Function Set-VMOvfProperty { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Organization: VMware Blog: Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This function updates the OVF Properties (vAppConfig Property) for a VM .PARAMETER VM VM object returned from Get-VM .PARAMETER ovfChanges Hashtable mapping OVF property ID to Value .EXAMPLE $VMNetwork = "sddc-cgw-network-1" $VMDatastore = "WorkloadDatastore" $VMNetmask = "" $VMGateway = "" $VMDNS = "" $VMNTP = "" $VMPassword = "VMware1!" $VMDomain = "vmware.local" $VMSyslog = "" $ovfPropertyChanges = @{ "guestinfo.syslog"=$VMSyslog "guestinfo.domain"=$VMDomain "guestinfo.gateway"=$VMGateway "guestinfo.ntp"=$VMNTP "guestinfo.password"=$VMPassword "guestinfo.hostname"=$VMIPAddress "guestinfo.dns"=$VMDNS "guestinfo.ipaddress"=$VMIPAddress "guestinfo.netmask"=$VMNetmask } Set-VMOvfProperty -VM (Get-VM -Name "vesxi65-1-1") -ovfChanges $ovfPropertyChanges #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$VM, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$ovfChanges ) # Retrieve existing OVF properties from VM $vappProperties = $VM.ExtensionData.Config.VAppConfig.Property # Create a new Update spec based on the # of OVF properties to update $spec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VirtualMachineConfigSpec $spec.vAppConfig = New-Object VMware.Vim.VmConfigSpec $propertySpec = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec[]($ovfChanges.count) # Find OVF property Id and update the Update Spec foreach ($vappProperty in $vappProperties) { if($ovfChanges.ContainsKey($vappProperty.Id)) { $tmp = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertySpec $tmp.Operation = "edit" $tmp.Info = New-Object VMware.Vim.VAppPropertyInfo $tmp.Info.Key = $vappProperty.Key $tmp.Info.value = $ovfChanges[$vappProperty.Id] $propertySpec+=($tmp) } } $spec.VAppConfig.Property = $propertySpec Write-Host "Updating OVF Properties ..." $task = $vm.ExtensionData.ReconfigVM_Task($spec) $task1 = Get-Task -Id ("Task-$($task.value)") $task1 | Wait-Task } Function Get-VMOvfProperty { <# .NOTES =========================================================================== Created by: William Lam Organization: VMware Blog: Twitter: @lamw =========================================================================== .DESCRIPTION This function retrieves the OVF Properties (vAppConfig Property) for a VM .PARAMETER VM VM object returned from Get-VM .EXAMPLE #Get-VMOvfProperty -VM (Get-VM -Name "vesxi65-1-1") #> param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$VM ) $vappProperties = $VM.ExtensionData.Config.VAppConfig.Property $results = @() foreach ($vappProperty in $vappProperties | Sort-Object -Property Id) { $tmp = [pscustomobject] @{ Id = $vappProperty.Id; Label = $vappProperty.Label; Value = $vappProperty.Value; Description = $vappProperty.Description; } $results+=$tmp } $results }