# Susy Snippets This is a collection of Sublime Text snippets for [Susy](http://susy.oddbird.net/) 2. These will work on files with the `.sass` and `.scss` extensions. ## Installation If you have Package Control installed, you can search for "Susy 2 Snippets" and install directly. Otherwise, navigate to your Sublime Text User directory in Terminal. ``` cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/User ``` Once in the directory, you can clone the repo and Sublime Text should be all set to use these snippets. ## Tab Triggers Here are the tab triggers in alphabetical order: * `al` - Alpha Mixin * `bl` - Bleed Mixin * `blx` - Bleed-X Mixin * `bly` - Bleed-Y Mixin * `br` - Break Mixin * `cof` - Container Function * `co` - Container Mixin * `fi` - First Mixin * `fu` - Full Mixin * `ga` - Gallery Mixin * `gbs` - Global Box Sizing Mixin * `guf` - Gutters Function * `gu` - Gutters Mixin * `is` - Isolate Mixin * `la` - Last Mixin * `lyf` - Layout Function * `ly` - Layout Mixin * `nef` - Nested Function * `ne` - Nested Mixin * `nb` - Nobreak Mixin * `om` - Omega Mixin * `pad` - Pad Mixin * `po` - Post Mixin * `pr` - Pre Mixin * `px` - Prefix Mixin * `pl` - Pull Mixin * `ph` - Push Mixin * `sg` - Show Grid Mixin * `spf` - Span Function * `sp` - Span Mixin * `sq` - Squish Mixin * `sx` - Suffix Mixin * `wl` - With Layout Mixin *Warning:* You may have some conflicting Tab Triggers if you've made your own snippets or have other packages with similar snippets. Feel free to customize this for your own use.