const fz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/fromZigbee'); const tz = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/converters/toZigbee'); const exposes = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/exposes'); const reporting = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/reporting'); const extend = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/extend'); //. PLEASE READ: These are present from device/xiaomi.ts, only needed for external converter const ota = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/ota'); const herdsman = require('zigbee-herdsman'); const e = exposes.presets; const ea = exposes.access; const manufacturerOptions = { xiaomi: {manufacturerCode: herdsman.Zcl.ManufacturerCode.LUMI_UNITED_TECH, disableDefaultResponse: true}, }; const { hasAlreadyProcessedMessage } = require('zigbee-herdsman-converters/lib/utils'); //. PLEASE READ: These should be update to FromZigbee.js const fzLocal = { xiaomi_multistate_action: { cluster: 'genMultistateInput', type: ['attributeReport'], convert: (model, msg, publish, options, meta) => { if (hasAlreadyProcessedMessage(msg, model)) return; let actionLookup = {0: 'hold', 1: 'single', 2: 'double', 3: 'triple', 255: 'release'}; if (model.model === 'WXKG12LM') { actionLookup = {...actionLookup, 16: 'hold', 17: 'release', 18: 'shake'}; } if (['WXKG02LM_rev2', 'WXKG07LM', 'WXKG15LM', 'WXKG17LM'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = {1: 'left', 2: 'right', 3: 'both'}; } if (['ZNQBKG39LM'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = {1: 'button_1', 2: 'button_2'}; } if (['ZNQBKG40LM'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = {1: 'button_1', 2: 'button_2', 3: 'button_3'}; } if (['QBKG12LM', 'QBKG24LM'].includes(model.model)) buttonLookup = {5: 'left', 6: 'right', 7: 'both'}; if (['QBKG39LM', 'QBKG41LM', 'WS-EUK02', 'WS-EUK04', 'QBKG20LM', 'QBKG28LM', 'QBKG31LM'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = {41: 'left', 42: 'right', 51: 'both'}; } if (['QBKG25LM', 'QBKG26LM', 'QBKG29LM', 'QBKG34LM', 'ZNQBKG31LM', 'ZNQBKG26LM'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = { 41: 'left', 42: 'center', 43: 'right', 51: 'left_center', 52: 'left_right', 53: 'center_right', 61: 'all', }; } if (['WS-USC02', 'WS-USC04'].includes(model.model)) { buttonLookup = {41: 'top', 42: 'bottom', 51: 'both'}; } const action = actionLookup[['presentValue']]; if (buttonLookup) { const button = buttonLookup[msg.endpoint.ID]; if (button) { return {action: `${action}_${button}`}; } } else { return {action}; } }, }, }; // PLEASE READ: THE END OF THE BLOCK THAT CAN BE DELETE WHEN MERGING WITH FromZigbee.js // PLEASE READ: These should be update to ToZigbee.js const tzLocal = { xiaomi_switch_power_outage_memory: { key: ['power_outage_memory'], convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => { if (['SP-EUC01', 'ZNCZ04LM', 'ZNCZ12LM', 'ZNCZ15LM', 'QBCZ14LM', 'QBCZ15LM', 'SSM-U01', 'SSM-U02', 'DLKZMK11LM', 'DLKZMK12LM', 'WS-EUK01', 'WS-EUK02', 'WS-EUK03', 'WS-EUK04', 'QBKG19LM', 'QBKG20LM', 'QBKG25LM', 'QBKG26LM', 'QBKG28LM', 'QBKG29LM', 'QBKG31LM', 'QBKG34LM', 'QBKG38LM', 'QBKG39LM', 'QBKG40LM', 'QBKG41LM', 'ZNDDMK11LM', 'ZNLDP13LM', 'ZNQBKG31LM', 'WS-USC02', 'WS-USC03', 'WS-USC04', 'ZNQBKG24LM', 'ZNQBKG24LM', 'ZNQBKG39LM', 'ZNQBKG40LM' ].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { await entity.write('aqaraOpple', {0x0201: {value: value ? 1 : 0, type: 0x10}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else if (['ZNCZ02LM', 'QBCZ11LM', 'LLKZMK11LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { const payload = value ? [[0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x07, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01], [0xaa, 0x80, 0x03, 0xd3, 0x07, 0x08, 0x01]] : [[0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x09, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00], [0xaa, 0x80, 0x03, 0xd3, 0x07, 0x0a, 0x01]]; await entity.write('genBasic', {0xFFF0: {value: payload[0], type: 0x41}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); await entity.write('genBasic', {0xFFF0: {value: payload[1], type: 0x41}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else if (['ZNCZ11LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { const payload = value ? [0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x00, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01] : [0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00]; await entity.write('genBasic', {0xFFF0: {value: payload, type: 0x41}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else { throw new Error('Not supported'); } return {state: {power_outage_memory: value}}; }, convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => { if (['SP-EUC01', 'ZNCZ04LM', 'ZNCZ12LM', 'ZNCZ15LM', 'QBCZ14LM', 'QBCZ15LM', 'SSM-U01', 'SSM-U02', 'DLKZMK11LM', 'DLKZMK12LM', 'WS-EUK01', 'WS-EUK02', 'WS-EUK03', 'WS-EUK04', 'QBKG19LM', 'QBKG20LM', 'QBKG25LM', 'QBKG26LM', 'QBKG28LM', 'QBKG29LM', 'QBKG31LM', 'QBKG34LM', 'QBKG38LM', 'QBKG39LM', 'QBKG40LM', 'QBKG41LM', 'ZNDDMK11LM', 'ZNLDP13LM', 'ZNQBKG31LM', 'WS-USC02', 'WS-USC03', 'WS-USC04', 'ZNQBKG24LM', 'ZNQBKG39LM', 'ZNQBKG40LM' ].