- Sets the channel for general room announcements lra room channel - Sets a specific channel to use for custom announcements upon entering this room lra message - Sets a custom message to be announced upon entering this room Notes: l33t Room Announcer works GREAT with other l33t Plugins, including l33t Utils (JS and Lua utils). Recommend setting with 'roomlimit 1 ' to prevent multiple messages firing when the 'look' command is sent: lra channel roomlimit 1 gt To implement an Icefall slopes pup announcer, recommended settings are: - In Scraping the Pinnacle of Icefall (Icefall) (38813): lra message @C*~*~* @YSLOPES @C*~*~* - In King of the Kill (Icefall) (38836): lra message @W<<<<<< @YWEST @W<<<<<< - In Chutes and Empty Bladders (Icefall) (38825): lra message @Wvvvvvv @YSOUTH @Wvvvvvv - In Iced Fish Hatchery (Icefall) (38814): lra message @W>>>>>> @YEAST @W>>>>>> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ]]>