# Introduction This file contains significant user-visible changes for each version. For full changelog, use `git log`. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog] # Summary of Releases | Date | All Changes | wlroots version | lines-of-code | |------------|---------------|-----------------|---------------| | 2024-04-22 | [unreleased] | 0.17.2 | 21300 | | 2024-03-01 | [0.7.1] | 0.17.1 | 18624 | | 2023-12-22 | [0.7.0] | 0.17.1 | 16576 | | 2023-11-25 | [0.6.6] | 0.16.2 | 15796 | | 2023-09-23 | [0.6.5] | 0.16.2 | 14809 | | 2023-07-14 | [0.6.4] | 0.16.2 | 13675 | | 2023-05-08 | [0.6.3] | 0.16.2 | 13050 | | 2023-03-20 | [0.6.2] | 0.16.2 | 12157 | | 2023-01-29 | [0.6.1] | 0.16.1 | 11828 | | 2022-11-17 | [0.6.0] | 0.16.0 | 10830 | | 2022-07-15 | [0.5.3] | 0.15.1 | 9216 | | 2022-05-17 | [0.5.2] | 0.15.1 | 8829 | | 2022-04-08 | [0.5.1] | 0.15.1 | 8829 | | 2022-02-18 | [0.5.0] | 0.15.1 | 8766 | | 2021-12-31 | [0.4.0] | 0.15.0 | 8159 | | 2021-06-28 | [0.3.0] | 0.14.0 | 5051 | | 2021-04-15 | [0.2.0] | 0.13.0 | 5011 | | 2021-03-05 | [0.1.0] | 0.12.0 | 4627 | ## [unreleased] This release is shaping up to be the second in a row that is larger than usual in terms of both fixes and new features. Significant additions include input-methods, pipemenus, snap-to-edge overlays and optionally drop-shadows. As usual, most of the commits are by the core devs: @ahesford, @Consolatis, @jlindgren90, @johanmalm and @tokyo4j, but we also have many great contributions from others as noted in the log. ### Added - Support drop-shadows (disabled by default) for windows using server-side decorations. Written-by: @cillian64 ```xml yes|no ``` ``` window.active.shadow.size: 60 window.inactive.shadow.size: 40 window.active.shadow.color: #00000060 window.inactive.shadow.color: #00000040 ``` - Add window-rule `ignoreConfigureRequest` to ignore X11 client-side configure requests (positioning and resizing). #1446 - Support window-rules based on window type: ``, where type can be for example `NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_DESKTOP` for an XWayland window. Written-by: @xi @txgk - Add `none` branch to the `ForEach` action. Written-by: @nicolas3121 #1298 ``` ``` - Add -S|--session `` option to start `` on startup and to terminate the compositor when exits. This is useful for session management as it allows the session client (for example `lxqt-session`) to terminate labwc when exiting itself. - In theme setting color definitions, support inline alpha encoding like `#aabbccff` - Add window-switcher custom field inspired by printf formatting. #1670 Written-by: @droc12345 and @Consolatis ```xml ``` - Support defining window-switcher width as a percentage of output (display) width. Written-by: @droc12345 ``` osd.window-switcher.width: 75% ``` - Support Openbox compatible pipe-menus. See labwc-menu(5) for usage. - Add snap-to-edge overlay. Written-by: @tokyo4j. PR #1652 #1702 This includes the following new config and theme settings: ```xml yes|no ``` ``` snapping.overlay.[region|edge].bg.enabled: yes|no snapping.overlay.[region|edge].border.enabled: yes|no snapping.overlay.[region|edge].bg.color: #8080b380 snapping.overlay.[region|edge].border.width: 1 snapping.overlay.[region|edge].border.color: #ffffff,#000000,#ffffff ``` - Add theme settings listed below for window-switcher preview border. Written-by: @tokyo4j ``` osd.window-switcher.preview.border.width: 2 osd.window-switcher.preview.border.color: #ffffff,#00a2ff,#ffffff ``` - Support libinput config option for calibration matrices. ``. Written-by: @SnowNF - Add new window-switcher field content types `workspace`, `state`, `type_short` and `output`. Written-by: @droc12345 PR #1623 ```xml ``` - Support input methods (or input method editors, commonly abbreviated IMEs) like Fcitx5, using protocols text-input-v3 and input-method-v2. This includes IME popups. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Add `atCursor` attribute to action `ShowMenu` so that a window's "client-menu" could optionally be launched at the pointer using a keybind as follows: ```xml ``` - Support workspace-prefix (``) for workspace-switcher onscreen display when naming workspaces by digits, for example 1, 2, 3 Written-by: @droc12345 - Process all `*.env` files in an `environment.d` directory alongside and in the same way as each potential `environment` file. - Allow empty variables in `environment` files. In other words, respond to variable declarations of the form "VARIABLE=", with no following value, by setting the corresponding environment variable as an empty string. - Add optional headless fallback output that is automatically created when no other output exists. Enable this by setting the environment variable `LABWC_FALLBACK_OUTPUT` to the desired output name. The feature benefits applications like wayvnc the most by ensuring that there is always an output available to connect to. #1618 Co-Authored-By: Simon Long - Optionally show windows on all workspaces in window-switcher. ```xml ``` - Handle touch on headerbar using cursor emulate events. Issue #1550 Written-by: @spl237 - Updated dbus activation environment with more environment variables (`XCURSOR_SIZE`, `XCURSOR_THEME`, `XDG_SESSION_TYPE`, `LABWC_PID`) Written-by: @winerysearch Issue #694 - Run `shutdown` script on exit (equivalent to `autostart` on startup) - Add `wrap` argument to action `MoveToOutput`. Wrap is disabled by default to keep the user interface consistent. Example usage: ```xml ``` ### Fixed - Fix crash on `Kill` action with XWayland windows. #1739 - Update workspaces on `--reconfigure`. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Notify idle manager when emulating cursor movement. - Fix GrowToEdge/ShrinkToEdge action bug caused by clients ignoring the requested size, for example a terminal honouring size-hints. - Fix `assert()` on VT switch. Issue #1667 - Ensure titlebar has consistent look when using transparency. #1684 - Fix dnd bug where dnd does not finish properly on cursor-button-release if there is no surface under the cursor such as on the desktop when no background client is running. #1673 - Send cursor-button release event to CSD client before finishing window dragging to avoid a bug whereby the release event is incorrectly sent to a layer-shell client at the end of a drag. - Validate double-click against SSD part type because clicks on different parts of a client in quick succession should not be interpreted as a double click. #1657 - Fix bug that region overlay is not shown when a modifier key is re- pressed. - Fix workspace-switcher on-screen-display positioning of text using right-to-left (RTL) locales. Written-by: @micko01 Issue #1633 - Unconstrain xdg-shell popups to usable area (rather than full output) so that popups do not cover layer-shell clients such as panels. