const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee'); const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting'); const tuya = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/tuya'); const e = exposes.presets; const definition = { fingerprint: [ { modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE204_dqolcpcp', }, ], zigbeeModel: ['TS0601'], // The model ID from: Device with modelID 'lumi.sens' is not supported. model: 'TS0601', // Vendor model number, look on the device for a model number vendor: 'Tuya', // Vendor of the device (only used for documentation and startup logging) description: '12 channels switch', // Description of the device, copy from vendor site. (only used for documentation and startup logging) exposes: [ e.switch().withEndpoint('l1'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l2'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l3'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l4'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l5'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l6'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l7'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l8'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l9'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l10'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l11'), e.switch().withEndpoint('l12'), ], fromZigbee: [ fz.ignore_basic_report, tuya.fz.datapoints, ], toZigbee: [, ], configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => { await tuya.configureMagicPacket(device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger); await reporting.bind(device.getEndpoint(1), coordinatorEndpoint, ['genOnOff']); await reporting.bind(device.getEndpoint(242), coordinatorEndpoint, ['genOnOff']); // await reporting.onOff(device.getEndpoint(1)); // await reporting.onOff(device.getEndpoint(242)); }, endpoint: (x) => { return { l1: 1, l2: 1, l3: 1, l4: 1, l5: 1, l6: 1, l7: 1, l8: 1, l9: 1, l10: 1, l11: 1, l12: 1, } }, meta: { multiEndpoint: true, tuyaDatapoints: [ [1, 'state_l1', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [2, 'state_l2', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [3, 'state_l3', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [4, 'state_l4', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [5, 'state_l5', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [6, 'state_l6', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [101, 'state_l7', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [102, 'state_l8', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [103, 'state_l9', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [104, 'state_l10', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [105, 'state_l11', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [106, 'state_l12', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], ], }, }; module.exports = definition;