module.exports = function xdiff_string_diff(oldData, newData, contextLines, minimal) { // discuss at: // original by: Brett Zamir ( // based on: Imgen Tata ( // bugfixed by: Imgen Tata ( // improved by: Brett Zamir ( // note 1: The minimal argument is not currently supported // example 1: xdiff_string_diff('', 'Hello world!') // returns 1: '@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@\n+Hello world!' // (This code was done by Imgen Tata; I have only reformatted for use in Locutus) // See let i = 0 let j = 0 let k = 0 let oriHunkStart let newHunkStart let oriHunkEnd let newHunkEnd let oriHunkLineNo let newHunkLineNo let oriHunkSize let newHunkSize const MAX_CONTEXT_LINES = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY // Potential configuration const MIN_CONTEXT_LINES = 0 const DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LINES = 3 const HEADER_PREFIX = '@@ ' // const HEADER_SUFFIX = ' @@' const ORIGINAL_INDICATOR = '-' const NEW_INDICATOR = '+' const RANGE_SEPARATOR = ',' const CONTEXT_INDICATOR = ' ' const DELETION_INDICATOR = '-' const ADDITION_INDICATOR = '+' let oriLines let newLines const NEW_LINE = '\n' const _trim = function (text) { if (typeof text !== 'string') { throw new Error('String parameter required') } return text.replace(/(^\s*)|(\s*$)/g, '') } const _verifyType = function (type) { const args = arguments const argsLen = arguments.length const basicTypes = ['number', 'boolean', 'string', 'function', 'object', 'undefined'] let basicType let i let j const typeOfType = typeof type if (typeOfType !== 'string' && typeOfType !== 'function') { throw new Error('Bad type parameter') } if (argsLen < 2) { throw new Error('Too few arguments') } if (typeOfType === 'string') { type = _trim(type) if (type === '') { throw new Error('Bad type parameter') } for (j = 0; j < basicTypes.length; j++) { basicType = basicTypes[j] if (basicType === type) { for (i = 1; i < argsLen; i++) { if (typeof args[i] !== type) { throw new Error('Bad type') } } return } } throw new Error('Bad type parameter') } // Not basic type. we need to use instanceof operator for (i = 1; i < argsLen; i++) { if (!(args[i] instanceof type)) { throw new Error('Bad type') } } } const _hasValue = function (array, value) { let i _verifyType(Array, array) for (i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i] === value) { return true } } return false } const _areTypeOf = function (type) { const args = arguments const argsLen = arguments.length const basicTypes = ['number', 'boolean', 'string', 'function', 'object', 'undefined'] let basicType let i let j const typeOfType = typeof type if (typeOfType !== 'string' && typeOfType !== 'function') { throw new Error('Bad type parameter') } if (argsLen < 2) { throw new Error('Too few arguments') } if (typeOfType === 'string') { type = _trim(type) if (type === '') { return false } for (j = 0; j < basicTypes.length; j++) { basicType = basicTypes[j] if (basicType === type) { for (i = 1; i < argsLen; i++) { if (typeof args[i] !== type) { return false } } return true } } throw new Error('Bad type parameter') } // Not basic type. we need to use instanceof operator for (i = 1; i < argsLen; i++) { if (!(args[i] instanceof type)) { return false } } return true } const _getInitializedArray = function (arraySize, initValue) { const array = [] let i _verifyType('number', arraySize) for (i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) { array.push(initValue) } return array } const _splitIntoLines = function (text) { _verifyType('string', text) if (text === '') { return [] } return text.split('\n') } const _isEmptyArray = function (obj) { return _areTypeOf(Array, obj) && obj.length === 0 } /** * Finds longest common sequence between two sequences * @see {@link} */ const _findLongestCommonSequence = function (seq1, seq2, seq1IsInLcs, seq2IsInLcs) { if (!_areTypeOf(Array, seq1, seq2)) { throw new Error('Array parameters are required') } // Deal with edge case if (_isEmptyArray(seq1) || _isEmptyArray(seq2)) { return [] } // Function to calculate lcs lengths const lcsLens = function (xs, ys) { let i let j let prev const curr = _getInitializedArray(ys.length + 1, 0) for (i = 0; i < xs.length; i++) { prev = curr.slice(0) for (j = 0; j < ys.length; j++) { if (xs[i] === ys[j]) { curr[j + 1] = prev[j] + 1 } else { curr[j + 1] = Math.max(curr[j], prev[j + 1]) } } } return curr } // Function to find lcs and fill in the array to indicate the optimal longest common sequence const _findLcs = function (xs, xidx, xIsIn, ys) { let i let xb let xe let llB let llE let pivot let max let yb let ye const nx = xs.length const ny = ys.length if (nx === 0) { return [] } if (nx === 1) { if (_hasValue(ys, xs[0])) { xIsIn[xidx] = true return [xs[0]] } return [] } i = Math.floor(nx / 2) xb = xs.slice(0, i) xe = xs.slice(i) llB = lcsLens(xb, ys) llE = lcsLens(xe.slice(0).reverse(), ys.slice(0).reverse()) pivot = 0 max = 0 for (j = 0; j <= ny; j++) { if (llB[j] + llE[ny - j] > max) { pivot = j max = llB[j] + llE[ny - j] } } yb = ys.slice(0, pivot) ye = ys.slice(pivot) return _findLcs(xb, xidx, xIsIn, yb).concat(_findLcs(xe, xidx + i, xIsIn, ye)) } // Fill in seq1IsInLcs to find the optimal longest common subsequence of first sequence _findLcs(seq1, 0, seq1IsInLcs, seq2) // Fill in seq2IsInLcs to find the optimal longest common subsequence // of second sequence and return the result return _findLcs(seq2, 0, seq2IsInLcs, seq1) } // First, check the parameters if (_areTypeOf('string', oldData, newData) === false) { return false } if (oldData === newData) { return '' } if (typeof contextLines !