;;; Reference implementation of SRFI 69, from ;;; http://srfi.schemers.org/srfi-69/srfi-69.html ;;; Copyright © Panu Kalliokoski (2005). All Rights Reserved. ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person ;;; obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation ;;; files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without ;;; restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, ;;; copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or ;;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom ;;; the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following ;;; conditions: ;;; ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall ;;; be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;; ;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY ;;; KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE ;;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR ;;; PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS ;;; OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR ;;; OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR ;;; OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE ;;; SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;; Modification history: ;;; ;;; In May 2015, William D Clinger modified this code for use in ;;; R7RS systems, mainly so it could be used as a last resort in ;;; the (r6rs hashtables) approximation to (rnrs hashtables). ;;; ;;; string-ci-hash was changed to use R7RS string-foldcase ;;; ;;; string-hash, symbol-hash, and %string-hash were changed ;;; to eliminate a now-useless procedure call for each character ;;; ;;; whitespace was adjusted because it got messed up during ;;; conversion from HTML to Scheme code (define *default-bound* (- (expt 2 29) 3)) (define (%string-hash s bound) (let ((hash 31) (len (string-length s))) (do ((index 0 (+ index 1))) ((>= index len) (modulo hash bound)) (set! hash (modulo (+ (* 37 hash) (char->integer (string-ref s index))) *default-bound*))))) (define (string-hash s . maybe-bound) (let ((bound (if (null? maybe-bound) *default-bound* (car maybe-bound)))) (%string-hash s bound))) (define (string-ci-hash s . maybe-bound) (let ((bound (if (null? maybe-bound) *default-bound* (car maybe-bound)))) (%string-hash (string-foldcase s) bound))) (define (symbol-hash s . maybe-bound) (let ((bound (if (null? maybe-bound) *default-bound* (car maybe-bound)))) (%string-hash (symbol->string s) bound))) (define (hash obj . maybe-bound) (let ((bound (if (null? maybe-bound) *default-bound* (car maybe-bound)))) (cond ((integer? obj) (modulo obj bound)) ((string? obj) (string-hash obj bound)) ((symbol? obj) (symbol-hash obj bound)) ((real? obj) (modulo (+ (numerator obj) (denominator obj)) bound)) ((number? obj) (modulo (+ (hash (real-part obj)) (* 3 (hash (imag-part obj)))) bound)) ((char? obj) (modulo (char->integer obj) bound)) ((vector? obj) (vector-hash obj bound)) ((pair? obj) (modulo (+ (hash (car obj)) (* 3 (hash (cdr obj)))) bound)) ((null? obj) 0) ((not obj) 0) ((procedure? obj) (error "hash: procedures cannot be hashed" obj)) (else 1)))) (define hash-by-identity hash) (define (vector-hash v bound) (let ((hashvalue 571) (len (vector-length v))) (do ((index 0 (+ index 1))) ((>= index len) (modulo hashvalue bound)) (set! hashvalue (modulo (+ (* 257 hashvalue) (hash (vector-ref v index))) *default-bound*))))) (define %make-hash-node cons) (define %hash-node-set-value! set-cdr!) (define %hash-node-key car) (define %hash-node-value cdr) (define-record-type (%make-hash-table size hash compare associate entries) hash-table? (size hash-table-size hash-table-set-size!) (hash hash-table-hash-function) (compare hash-table-equivalence-function) (associate hash-table-association-function) (entries hash-table-entries hash-table-set-entries!)) (define *default-table-size* 64) (define (appropriate-hash-function-for comparison) (or (and (eq? comparison eq?) hash-by-identity) (and (eq? comparison string=?) string-hash) (and (eq? comparison string-ci=?) string-ci-hash) hash)) (define (make-hash-table . args) (let* ((comparison (if (null? args) equal? (car args))) (hash (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args))) (appropriate-hash-function-for comparison) (cadr args))) (size (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args)) (null? (cddr args))) *default-table-size* (caddr args))) (association (or (and (eq? comparison eq?) assq) (and (eq? comparison eqv?) assv) (and (eq? comparison equal?) assoc) (letrec ((associate (lambda (val alist) (cond ((null? alist) #f) ((comparison val (caar alist)) (car alist)) (else (associate val (cdr alist))))))) associate)))) (%make-hash-table 0 hash comparison association (make-vector size '())))) (define (make-hash-table-maker comp hash) (lambda args (apply make-hash-table (cons comp (cons hash args))))) (define make-symbol-hash-table (make-hash-table-maker eq? symbol-hash)) (define make-string-hash-table (make-hash-table-maker string=? string-hash)) (define make-string-ci-hash-table (make-hash-table-maker string-ci=? string-ci-hash)) (define make-integer-hash-table (make-hash-table-maker = modulo)) (define (%hash-table-hash hash-table key) ((hash-table-hash-function hash-table) key (vector-length (hash-table-entries hash-table)))) (define (%hash-table-find entries associate hash key) (associate key (vector-ref entries hash))) (define (%hash-table-add! entries hash key value) (vector-set! entries hash (cons (%make-hash-node key value) (vector-ref entries hash)))) (define (%hash-table-delete! entries compare hash key) (let ((entrylist (vector-ref entries hash))) (cond ((null? entrylist) #f) ((compare key (caar entrylist)) (vector-set! entries hash (cdr entrylist)) #t) (else (let loop ((current (cdr entrylist)) (previous entrylist)) (cond ((null? current) #f) ((compare key (caar current)) (set-cdr! previous (cdr current)) #t) (else (loop (cdr current) current)))))))) (define (%hash-table-walk proc entries) (do ((index (- (vector-length entries) 1) (- index 1))) ((< index 0)) (for-each proc (vector-ref entries index)))) (define (%hash-table-maybe-resize! hash-table) (let* ((old-entries (hash-table-entries hash-table)) (hash-length (vector-length old-entries))) (if (> (hash-table-size hash-table) hash-length) (let* ((new-length (* 2 hash-length)) (new-entries (make-vector new-length '())) (hash (hash-table-hash-function hash-table))) (%hash-table-walk (lambda (node) (%hash-table-add! new-entries (hash (%hash-node-key node) new-length) (%hash-node-key node) (%hash-node-value node))) old-entries) (hash-table-set-entries! hash-table new-entries))))) (define (hash-table-ref hash-table key . maybe-default) (cond ((%hash-table-find (hash-table-entries hash-table) (hash-table-association-function hash-table) (%hash-table-hash hash-table key) key) => %hash-node-value) ((null? maybe-default) (error "hash-table-ref: no value associated with" key)) (else ((car maybe-default))))) (define (hash-table-ref/default hash-table key default) (hash-table-ref hash-table key (lambda () default))) (define (hash-table-set! hash-table key value) (let ((hash (%hash-table-hash hash-table key)) (entries (hash-table-entries hash-table))) (cond ((%hash-table-find entries (hash-table-association-function hash-table) hash key) => (lambda (node) (%hash-node-set-value! node value))) (else (%hash-table-add! entries hash key value) (hash-table-set-size! hash-table (+ 1 (hash-table-size hash-table))) (%hash-table-maybe-resize! hash-table))))) (define (hash-table-update! hash-table key function . maybe-default) (let ((hash (%hash-table-hash hash-table key)) (entries (hash-table-entries hash-table))) (cond ((%hash-table-find entries (hash-table-association-function hash-table) hash key) => (lambda (node) (%hash-node-set-value! node (function (%hash-node-value node))))) ((null? maybe-default) (error "hash-table-update!: no value exists for key" key)) (else (%hash-table-add! entries hash key (function ((car maybe-default)))) (hash-table-set-size! hash-table (+ 1 (hash-table-size hash-table))) (%hash-table-maybe-resize! hash-table))))) (define (hash-table-update!/default hash-table key function default) (hash-table-update! hash-table key function (lambda () default))) (define (hash-table-delete! hash-table key) (if (%hash-table-delete! (hash-table-entries hash-table) (hash-table-equivalence-function hash-table) (%hash-table-hash hash-table key) key) (hash-table-set-size! hash-table (- (hash-table-size hash-table) 1)))) (define (hash-table-exists? hash-table key) (and (%hash-table-find (hash-table-entries hash-table) (hash-table-association-function hash-table) (%hash-table-hash hash-table key) key) #t)) (define (hash-table-walk hash-table proc) (%hash-table-walk (lambda (node) (proc (%hash-node-key node) (%hash-node-value node))) (hash-table-entries hash-table))) (define (hash-table-fold hash-table f acc) (hash-table-walk hash-table (lambda (key value) (set! acc (f key value acc)))) acc) (define (alist->hash-table alist . args) (let* ((comparison (if (null? args) equal? (car args))) (hash (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args))) (appropriate-hash-function-for comparison) (cadr args))) (size (if (or (null? args) (null? (cdr args)) (null? (cddr args))) (max *default-table-size* (* 2 (length alist))) (caddr args))) (hash-table (make-hash-table comparison hash size))) (for-each (lambda (elem) (hash-table-update!/default hash-table (car elem) (lambda (x) x) (cdr elem))) alist) hash-table)) (define (hash-table->alist hash-table) (hash-table-fold hash-table (lambda (key val acc) (cons (cons key val) acc)) '())) (define (hash-table-copy hash-table) (let ((new (make-hash-table (hash-table-equivalence-function hash-table) (hash-table-hash-function hash-table) (max *default-table-size* (* 2 (hash-table-size hash-table)))))) (hash-table-walk hash-table (lambda (key value) (hash-table-set! new key value))) new)) (define (hash-table-merge! hash-table1 hash-table2) (hash-table-walk hash-table2 (lambda (key value) (hash-table-set! hash-table1 key value))) hash-table1) (define (hash-table-keys hash-table) (hash-table-fold hash-table (lambda (key val acc) (cons key acc)) '())) (define (hash-table-values hash-table) (hash-table-fold hash-table (lambda (key val acc) (cons val acc)) '())) ; eof