rulegroup, rulegroup.rule, rules, pattern { display: block; padding-bottom: 20; collapsible: yes; } pattern:before { content: list(attribute, lang, values, "en\A de\A fr\A es\A pl\A sv\A gl\A da\A nl\A pt", rows, 1, selection, single) insert-button() collapser() " "; } translation:before { content: list(attribute, lang, values, "en\A de\A fr\A es\A pl\A sv\A gl\A da\A nl\A pt", rows, 1, selection, single) insert-after-button() collapser() " "; } exception, token, translation { display: block; font-size: smaller; padding: 1px; /* Needed to display the red border of the selection */ } exception:before { display: inline-block; content: "Exception: " check-box(label, "negated" attribute, negate, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "regexp", attribute, regexp, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "inflected", attribute, inflected, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "postag_regexp", attribute, postag_regexp, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") text-field(attribute, postag, columns, 15) remove-attribute-button(attribute, postag) check-box(label, "negated POS", attribute, negate_pos, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") radio-buttons(attribute, scope, values, "current\A next\A previous", checked-value, "current") ; background-color: rgb(195, 217, 255); } token:before { display: inline-block; content: "Token: " insert-before-button() check-box(label, "negated" attribute, negate, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "regexp", attribute, regexp, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "inflected", attribute, inflected, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") check-box(label, "postag_regexp", attribute, postag_regexp, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") text-field(attribute, postag, columns, 15) remove-attribute-button(attribute, postag) check-box(label, "negated POS", attribute, negate_pos, checked-value, "yes", remove-value, "yes") "skip: " number-field(attribute, skip, data-type, int, columns, 1, remove-value, "yes") insert-after-button() insert-button() ; } example:before { content: insert-before-button() "Example: "; font-size:smaller; display:block; } example { border: 1 solid gray; collapsible:yes; padding: 2; display: block; } example:after { content: "Type: " radio-buttons(attribute, type, values, "correct\A incorrect", checked-value, "incorrect"), insert-after-button(); font-size: small; collapsible:yes; display:block; } rulegroup:before { content: text-field(attribute, id columns, 10, missing-color, gray), check-box(label, "Turn by default off", attribute, default, checked-value, "off", remove-value, "yes"), insert-button(); display: block; } rulegroup.rule:before { content: "R" insert-button(), insert-after-button(); display:block; } rulegroup:after { padding: 10px; } * { content: value-editor(); } * { display: block; collapsible: yes; not-collapsible-head: 1; border: 1 solid gray; padding: 1; margin: 8 4; }