module.exports = function _bc() { // discuss at: // original by: lmeyrick ( // improved by: Brett Zamir ( // example 1: var $bc = _bc() // example 1: var $result = $bc.PLUS // returns 1: '+' /** * BC Math Library for Javascript * Ported from the PHP5 bcmath extension source code, * which uses the Libbcmath package... * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2000 Philip A. Nelson * The Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * e-mail: * us-mail: Philip A. Nelson * Computer Science Department, 9062 * Western Washington University * Bellingham, WA 98226-9062 * * bcmath-js homepage: * * This code is covered under the LGPL licence, and can be used however you want :) * Be kind and share any decent code changes. */ /** * Binary Calculator (BC) Arbitrary Precision Mathematics Lib v0.10 (LGPL) * Copy of Libbcmath included in PHP5 src * * Note: this is just the shared library file and does not include the php-style functions. * use bcmath{-min}.js for functions like bcadd, bcsub etc. * * Feel free to use how-ever you want, just email any bug-fixes/improvements * to the sourceforge project: * * * Ported from the PHP5 bcmath extension source code, * which uses the Libbcmath package... * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1997 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2000 Philip A. Nelson * The Free Software Foundation, Inc. * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330 * Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. * e-mail: * us-mail: Philip A. Nelson * Computer Science Department, 9062 * Western Washington University * Bellingham, WA 98226-9062 */ var Libbcmath = { PLUS: '+', MINUS: '-', BASE: 10, // must be 10 (for now) scale: 0, // default scale /** * Basic number structure */ bc_num: function () { this.n_sign = null // sign this.n_len = null // (int) The number of digits before the decimal point. this.n_scale = null // (int) The number of digits after the decimal point. // this.n_refs = null; // (int) The number of pointers to this number. // this.n_text = null; // ?? Linked list for available list. this.n_value = null // array as value, where 1.23 = [1,2,3] this.toString = function () { let r, tmp tmp = this.n_value.join('') // add minus sign (if applicable) then add the integer part r = (this.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS ? '' : this.n_sign) + tmp.substr(0, this.n_len) // if decimal places, add a . and the decimal part if (this.n_scale > 0) { r += '.' + tmp.substr(this.n_len, this.n_scale) } return r } }, /** * Base add function * // Here is the full add routine that takes care of negative numbers. // N1 is added to N2 and the result placed into RESULT. SCALE_MIN // is the minimum scale for the result. * * @param {bc_num} n1 * @param {bc_num} n2 * @param {int} scaleMin * @return bc_num */ bc_add: function (n1, n2, scaleMin) { let sum, cmpRes, resScale if (n1.n_sign === n2.n_sign) { sum = Libbcmath._bc_do_add(n1, n2, scaleMin) sum.n_sign = n1.n_sign } else { // subtraction must be done. cmpRes = Libbcmath._bc_do_compare(n1, n2, false, false) // Compare magnitudes. switch (cmpRes) { case -1: // n1 is less than n2, subtract n1 from n2. sum = Libbcmath._bc_do_sub(n2, n1, scaleMin) sum.n_sign = n2.n_sign break case 0: // They are equal! return zero with the correct scale! resScale = Libbcmath.MAX(scaleMin, Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale)) sum = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(1, resScale) Libbcmath.memset(sum.n_value, 0, 0, resScale + 1) break case 1: // n2 is less than n1, subtract n2 from n1. sum = Libbcmath._bc_do_sub(n1, n2, scaleMin) sum.n_sign = n1.n_sign } } return sum }, /** * This is the "user callable" routine to compare numbers N1 and N2. * @param {bc_num} n1 * @param {bc_num} n2 * @return int -1, 0, 1 (n1 < n2, ===, n1 > n2) */ bc_compare: function (n1, n2) { return Libbcmath._bc_do_compare(n1, n2, true, false) }, _one_mult: function (num, nPtr, size, digit, result, rPtr) { let carry, value // int let nptr, rptr // int pointers if (digit === 0) { Libbcmath.memset(result, 0, 0, size) // memset (result, 0, size); } else { if (digit === 1) { Libbcmath.memcpy(result, rPtr, num, nPtr, size) // memcpy (result, num, size); } else { // Initialize nptr = nPtr + size - 1 // nptr = (unsigned char *) (num+size-1); rptr = rPtr + size - 1 // rptr = (unsigned char *) (result+size-1); carry = 0 while (size-- > 0) { value = num[nptr--] * digit + carry // value = *nptr-- * digit + carry; result[rptr--] = value % Libbcmath.BASE // @CHECK cint //*rptr-- = value % BASE; carry = Math.floor(value / Libbcmath.BASE) // @CHECK cint //carry = value / BASE; } if (carry !