# Licensed under MIT.
# Copyright (2016) by Kevin van Zonneveld https://twitter.com/kvz
# https://www.npmjs.com/package/fakefile
# Please do not edit this file directly, but propose changed upstream instead:
# https://github.com/kvz/fakefile/blob/main/Makefile
# This Makefile offers convience shortcuts into any Node.js project that utilizes npm scripts.
# It functions as a wrapper around the actual listed in `package.json`
# So instead of typing:
#  $ npm script build:assets
# you could also type:
#  $ make build-assets
# Notice that colons (:) are replaced by dashes for Makefile compatibility.
# The benefits of this wrapper are:
# - You get to keep the the scripts package.json, which is more portable
#   (Makefiles & Windows are harder to mix)
# - Offer a polite way into the project for developers coming from different
#   languages (npm scripts is obviously very Node centric)
# - Profit from better autocomplete (make <TAB><TAB>) than npm currently offers.
#   OSX users will have to install bash-completion
#   (http://davidalger.com/development/bash-completion-on-os-x-with-brew/)

ifeq ($(shell test -e ./yarn.lock && echo -n yes),yes)
	INSTALLER=yarn install
	RUNNER=npm run
	INSTALLER=npm install

define npm_script_targets
TARGETS := $(shell \
	node -e 'for (var k in require("./package.json").scripts) {console.log(k.replace(/:/g, "-"));}'
		| grep -v -E "^install$$"
	$(RUNNER) $(shell \
							node -e 'for (var k in require("./package.json").scripts) {console.log(k.replace(/:/g, "-"), k);}'
								| grep -E "^$(MAKECMDGOALS)\s"
								| head -n1
								| awk '{print $$2}'


$(eval $(call npm_script_targets))

# These npm run scripts are available, without needing to be mentioned in `package.json`