@app_id@ CC0-1.0 GPL-3.0+ Emulsion Stock up on colors

Store your palettes in an easy way, and edit them if needed.

io.github.lainsce.Emulsion @app_id@.desktop ModernToolkit HiDpiIcon Lains https://github.com/lainsce/emulsion/ https://github.com/lainsce/emulsion/issues https://www.ko-fi.com/lainsce/ https://github.com/lainsce/emulsion/blob/master/po/README.md https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lainsce/emulsion/master/data/shot.png keyboard pointing touch 360 [(51, 209, 122)] io.github.lainsce.Emulsion

Release: Tween of Myself

  • Changed: UI now follows my own style that complements that of Adwaita, called Solo.

Release: Folks with Magik Colors

Changed: UI colors.

Release: Marshmallow Easel Window

Added: The option to name your colors.

Release: Rollercolor

Changed: Highly experimental UI.

Changed: Using even more libadwaita-isms.

Release: When the Prism Grows in your Garden

Changed: The user interface is now better layoutted.

Changed: Using more libadwaita-isms.

Release: Picking Flowers in Technicolor

Add: Color picking from anywhere as a palette is open, via a button.

Release: Importin' & Exportin'

Add: Export palettes as PNGs or as text via clipboard.

Add: Export single colors as hexcode (#xxxxxx) or RGBA (rgb(xx,xx,xx)) via clipboard.

Add: Import palettes via opening an image in a special dialog.

Release: First Release