	Exercise 9 - Suggest 3 improvements and implement them

	1. Replace all the const chars with one char enum
	2. Done in the previous exercises - make a keyword const if it wasn't already
	3. Made error reporting a bit more use-friendly

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include "std_lib_facilities.h"

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct Token 
	Token(char ch) : kind(ch), value(0) { }
	Token(char ch, double val) : kind(ch), value(val) { }
	Token(char ch, string s) : kind(ch), name(s) {}

	char kind;
	double value;
	string name;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

class Token_stream 
	Token_stream() :full(0), buffer(0) { }

	Token get();
	void unget(Token t) { buffer = t; full = true; }

	void ignore(char);

	bool full;
	Token buffer;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//introduced in C++11, enums can now have a type instead of just being an integer
//it does add a little extra text but groups them together nicely
 enum Symbol : const char
	 let = '#',
	 quit = 'Q',
	 print = ';',
	 number = '8',
	 name = 'a',
	 sqrtCh = 's',
	 powCh = 'p',
	 constCh = 'c',
	 help = 'H',
	 newLine = '\n'

const string quitKey = "quit";
const string helpKey = "help";
const string sqrtKey = "sqrt";
const string letKey = "let";
const string powKey = "pow";
const string constKey = "const";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Token Token_stream::get()
	if (full) { full = false; return buffer; }
	char ch;

	cin.get(ch);		//doesn't skip whitespace characters
	//check if ch is space
	while (isspace(ch))
		//if '\n' then return
		if (ch == newLine)
			return Token(print);

		//skip whitespace characters
	switch (ch) 
	case '(': case ')':
	case '+': case '-':
	case '*': case '/': case '%':
	case '=': case ',':
	 case let: case print:
		return Token(ch);
	case '.': 
	case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4':
	case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9':
	{	cin.unget();
		double val;
		cin >> val;
		return Token(number, val);
		if (isalpha(ch) || ch == '_') 
			string s;
			s += ch;

			while (cin.get(ch) && (isalpha(ch) || isdigit(ch) || ch == '_')) 
				s += ch;

			if (s == letKey)
				return Token(Symbol::let);
			else if (s == quitKey || s == "Q" || s == "q")
				return Token(Symbol::quit);
			else if (s == sqrtKey)
				return Token(Symbol::sqrtCh);
			else if (s == powKey)
				return Token(Symbol::powCh);
			else if (s == constKey)
				return Token(Symbol::constCh);
			else if (s == helpKey || s == "H" || s == "h")
				return Token(Symbol::help);

			return Token(name, s);
		error("Bad token");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void Token_stream::ignore(char c)
	if (full && c == buffer.kind) 
		full = false;
	full = false;

	cout << "Enter ';' to continue. ";
	char ch;
	while (cin >> ch)
		if (ch == c) return;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct Variable
	Variable(string n, double v) :name(n), value(v) { }
	Variable(string n, double v, bool b) :name(n), value(v), isConst(b) { }

	string name;
	double value;
	bool isConst;

class Symbol_table
	Symbol_table() {}		
	~Symbol_table() {}

	vector<Variable> getNames() { return names; }
	void addName(string s, double d, bool b) { names.push_back(Variable(s, d, b)); }

	double get_value(string s);
	void set_value(string s, double d);
	int is_declared(string s);
	int isSetConst(string s);
	void reassignVariable(string name, double val, bool b);
	double define_name(string var, double val, bool isConst);

	vector<Variable> names;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

double Symbol_table::get_value(string s)
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
		if (names[i].name == s) return names[i].value;
	error(s, " is undefined.");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void Symbol_table::set_value(string s, double d)
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
		if (names[i].name == s) 
			names[i].value = d;

	error(s, " is undefined.");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int Symbol_table::is_declared(string s)
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
		if (names[i].name == s) return true;
	return false;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int Symbol_table::isSetConst(string s)
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
		if (names[i].name == s)
			if (names[i].isConst == true)
				return true;
	return false;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void Symbol_table::reassignVariable(string name, double val, bool b)
	for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); ++i)
		if (names[i].name == name)
			names[i].value = val;
			names[i].isConst = b;
	cout << "\nValue re-assigned." << endl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//add {variable, value} to var_table
double Symbol_table::define_name(string var, double val, bool isConst)
	if (is_declared(var))
			Symbol_table::reassignVariable(var, val, isConst);
			cout << "\nValue cannot be re-assigned." << endl;
		return val;

	names.push_back(Variable{ var,val, isConst });

	return val;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Token_stream ts;			//excellent variable names
Symbol_table st;			//much description

double expression();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//handle sqrt(expression)
double squareRoot()
	Token t = ts.get();
	switch (t.kind)
	case '(':
		double d = expression();
		//handle if d is 0 or negative
		if (d <= 0)
			error(to_string(d), " cannot be square routed.");