== 0) { result[rptr] = carry } } } }, bc_divide: function (n1, n2, scale) { // var quot // bc_num return let qval // bc_num let num1, num2 // string let ptr1, ptr2, n2ptr, qptr // int pointers let scale1, val // int let len1, len2, scale2, qdigits, extra, count // int let qdig, qguess, borrow, carry // int let mval // string let zero // char let norm // int // var ptrs // return object from one_mul // Test for divide by zero. (return failure) if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(n2)) { return -1 } // Test for zero divide by anything (return zero) if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(n1)) { return Libbcmath.bc_new_num(1, scale) } /* Test for n1 equals n2 (return 1 as n1 nor n2 are zero) if (Libbcmath.bc_compare(n1, n2, Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale)) === 0) { quot=Libbcmath.bc_new_num(1, scale); quot.n_value[0] = 1; return quot; } */ // Test for divide by 1. If it is we must truncate. // @todo: check where scale > 0 too.. can't see why not // (ie bc_is_zero - add bc_is_one function) if (n2.n_scale === 0) { if (n2.n_len === 1 && n2.n_value[0] === 1) { qval = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(n1.n_len, scale) // qval = bc_new_num (n1->n_len, scale); qval.n_sign = n1.n_sign === n2.n_sign ? Libbcmath.PLUS : Libbcmath.MINUS // memset (&qval->n_value[n1->n_len],0,scale): Libbcmath.memset(qval.n_value, n1.n_len, 0, scale) // memcpy (qval->n_value, n1->n_value, n1->n_len + MIN(n1->n_scale,scale)): Libbcmath.memcpy(qval.n_value, 0, n1.n_value, 0, n1.n_len + Libbcmath.MIN(n1.n_scale, scale)) // can we return here? not in c src, but can't see why-not. // return qval; } } /* Set up the divide. Move the decimal point on n1 by n2's scale. Remember, zeros on the end of num2 are wasted effort for dividing. */ scale2 = n2.n_scale // scale2 = n2->n_scale; n2ptr = n2.n_len + scale2 - 1 // n2ptr = (unsigned char *) n2.n_value+n2.n_len+scale2-1; while (scale2 > 0 && n2.n_value[n2ptr--] === 0) { scale2-- } len1 = n1.n_len + scale2 scale1 = n1.n_scale - scale2 if (scale1 < scale) { extra = scale - scale1 } else { extra = 0 } // num1 = (unsigned char *) safe_emalloc (1, n1.n_len+n1.n_scale, extra+2): num1 = Libbcmath.safe_emalloc(1, n1.n_len + n1.n_scale, extra + 2) if (num1 === null) { Libbcmath.bc_out_of_memory() } // memset (num1, 0, n1->n_len+n1->n_scale+extra+2): Libbcmath.memset(num1, 0, 0, n1.n_len + n1.n_scale + extra + 2) // memcpy (num1+1, n1.n_value, n1.n_len+n1.n_scale): Libbcmath.memcpy(num1, 1, n1.n_value, 0, n1.n_len + n1.n_scale) // len2 = n2->n_len + scale2: len2 = n2.n_len + scale2 // num2 = (unsigned char *) safe_emalloc (1, len2, 1): num2 = Libbcmath.safe_emalloc(1, len2, 1) if (num2 === null) { Libbcmath.bc_out_of_memory() } // memcpy (num2, n2.n_value, len2): Libbcmath.memcpy(num2, 0, n2.n_value, 0, len2) // *(num2+len2) = 0: num2[len2] = 0 // n2ptr = num2: n2ptr = 0 // while (*n2ptr === 0): while (num2[n2ptr] === 0) { n2ptr++ len2-- } // Calculate the number of quotient digits. if (len2 > len1 + scale) { qdigits = scale + 1 zero = true } else { zero = false if (len2 > len1) { qdigits = scale + 1 // One for the zero integer part. } else { qdigits = len1 - len2 + scale + 1 } } // Allocate and zero the storage for the quotient. // qval = bc_new_num (qdigits-scale,scale); qval = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(qdigits - scale, scale) // memset (qval->n_value, 0, qdigits); Libbcmath.memset(qval.n_value, 0, 0, qdigits) // Allocate storage for the temporary storage mval. // mval = (unsigned char *) safe_emalloc (1, len2, 1); mval = Libbcmath.safe_emalloc(1, len2, 1) if (mval === null) { Libbcmath.bc_out_of_memory() } // Now for the full divide algorithm. if (!zero) { // Normalize // norm = Libbcmath.cint(10 / (Libbcmath.cint(n2.n_value[n2ptr]) + 1)); // norm = 10 / ((int)*n2ptr + 1) norm = Math.floor(10 / (n2.n_value[n2ptr] + 1)) // norm = 10 / ((int)*n2ptr + 1); if (norm !