module.exports = function array_map(callback) { // discuss at: // original by: Andrea Giammarchi ( // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // improved by: Brett Zamir ( // input by: thekid // note 1: If the callback is a string (or object, if an array is supplied), // note 1: it can only work if the function name is in the global context // example 1: array_map( function (a){return (a * a * a)}, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] ) // returns 1: [ 1, 8, 27, 64, 125 ] const argc = arguments.length const argv = arguments let obj = null let cb = callback const j = argv[1].length let i = 0 let k = 1 let m = 0 let tmp = [] const tmpArr = [] const $global = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : global while (i < j) { while (k < argc) { tmp[m++] = argv[k++][i] } m = 0 k = 1 if (callback) { if (typeof callback === 'string') { cb = $global[callback] } else if (typeof callback === 'object' && callback.length) { obj = typeof callback[0] === 'string' ? $global[callback[0]] : callback[0] if (typeof obj === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Object not found: ' + callback[0]) } cb = typeof callback[1] === 'string' ? obj[callback[1]] : callback[1] } tmpArr[i++] = cb.apply(obj, tmp) } else { tmpArr[i++] = tmp } tmp = [] } return tmpArr }