HTMLWidgets.widget({ name: 'grViz', type: 'output', initialize: function(el, width, height) { return { // TODO: add instance fields as required }; }, renderValue: function(el, x, instance) { // Use this to sort of make our diagram responsive // or at a minimum fit within the bounds set by htmlwidgets // for the parent container function makeResponsive(el){ var svg = el.getElementsByTagName("svg")[0]; if (svg) { if (svg.width) {svg.removeAttribute("width")} if (svg.height) {svg.removeAttribute("height")} = "100%"; = "100%"; } } if (x.diagram !== "") { if (typeof x.config === "undefined"){ x.config = {}; x.config.engine = "dot"; x.config.options = {}; } try { el.innerHTML = Viz(x.diagram, format="svg", engine=x.config.engine, options=x.config.options); makeResponsive(el); if (HTMLWidgets.shinyMode) { // Get widget id var id =; $("#" + id + " .node").click(function(e) { // Get node id var nodeid =; // Get node text object and make an array var node_texts = $("#" + id + " #" + nodeid + " text"); //var node_path = $("#" + nodeid + " path")[0]; var text_array = {return $(this).text(); }).toArray(); // Build return object *obj* with node-id, node text values and node fill var obj = { id: nodeid, //fill: node_path.attributes.fill.nodeValue, //outerHMTL: node_path.outerHTML, nodeValues: text_array }; // Send *obj* to Shiny's inputs (input$[id]+_click e.g.: input$vtree_click)) Shiny.setInputValue(id + "_click", obj, {priority: "event"}); }); } // set up a container for tasks to perform after completion // one example would be add callbacks for event handling // styling if (typeof x.tasks !== "undefined") { if ((typeof x.tasks.length === "undefined") || (typeof x.tasks === "function")) { // handle a function not enclosed in array // should be able to remove once using jsonlite x.tasks = [x.tasks]; }{ // for each tasks add it to the mermaid.tasks with el; }); } } catch(e){ var p = document.createElement("pre"); p.innerText = e; el.appendChild(p); } } }, resize: function(el, width, height, instance) { } });