== 'number' || contextLines > MAX_CONTEXT_LINES || contextLines < MIN_CONTEXT_LINES) { contextLines = DEFAULT_CONTEXT_LINES } oriLines = _splitIntoLines(oldData) newLines = _splitIntoLines(newData) const oriLen = oriLines.length const newLen = newLines.length const oriIsInLcs = _getInitializedArray(oriLen, false) const newIsInLcs = _getInitializedArray(newLen, false) const lcsLen = _findLongestCommonSequence(oriLines, newLines, oriIsInLcs, newIsInLcs).length let unidiff = '' if (lcsLen === 0) { // No common sequence unidiff = [ HEADER_PREFIX, ORIGINAL_INDICATOR, oriLen > 0 ? '1' : '0', RANGE_SEPARATOR, oriLen, ' ', NEW_INDICATOR, newLen > 0 ? '1' : '0', RANGE_SEPARATOR, newLen, HEADER_SUFFIX, ].join('') for (i = 0; i < oriLen; i++) { unidiff += NEW_LINE + DELETION_INDICATOR + oriLines[i] } for (j = 0; j < newLen; j++) { unidiff += NEW_LINE + ADDITION_INDICATOR + newLines[j] } return unidiff } let leadingContext = [] let trailingContext = [] let actualLeadingContext = [] let actualTrailingContext = [] // Regularize leading context by the contextLines parameter const regularizeLeadingContext = function (context) { if (context.length === 0 || contextLines === 0) { return [] } const contextStartPos = Math.max(context.length - contextLines, 0) return context.slice(contextStartPos) } // Regularize trailing context by the contextLines parameter const regularizeTrailingContext = function (context) { if (context.length === 0 || contextLines === 0) { return [] } return context.slice(0, Math.min(contextLines, context.length)) } // Skip common lines in the beginning while (i < oriLen && oriIsInLcs[i] === true && newIsInLcs[i] === true) { leadingContext.push(oriLines[i]) i++ } j = i // The index in the longest common sequence k = i oriHunkStart = i newHunkStart = j oriHunkEnd = i newHunkEnd = j while (i < oriLen || j < newLen) { while (i < oriLen && oriIsInLcs[i] === false) { i++ } oriHunkEnd = i while (j < newLen && newIsInLcs[j] === false) { j++ } newHunkEnd = j // Find the trailing context trailingContext = [] while (i < oriLen && oriIsInLcs[i] === true && j < newLen && newIsInLcs[j] === true) { trailingContext.push(oriLines[i]) k++ i++ j++ } if ( k >= lcsLen || // No more in longest common lines trailingContext.length >= 2 * contextLines ) { // Context break found if (trailingContext.length < 2 * contextLines) { // It must be last block of common lines but not a context break trailingContext = [] // Force break out i = oriLen j = newLen // Update hunk ends to force output to the end oriHunkEnd = oriLen newHunkEnd = newLen } // Output the diff hunk // Trim the leading and trailing context block actualLeadingContext = regularizeLeadingContext(leadingContext) actualTrailingContext = regularizeTrailingContext(trailingContext) oriHunkStart -= actualLeadingContext.length newHunkStart -= actualLeadingContext.length oriHunkEnd += actualTrailingContext.length newHunkEnd += actualTrailingContext.length oriHunkLineNo = oriHunkStart + 1 newHunkLineNo = newHunkStart + 1 oriHunkSize = oriHunkEnd - oriHunkStart newHunkSize = newHunkEnd - newHunkStart // Build header unidiff += [ HEADER_PREFIX, ORIGINAL_INDICATOR, oriHunkLineNo, RANGE_SEPARATOR, oriHunkSize, ' ', NEW_INDICATOR, newHunkLineNo, RANGE_SEPARATOR, newHunkSize, HEADER_SUFFIX, NEW_LINE, ].join('') // Build the diff hunk content while (oriHunkStart < oriHunkEnd || newHunkStart < newHunkEnd) { if (oriHunkStart < oriHunkEnd && oriIsInLcs[oriHunkStart] === true && newIsInLcs[newHunkStart] === true) { // The context line unidiff += CONTEXT_INDICATOR + oriLines[oriHunkStart] + NEW_LINE oriHunkStart++ newHunkStart++ } else if (oriHunkStart < oriHunkEnd && oriIsInLcs[oriHunkStart] === false) { // The deletion line unidiff += DELETION_INDICATOR + oriLines[oriHunkStart] + NEW_LINE oriHunkStart++ } else if (newHunkStart < newHunkEnd && newIsInLcs[newHunkStart] === false) { // The additional line unidiff += ADDITION_INDICATOR + newLines[newHunkStart] + NEW_LINE newHunkStart++ } } // Update hunk position and leading context oriHunkStart = i newHunkStart = j leadingContext = trailingContext } } // Trim the trailing new line if it exists if (unidiff.length > 0 && unidiff.charAt(unidiff.length) === NEW_LINE) { unidiff = unidiff.slice(0, -1) } return unidiff }