		t = ts.get();
		if (t.kind != ')')
			error(" ')' was expected.");
		return std::sqrt(d);
		error(" '(' was expected.");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//handle pow(expression, expression)
double powpow() 
	Token t = ts.get();
	switch (t.kind)
	case '(':
		double d = expression(); // first expression

		t = ts.get();
		if (t.kind != ',')
			error(" ',' was expected.");

		double d2 = expression(); //second expression

		t = ts.get();
		if (t.kind != ')')
			error(" ')' was expected.");

		return std::pow(d, d2);
		error(" '(' was expected.");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

double primary()
	Token t = ts.get();
	switch (t.kind) 
	case '(':
		double d = expression();
		t = ts.get();
		if (t.kind != ')') 
			error(" ')' was expected.");
		return d;
	case '-':
		return -primary();
	case Symbol::number:
		return t.value;
	case Symbol::name:
		return st.get_value(t.name);
	case Symbol::sqrtCh:
		return squareRoot();
	case Symbol::powCh:
		return powpow();
		error("primary expected.");

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

double term()
	double left = primary();
	while (true) 
		Token t = ts.get();
		switch (t.kind) 
		case '*':
			left *= primary();
		case '/':
			double d = primary();
			if (d == 0) error("divide by zero. ");
			left /= d;
		case '%':
			double d = primary();
			if (d == 0) error("Divide by zero. ");
			left = fmod(left, d);
			return left;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

double expression()
	double left = term();
	while (true) 
		Token t = ts.get();
		switch (t.kind) 
		case '+':
			left += term();
		case '-':
			left -= term();
			return left;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

double declaration()
	double d(0);
	Token t = ts.get();

	switch (t.kind)
	case Symbol::name:
		string name = t.name;
		if (st.is_declared(name))
			if (st.isSetConst(name))
				error("variable is set to const and cannot be changed.");

			Token t2 = ts.get();
			if (t2.kind != '=')
				error(name, "= missing in declaration. ");

			d = expression();
			st.reassignVariable(name, d, false);
			Token t2 = ts.get();
			if (t2.kind != '=')
				error(name, "= missing in declaration. ");

			d = expression();
			st.addName(name, d, false);
	case Symbol::constCh:
		Token t = ts.get();
		if (t.kind != name)
			error("name expected in declaration. ");

		//check to see if already declared
		string name = t.name;
		if (st.is_declared(name))
			//now check to see if it was const
			if (st.isSetConst(name))
				error("That variable cannot be changed.");
				Token t2 = ts.get();
				if (t2.kind != '=')
					error(name, "= missing in declaration.");

				//variable wasn't const, allow it to be overwritten && set to const
				d = expression();
				st.reassignVariable(name, d, true);
			//no existing variable - create a new const one
			Token t2 = ts.get();
			if (t2.kind != '=')
				error(name, "= missing in declaration. ");

			d = expression();
			st.addName(name, d, true);
		error("name expected in declaration or const name.");

	return d;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void printHelp()
	cout << "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//" << endl;
	cout << "Operators available: {}, (), +, -, /, *" << endl;
	cout << "Pre-defined names: k = 1000 || sqrt() || pow(,)" << endl;
	cout << "Define your own names using " << letKey << " name = number;" << endl;
	cout << "Define const names using " << letKey << " const name = number;" << endl;
	cout << "use enter to print and 'exit' to quit" << endl;
	cout << "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//" << endl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//forward declare functions
void calculate();

double statement()
	Token t = ts.get();
	switch (t.kind) 
	case Symbol::let:
		return declaration();
		return expression();

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void clean_up_mess()

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

const string prompt = "> ";
const string result = "= ";

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

void calculate()
	cout << prompt;

	while (true) 
		Token t = ts.get();

		while (t.kind == Symbol::print)
			cout << prompt;
			t = ts.get();

		if (t.kind == Symbol::help)
			cin.clear(); cin.ignore();		//flush out everything in cin to 'reset' calculator
			cout << prompt;
			t = ts.get();

		if (t.kind == Symbol::quit)

		cout << result << statement() << endl;
	catch (runtime_error& e) 
		cerr << e.what() << endl;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

int main()
	//pre-defined names
	st.define_name("k", 1000, true);

	cout << "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//" << endl;
	cout << "Welcome to our simple calculator.\nPress H for instructions." << endl;
	cout << "//------------------------------------------------------------------------------//" << endl;

	return 0;
catch (exception& e) 
	cerr << "exception: " << e.what() << endl;
	char c;
	while (cin >> c && c != ';');
	return 1;
catch (...) 
	cerr << "exception\n";
	char c;
	while (cin >> c && c != ';');
	return 2;