module.exports = function array_splice(arr, offst, lgth, replacement) { // discuss at: // original by: Brett Zamir ( // input by: Theriault ( // note 1: Order does get shifted in associative array input with numeric indices, // note 1: since PHP behavior doesn't preserve keys, but I understand order is // note 1: not reliable anyways // note 1: Note also that IE retains information about property position even // note 1: after being supposedly deleted, so use of this function may produce // note 1: unexpected results in IE if you later attempt to add back properties // note 1: with the same keys that had been deleted // example 1: var $input = {4: "red", 'abc': "green", 2: "blue", 'dud': "yellow"} // example 1: array_splice($input, 2) // returns 1: {4: "red", 'abc': "green"} // example 2: var $input = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"] // example 2: array_splice($input, 3, 0, "purple") // returns 2: [] // example 3: var $input = ["red", "green", "blue", "yellow"] // example 3: array_splice($input, -1, 1, ["black", "maroon"]) // returns 3: ["yellow"] // test: skip-1 const isInt = require('../var/is_int') const _checkToUpIndices = function (arr, ct, key) { // Deal with situation, e.g., if encounter index 4 and try // to set it to 0, but 0 exists later in loop (need to // increment all subsequent (skipping current key, // since we need its value below) until find unused) if (arr[ct] !== undefined) { const tmp = ct ct += 1 if (ct === key) { ct += 1 } ct = _checkToUpIndices(arr, ct, key) arr[ct] = arr[tmp] delete arr[tmp] } return ct } if (replacement && typeof replacement !== 'object') { replacement = [replacement] } if (lgth === undefined) { lgth = offst >= 0 ? arr.length - offst : -offst } else if (lgth < 0) { lgth = (offst >= 0 ? arr.length - offst : -offst) + lgth } if ( !== '[object Array]') { /* if (arr.length !== undefined) { // Deal with array-like objects as input delete arr.length; } */ let lgt = 0 let ct = -1 const rmvd = [] const rmvdObj = {} let replCt = -1 let intCt = -1 let returnArr = true let rmvdCt = 0 // var rmvdLngth = 0 let key = '' // rmvdObj.length = 0; for (key in arr) { // Can do arr.__count__ in some browsers lgt += 1 } offst = offst >= 0 ? offst : lgt + offst for (key in arr) { ct += 1 if (ct < offst) { if (isInt(key)) { intCt += 1 if (parseInt(key, 10) === intCt) { // Key is already numbered ok, so don't need to change key for value continue } // Deal with situation, e.g., _checkToUpIndices(arr, intCt, key) // if encounter index 4 and try to set it to 0, but 0 exists later in loop arr[intCt] = arr[key] delete arr[key] } continue } if (returnArr && isInt(key)) { rmvd.push(arr[key]) // PHP starts over here too rmvdObj[rmvdCt++] = arr[key] } else { rmvdObj[key] = arr[key] returnArr = false } // rmvdLngth += 1 // rmvdObj.length += 1; if (replacement && replacement[++replCt]) { arr[key] = replacement[replCt] } else { delete arr[key] } } // Make (back) into an array-like object // arr.length = lgt - rmvdLngth + (replacement ? replacement.length : 0); return returnArr ? rmvd : rmvdObj } if (replacement) { replacement.unshift(offst, lgth) return Array.prototype.splice.apply(arr, replacement) } return arr.splice(offst, lgth) }