# SortList A cross-language [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com/) plugin for sorting items in a list. Handles lists without opening and closing list delimiters, and lists with trailing commas. Preserves lists' quote style (single vs. double). - [Demo](#demo) - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [Tests](#tests) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [License](#license) ## Demo ![](https://github.com/kylebebak/sublime_sort_list/blob/master/demo/sort.gif) ## Installation #### From Package Control `SortList` is available via [Sublime Package Control](https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/SortList). This is the recommended way to install the plugin. #### From GitHub Alternatively, you may install via GitHub by cloning this repository into the `Packages` directory under Sublime Text's data directory. For example, on OSX: ``` cd "~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages" git clone https://github.com/kylebebak/sublime_sort_list.git ``` ## Usage Highlight one or more lists and run the command. If the lists can't be sorted exceptions with line numbers will be displayed in the __quick panel__. The name of the command is `sort_list`. It appears in the `Command Palette` as `Sort List`. If you want to use it with a minimum of hassle add a shortcut to your `.sublime-keymap`. ```json { "keys": ["shift+alt+super+o"], "command": "sort_list" } ``` If you want to change the list delimiter characters, override [SortList.sublime-settings](./SortList.sublime-settings). ## Tests From the root directory, run `python3 -m unittest discover --verbose`. Some of the tests will fail in Python 2, but the plugin still works fine in Sublime Text 2. ## Contributing Fork it and create a pull request. #### Wish List - reinsert leading and trailing whitespace, including new lines, after sorting the list - allow for list delimiters with more than one character, e.g. `<%` and `%>`. ## License This code is licensed under the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).