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Exclude unfocusable XWayland windows (for example notifications and floating toolbars) from being processed by wlr-foreign-toplevel protocol as these windows should not be shown in taskbars/docks/etc. - Render text buffers with opaque backgrounds because subpixel text rendering over a transparent background does not work properly with cairo/pango. PR #1631 issue #1684 - Fallback on layout 'us' if a keymap cannot be created for the provided `XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT`. If keymap still cannot be created, exit with a helpful message instead of a segv crash. - Reload cursor theme and size on reconfigure. Written-by: @spl237 Issue #1587 - Fix a number of surface-focus related short-comings: - Handle cursor-button-press on layer-shell subsurfaces and fix bug in `get_cursor_context()` which resulted in layer-surfaces not being detected correctly. PR #1594 - Overhaul the logic for giving keyboard focus to layer-shell clients. PR #1599 Issue #1653 - Fix move/resize bug manifesting itself on touchpad taps with `` disabled because libinput sends button press & release signals so quickly that `interactive_finish()` is never called. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Include always-on-top windows in window-switcher. - Make resize flicker free again when running labwc nested (it was a regression caused by wlroots 0.17). - Clean up dbus and systemd activation environments on exit - Fix `view_get_adjacent_output()` bug resulting in often returning an incorrect output when using more than two outputs. Issue #1582 ### Changed - In theme settings, mark color definitions in the format `#rrggbb aaa` as deprecated (still supported, but will removed in some future release) in favor of the more commonly used `#rrggbbaa`. - If your `rc.xml` contains a keybind to show menu "client-menu", it will be launched at pointer rather than the top-left part of the window. To keep the old behaviour, redefine it as follows: ```xml ``` - Change action `MoveToOutput` argument 'name' to 'output' (because 'name' is already used by the action itself). Issue #1589 ```xml ``` - Do not deactivate window when giving keyboard focus to a non-view surface such as a popup or layer-shell surface. This matches Openbox behavior. - Treat Globally Active XWayland windows according to type to fix focus issues with IntelliJ IDEA and JDownloader 2. Issues: #1139 #1341 Also revert f6e3527 which allowed re-focus between Globally Active XWayland windows of the same PID. - Only update dbus and systemd activation environments when running on the DRM backend or by explicit request using environment variable `LABWC_UPDATE_ACTIVATION_ENV`. ## [0.7.1] ### Added - Support libinput option sendEventsMode to allow enabling/disabling devices. Co-Authored-By: @Sachin-Bhat ```xml yes|no|disabledOnExternalMouse ``` - Add click method libinput option. Written-by: @datMaffin ```xml none|buttonAreas|clickfinger ``` - Add `data/labwc.svg` & `data/labwc-symbolic.svg`, and specify icon name in labwc.desktop to enable Display Managers to show an icons for labwc. - Expose output configuration test to clients. For example, this enables `wlr-randr --dryrun` - Add window-edge resistance for interactive moves/resizes and support negative strengths to indicate attractive snapping. Written-by: @ahesford ```xml -20 -20 ``` - Set keyboard layout on reconfigure. Issue #1407 - Reset keyboard-layout group (index) for each window on reconfigure if the keymap has changed. - Support merging multiple config files with the --merge-config command line option. Issue #1406 - Add config option to map touch events to a named output (display). Optionally, make this only apply to specific named devices. Written-by: @jp7677 ```xml ``` - Add tablet support including: - Mapping of tablet to output (display) - Emulation of cursor movement and button press/release - Configuration of area and rotation Written-by: @jp7677 @Consolatis ```xml ``` - Add tearing support. #1390. Written-by: @Ph42oN @ahesford - Add configuration support for mouse buttons `Side`, `Extra`, `Forward`, `Back` and `Task`. Written-by: @jp7677 - config: allow `` without category attribute to define a `default` profile because it is more user-friendly and intuitive. - Add a configuration option to enable adaptive sync only when an application is in fullscreen mode. Written-by: @Ph42oN - Add `touchpad` libinput device type to increase configuration flexibility, for example allowing `naturalScroll` on touchpads, but not on regular pointer devices such as mice. Written-by: @jmbaur - Add actions: - `AutoPlace` (by @ahesford) - `MoveToOutput`, `FitToOutput` (by @jp7677) - `Shade`, `Unshade`, `ToggleShade` (by @ahesford @Consolatis) - Add config option `` with supported values `center`, `cursor` and `automatic`. The latter minimizes overlap with other windows already on screen and is similar to Openbox's smart window placement. The placement policies honour ``. Written-by: @ahesford #1312 ```xml center|automatic|cursor ``` ### Fixed - Delay popup-unconstrain until after first commit in response to a changed wlroots 0.17 interface and to get rid of the error message below. Issue #1372 [types/xdg_shell/wlr_xdg_surface.c:169] A configure is scheduled for an uninitialized xdg_surface - Notify clients about configuration errors when changing output settings. Issue #1528. - Fix output configuration bug causing compositor crash when refresh rate is zero. Issue #1458 - Fix disappearing cursor bug on view destruction. Issue #1393 - Use used specified config-file (using -c command line option) on reconfigure. - Assign outputs to new views on surface creation instead of mapping, and notify the client of the preferred output scale when doing so. This fixes an issue with foot: https://codeberg.org/dnkl/foot/issues/1579 Written-by: @ahesford - Cancel key repeat on vt change to fix crash on VT change on FreeBSD. Issue #1424 - Fix crash when a minimized fullscreen window closes. