[ { "title": "Coursera Together: Free online learning during COVID-19", "url": "https://blog.coursera.org/coursera-together-free-online-learning-during-covid-19/", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Loom Unlimited Recording for Free Plan", "url": "https://www.loom.com/blog/coronavirus-response", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Tandem is free for the next few months", "url": "https://tandem.chat/coronavirus", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "CelFitTV free access until 1st may 2020", "url": "https://www.celfittv.com/", "reason": "", "cat": "video" }, { "title": "Pluralsight Free April Month", "url": "https://www.pluralsight.com/offer/2020/free-april-month", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free Audible Stories", "url": "https://stories.audible.com/start-listen", "reason": "", "cat": "book" }, { "title": "Box Business 90-Day Free Trial", "url": "https://account.box.com/signup/business?tl=oWgBWV", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "1Password: COVID-19 Response - Removing trial limits to help businesses work securely from home", "url": "https://blog.1password.com/covid-19-response/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Free Trello Business Class for Teachers", "url": "https://trello.com/education", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Atlassian: Free for small teams to achieve big dreams", "url": "https://www.atlassian.com/software/free", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Headspace: Weathering the storm", "url": "https://www.headspace.com/covid-19", "reason": "", "cat": "podcast" }, { "title": "Teachers: Get Kahoot! Premium for free", "url": "https://kahoot.com/access-kahoot-premium-for-free/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Lumen Learning: Mid-Term Transition to Lumen Courseware at No Cost", "url": "https://info.lumenlearning.com/transition-spring2020", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "National Emergency Library", "url": "https://archive.org/details/nationalemergencylibrary", "reason": "", "cat": "book" }, { "title": "Cambridge University Press Textbooks", "url": "https://www.cambridge.org/core/what-we-publish/textbooks#", "reason": "", "cat": "book" }, { "title": "Preply: Free language learning for school kids", "url": "https://preply.com/en/free-language-learning-for-school-kids", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Microsoft Teams for everyone", "url": "https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/blog/2020/03/05/our-commitment-to-customers-during-covid-19/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "We’re Giving Away Drawful 2 for Free for Three Weeks - Jackbox Games", "url": "https://www.jackboxgames.com/were-giving-away-drawful-2-for-free-for-three-weeks/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Udacity: One Free Month Access to Nanodegree Programs - US & Europe", "url": "https://blog.udacity.com/2020/03/one-month-free-on-nanodegrees.html", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free LinkedIn Learning Courses to Help You Navigate the Impact of COVID-19", "url": "https://learning.linkedin.com/blog/linkedin-learning-resources/free-linkedin-learning-resources-to-help-you-navigate-the-impact", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Mango Classroom offering freely available to all schools facing closures through the end of the 2019-2020 school year.", "url": "https://mangolanguages.com/info/covid19-response.cfm", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free access to Rosetta Stone for Students for the next three months", "url": "https://www.rosettastone.com/freeforstudents/", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Babbel: This spring, students learn for free", "url": "https://try.babbel.com/student-discount/", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "TheFableCottage.com free during lockdowns", "url": "https://www.thefablecottage.com/", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free Airtable Pro plans for students", "url": "https://blog.airtable.com/airtables-support-for-covid-19-response-efforts/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "School closing due to COVID-19? Join Free for access to Listenwise PREMIUM for 90 days!", "url": "https://listenwise.com/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "30 Days of Free Online Google Cloud Training", "url": "https://inthecloud.withgoogle.com/training-discount/register.html?utm_source=linkedin&utm_medium=unpaid-social&utm_campaign=FY20-Q1-global-trainingandenablement-operational-other-training_discount&utm_content=training-discount", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Learn Flutter in this online class by the App Brewery. If you sign up by July 8, it's free.", "url": "https://www.appbrewery.co/p/intro-to-flutter?utm_source=google&utm_medium=website%20banner&utm_campaign=app_brewery", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free Zoom Integration on Calendly", "url": "https://blog.calendly.com/meeting-integration-update/", "reason": "", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "Free Fridays by General Assembly: Our Favorite Online Workshops, Now Open to Everyone", "url": "https://generalassemb.ly/blog/free-fridays/", "reason": "High Quality General Assembly Workshops", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Here Are 115 Coursera Certificates You Can Now Earn for Free (During the Coronavirus Pandemic)", "url": "https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/coronavirus-coursera-free-certificate/", "reason": "Curated list", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "198 Free Tools to Help You Through the Coronavirus Pandemic", "url": "https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/347840", "reason": "Curated list", "cat": "software" }, { "title": "All the free things you can do online during the coronavirus pandemic", "url": "https://globalnews.ca/news/6842959/free-things-online-coronavirus/", "reason": "Curated list", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Jetbrains Academy - Learn to Program by Creating Working Applications", "url": "https://www.jetbrains.com/academy/", "reason": "High quality education from the top IDE developer in the world", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Coursera provides free access to their course for university student not only 115 courses", "url": "https://www.coursera.org/for-university-and-college-students", "reason": "University and college students, learn for free with Coursera", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "Free Online Learning Due to Coronavirus (Updated Continuously)", "url": "https://www.classcentral.com/report/free-online-learning-coronavirus/", "reason": "", "cat": "course" }, { "title": "LinkedIn, Microsoft and GitHub initiative to help people affected by the Covid19 Pandemic.", "url": "https://opportunity.linkedin.com/en-us", "reason": "", "cat": "course" } ]