/** * jspsych-html-keyboard-response * Josh de Leeuw * * plugin for displaying a stimulus and getting a keyboard response * * documentation: docs.jspsych.org * **/ jsPsych.plugins["jspsych-detect-held-down-keys"] = (function() { var plugin = {}; plugin.info = { name: 'jspsych-detect-held-down-keys', description: '', parameters: { stimulus: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.HTML_STRING, pretty_name: 'Stimulus', default: undefined, description: 'The HTML string to be displayed' }, choices: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.KEYCODE, array: true, pretty_name: 'Choices', default: jsPsych.ALL_KEYS, description: 'The keys the subject is allowed to press to respond to the stimulus.' }, prompt: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.STRING, pretty_name: 'Prompt', default: null, description: 'Any content here will be displayed below the stimulus.' }, stimulus_duration: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT, pretty_name: 'Stimulus duration', default: null, description: 'How long to hide the stimulus.' }, trial_duration: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.INT, pretty_name: 'Trial duration', default: null, description: 'How long to show trial before it ends.' }, response_ends_trial: { type: jsPsych.plugins.parameterType.BOOL, pretty_name: 'Response ends trial', default: true, description: 'If true, trial will end when subject makes a response.' }, } } plugin.trial = function(display_element, trial) { var new_html = '
'; // add prompt if(trial.prompt !== null){ new_html += trial.prompt; } // draw display_element.innerHTML = new_html; // store response var response = { rt: null, key: null }; // function to end trial when it is time var end_trial = function() { // kill any remaining setTimeout handlers jsPsych.pluginAPI.clearAllTimeouts(); // kill keyboard listeners if (typeof keyboardListener !== 'undefined') { jsPsych.pluginAPI.cancelKeyboardResponse(keyboardListener); } // gather the data to store for the trial var trial_data = { "rt": response.rt, "stimulus": trial.stimulus, "key_press": response.key }; // clear the display display_element.innerHTML = ''; // move on to the next trial jsPsych.finishTrial(trial_data); }; // function to handle responses by the subject var after_response = function(info) { // after a valid response, the stimulus will have the CSS class 'responded' // which can be used to provide visual feedback that a response was recorded display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-html-keyboard-response-stimulus').className += ' responded'; // only record the first response if (response.key == null) { response = info; } if (trial.response_ends_trial) { end_trial(); } }; // start the response listener if (trial.choices != jsPsych.NO_KEYS) { var keyboardListener = jsPsych.pluginAPI.getKeyboardResponse({ callback_function: after_response, valid_responses: trial.choices, rt_method: 'date', persist: false, allow_held_key: true }); } // hide stimulus if stimulus_duration is set if (trial.stimulus_duration !== null) { jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(function() { display_element.querySelector('#jspsych-html-keyboard-response-stimulus').style.visibility = 'hidden'; }, trial.stimulus_duration); } // end trial if trial_duration is set if (trial.trial_duration !== null) { jsPsych.pluginAPI.setTimeout(function() { end_trial(); }, trial.trial_duration); } }; return plugin; })();