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Execute menu actions after closing menus so that menu entries can issue `wtype` commands to the surface with keyboard-focus. Issue #1366 - Try to honor original window geometry on layout changes. - Fix virtual keyboard bug experienced with `wlrctl keyboard type xyz`. Do not process virtual keyboard keycodes (just the keysyms). Issue #1367 - Sync xdg-shell client `view->pending` when applying geometry to fix issue caused by applications choosing not respond to pending resize requests either by ignoring them or substituting alternative sizes (for example, when mpv constrains resizes to keep its aspect ratio fixed). Written-by: @ahesford ### Changed - Make `MoveToCursor` honour ``. Issue #1494 - Add `Roll Up/Down` client-menu entry for `ToggleShade` - When a Wayland-native window is snapped to a screen edges or user-defined region, labwc will notify the application that it is "tiled", allowing the application to better adapt its rendering to constrained layouts. Windows with client-side decorations may respond to these notices by squaring off corners and, in some cases, disabling resize abilities. This can be disabled with: ```xml never ``` or limited to only edge-snapped or only region-snapped windows. See the labwc-config(5) manual page for more information. - When a window is dragged from a snapped position (either a screen edge or a user-defined region), the snapped state is now discarded as soon as the dragging begins. This means that dragging from a snapped position to a maximized state (with the `topMaximize` option enabled) and then un-maximizing the window will restore the window to its size and position *before* it was snapped. In previous releases, un-maximizing would restore the window to its snapped state. To preserve the snapped state of a window when maximized, use the Maximize window button or the `ToggleMaximize` action. - The new windowEdgeStrength setting makes windows resist interactive moves and resizes across the edges of other windows. This can be disabled with: ```xml 0 ``` - Run menu actions on button release instead of press. - Constrain window size to that of usable area when an application is started. Issue #1399 - Support showing the full `app_id` in the window switcher. Users with a custom `windowSwitcher` configuration should use the `trimmed_identifier` field label to preserve existing behavior; the `identifier` field now refers to the full `app_id`. Consult the labwc-config(5) manual page for more details. Issue #1309 ## [0.7.0] - 2023-12-22 The main effort in this release has gone into porting labwc to wlroots 0.17 and tidying up regressions. Nonetheless, it contains a significant number of additions and fixes as described below. Should bug fixes be required against `0.6.6` (built with wlroots `0.16`), a `0.6` branch will be created. ### Added - Support titlebar hover icons. Written-by: @spl237 - Add theme options osd.workspace-switcher.boxes.{width,height} Written-by: @kyak - Add actions `VirtualOutputAdd` and `VirtualOutputRemove` to control virtual outputs. Written-by: @kyak (#1287) - Teach MoveToEdge to move windows to adjacent outputs. Written-by: @ahesford - Implement ``. Written-by: @ludg1e (#1292) - Implement cursor-shape-v1 protocol to allow Wayland clients to request a buffer for a cursor shape from a compositor. Written-by: @heroin-moose - Implement fractional-scale-v1 protocol to allow Wayland clients to properly scale on outputs with fractional scale factor. Written-by: @heroin-moose - Add ResizeTo action (#1261) - Allow going backwards in window-switcher OSD by using arrow-up or arrow-left. Written-by: @jp7677 - Add `ToggleOmnipresent` action and add an "Always on Visible Workspace" entry for it in the client-menu under the Workspaces submenu. Written-by: @bnason - Account for space taken up by XWayland clients with `_NET_WM_STRUT_PARTIAL` property in the `usable_area` calculation. This increases inter-operability with X11 desktop components. - Set XWayland's `_NET_WORKAREA` property based on usable area. XWayland clients use the `_NET_WORKAREA` root window property to determine how much of the screen is not covered by panels/docks. The property is used for example by Qt to determine areas of the screen that popup menus should not overlap. ### Fixed - Fix xwayland.c null pointer dereference causing crash with JetBrains CLion. (#1352) - Fix issue with XWayland surfaces completely offscreen not generating commit events and therefore preventing them from moving onscreen. - Do not de-active windows when layer-shell client takes keyboard focus, to fix sfwbar minimize action. (#1342) - Move layer-shell popups from the background layer to the top layer to render them above normal windows. Previously this was only done for the bottom layer. In support of Raspberry Pi's `pcmanfm --desktop`. (#1293) - Calculate `usable_area` before positioning clients to ensure it is correct before non exclusive-zone layer-shell clients are positioned or resized. (#1285) - Prevent overriding XWayland maximized/fullscreen/tiled geometry to fix an issue where some XWayland views (example: xfce4-terminal) do not end up with exactly the correct geometry when tiled. ### Changed - Treat XWayland panel windows as if fixedPosition rule is set - Use the GTK3 notebook header color as the default active title color (small change from `#dddad6` to `#e1dedb`). Written-by: @dimkr ## [0.6.6] - 2023-11-25 We do not normally call out contributions by core devs in the changelog, but a special thanks goes to @jlindgren90 in this release for lots of work relating to surface focus and keyboard issues, amongst others. ### Added - Add `fixedPosition` window-rule property to avoid re-positioning windows on reserved-output-space changes (determined by ** settings or exclusive layer-shell clients) and to disallow interactive move or resize, for example by alt+press. - Add `Unfocus` action to enable unfocusing windows on desktop click. Issue: #1230 - Add config option `` to use per-window keyboard layout. Issue #1076 - Support separate horizontal and vertical maximize by adding a `direction` option to actions Maximize and ToggleMaximize. - Add actions GrowToEdge and ShrinkToEdge. Written-by: @digint - Add `snapWindows` option to MoveToEdge action. Written-by: @digint - Add MoveToCursor action. Written-by: @Arnaudv6 - Add config option `` to enable Num Lock on startup. - Support Meta (M), Hyper (H), Mod1, Mod3, Mod4 and Mod5 modifiers in keybind definitions. Fixes: #1061 - Add themerc 'titlebar.height' option. Written-by: @mozlima - Add If and ForEach actions. Written-by: @consus - Allow referencing the current workspace in actions, for example: ```xml ``` ### Fixed - Do not reset XWayland window SSD on unminimize - Keep XWayland stacking order in sync when switching workspaces - Update top-layer visibility on workspace-switch in order to show top-layer layer-shell clients correctly when there is a window in fullscreen mode on another workspace. Issues: #1040 #1158 - Make interactive window snapping with mouse more intuitive in multi-output setups. