#!/bin/bash # LaBriqueInternet SD Card Installer # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Julien Vaubourg # Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Emile Morel # Contribute at https://github.com/labriqueinternet/labriqueinter.net # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . set -e ############### ### HELPERS ### ############### function preamble() { local confirm=no echo -ne "\e[91m" echo "THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THIS PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW." echo "EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER" echo "PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER" echo "EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF" echo "MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE" echo "QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE" echo "DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION." echo "CHOOSING A WRONG BLOCK DEVICE CAN MAKE YOU LOSE PERSONAL DATA. BE CAREFUL!" echo -e "\e[39m" echo -n "Continue? (yes/no) " read confirm && echo if [ "${confirm}" != yes ]; then exit_error "Aborted" fi } function show_usage() { echo -e "\e[1mOPTIONS\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-s\e[0m \e[4mpath\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Target SD card block device (e.g. /dev/sdb, /dev/mmcblk0)" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault: Assisted Block Device Detection\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-f\e[0m \e[4mpath\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Debian/YunoHost image file (.img or .img.tar.xz)" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault: Automatic download from ${url_base}\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-g\e[0m \e[4mpath\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " GPG signature file for checking image integrity (.img.tar.xz.asc)" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault with -f: Automatically filled if there is a .asc next to the image file, else no image integrity checking\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault without -f: Automatic download from ${url_base}\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-y\e[0m \e[4mpath\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " HyperCube file" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-c\e[0m \e[4mpath\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Include custom script to be executed at the end of system installation" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-e\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Install an encrypted file system" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mCan be automatically enabled, based on the image filename\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault: Clear file system\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-2\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Install an image for LIME2" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mCan be automatically enabled, based on the image filename\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[2mDefault: LIME\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-l\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Just scan network for finding local IPv4s corresponding to Internet Cubes" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-d\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Enable debug messages" >&2 echo -e " \e[1m-h\e[0m" >&2 echo -e " Show this help" >&2 } function exit_error() { local msg=${1} local usage=${2} if [ ! -z "${msg}" ]; then echo -e "\e[31m\e[1m[ERR] $1\e[0m" >&2 fi if [ "${usage}" == usage ]; then if [ -z "${msg}" ]; then echo -e "\n \e[7m\e[1m LaBriqueInternet SD Card Installer \e[0m\n" else echo fi show_usage fi exit 1 } function exit_usage() { local msg=${1} exit_error "${msg}" usage } function exit_normal() { exit 0 } function info() { local msg=${1} echo -e "\e[32m[INFO] ${msg}\e[0m" >&2 } function warn() { local msg=${1} echo -e "\e[93m[WARN] ${msg}\e[0m" >&2 } function debug() { local msg=${1} if $opt_debug; then echo -e "\e[33m[DEBUG] ${msg}\e[0m" >&2 fi } function confirm_writing() { local confirm= echo -en "\e[93m\e[1mWARNING:\e[0m Data on ${opt_sdcardpath} will be lost. Confirm? (yes/no) " read confirm if [ "${confirm}" != yes ]; then exit_error "Aborted" fi } function get_partition_path() { local partition_number=${1} local partition_path="${opt_sdcardpath}${partition_number}" if [[ "${opt_sdcardpath}" =~ /mmcblk[0-9]$ ]]; then partition_path="${opt_sdcardpath}p${partition_number}" fi echo "${partition_path}" } ########################## ### CHECKING FUNCTIONS ### ########################## function check_sudo() { if ! which sudo &> /dev/null; then exit_error "sudo command is required" fi info "This script needs a sudo access" if ! sudo echo &> /dev/null; then exit_error "sudo password is required" fi } function check_bins() { local bins=(curl tar awk mountpoint losetup) if $opt_encryptedfs; then bins+=(cryptsetup parted mke2fs tune2fs) else bins+=(partprobe) fi if [ ! -z "${opt_gpgpath}" ]; then bins+=(gpg) fi for i in "${bins[@]}"; do if ! sudo which "${i}" &> /dev/null; then exit_error "${i} command is required" fi done } function check_findcubes_bins() { local bins=(arp-scan awk) for i in "${bins[@]}"; do if ! sudo which "${i}" &> /dev/null; then exit_error "${i} command is required" fi done } function check_args() { if [[ ! -b "${opt_sdcardpath}" || ! "${opt_sdcardpath}" =~ ^/dev/(sd[a-z]|mmcblk[0-9])$ ]]; then exit_usage "-s should be a block device corresponding to your SD card (/dev/sd[a-z]\$ or /dev/mmcblk[0-9]\$)" fi if [ ! -z "${opt_hypercubepath}" ]; then if [ ! -r "${opt_hypercubepath}" ]; then exit_usage "File given to -y cannot be read" fi if [[ ! "$(basename "${opt_hypercubepath}")" =~ \.hypercube(\.txt)?$ ]]; then exit_usage "Filename given to -y must end with .hypercube or .hypercube.txt" fi fi if [ ! -z "${opt_gpgpath}" ]; then if [ ! -r "${opt_gpgpath}" ]; then exit_usage "File given to -g cannot be read" fi if [[ ! "${opt_gpgpath}" =~ \.img\.tar\.xz\.asc$ ]]; then exit_usage "Filename given to -g must end with .img.tar.xz.asc" fi fi if [ ! -z "${opt_imgpath}" ]; then if [ ! -r "${opt_imgpath}" ]; then exit_usage "File given to -f cannot be read" fi if [[ ! "${opt_imgpath}" =~ \.img(\.tar\.xz)?$ ]]; then exit_usage "Filename given to -f must end with .img or .img.tar.xz" fi if [ -z "${opt_gpgpath}" ]; then if [ -r "${opt_imgpath}.asc" ]; then info "Local GPG signature file found" opt_gpgpath="${opt_imgpath}.asc" fi else if [[ "${opt_imgpath}" =~ \.img$ ]] ; then exit_usage "File given to -g cannot be used for checking the file given to -f (not archive version)" fi if [ "$(basename "${opt_gpgpath}")" != "$(basename "${opt_imgpath}").asc" ] ; then exit_usage "Based on filenames, file given to -g seems not correspond to the file given to -f" fi fi if [[ "${opt_imgpath}" =~ _encryptedfs_ ]]; then if ! $opt_encryptedfs; then info "Option -e automatically set, based on the filename given to -f" opt_encryptedfs=true fi elif $opt_encryptedfs; then exit_usage "Filename given to -f does not contain _encryptedfs_ in its name, but -e was set" fi if [[ "${opt_imgpath}" =~ lime2 ]]; then if ! $opt_lime2; then info "Option -2 automatically set, based on the filename given to -f" opt_lime2=true fi elif $opt_lime2; then exit_usage "Filename given to -f does not contain lime2 in its name, but -2 was set" fi fi if [ -z "${opt_lime2}" ]; then info "No option -2 specified, installing for LIME by default" opt_lime2=false fi } ################# ### FUNCTIONS ### ################# function cleaning_exit() { local status=$? local error=${1} trap - EXIT ERR INT if $opt_debug && [ "${status}" -ne 0 -o "${error}" == error ]; then debug "There was an error, press Enter for doing cleaning" read -s fi local mountpoints=("${olinux_mountpoint}/boot" "${olinux_mountpoint}" "${files_path}") for i in "${mountpoints[@]}"; do if mountpoint -q "${i}"; then debug "Cleaning: umounting ${i}" sudo umount "${i}" fi done if [ ! -z "${loopdev}" ] && sudo losetup "${loopdev}" &> /dev/null; then debug "Cleaning: detaching loop device ${loopdev}" sudo losetup -d "${loopdev}" fi if [ -b /dev/mapper/olinux ]; then debug "Cleaning: closing /dev/mapper/olinux luks device" sudo cryptsetup luksClose olinux fi if [ -d "${tmp_dir}" ]; then debug "Cleaning: removing ${tmp_dir}" rm -r "${tmp_dir}" fi } function cleaning_ctrlc() { echo && cleaning_exit error exit 1 } function find_cubes() { local ips=() local addip= local addhost= local knownhosts=0 local i=0 local interfaces=$(sudo ip link show up | awk -F: '/state UP/ { print $2 }') if [ -z "${interfaces}" ]; then exit_error "No enabled ethernet interface found on this computer" fi debug "Interfaces found: $(echo $interfaces)" for i in $interfaces; do ips+=($(sudo arp-scan -l --interface="${i}" | grep -P '\t02' | awk '{ print $1 }')) done if [ -z "${ips}" ]; then exit_error "No Internet Cube found on the network :(" fi echo -e "\nInternet Cubes found on the network:\n" for ip in "${ips[@]}"; do i=$(( i + 1 )) knownhost=$(awk "/^$ip/ { print \$2 }" /etc/hosts | head -n1) if [ -z "${knownhost}" ]; then knownhost=$ip else (( knownhosts++ )) || true fi echo -e " ${i}. YunoHost Admin:\thttps://${knownhost}" echo -e " SSH Access:\tssh root@${knownhost}" echo -e " HyperCube Debug:\thttp://${knownhost}:2468/install.html\n" done if [ "${knownhosts}" -ne "${#ips[@]}" ]; then echo -n "Select an IP to add to your hosts file (or just press Enter): " read addip if [ -z "${addip}" ]; then exit_normal fi if [[ "${addip}" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then addip=${ips[$(( addip - 1 ))]} if [ -z "${addip}" ]; then exit_error "IP index not found" fi fi if [[ ! "${addip}" =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then exit_error "This is not an IPv4 nor an IP index" fi echo -en "Choose a host name for this IP: " read addhost echo -e "${addip}\t${addhost}" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts > /dev/null info "IP successfully added to your hosts file" echo -e "\n YunoHost Admin:\thttps://${addhost}" echo -e " SSH Access:\t\tssh root@${addhost}" echo -e " HyperCube Debug:\thttp://${addhost}:2468/install.html\n" # elif [ "${knownhosts}" -eq 1 ]; then # echo "% ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no root@${knownhost} 2> /dev/null" # echo "Press Enter to execute (or Ctrl-C to arbort)" # read # # echo "Default Password: olinux" # ssh -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "root@${knownhost}" 2> /dev/null # exit_normal fi } function autodetect_sdcardpath() { echo -n "1. Please, remove the target SD card from your computer if present, then press Enter" read -s && echo sleep 1 local blocks1=$(ls -1 /sys/block/) debug "Block devices found: $(echo $blocks1)" echo -n "2. Please, plug the target SD card into your computer (and don't touch to other devices), then press Enter" read -s && echo sleep 2 local blocks2=$(ls -1 /sys/block/) local foundblock=; local confirm=no; debug "Block devices found: $(echo $blocks2)" for i in $blocks2; do if ! (echo ' '${blocks1}' ' | grep -q " ${i} ") && [ -b "/dev/${i}" ]; then if [ ! -z "${foundblock}" ]; then debug "Block devices ${foundblock} and ${i} was found" exit_error "Assisted Block Device Detection failed: more than 1 new block device found" fi foundblock="${i}" fi done if [ -z "${foundblock}" ]; then exit_error "Assisted Block Device Detection failed: no new block device found" else echo -en "\nBlock device /dev/${foundblock} found. Use it as your SD card block device? (yes/no) " read confirm if [ "${confirm}" == yes ]; then opt_sdcardpath="/dev/${foundblock}" else exit_error "Aborted" fi fi } function umount_sdcard() { local partitions=$(mount | grep "^${opt_sdcardpath}" | awk '{ print $1 }') if [ ! -z "${partitions}" ]; then IFS=$'\n' info "Unmounting SD card partitions" for i in ${partitions}; do debug "Unmounting ${i}" if ! sudo umount -A "${i}" &> /dev/null; then exit_error "Umount of ${i} failed" fi done else debug "${opt_sdcardpath}* is not mounted" fi } function download_file() { local url=$1 local dest_dir=$2 debug "Downloading ${url}" if ! (cd "${dest_dir}" && curl -#fOA SdCardInstaller "${url}"); then return 1 fi return 0 } function download_img() { $opt_lime2 && local urlpart_lime2=2 $opt_encryptedfs && local urlpart_encryptedfs=-encryptedfs local tar_name="internetcube-${deb_version}-latest-lime${urlpart_lime2}${urlpart_encryptedfs}.img.tar.xz" info "Image file: ${tar_name}" if ! download_file "${url_base}${tar_name}" "${tmp_dir}"; then exit_error "Image download failed" fi img_path="${tmp_dir}/${tar_name}" } function download_gpg() { local gpg_name="$(basename "${img_path}").asc" debug "GPG signature file: ${gpg_name}" if ! download_file "${url_base}${gpg_name}" "${tmp_dir}"; then exit_error "GPG signature download failed" fi gpg_path="${tmp_dir}/${gpg_name}" } function check_gpg() { debug "Creating GnuPG directory: ${tmp_dir}/.gnupg" if ! gpg --homedir "${tmp_dir}/.gnupg" -qq --no-tty --no-verbose --batch --list-keys &> /dev/null; then exit_error "Cannot create GnuPG directory" fi debug "Requesting GPG key ${gpg_key} from HKP server ${gpg_server}" if ! gpg --homedir "${tmp_dir}/.gnupg" --keyserver "${gpg_server}" -q --no-tty --no-verbose --batch --keyid-format 0xlong --recv-key "${gpg_key}" &> /dev/null; then exit_error "GPG key download failed" fi if ! gpg --trust-model always --no-options --homedir "${tmp_dir}/.gnupg" -q --no-tty --verify "${gpg_path}" &> /dev/null; then exit_error "GPG signature error" else info "GPG signature successfully verified" fi } function untar_img() { debug "Decompressing ${img_path}" tar xf "${img_path}" -C "${tmp_dir}" # Should not have more than 1 line, but, you know... img_path=$(find "${tmp_dir}" -name '*.img' | head -n1) debug "Debian/YunoHost image is ${img_path}" if [ ! -r "${img_path}" ]; then exit_error "Decompressed image file cannot be read" fi } function copy_custom_script() { debug "Copying ${custom_script_path} to ${olinux_mountpoint}/usr/local/bin/hypercube_custom.sh" sudo install -m 755 -o root -g root "${custom_script_path}" "${olinux_mountpoint}/usr/local/bin/hypercube_custom.sh" debug "Flushing file system buffers" sudo sync } ###################### ### CORE FUNCTIONS ### ###################### function install_encrypted() { local partition1=$(get_partition_path 