== 1) { // Libbcmath._one_mult(num1, len1+scale1+extra+1, norm, num1); Libbcmath._one_mult(num1, 0, len1 + scale1 + extra + 1, norm, num1, 0) // Libbcmath._one_mult(n2ptr, len2, norm, n2ptr); Libbcmath._one_mult(n2.n_value, n2ptr, len2, norm, n2.n_value, n2ptr) // @todo: Check: Is the pointer affected by the call? if so, // maybe need to adjust points on return? } // Initialize divide loop. qdig = 0 if (len2 > len1) { qptr = len2 - len1 // qptr = (unsigned char *) qval.n_value+len2-len1; } else { qptr = 0 // qptr = (unsigned char *) qval.n_value; } // Loop while (qdig <= len1 + scale - len2) { // Calculate the quotient digit guess. if (n2.n_value[n2ptr] === num1[qdig]) { qguess = 9 } else { qguess = Math.floor((num1[qdig] * 10 + num1[qdig + 1]) / n2.n_value[n2ptr]) } // Test qguess. if ( n2.n_value[n2ptr + 1] * qguess > (num1[qdig] * 10 + num1[qdig + 1] - n2.n_value[n2ptr] * qguess) * 10 + num1[qdig + 2] ) { qguess-- // And again. if ( n2.n_value[n2ptr + 1] * qguess > (num1[qdig] * 10 + num1[qdig + 1] - n2.n_value[n2ptr] * qguess) * 10 + num1[qdig + 2] ) { qguess-- } } // Multiply and subtract. borrow = 0 if (qguess !== 0) { mval[0] = 0 //* mval = 0; // @CHECK is this to fix ptr2 < 0? // _one_mult (n2ptr, len2, qguess, mval+1); // @CHECK Libbcmath._one_mult(n2.n_value, n2ptr, len2, qguess, mval, 1) ptr1 = qdig + len2 // (unsigned char *) num1+qdig+len2; ptr2 = len2 // (unsigned char *) mval+len2; // @todo: CHECK: Does a negative pointer return null? // ptr2 can be < 0 here as ptr1 = len2, thus count < len2+1 will always fail ? for (count = 0; count < len2 + 1; count++) { if (ptr2 < 0) { // val = Libbcmath.cint(num1[ptr1]) - 0 - borrow; // val = (int) *ptr1 - (int) *ptr2-- - borrow; val = num1[ptr1] - 0 - borrow // val = (int) *ptr1 - (int) *ptr2-- - borrow; } else { // val = Libbcmath.cint(num1[ptr1]) - Libbcmath.cint(mval[ptr2--]) - borrow; // val = (int) *ptr1 - (int) *ptr2-- - borrow; // val = (int) *ptr1 - (int) *ptr2-- - borrow; val = num1[ptr1] - mval[ptr2--] - borrow } if (val < 0) { val += 10 borrow = 1 } else { borrow = 0 } num1[ptr1--] = val } } // Test for negative result. if (borrow === 1) { qguess-- ptr1 = qdig + len2 // (unsigned char *) num1+qdig+len2; ptr2 = len2 - 1 // (unsigned char *) n2ptr+len2-1; carry = 0 for (count = 0; count < len2; count++) { if (ptr2 < 0) { // val = Libbcmath.cint(num1[ptr1]) + 0 + carry; // val = (int) *ptr1 + (int) *ptr2-- + carry; // val = (int) *ptr1 + (int) *ptr2-- + carry; val = num1[ptr1] + 0 + carry } else { // val = Libbcmath.cint(num1[ptr1]) + Libbcmath.cint(n2.n_value[ptr2--]) + carry; // val = (int) *ptr1 + (int) *ptr2-- + carry; // val = (int) *ptr1 + (int) *ptr2-- + carry; val = num1[ptr1] + n2.n_value[ptr2--] + carry } if (val > 9) { val -= 10 carry = 1 } else { carry = 0 } num1[ptr1--] = val //* ptr1-- = val; } if (carry === 1) { // num1[ptr1] = Libbcmath.cint((num1[ptr1] + 1) % 10); // *ptr1 = (*ptr1 + 1) % 10; // @CHECK // *ptr1 = (*ptr1 + 1) % 10; // @CHECK num1[ptr1] = (num1[ptr1] + 1) % 10 } } // We now know the quotient digit. qval.n_value[qptr++] = qguess //* qptr++ = qguess; qdig++ } } // Clean up and return the number. qval.n_sign = n1.n_sign === n2.n_sign ? Libbcmath.PLUS : Libbcmath.MINUS if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(qval)) { qval.n_sign = Libbcmath.PLUS } Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(qval) return qval // return 0; // Everything is OK. }, MUL_BASE_DIGITS: 80, MUL_SMALL_DIGITS: 80 / 4, // #define MUL_SMALL_DIGITS mul_base_digits/4 /* The multiply routine. N2 times N1 is put int PROD with the scale of the result being MIN(N2 scale+N1 scale, MAX (SCALE, N2 scale, N1 scale)). */ /** * @param n1 bc_num * @param n2 bc_num * @param scale [int] optional */ bc_multiply: function (n1, n2, scale) { let pval // bc_num let len1, len2 // int let fullScale, prodScale // int // Initialize things. len1 = n1.n_len + n1.n_scale