Monitor deep learning model training and hardware usage from mobile.

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### 🔥 Features * Monitor running experiments from [mobile phone]( (or laptop) [![View Run](]( * Monitor [hardware usage on any computer]( with a single command * Integrate with just 2 lines of code (see examples below) * Keeps track of experiments including infomation like git commit, configurations and hyper-parameters * Keep Tensorboard logs organized * Save and load checkpoints * API for custom visualizations [![Open In Colab](]( [![Open In Colab](]( * Pretty logs of training progress * [Change hyper-parameters while the model is training]( * Open source! we also have a small hosted server for the mobile web app ### Installation You can install this package using PIP. ```bash pip install labml ``` ### PyTorch example [![Open In Colab](]( [![Kaggle](]( ```python from labml import tracker, experiment with experiment.record(name='sample', exp_conf=conf): for i in range(50): loss, accuracy = train(), {'loss': loss, 'accuracy': accuracy}) ``` ### PyTorch Lightning example [![Open In Colab](]( [![Kaggle](]( ```python from labml import experiment from labml.utils.lightening import LabMLLighteningLogger trainer = pl.Trainer(gpus=1, max_epochs=5, progress_bar_refresh_rate=20, logger=LabMLLighteningLogger()) with experiment.record(name='sample', exp_conf=conf, disable_screen=True):, data_loader) ``` ### TensorFlow 2.X Keras example [![Open In Colab](]( [![Kaggle](]( ```python from labml import experiment from labml.utils.keras import LabMLKerasCallback with experiment.record(name='sample', exp_conf=conf): for i in range(50):, y_train, epochs=conf['epochs'], validation_data=(x_test, y_test), callbacks=[LabMLKerasCallback()], verbose=None) ``` ### 📚 Documentation * [Python API Reference]( * [Samples]( ##### Guides * [API to create experiments]( * [Track training metrics]( * [Monitored training loop and other iterators]( * [API for custom visualizations]( * [Configurations management API]( * [Logger for stylized logging]( ### 🖥 Screenshots #### Formatted training loop output
Sample Logs
#### Custom visualizations based on Tensorboard logs
## Tools ### [Hosting your own experiments server]( ```sh # Install the package pip install labml-app -U # Start the server labml app-server ``` ### [Training models on cloud]( ```bash # Install the package pip install labml_remote # Initialize the project labml_remote init # Add cloud server(s) to .remote/configs.yaml # Prepare the remote server(s) labml_remote prepare # Start a PyTorch distributed training job labml_remote helper-torch-launch --cmd '' --nproc-per-node 2 --env GLOO_SOCKET_IFNAME enp1s0 ``` ### [Monitoring hardware usage]( ```sh # Install packages and dependencies pip install labml psutil py3nvml # Start monitoring labml monitor ``` ## Other Guides #### [Setting up a local Ubuntu workstation for deep learning]( #### [Setting up a cloud computer for deep learning]( ## Citing If you use LabML for academic research, please cite the library using the following BibTeX entry. ```bibtext @misc{labml, author = {Varuna Jayasiri, Nipun Wijerathne}, title = { A library to organize machine learning experiments}, year = {2020}, url = {}, } ```