# vi: ft=dosini [main] # weather display raw redis response raw = False # iredis use a LRU strategy to store the completions, like keys, set members, # etc, this will set how many completions can iredis keep at most. completer_max = 300 # if in newbie_mode, a description of commands and options will showup along # with completion, encourage to enable it to who is new to redis newbie_mode = False # show prompt in a ranibow color rainbow = False # retry times for connection error and timeout retry_times = 2 socket_keepalive = True # decode redis response, default None decode = # iredis will send a `INFO` command to get the server's version, this option can # disable it no_info = False # iredis will show command hint on bottom bar, this option can disable it bottom_bar = True # Dangerous command warning mode will alert you before executing a dangerous # command, that may cause harm to the redis-server or hang server, # such as "KEYS", "DEL" or "SHUTDOWN". warning = True # IRedis log for debugging, leave this blank will disable log. # eg. ~/.iredis.log log_location =