len2 = n2.n_len + n2.n_scale fullScale = n1.n_scale + n2.n_scale prodScale = Libbcmath.MIN(fullScale, Libbcmath.MAX(scale, Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale))) // pval = Libbcmath.bc_init_num(); // allow pass by ref // Do the multiply pval = Libbcmath._bc_rec_mul(n1, len1, n2, len2, fullScale) // Assign to prod and clean up the number. pval.n_sign = n1.n_sign === n2.n_sign ? Libbcmath.PLUS : Libbcmath.MINUS // pval.n_value = pval.nPtr; pval.n_len = len2 + len1 + 1 - fullScale pval.n_scale = prodScale Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(pval) if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(pval)) { pval.n_sign = Libbcmath.PLUS } // bc_free_num (prod); return pval }, new_sub_num: function (length, scale, value, ptr = 0) { const temp = new Libbcmath.bc_num() // eslint-disable-line new-cap temp.n_sign = Libbcmath.PLUS temp.n_len = length temp.n_scale = scale temp.n_value = Libbcmath.safe_emalloc(1, length + scale, 0) Libbcmath.memcpy(temp.n_value, 0, value, ptr, length + scale) return temp }, _bc_simp_mul: function (n1, n1len, n2, n2len, fullScale) { let prod // bc_num let n1ptr, n2ptr, pvptr // char *n1ptr, *n2ptr, *pvptr; let n1end, n2end // char *n1end, *n2end; // To the end of n1 and n2. let indx, sum, prodlen // int indx, sum, prodlen; prodlen = n1len + n2len + 1 prod = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(prodlen, 0) n1end = n1len - 1 // (char *) (n1->n_value + n1len - 1); n2end = n2len - 1 // (char *) (n2->n_value + n2len - 1); pvptr = prodlen - 1 // (char *) ((*prod)->n_value + prodlen - 1); sum = 0 // Here is the loop... for (indx = 0; indx < prodlen - 1; indx++) { // (char *) (n1end - MAX(0, indx-n2len+1)); n1ptr = n1end - Libbcmath.MAX(0, indx - n2len + 1) // (char *) (n2end - MIN(indx, n2len-1)); n2ptr = n2end - Libbcmath.MIN(indx, n2len - 1) while (n1ptr >= 0 && n2ptr <= n2end) { // sum += *n1ptr-- * *n2ptr++; sum += n1.n_value[n1ptr--] * n2.n_value[n2ptr++] } //* pvptr-- = sum % BASE; prod.n_value[pvptr--] = Math.floor(sum % Libbcmath.BASE) sum = Math.floor(sum / Libbcmath.BASE) // sum = sum / BASE; } prod.n_value[pvptr] = sum //* pvptr = sum; return prod }, /* A special adder/subtractor for the recursive divide and conquer multiply algorithm. Note: if sub is called, accum must be larger that what is being subtracted. Also, accum and val must have n_scale = 0. (e.g. they must look like integers. *) */ _bc_shift_addsub: function (accum, val, shift, sub) { let accp, valp // signed char *accp, *valp; let count, carry // int count, carry; count = val.n_len if (val.n_value[0] === 0) { count-- } // assert (accum->n_len+accum->n_scale >= shift+count); if (accum.n_len + accum.n_scale < shift + count) { throw new Error('len + scale < shift + count') // ?? I think that's what assert does :) } // Set up pointers and others // (signed char *)(accum->n_value + accum->n_len + accum->n_scale - shift - 1); accp = accum.n_len + accum.n_scale - shift - 1 valp = val.n_len - 1 // (signed char *)(val->n_value + val->n_len - 1); carry = 0 if (sub) { // Subtraction, carry is really borrow. while (count--) { accum.n_value[accp] -= val.n_value[valp--] + carry //* accp -= *valp-- + carry; if (accum.n_value[accp] < 0) { // if (*accp < 0) carry = 1 accum.n_value[accp--] += Libbcmath.BASE //* accp-- += BASE; } else { carry = 0 accp-- } } while (carry) { accum.n_value[accp] -= carry //* accp -= carry; if (accum.n_value[accp] < 0) { // if (*accp < 0) accum.n_value[accp--] += Libbcmath.BASE // *accp-- += BASE; } else { carry = 0 } } } else { // Addition while (count--) { accum.n_value[accp] += val.n_value[valp--] + carry //* accp += *valp-- + carry; if (accum.n_value[accp] > Libbcmath.BASE - 1) { // if (*accp > (BASE-1)) carry = 1 accum.n_value[accp--] -= Libbcmath.BASE //* accp-- -= BASE; } else { carry = 0 accp-- } } while (carry) { accum.n_value[accp] += carry //* accp += carry; if (accum.n_value[accp] > Libbcmath.BASE - 1) { // if (*accp > (BASE-1)) accum.n_value[accp--] -= Libbcmath.BASE //* accp-- -= BASE; } else { carry = 0 } } } return true // accum is the pass-by-reference return }, /* Recursive divide and conquer multiply algorithm. based on