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { await'aqaraOpple', [0x0201]); } else if (['ZNCZ02LM', 'QBCZ11LM', 'ZNCZ11LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { await'aqaraOpple', [0xFFF0]); } else { throw new Error('Not supported'); } }, }, xiaomi_led_disabled_night: { key: ['led_disabled_night'], convertSet: async (entity, key, value, meta) => { if (['ZNCZ04LM', 'ZNCZ12LM', 'ZNCZ15LM', 'QBCZ14LM', 'QBCZ15LM', 'QBKG19LM', 'QBKG20LM', 'QBKG25LM', 'QBKG26LM', 'QBKG28LM', 'QBKG29LM', 'QBKG31LM', 'QBKG34LM', 'DLKZMK11LM', 'SSM-U01', 'WS-EUK01', 'WS-EUK02', 'WS-EUK03', 'WS-EUK04', 'SP-EUC01', 'ZNQBKG24LM', 'ZNQBKG39LM', 'ZNQBKG40LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { await entity.write('aqaraOpple', {0x0203: {value: value ? 1 : 0, type: 0x10}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else if (['ZNCZ11LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { const payload = value ? [0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x00, 0x03, 0x10, 0x00] : [0xaa, 0x80, 0x05, 0xd1, 0x47, 0x01, 0x03, 0x10, 0x01]; await entity.write('genBasic', {0xFFF0: {value: payload, type: 0x41}}, manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else { throw new Error('Not supported'); } return {state: {led_disabled_night: value}}; }, convertGet: async (entity, key, meta) => { if (['ZNCZ04LM', 'ZNCZ12LM', 'ZNCZ15LM', 'QBCZ15LM', 'QBCZ14LM', 'QBKG19LM', 'QBKG20LM', 'QBKG25LM', 'QBKG26LM', 'QBKG28LM', 'QBKG29LM', 'QBKG31LM', 'QBKG34LM', 'DLKZMK11LM', 'SSM-U01', 'WS-EUK01', 'WS-EUK02', 'WS-EUK03', 'WS-EUK04', 'SP-EUC01', 'ZNQBKG24LM', 'ZNQBKG39LM', 'ZNQBKG40LM'].includes(meta.mapped.model)) { await'aqaraOpple', [0x0203], manufacturerOptions.xiaomi); } else { throw new Error('Not supported'); } }, }, }; // PLEASE READ: THE END OF THE BLOCK THAT CAN BE DELETE WHEN MERGING WITH ToZigbee.js // PLEASE READ: These should be update to /devices/xiaomi.js const preventReset = async (type, data, device) => { if ( // options.allow_reset || type !== 'message' || data.type !== 'attributeReport' || data.cluster !== 'genBasic' || ![0xfff0] || // eg: [0xaa, 0x10, 0x05, 0x41, 0x87, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x00] ![0xFFF0].slice(0, 5).equals(Buffer.from([0xaa, 0x10, 0x05, 0x41, 0x87])) ) { return; } const options = {manufacturerCode: 0x115f}; const payload = {[0xfff0]: { value: [0xaa, 0x10, 0x05, 0x41, 0x47, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10, 0x01], type: 0x41, }}; await device.getEndpoint(1).write('genBasic', payload, options); }; // PLEASE READ: THE END OF THE BLOCK THAT CAN BE DELETE WHEN MERGING WITH XIAOMI.JS const definition = { zigbeeModel: ['lumi.switch.acn049'], // The model ID from: Device with modelID 'lumi.sens' is not supported. model: 'ZNQBKG39LM', // Vendor model number, look on the device for a model number vendor: 'Xiaomi', // Vendor of the device (only used for documentation and startup logging) description: 'Aqara Z1 2 gang smart wall switch', // Description of the device, copy from vendor site. (only used for documentation and startup logging) fromZigbee: [fz.on_off, fzLocal.xiaomi_multistate_action, fz.aqara_opple, fz.xiaomi_power], toZigbee: [tz.on_off, tz.xiaomi_switch_operation_mode_opple, tz.xiaomi_flip_indicator_light, tzLocal.xiaomi_switch_power_outage_memory, tzLocal.xiaomi_led_disabled_night], endpoint: (device) => { return {'button_1': 1, 'button_2': 2}; }, meta: {multiEndpoint: true}, exposes: [ e.power(), e.voltage(), e.device_temperature(), e.power_outage_memory(), e.led_disabled_night(), e.flip_indicator_light(), e.switch().withEndpoint('button_1'), e.switch().withEndpoint('button_2'), exposes.enum('operation_mode', ea.ALL, ['control_relay', 'decoupled']) .withDescription('Decoupled mode for button1 (Top) button').withEndpoint('button_1'), exposes.enum('operation_mode', ea.ALL, ['control_relay', 'decoupled']) .withDescription('Decoupled mode for button 2 (Buttom) button').withEndpoint('button_2'), exposes.enum('click_mode', ea.ALL, ['fast', 'multi']) .withDescription('Click mode, fast: only supports single click which will be send immediately after clicking.' + 'multi: supports more events like double and hold'), e.action(['button_1_single', 'button_2_single', 'button_1_double', 'button_2_double', 'all_single', 'all_double']), ], onEvent: preventReset, configure: async (device, coordinatorEndpoint, logger) => { await device.getEndpoint(1).write('aqaraOpple', {'mode': 1}, {manufacturerCode: 0x115f, disableResponse: true}); // await device.getEndpoint(1).write('aqaraOpple', {0x0125: {value: 0x02, type: 0x20}}, {manufacturerCode: 0x115f}); }, }; module.exports = definition;