1) local partition2=$(get_partition_path 2) local board=a20lime local uboot=A20-OLinuXino-Lime mkdir -p "${files_path}" "${olinux_mountpoint}" $opt_lime2 && board+=2 $opt_lime2 && uboot+=2 local sunxispl_path="${olinux_mountpoint}/usr/lib/u-boot/${uboot}/u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin" confirm_writing info "Please wait..." debug "Partitioning ${opt_sdcardpath}" sudo parted --script "${opt_sdcardpath}" mklabel msdos sudo parted --script "${opt_sdcardpath}" mkpart primary ext4 2048s 512MB sudo parted --script "${opt_sdcardpath}" mkpart primary ext4 512MB 100% sudo parted --script "${opt_sdcardpath}" align-check optimal 1 debug "Expected partition names: ${partition1} and ${partition2}" if [ ! -b "${partition1}" -o ! -b "${partition2}" ]; then exit_error "Unable to detect created partitions" fi debug "Installing ext4 on ${partition1}" sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -O ^metadata_csum,^64bit -q "${partition1}" debug "Adjusting tunable filesystem parameters on ${partition1} (tune2fs)" sudo tune2fs -o journal_data_writeback "${partition1}" &> /dev/null local passphrase1= local passphrase2= local is_passphrase_ok=false while ! $is_passphrase_ok; do echo -n "Passphrase for your encrypted disk (should be strong): " read -s passphrase1 && echo if [ -z "${passphrase1}" ]; then echo "You have to choose a passphrase!" >&2 continue fi echo -n "Confirm passphrase: " read -s passphrase2 && echo if [ "${passphrase1}" != "${passphrase2}" ]; then echo "Passphrases mismatch :(" >&2 continue fi is_passphrase_ok=true done info "Installing encrypted SD card (this could take a few minutes)" debug "Encrypting partition ${partition2}" echo -n "${passphrase1}" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - luksFormat "${partition2}" debug "Opening encrypted partition ${partition2} on /dev/mapper/olinux" echo -n "${passphrase1}" | sudo cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen "${partition2}" olinux if [ ! -b /dev/mapper/olinux ]; then exit_error "Partition decryption failed" fi debug "Installing ext4 on /dev/mapper/olinux" sudo mke2fs -t ext4 -O ^metadata_csum,^64bit -q /dev/mapper/olinux debug "Mounting /dev/mapper/olinux on ${olinux_mountpoint}" sudo mount /dev/mapper/olinux "${olinux_mountpoint}" sudo mkdir "${olinux_mountpoint}/boot" debug "Mounting ${partition1} on ${olinux_mountpoint}/boot" sudo mount "${partition1}" "${olinux_mountpoint}/boot" loopdev=$(sudo losetup -f) debug "Unused loop device found: ${loopdev}" if [ -z "${loopdev}" ]; then exit_error "No unused loop device found" fi debug "Setuping loop device ${loopdev} with ${img_path}" sudo losetup -o 1048576 "${loopdev}" "${img_path}" &> /dev/null debug "Mounting ${loopdev} on ${files_path}" sudo mount "${loopdev}" "${files_path}" debug "Copying ${files_path}/* in ${olinux_mountpoint}" sudo cp -a ${files_path}/* "${olinux_mountpoint}" debug "Checking ${sunxispl_path}" if [ ! -f "${sunxispl_path}" ]; then exit_error "u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin unavailable" fi debug "Raw copying ${sunxispl_path} to ${opt_sdcardpath} (dd)" sudo dd "if=${sunxispl_path}" "of=${opt_sdcardpath}" bs=1K seek=8 conv=fsync oflag=nocache,sync &> /dev/null debug "Flushing file system buffers (sync)" sudo sync } function install_clear() { local partition1=$(get_partition_path 1) confirm_writing info "Please wait..." debug "Raw copying ${img_path} to ${opt_sdcardpath} (dd)" sudo dd if="${img_path}" of="${opt_sdcardpath}" bs=1M conv=fsync oflag=nocache,sync &> /dev/null debug "Flushing file system buffers" sudo sync debug "Rereading