module.exports = function convert_uuencode(str) { // discuss at: // original by: Ole Vrijenhoek // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Brett Zamir ( // reimplemented by: Ole Vrijenhoek // example 1: convert_uuencode("test\ntext text\r\n") // returns 1: "0=&5S=`IT97AT('1E>'0-\"@\n`\n" const isScalar = require('../var/is_scalar') const chr = function (c) { return String.fromCharCode(c) } if (!str || str === '') { return chr(0) } else if (!isScalar(str)) { return false } let c = 0 let u = 0 let i = 0 let a = 0 let encoded = '' let tmp1 = '' let tmp2 = '' let bytes = {} // divide string into chunks of 45 characters const chunk = function () { bytes = str.substr(u, 45).split('') for (i in bytes) { bytes[i] = bytes[i].charCodeAt(0) } return bytes.length || 0 } while ((c = chunk()) !== 0) { u += 45 // New line encoded data starts with number of bytes encoded. encoded += chr(c + 32) // Convert each char in bytes[] to a byte for (i in bytes) { tmp1 = bytes[i].toString(2) while (tmp1.length < 8) { tmp1 = '0' + tmp1 } tmp2 += tmp1 } while (tmp2.length % 6) { tmp2 = tmp2 + '0' } for (i = 0; i <= tmp2.length / 6 - 1; i++) { tmp1 = tmp2.substr(a, 6) if (tmp1 === '000000') { encoded += chr(96) } else { encoded += chr(parseInt(tmp1, 2) + 32) } a += 6 } a = 0 tmp2 = '' encoded += '\n' } // Add termination characters encoded += chr(96) + '\n' return encoded }