Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function () { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/ /* PLEASE CHECK: TO RUN THIS SCRIPT PROPERLY, THE EMBEDDED VARIABLES *** audio_test_rt, audio_test_order *** MUST BE DEFINED. /* /* Change 1: Hiding the Next button */ // Retrieve Qualtrics object and save in qthis var qthis = this; // Hide buttons qthis.hideNextButton(); /* Change 2: Defining and load required resources */ // task-related variables var audio_test_rt = []; var audio_test_order = []; // requiredResources must include all the required JS files var task_github = "https://kywch.github.io/Mood-Induction_jsPsych/"; // https://.github.io/ var requiredResources = [ task_github + "jspsych-6.1.0/jspsych.js", task_github + "jspsych-6.1.0/plugins/jspsych-fullscreen.js", task_github + "jspsych-audio-keyboard-with-replay.js" ]; function loadScript(idx) { console.log("Loading ", requiredResources[idx]); jQuery.getScript(requiredResources[idx], function () { if ((idx + 1) < requiredResources.length) { loadScript(idx + 1); } else { initExp(); } }); } if (window.Qualtrics && (!window.frameElement || window.frameElement.id !== "mobile-preview-view")) { loadScript(0); } /* Change 3: Appending the display_stage Div using jQuery */ // jQuery is loaded in Qualtrics by default jQuery("
").appendTo('body'); jQuery("
").appendTo('body'); /* Change 4: Adding resouces, scripts, and helper functions */ var audio_url = 'https://kywch.github.io/Mood-Induction_jsPsych/audiotest/'; var audio_seed = ['c', 'd', 'g', 'k', 'p', 'q', 't']; // WARNING: YOU SHOULD MAKE SURE THE OUTPUT URLS ARE CORRECT function get_audio_url(audio_url, file_name, file_ext = 'mp3') { return audio_url + file_name + '.' + file_ext; } // generate audiotest trials function generate_audiotest_block(audio_url, audio_seed) { audio_test_order = jsPsych.randomization.shuffle(audio_seed); let block_audiotest = []; let enter_audiotest_page = { type: 'audio-keyboard-with-replay', prompt: "

" + "The task you are about to do requires listening to sounds. Please adjust your sound setting.
" + "

We will do a simple task to make sure you can hear the sounds.

" + "

In the next pages, press the alphabet key associated with the played sound to proceed.

" + "

If you are ready, press the 'n' key to proceed.

" + "

If the key doesn't work, please click the screen and press again.

", choices: ['n'], }; block_audiotest.push(enter_audiotest_page); for (let ii = 0; ii < audio_test_order.length; ii++) { let audiotest_trial = { type: 'audio-keyboard-with-replay', stimulus: get_audio_url(audio_url, audio_test_order[ii]), prompt: "

" + "Trial " + (ii + 1) + " / " + audio_test_order.length + " : " + "Please press the alphabet key you just heard.

" + "

To replay, press the 'r' key.

", choices: [audio_test_order[ii]], on_finish: function (data) { audio_test_rt.push(data.rt) } } block_audiotest.push(audiotest_trial); } return { timeline: block_audiotest }; } /* Change 5: Wrapping jsPsych.init() in a function */ function initExp() { // push all the procedures, which are defined in stop-it_main.js to the overall timeline var timeline = []; // this array stores the events we want to run in the experiment // use the full screen // also playing sound only works after an interaction with user, like button press timeline.push({ type: 'fullscreen', message: '

Audio test will start to play when you press the button below.

', fullscreen_mode: true }); timeline.push(generate_audiotest_block(audio_url, audio_seed)); timeline.push({ type: 'fullscreen', fullscreen_mode: false }); jsPsych.init({ display_element: 'display_stage', timeline: timeline, on_finish: function () { /* Change 6: Adding the clean up and continue functions.*/ // save the induction-related data to Qualtrics Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("audio_test_rt", audio_test_rt.toString().replace(/,/g, ';')); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData("audio_test_order", audio_test_order.toString().replace(/,/g, ';')); // clear the stage jQuery('#display_stage').remove(); jQuery('#display_stage_background').remove(); // simulate click on Qualtrics "next" button, making use of the Qualtrics JS API qthis.clickNextButton(); } }); } }); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is fully displayed*/ }); Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnUnload(function () { /*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page is unloaded*/ });