word : word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1)).join(''); }; for (const prop in chatgpt) { // Create new function for each alias for (const subAliases of funcAliases) { if (subAliases.includes(prop)) { if (subAliases.some(element => element.includes('.'))) { const nestedFunction = subAliases.find(element => element.includes('.')).split('.')[1]; for (const nestAlias of subAliases) { if (/^(\w+)/.exec(nestAlias)[1] !== prop) { // don't alias og function chatgpt[nestAlias] = chatgpt[prop][nestedFunction]; // make new function, reference og one }}} else { // alias direct functions for (const dirAlias of subAliases) { if (dirAlias !== prop) { // don't alias og function chatgpt[dirAlias] = chatgpt[prop]; // make new function, reference og one }}} }} do { // create new function per synonym per word per function var newFunctionsCreated = false; for (const funcName in chatgpt) { if (typeof chatgpt[funcName] == 'function') { const funcWords = funcName.split(/(?=[A-Zs])/); // split function name into constituent words for (const funcWord of funcWords) { const synonymValues = [].concat(...synonyms // flatten into single array w/ word's synonyms .filter(arr => arr.includes(funcWord.toLowerCase())) // filter in relevant synonym sub-arrays .map(arr => arr.filter(synonym => synonym !== funcWord.toLowerCase()))); // filter out matching word for (const synonym of synonymValues) { // create function per synonym const newFuncName = camelCaser(funcWords.map(word => (word == funcWord ? synonym : word))); if (!chatgpt[newFuncName]) { // don't alias existing functions chatgpt[newFuncName] = chatgpt[funcName]; // make new function, reference og one newFunctionsCreated = true; }}}}}} while (newFunctionsCreated); // loop over new functions to encompass all variations } // Prefix console logs w/ '🤖 chatgpt.js >> ' const consolePrefix = '🤖 chatgpt.js >> ', ogError = console.error, ogInfo = console.info; console.error = (...args) => { if (!args[0].startsWith(consolePrefix)) ogError(consolePrefix + args[0], ...args.slice(1)); else ogError(...args); }; console.info = (msg) => { if (!msg.startsWith(consolePrefix)) ogInfo(consolePrefix + msg); else ogInfo(msg); }; // Export chatgpt object try { window.chatgpt = chatgpt; } catch (err) {} // for Greasemonkey try { module.exports = chatgpt; } catch (err) {} // for CommonJS