# TCQI Privacy Policy TCQI takes your privacy very seriously. All data generated by usage is only stored locally on the device and no data is uploaded (TCQI is a completely local standalone application, not even a remote server). And no user behavior or application usage statistics are generated or uploaded. All references to third party brands and logos in the content of this document or in the online storage service are literal references and are not associated with the brands or trademarks. ### What personal information we collect or access - When you download and install TCQI, TCQI silently accesses your App's local purchase receipt file during use to verify the legitimacy of the purchase with Apple's servers and to prevent the proliferation of pirated software. All operations involved in the whole process are strictly implemented using the interface provided by the system to ensure the maximum security and privacy of receipt verification. - TCQI does not count or upload any data online, you can view them, delete them or export them for processing at any time and from anywhere, you have unique and complete control over all data. - When you save data to an album, the application will ask you for access to the album. We may update our privacy policy at any time. If there are significant changes to the Privacy Policy, we will post the updated Privacy Policy in the App # TCQI 隐私政策 TCQI 非常重视您的隐私。所有使用产生的数据只会存储在设备本地,不会有任何数据上传(TCQI 是一个完全的本地单机应用,甚至没有远程服务器)。并且没有任何的用户行为或者应用使用统计数据产生或上传。 本文内容或者在线存储服务中所涉及的三方品牌及标识提及均为文字引用,与相关品牌及商标无关。 ### 我们收集或者访问哪些个人信息 - 当您下载并安装 TCQI 以后,在使用过程中 TCQI 会静默地访问您 App 本地的购买收据文件,以向苹果服务器验证本次购买的合法性,避免盗版软件的泛滥。整个过程所涉及的操作均严格使用系统提供的接口实现,最大限度地保障了收据验证的安全性和私密性。 - TCQI 不会对任何数据进行在线统计或者上传,您可以随时随地查看、删除它们或者导出处理,您对所有的数据拥有唯一且完全的掌控。 - 在您进行保存数据到相册的操作时,应用会向您询问相册访问权限。 我们可能随时对隐私政策进行更新。如果隐私政策作出重大变更,我们将在 App 内通告更新的隐私政