These are mostly the tags of the Penn Treebank tagset as used by LanguageTool, with examples. See "new tag" for tags introduced by LanguageTool. For more details, also see CC Coordinating conjunction: and, or, either, if, as, since, once, neither, less CD Cardinal number: one, two, twenty-four DT Determiner: a, an, all, many, much, any, some, this EX Existential there: there (no other words) FW Foreign word: infinitum, ipso IN Preposition/subordinate conjunction: except, inside, across, on, through, beyond, with, without JJ Adjective: beautiful, large, inspectable JJR Adjective, comparative: larger, quicker JJS Adjective, superlative: largest, quickest LS List item marker: not used by LanguageTool MD Modal: should, can, need, must, will, would NN Noun, singular count noun: bicycle, earthquake, zipper NNS Noun, plural: bicycles, earthquakes, zippers NN:U Nouns that are always uncountable #new tag - deviation from Penn, examples: admiration, Afrikaans NN:UN Nouns that might be used in the plural form and with an indefinite article, depending on their meaning #new tag - deviation from Penn, examples: establishment, wax, afternoon NNP Proper noun, singular: Denver, DORAN, Alexandra NNPS Proper noun, plural: Buddhists, Englishmen ORD Ordinal number: first, second, twenty-third, hundredth #New tag (experimental) since LT 4.9. Specified in disambiguation.xml. Examples: first, second, third, twenty-fourth, seventy-sixth PCT Punctuation mark: (`.,;:…!?`) #new tag - deviation from Penn PDT Predeterminer: all, sure, such, this, many, half, both, quite POS Possessive ending: s (as in: Peter's) PRP Personal pronoun: everyone, I, he, it, myself PRP$ Possessive pronoun: its, our, their, mine, my, her, his, your RB Adverb and negation: easily, sunnily, suddenly, specifically, not RBR Adverb, comparative: better, faster, quicker RBS Adverb, superlative: best, fastest, quickest RB_SENT Adverbial phrase including a comma that starts a sentence. #New tag (experimental) since LT 4.8. Specified in disambiguation.xml. Examples: However, Whenever possible, First of all, On the other hand, RP Particle: in, into, at, off, over, by, for, under SYM Symbol: rarely used by LanguageTool (e.g. for 'DD/MM/YYYY') TO to: to (no other words) UH Interjection: aargh, ahem, attention, congrats, help VB Verb, base form: eat, jump, believe, be, have VBD Verb, past tense: ate, jumped, believed VBG Verb, gerund/present participle: eating, jumping, believing VBN Verb, past participle: eaten, jumped, believed VBP Verb, non-3rd ps. sing. present: eat, jump, believe, am (as in 'I am'), are VBZ Verb, 3rd ps. sing. present: eats, jumps, believes, is, has WDT wh-determiner: that, whatever, what, whichever, which (no other words) WP wh-pronoun: that, whatever, what, whatsoever, whomsoever, whosoever, who, whom, whoever, whomever, which (no other words) WP$ Possessive wh-pronoun: whose (no other words) WRB wh-adverb: however, how, wherever, where, when, why `` Left open double quote , Comma '' Right close double quote . Sentence-final punctuation (in LanguageTool, use SENT_END instead) : Colon, semi-colon $ Dollar sign # Pound sign