module.exports = function strip_tags(input, allowed) { // discuss at: // original by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // improved by: Luke Godfrey // improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // input by: Pul // input by: Alex // input by: Marc Palau // input by: Brett Zamir ( // input by: Bobby Drake // input by: Evertjan Garretsen // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Onno Marsman ( // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Eric Nagel // bugfixed by: Kevin van Zonneveld ( // bugfixed by: Tomasz Wesolowski // bugfixed by: Tymon Sturgeon ( // bugfixed by: Tim de Koning ( // revised by: RafaƂ Kukawski ( // example 1: strip_tags('


van Zonneveld', '') // returns 1: 'Kevin van Zonneveld' // example 2: strip_tags('

Kevin van Zonneveld

', '

') // returns 2: '

Kevin van Zonneveld

' // example 3: strip_tags("Kevin van Zonneveld", "") // returns 3: "Kevin van Zonneveld" // example 4: strip_tags('1 < 5 5 > 1') // returns 4: '1 < 5 5 > 1' // example 5: strip_tags('1
1') // returns 5: '1 1' // example 6: strip_tags('1
1', '
') // returns 6: '1
1' // example 7: strip_tags('1
1', '

') // returns 7: '1
1' // example 8: strip_tags('hello <script>world</script>') // returns 8: 'hello world' // example 9: strip_tags(4) // returns 9: '4' const _phpCastString = require('../_helpers/_phpCastString') // making sure the allowed arg is a string containing only tags in lowercase () allowed = (((allowed || '') + '').toLowerCase().match(/<[a-z][a-z0-9]*>/g) || []).join('') const tags = /<\/?([a-z0-9]*)\b[^>]*>?/gi const commentsAndPhpTags = /|<\?(?:php)?[\s\S]*?\?>/gi let after = _phpCastString(input) // removes tha '<' char at the end of the string to replicate PHP's behaviour after = after.substring(after.length - 1) === '<' ? after.substring(0, after.length - 1) : after // recursively remove tags to ensure that the returned string doesn't contain forbidden tags after previous passes (e.g. '<switch/>') while (true) { const before = after after = before.replace(commentsAndPhpTags, '').replace(tags, function ($0, $1) { return allowed.indexOf('<' + $1.toLowerCase() + '>') > -1 ? $0 : '' }) // return once no more tags are removed if (before === after) { return after } } }