partition table of ${opt_sdcardpath}" sudo partprobe "${opt_sdcardpath}" mkdir -p "${files_path}" "${olinux_mountpoint}" debug "Mounting ${partition1} on ${olinux_mountpoint}" sudo mount "${partition1}" "${olinux_mountpoint}" } function copy_hypercube() { debug "Copying ${hypercube_path} to ${olinux_mountpoint}/root/" sudo cp "${hypercube_path}" "${olinux_mountpoint}/root/install.hypercube" debug "Flushing file system buffers" sudo sync } function replace_hypercube_sh() { debug "Changing ${olinux_mountpoint}/usr/local/bin/hypercube.sh by ${hypercubesh_path}" if [ ! -f ${hypercubesh_path} ]; then local hypercubesh_repo="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/labriqueinternet/build.labriqueinter.net/master/build/script/hypercube/hypercube.sh" pushd $(basename ${hypercubesh_path}) curl -#fOA hypercube.sh $hypercubesh_repo popd fi sudo cp "${hypercubesh_path}" "${olinux_mountpoint}/usr/local/bin/hypercube.sh" debug "Flushing file system buffers" sudo sync } function patch_servicesyml() { local servicesyml="${olinux_mountpoint}/etc/yunohost/services.yml" if ! grep -q "need_lock" "${servicesyml}"; then info "Patching services.yml" sudo sed -i "s/yunohost-firewall:/yunohost-firewall:\n need_lock: true/g" ${servicesyml} fi } ######################## ### GLOBAL VARIABLES ### ######################## url_base=https://repo.labriqueinter.net/ gpg_key=0xCD8F4D648AC0ECC1 gpg_server=keyserver.ubuntu.com deb_version=stretch opt_encryptedfs=false opt_findcubes=false opt_debug=false opt_lime2=false tmp_dir=$(mktemp -dp . .install-sd.sh_tmpXXXXXX) olinux_mountpoint="${tmp_dir}/olinux_mountpoint" files_path="${tmp_dir}/files" img_path= loopdev= ############## ### SCRIPT ### ############## trap cleaning_exit EXIT ERR trap cleaning_ctrlc INT while getopts "s:f:g:mc:y:w:e2ldh" opt; do case $opt in s) opt_sdcardpath=$OPTARG ;; f) opt_imgpath=$OPTARG ;; g) opt_gpgpath=$OPTARG ;; y) opt_hypercubepath=$OPTARG ;; w) opt_hypercubeshpath=$OPTARG ;; c) opt_customscriptpath=$OPTARG ;; e) opt_encryptedfs=true ;; 2) opt_lime2=true ;; l) opt_findcubes=true ;; d) opt_debug=true ;; h) exit_usage ;; \?) exit_usage ;; esac done if $opt_findcubes; then info "Scanning network for finding awake connected Internet Cubes" check_sudo check_findcubes_bins find_cubes exit_normal fi preamble if [ -z "${opt_sdcardpath}" ]; then info "Option -s was not set, starting Assisted Block Device Detection" autodetect_sdcardpath if [ ! -z "${opt_sdcardpath}" ]; then info "Option -s was set to ${opt_sdcardpath}" fi fi check_sudo check_args check_bins umount_sdcard img_path=$opt_imgpath gpg_path=$opt_gpgpath hypercube_path=$opt_hypercubepath hypercubesh_path=$opt_hypercubeshpath custom_script_path=$opt_customscriptpath if [ -z "${img_path}" ]; then info "Downloading Debian/YunoHost image (HTTPS)" download_img if [ -z "${gpg_path}" ]; then info "Downloading GPG signature (HTTPS)" download_gpg fi fi if [ ! -z "${gpg_path}" ]; then info "Checking GPG signature" check_gpg fi if [ -z "${gpg_path}" ]; then warn "Not checking image integrity" fi if [[ "${img_path}" =~ .img.tar.xz$ ]]; then info "Decompressing Debian/YunoHost image" untar_img fi if $opt_encryptedfs; then info "Configuring encrypted SD card" install_encrypted else info "Installing SD card (this could take a few minutes)" install_clear fi patch_servicesyml if [ ! -z "${hypercube_path}" ]; then info "Copying HyperCube file" copy_hypercube fi if [ ! -z "${hypercubesh_path}" ]; then info "Replacing HyperCube script" replace_hypercube_sh fi if [ ! -z "${custom_script_path}" ]; then info "Copying custom script" copy_custom_script fi info "Done"