const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee'); const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee'); const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting'); const tuya = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/tuya'); const e = exposes.presets; const ea = exposes.access; const fzLocal = { hoch_din: { cluster: 'manuSpecificTuya', type: ['commandDataResponse', 'commandDataReport'], convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => { const dpValue = tuya.firstDpValue(msg, meta, 'hoch_din'); const dp = dpValue.dp; const value = tuya.getDataValue(dpValue); const result = {}; meta.logger.debug(`from hoch_din, dp=[${dp}], datatype=[${dpValue.datatype}], value=[${value}]`); if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.state) { result.state = value ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; if (value) { result.trip = 'clear'; } } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochChildLock) { result.child_lock = value ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochVoltage) { result.voltage = (value[1] | value[0] << 8) / 10; if ( value.length > 5 ) { result.voltage_L1 = (value[1] | value[0] << 8) / 10; result.voltage_L2 = (value[3] | value[2] << 8) / 10; result.voltage_L3 = (value[5] | value[4] << 8) / 10; } else { result.voltage_L1 = 0; result.voltage_L2 = 0; result.voltage_L3 = 0; } } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochHistoricalVoltage) { result.voltage_rms = (value[1] | value[0] << 8) / 10; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochCurrent) { if ( value.length > 8 ) { result.current_L1 = (value[2] | value[1] << 8) / 1000; result.current_L2 = (value[5] | value[4] << 8) / 1000; result.current_L3 = (value[8] | value[7] << 8) / 1000; result.current = result.current_L1 + result.current_L2 + result.current_L3; } else { result.current = (value[2] | value[1] << 8) / 1000; result.current_L1 = 0; result.current_L2 = 0; result.current_L3 = 0; } } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochHistoricalCurrent) { result.current_average = (value[2] | value[1] << 8) / 1000; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochActivePower) { result.power = (value[2] | value[1] << 8) / 10; if ( value.length > 11 ) { result.power_L1 = (value[5] | value[4] << 8) / 10; result.power_L2 = (value[8] | value[7] << 8) / 10; result.power_L3 = (value[11] | value[10] << 8) / 10; } else { result.power_L1 = 0; result.power_L2 = 0; result.power_L3 = 0; } } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochTotalActivePower) { result.energy_consumed = value / 100; = result.energy_consumed; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochLocking) { result.trip = value ? 'trip' : 'clear'; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochCountdownTimer) { result.countdown_timer = value; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochTemperature) { result.temperature = value; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochRelayStatus) { const lookup = { 0: 'off', 1: 'on', 2: 'previous', }; result.power_on_behavior = lookup[value]; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochFaultCode) { const lookup = { 0: 'clear', 1: 'over voltage threshold', 2: 'under voltage threshold', 4: 'over current threshold', 8: 'over temperature threshold', 10: 'over leakage current threshold', 16: 'trip test', 128: 'safety lock', }; result.alarm = lookup[value]; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochEquipmentNumberType) { result.meter_number = value.trim(); } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochVoltageThreshold) { result.over_voltage_threshold = (value[1] | value[0] << 8) / 10; result.over_voltage_trip = value[2] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.over_voltage_alarm = value[3] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.under_voltage_threshold = (value[5] | value[4] << 8) / 10; result.under_voltage_trip = value[6] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.under_voltage_alarm = value[7] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochCurrentThreshold) { let overCurrentValue = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { overCurrentValue = overCurrentValue << 8; overCurrentValue += value[i]; } result.over_current_threshold = overCurrentValue / 1000; result.over_current_trip = value[3] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.over_current_alarm = value[4] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochTemperatureThreshold) { result.over_temperature_threshold = value[0] > 127 ? (value[0] - 128) * -1 : value[0]; result.over_temperature_trip = value[1] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.over_temperature_alarm = value[2] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; } if (dp === tuya.dataPoints.hochLeakageParameters) { result.self_test_auto_days = value[0]; result.self_test_auto_hours = value[1]; result.self_test_auto = value[2] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.over_leakage_current_threshold = value[4] | value[3] << 8; result.over_leakage_current_trip = value[5] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.over_leakage_current_alarm = value[6] ? 