Let u = u0 + u1*(b^n) Let v = v0 + v1*(b^n) Then uv = (B^2n+B^n)*u1*v1 + B^n*(u1-u0)*(v0-v1) + (B^n+1)*u0*v0 B is the base of storage, number of digits in u1,u0 close to equal. */ _bc_rec_mul: function (u, ulen, v, vlen, fullScale) { let prod // @return let u0, u1, v0, v1 // bc_num // var u0len, // var v0len // int let m1, m2, m3, d1, d2 // bc_num let n, prodlen, m1zero // int let d1len, d2len // int // Base case? if ( ulen + vlen < Libbcmath.MUL_BASE_DIGITS || ulen < Libbcmath.MUL_SMALL_DIGITS || vlen < Libbcmath.MUL_SMALL_DIGITS ) { return Libbcmath._bc_simp_mul(u, ulen, v, vlen, fullScale) } // Calculate n -- the u and v split point in digits. n = Math.floor((Libbcmath.MAX(ulen, vlen) + 1) / 2) // Split u and v. if (ulen < n) { u1 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // u1 = bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); u0 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(ulen, 0, u.n_value) } else { u1 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(ulen - n, 0, u.n_value) u0 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(n, 0, u.n_value, ulen - n) } if (vlen < n) { v1 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); v0 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(vlen, 0, v.n_value) } else { v1 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(vlen - n, 0, v.n_value) v0 = Libbcmath.new_sub_num(n, 0, v.n_value, vlen - n) } Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(u1) Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(u0) // var u0len = u0.n_len Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(v1) Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(v0) // var v0len = v0.n_len m1zero = Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(u1) || Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(v1) // Calculate sub results ... d1 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // needed? d2 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // needed? d1 = Libbcmath.bc_sub(u1, u0, 0) d1len = d1.n_len d2 = Libbcmath.bc_sub(v0, v1, 0) d2len = d2.n_len // Do recursive multiplies and shifted adds. if (m1zero) { m1 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); } else { // m1 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num(); //allow pass-by-ref m1 = Libbcmath._bc_rec_mul(u1, u1.n_len, v1, v1.n_len, 0) } if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(d1) || Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(d2)) { m2 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); } else { // m2 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num(); //allow pass-by-ref m2 = Libbcmath._bc_rec_mul(d1, d1len, d2, d2len, 0) } if (Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(u0) || Libbcmath.bc_is_zero(v0)) { m3 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num() // bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); } else { // m3 = Libbcmath.bc_init_num(); //allow pass-by-ref m3 = Libbcmath._bc_rec_mul(u0, u0.n_len, v0, v0.n_len, 0) } // Initialize product prodlen = ulen + vlen + 1 prod = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(prodlen, 0) if (!m1zero) { Libbcmath._bc_shift_addsub(prod, m1, 2 * n, 0) Libbcmath._bc_shift_addsub(prod, m1, n, 0) } Libbcmath._bc_shift_addsub(prod, m3, n, 0) Libbcmath._bc_shift_addsub(prod, m3, 0, 0) Libbcmath._bc_shift_addsub(prod, m2, n, d1.n_sign !== d2.n_sign) return prod // Now clean up! // bc_free_num (&u1); // bc_free_num (&u0); // bc_free_num (&v1); // bc_free_num (&m1); // bc_free_num (&v0); // bc_free_num (&m2); // bc_free_num (&m3); // bc_free_num (&d1); // bc_free_num (&d2); }, /** * * @param {bc_num} n1 * @param {bc_num} n2 * @param {boolean} useSign * @param {boolean} ignoreLast * @return -1, 0, 1 (see bc_compare) */ _bc_do_compare: function (n1, n2, useSign, ignoreLast) { let n1ptr, n2ptr // int let count // int // First, compare signs. if (useSign && n1.n_sign !== n2.n_sign) { if (n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return 1 // Positive N1 > Negative N2 } else { return -1 // Negative N1 < Positive N1 } } // Now compare the magnitude. if (n1.n_len !