/* jspsych-instructions.js * Josh de Leeuw * * This plugin displays text (including HTML formatted strings) during the experiment. * Use it to show instructions, provide performance feedback, etc... * * Page numbers can be displayed to help with navigation by setting show_page_number * to true. * * documentation: docs.jspsych.org * * */ jsPsych.plugins.instructions = (function() { var plugin = {}; plugin.info = { name: 'instructions', description: '', parameters: { pages: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.HTML_STRING, pretty_name: 'Pages', default: undefined, array: true, description: 'Each element of the array is the content for a single page.' }, key_forward: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE, pretty_name: 'Key forward', default: 'rightarrow', description: 'The key the subject can press in order to advance to the next page.' }, key_backward: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE, pretty_name: 'Key backward', default: 'leftarrow', description: 'The key that the subject can press to return to the previous page.' }, allow_backward: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Allow backward', default: true, description: 'If true, the subject can return to the previous page of the instructions.' }, allow_keys: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Allow keys', default: true, description: 'If true, the subject can use keyboard keys to navigate the pages.' }, show_clickable_nav: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Show clickable nav', default: false, description: 'If true, then a "Previous" and "Next" button will be displayed beneath the instructions.' }, show_page_number: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Show page number', default: false, description: 'If true, and clickable navigation is enabled, then Page x/y will be shown between the nav buttons.' }, button_label_previous: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Button label previous', default: 'Previous', description: 'The text that appears on the button to go backwards.' }, button_label_next: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Button label next', default: 'Next', description: 'The text that appears on the button to go forwards.' } } } plugin.trial = function(display_element, trial) { var current_page = 0; var view_history = []; var start_time = (new Date()).getTime(); var last_page_update_time = start_time; function btnListener(evt){ evt.target.removeEventListener('click', btnListener); if(this.id === "jspsych-instructions-back"){ back(); } else if(this.id === 'jspsych-instructions-next'){ next(); } } function show_current_page() { var html = trial.pages[current_page]; var pagenum_display = ""; if(trial.show_page_number) { pagenum_display = "Page "+(current_page+1)+"/"+trial.pages.length+""; } if (trial.show_clickable_nav) { var nav_html = "
"; if (trial.allow_backward) { var allowed = (current_page > 0 )? '' : "disabled='disabled'"; nav_html += ""; } if (trial.pages.length > 1 && trial.show_page_number) { nav_html += pagenum_display; } nav_html += "
"; html += nav_html; display_element.innerHTML = html; if (current_page != 0 && trial.allow_backward) { display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-instructions-back').addEventListener('click', btnListener); } display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-instructions-next').addEventListener('click', btnListener); } else { if (trial.show_page_number && trial.pages.length > 1) { // page numbers for non-mouse navigation html += "
" } display_element.innerHTML = html; } } function next() { add_current_page_to_view_history() current_page++; // if done, finish up... if (current_page >= trial.pages.length) { endTrial(); } else { show_current_page(); } } function back() { add_current_page_to_view_history() current_page--; show_current_page(); } function add_current_page_to_view_history() { var current_time = (new Date()).getTime(); var page_view_time = current_time - last_page_update_time; view_history.push({ page_index: current_page, viewing_time: page_view_time }); last_page_update_time = current_time; } function endTrial() { if (trial.allow_keys) { jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelKeyboardResponse(keyboard_listener); } display_element.innerHTML = ''; var trial_data = { "view_history": JSON.stringify(view_history), "rt": (new Date()).getTime() - start_time }; jsPsych.finishTrial(trial_data); } var after_response = function(info) { // have to reinitialize this instead of letting it persist to prevent accidental skips of pages by holding down keys too long keyboard_listener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({ callback_function: after_response, valid_responses: [trial.key_forward, trial.key_backward], rt_method: 'date', persist: false, allow_held_key: false }); // check if key is forwards or backwards and update page if (jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(info.key, trial.key_backward)) { if (current_page !== 0 && trial.allow_backward) { back(); } } if (jsPsych.pluginAPI.compareKeys(info.key, trial.key_forward)) { next(); } }; show_current_page(); if (trial.allow_keys) { var keyboard_listener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({ callback_function: after_response, valid_responses: [trial.key_forward, trial.key_backward], rt_method: 'date', persist: false }); } }; return plugin; })();