# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/standard-version) for commit guidelines. ## [1.2.0](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/compare/v1.1.0...v1.2.0) (2022-01-29) ### Features * update everything in the repo ([#316](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/issues/316)) ([45bf8dd](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/commit/45bf8dd92ffe1a2aa676c137a9635863a79cab41)) ### Bug Fixes * ensure client socket is writeable before writing to it ([405190b](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/commit/405190bbf1e4a174f46c75baf8b3b75621bf02fb)), closes [#231](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/issues/231) ## 1.1.0 ### Added - Exported `SendOptions`, `BroadcastOptions`, and `NetworkError` interfaces. ## 0.7.0 ### Added - Added more tests. - Documented all the events. - Added `veza.Server` and `veza.Client`. - Added [CHANGELOG.md](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). - Added [SECURITY.md](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/blob/master/SECURITY.md). - Added [PROTOCOL.md](https://github.com/kyranet/veza/blob/master/PROTOCOL.md). - Added documentation page, available at [veza.js.org](https://veza.js.org). ### Changed - Simplified event names to be more intuitive and easier to use. - Revamped queue to use the old message split method from `veza@0.5.0`. - Updated spec to re-include `ByteLength` into the headers. - Document more things as private to not show in the documentation. - Modified `Server#serve`'s return from `undefined` to `this`. ### Removed - Removed `veza.Node` in favor of `veza.Server` and `veza.Client`. ### Fixed - Resolved bug from 0.6.0 where the queue was getting into data racing on extremely edge cases. ## 0.6.0 - _Written more tests._ - _Coverage 100%._ - _Written **more** tests._ - _And also added a shiny 100% coverage badge._ ### Added - Added `handshakeTimeout` option in `Node`. - Added more typings. - Added more documentation. - Added `socket.connecting`, `socket.connect`, `socket.destroy`, `socket.ready`, `socket.connect`, and `socket.ready`. ### Changed - `Node#connectTo` does not longer take an argument for the socket's `name`, also called "label". The name is now the socket's. ### Removed - `Infinity` is not longer an option in timeouts nor retry limits, refer to `-1` for the same behaviour. - Removed `Queue#name` and `Queue#socket`. They're unnecessary getters. ### Fixed - Fixed any possible outcome of an HTTP server or client being able to crash a Veza server or socket. - Fixed reconnections not identifying correctly. ## 0.5.0 ### Added - Added Test Suite (https://github.com/kyranet/veza/issues/9). - Disconnect previous node if there was one named the same (https://github.com/kyranet/veza/issues/12). ### Changed - Rewritten Veza to Strict TypeScript (https://github.com/kyranet/veza/issues/13). - Nullify the socket when destroyed. ### Fixed - Fixed "Cannot read property delete of undefined".