== n2.n_len) { if (n1.n_len > n2.n_len) { // Magnitude of n1 > n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return 1 } else { return -1 } } else { // Magnitude of n1 < n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return -1 } else { return 1 } } } /* If we get here, they have the same number of integer digits. check the integer part and the equal length part of the fraction. */ count = n1.n_len + Math.min(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale) n1ptr = 0 n2ptr = 0 while (count > 0 && n1.n_value[n1ptr] === n2.n_value[n2ptr]) { n1ptr++ n2ptr++ count-- } if (ignoreLast && count === 1 && n1.n_scale === n2.n_scale) { return 0 } if (count !== 0) { if (n1.n_value[n1ptr] > n2.n_value[n2ptr]) { // Magnitude of n1 > n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return 1 } else { return -1 } } else { // Magnitude of n1 < n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return -1 } else { return 1 } } } // They are equal up to the last part of the equal part of the fraction. if (n1.n_scale !== n2.n_scale) { if (n1.n_scale > n2.n_scale) { for (count = n1.n_scale - n2.n_scale; count > 0; count--) { if (n1.n_value[n1ptr++] !== 0) { // Magnitude of n1 > n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return 1 } else { return -1 } } } } else { for (count = n2.n_scale - n1.n_scale; count > 0; count--) { if (n2.n_value[n2ptr++] !== 0) { // Magnitude of n1 < n2. if (!useSign || n1.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS) { return -1 } else { return 1 } } } } } // They must be equal! return 0 }, /* Here is the full subtract routine that takes care of negative numbers. N2 is subtracted from N1 and the result placed in RESULT. SCALE_MIN is the minimum scale for the result. */ bc_sub: function (n1, n2, scaleMin) { let diff // bc_num let cmpRes, resScale // int if (n1.n_sign !== n2.n_sign) { diff = Libbcmath._bc_do_add(n1, n2, scaleMin) diff.n_sign = n1.n_sign } else { // subtraction must be done. // Compare magnitudes. cmpRes = Libbcmath._bc_do_compare(n1, n2, false, false) switch (cmpRes) { case -1: // n1 is less than n2, subtract n1 from n2. diff = Libbcmath._bc_do_sub(n2, n1, scaleMin) diff.n_sign = n2.n_sign === Libbcmath.PLUS ? Libbcmath.MINUS : Libbcmath.PLUS break case 0: // They are equal! return zero! resScale = Libbcmath.MAX(scaleMin, Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale)) diff = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(1, resScale) Libbcmath.memset(diff.n_value, 0, 0, resScale + 1) break case 1: // n2 is less than n1, subtract n2 from n1. diff = Libbcmath._bc_do_sub(n1, n2, scaleMin) diff.n_sign = n1.n_sign break } } // Clean up and return. // bc_free_num (result); //* result = diff; return diff }, _bc_do_add: function (n1, n2, scaleMin) { let sum // bc_num let sumScale, sumDigits // int let n1ptr, n2ptr, sumptr // int let carry, n1bytes, n2bytes // int let tmp // int // Prepare sum. sumScale = Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale) sumDigits = Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_len, n2.n_len) + 1 sum = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(sumDigits, Libbcmath.MAX(sumScale, scaleMin)) // Start with the fraction part. Initialize the pointers. n1bytes = n1.n_scale n2bytes = n2.n_scale n1ptr = n1.n_len + n1bytes - 1 n2ptr = n2.n_len + n2bytes - 1 sumptr = sumScale + sumDigits - 1 // Add the fraction part. First copy the longer fraction // (ie when adding 1.2345 to 1 we know .2345 is correct already) . if (n1bytes !== n2bytes) { if (n1bytes > n2bytes) { // n1 has more dp then n2 while (n1bytes > n2bytes) { sum.n_value[sumptr--] = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] // *sumptr-- = *n1ptr--; n1bytes-- } } else { // n2 has more dp then n1 while (n2bytes > n1bytes) { sum.n_value[sumptr--] = n2.n_value[n2ptr--] // *sumptr-- = *n2ptr--; n2bytes-- } } } // Now add the remaining fraction part and equal size integer parts. n1bytes += n1.n_len n2bytes += n2.n_len carry = 0 while (n1bytes > 0 && n2bytes > 0) { // add the two numbers together tmp = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] + n2.n_value[n2ptr--] + carry // *sumptr = *n1ptr-- + *n2ptr-- + carry; // check if they are >= 10 (impossible to be more then 18) if (tmp >= Libbcmath.BASE) { carry = 1 tmp -= Libbcmath.BASE // yep, subtract 10, add a carry } else { carry = 0 } sum.n_value[sumptr] = tmp sumptr-- n1bytes-- n2bytes-- } // Now add carry the [rest of the] longer integer part. if (n1bytes === 0) { // n2 is a bigger number then n1 while (n2bytes-- > 0) { tmp = n2.n_value[n2ptr--] + carry // *sumptr = *n2ptr-- + carry; if (tmp >= Libbcmath.BASE) { carry = 1 tmp -= Libbcmath.BASE } else { carry = 0 } sum.n_value[sumptr--] = tmp } } else { // n1 is bigger then n2.. while (n1bytes-- > 0) { tmp = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] + carry // *sumptr = *n1ptr-- + carry; if (tmp >= Libbcmath.BASE) { carry = 1 tmp -= Libbcmath.BASE } else { carry = 0 } sum.n_value[sumptr--] = tmp } } // Set final carry. if (carry === 1) { sum.n_value[sumptr] += 1 // *sumptr += 1; } // Adjust sum and return. Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(sum) return sum }, /** * Perform a subtraction * * Perform subtraction: N2 is subtracted from N1 and the value is * returned. The signs of N1 and N2 are ignored. Also, N1 is * assumed to be larger than N2. SCALE_MIN is the minimum scale * of the result. * * Basic school maths says to subtract 2 numbers.. * 1. make them the same length, the decimal places, and the integer part * 2. start from the right and subtract the two numbers from each other * 3. if the sum of the 2 numbers < 0, carry -1 to the next set and add 10 * (ie 18 > carry 1 becomes 8). thus 0.9 + 0.9 = 1.8 * * @param {bc_num} n1 * @param {bc_num} n2 * @param {int} scaleMin * @return bc_num */ _bc_do_sub: function (n1, n2, scaleMin) { let diff // bc_num let diffScale, diffLen // int let minScale, minLen // int let n1ptr, n2ptr, diffptr // int let borrow, count, val // int // Allocate temporary storage. diffLen = Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_len, n2.n_len) diffScale = Libbcmath.MAX(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale) minLen = Libbcmath.MIN(n1.n_len, n2.n_len) minScale = Libbcmath.MIN(n1.n_scale, n2.n_scale) diff = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(diffLen, Libbcmath.MAX(diffScale, scaleMin)) /* Not needed? // Zero extra digits made by scaleMin. if (scaleMin > diffScale) { diffptr = (char *) (diff->n_value + diffLen + diffScale); for (count = scaleMin - diffScale; count > 0; count--) { *diffptr++ = 0; } } */ // Initialize the subtract. n1ptr = n1.n_len + n1.n_scale - 1 n2ptr = n2.n_len + n2.n_scale - 1 diffptr = diffLen + diffScale - 1 // Subtract the numbers. borrow = 0 // Take care of the longer scaled number. if (n1.n_scale !== minScale) { // n1 has the longer scale for (count = n1.n_scale - minScale; count > 0; count--) { diff.n_value[diffptr--] = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] // *diffptr-- = *n1ptr--; } } else { // n2 has the longer scale for (count = n2.n_scale - minScale; count > 0; count--) { val = 0 - n2.n_value[n2ptr--] - borrow // val = - *n2ptr-- - borrow; if (val < 0) { val += Libbcmath.BASE borrow = 1 } else { borrow = 0 } diff.n_value[diffptr--] = val //* diffptr-- = val; } } // Now do the equal length scale and integer parts. for (count = 0; count < minLen + minScale; count++) { val = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] - n2.n_value[n2ptr--] - borrow // val = *n1ptr-- - *n2ptr-- - borrow; if (val < 0) { val += Libbcmath.BASE borrow = 1 } else { borrow = 0 } diff.n_value[diffptr--] = val //* diffptr-- = val; } // If n1 has more digits then n2, we now do that subtract. if (diffLen !