/* Selected rows/cells */ table.dataTable tr.selected td, table.dataTable td.selected { background-color: #b0bed9 !important; } /* In case of scrollX/Y or FixedHeader */ .dataTables_scrollBody .dataTables_sizing { visibility: hidden; } /* The datatables' theme CSS file doesn't define the color but with white background. It leads to an issue that when the HTML's body color is set to 'white', the user can't see the text since the background is white. One case happens in the RStudio's IDE when inline viewing the DT table inside an Rmd file, if the IDE theme is set to "Cobalt". See https://github.com/rstudio/DT/issues/447 for more info This fixes should have little side-effects because all the other elements of the default theme use the #333 font color. TODO: The upstream may use relative colors for both the table background and the color. It means the table can display well without this patch then. At that time, we need to remove the below CSS attributes. */ div.datatables { color: #333; }