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Try to handle missing `set_window_geometry` with Qt apps which occasionally fail to call `set_window_geometry` after a configure request, but correctly update the actual surface extent. Issue: #1194 - Update XWayland stacking order when moving a window to the front/back. - Prevent switching workspaces for always-on-bottom windows. Fixes: #1170 - Fix invisible cursor after wlopm --off && wlopm --on. - When a session is locked using 'session-lock' protocol, reconfigure for output layout changes to avoid incorrect positioning - Account for window base size in resize indicator so that the displayed size exactly matches the terminal grid, for example 80x25. - The following focus related issues: - Allow re-focusing xwayland-unmanaged surfaces in response to pointer action (click or movement if focus-follow-mouse is enabled). This enables clients such as dmenu, rofi and jgmenu to regain keyboard-focus if it was lost to another client. - Fix code paths which could lead to a lock-screen losing focus, making the session impossible to unlock or another surface to gain focus thus breaching the session lock. - Only focus topmost view on unmap if unmapped view was focused. - Fix `xwayland_surface->data` bug relating to unmanaged surfaces. - Fix layer subsurface focus bug to make waybar's minimize-raise work. Fixes: #1131 - Ignore focus change to unmanaged surface belonging to same PID to fix an issue with menus immediately closing in some X11 apps. - Avoid focusing xwayland views that do not want focus using the ICCCM "Globally Active" input model. - Allow re-focus between "globally active" XWayland views of the same PID. - Assume that views that want decorations also want focus - The following keyboard and keybind related issues: - Send pressed keys correctly when focusing new surface. - Refactor handling of pressed/bound keys to send (to client) the release events for any pressed key that was not part of a keybind, typically because an unrelated non-modifier key was pressed before and held during a keybind invocation. Fixes #1091 #1245 - Fix keyboard release event bug after session lock. Fixes: #1114 - Raise xdg and xwayland sub-views correctly relative to other sub-views, by letting the relative stacking order between them change. - Honor initially maximized requests for XWayland views via `_NET_WM_STATE`. - For initially maximized XWayland views, set the stored natural geometry to be output-centered. - Fix regions rounding error sometimes resulting in incorrect gaps between regions. ### Changed - Move floating windows in response to changes in reserved output space (determined by ** settings or exclusive layer-shell clients such as panels). Users with window-rules for panels and/or desktops should add the `fixedPosition` property to avoid regression. Issue: #1235 - Restore `SIGPIPE` default handler before exec. Fixes: #1209 - With the introduction of directional Maximize, right-click on the maximize button now toggles horizontal maximize, while middle-click toggles vertical maximize. - Make MoveToEdge snap to the next window edge by default rather than just the screen edge. - Comment out variables in `docs/environment` to avoid users using the file without editing it and ending up with unwanted settings. Fixes: #1011 - Set `_JAVA_AWT_WM_NONREPARENTING=1` unless already set. - This release has seen significant refactoring and minor improvements with respect to window and surface focus (particular thanks to @jlindgren). This work has helped uncover and fix some hard-to-find bugs. We don't believe that there are any regressions, but can't say for sure. - Set Num Lock to enabled by default on start up - Allow switching VT when locked - Use `fnmatch()` for pattern matching instead of `g_pattern_match_simple()` because it is a POSIX-compliant function which has a glob(7) manual page for reference. - Title context is used instead of TitleBar for the default client-menu on click. This means that if a button is right-clicked, the client-menu will not appear anymore. - Always switch to the workspace containing the view being focused. ## [0.6.5] - 2023-09-23 ### Added - Support png and svg titlebar buttons - Support on/off boolean configuration values (in addition to true, false, yes and no). Written-by: @redtide - keybinds - Allow non-english based keybinds - Make keybind agnostic to keyboard layout. Fixes #1069 - Add optional layoutDependent argument to only trigger if the configured key exists in the currently active keyboard layout. `` - Fallback on raw keysyms (as if there were no pressed modifier) for bindings which do not match against translated keysyms. This allows users to define keybinds such as "S-1" rather than "S-exclam". It also supports "W-S-Tab". Fixes #163 #365 #992 - window-rules: add ignoreFocusRequest property - config: support libinput `` and ``. Written-by: @tokyo4j - Handle keyboard input for menus. Fixes #1058 - Server-side decoration: - Make corners square on maximize - Disable border on maximize. Fixes #1044 - Add window resize indicator and associated `` config option - Add `` to give `ToggleDecoration` three states: (1) disable titlebar; (2) disable whole SSD; and (3) enables whole SSD When the keepBorder action is disabled, the old two-state behavior is restored. Fixes #813 - Minimize whole window hierarchy from top to bottom regardless of which window requested the minimize. For example, if an 'About' or 'Open File' dialog is minimized, its toplevel is minimized also, and vice versa. - Move window's stacking order with dialogs so that other window cannot be positioned between them. Also position xdg popups above their parent windows.This is consistent with Gtk3 and Qt5. Fixes #823 ### Fixed - Clarify in labwc-config(5) that keyboard modifiers can be used for mousebinds. Fixes #1075 - Ensure interactive move/resize ends correctly for CSD clients. Fixes #1053 - Fix invalid value in `` falling back as "flat" - Fix touch bug to avoid jumping when a touch point moves off of a surface Written-by: @bi4k8 - Prevent crash with theme setting `osd.window-switcher.width: 0`. Fixes #1050 - Cancel cursor popup grab on mouse-press outside client itself, for example on any part of the server side decoration or the desktop. Fixes #949 - Prevent cursor press on layer-subsurface from cancelling popup grab Fixes #1030 - xwayland: fix client request-unmap bug relating to foreign-toplevel handle - xwayland: fix race condition resulting in map view without surface - Limit SSD corner radius to the height of the titlebar - Fix rounded-corner bug producing weird artifacts when very large border thickness is used. Fixes #988 - Ensure `string_prop()` handlers deal with destroying views. Fixes #1082 - Fix SSD thickness calculation bug relating to titlebar. Fixes #1083 - common/buf.c: - Do not expand `$()` in `buf_expand_shell_variables()` - Do not use memcpy for overlapping regions ### Changed - Use `identifier` for window-switcher field rather than `app_id` to be consistent with window rules. ```xml ``` - Do not expand environment variables in `Exec` action `` argument (but still resolve tilde). ## [0.6.4] - 2023-07-14 ### Added - Add support for `ext_idle_notify` protocol. - Window-switcher: #879 #969 - Set item-height based on font-height - Add theme option: - osd.window-switcher.width - osd.window-switcher.padding - osd.window-switcher.item.padding.x - osd.window-switcher.item.padding.y - osd.window-switcher.item.active.border.width - Actions: - Add `MoveTo`, `ToggleAlwaysOnBottom`. - Add `MoveRelative`, `ResizeRelative`. Written-by: @Ph42oN - Add option `wrap` for `GoToDesktop` and `SendToDesktop` - Add config options `` to override usable area for panels/docks which do not support layer-shell protocol. - Add `number` attribute to `` to simplify configuration. Written-by: @Sachin-Bhat - Window rules: #787 #933 - Add properties: `skipTaskbar` and `skipWindowSwitcher` - Add criteria `title` and `matchOnce` ### Fixed - Support XML CDATA for `` in order to provide backward compatibility with obmenu-generator #972 - Call `wlr_xwayland_surface_set_minimized()` on xwayland window (un)minimize to fix blank surface after minimizing fullscreen Steam windows. #958 - Fix focus at the end of drag-and-drop operation respecting `` if enabled. #939 #976 - Render xdg-popups above always-on-top layer. - Do not render On-Screen-Displays on disabled outputs. #914 ### Changed - Make `ToggleKeybinds` applicable only to the window that has keyboard focus when the action is executed. ## [0.6.3] - 2023-05-08 ### Added - Add `focus.followMouseRequiresMovement` to allow a stricter focus-what-is-under-the-cursor configuration. #862 - Support window-rules including properties and on-first-map actions. Any actions in labwc-actions(5) can be used. Only 'serverDecoration' has been added as a property so far. Example config: ```xml ``` - Support configuration of window switcher field definitions. Issues #852 #855 #879 ```xml ``` - Add actions: - 'Lower' Written-by: @jech - 'Maximize' - Support ext-session-lock protocol. Helped-by: @heroin-moose - Handle XWayland unmanaged surface requests for 'activate' and 'override-redirect'. Fixes: #874 - Add config support for scroll-factor. Fixes #846 - Support 'follow' attribute for SendToDesktop action. Fixes #841 ### Fixed - Fix adaptive sync configuration. Helped-by: @heroin-moose #642 - Ignore SIGPIPE to fix crash caused by Wayland clients requesting X11 clipboard but closing the read-fd before/while the X11 clipboard is being written to. Fixes #890 - Ellipsize on-screen-display text - Validate PID before activating XWayland unmanaged surfaces to check that the surface trying to grab focus is actually a child of the topmost mapped window. - Respect cursor constraint hints when cursor movement occurs after unlocking the pointer. Written-by: @FuzzyQuills Fixes #872 - Fix invisible cursor on startup and output loss/restore. Reported-by: @Flrian Fixes #820 - Fix decoration protocol implementation - Respect earlier decoration negotiation results via the xdg-decoration protocol. Previously setting `` to `client` would cause applications which prefer server side decorations to not have any decorations at all. Fixes #297 #831 - Handle results of kde-server-decoration negotiations - Fix `` cursor glitches and issues with focus switching via Alt-Tab. Issue #830 #849 ### Changed - Make `` a toplevel element rather than a child of `` - Default to follow="true" for SendToDesktop action as per Openbox 3.6 specification. ## [0.6.2] - 2023-03-20 This release contains refactoring and simplification relating to view-output association and xdg/xwayland configure/map events. Unless otherwise stated all contributions are by the core-devs (@Consolatis, @jlindgren90 and @johanmalm). ### Added - Add config option `` to hide windowSwitcher (also known as On Screen Display) when switching windows. - Enable config option `` by default. - Add ToggleKeybinds action to disable/enable all keybinds (other than ToggleKeybinds itself). This can be used to better control Virtual Machines, VNC clients, nested compositors or similar. (#738 and #810) - Implement cursor constraints (Written-by: @Ph42oN) and lock confinement. - Support xdg-activation protocol to allow applications to activate themselves (e.g. raise to the top and get keyboard focus) if they provide a valid `xdg_activation token`. - Allow clearing key/mouse bindings by using the 'None' action. This enables the use of `` and then selectively removing keybinds. For example the following could be used to allow using A-Left/Right with Firefox. ```xml ``` ### Fixed - Prevent cursor based region-snapping when starting a move with Alt-Left. If region-snapping is wanted in this situation, just press the modifier again. (#761) - Prevent rare crash due to layering move/resize/menu operations. (#817) - Fully reset config default values on Reconfigure if not set in config file. - Fix visual glitch when resizing xfce4-terminal from left edge caused by windows not accepting their request size exactly. - Fix issue with havoc not having a valid size on map. - Save `natural_geometry.x/y` with initially maximized xdg-view to fix an issue where, if Thunar was started maximized, it would un-maximize to the top-left corner rather than the center. ### Changed - Change config option `` to ``. Use `` instead of: ```xml yes yes yes ``` ## [0.6.1] - 2023-01-29 As usual, this release contains lots of refactoring and bug fixes with particular thanks going to @Consolatis, @jlindgren90, @bi4k8, @Flrian and @Joshua-Ashton. ### Added - Add `` config option allowing the definition of regions to which windows can be snapped by keeping a keyboard modifier pressed while dragging or by using the SnapToRegion action. Written-by: @Consolatis - Add `` action to send SIGTERM to a client process. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Add config option `` to support flicker free boot (issue #724). Written-by: @Consolatis - Enable single-pixel-buffer-v1 - Support theme setting override by reading `/themerc-override` - Scale down SSD button icons if necessary to allow using larger ones for high and mixed DPI usecases. Issue #609. Written-by: @Consolatis - Handle client request for layer-change - Support setting color of client menu buttons. Written-by: @Flrian - Dynamically adjust menu width based on widest item. Written-by: @Consolatis - Add theme options menu.width.{min,max} and menu.items.padding.{x,y} ### Fixed - Scale cursor correctly at startup and on output scale-change. