{"doctorcube": {"git": {"branch": "master", "revision": "ae97ec289465c4b5f94c2a52b82e99c87f638a16", "url": "https://github.com/labriqueinternet/doctorcube_ynh"}, "lastUpdate": 1524840627, "level": null, "maintained": true, "manifest": {"arguments": {"install": []}, "description": {"en": "Doctor Cube helps ensuring that your Internet Cube is working as expected", "fr": "Doctor Cube s'assure que votre Brique Internet fonctionne comme pr\u00e9vue"}, "developer": {"email": "cortex@worlddomination.be", "name": "bram", "url": "http://worlddomination.be"}, "id": "doctorcube", "license": "GPL-3+", "multi_instance": "false", "name": "Doctor Cube"}, "state": "working"}, "hotspot": {"git": {"branch": "master", "revision": "5ee291480d4b91b136e108cac6b281b748777053", "url": "https://github.com/labriqueinternet/hotspot_ynh"}, "lastUpdate": 1504092614, "level": null, "maintained": true, "manifest": {"arguments": {"install": [{"ask": {"en": "Choose a domain for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un domaine pour l'administration web"}, "example": "domain.org", "name": "domain"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a path for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour l'administration web"}, "default": "/wifiadmin", "example": "/wifiadmin", "name": "path"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a wifi name (SSID)", "fr": "Choisissez un nom pour le wifi (SSID)"}, "default": "myNeutralNetwork", "example": "myNeutralNetwork", "name": "wifi_ssid"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a wifi password (at least 8 characters for WPA2)", "fr": "Choisissez un mot de passe wifi (au minimum 8 caract\u00e8res pour le WPA2)"}, "example": "VhegT8oev0jZI", "name": "wifi_passphrase"}, {"ask": {"en": "Install non-free firmwares - in addition to the free ones - for the wifi dongle (yes/no)", "fr": "Installer des firmwares non-libres (en plus des libres) pour la cl\u00e9 USB wifi (yes/no)"}, "default": "yes", "example": "yes", "name": "firmware_nonfree"}]}, "description": {"en": "Wifi Hotspot", "fr": "Hotspot Wifi"}, "developer": {"email": "julien@vaubourg.com", "name": "Julien Vaubourg", "url": "http://julien.vaubourg.com"}, "id": "hotspot", "license": "AGPL-3", "multi_instance": "false", "name": "Wifi Hotspot"}, "state": "validated"}, "piratebox": {"git": {"branch": "master", "revision": "19029e995498660035302adf0ce337cc5296bd7b", "url": "https://github.com/labriqueinternet/piratebox_ynh"}, "lastUpdate": 1504092652, "level": null, "maintained": true, "manifest": {"arguments": {"install": [{"ask": {"en": "Choose a domain for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un domaine pour l'administration web"}, "example": "domain.org", "name": "domain"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a path for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour l'administration web"}, "default": "/piratebox", "example": "/piratebox", "name": "path"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a fake domain pour the PirateBox", "fr": "Choisissez un faux domaine pour la PirateBox"}, "default": "share.box", "example": "share.box", "name": "opt_domain"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a name for the PirateBox", "fr": "Choisissez un nom pour la PirateBox"}, "default": "ShareBox", "example": "ShareBox", "name": "opt_name"}, {"ask": {"en": "Can users delete files? (yes/no)", "fr": "Les utilisateurs peuvent-ils supprimer des fichiers ? (yes/no)"}, "default": "yes", "example": "yes", "name": "opt_deleting"}, {"ask": {"en": "Can users rename files? (yes/no)", "fr": "Les utilisateurs peuvent-ils renommer des fichiers ? (yes/no)"}, "default": "yes", "example": "yes", "name": "opt_renaming"}, {"ask": {"en": "Enable the chat? (yes/no)", "fr": "Activer le chat ? (yes/no)"}, "default": "yes", "example": "yes", "name": "opt_chat"}]}, "description": {"en": "PirateBox", "fr": "PirateBox"}, "developer": {"email": "julien@vaubourg.com", "name": "Julien Vaubourg", "url": "http://julien.vaubourg.com"}, "id": "piratebox", "license": "AGPL-3", "multi_instance": "false", "name": "PirateBox"}, "state": "validated"}, "vpnclient": {"git": {"branch": "master", "revision": "623d8a30453a26ee21aa2ce1142674a2ffdb85b9", "url": "https://github.com/labriqueinternet/vpnclient_ynh"}, "lastUpdate": 1545376153, "level": "?", "maintained": true, "manifest": {"arguments": {"install": [{"ask": {"en": "Choose a domain for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un domaine pour l'administration web"}, "example": "domain.org", "name": "domain", "type": "domain"}, {"ask": {"en": "Choose a path for the web administration", "fr": "Choisissez un chemin pour l'administration web"}, "default": "/vpnadmin", "example": "/vpnadmin", "name": "path", "type": "path"}]}, "description": {"en": "VPN Client", "fr": "Client VPN"}, "id": "vpnclient", "license": "AGPL-3.0", "maintainer": {"email": "pitchum@users.noreply.github.com", "name": "pitchum"}, "multi_instance": false, "name": "VPN Client", "packaging_format": 1, "requirements": {"yunohost": ">= 2.7.0"}, "services": ["nginx", "php5-fpm", "ynh-vpnclient"], "version": "1.3.1"}, "state": "validated"}}