const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee'); const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee'); const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting'); const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend'); const e = exposes.presets; const ea = exposes.access; const tuya = require("zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/tuya"); const definition = { fingerprint: tuya.fingerprint('TS0601', ['_TZE200_eaac7dkw']), model: 'TS0601_din_2', vendor: 'TuYa', description: 'Zigbee DIN energy meter', fromZigbee: [tuya.fz.datapoints], toZigbee: [], configure: tuya.configureMagicPacket, whiteLabel: [{vendor: 'XOCA', model: 'DAC2161C'}], exposes: [tuya.exposes.switch(),, e.power(), e.voltage(), e.current(), exposes.enum('fault', ea.STATE, ['clear', 'over_current_threshold', 'over_power_threshold', 'over_voltage threshold', 'wrong_frequency_threshold']).withDescription('Fault status of the device (clear = nothing)'), exposes.enum('threshold_1', ea.STATE, ['not_set', 'over_current_threshold', 'over_voltage_threshold']) .withDescription('State of threshold_1'), exposes.binary('threshold_1_protection', ea.STATE, 'ON', 'OFF') .withDescription('OFF - alarm only, ON - relay will be off when threshold reached'), exposes.numeric('threshold_1_value', ea.STATE) .withDescription('Can be in Volt or Ampere depending on threshold setting. Setup the value on the device'), exposes.enum('threshold_2', ea.STATE, ['not_set', 'over_current_threshold', 'over_voltage_threshold']) .withDescription('State of threshold_2'), exposes.binary('threshold_2_protection', ea.STATE, 'ON', 'OFF') .withDescription('OFF - alarm only, ON - relay will be off when threshold reached'), exposes.numeric('threshold_2_value', ea.STATE) .withDescription('Setup value on the device'), exposes.binary('clear_fault', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF') .withDescription('Turn ON to clear last the fault'), exposes.text('meter_id', ea.STATE).withDescription('Meter ID (ID of device)'), ], meta: { tuyaDatapoints: [ [1, 'energy', tuya.valueConverter.divideBy100], [3, null, null], // Monthly, but sends data only after request [4, null, null], // Dayly, but sends data only after request [6, null, tuya.valueConverter.phaseVariant2], // voltage and current [10, 'fault', tuya.valueConverterBasic.lookup({'clear': 0, 'over_current_threshold': 1, 'over_power_threshold': 2, 'over_voltage_threshold': 4, 'wrong_frequency_threshold': 8})], [11, null, null], // Frozen - strange function, in native app - nothing is clear [16, 'state', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], [17, null, tuya.valueConverter.threshold], // It's settable, but can't write converter [18, 'meter_id', tuya.valueConverter.raw], [20, 'clear_fault', tuya.valueConverter.onOff], // Clear fault [21, null, null], // Forward Energy T1 - don't know what this [22, null, null], // Forward Energy T2 - don't know what this [23, null, null], // Forward Energy T3 - don't know what this [24, null, null], // Forward Energy T4 - don't know what this ], }, }; module.exports = definition;