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Release layer tree when releasing output. Written-by: @yuanye - Ensure natural geometry is restored when no outputs available. Reported-by: @Flrian - Fixes memory leaks and prevent crashes associated with missing outputs Thanks to @Consolatis. - Update translations for new client menus strings. Thanks-to: @01micko and @ersen0 - On un-fullscreen, restore SSD before applying previous geometry to avoid rendering offscreen in some instances. Written-by: @Consolatis - Allow snapping to the same edge. Thanks-to: @Consolatis and @Flrian - Send enter event when new layer surface appears under pointer. Issue #667 - Prevent re-focus for always-on-top views when switching workspaces. Written-by: @Consolatis - Make sure a default libinput category always exists to avoid devices not being configured is some instances. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Update cursor if it is within the OSD area when OSD appears/disappears. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Provide generic parsing of XML action arguments to enable the use of the `direction` argument in menu entries. Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix SSD margin computation. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Hide SSD decorations for fullscreen views to avoid rendering them on adjacent outputs. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Set inactive window button color correctly. Written-by: @ScarcelyThere - Fix positioning of initially-maximized XWayland views. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Check for modifiers when merging mousebinds. Issue #630. - Handle layer-shell exclusive and on-demand keyboard-interactivity correctly, and thus support xfce4-panel better. Issues #704 and #725. - Only overwrite wlroots's automatic layout when necessary. ### Changed - Filter out `wp_drm_lease_device` from Xwayland to avoid Electron apps such as VS Code and Discord lagging over time. Issue #553. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Do not switch output on SnapToEdge if view is maximized. Written-by: @Flrian ## [0.6.0] - 2022-11-17 This release contains significant refactoring to use the wlroots scene-graph API. This touches many areas of the code, particularly rendering, server-side-decoration, the layer-shell implementation and the menu. Many thanks to @Consolatis for doing most of the heavy lifting with this. Noteworthy, related changes include: - The use of a buffer implementation instead of using `wlr_texture`. It handles both images and fonts, and scales according to output scale. - The use of node-descriptors to assign roles to `wlr_scene_nodes` in order to simplify the code. - Improving the "Debug" action to print scene-graph trees A large number of bugs and regressions have been fixed following the re-factoring, too many to list here, but we are grateful to all who have reported, tested and fixed issues. Particular mentions go to @bi4k8, @flrian, @heroin-moose, @jlindgren90, @Joshua-Ashton, @01micko and @skerit ### Added - Set environment variable `LABWC_PID` to the pid of the compositor so that SIGHUP and SIGTERM can be sent to specific instances. - Add command line options --exit and --reconfigure. - Support setting keyboard repeat and delay at runtime. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Add support for mouse-wheel bindings. Set default bindings to switch workspaces when scrolling on the desktop. Written-by: @Arnaudv6 - Implement key repeat for keybindings. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Support smooth scroll and horizontal scroll. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Implement virtual keyboard and pointer protocols, enabling the use of clients such as wtype and wayvnc. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Add github workflow CI including Debian, FreeBSD, Arch and Void, including a build without xwayland. - Support keybind "None" action to clear other actions for a particular keybind context. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Support font slant (itliacs) and weight (bold). Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Support `` mousebinds to load default mousebinds and provide a way to keep config files simpler whilst allowing user specific binds. Issue #416. Written-by: @Consolatis - Add config option `` to enable/disable preview of outlines. Written-by: @Flrian - Render submenu arrows - Allow highest level menu definitions - typically used for root-menu and client-menu - to be defined without label attribute, for example like this: `...`. Issue #472 - Allow xdg-desktop-portal-wlr to work out of the box by initializing dbus and systemd activation environment. This enables for example OBS Studio to work with no user configuration. If systemd or dbus is not available the environment update will fail gracefully. PR #461 Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton and @Consolatis - Workspaces. Written-by: @Consolatis - presentation-time protocol - Native language support for client-menus. Written-by: @01micko - Touch support. Written-by: @bi4k8 - `drm_lease_v1` for VR to work and leasing of desktop displays. Written-by: Joshua Ashton - ToggleAlwaysOnTop action. Written-by: @Consolatis - Command line option -C to specify config directory - Theme options osd.border.color and osd.border.width. Written-by: @Consolatis - Menu `` and associated theme options: menu.separator.width, menu.separator.padding.width, menu.separator.padding.height and menu.separator.color - Adjust maximized and tiled windows according to `usable_area` taking into account exclusive layer-shell clients. Written-by: @Consolatis - Restore natural geometry when moving tiled/maximized window Fixes #391. Written-by: @Consolatis - Improve action implementation to take a list of arguments in preparation for actions with multiple arguments. Written-by: @Consolatis ### Fixed - Remove unwanted gap when initially (on map) positioning windows larger than output usable area (issue #403). - Prevent setting cursor icon on drag. Written-by: @Consolatis (issue #549) - Fix bugs relating to sending matching pairs of press and release keycodes to clients when using keybinds. Also fix related key-repeat bug. (Issue #510) - Fix `wlr_output_cursor` initialization bug on new output. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Show correct cursor for resize action triggered by keybind. Written-by: @jlindgren - Fix bug which manifest itself when keeping button pressed in GTK3 menu and firefox context menu. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Enable tap be default on non-touch devices (which some laptop trackpads apparently are) - Handle missing cursor theme (issue #246). Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix various surface synchronization, stacking, positioning and focus issues, including those related to both xwayland, scroll/drag events and also #526 #483 - On first map, do not center xwayland views with explicitly specified position. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Give keyboard focus back to topmost mapped view when unmapping topmost xwayland unmanaged surfaces, such as dmenu. Written-by: @Consolatis. - Fix mousebind ordering and replace earlier mousebinds by later ones Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix various bugs associated with destroying/disabling outputs, including issue #497 - Hide Alt-Tab switcher when canceling via Escape. @jlindgren90 - (Re)set seat when xwayland is ready (because wlroots reset the seat assigned to xwayland to NULL whenever Xwayland terminates). Issues #166 #444. Written-by: @Consolatis. Helped-by: @droc12345 - Increase File Descriptor (FD) limit to max because a compositor has to handle many: client connections, DMA-BUFs, `wl_data_device` pipes and so on. Fixes client freeze/crashes (swaywm/sway#6642). Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Fix crash when creating a cursor constraint and there is no currently focused view. - Gracefully handle dying client during interactive move. Written-by: @Consolatis - Dynamically adjust server-side-decoration invisible resize areas based on `usable_area` to ensure that cursor events are sent to clients such as panels in preference to grabbing window edges. Fixes #265. Written-by: @Consolatis - Always position submenus inside output extents. Fixes #276 Written-by: @Consolatis - Do not crash when changing TTY. Written-by: @bi4k8 - Set wlroots.wrap to a specific commit rather than master because it enables labwc commits to be checked out and build without manually having to find the right wlroots commit if there are upstream breaking changes. - Increase accuracy of window center-alignment, taking into account `usable_area` and window decoration. Also, top/left align if window is bigger than usable area. - Handle view-destruction during alt-tab cycling. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Survive all outputs being disabled - Check that double-clicks are on the same window. Written-by: yizixiao - Set xdg-shell window position before maximize on first map so that the unmaximized geometry is known when started in maximized mode. Fixes issue #305. Reported-by: @01micko - Support `` `` is a deprecated name for ``, but is supported for backward compatibility with old menu-generators. - Keep xwayland-shell SSD state on unmap/map cycle. Written-by: @Consolatis - Prevent segfault on missing direction arguments. Reported-by: @flrian - Fix keybind insertion order to restore intended behavior of keybinds set by ``. Written-by: @Consolatis - Ensure client-menu actions are always applied on window they belong to This fixes #380. Written-by: @Consolatis - Keep window margin in sync when toggling decorations. Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix handling of client-initiated configure requests. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Always react to new output configuration. Reported-by @heroin-moose and Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix bug in environment variable expansion by allowing underscores to be part of the variable names. Issue #439 - Fix parsing bug of adaptiveSync setting and test for support ### Changed - src/config/rcxml.c: distinguish between no and unknown font places so that `` with no `place` attribute can be added after other font elements without over-writing their values. Written-by: @bi4k8 - theme: change window.label.text.justify default to center - Redefine the SSD "Title" context to cover the whole Titlebar area except the parts occupied by buttons. This allows "Drag" and "DoubleClick" actions to be de-coupled from buttons. As a result, "Drag" and "DoubleClick" actions previously defined against "TitleBar" should now come under the "Title" context, for example: `` - Remove default alt-escape keybind for Exit because too many people have exited the compositor by mistake trying to get out of alt-tab cycling or similar. ## [0.5.3] - 2022-07-15 ### Added - wlr-output-power-management protocol to enable clients such as wlopm Written-by: @bi4k8 ### Fixed - Call foreign-toplevel-destroy when unmapping xwayland surfaces because some xwayland clients leave unmapped child views around. Although `handle_destroy()` is not called for these, we have to call foreign-toplevel-destroy to avoid clients such as panels incorrectly showing them. - Handle xwayland `set_override_redirect` events to fix weird behaviour with gitk menus and rofi. - Re-focus parent surface on unmapping xwayland unmanaged surfaces Fixes #352 relating to JetBrains and Intellij focus issues Written-by: Jelle De Loecker - Do not segfault on missing drag icon. Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix windows erratically sticking to edges during move/resize. Fixes issues #331 and #309 ## [0.5.2] - 2022-05-17 This is a minor bugfix release mostly to ease packaging. ### Fixed - Properly use system provided wlroots. Written-by: @eli-schwartz ## [0.5.1] - 2022-04-08 ### Added - Honour size increments from `WM_SIZE_HINTS`, for example to allow xwayland terminal emulators to be resized to a width/height evenly divisible by the cell size. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Implement cursor input for overlay popups. Written-by: @Consolatis ### Fixed - Do not raise xwayland windows when deactivating (issue #270). Written-by: @Consolatis - Restore drag mouse-bindings and proper double-click (issues #258 and #259). Written-by: @Consolatis - Implement cursor input for unmanaged xwayland surfaces outside their parent view. Without this menus extending outside the main application window do not receive mouse input. Written-by: @jlindgren90 - Allow dragging scrollbar or selecting text even when moving cursor outside of the window (issue #241). Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix positioning of xwayland views with multiple queued configure events. Written-by: @Consolatis - Force a pointer enter event on the surface below the cursor when cycling views (issue #162). Written-by: @Consolatis - Fix qt application crash on touchpad scroll (issue #225). Written-by: @Consolatis ## [0.5.0] - 2022-02-18 As usual, this release contains a bunch of fixes and improvements, of which the most notable feature-type changes are listed below. A big thank you to @ARDiDo, @Consolatis and @jlindgren90 for much of the hard work. ### Added - Render overlay layer popups to support sfwbar (issue #239) - Support HiDPI on-screen-display images for outputs with different scales - Reload environment variables on SIGHUP (issue #227) - Add client menu - Allow applications to start in fullscreen - Add config option `` to preview the contents of each view when cycling through them (for example using alt-tab). - Allow mouse movements to trigger SnapToEdge. When dragging a view, move the cursor outside an output to snap in that direction. - Unmaximize on Move - Support wlroots environment variable `WLR_{WL,X11}_OUTPUTS` for running in running nested in X11 or a wlroots compositor. - Support pointer gestures (pinch/swipe) - Adjust views to account for output layout changes ### Changed This release contains the following two breaking changes: - Disabling outputs now causes views to be re-arranged, so in the context of idle system power management (for example when using swaylock), it is no longer suitable to call wlr-randr {--off,--on} to enable/disable outputs. - The "Drag" mouse-event and the unmaximize-on-move feature require slightly different `` settings to feel natural, so suggest updating any local `rc.xml` settings in accordance with `docs/rc.xml.all` ## [0.4.0] - 2021-12-31 Compile with wlroots 0.15.0 This release contains lots of internal changes, fixes and new features. A big thank you goes out to @ARDiDo, @bi4k8, @Joshua-Ashton, @jlindgren90, @Consolatis, @telent and @apbryan. The most notable feature-type changes are listed below. ### Added - Add support for the following wayland protocols: - `pointer_constraints` and `relative_pointer` - mostly for gaming. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - `viewporter` - needed for some games to fake modesets. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - `wlr_input_inhibit`. This enables swaylock to be run. Written-by: @telent - `wlr_foreign_toplevel`. This enables controlling windows from clients such as waybar. - `idle` and `idle_inhibit` (Written-by: @ARDiDo) - Support fullscreen mode. - Support drag-and-drop. Written-by: @ARDiDo - Add the following config options: - Load default keybinds on `` - `` and `` - Specify distance between views and output edges with `` - `` - Set menu item font with `` - Allow `` without place="" attribute, thus enabling simpler config files - Support `` with `contexts` (e.g. `TitleBar`, `Left`, `TLCorner`, `Frame`), `buttons` (e.g. `left`, `right`), and `mouse actions` (e.g. `Press`, `DoubleClick`). Modifier keys are also supported to handle configurations such as `alt` + mouse button to move/resize windows. (Written-by: @bi4k8, @apbryan) - `` configuration. Written-by: @ARDiDo - `` - Support for primary selection. Written-by: @telent - Support 'alt-tab' on screen display when cycling between windows including going backwards by pressing `shift` (Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton) and cancelling with `escape` (Written-by: @jlindgren90) - Add the following theme options: - set buttons colors individually (for iconify, close and maximize) - `window.(in)active.label.text.color` - `window.label.text.justify` - OSD colors - Show application title in window decoration title bar - Handle double click on window decoration title bar - Support a 'resize-edges' area that is wider than than the visible window decoration. This makes it easier to grab edges to resize windows. - Add window actions 'MoveToEdge', 'ToggleMaximize', 'Close', 'Iconify', 'ToggleDecorations', 'ToggleFullscreen', 'SnapToEdge', 'Focus', 'Raise', 'Move', 'MoveToEdge', 'Resize', 'PreviousWindow', 'ShowMenu' - Add labwc.desktop for display managers - layer-shell: - Take into account exclusive areas of clients (such as panels) when maximizing windows - Support popups - Handle xwayland `set_decorations` and xdg-shell-decoration requests. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Handle view min/max size better, including xwayland hint support. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Handle xwayland move/resize events. Written-by: @Joshua-Ashton - Support audio and monitor-brightness keys by default - Catch ctrl-alt-F1 to F12 to switch tty - Support `XCURSOR_THEME` and `XCURSOR_SIZE` environment variables - Support submenus including inline definitions ### Changed - The config option `` has changed to `` (breaking change) ## [0.3.0] - 2021-06-28 Compile with wlroots 0.14.0 ### Added - Add config options `` and `` (provided-by: Mikhail Kshevetskiy) - Do not use Clearlooks-3.4 theme by default, just use built-in theme - Fix bug which triggered Qt application segfault ## [0.2.0] - 2021-04-15 Compile with wlroots 0.13.0 ### Added - Support wlr-output-management protocol for setting output position, scale and orientation with kanshi or similar - Support server side decoration rounded corners - Change built-in theme to match default GTK style - Add labwc-environment(5) - Call `wlr_output_enable_adaptive_sync()` if `LABWC_ADAPTIVE_SYNC` set ## [0.1.0] - 2021-03-05 Compile with wlroots 0.12.0 and wayland-server >=1.16 ### Added - Support xdg-shell and optionally xwayland-shell - Show xbm buttons for maximize, iconify and close - Support layer-shell protocol (partial) - Support damage tracking to reduce CPU usage - Support very basic root-menu implementation - Re-load config and theme on SIGHUP - Support simple configuration to auto-start applications, set environment variables and specify theme, font and keybinds. - Support some basic theme settings for window borders and title bars - Support basic actions including Execute, Exit, NextWindow, Reconfigure and ShowMenu [Keep a Changelog]: https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/ [unreleased]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.7.1...HEAD [0.7.1]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.7.0...0.7.1 [0.7.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.6...0.7.0 [0.6.6]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.5...0.6.6 [0.6.5]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.4...0.6.5 [0.6.4]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.3...0.6.4 [0.6.3]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.2...0.6.3 [0.6.2]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.1...0.6.2 [0.6.1]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.6.0...0.6.1 [0.6.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.5.0...0.6.0 [0.5.3]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.5.2...0.5.3 [0.5.2]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.5.1...0.5.2 [0.5.1]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.5.0...0.5.1 [0.5.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.4.0...0.5.0 [0.4.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.3.0...0.4.0 [0.3.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.2.0...0.3.0 [0.2.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/0.1.0...0.2.0 [0.1.0]: https://github.com/labwc/labwc/compare/081339e...0.1.0