== minLen) { for (count = diffLen - minLen; count > 0; count--) { val = n1.n_value[n1ptr--] - borrow // val = *n1ptr-- - borrow; if (val < 0) { val += Libbcmath.BASE borrow = 1 } else { borrow = 0 } diff.n_value[diffptr--] = val } } // Clean up and return. Libbcmath._bc_rm_leading_zeros(diff) return diff }, /** * * @param {int} length * @param {int} scale * @return bc_num */ bc_new_num: function (length, scale) { let temp // bc_num temp = new Libbcmath.bc_num() // eslint-disable-line new-cap temp.n_sign = Libbcmath.PLUS temp.n_len = length temp.n_scale = scale temp.n_value = Libbcmath.safe_emalloc(1, length + scale, 0) Libbcmath.memset(temp.n_value, 0, 0, length + scale) return temp }, safe_emalloc: function (size, len, extra) { return Array(size * len + extra) }, /** * Create a new number */ bc_init_num: function () { return new Libbcmath.bc_new_num(1, 0) // eslint-disable-line new-cap }, _bc_rm_leading_zeros: function (num) { // We can move n_value to point to the first non zero digit! while (num.n_value[0] === 0 && num.n_len > 1) { num.n_value.shift() num.n_len-- } }, /** * Convert to bc_num detecting scale */ php_str2num: function (str) { let p p = str.indexOf('.') if (p === -1) { return Libbcmath.bc_str2num(str, 0) } else { return Libbcmath.bc_str2num(str, str.length - p) } }, CH_VAL: function (c) { return c - '0' // ?? }, BCD_CHAR: function (d) { return d + '0' // ?? }, isdigit: function (c) { return isNaN(parseInt(c, 10)) }, bc_str2num: function (strIn, scale) { let str, num, ptr, digits, strscale, zeroInt, nptr // remove any non-expected characters // Check for valid number and count digits. str = strIn.split('') // convert to array ptr = 0 // str digits = 0 strscale = 0 zeroInt = false if (str[ptr] === '+' || str[ptr] === '-') { ptr++ // Sign } while (str[ptr] === '0') { ptr++ // Skip leading zeros. } // while (Libbcmath.isdigit(str[ptr])) { while (str[ptr] % 1 === 0) { // Libbcmath.isdigit(str[ptr])) { ptr++ digits++ // digits } if (str[ptr] === '.') { ptr++ // decimal point } // while (Libbcmath.isdigit(str[ptr])) { while (str[ptr] % 1 === 0) { // Libbcmath.isdigit(str[ptr])) { ptr++ strscale++ // digits } if (str[ptr] || digits + strscale === 0) { // invalid number, return 0 return Libbcmath.bc_init_num() //* num = bc_copy_num (BCG(_zero_)); } // Adjust numbers and allocate storage and initialize fields. strscale = Libbcmath.MIN(strscale, scale) if (digits === 0) { zeroInt = true digits = 1 } num = Libbcmath.bc_new_num(digits, strscale) // Build the whole number. ptr = 0 // str if (str[ptr] === '-') { num.n_sign = Libbcmath.MINUS // (*num)->n_sign = MINUS; ptr++ } else { num.n_sign = Libbcmath.PLUS // (*num)->n_sign = PLUS; if (str[ptr] === '+') { ptr++ } } while (str[ptr] === '0') { ptr++ // Skip leading zeros. } nptr = 0 // (*num)->n_value; if (zeroInt) { num.n_value[nptr++] = 0 digits = 0 } for (; digits > 0; digits--) { num.n_value[nptr++] = Libbcmath.CH_VAL(str[ptr++]) //* nptr++ = CH_VAL(*ptr++); } // Build the fractional part. if (strscale > 0) { ptr++ // skip the decimal point! for (; strscale > 0; strscale--) { num.n_value[nptr++] = Libbcmath.CH_VAL(str[ptr++]) } } return num }, cint: function (v) { if (typeof v === 'undefined') { v = 0 } let x = parseInt(v, 10) if (isNaN(x)) { x = 0 } return x }, /** * Basic min function * @param {int} a * @param {int} b */ MIN: function (a, b) { return a > b ? b : a }, /** * Basic max function * @param {int} a * @param {int} b */ MAX: function (a, b) { return a > b ? a : b }, /** * Basic odd function * @param {int} a */ ODD: function (a) { return a & 1 }, /** * replicate c function * @param {array} r return (by reference) * @param {int} ptr * @param {string} chr char to fill * @param {int} len length to fill */ memset: function (r, ptr, chr, len) { let i for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { r[ptr + i] = chr } }, /** * Replacement c function * Obviously can't work like c does, so we've added an "offset" * param so you could do memcpy(dest+1, src, len) as memcpy(dest, 1, src, len) * Also only works on arrays */ memcpy: function (dest, ptr, src, srcptr, len) { let i for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { dest[ptr + i] = src[srcptr + i] } return true }, /** * Determine if the number specified is zero or not * @param {bc_num} num number to check * @return boolean true when zero, false when not zero. */ bc_is_zero: function (num) { let count // int let nptr // int // Quick check. // if (num === BCG(_zero_)) return TRUE; // Initialize count = num.n_len + num.n_scale nptr = 0 // num->n_value; // The check while (count > 0 && num.n_value[nptr++] === 0) { count-- } if (count !== 0) { return false } else { return true } }, bc_out_of_memory: function () { throw new Error('(BC) Out of memory') }, } return Libbcmath }