=begin ====================================================== Custom Note Files v1.1 by Adiktuzmiko Date Created: 12/16/2014 Date Last Updated: 07/08/2015 Requires: N/A Difficulty: Easy ====================================================== Overview ====================================================== This script allows you to create text files from where you want to load the notetags for the database entries in your game. Allows you to make different files so that you can segregate the notes. ====================================================== Usage ====================================================== Put this script into your scripts editor and modify the settings below Create your note files where you want them to be and just modify the FILES hash on the set-up part below. Start tagging your database objects with Where key determines which file to open and index is the index of the tag on the file. Example notetag text file: It is important to not put any spaces after the : part notetags here Let's say this note is in a file that is registered using the symbol :items, this is how the note in the database should look like: Note: index can be any string ====================================================== Compatibility ====================================================== Aliases RPG::BaseItem's note method Aliases DataManager's load_database method This would work for all database entries that uses the RPG::BaseItem and/or it's subclasses as it's parent class This would work for any script that uses notetags as long as they use the .note call instead of using @note directly from inside the RPG::BaseItem class ====================================================== Terms and Conditions ====================================================== View it here: http://lescripts.wordpress.com/terms-and-conditions/ ====================================================== =end module CUSTOM_NOTE #====================================================== #Collection of paths and symbol used #for different note files #Format: FILES[symbol] = Path #The symbol you use here will also be the symbol that you will #use in your database notetags #Make sure you create the files before testing #====================================================== FILES = {} FILES[:arts] = "System\\Arts.txt" #====================================================== # Do not edit below this line #====================================================== def self.load_notes return if @note != nil @note = {} FILES.each do |key,value| File.open(value,"rb") do |file| @note[key] = file.read end end end def self.note(key) return @note[key] end end #====================================================== # Do not edit below this line #====================================================== module DataManager class << self;alias load_database_custom_notes load_database;end; def self.load_database load_database_custom_notes CUSTOM_NOTE.load_notes end end class RPG::BaseItem REGEX = // alias note_adik_custom note def note if @note =~ REGEX return $1 if CUSTOM_NOTE.note($1.to_sym) =~ /(.*)/m else return @note end end end