'ON' : 'OFF'; result.self_test = value[7] ? 'test' : 'clear'; } return result; }, }, }; const definition = { fingerprint: [{modelID: 'TS0601', manufacturerName: '_TZE200_hkdl5fmv'}], model: 'TS0601_rcbo_my', vendor: 'TuYa', whiteLabel: [ {vendor: 'HOCH', model: 'ZJSBL7-100Z'}, {vendor: 'WDYK', model: 'ZJSBL7-100Z'}, ], description: 'DIN mount RCBO with smart energy metering', fromZigbee: [fzLocal.hoch_din], toZigbee: [tz.hoch_din], exposes: [ exposes.text('meter_number', ea.STATE), exposes.binary('state', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF'), exposes.text('alarm', ea.STATE), exposes.binary('trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'trip', 'clear'), exposes.binary('child_lock', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF'), exposes.enum('power_on_behavior', ea.STATE_SET, ['off', 'on', 'previous']), exposes.numeric('countdown_timer', ea.STATE_SET).withValueMin(0).withValueMax(86400).withUnit('s'), exposes.numeric('voltage_rms', ea.STATE).withUnit('V'), exposes.numeric('current', ea.STATE).withUnit('A'), exposes.numeric('current_average', ea.STATE).withUnit('A'), e.power(), e.voltage(),, e.temperature(), exposes.numeric('voltage_L1', ea.STATE).withUnit('V'), exposes.numeric('voltage_L2', ea.STATE).withUnit('V'), exposes.numeric('voltage_L3', ea.STATE).withUnit('V'), exposes.numeric('current_L1', ea.STATE).withUnit('A'), exposes.numeric('current_L2', ea.STATE).withUnit('A'), exposes.numeric('current_L3', ea.STATE).withUnit('A'), exposes.numeric('power_L1', ea.STATE).withUnit('W'), exposes.numeric('power_L2', ea.STATE).withUnit('W'), exposes.numeric('power_L3', ea.STATE).withUnit('W'), exposes.numeric('energy_consumed', ea.STATE).withUnit('kWh'), /* TODO: Add toZigbee converters for the below composites*/ exposes.composite('voltage_setting', 'voltage_setting') .withFeature(exposes.numeric('under_voltage_threshold', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(50) .withValueMax(385) .withUnit('V')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('under_voltage_trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('under_voltage_alarm', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.numeric('over_voltage_threshold', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(50) .withValueMax(385) .withUnit('V')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_voltage_trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_voltage_alarm', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')), exposes.composite('current_setting', 'current_setting') .withFeature(exposes.numeric('over_current_threshold', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(0) .withValueMax(999) .withUnit('A')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_current_trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_current_alarm', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')), exposes.composite('temperature_setting', 'temperature_setting') .withFeature(exposes.numeric('over_temperature_threshold', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(-40) .withValueMax(127) .withUnit('°C')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_temperature_trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_temperature_alarm', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')), exposes.composite('leakage_current_setting', 'leakage_current_setting') .withFeature(exposes.numeric('self_test_auto_days', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(1) .withValueMax(28) .withUnit('days')) .withFeature(exposes.numeric('self_test_auto_hours', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(0) .withValueMax(23) .withUnit('hours')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('self_test_auto', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.numeric('over_leakage_current_threshold', ea.STATE_SET) .withValueMin(0) .withValueMax(3000) .withUnit('mA')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_leakage_current_trip', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('over_leakage_current_alarm', ea.STATE_SET, 'ON', 'OFF')) .withFeature(exposes.binary('self_test', ea.STATE_SET, 'test', 'clear')), exposes.enum('clear_device_data', ea.SET, ['clear']), ], }; module.exports = definition;